Empezamos el nuevo año con una entrevista sobre una lengua no tan nueva: el euskera. La edad del euskera es un misterio así como su origen. Y se trata de una lengua con una cultura particular y muy interesante. Además tenemos la suerte de tener a Eukene, que se encuentra haciendo su doctorado sobre la identidad vasca fuera del País Vasco, así que estoy seguro de que esta entrevista os va a encantar!
    Un saludo! 🤗

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    Algunas de las imágenes y documentos usados por si queréis ampliar conocimientos:

    📖 Prohibición del euskera durante el franquismo https://www.moviendote.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Prohibicion-del-Euskera-y-Franquismo.pdf
    📖 Burla, exclusión y persecución del Euskera en España. https://nabarralde.eus/es/burla-exclusion-y-persecucion-del-euskera-en-espana-2/

    🎥 Vizcainos de Idaho | Del pais de los vascos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmB1n6WH9nk
    🎥 Basques in Boise and Exploring Downtown – A Quick City Walk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYErS0SCNf8
    🎥 Vascos que emigraron a Estados Unidos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-efQsyJ-hPk
    🎥 The mystery of the Basques https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9Fw82uYw14
    🎥 The Basque community thriving in Boise, Idaho https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIsSQkfxjOU

    All copyright belongs to their respective owners.

    🎵 Música usada en el vídeo: https://share.epidemicsound.com/v9xmkn and Youtube Library

    🎬 ¿Cómo se decidió qué nombre poner a las cosas en cada idioma? | EL EFECTO BOUBA KIKI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-trQbyst3hQ
    🎬 JACK O’LANTERN | ¿Por qué la calabaza es un símbolo de Halloween? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWBYWionB8A
    🎬 LA SIRENITA ES UN FAKE (análisis corto) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQI7O50WMyo
    🎬 INTELIGENCIA ARTIFICIAL Y LENGUAJE | Crónicas Lingüísticas #6 ft Cristina Aranda https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kz4mhlw38k
    🎬 EL ARAGONÉS, ¿una lengua minorizada? | Crónicas Lingüísticas #5 ft Jorge Pueyo https://youtu.be/v4LeWc4YiXw
    🎬 ¿QUÉ DICE TU LENGUAJE DE TI? | Crónicas Lingüísticas #4 ft Sheila Queralt (Lingüista forense) https://youtu.be/Rbx80nl6Oao
    🎬 Tu lengua determina cómo piensas? | Teoría de Sapir-Whorf https://youtu.be/i9YwI8PtKfU
    🎬 ¿CÓMO SE HABLA EN EXTREMADURA? | Crónicas Lingüísticas #3 ft Aníbal Martín https://youtu.be/aoWdgGAVR9A
    🎬 INTERLINGUA | Crónicas Lingüísticas #2 ft Orlophe https://youtu.be/6nsSKgxbUz4
    🎬 ¿Qué es el LENGUAJE INCLUSIVO? | Crónicas Lingüísticas #1 ft Paula Barriendo Cebrián https://youtu.be/ep3y3ITnDDQ
    🎬 Las Lenguas de Juego de Tronos | Cómo son y cómo surgieron https://studio.youtube.com/video/dV8ShsVJXgM/edit
    🎬 LAS LENGUAS DE LA TIERRA MEDIA | Cómo hablaban en la Tierra Media https://youtu.be/qtinfM1a2_4
    🎬 ¿Por qué hay tantas lenguas en ESDLA? | La Importancia de las Lenguas en la Obra de Tolkien https://youtu.be/tXYYGeD5ays
    🎬 El Método Montessori | Una educación a su medida https://youtu.be/dYa4CTpodu0
    🎬 ESTA LENGUA PUEDE SALVARTE LA VIDA | El Código Morse https://youtu.be/03EOHQDO_Mc
    🎬 Por qué NETFLIX NO SIRVE para aprender inglés | Las 5 hipótesis de Krashen https://youtu.be/YL2AMhClaN8
    🎬 Lenguas Artificiales https://youtu.be/9dpT7LZMqHs
    🎬 ¿EL INGLÉS SE ENSEÑA MAL? – Evolución de las Lenguas Extranjeras en los Colegios Españoles https://youtu.be/W0dlw-WTTzs

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    #lingüística #lenguasminorizadas #divulgación #euskera #lengua #paisvasco #euskadi

    Derechos de autor: Este video utiliza contenido con derechos de autor bajo la excepción de uso legítimo. Todos los derechos sobre los videos y la música utilizados pertenecen a sus respectivos dueños. El próposito de este vídeo es educar e inspirar a las personas. El objetivo es darle un uso transformativo que añada un nuevo significado al material original utilizando sólo los fragmentos necesarios para transmitirlo. Este video no reemplaza ni reduce el valor de el material original, en cualquier caso, se espera promover el contenido para que más personas puedan acceder a él y subsecuente a ello incrementar su valor. Utilizamos el contenido bajo la excepción de uso legítimo, pero dado a que está abierta a interpretación, si el dueño de algún contenido utilizado en este video desea que el video sea removido, por favor puede comunicar cualquier inquietud a cronicaslinguisticas@gmail.com y lo solucionaremos lo más pronto posible.

    Hello again to this your trusted linguistic channel today we are going to be accompanied by eukene who Perhaps many of you will know from his Instagram account minority languag where he is in charge of do outreach on minority languages ​​eukene today we are going to talk about backslash

    Her story a lot of curiosities and it’s not just that she knows a lot about eus want but she is also Basque and is currently finishing her doctorate on the Basque identity in communities that are outside the Basque country, specifically in the United States

    So if you want to know what we tell you, warning, the opinions expressed in this are of the exclusive responsibility of their authors and may not coincide with yours. Remember that This is a dissemination channel so any comments or constructive criticism

    They will be welcome in that case I recommend you watch the video until the end before doing it now get comfortable and [Music] enjoy kaiso How are you kaiso sono How are you well well eh before

    You’re welcome, as always, thank you for accepting the invitation and for coming here for a little while. to share with us your work and help spread the word about minority languages and minoritized too, not in case someone hasn’t figured it out yet, let’s talk about Basque

    But within this you are studying something more concrete also not only the language itself before nothing, what are you doing, well, let’s see, I am a good doctoral candidate at the University of Miami. and what I am studying is good, two things are not. So it is a comparative study between two

    Communities one the community of eh los caltones or Basque speaking Euscadi that is Vizcay AR I judge the young people and then another the community of Boisi in Idajo who are the children of the children or grandchildren of the Basque immigrants who went there as shepherds in the second half of the century

    [Music] XX Then I analyze two things One is linguistic variation How does the luus queera eh both within the community well depending on whether they talk to their parents with grandparents if they are in the community Well, Basque dances for example or if it is a person

    Just as more isolated than someone who doesn’t speak it with anyone who speaks it in the family and then leaves home The same thing disappears in the Us kadi case and then a comparison between the two groups

    That is one thing of analysis the second is the identity issue eh In the end well in the case of those who were born in the United States because there is the issue of the double identity that they are people

    Who was born there has an American life but they are immersed in a Basque community that is Every Sunday they put on a show in the street because they play the chilit trisa, the chistu, the tambourine.

    Basque dances eh they play ascop pillot mus well they have all that madness it’s like mine inside the United States United one Basque everything to do nothing You are not native, that is, you are Basque. You were born in the Basque country but you are not. What is the term? esd noar clear enter esdar ok I’ll explain it to you in a minute because that’s the same as there

    They have a double identity here in the same thing, not so much double but between the Of course today the young people in uskar that is why usk jadi is not considered either Navarrese or the Northern Basque country in Eus Having been immersed in Basque we have the education

    Basque in public schools The majority of young people now know Basque Although our parents don’t speak or grandparents etc. so there are identity issues out there for that very reason. about that topic also in a little more detail so there are many people like me eh who are eh

    Although we are Basque and in my case a descendant of Basque speakers, I am not a direct descendant. because the transmission was cut off generations ago and suddenly Basque is recovered in the family but of course we have a slightly different identity because we are not natives of the

    Strictly native way I always think I’m native until I’ve met other people and I have realized that for them I do not follow Well then I will not be Eh then they are these different identities And well, that’s basically it, I got a little upset but that’s what

    Come watch these programs This good programs videos chapters whatever podcast program Sure Yes, they are for that, that is why, no, it is not a 10-minute video, I will make a later one. video about us that was 10 minutes if anything but that’s what these interviews are for, not for

    Whatever you want or need, not that in a 10 minute video at the end there is how There you have to summarize, you have to summarize a lot and you leave out a lot of things, concepts and details.

    Well, that’s why we do This then eh Of course you then saw that you considering yourself Basque eh I don’t know how many last names almost all of them I have like two two intruders just two intruders are

    Can I know what the last names are? If I’m going to get into trouble, well, then no, it’s not there. Well, I mean, whatever you want, I can say it, I don’t care. It wasn’t because of the joke.

    There is no need for curiosity either, this is like let’s see for those who are from Latin America perhaps not understand this about surnames, no, this comes from the famous movie eight basque surnames

    The one that talks about The purity of the blood of the Basques does not mean to be an authentic Basque You have to have a family going back, not like eight, at least eight Basque surnames, no.

    Hey here’s this so you can understand me Harry Potter the mags because if you’re not Basque you’re magel Hey, he reminds me a lot of the guy you went out with, one who was from the South with one from the South.

    South you did leave Victoria but be careful that she passed by at the same time had her eight Basque surnames as she has what to be No man what minimum than eight 16 my grandfather Anchon also has many and very long

    With many cases and which ones they are, well, what difference does that make now and maybe not to know if I know any little ones? because Gabilondo dangar arano cu and then already by yuru seegi [ __ ] and Clement Clement

    It is not Basque it is Basque Clemente says Clemente is more Basque than the Chapel is not Basque even for God Vasco was upset that the family was going to get angry when he came in. And if he bled on top Well now it is no longer used luckily but in our time

    Parents we had our own word to say to say Mag inside Harry Potter or to refer to the Basque country version Ah okay okay that is for people okay okay or okay And what a word model model I think I’ve probably heard it before but

    It sounds like no, when I heard it, I might be wrong, I don’t remember a negative connotation. So to say it, well, it is no longer in use. Maybe it has even been resignified, no.

    But in the 50s and 60s there was a lot of Spanish immigration from Galicia, also from Parencia and everything. Well, they were called that and then there was another word that I don’t remember in Basque, which was

    Like the train deana is the ones that the train brings no Ah a lot of migration due to industrialization and that’s where that interesting separation began to take place, that’s a good thing it’s gone now. changing but but interesting no eh okay let’s start then with the topic of language eh

    Eus wanted this strange language, one of the oldest languages ​​in Europe and the West eh, where does the oldest form that is known come from? It is what is called Aquitanian, good thing. aquitania for the part that you don’t know is the part of the territory that is so far north of

    The Pyrenees, which today I think that department is called and I don’t know if the Pyrenees-Atlantiques Per la Quitonia area is is It is the one that overlooks the Bay of Biscay and is a bit the area that divides Spain and

    France so to speak where bayonne is eh I don’t know what else is going on Don gari no these names in french Sorry but well maule that area no and And then Well that is the oldest way that

    It is known that it has been found. Well, in Piedras they are normally like tombs from the time of the Romans Then it is known that the Romans taught them in this tradition Well, since when they

    Someone dies from saying such and such a son of I don’t know who or a second son. Well, that’s a descendant of such and such. so they are like I don’t know if they start in the 1st century after Christ so there are the names

    In usker with the declensions in Latin because it is known that well and apart from that the alphabet is Latin so it comes from the ent romanization, it is the oldest thing known, it is called quitano Well, around the area and such. And then the following ones have been appearing in what today

    It would be the Basque country, the Basque country clearly understood, another concept, another concept that needs to be clarified. One thing is the Basque country, another thing is Euskal ría Euscadi Yes, the Basque country, let’s break it down.

