Every European Country Explained in 27 Minutes.

    0:00 Russia
    0:29 Turkey
    0:56 Germany
    1:26 France
    1:53 United Kingdom (UK)
    2:27 Italy
    2:56 Spain
    3:26 Ukraine
    3:52 Poland
    4:28 Kazakhstan
    5:05 Romania
    5:46 Netherlands
    6:25 Belgium
    7:01 Greece
    7:35 Czech Republic
    8:06 Sweden
    8:39 Portugal
    9:14 Azerbaijan
    9:50 Hungary
    10:24 Belarus
    10:54 Austria
    11:30 Switzerland
    11:58 Serbia
    12:26 Bulgaria
    12:57 Denmark
    13:33 Finland
    14:05 Norway
    14:32 Slovakia
    15:03 Ireland
    15:37 Croatia
    16:02 Georgia
    16:34 Bosnia and Herzegovina
    17:04 Armenia
    17:32 Lithuania
    18:05 Albania
    18:36 Moldova
    19:06 Slovenia
    19:43 North Macedonia
    20:16 Latvia
    20:45 Kosovo
    21:17 Estonia
    21:48 Cyprus
    22:21 Luxembourg
    22:53 Montenegro
    23:27 Malta
    24:00 Iceland
    24:35 Andorra
    25:06 Liechtenstein
    25:43 Monaco
    26:17 San Marino
    26:48 Vatican City

    This is a very surface level explanation with a general overview, and some of the information could be wrong or semi incomplete.

    The goal of this video is to spark curiosity and give a brief overview. do your own research.

    This video explains the classical definitions, they might be different from what these ideologies stand for in modern times.

    — SOURCES —

    Russia the world’s largest country straddling Europe and Asia has a stored history from the medieval roofs to Soviet Empires culminating in what we now know as modern Russia the cultural tapestry showcases tolstoy’s epic literature chovsky Symphonies and a deep rooted appreciation for ballet Russians are often known as resilient stoic with

    A love for saas vodka and their strange dolls Famous Foods include bourch pelmeni and bini notable landmarks include the iconic Red Square in Kremlin the colorful domes of St Basil’s Cathedral and the Trans Siberian Railway turkey a nation bridging two continents that has a rich history spanning from

    The ancient civilizations of Troy and Byzantine to the Ottoman Empire and the modern Republic Turks are often seen as passionate hospitable and with a fondness for tea that Rivals any Global Obsession Famous Foods include kebabs baklava and the breakfast spread of cimit and white cheese notable landmarks

    Include the ancient city of Ephesus the fairy tale Landscapes of capadia and the stunning Landscapes of pum Germany a nation steeped in history and cultural richness has evolved from the Holy Roman Empire Prussian monarchy and into what we now know today following World War II Germans are often characterized as

    Efficient disciplined and levers of precision reflecting the country’s renowned engineering abilities Germans are known for their love of sausages pretzels and schnitzel helping them build notable landmarks including the historic brenberg gate no fonstein castle and the Cologne Cathedral and remember just because they’re German doesn’t mean they dress like this France

    From its medieval Origins and Renaissance to the French Revolution and Beyond France has been a cradle of art philosophy and political ideals the French were often associated with romance fashion and a love for wine and cheese but when it comes to food be sure to try iconic dishes such as coov

    Escargo and pastries but avoid the snails France’s most iconic landmarks include the Eiffel Tower the nraam cathedral and the Palace of Versailles but just ignore the millions of corpses buried underneath Paris the United Kingdom one of the world’s oldest Empires and home to literary giants like Shakespeare Dickens and rolling the UK

    Has been a hub for artistic and intellectual Innovation stereotypically the British are often seen as rude reserved and T enthusiasts embodying a certain sense of traditionalism British food is known to be quite terrible featuring iconic dishes such as fish and chips roast dinners and afternoon te notable landmarks include the historic

    Tower of London The Majestic buckingam Palace and the prehistoric ston hedge but just be careful walking around London because some people will try and steal everything that you own Italy with the history that spans from the ancient Roman Empire through the Renaissance and into what we know today its cultural

    Contributions include masterpieces by Michelangelo Leonardo da Vinci and Dante reflecting a legacy of art literature and philosophy stereotypically Italians are characterized as passionate family oriented and lovers of good food and fashion iconic Italian dishes include pasta pizza gelato and espresso notable landmarks include the Coliseum the leaning tower of pizza and the artfil

