Day 2 on this winter ride south, I woke up wet, rode wet and stayed wet until I found a nice little Inn that answered all my prayers at once..

    This one might have been wet, but it was fun..

    A lot learnt in the first 24 hours for sure..

    Still a lot to learn on YouTube though.

    Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
    License code: 9E6HNMAWF5HYWEBJ
    License code: O9KYPTGVTFJ2XXXG
    License code: MXPCFZTDNIOEHABV

    Welcome back to my channel and also thanks for basically watching this video or clicking on the video um let me know what you think about these videos please give me some feedback if you want me to do anything different or differently if there’s more kind of stuff you would

    Like to see please let me know this particular Journey started in Harriet where I was camping in a field with some sheep who were very curious about me at first and then I think they just thought crazy man anyway so when I when I did

    Wake up I was soaked it was a really rough night hardly got any sleep all the wind and rain was just blowing straight into the top and basically I just got soaked really so I was wet for the whole day it was raining all day as well so it

    Was quite some day I met some cool sheep though um on this journey and also met Bob stagen as well who was on The Voice um who you will find out more about later um but yeah this was just a really wet miserable day but it ended awesomely

    Um so this is the video um I ended up in a place called denim but you’ll find out for yourself thanks for watching [Applause] Enjoy Right just putting my Camp down as you can see I don’t if you can see the sheep in the background sun rising just over there my Camp being dismantled as we speak it’s pretty rough night actually it’s pretty wet windy and bivian I’m just got a bivian

    Uh top so it’s just like yeah that was in interesting night to say the least but I did manag to get warm in the end and uh sleep in the end so that’s cool so now I’m just getting up getting my together get the out I’ve

    Got a wet feet which is great good start it’s always good to wake you up it’s wet feet wet socks wet Feet He I just found a place to get some coffee and um and something to eat and also charge my stuff up cuz a lot of my stuff died last night um it was just so miserable that I just didn’t want to get into bags and stuff and plus also look

    At this look that just all split the GED it’s cuz I lent it against the wall so anyway I’m going to get a coffee some food and charge some stuff up this is a lot hard I will be um but it’s start so it will get easier

    As I get used to it like the first few days is going to be conditioning myself to this sort of stuff so it will get easier I think two or 3 days in May but I’m just having some luxuries at The this is dead so but did leave it out in the cold last night wet and Rain everything got soaked so I’m here at the moment just uh charging some stuff up the important bits really and then uh yeah have to set up soon it’s going to be dark soon

    Otherwise I’m just going to have to ride through the night simple as that last night was a bit sort of grim um but you learned so much I mean I’ve learned loads uh just in the one night and where what I need where I need it you know what I mean

    Because you just don’t realize it until you’re out there I’m a bit gutted about this to be honest but anyway that’s all part of it is it you know um could be a hell of a lot worse what’s happening everybody right I’m on a bridge right

    Now I don’t know exactly where I am to be honest I never really do I’m wet through to the skin um there’s nothing on me now that’s dry really so I’m just going to accept the fact I’m going to be wet and cold all the time um so once you accepted did that

    Then everything else is easy hey well it’s pissing down yay it could well be pissing down for the whole journey actually so I might as well get used to it everything is wet from last night because my ad admin was terrible um and it was just so wet

    Everything just got wet I just there’s not much I could really do really cuz everything was so wet but everything today is wet so instead of you know like being uncomfortable um in a bush somewhere I thought I just might as well just keep riding cuz

    Yesterday it took me so long to actually get to sleep I might as well have just been riding through the night you know um by the time I went to sleep and woke up I had to you know to get back on the road again so anyway um yeah this is all

    Good Ling life look made some friends how you doing very curious animals sheep had curious cows and curious sheep I’m doing a vlog you’re famous you guys are famous now you famous yeah see it’s not that bad being a sheep is it look I think I’m a farmer see I can speak sheep

    Part of the Sheeple Sheeple power this is actually going CL walking up the hill with these guys I’ll tell you one thing I’ve definitely woken up the warrior that was kind of like my uh my goal to wake up the warrior hello now my feet are so wet ridiculous

    Yeah my feet are really really wet like literally swimming so as soon as I find a bus stop I’m going to stop for a bit cook some food I’m going to take my shoes off take my socks off and I might even cycle in

    My in my lunar sandals cuz I find if my feet are already wet and cold it doesn’t really matter if they’re out you know I’d prefer them to be out cuz then they breathe in the shoes they just soak up the water whereas outside you know I

    Feel like my my skin will be more waterproof so that’s what I’m going to do I’m hoping there’s a town soon I haven’t seen any civilization in ages it’s getting quite dark I don’t mind riding in the dark but I really need to eat uh and I really need to take these

    Shoes off so dire situation the Sun is setting and my feet are falling to bits right I found somewhere suitable to uh stay I’m at the old Cross Keys in the way the way I’m going it’s going to take me like a month to get back to London

    Cuz I keep on stopping but um anyway it’s only the first few days so it’s really about climatizing to the uh to the weather and stuff like that so uh yeah I think I think I’ve climatized actually I just need to dry everything cuz everything’s wet like everything so if I

    Get a room I can just sort of dry everything off and then tomorrow get packed and go again you know so yeah anyway here I am at the old Cross Keys in in um in uh what’s this place getting in denim in denim yeah that’s it look at

    This I’m going to have a bath yeah I am how cool is that anyway that’s what it’s all about man traveling you know on the bike get wet but then you have all this to enjoy right and enjoy this much more it’s only like 4:00 and I’m going to have dinner

    At halfast 4 just going to chill out like Buy holiday this is great let going to go get my bags um everything you see in hang up at the moment was soaking wet so I’m using the heater I’m using the cupboard I’m using the cupboard doors I’m using the bathroom door I’m

    Using the bath but this stuff on the bed is dry so stuff that’s my dry stuff so that is basically like dry no matter what happens you I only use that when I stop get out my wet gear get into the dry gear when I’m in somewhere like a

    House or a hotel or whatever you know um but everything else you see can get wet and it did got wet pretty quick yesterday in that field I got soaked and there’s my sleeping bag there on the door which I’ll get out soon anyway that’s it

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