    A little bit not here we would call for those who don’t know whether from outside Spain even people from Spain that even today still confuses concepts, it’s not enough, let’s see clearly, depending on the country basco the confusing problem is that the name of the Autonomous community has been called country

    Basque that in Spain I mean clar officially officially for the Spanish government Basque country the Autonomous community and anyone who learns geography in a school in Spain will think that The Basque country is therefore Vizcaya ara ycua because it is an autonomous region or euscadi in Basque but

    For us when we say Euskalerría, which translates as Basque country, it is the town of the Basque So when we say Basque we are not limiting ourselves to the Basque country but which are the seven historical provinces that are those three of Navarre and then the three of the Basque country

    From the North or French Basque country, which would be the purdi, the lower Navarrese yoa or the blue in French no So when we say Basque country we often refer to the entire territory

    We are not talking about ecab. Of course, then, well, about France, even of course, everything is clear because it is where Basque is spoken and Basque Of course because I understand that Basque is really where

    Where it originates from or where it was previously found, also a record apart from the area you mentioned you eh There is also in Navarra of course Yes yes And they are the same there is a Navarrese current that they consider

    That they are the original Basques, no. That is, the culture is first, well, so the Basque culture The Basque people emerged in Navarra and from there spread to both parts of France and to what for Spain is the Basque country, not the three provinces of ipuz cuua Vizcaya and Alaba

    I’m not sure about that, I mean, I don’t know if it’s just another hypothesis about late vascularization, but of course the next thing comes. rest I don’t know why in the north too Enton I don’t know what the direction has been if the North

    Towards Navarre or from Navarre towards the north no but but of course Yes, as Navarre it had the kingdom of Navarre, there the Basque language was relatively institutionalized for a brief period, it fell apart

    Well, in 1500 or so, when Spain united, let’s say Under the kingdom of the Kingdom of Aragon, the kingdom of Castilla Catholic Monarchs did not So yes, in the first texts of that time it was referred to as

    Lingua de navarr orum Either it is the language of navarre and when you see that that is the backslash Either it is not there is doubt then because language of Navarre or Basque or whatever we are talking about the same language

    That’s why there is also a bit of a conflict about whether Navarre is a Basque country, there are not many Navarrese who They do not feel Basque while others do. It generally depends on whether they speak Basque for this reason.

    What am I telling you because in Euskalerria it is the people of Basque and it has nothing to do with any nationalism because for us it is where Basque is spoken, it is an ethnolinguistic and cultural nation and

    Then, well, each one of the other is something that has already come later, as it usually happens that the As linguists, we usually complain when politics gets in the way instead of uniting people.

    Divide separate and and in some cases then fight and well And well we already have some there will be now same already saying queera is Spanish also I don’t have a comment in fact I have a comment

    I recently shared yes saying Well I don’t know how this will turn out from then on of the summer And so on But I shared there must still be in Stories someone who said

    Hahaha the Galician the Eus wanted the Catalan and I don’t know if he mentioned any more and the Aragonese I think are Spanish I can understand that you tell me that Catalan from Galician because of How it sounds No

    For the simile but I want to say where clearly with the usqueda we have failed to say that in the end I got this the origin and I have not finished giving the introduction But so that no with no no calm down I left alone

    Overlapping one thing with another but let’s recapitulate that I’ll cut it recapitulate okay we’ll go back So Basque is a non-Indo-European OR pre-Indo-European language. That means that it does not come of this common language that you said, the European protein where the Germanic languages ​​come from, like

    English and German, Dutch, etc., is not a Romance language either, although it has coexisted with This is not so, that’s why the mystery is where it comes from because it doesn’t have any other language. that it is then its oldest form, the Quitano that I mentioned, but it really is

    The same language one one comes from the other no yes then that is a bit of the mysteries and the beauty of this language does not So there have been many attempts to associate or with other families linguistics good with other languages ​​more like with eh with Georgian or with Tamasi but

    They have shown that it is not. That is, in any case, the way in which they tried to do the genetic association was There was comparison grut chronology comparing vocabulari a nothing some techniques that no that did not give more yes So what is known no there is no other no other

    Language that is known to be genetically related to Basque. So that’s the beauty It is also because how it has survived more than Where it comes from it is always said how cool it is.

    Has survived because his cetans like the Celtiberian Iberian eh I don’t know what else he was talking about but Come on, those languages ​​with which those communities coexisted disappeared disappeared with the Romans Then, as in the case of the Celts, they migrated to the north, but the Celtiberian

    As such, it has not disappeared. Well, in fact, one of the curiosities that I like the most. about Basque precisely related to kinship No one knows where it comes from today eh And then the linguists are crazy to see who is the first to discover

    Where does it come from and have there been many studies like as you mention eh And it was discovered for example that there was similarity, that is, there were characteristics that they shared with other languages, but that is not true.

    True, eh, it’s as if and we say, Well, in these two languages, the plural is made with an s. But well. That does not mean that languages ​​are sisters, there will not be 500,000 other characteristics that do not

    They share then of course they go from there and for example it was discovered that it has characteristics and in some aspects not similar to Japanese, for example, he is thinking just in Japanese, come on. Let’s see, it can’t come from Japanese at the same time, it also has characteristics with Arabic.

    Exactly but but then of course and it’s crazy where does this come from no one no one no one yet knows that in the end they are linguistic parameters, it will have things in common with many languages ​​because

    Things from the world tend to be repeated, not from the world, because I remember when I went to Japan with My family, we were on the subway, the stations were ringing and it was very funny to us because it is

    A eusa a basque that we didn’t understand but Noa very similar and But that was coincidences and then Another thing that has been done wrong in this linguistic comparison is that if you compare eh, with the Iberian of course you can’t compare hcad today you have to compare at the same time

    Because if there is not a 2000 year difference, it is crazy, of course, the language is also preserved. But it has also been evolving. It is not the same as how Spanish is not spoken. Same now as

    When the Catholic Monarchs were around, it’s not like I mean, I can’t imagine Isabel saying to Fernando Hey, let’s go to America, the other one is renting me, no, I’m passing, but you come in, but come in, man.

    I invite you man with dio that Chilo shot I shot him like this for a basket that I am inviting you for a beer if you didn’t want to tell me so and I won’t waste my time with you and you go to the [__]

    Carroso suumo lousy we have to compare as you say Not the one that was spoken at that time there There is also the problem of comparing characteristics because of course some characteristics of today’s dequa Nowadays I understand that they can be conditioned, they can be contaminated, so to speak, by the

    Contact that in the end he had to have Well, with Latin years later with Spanish old with the Castilian Spanish of today obviously also not to mention also Of the other minority languages ​​that we have spoken, Aragonese, in fact with Jorge Puello

    We already saw that in Aragonese there are words that come from the Alquera language, of course. Yes, I love that one. part that part was great if you haven’t seen that interview you have to see it you don’t have to

    Seeing it is one with that interview. Yes, of course, in Huesca there are documents from Basques that They said that they were going to the market and that Basque is spoken there, so that is known historically.

    It was Basque speaking territory. Of course, it didn’t belong to the kingdom of Navarre. But in the end. Well, languages ​​are like that, languages ​​don’t understand political limits. I mean, it’s not like one thing goes and it doesn’t go from there it’s clear it’s incredible this I love it when we compare

    One and another and then in the end things that, out of politics, as we said before, they want to separate and it’s like no it is not here one language here another and in the middle there is a clear third language or dialect according to

    It seems that it is a small mixture of the two, not talking about the origin of the language. I wanted to comment on a piece of news, surely what I’m talking about is a piece of news that went viral about

    The origin of the language I have pointed out because I don’t remember the name la mano de irulegui or irulegui no s irulegui the hand of irulegui a bronze hand that was found e navarre may be

    O That is in the Aranguren valley, about 10 km from the capital of Iruña Pamplona and they said that There was an inscription in Basque and it demonstrated, I don’t think it was, it demonstrated the origin of Eusquera.

    Or something like that, I don’t know how there are so many rockets, and as aces we talk about what Wista is having fun with Let’s see who discovers the origin first and of course this news was a bit that was a bit eh it was

    We have found we have found this what has to do with it Well what happened in the end with that let’s see I put it like this, give a little context because there was a spoiler, there was a plot twist. Yes, more than a plot twist.

    What happens with these discoveries, they went too far and talked too much and some of us believed it. how many including us two also us Of course of course I remember that I was talking to you huh I don’t know if

    Did you send me or did I send you? I asked you that day, I think it was November 14th or November 15th. November and I woke up of course I was in the United States so I had spent here already halfway

    Life now and I’m awake and everything is about people sending me that but what happened well this is the story What the news said And what happened okay well there was a lot of news but basically the headline

    That was repeated something like how they find eh the oldest words in the usera are found which could be key to the discovery of its origin a maximum clickbait a headline of the a headline but what do you say you stay there that then of course how beautiful the luquer is

    Is that many times texts appear that are older than older. So we get excited They are like treasures and for the Basque community it is obviously a joy. Especially when it is the first text that appears in a geographical area not because that is how there is already a record of it

    Variety or places Where there was doubt if it was spoken suddenly it appears then Well let’s leave That is obviously received with great enthusiasm as it is a language eh Well, so mysterious with little record and such Okay then the story was uh haa a group doing a study

    Archaeological in the Aranguren valley so they are finding, as they say, they are doing an excavation in a village just down the Hill from a bronze age castle bronze, yes bronze, I imagine it is from the first century before Christ. So you already know that there

    Basques lived there but there is no record of the Quito language until about the second century later. of Christ so that is when these tombstones that we have mentioned with the name nuquera and the declension in Latin is not These are the first words as such in Hosquera that are known

    So of course this would advance it a few centuries. Okay then they are doing excavations that are seeing excavations to see how they lived at that time. So it is a town that has remained relatively well because it was during one of these civil wars between Romans to see who was

    The governor there was a fire and they had to evacuate So it stayed like that then In that excavation, I don’t know if there is a village, a little house, and suddenly they see this bronze plaque and

    After a few months they discovered that it has this text Okay then F the story when they saw that It had text. They called an expert in epigraphy, who is the one who analyzes the writings. of different types of materials and all that is the stuff of a university in Catalonia eh And

    When they saw that she could be Basque, they called Joaquín Gororchategui, who is from the University. from the Basque country that he is a professor in I think it is pale Indo-European European linguistics well eh he has also written about The tombstones are you worried Ah okay So this is the situation

    It is in the Iberian alphabet and this is where it gets tricky because already at the beginning of the 20th century It was possible to decipher how to read it but of course we don’t know what it means then. Many times

    When you have found text in Ibero and knowing how to read it, it was already an impressive experiment But it has to be a language that died when the Romans came in the first century after Christ

    Something like that. I mean, it’s been a long time, yes, but what do we compare it to? How do we know what It means then there are like little words that have kept the toponymy that know what

    Means and what s Vero but it is something very Yes yes So this is the situation was I think that They are like three lines in the Iberian alphabet. We don’t know what it is, but it is the territory of the Basques.