    City of Florence Spain a country with a rich and varied history has been shaped by divers iverse influences including moris rule the Reconquista the era of exploration and works of artists like Goya and Picasso stereotypically Spaniards are often associated with a siesta lifestyle warmth and a pungent for lively celebrations spanish cuisine

    Marked by Pella Tapas and flavorful chizo reflects a Mediterranean culinary tradition celebrated worldwide notable landmarks include the historic alhamra the vibrant Park Gil and the iconic Plaza mayor Ukraine situated at the crossroads of Eastern Europe Ukraine has a complex history that includes the medieval Kian Rose periods of foreign

    Domination and Soviet rule before gaining independence in 1991 stereotypically ukrainians are often perceived as resilient hospitable and proud of their cultural identity Ukrainian Cuisine features famous dishes like bourch and Veri with notable landmarks including the St Sophia’s Cathedral the historic city of Lil and the Carpathian Mountains Poland with a

    History marked by resilience and a rich cultural heritage has faced periods of conquest and partition yet emerged as a sovereign Nation from the medieval pios Dynasty to the solidarity movement that played a crucial role in ending communist rule Poland has demonstrated a steadfast commitment to its national identity pools are often perceived as

    Hardworking welcoming and proud of their history but they’re most known for their love of progis kabasa and Hardy soups like Zurich notable landmarks include the historic vaval Castle the oswit museum and the reconstructed Old Town of Warsaw and if Germany says nothing’s going to happen to Poland it’s probably

    Time to prepare for war Kazakhstan the world’s largest landlock country has a history intertwined with the nomadic cultures of the central European steps followed by the Mongol and turkic influences and later a period as a part of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union its diverse culture is shaped by

    The coexistence of various ethnic groups embodying a fusion of traditional khaak customs and Soviet legacies kha’zix are often depicted as proud and hospitable khaak Cuisine is known for dishes such as boiled meat with pasta and plav drawing from nomadic and turkic culinary Traditions notable landmarks include the

    Chair and can molum of Kaja ammed yawi oh and who can forget the most famous person of this country Romania a nation nestled in the heart of Eastern Europe boasts a history shaped by the dashans Romans byzantines and later the medieval principality of wtia and Transylvania its cultural tapestry is woven with

    Influences from Ottoman and austr Hungarian umpires evident in architecture folklore and traditions Romanians are often seen as hospitable resilient and deeply connected to their rural Roots Romanian Cuisine includes cornmeal porridge cabbage rules and grilled sausages reflecting a blend of Balkan Hungarian and Turkish culinary elements notable landmarks include the

    Stunning castles of bran and Pelle the painted monasteries of bukovina and the medieval town of cibu but remember just because someone’s Romanian doesn’t make them a thief the Netherlands with the history marked by Maritime press and artistic achievements has evolved from the Dutch golden age when it was a

    Global trading power to a modern constitutional monarchy Dutch culture is characterized by commitment to tolerance evidence in its liberal social policies and diverse Society the Dutch are often seen as tall pragmatic and fond of cycling with a reputation for direct communication Dutch Cuisine while not as internationally renowned as some

    Features Comfort foods such as stoop waffles bages and cheese n landmarks include the historic an Frank house the iconic windmills and the medieval town of utr but most notably the Netherlands is best known for its red light districts and magical fun plants Belgium situated at the crossroads of Western

    Europe as a history marked by the medieval duy of burgundy Spanish and Austrian Rule and its role as a battlefield in both world wars its unique cultural identity reflects a blend of French and Dutch influences evident in its dual language regions belgians are often characterized as diplomatic chocolate loving and

    Afficionados of beer Belgian Cuisine is celebrated for its waffles chocolates and a diverse array of beer Styles Belgium’s most iconic landmarks include the Grand Palace and Brussels the medieval belfrey of Bruges and the atomium and just because belgians are bullied by the French and Dutch doesn’t mean they’re actually dumb Greece an

    Ancient civilization with a legacy that’s contributed to the foundations of Western culture from the classical era when philosophers like Socrates and Aristotle flourished to the Byzantine Empire and the enduring influence of Greek mythology the country’s history is a tapestry of intellectual artistic and political achievements Greeks are associated with a warm Hospitality a

