THE Real Full Monty’s Ashley Cain got another woman pregnant after standing at his daughter’s grave and asking her grieving mum Safiyya Vorajee: “Can we have another baby?”

    The couple had discussed having a child together before they separated, while struggling with grief after losing Azaylia to cancer in April 2021.

    Yet now Ashley has said he is having a baby boy next month with a friend he has known since he was 18.

    It has shattered Safiyya’s dream of them having a family together.

    In a heartbreaking interview with The Sun on Sunday, Safiyya, 36, says: “I don’t know why he would ask to have another baby with me knowing he’s sleeping with someone else.

    “When he asked me, it was the moment I’d been waiting for.

    “I sighed with relief that we could reunite and have a family again. It was at Azaylia’s garden, in front of our daughter, such a precious, safe space for us.

    “He said, ‘I don’t want another baby with another woman’, and asked if we could have one together.

    “I couldn’t speak, the tears were rolling down my face.

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    Ashley asked me to have a baby with him when we was both down at aelia’s Garden and to here them words come out of his mouth was the sign of relief to think that we could possibly reunite and become a family again but in that same conversation didn’t

    Come with the news of shall we get back together and have a child how did you feel when he told you that he was going to have a baby with somebody else and knowing that that was baby was conceived within weeks of him asking you if you’d

    Like to have a baby with him finding Ashley was going to have a baby with somebody else was like a hurricane that hit me I was winded and I was taken by surprise and shock I absolutely thought Ashley would come back to me having a family as a

    Unit again was something that I conversated with Ashley about when we was together I was ready to start again with him by my side to welcome another child into this world and be the United family together to make aelia proud to so she could watch down on us and she could cheer us

    On I couldn’t do it like it actually pained me to even think that I would have to tell her that she’s having another sibling but it’s not from Mommy is I’m sorry I’m trying to keep myself together to try and explain that to my daughter is is so

    Alien that I just couldn’t do it and I’ve not been able to congratulate Ashley I’ve not been able to tell my daughter that she has another siblin because I can’t even find the strength and the layers within me to dig deep to have that conversation the evening where the news

    Broke I was going in to present an award at the nbcc now walking into a room with over a thousand people when this news has just dropped I had to layer up with armor I layered up with strength and I carried the resilience that my daughter had given to me me I’m

    Feeling like I’m trapped in my body like I’m I’m sad I’m upset I’m disappointed I’m let down I’m now feeling like embarrassed publicly and I know I shouldn’t be and I know that my foll is holding me together now I never thought in a million years that I would be S speaking

    Here however the news got loud then it got loud louder then it got louder then there was live TV then there was live then there was interviews on different channels and I just felt like I was thinkinking I am grieving all over again and although I didn’t communicate because I just believed I

    Didn’t communicate it because I just thought coming to me and asking me can we have another child together was a step closer was a step closer to us coming back together maybe that’s my bad but my dreams are just shattered I have my nephew nephews my goddaughter who I love so ches

    Me I love them so much I find it difficult playing and engaging in so many activities with them because aselia should be with Noah playing with her cousin at Christmas isia should be best friends with Luna who’s my god daughter me and her mom my best friends you know these

    Are things that should be happening I’m unable to deliver what I would love to deliver so being able to face see Asia’s sibling being able to engage right now I don’t see that possibility as a woman I’ve got so many layers of strength but this one just cits tap it too much


    1. You know Ashley probably watched this interview in anger, angry that she was truthful instead of protecting his image. This new child isn’t even born and he’s done every interview possible talking about the new baby and the health conditions they may have when born. He’s going to use this new child as a new money making opportunity. Sick man

    2. I mean no disrespect here but Ashley has moved on. They’re not together anymore and he doesn’t need to stay or go back to Saf just because they had Azalia. Ashley has found peace, moved on, met someone else and is having another child with someone else which is a beautiful thing. All I see here is an ex trying to guilt trip somebody. Move on and let your ex partner live his life.

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