    Until that moment The tombstones mentioned are with the Latin alphabet taught to them by the Romans to write then of course what was also another of the super news eh It’s not just the oldest word to find but on top of that the Basques already knew how to write

    Before and with the Iberian alphabet technically it is not a coffee beans it is not crazy Because They were neighbors, that is, that’s where the Celtiberians lived in the Huescar area and not all that, and then the Iberians

    Well, in the area of ​​Catalonia and below it is worth it. And some coins had already been found that said They bascun being a currency to represent or anyone knows what not then well no It was crazy but it wasn’t there super certified either. So what’s the story?

    First word that we know that is read as sorion necu with current Basque let’s remember act and not from 2000 years ago it is understood or similar to sorion neco of good fortune this is mixed with

    This is shaped like a hand, it has a little hole, so it is believed that it is hanging from the door and With what traditions there are, I don’t know if they are Pale Indo-European or Indo-European, uh, hang up, I don’t know.

    Be it hands or in general objects at the door for good fortune and in fact in the Basque country it continues Nowadays the tradition of hanging a Thistle flower charge flower on the door to protect their evil spirits Then it is known that this tradition exists and I am onco of good fortune

    It’s not crazy, buo there is the famous hand of Fatima also the famous hand of Fatima Yes Well, it’s not a Basque tradition And such But but it is a tradition, yes This is not just Basque, it is

    For less from the North and of course the problem is that the other two words have not been known. two lines Sorry, we have not been able to identify them, that is, they were read because we knew how to read them but not

    It is understood at least with the current lqu it is not clear then what happened Our linguists already warned that we had to be cautious, of course, but people got on board.

    You want the bike in the end to be the owner and all that and well and we all gobble it up so what? the first word is read and can be interpreted with the current husker does not even mean

    Let that be the word as it happens well that the people who tried the people the linguists who tried comparing lqua with the Ibero during the 20th century made the same mistake that they compared to that of ago

    2000 years with the current one when the Basque language 2000 years ago was very different, that is already known. Well, that’s not because of historical linguistics. So the problem may be the languages ​​that seem

    That phonologically would be similar to the way to read it but it is not guaranteed that it is Basque So maybe Yes maybe no they asked for caution and it wasn’t taken anymore but here the people What did I do?

    I publish like this If it turns out that I am right Of course, I take it exactly and to the point that it was brought out discovered it in June of the 21st. It was released in November of the 22nd, that was the crazy news and to this day

    They are there, they are seeing it because they don’t want to say later Noa Yes, the last one I read I believe What was it? It looked more like Ibero than of course, but it’s speculation because it’s the same thing.

    No good I don’t know no it’s not known No but well I mean come on if it can’t be deciphered with the hus queera, well the other thing is that he could be an ancient Aquitanian, which is why he could be the

    Origin of Euskera because and that Euskera came from Aquitaine and what a good thing there are more things Well, there are many hypotheses, no, but yes, we ate it with potatoes, none of them. of the two hypotheses is crazy because it is known that the Basques lived there and in fact the

    Others, the following stones that were already found with Latin spelling are relatively close. There are one that is long that is more or less close to Aranguren then but of course They are from three three centuries at least later. Not from the time of the Romans, so well that’s it.

    There the thing is known that it is Basque territory but we guarantee that it is Eusa only because of the territory Just for the first sentence Well, well, here you go, imagine it’s someone who was passing by.

    There I gave a gift to my people and that the typical I was, I don’t know, I was in Albacete and I approached you [Laughs] I remember it stayed there clearly ah look the people from the town are going to have a jealousy here

    That [Laughs] leather would be great to discover the luogo was all a souvenir gift of someone who went to visit characteristics that he has and that perhaps the rest of him does not have. languages ​​or at least English does not have Spanish does not have things that attract attention no

    For example, I am going to mention one that seems super strange to me in a language in Spain. There are cases of declensions such as Latin, something that Catalan does not have in Galician. It doesn’t have Aragonese I don’t think it has either I’m not sure Aragonese It doesn’t have Asturian either

    That is, no other language in Spain has cases, that is, more than cases, they are almost all declensions. languages ​​have cases no Well yes they are Case marks exactly clear as German equals people have it fresher than Latin Yes that’s one of the things Eh well the good thing about it

    Comparison with Latin with German is that it is just a declension, it does not have that one like it has Yo no be first second third or feminine masculine neutral lucky only one you turn it on it has Sure

    Apart from that statement, one of the cases you have, you will explain to me what it is to see before nothing in case someone sees us says what [ __ ] are you talking about I hope they don’t delete my video for

    About [ __ ] eh What is that declension what is that Case Well then a small one just like In Spanish we say I am at so-and-so’s house or I give this to you the complement of place or indirect object direct object or whatever eh for which we use prepositions not

    Normally in Latin because it is added to the word for example your Well it would be instead of your ending in U well eh what in Spanish we have that is a residue you not to you eh that would be to indicate the

    Indirect object then you have to learn the words to which declension they belong and It depends on whether you want to say to you you eh in you eh towards you or etcetera etcetera well an ending different then this is also found in Basque in a smaller form thanks

    To God or else oysters Basque is already very difficult to learn and that’s a myth that must be debunked How that is a myth that must be debunked no that is not a myth that I have

    I have verified that, I have verified it first hand. Let’s see, everything also depends on the effort. the desire you put into it obviously then one of those cases is called ergative that what is I can understand direct object direct object vocative which is when you call someone

    Complement of place to name a place of time obviously because to regulate time but ergative what is it here I would need a blackboard but I will always try to do it Well, I’ll try to put drawings. Then if I can, perfect. Yes, I can, no problem. If it doesn’t happen to you.

    I eh So we are used to languages ​​that are called nominative accusative Its case system is nominative accusative in Spanish and English we are going to stay with those that I think we master yes so as not to open I am going to go very far then in this type of languages ​​to

    Distinguish the subject from the object the object is marked what does this mean to say hey I have seen you I am the subject you are the object Then it is said I have seen you we do not say I you have seen

    So it is an accusative pronoun in this case, not for that reason it is nominative, it is I, it does not have Mark mark. zero the object is accusative it converts from tú to t in English the same thing happens if we want to say by

    Example I Saw him we cannot say I Saw he because it is ang grammatical That is, the subject the pronoun of the subject does not change is we are used to it in Spanish in English the subject does not change changes what

    Let it come after C object because it can be indirect object direct object can be a thousand things So that’s what changes okay that’s if not then the result is grammatical ag that basically

    It’s just that if you are a native or speak the language, it doesn’t sound right to you, it sounds like something doesn’t fit right. All then most languages ​​belong to this system of nominative reative cases that

    Latin was so etcétera there is another group of languages ​​that use the the absolutive ergative system that like Basque or Mayan or Hindi this occurs to me now okay that what does it mean we don’t use this same strategy to differentiate the subject from the object So for example here Get ready

    Please the Chair to see the fertilizers the belts ready Once you understand it it is easy but sun as it is a video this can be played back as many times as necessary Exactly perfect right out of the box

    Of how we see the world So when there is only one argument that will always be the subject example is I’m going to the beach no we don’t mark I’m going to the beach neera ni onar let’s stay

    With neither that is me nor it does not have any type of mark n I on the other hand Yes I want to say I have seen you t is his no Then he has to become Nick his yus What does this mean that when there are two

    Arguments instead of marking the object we mark the subject so there are two ways to do it when There is an argument that is going to be the subject, there is no brand like in Spanish, in English the brand is

    Zero does not change but when there are two arguments that are subject and direct object in this case the direct object has no mark and what is marked is the subject. So this looks like It’s a little crazy because when you say I don’t know, for example, I ate the macaroni. It’s obvious.

    That the subject is me and not the macaroni that ate me, there are no sentences that are very logical or even with the order the the order of Basque is free but the neutral order is subject object verb

    Then it is understood that the first element is the subject anyway eh When both the Subject and object are the third person, that is when it is a little more crucial to differentiate between It always has to differentiate but we have the other cases as an excuse. So for example

    If I say e we will put as proper names em for example e kenek rck and kidu euken has seen him Rick has not seen Rick in standard in and instead If it was the other way around Rick second second sorry because

    Clear for the negative the ending used is a K clear k and a consonant ended of the word you have to Met one my doubt is with Rick How do you do it Rick Oh of course we have

    Almost always the dep is the e when there is an this when the word ends with a consonant like no We have a lot of consonant consonants, it is a language that generally uses vowel consonant vowel consonant e Well then that puts the then euken ric yidu r eukene yidu Okay then here

    Mark Who has seen who now if I want to emphasize I can say for example Rick eusu like Rick no euen has seen ri So it’s good it’s possible it doesn’t have to be the emphasis but basically when there is a third person to avoid confusion Of course that’s what this is

    It is also much more so because our auxiliary verbs not only conjugate the subject also they conjugate the object. So it’s a problem Ugh because if the subject is third person and the object is third person is not distinguished when one has seen the other instead of with the rest

    Spanish it happens so that people don’t get lost a little and can compare it also happens with third person in Spanish is when there are usually the most problems, also because if

    You do not name the person if you do not specify at the end the verb is conjugated the same if I say he told him that It would be clear you have to mark say who to who not eh And well and and I also think for

    That it is a little easier to understand the concept that you were talking about, that it is conjugated, it is not conjugates the subject is marked the the subject would be the equivalent instead of saying aa yo that is

    In Spanish and English we always say “I whatever” or “whatever comes after” what changes in hos want would be the equivalent of saying, for example, the case of the phrase you said about euken euken

    Sorry, have you seen Rick? Eh Well, instead of euken or instead of I, it’s like saying I to someone, no. we change the I for I to someone something like that would be No yes it is the only difference said very simply it is

    That we mark the subject instead of the object is the opposite strategy that languages ​​do to that we are used to it, well, once I learn it, that’s it, I’ve overcome it on my own.

    Come out of the box and well, can you believe that I just understood it and until now no no no is to use it not And such But but I always had doubts with this about how it was negative and many times

    They tried to explain it to me and it was not completely clear or because they did not explain it correctly either or because I At that moment for whatever reason I didn’t understand it is that there are people to

    Which is so obvious because in the end it is part of your mental grammar I did it without realizing it of course the explanation is me why I’m linguistic because I’m very interested Many things come together but there are many people who have grown up with this who say Well, I don’t know.

    I can tell you that this is wrong and this is right. It’s like the typical question in Spanish, of course. People speak Spanish and they think that because they speak Spanish they know about Spanish, no, no, it’s one thing.