    Zest for life and a strong sense of family Greek cuisine is known for its love of Olives feta cheese musaka and suaki notable landmarks include the ancient ruins of the Acropolis the historic City of Olympia and the stunning sorini with the iconic whitewashed buildings the Czech Republic formerly part of Czechoslovakia has a

    History that spans from the medieval Kingdom of bohemia to The Velvet Revolution marking its transition from communism to democracy Czech culture is deeply rooted in literature music and film where checks are often perceived as reserved beer-loving and possessing a dry sense of humor creating dishes like goulash marinated beef and sweet

    Pastries notable landmarks include the historic Prague Castle the iconic Charles bridge and the astronomical clock in the Oldtown square and if you love what night stands then Prague is the place for you Sweden with a history that includes the Viking age the influential Calmar Union and a modern

    Era marked by neutrality and conflicts boasts a cultural heritage rooted in literature design and social welfare Swedish culture is synonymous with a commitment to equality environmental sustainability and Innovation swedes are often seen as reserved egalitarian and lovers of nature Swedish Cuisine while less internationally renowned features tradition dishes such as meatballs grav

    Loocks and cinnamon buns notable landmarks include Stockholm’s Royal Palace the historic gas Stan and the Vasa Museum but their best innovation of all Ikea Portugal with the history shaped by Maritime exploration during the age of Discovery has transitioned from a powerful seafan Empire to a modern European nation Portuguese

    Culture is deeply rooted in F music intricate AO tiles and the literary works of pooa and saram Mago the Portuguese are often characterized as warm laid-back and passionate about football when where their Cuisine is renowned for dishes like salted cod pastel daata and port wine notable landmarks include Lisbon’s historic

    Bellum Tower the pitures town of cintra and Porto Dom Luis bridge and remember if you really want to make them angry remind them that Messi is better than Ronaldo aeran situated at the crossroads of Eastern Europe and Western Asia has a history marked by Persian Russian and ottoman influences becoming an

    Independent nation in 1918 before being conquered by the Soviets and finally regaining Independence in 1991 its cultural t pestry includes the intricate art of carpet weaving mahim music and the legacy of medieval poets like naami Gabi AER Banis are often seen as hospitable proud of their cultural heritage and Avid tea drinkers where

    Their Cuisine is celebrated for dishes like plav dlma and baklava with famous landmarks including the flame Towers in Baku the ancient city of shaki and the gobustan rock art cultural landscape Hungary with a history shaped by the magar Mongols Ottoman and hasberg Empires has evolved into a modern European nation Hungarian culture is

    Characterized by a rich tradition of folk music dance and literature including the works of poets like sander pofi and the composer fron list hungarians are often seen as passionate proud of their unique language and fond of spicy food Hungarian Cuisines celebrated for dishes like goulash paprika chicken and chimney cake

    Reflects a flavorful central European Heritage with some of their most iconic landmarks including the Buddha castle the thermal baths and the Charming town of Edgar with its medieval castle Belarus often referred to as Europe’s last dictatorship has a history deeply intertwined with its larger neighbors experiencing periods of Lithuanian

    Polish Russian and Soviet rule before gaining independence in 1991 it’s culture reflects a blend of Eastern Slavic traditions where belarusians are often depicted as reserved stoic and proud of their cultural heritage with Belarusian Cuisine known for dishes like potato pancakes and pork stew notable landmarks include the Mir Castle complex

    And the Stalin line which doesn’t help their image of being a dictatorship Austria with a history entwined with the hosur Empire and a cultural Legacy enriched by figures like mosart Beethoven and Freud has evolved into a modern European nation Austrian culture is characterized by a deep appreciation for classical music art and the

    Architectural Elegance of cities like Vienna and salsburg austrians are often seen as courteous with a love for outdoor activities and their famous Cuisines were now for dishes like Wier schnitzel sasher tort and apple strudel some of their iconic landmarks include Vienna’s Shan Bran Castle the classical architecture of the belad palace and the

    Breathtaking Austrian elves which a certain individual tried painting before being rejected from art school and starting World War II Switzerland nestled in the heart of Europe has a history marked by neutrality diplomacy and a commitment to federalism its Rich cultural tapestry is shaped by a fusion of German French Italian and romanish

    Influences evident in its multilingual Society the Swiss are often perceived as punctual precise entitled and lovers of chocolate cheese and watches Swiss Cuisine is celebrated for dishes like fondue raclet and rosty with notable landmarks including the iconic matter Horn Peak the medieval shilian castle and the financial Hub of Zurich Serbia

