Reviewing the .22 magnum Remington uk edition

    I’m going to give you a quick review of my Remington 5 and 97 it is chambered in 22 magnum which in my opinion is that much better than the 22 for the longer ranges and bigger pests here in the UK this is going to be the biggest semi-auto rifle that you can

    Own it is 22 magnum comes in a I think I can get six in this little magazine yeah and to be honest you see for going out hunting or going on the Range I quite enjoy it at 100 m she can do decent enough little groups I’m not 100% sure

    If it was really made for doing any type of competition work like that also on my license I can use this for foxing um yeah all environment control in my opinion I quite like it the round of choice that I use for the round in the

    Five I’ve tested a few different RS some RS it doesn’t like it won’t cycle or it won’t reset the trigger what I found to be the best round for this particular one the 22 magnum is the maxim mag CCI it’s a haunting r as well it is the verint

    Control and yeah it’s 40 Grand it’s going 1,00 ft per second I quite like it it’s very reliable in the gun and for the 100 met that I usually use this gun for it can do very good grips there was a few other rounds that I used the

    Hornady I I wasn’t fond of it at all the gun did not like it it just you might get about two or three shots off and then she would not cyle

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