    Knowing how to speak something else knowing knowing about the language is not the typical thing that eh water that is feminine masculine no Then why do you say water no if it is feminine Which obviously there is

    Such a reason but I am not going to explain it now it is very simple that the Search for you Okay great. So what other features are there about it that might catch my attention?

    I can think of at least one more. I think there are quite a few more. There are many. And I’m thinking what choice to make Well there is one as well as it makes it easier not to give a break

    To the brains, which is that we have three hissing sibilants, for those who don’t know, it’s as if it were the way to pronounce the s no Aha then graphically said very simply that is if it still does

    Reference to How to pronounce no but well eh graphically speaking we have the s, the x and the z So they go from more palatal to more dental, this is from place of pronunciation. So for example

    The x is like the sh in English or the pisha that I heard you say the other day, I don’t know if it was in the interview from Aragonese that would be the most palatal there is ah Aha Then we have the sha sound then there is

    The s which is how we Basques make the s which is a little more palatal eh than that of Latin Americans for example and then there is the z which is more like the Latin s which is out here like

    As if to say Zapata more there. So that’s something that people think about when they have to study it. At least it catches your attention because it is not something, in general the pronunciation is

    Quite easy, I think it doesn’t have much of a challenge other than those three, then of course they have their application version No, well we have the cha the cha and the cha now as well as curiosity have you heard the same

    The three of you have surely differentiated the three sounds. Congratulations, you have an ear. great but of course most people sound the same cha cha and with the other, that is, for example

    The ch that is like TX reminds me Well I don’t know how Well the Latinos like much is dig much yes buer Cos que carac much is laun in Spanish our r tends to be especially there more

    Strong Yes yes yes in fact for example eh of course it also happens like many other varieties not that when certain traits that can be eh reason for differentiation no or for me understand that people point at you on the street when we leave our community

    Autonomous people tend to neutralize because there are sadly a lot of prejudices, no then eh There are few people, I think obviously based on the fact that the Basque country is not a community of the

    Largest in Spain because I think it is one of the smallest in any case. So the number of speakers is less than the number of speakers in general in the Basque country, that is, not everyone

    In the Basque country they do not speak Basque either and among those who speak Basque the number of speakers of searching that have that characteristic, that is, we are reducing the number more and more not a few people hear few people with that with that characteristic but for example I know

    Aa a youtuber, no personally I want to say that I follow him and so on, eh lord draw for example I don’t know if you know him. Hey, he makes research videos, too, in a tamallo style.

    And the Dra are marked with that drr, it catches my attention a lot because I like all of these characteristics that are marked and how I like it a lot so when I saw it I remember the first

    Time I said come on Although you are Basque when things were better for the Gucci company or Gucci the Patriarch passed away just two weeks after the New York store opened starting From that moment on, power struggles began and the first betrayals occurred within the

    Family in a way that is easier to detect but of course due to the standardization of Spanish Well, loss also has a name in phonology but I never remember what it is when a

    Word ends in r and is followed by another vowel. Yes, in general the rest of the dialects would be said by example there or not there Instead Eh well we it’s a lot to say but the characteristic

    Of the Basque Spanish that is by by itself that is the Spanish r we have two r the normal or soft r and the double r not the strong r because January or the Basque speakers well I spoke aldunes are the ones who

    They speak Basque But this You don’t necessarily have to know Basque Basque Spanish Yes Ah Well I spoke before about that we are going to say that they have this characteristic, what they do is that everything

    Is double r let’s say, so to speak, not the majority of cases in which you have to pronounce the r is a hard r basically eh I can’t think of seeing words with a soft r that well that we have the

    R soft what happens is that no in the end less it is not pronounced less clear it is Eh well if between vowels It usually happens clearly well like a Castellano there is another characteristic eh I don’t know if it’s a myth

    I would like you to clarify that in Eusquera there are no insults, people in Nuquera do not insult O I mean, no, when they insult, they insult in Spanish, that’s true, not at all, what happens is that of course.

    They are in Catalan, in fact the same thing happens, this has ever been spoken with Catalan friends, the insults that I mean, I don’t know who I know, many of them come from the rural world. So when Now words are coming in that sound stronger and more aggressive in Spanish, like those insults

    They fall short, you need a little more, not to give an insult that my teacher used a lot. my father was nothing more, it wasn’t much of an insult, it was more, well, someone does something stupid and say it’s it’s it’s

    An Artur What does head head mean then for everyday speech it’s fine but if you are really angry when you already have other more aggressive words from the Spanish Well, unfortunately or not, I don’t know because we have tended more towards it and then there is also

    Translations I don’t want to say words so they don’t cut the video and put it in Yellow Red I don’t know things that happen, let’s say the worst insult you can imagine, well then that too has had its translation in January so it really exists if literal translation let’s say leral

    What it would be in Spanish, I’m not going to say at all, obviously what it would be, son of, is clear. enusa would be the translation word word not of son of but there is no equivalent in Basque

    Which means that it means son of no is what we are going to or be clear to see or be son of yes that Obviously what has been taken exists because you can say it, you can say son of such but

    There is no insult, we would say that it is equivalent to that, that is not why they resort to the You could say but in a way that is not very clear, a way to say that was, it is called a lost woman, today is what

    Same thing we’re going No of course daughter of a lost woman it’s a bit it’s a bit sad like I want to insult and It tells you that you have a bit of a distracted mentality. Of course, it doesn’t have the same effect that they give you, son.

    Of those who are more rural, they have stayed longer because they are like cuquis when you don’t want to. be a clueless brute also puuru that is like a bird’s head am I love them I mean

    They fulfill their discursive function but of course it is not for a normal conversation by Jo Cho but it’s not it’s not to insult insult it’s not it’s not to hurt that it’s it’s an insult

    Category of insult but it is not intended to cause harm as such or at least if that is the the reason that leads you to use it does not have the effect, the Delivery does not have exactly or

    Whether something fails, something fails, communication fails, not something else that you want, it’s just that not to explode your head with morphosyntax, I’m going to try to do it as soon as possible or else some guy with whom I say I just said in broad strokes of Look there are no insults or

    Insults are such I say in case you don’t want to go into so much grammar so specific is that Cooler what it has for is grammar a ner Okay well there are ner of grammars too that come Of course, there is a treatment called hitano or aluo in linguistics that affects many likes.

    From all over the world, but basically in Basque we have, as in many languages, two treatments, the you and the you, the curious thing is that nowadays almost all of us talk about you, which is the su that I have said before because the tu is a special treatment that requires a

    Special conjugation that there are fewer and fewer people who can do it because of the following in the USA there is no gender it is not like English So in that fantastic sense but in this this form

    Alcublas you take your interlocutor into account. For example, if we are talking about you in mana informal and I want to say eh Imagine that we are talking about a friend I don’t know we are going to

    Call him Paquito Paquito has had a girlfriend and I am talking to you I would have to say Paquito has become your girlfriend, you have nothing to do with Paquito’s story but Since I am talking to you I have to include a morpheme that identifies you in my speech that

    It is something very difficult to do. I have said it in a very simple way, not because you have in mind. It counts well verb tenses and different types of systems that there are, for example in Spanish, yes

    That that is used or I don’t know in Spanish, at least I in Andalusia have heard it a lot but not with the same sense not the same the ethical native I think you are saying you are not like what

    I eat lentils well, for example, but of course, when we use it, yes. has that word or that particle, it does have a relationship with that person, clearly it has as a touch of affection Of course, however, in this other case it is not affection but is grammatically obligatory

    If you are talking about yourself, it is mandatory that you include your interlocutor in absolutely all the phrases of course and and you have nothing to do with Paquito exactly Paquito has thrown you out girlfriend but it has nothing to do with you. Really, that is, with you, it doesn’t unite Paquito and

    To you in nothing Maybe you with Paquito mana that is, there doesn’t even have to be a relationship of affection can be someone who I already told you that Ah it is not used but before it will simply be your own

    Social level Well, if he is your age, you spoke to him with that treatment, there is no equal affection. You are enemies if you like each other badly but you have to call him with that you have to treat him with

    That’s what the enemy says, it bothers me. I’m talking about you to the enemy. On top of that, I have to respect him. yes And this is something that draws a lot of attention to many linguists, they compare it with the fee

    From Japanese when someone is it is the opposite when someone is like older than you who has a treatment of honor But it is also much more complex and well it is at a loss for different reasons Eh so what I need to say is that it changes if your interlocutor is

    Masculine is one type of morpheme. If your interlocutor is feminine, it is another, which also adds difficulty. and what happens is that among girls, one of the reasons such as It also happens, well, with Creole, for example, in the Caribbean islands where Creole is spoken.

    The girls were taught that these were not ladies and that they had better speak French. It has been a long time since more men have preserved Creole than women here. The same thing happens as it was an informal way of speaking, man, if the top was obviously speaking.

    Spanish and the second top was to talk about you among women there has been a lot of loss now Yes, it is seen there as a recovery. But well, it is something that is talked about in the most part.

    Continental of the Basque country and then in the Basque country the north because to the east of everything there are things Of course apart also for example the history of Spain which as we have already said in other languages

    Minority and minoritized eh we have a period in which not Francoism in which it was prohibited I imagine that a lot of information and a lot of heritage was lost there, not from the language of the people.

    Well, that’s good, unfortunately, let’s say Eh, well, it doesn’t depend on the person, I guess I don’t know, but oh well. in linguistic terms or do linguists stop eh Unfortunately, he couldn’t learn Oops

    I’m going to say the Galician, the hus wanted, well, the same thing also happened with the Galician, no, but no. He was able to learn usus queera from a young age. In other words, as an adult he had to start learning the

    Language for its own interest or for that reason, then little by little it began to recover a little, but Well, I don’t know if the language has changed much since then in Yes, but it has changed during the Franco era.

    And so on until today because of that prohibition that there was that Hosting that was also done and that they only spoke well practically inside the house, not and very carefully because If they heard you at home speaking in Basque, they would still take you for a walk called or

    He was locked up in a dungeon or who knows what, but we talked, we talked about this, not about how he left. losing many things and one of the reasons I think Eh well why it has been preserved is Thank you

    I guess I don’t know now you praise me because there are several points of view regarding this, not about everything on the part of the natives, I mean, uh, one of the reasons. I think it has also been

    Thanks eh to the batua yes totally not the batua I mean explain to us a little what what varieties of lusera there is and what would be the batua enters Okay so so that you can get an idea Well

    We have that about uscar Ría but understood as the seven provinces do not keep the part that in Spanish it is a Basque country, no, so Well, there are different dialect proposals but let’s go. Let’s catch it, which is the tologo dialect, which I think is better known within Basque than it is.