    Situated at the crossroads of Central and Southeast Europe has a history shaped by the Byzantine Ottoman and austr Hungarian Empires as well as its role in former Yugoslavia serbians are often characterized as passionate resilient and with a strong sense of national pride with famous Cuisine like raed minced meat stuffed cabbage rolls

    And pepper based condiments some of Serbia’s most iconic landmarks include belgrad’s imposing calegan Fortress the medieval stenia Monastery and the stunning deulia veros rock formations Bulgaria with the history spanning from from the ancient thran civilization through the Byzantine and ottoman Empires to its modern era as a cultural

    Heritage marked by its SRC alphabet traditional folk music and works of the literary figures like Ivan Vaso bulgarians are often seen as hospitable proud of their roses or yogurt and have a deep connection to traditional dance and music Bulgarian Cuisine is famous for their pastry with cheese slow cooked

    Meat and vegetables and shopska salad notable landmarks include the reala monastery the ancient city of PIV and the stunning rock formations of belgrad kayik Denmark the land of of Lego boasts a history that reads like a fairy tale complete with Vikings Whimsical tales and a constitutional monarchy that’s

    More chilled than a royal drama the cultural Vibe is all about coziness and bike rides with Dan embodying the concept of Huga Danes are often seen as tall blonde and always ready with a friendly smile in the realm of food there’s sorb frad flu and the obsession with licorice notable landmarks include

    Copenhagen’s Neen Harbor the historic Rosenberg castle and its beautiful landscapes and a weird thing about Denmark is there’s also a place called where you can get anything illegal and they also leave their babies alone outside in the cold Finland the history marked by Swedish and Russian rule before gaining independence in 1917

    Finland has developed into a modern Nordic Nation with a unique cultural identity fins are often portrayed as introverted honest and lovers of Nature’s and saas while hating the Russians famous landmarks include the historic hinki Fortress the iconic sabellius monument and the stunning natural landscapes of the Finnish Lakeland but guess what probably the

    Strangest thing of all is Finland has has something called Wife Carrying championships where men navigate an obstacle course with their wives slung over their shoulders Norway with a history marked by Viking Explorations the Calmar Union and later a peaceful desolation of the union with Sweden in 1905 has evolved into a prosperous and

    Socially Progressive Nordic Nation Norwegians are often seen as reserved nature-loving and with a dry sense of humor while their Cuisine is celebrated for dishes like fermented fish dried fish and traditional bread notable landmarks include the stunning fjords the historic Stave Tre churches and the modernist architecture of oslo’s Opera

    House Slovakia with the history intertwined with the Hungarian and hburg Empires and later Czechoslovakia before gaining independence in 1993 has developed a unique cultural identity Slovak culture is marked by traditional folk music and dances like the chadash slovaks are often portrayed as cold proud of their National traditions and

    With a fondness for Hardy food as for their Cuisine they’re famous for things like potato dumplings with sheep cheese cabbage soup and potato pancakes with notable landmarks including the medieval spiss castle the Charming town of bov and the high tatras mountain range Ireland with a history marked by Celtic

    Traditions Viking invasian and English colonization has developed a rich cultural tapestry Irish culture is characterized by its folk music dance and literary contributions including the works of poets like WB yeets and James Joyce the Irish are often portrayed as friendly quick-witted and with a love for storytelling and traditional music

    Irish Cuisine while evolving includes iconic dishes like Irish stew call Cannon and soda bread notable landmarks include the historic Rock of caselle the Cliffs of Maher and Dublin’s Trinity College and if you happen to be a British royal you probably won’t be welcome here Croatia with a history marked by Roman Byzantine Venetian

    Ottoman and austr Hungarian influences emerged as an independent nation in 1991 Creations are often seen as passionate welcoming and with a love for soccer creation Cuisine is celebrated for dishes like marinated beef baked meat and vegetables and the iconic Dalmatian ham notable landmarks include the plitz Lakes National Park the ancient Dian

    Palace in split and the historic town of Roven Georgia situated at the crossroads of Eastern Europe and Western Asia has a history shaped by Persian Byzantine Russian and Soviet domination before gaining independence in 1991 Georgian culture is marked by its unique alphabet polyphonic singing and traditional dance Georgians are often depicted as Lively