    Divide it into five if I’m not mistaken then Good is not Biscayan or the one with what’s the name of the one from west then there is more the central part which is where guipuzcoa is and then there is the one that is

    In the north of Navarre that shares some characteristics with the Labort Tano that is the labor zone in French or lapur enera and then there is the eastern one which is the lower navarra and zeroa or

    The az in in French So more or less those are no and what is usually done when choosing a standard is like ya sa [ __ ] the variety that has the most prestige And in this case they also wanted

    [ __ ] the variety that had the largest number of speakers at that time Then the standard arises as a result of different needs, and in recent centuries there have been different attempts to make a standard the first was in 1571 with a Protestant Bible that was commissioned by

    The queen of the queen of Navarre of that time commissioned an enlightened person to do the Protestant Bible because currents of Protestantism are arriving there as a result of that Then the Catholic Monarchs closed borders and well, all that not so that it wouldn’t spread

    Protestantism but basically the one called Enes de Lisarraga eh together as a group of intellectuals there made a kind of committee they tried to make a Basque that was understandable to everyone with a glossary but it was not successful partly for the reasons

    Religious or political then well throughout history there have been 200 attempts so a grammar with a dictionary that brought together the words of the Basque country, eh, ramendi in 1745, good, etc. There have been different attempts and all this makes it clear to think that the hus wanted to be spoken from

    At least 2000 years ago then. As all languages ​​happen, as happens with Latin, They differentiate, they differentiate, and even more so if you do not belong to the same kingdom as has happened in Sometimes then there was a need to create a standard or a unification not only to unite the

    Group but so that they continue to understand each other and then to be able to transmit it so that each one does not transmit the search for his valley but to have a consensus to be able to write everyone in what

    Same to create a general culture then here comes finally what is batua that batua wants to say unified in what then in the 60s eh he is in charge Well michelena who was also a intellectual linguist the project this and they get together with others a mix of writers to people

    Who is dedicated to literature and linguists and there they do it then the barcoda that is taken into account There are two, one from Guipuzcoa, the area below Donosti San Sebastián. give you an idea because it was prestigious and had an impressive number of speakers and

    Then the Lapur area, which is where it is today. Well, today it has always been via rayona etcetera because Sara also because there in that area there was a lot of tradition of Basque written that many people believe has never been written and I don’t know what good lie or

    Since 1545 which is the first book published from then on We have many uh books written in masses, etc. In other words, there is material. There is material, so there was a whole group of intellectuals there.

    Of Sara and how I have started a tradition in that variety well there was well it is written Well everyone the hypothetical subjunctive verb tenses so they took those two puces basically it was the system of the verbal system of those of r puscua but the auxiliaries didn’t matter, they took them

    From that part of de la purdi not to say a little more eh quickly speaking This was the standard and The main function was that we could write and communicate in the same variety so that

    He went to Eus he wanted to shit what is happening and because let’s see when we talk who were the people who He has no idea, maybe he thinks well the language they already shared, but from Valley to Valley

    There were Valleys that didn’t even understand each other, so to speak, it varied a lot. the language from one person to another you can say yes does not vary a lot, that is, today it continues

    Varying, no, of course, something like that was necessary, but I mean, people threw their hands up in their heads. but listen how it happened with the Castilian, that is, in 1492, which is when the Kings Catholics make expeditions to the Americas or whatever and produce the first Spanish grammar

    And there it begins to standardize. In other words, this has happened with all languages, which is good with all with many, what happens is that since this is recent, there are many people who are scandalized and

    Who says that it is something that he has invented But well, let us remember that standardization happens every Once there is a central administration basically then coming back to this one, the creation of the batua was very important. That’s where the clandestine classes began, of course.

    They were night classes, let’s say because during Franco’s regime it was prohibited and it was highly persecuted. So whether they are night classes or schools for children that are registered as schools parishes in an administrative trapdoor and as a result Come to catechesis children [Music]

    But then the important thing is that when the dictatorship ends and the new constitution is created this at the level of Spain Of course because France is completely different But well then Eh Already in 1982, the normalization law was created, which basically gives power to the communities.

    Autonomous so that in their statutes they decide if they are going to make the language official or not. Of course that It is one of the problems that we continue to have and in fact we were talking, I also mention again the

    Jorge Puello’s interview with the Aragonese not that he said Aragonese is a language What’s happening The problem is that officially we do not have a piece of paper that says or is a Pablito of repeat of the government because in the end the Autonomous community decides. So those who rule in the community

    Autonomous Region of Aragon because they have not seen it right to say look is a language but let them say it or not normally that is another thing quite curious quite funny not normally those in charge

    In this, many times they have no idea about languages, in most cases the truth is that you put Ah a technician or someone who dedicates themselves to it. I mean, no, they don’t have to, it’s like being in agriculture. I mean,

    If you put the Minister of Agriculture, he has not set foot on the field in his life. Julio, of course, then in this In this case, this is where differences are created with Basque and this is where the

    Separation of Euscadi and Navarre and we cannot tie them the same because legally speaking it is very different so here comes to see it’s coming it’s coming it’s coming prepare yourself things are coming

    Things are coming and I imagine Navarro saying what he’s saying, no, but as soon as they say it, that is, it’s undeniably they will understand it here it is not my opinion this is the law you mean by Northern Navarrese

    No no no no those from the North in this case are like us now I explained well the situation comes out Navarra esle as I said that there is a difference between Navarrese from the North and Navarrese from the South

    Yes yes that fixed that fixed and that Then we were lucky we in Euskadi Vizcaya Araba and Gipuzcoa that our statutes did recognize Basque as co-official and thank you That’s why it developed. Well, this immersion education that basically means that we have

    Had access to public education, health and Administration in Basque. And that gives us certain linguistic rights eh Like everything in life everything is not achieved Even though on paper they are rights then because these rights are violated or are not guaranteed but legally we have it

    On the other hand, if we go to Navarra they made a somewhat strange law that what is called something I don’t know what It’s called But well, they did a zoning so eh, depending on what it was, I don’t know if it was 86 a little more.

    Later than Basque but in the 80s they saw in the census how many people spoke it in each region and based on that they legally divided Navarra into three zones, the Basque-speaking Basque zone, the

    Mixed zone in the middle and the Non-Basque speaking zone of course let’s remember that we have just left Franco’s regime In other words, in my town, for example, I am a right person for those who know. I believe that after Franco’s regime

    I don’t know if it was 10 something or so for the Basque language today it is 30 something close to 40 so You get an idea, that is, it had been drastically reversed and apart from that in the bordering areas.

    With Spain So to put it that way, obviously less Basque is spoken, that is, but that’s because it is spoken more. Spanish no. In other words, as it happens everywhere, it happens in any bordering area of ​​any country.

    Any state any community Texas because they speak more Spanish you can be close to Mexico or more come because it is the same as a mutual influence, let’s say no. Although sometimes the influence It may be stronger on one side than the other but well ah contact that’s it So that happened

    So in the north of Navarre, which is where it is most talked about. Eh, well, it’s good, co-official and the rights are relatively guaranteed in the sense that they can at least public schools can study in wax that is a bit important for the transmission and revitalization of the

    Language then there is the mixed zone which is where the capital Iruña or Pamplona is and that is one thing there a little strange because that’s how they are guaranteed, sometimes it’s like very legal gray

    And then there is the non-mixed zone, which is the entire bottom part. Let’s say if this, if a bar is like that At the bottom it has a little point Well, it would be the entire bottom part, no And then there is zero official, or like

    If it were Castile or as if it had never been put or if it were Spanish, this has not happened. past they wouldn’t say that is so there if you want to study in Basque you have to go to an school that

    They are schools that are maintained based on an association of all castes with a network and it is as if it were a concerted system, that is, they are self-managed. They have some subsidy. government I imagine but come on you have to pay Yes in fact these are let’s say the schools

    Like the Official Language School but it’s clear but that’s all I haven’t figured out everything exactly What are the ones they give you, let’s say I don’t know if they give it to you at the Official Language School but the

    C stole from what I understand was the one that gives you the title of Good if you want to live in the country Basque, you want to work in the public organization. In other words, as a civil servant, let’s say you have to get elga

    Elga ega s erega but c1 already disappeared now which one or did they do it so that it would be like the rest from the ent framework they removed that from ega 1 ega 2 now it is not ega now it is c1 so we are doing this

    Saying like that because that’s what you said that thanks to the batua that made the situation better and Yes but that We must keep in mind that they are two things, one thanks to the batua, two to normalization and that

    If it has been accessible in education because if not then like me who comes from families Basque but the transmission stopped, no, we wouldn’t speak it and in Euskadi I don’t say Basque in Euskadi today most of us young people have learned Basque at school or

    La icola And that gives you a clue so eh it is reversing let’s say instead in Navarre eh Of course, apart from the mixed one in the Basque-speaking zone, I say and and the mixed zone Well, yes, little by little

    It is also seen reversing but in the Non-Basque speaking area because they have many obstacles apart from It is extremely politicized, so there is a constant struggle and But well, for example, at Christmas I have a friend who studies Basque and tutors me.

    Tudela in Spanish and I thought it was impressive because they have a unique character eh They are super families committed women who have sent their children there who do Basque dances who have been together for many years

    They stop studying at home but their relationship never ends. In other words, it is like part of a community when we friends from the race went to visit him, everyone spoke in Basque and

    We went to a bar where they spoke Basque to us, everything was impressive, 4% of the people spoke Euskera, 4% They are very few, that is, they are four tails, they know each other. Yes, and she knew that what they

    That bar that was Basque and so on But I say Jo, that’s the resistance No to the following of course In the end Well, as always politics, in the end they are getting what they want, of course, that’s why it is

    Normalization is so important. That is the message and then if we go to the Northern Basque country that politically it belongs to France, as you already know, France does not recognize peninsular France does not recognize no language that doesn’t know French exactly so there eh And look they have languages ​​And look

    That have languages ​​have languages ​​because here in Spain we talk about some, well we have some how many and we try to protect them eh How can we not eh And well and we complain because they suffer

    A lot of discrimination, they suffer a lot of pressure and so on, but even so, sometimes they think about it and say that on top of that we still have to feel privileged because you go to France which has a

    Lots of languages ​​but it doesn’t recognize any other than French, the variation of French. It comes from the Paris area, plus it’s been specific, you can’t even speak French. from Marseille because well, that’s what they call you a thousand things or whatever, no, but not the saddest thing is the topic

    Of the languages ​​there are, Basque has dropped a lot and among young people and such and it remains good aside, in families there are a kind of boarding schools where country people and such go there

    They get together and well it’s a way to keep the search going, not in those boarding schools because they They live as a student in Basque. On the weekends they go home. But then, for example, well

    There is a fight that has been going on for a few years about what their selectivity would be, eh. They can’t do it. in Basque Even if they study in Basque, you can do the selectivity in Eera Sorry How

    Sorry, how can you do the selectivity or what is called in esqua, we can and do it or either if you have studied in Basque you do it in Basque quera okay okay it is important but of the

    The same way that if I have not misunderstood, these schools that are foreign like the Colegio German, the English school, they also do the tests that are equivalent to those governments, aha, I don’t know. yes also the selectivity but come on what really makes sense but well I ask

    Well, there is still some repression also when it comes to official organizations. for example but I don’t know to what extent eh Is there that permissiveness or not yes yes Anyway There are also inequalities, for example, the usera exam. It’s ridiculous. I don’t know if it will have a

    Level B1 to say something and there is a text and then understanding a lie, truth, it looks like a little more than the English exam I say when it should be more like the English exam

    Spanish, I don’t know which Bernarda Alba, the other one does a literary analysis and here they are asking us If such a fact is a lie or false, or whether it is a lie or truth in the text, man, please let it be in

    I think Catalonia has it better. I think it is a more serious test there. I think Catalonia. eh within the minority languages ​​of Spain Or minorized I think that Catalonia is the one that has more time fighting I guess fighting officially let’s say and and more aggressively also nor lithic

    Linguistics I do not get into other political and aggressive issues Because we could dedicate another whole chapter to that but here in case they remove the video we have the fista in peace that in Catalonia is made a more drastic normalization than us, for example in the Basque country, I say

    To debunk myths, anyone who wants can also study in Spanish in a public school. You have one there and I haven’t needed him to want that, you don’t reach it very high either, otherwise let’s see what

    Maybe I say so that people don’t get scared that people might want to go there or live For example, say Oh my God, I want to go but I can’t because if I want to live, I want to work there.

    Anywhere they are going to tell me not to come but to learn please eh please I ask you You can’t advertise Castill, you can, yes, but let’s learn the language [__] since you’re going to a place that’s what I mean, let’s see, I don’t keep trying because I left there too

    If I had continued there, I can tell you that I would have tried by all means to learn the language but also for you or for whoever comes because in the end I have I have friends from

    Out that they have come to the Basque country and such and I always tell them that you are On the one hand of the community obviously you can not know if you are from Burgos you can be alone with friends from

    Burgos, if you are Argentine, you can be alone with fantastic Argentinians or with Basques who are sun He speaks it in Spanish but it is true that there is a part of reality that you are missing

    Losing then it’s up to you, maybe you’re not interested and nothing happens but it’s going to do the same thing. to the Basque country than to Cantabria or it is good if you go to Noja linguistically speaking at least

    Noja it is not cales that comes serv seeing It is like a small towns of Bilbao they are not small flame are the resistance little by little it will be our little little one day we will give you Basque nationality

    [Music] there I think there is business But good thing about Catalona that there Although many people say oh They force me to speak Catalan, the work they have done is brutal because your origin, your house, your

    Socioeconomic level does not condition you that is something that happens here that is the reality So the fact that everything is studied in Catalan in public schools, sincerely, congratulations, that’s all.

    The world can speak later and it’s up to you to decide, but the thing is that knowledge No, it doesn’t take up space. I mean, yes. you don’t want to use it in your life don’t use it again But but well for me that is something that is very

    Well and I admire it I understand the concerns but that happens a lot here, well they come the same children of migrants because they come already in adolescence, unless they get into some kind of

    Of intensive strange it is impossible that what I learned Yes it is possible no eh let’s debunk another myth of which You talked before that the difficulty of learning is because the greatest fear when learning esquer everyone says the same thing my God it’s super difficult because it’s super different from

    Less in theory, not as we talked about before but at the same time we also said before that it had that has Eh well characteristics also of different languages ​​so you think it is really different, I mean, Sorry, really difficult to learn this language that is as difficult as the

    People usually paint it from my point of view, but for me it is a myth. Let’s remember that you are a speaker. of Basque but not as a mother tongue, you have learned it later well let’s see between one or TR

    Years I cannot say here that I have a lot of merit, it is obviously different but for me it is not It is impossible and it is easier than other languages ​​that we are more used to. to learn For example, I who know French can say French has a pronunciation from my

    Hateful point of view as a Spanish speaker eh we have a somewhat poor phonological system O be it no does not have hateful in the sense No we are not going to comment hate towards any language no hateful know is what I mean very super different very complicated Compared to with good Spanish

    Let’s remember that good but Spanish we pronounce the same as we write basic that is And if we compare with other Romance languages ​​Well, we only have five vowels. In other words, Catalan already has seven I don’t know if Galician also, I’m not sure, Galician, depending on the area, has vowels too.

    Open or closed the Italian also has it and the Frenchman I don’t know if he is like 16 it’s crazy I think if between 12 and 16 it sounds familiar to me it sounds eh Let’s not forget that the five vowels the five sounds

    Castilian vowels, for those who are not, come from Eus, of course, that is one, that is one of the This is not the hypothesis and I think that the one that is very betting is called that we do not differentiate B from V because

    Es eh Only the Romance languages ​​of the Iberian Peninsula are the only ones that do not differentiate those two poems peres then Italian French all the other varieties of romance that are in Italy and

    France, there are a lot of them. Well, it’s all about the difference, so it’s not worth it. Eh, one is worth it. The pronunciation is quite easy starting from Spanish and two If you speak a Romance language such as French or Spanish

    Italian where they have ser and haber as two auxiliaries, but in Basque it is the same. So that Conceptually, you don’t have to learn it, you already have it, okay, then what else Eh, well, a lot of it.

    Vocabulary not all but a lot comes from Latin Spanish and French and the most modern Obviously English then there is vocabulary, even the most rustic ones, yes it is going to cost you more to learn it but

    One easy thing that has that meaning is that many have a double, for example, a tree, you can say sua or arbola has in Latin so good for people who speak a Romance language the vocabulary is usually relatively easy there is no article or well there is an article but only one

    Ah the letter a is not valid or in the plural AC well there is no gender that too I think helps a lot Ah in the head we can’t even offend anyone exactly now that of the genres the language

    That is sexist that is feminist. Exactly, I say, look in the Basque country we don’t need things like that. You wonder if we already have Lu, there is no ready genre, so when we speak Spanish we give many

    Things for granted but the Castilian is a complicated soul. Not only because of the issue of gender, conjugations, all the exceptions that there are are crazy, but in Basque, well, part of the conjugations have no gender, that is, they fit on a sheet of paper, so they are complicated in the sense

    That they are different, they are new but of course they are new but once or I don’t know how to explain it In Basque the verbs are constructed periphrastically. This does not mean that it is the

    Main verb an infinitive and the auxiliary is the one that you conjugate then when you learn How to conjugates the two auxiliaries in the present the two auxiliaries in the past eh the future not because the

    Future only adds one thing to the infinitive you don’t have to learn anything the two auxiliaries in the subjunctive and the two auxiliaries in imperative That’s why I say that it is a sheet of paper with that you can speak in all

    The verb tenses because the infinitive never changes so these things that we have to tell us quea in Spanish If I had if I would come I don’t know what eh No nothing then for example to say

    Eh Instead of as we say I have eaten what you have to learn is the verb haber ent I have eaten Eh no I have eaten and I have eaten things like that, that is, there are like three and you have to eat to get an idea and

    That’s it, then what’s complicated and for me is making the change for Chip, that’s what you have to do. learning are the auxiliaries and not how the other changes but speaking in terms of materials It’s much less than any other Romance language, so they can fit a folio, but I don’t know why.

    At least that impresses me and what’s more good than something that isn’t good, maybe it doesn’t make it easier but We talked before about characteristics curiosities, one thing that happened to me seems to me, for example

    One of the most beautiful things that luus kera has to decide to want to learn it is that it is a language that is very different from very old, very, I don’t know, I would even say magical and that the names, for example

    Proper names personal names usually have much deeper meaning than simply put a name to call that person, not for example one of the best known that It is obvious not because it is one of the Giants of the networks not today ibai everyone knows

    Ibai lanos ibai Basque name Basque name hus quera ibai What does ibai mean is IB is river river If the names are amazing or it seems exactly amazing to me, there are many names

    That’s how it goes river eh Let’s see if I remember any more K it could be a storm storm whatever your name is storm I mean, there’s something more cool than calling yourself a storm because that gives you superpowers, nothing.

    More to be born, of course, that is, that is, that you are two years old and you say, I am going to cause a blizzard, that is, then There are names and no names, for example, let’s see if I remember, one is a pastor, it can be, yes, it is, it is the

    Old way as shepherds were called in the past, not today but this looks similar to a Castilian too, that is, someone who is called by last name only more with surnames Not because a person was named and that person eh, the job was in the last name because when not

    There were surnames because that is the way to call them, not a blacksmith, for example, because that person in his origin was a blacksmith etc. But here, I mean, it’s much cooler for me. I mean, there is

    Name other names like this type like this eh Well oe it’s another So it means cloud or let’s see what more eh Oh it has a pointed tongue but names of trees also oak Eh yes all this like that

    I eat natural x sol, how good it is, it is used more for dogs But hey, whoever wants it, the name is there What else all super related to nature is not what a super magical language takes you to

    The origins do not, so to speak, go to a bed or a forest of beds, that is, it is too like, very as if You like the world a little bit, boy, let’s see. I mentioned it now partly out of curiosity.

    That we missed before perhaps or it happened to me before and I link it now with the ease or difficulty to learn it because in the end when it comes to learning a language the first thing you have to

    To be super clear, the first thing is to have a good motivation. If you do not have a motivation and you simply say I want to learn this language because it is spoken or just because because I

    Like how it sounds and that’s it at the end you’re going to put aside that learning sooner or later because you don’t have a strong motivation now if you say [__] I love the world this Mystic

    Well, look at something that you can still use to attract more attention and so that you are motivated to learn it yes Just because it is yes I don’t forgive anything just because it is the most

    Ancient thing that is known from at least Western Europe is that this is already clear to me, that is, For me it’s amazing, obviously I’m a speaker. No, but for me that would have to be amazing. elective in schools or I don’t know Something seems to me like heritage is amazing as people

    Who lived in that place 2000 years ago yes. So you are really sharing something about them and it is important that these languages ​​be preserved, not because it is no longer or because What is so important for people to learn this language is not only because the language continues

    Existing, that is, but because eh I don’t know how you see it, but when it comes to doing this thing of promulgating eh this language so that people learn it in the end also learning part of the culture clearly and

    How loquera is used today in everyday life depends a lot on where you live in Well. In the most continental part, the central part is used a lot, I mean, I don’t know how many people use it. in everyday life with friends with family their partners eh in education in the academy

    It is where it is obviously most involved but the concern of normalization is that later the people continue using it afterwards, of course, then Eh Well, in towns like that where the majority of parents and grandparents have been Spanish, it happens a lot when you leave school and I hope you have a

    Group of friends or your parents may have a Gang that are quite a few families that want to speak the language and be in the culture and so on, it happens less obviously while that in the most central part I have many friends and not friends, especially those who do not speak in

    Spanish, almost, that is, they speak it, well, well, well, well, when they go to a bigger town or maybe if you have to go to administration and you get this linguistic stress called of not knowing Although it is their duty to know, you get the linguistic stress that they may not understand you

    So you speak directly in Spanish for occasions like this but otherwise all your life is in Aus I want Ah great, it’s cool because like this I mean it also not only promotes the use of language but also

    Apart from that, eliminating a little of that prejudice and that shame that people can have. not to talk about it what we talked about at the beginning of the interview, not when you leave your community Autonomous obviously see no saurus glasses queera outside the Autonomous community because it does not go

    Understand That is, it is not like Galician and Catalan, which is a little more understandable, so to speak, not Us that being different so different in that aspect you won’t be able to but with groups of that is

    With people from the same group as you, not being outside and continuing to talk calmly without people go to criticize or look no it’s not important too Yes even so in numbers that is, it has sounded fantastic but in absolute numbers we are really few, so that’s also what people know

    That unfortunately Lu is still a minority and 40% don’t talk about it, something like that is well but potion of course I think that eh I don’t know if there is something like that I picked up I think they make this

    Statistics are made separate as governmental ones, but they belong to different governments. Well, of course. Everyone makes their own, yes, or at least I have not had access to one that is from the entire Basque country. of the seven historical provinces But and of course everything depends on the level of normalization

    In Euskadi, as we have had a successful one, it has recovered quite a bit in Navarre. Well, in the north. Above all, every x number of years some towns in the non-Basque zone are renewed and enter the mixed zone

    So it’s not terrible either, but very little by little and in the area of ​​the Northern Basque country. Well, things are going on, let’s talk about identity, okay, here this is something that enters more into your work. no I guess what role Basque plays in Basque identity or regional identity no me

    I think that a fairly strong Basque identity also applies to people who do not Ha eus quera I believe that there are many people who have seen it and how they feel very proud differentiated and as there are many people who do not speak Basque for historical and social reasons but

    Who feel extremely Basque because one way to mark it is through Spanish Basque So, for example, exaggerating certain Well, that’s how to make the conditional good like What we do is say if it would come instead of if it would come or characteristic of our things like that

    There is a small parenthesis that identity is also present in people who are not, but the people who use Euskaldun identity is obviously very strong and is not only based on Eus What a person is, literally the person who has the eusa, so you speak it, I No.

    Necessarily but well because you can feel culturally and ETN linguistically different from others who do not speak it that may include Basques or not. That is, Basques as people from the Basque country who not Basque. That’s what I mean and then Basque marks different identities that were created.

    As a result of creating the Basque batua, which is a bit what you asked me at the beginning, so Before Batua Basque, those who spoke Basque were generally natives who had learned through family transmission and then there have been different intellectuals who have

    Learned on their own and such then but we are a large minority and the typical thing that we do not know their names of how impressive that is not Then with the creation of those that bua and of this type of academies like clandestine or these parochial schools, the la

    Separation this deald sarra ycal verald person who has hus queera or Basque speaking not and sarra is Old but would translate as originating as a speaker of Basque origin and Euskaldun Berry Berry is new so it would be a new speaking Basque so what is the difference

    Well, there were the Basque people, the original ones, the ones who were already there, and then these people who are starting to learn eusquera the community sees them as the new ones until here Cool what’s happening where

    It comes a little bit where the conflict is, for me it is a point of conflict, there are people who the sweat well eh with normalization eh Basque becomes accessible through public schools So there are people who already become bilingual because from the moment they enter school it is more or

    At least between one or three years depending on when it starts, it’s childish, then I come in and of course. Then We are the first generation to speak Basque in the family, those of us who have learned at school.

    Okay, what happens is that the community perceives us as Searching for a view but we are people who don’t We have the memory of having been monolingual, that is, I started for a year and a half, I don’t know what

    That’s what we want to say, that is, no, no, I don’t have any memories and apart from that, we’re people. Well, that’s what What has been given to us, let’s say in a little way, we have received it rather passively, it has not

    There has been no effort other than what can be done as an adult or to improve studying this of course but I don’t know how to say it’s not the same as it has been, for example, for me to learn English

    Although it is in school as a subject, it is something to which I have to dedicate hours and hours after class and I have had to study a lot to try to have a decent level with the

    Hus want I feel that it has not been like that it is not worth it then the community perceives us as new speakers or neoal anes also in Galicia that I know that this concept exists. This is something that

    It happens in many minority communities that there is a separation between us, the natives, versus the new ones that have joined us now so what happens many times is we believe that We are natives until they tell us otherwise. In my case, I believed it was uscal. Unsar believed me.

    Native mole because my family is from the Basque country, I have been talking about it all my life. I consider myself native Well, it is clear that the one who tells you that you are not native is normal.

    A scald a sarra of course they have to have the authority of course no one says so You tell him not exactly, and you say no, you already come with your own complexes of not speaking. hus quera at home, another thing that characterizes us is that we speak hus quera batu at home.

    Standard which is a Basque language that from the outside is perceived as very academic because this is The problem is considered artificial Basque. Yes, we are already overcoming that. I think eh But because in the end it is based on two dialects that exist, many people say

    It is not that it is invented but pertinent technically it is artificial it is artificial functioned in a way natural is not a form that has been naturally but some linguists gentlemen They met and said let’s [__] this here this there That’s why I say technically

    It is artificial but true, but if we go to where those two varieties meet, the ones that are based on the isogloss There are people who talk like that about home because they are getting together, there are the isoglosses

    Those two varieties then who is anyone to tell us that your is artificial or is artificial in the sense that they decided on this variety and this other one that are the prestigious ones and the ones that

    They have a greater tradition. Let’s put them together. Let’s [__] what they both have in common than that. It is also important that it was not so Random and what they did was Well all the parameters For example

    If there were varieties that have two ways of making the plural within the same variety, well What they did was Look, we are going to standardize them, choose one that is the most used and so on.

    That the same thing was also done with the Castilian of Castile and with mils not then of course real among all of us who study in an official language we are speaking an artificial language Not for that criterion and then on the other hand what was done was that the vocabulary was accepted

    The vocabulary of all varieties So from my point of view more than artificial that So the problem is that the people who have had the eus I wanted to take it for granted as a family, let’s say it requires doing something extra, it requires you to study a

    Little or no vocabulary that is not in your variety but is in this other one or you do the auxiliaries in this way but you have to learn this other one, that’s the problem. So

    I had a lot of people who suddenly didn’t understand the hus queera batua since it wasn’t their variety, of course. but there were many people who spoke Hsca at home who, since they are in the academic world or who

    They learned to support the project And divinely then Well I don’t know So this this topic of that has been perceived as artificial that it is a linguistic ideology that in the end contributes to this separation also between uscal unsar and uscal Berry because a characteristic of uscal berris is

    Not having a historical variety of house or town but that is your variety, your variety is the standard then It’s like talking like those on TV and that does Yes and that does Well this separation identity of both how they perceive you and how you perceive yourself because, for example, I am

    The example that I say Always if I travel I say that I go to Cádiz and make some friends there at the minimum For me to say, well, I’m going to expand a little, they’re going to realize that I’m not there. I mean, my accent.

    And my way of pronouncing marks me geographically where I am from, of course, identity-wise, so In general, it has a lot if you are proud of your identity, it has no value, but the

    Usker batua what has happened to us many times when we go to certain towns we talk and they don’t know where we are from but they directly assume that we are from a town where there is no variety

    Historical then we are already of a lower level Or perhaps children of people from outside, it may not be There are like different labels so well eh the issue with this identity is that not all

    Those of us who have been classified like this feel usus cadum berris and one of my arguments is that usus cadum Berry was originally used for adults who decided to study Basque So psychosocially we are two very different profiles because adults still have a motivation

    An effort behind they have been aware of all their learning active learning all that and apart of The era of acquisition while we have learned from childhood from the first not It was our decision, it was our family, Sid was passive, absolutely unconscious.

    You don’t remember when you learned the verb to be, that is, it is not a memory, you have to keep it in your heart and age age uh that language acquisition thing obviously matters so this doesn’t I say it, I say it, linguistics and all the psycholinguistics studies that have been done

    And another thing is that there has not necessarily been motivation nor an effort made in a way voluntary neither So to speak it is not something in an indirect unconscious way Ah and this too that we take it for granted also that’s why many of us think it’s difficult or I know

    Or when people go, as you said about your ex, people sign up directly for a c1 because what you want is to polish and get the title c1 or C2, you don’t start from scratch because

    You want to refresh how the same can happen with the French that you studied in high school and you want it I mean, no, well, that’s the thing and what is being seen in research among what I am doing is that the people in my profile in general do not identify with

    That label because there is nothing new there is nothing new about oral they have been all the life or we have been there all our lives, then we are seeing that in the Basque country itself there is this

    Let’s say discrimination, not between new speakers, native speakers, etc., what happens in the United States? United in the Basque communities there is also this discrimination, let’s say in the United States It is a bit more similar to the discrimination that happens in the Hispanic World because in the Basque world

    What has happened is that they have stayed with the idea of ​​nationalism like that of Sabino Arana where what matters is the last name, then there are many people who, due to the needs of life or what

    That either they have stopped transmitting the hus quera or that they are Basque Americans, they are children or grandchildren do not speak Basque or they speak but little but the important thing is your last name that you do dances

    Basques that you can al ma Basque ball basket tip trunks with your hand Exactly So there all the concept the vasquito has been more resignified to folklore so that is a great It doesn’t matter if you speak Osera or not, but if you have a last name

    Basque es es It is legal here, however, if you have Hispanic surnames, for example, let’s see what they are. generalizations that later there will be everything, but a Hispanic surname that marks you a little if it is The first one doesn’t matter because there are many people who have also married Americans, so

    Imagine it’s millet from a car, so that’s why the thing is to keep the last name. Basque even if it is in memory they tell you Look I am such and such but here I have been asked Basque And

    Yes to enter Basque centers Well, in some you do have to certify Well, this is a bit that you do come from a Basque family and that you are not a hung up soul So you have to go with pedr

    So you have to go with pedigree, I say yes, yes, there you have to be prepared and instead in the world is Hispanic at least. Eh yes, there is the whole issue of the Chicanos or what is now

    Making it fashionable what are the I don’t know Kids who are the children of immigrants eh Spanish speakers no I know like I don’t know but badly said that they don’t know Spanish or maybe they hear something from their grandparents

    From his parents’ friends but his parents have not transmitted what is typical so as not to sound with an accent these linguistic ideologies so as not to be associated with immigration so as not to spoil your English these prejudices that are in the imagination of the people, so they are called

    The no sab Kids are also claiming their identity a bit in the sense that they look I have not chosen not to know Spanish, it has been the socioeconomic situation, but culturally they They do things Eh Well, from their parents’ community I mean, if they are Peruvians, well, they are in the dances.

    These or they make the typical barbosas eh they are part of the entire cultural structure but they are They have remained in the linguistic part a bit, an example would be, for example, I think Jennifer López, yes Jennifer López has spent her entire life defending her Hispanic identity, but Spanish has it

    A little regular of course then a little that a little There no that is and the interesting thing is that this phenomenon is seen in many minoritized contexts that in Galicia also exists in Breton s that also in Gaelic the differentiation is then well eh also this differentiation

    Can come from a marginalization that others have suffered before because of course those who had wanted Euskera at home or They had a very Basque accent because they were the ones who were discriminated against laugh at them, they are second-class citizens for not speaking Spanish well. So

    In the end this guy gives up, but now luckily in some areas it is prestigious to talk good Basque, even having the possibility of being able to use the batua or the home variety, now that is

    As a Plus So now the balance has changed a little but let it be here for everyone That is also important to point out [Music] and what resources exist for anyone who wants learn usus quera What resources exist today what is being done to promote for

    Promote the learning of this language I am no longer referring only to the best within of the Autonomous community but in general even the networks do not. Yes, you are an example of this, not that

    Do you spread information about skiing, that is apart from what you do or well, it also explains a little what you do on the networks since we are obviously briefly talking nothing what I do

    Or I try to do a little bit what I wanted was to create a kind of network or community of speakers of minority languages ​​or people who have an interest in them, you do not have to

    Speaking or people who have to learn it or whatever, obviously, because of my context, I put a lot of more examples of Basque or the reflections that I make, for example that I don’t do but before I did reflections have to do with my experience with Basque so well although officially it is

    Of minoritized languages ​​and so on and so forth, it’s a bit of that or the objective was also a bit of therapy group No well I said things they said Jo Well I don’t know in Friuli such a thing also happens and well it’s

    That in catá I don’t know what and well in the end it is a way to support each other and learn from each other that sometimes you discover languages ​​that you don’t even know existed, on the one hand, and well, Basque.

    Well, I disclose everything as much as I can, everything that occurs to me that I think may be of interest. but of course I understand that there are many people who are there because of their language and who are there watching to see what

    It is cooked Not necessarily who learns Basque and then to study to learn Basque Many things are done, luckily there is an association that also has subsidies. of government and such that is called echepare that they are dedicated to promoting learning

    Of Basque throughout the world So in certain universities in the world there is the chepar chair which is a Basque chair and there they go bu what in English is called reader bu I don’t know in Spanish

    What would it be like, are these teachers who go to a university to teach a language? Yes, I think that in English Well, in Spanish, I think it’s a reader, it’s also not worth it. I don’t know, well, clearly read that.

    It’s reading in Spanish, reader because that’s what he does, that is, he lets go of his stuff and leaves. No, but in this case no because it is about teaching languages ​​so very Dynamic I spoke yes typical university classes So what this organization does is good that first it has to close in

    Different universities and then you enter the competition and for example now I know a boy my people who are studying teaching Basque at the UNAM in Mexico City and so it is something that It’s very cool because people are like me, I know I did French as an elective at university.

    Italian and suddenly he has his imagine Well a Loc and then also something else there that I am working for them, and in the United States there is the organization that It is North American bask organization that what they have done is unite all the Basque centers

    So there, many of all the Basque immigration that existed in Latin America, there is also a barbarity in Argentina Chile many And then what they have done has been coordinating supposedly only from North America would be Mexico, the United States and Canada, but I know

    Who also work with Argentina at least. So what they did was like uniting all These organizations do not unite them, coordinate them and offer you Basque classes both in these centers like online So that’s great because if you’re in Minnesota or Buenos Aires or whatever

    Whatever, you have the option of learning Basque, which is almost always usually someone who is a descendant or that you are going to move there or that you like it, well, whatever it is that you like, I say that it is the Basque country.

    Well, because of the music, that is also a classic or whatever, so that is another option and I think In Japan there is also one or I don’t know the center, the Basque centers have done a lot.

    For the dissemination of lqua and Basque culture and well that is on an external level that I know and then at an internal level, obviously in the Basque country, we have the uscal tgis that are specialized academies to teach Basque, many of which also mix it with activities

    Cultural excursions and such is the language school. I understand that it is at the level as a national I don t think it depends more on the spanish government s than that so As who is going to Study English in the afternoons Well, study Eus and you can get the qualifications, that’s it.

    Less culture, this is not more for, let’s say, it has a more Good approach to preparing for a level exam from de leng and that’s it from my point of view it is less exciting and then if you go to the

    Basque country and you have plenty of free time. Well, it is recommended that the varnishes are like boarding schools where you go and you have a whole program, that is, there you sleep, you eat, you do everything, then

    In the mornings you have class, in the afternoons there are cultural activities and on weekends there are excursions that could be the town festivities or going to I don’t know which Monte, going to an AIDS, that is, they are

    Top excursions are so that you have a good time and people learn so of course the investment total total and it is also usually in towns where people speak Eusque mostly it is not the typical

    That you can go there to ask for a must and and they will only know Spanish. I mean no and And that I know many Basque Americans who did that was to finish university were caught for a few months

    With their savings they were there and they talk now that it’s scary or outrageous how well they talk incredible Yes and well And this summer Sorn Cha’s has a 50% discount I’ll leave it there what else

    You want this you will see it after the summer Well what a shame to look at next summer but to the point What you get is better than paying the rent and food for an apartment, it’s crazy, it’s fine for

    Finish and as always I ask a favorite word or words or expression expressions that you have in Basque there is a word whose translation is in Spanish that Not everyone understands it, so I don’t know if it’s Basque Castilian or Northern Castilian or Castilian Castilian.

    I say it and you tell me if it has something for you. You have also seen it in the Basque country. So you may have it Yes, influenced a little, there is a word called ganora baco vaca, which means s in Biscayan.

    And win is what in my Spanish is fuste having fuste makes sense you know what to have to see I can I can try to imagine what it means or doesn’t mean to be hard on someone.

    No no That is, for example, a synonym but it is also part of this Spanish that I don’t know If it’s going to be understood it’s without sorghum it sounds like something to you without sorghum it sounds like someone to me eh How would I say

    Someone too simple not too lacking blood Not that like the Andalusian version I think here we don’t care if we lack blood but it is like both winning abacus and not having shaft is

    How is it so complicated, okay, I know what’s going on, imagine, something occurs to me, you’re going to make a international flight you go to Japan and you leave your passport at home that is a goraco like from A

    Where it goes it’s inort it’s what inort inort in the north I don’t know how to spell it because obviously Let’s see Andalusian but the expression would be to be ortado, it is worth being in babia and Yes, that is, having

    Flat instead of blood not the same it’s like very grandma eh but it’s one there is an expression When you said, Yes, there is an Andalusian way, I know there is one, but I don’t have it here.

    The typical thing about I have it in my language is that there is one but it doesn’t come out [ __ ] well This I put a beep on it then there is one but I don’t get s cu let’s see if it comes I’ll tell you later Yes

    Ok, what better thing is there is another one that is already typical, the travelers’ favorite word that I already said. in another video then a little repetitive because it is the one that always occurs to me that it is her miña se

    Translates as good in Galician yes morriña no yes Then herry is town and miña is pain that you Your town hurts when you miss nostalgia, nostalgia in the sense not of the past but of your people of your origins, we were talking before about the characteristics of the Eus quera no

    Curious things about the language and so on and something that really catches my attention is this topic Of the meanings, no, before we talked about names having meaning, okay, but There are many words in Basque quera que que at the time, that is, words that we say in Spanish that at the time.

    Converting them into Basque we take them as translations because that would be the way to say it in Basque but the literal translation would be other not for example in Spanish we have eh give birth or parir but in

    Eusa in eusa is herdu which is dividing in two in half if that only gives me pain pronouncing it at the same time is nice not because it is like a part of you but they are like very Metaphorical, I like the ones that are darker, for example, the moon is the light.

    Of the dead cemetery it is said to be a town of the dead a little gothic it is not from the period emo But well there are also prettier hearts, they say B, which is twos, which are two noises like for the

    Pum pum not because of the acid And what else the classic to say in love you say mauta that it is like wounded by super love how beautiful we have many so to stop grandma it may be that well

    Is she also a grandmother or not? I don’t know. I translate it as the double mother, but I don’t know if she will be okay. ama is mother and grandmother Of course in Vizca it is amama and then from the center to the right it is amuna

    Or amona in naar So I don’t know for M it’s like the double or father who is thinking Maybe it was something else, what I remember, no longer super cool, the light of the dead

    Moon was there I don’t know how to talk anymore of course we haven’t talked but because maybe today it wasn’t playing as much Basque mythology that also exists, of course, we’ll get into it another day, we’ll make a video about Elusa.

    As such the language mythology and other perfect that of these 10 minutes that I spoke before that is little more condensed but more focused exo to explain the concepts traditions seems like a world Okay, well, for me, we can leave it here today, okay, I loved that you came, the truth is that

    We really enjoyed it, I don’t know how long we spent, I think it was the interview. longer until now I’m sorry I thought about it J bad I felt bad for you no I’m here I’m super

    I like what I say Here it is totally cloudy here it is like God Ah well like here in fact Well I have this is always dark because since the light here changes so much in the end I say it’s better that way I control the light

    And if it’s not crazy then for the edition and so on. Thank you very much for coming, it has been It has been a pleasure to have you. It has been a pleasure for everything we have learned and for you. I hope

    That you like the video and that you share it there and we will see you in the next one like this [Music] eso and When I come home  at Night everything isover


    1. Feliz año nuevo a todos! 🥳
      Empezamos la nueva temporada con una entrevista muy pero que muy interesante. ¿Sabíais tantas cosas sobre el euskera y su cultura? ¡Os leo en los comentarios! ¡Espero que disfrutéis con esta entrevista al menos la mitad que yo haciéndola. 🤗

    2. ¡Qué increíble rompecabezas! Acabo de escuchar esta crónica con mucho interés. Si lo miro del punto de vista de los idiomas, materia que me ve bastante desenterada y lo comparo con lo que conozco de la Genética, he de decir que hay cosas que se me escapan. A partir de los famosos estudios de la Universidad de Oxford, el ADN mitocondrial de los Vascos sería más europeo que el de los europeos, perteneciendo mayoritariamente al "Clan Helena" que originó hace 20.000 años entre los valles del Dordoña y Vezere en el sur-centro de la actual Francia; la principal peculiaridad es que entre los Vascos, es más extraño que en ningún otro grupo europeo, encontrar descendientes del "Clan de Jazmín" que se originó en Siria y que de toda forma apenas alcanza un 12% del aporte genético en las poblaciones europeas. Parecería que los Vascos no se diferencian de otras poblaciones ibéricas" aunque componen un grupo "homogéneo" y "genéticamente distinto" por ser una población relativamente aislada. Hace algun tiempo me topé con un video ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFVbbGTOwOc ) y allí también encontré explicaciones lo suficientemente interesantes. Según el lingüista catalán Eduardo Blasco Ferrer, en el centro de la isla de Cerdeña, por su mayor aislamiento, se conservan topónimos prerromanos que presentan gran similitud con topónimos del preprotovasco desarrollado por Lakarra , que en algunas zonas superan el 40% de los topónimos, llegando a la sorprendente conclusión que Cerdeña fue colonizada en tiempos mesolíticos (8.000 – 5.000 a.C.) por gentes de habla preprotovasca; el lingüista Koldo Mitxelena también desarrolló a través de la reconstrucción lingüística del protovasco, una comparación con que se dio cuenta de las similitudes con la lengua Sarda, sin tomar en cuenta el parentesco genético: Todo el mundo está estudia que te estudia, aunque creo que finalmente no tendremos una respuesta univoca. La verdad es que más cosas se me aclaran, más encuentro por aclarar… Me encantaría escuchar más crónicas como ésta. Les deseo un feliz y próspero nuevo año, lleno de crónicas cada vez más interesantes

    3. Una magnífica entrevista, por ambas partes. Eukene, muchas gracias por toda la información, por explicar tan bien y con tanta naturalidad. Tú explicación del sistema Ergativo-Absolutivo y de las diferencias entre este y el Nominativo-Acusativo es la más clara que he escuchado/leído en mi vida, y llevo desde los años 80 en esto. Me ha encantado cómo has presentado las principales características del euskera y destruido el mito de la dificultad de su aprendizaje. Este vídeo debería enseñarse en las escuelas. Por cierto, yo diría que un ganorabako es un insustancial, pero es posible que esta también sea una expresión vasco-española. ¿Quizá "lerdo"? Un abrazo a ambos 🫂🫂. Besarkada bana (un abrazo a cada uno☝🏻).

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