    Passionate and with a deep love for wine and feasting with their cine famous for renowned dishes like cheese filled bread dumplings and flavorful spice mixes notable l marks include the historic city of upis the pitous town of saahi and the gelot monastery Bosnia and herina nestled in the heart of the

    Balkans it has a complex history shaped by the yian Roman ottoman austr Hungarian and Yugoslav influences emerging from the dissolution of Yugoslavia in 1992 the country has a unique blend of cultures and traditions bosnians are often portrayed as resilient warm and with a deep sense of hospitality Bosnian Cuisine is

    Celebrated for dishes like kapi bu and dlma with notable landmarks including the historic Starry MOS the ottoman era basaria and the medieval town of Josh Armenia one of the world’s oldest civilizations has a history ruled by Persian Byzantine Ottoman and Soviet influences before getting Independence in 1991 Armenian culture is deeply

    Rooted in its distinctive alphabet and ancient Christian Traditions Armenians are often depicted as bread lovers proud of their Heritage and with a penchant for Hospitality with some of their most famous dishes being lavash dlma and kovats notable landmarks include the ancient Monastery of Gard Mount Ararat and the historical city of uren

    Lithuania with a history stretching from the medieval Grand duy of Lithuania through periods of Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth and Russian rule it regained independence in 1990 Lithuanian culture is characterized by its distinctive Baltic Traditions the enduring folklore of songs called C tartines and their unique wood carving Artistry lithuanians are often seen as

    Reserved pragmatic and with a strong connection to Nature with some of their most famous dishes being potato dumplings cold beet soup and potato pudding notable landmarks include vas’s historic Old Town the medieval chai Island castle and the hill of crosses Albania with a history shaped by Ayan Roman Byzantine Ottoman and communist

    Influences emerged as a Sovereign Nation in 1912 the cultural Mosaic is marked by traditional music unique polyphonic singing and a strong sense of hospitality albanians are often portrayed as fiercely proud with a pensant for feasts and a deep rooted concept of Bessa a code of honor Famous

    Foods include the savory pie called B K and to accompany every social Gathering notable landmarks include the town of zuro cter the ancient city of brrent and the vibrant Capital Toran malova situated at the crossroads of Eastern Europe has a history shaped by various Empires including the ottoman Russian

    And Romanians before becoming an independent nation in 1991 movan culture reflects a blend of Romanian and Slavic influences evident in its language traditions and folk music movans are often viewed as hospitable resilient and with a strong connection to Rural Life with some of the most famous Cuisines like cornmeal porridge stuffed cabage

    Rolls and pastries notable landmarks include the medieval Sosa Fortress the capriana monastery and the iconic milest Missy Winery slovania nestled in the heart of Europe boasts a history shaped by the medieval glory of the Holy Roman Empire hburg rule and its independent Spirit culminating and declaring independence from Yugoslavia in 1991 the

    Cultural tapestry showcases a blend of Slavic Germanic and Mediterranean influences expressed through traditional dances like Colo and distinctive folk music slovenians are often portrayed as pragmatic friendly and with an innate love for The Great Outdoors some of the most famous Foods include Patika rolled dough with various fillings and the

    Beloved PRM merka gibanica notable landmarks include Lake bled the Charming capital city lublana with its Dragon Bridge and the breathtaking skokan caves North Macedonia at the crossroads of the Balkans unfolds a history marked by Ottoman and Byzantine influences with a complex Journey towards independence in 1991 the cultural landscape is painted

    With the vibrant Hues of traditional Macedonian music intricate folk dances like the Oro and a language that stands Testament to the nation’s unique identity macedonians are often depicted as warm welcoming and fiercely proud of their Heritage with some of their Famous Foods including bean casserole pepper based condiments and their national dish

    Of flatbread with spiced meat notable landmarks include the orid the historic sculpture Fortress and the modern sculpture cityscape laia situated in the Baltic region has a history shaped by its medieval past Swedish and Russian Rule and a complex 20th century narrative involving the Baltic State struggle for Independence lafan culture

    Is characterized by its ancient Pagan and distinctive Coral singing Traditions latvians are often known to be reserved pragmatic and with a strong affinity for nature with their Cuisine being famous for things like grape peas with bacon sweet pie and bacon rolls with notable landmarks including the medial town of

    Ria the historic Tera castle and the pesque Goa National Park Kosovo located in the Balkans has a history marked by cultural influences including the yyan Roman Byzantine Ottoman and Yugoslav periods were following the kova war in 1999 and declared independence in 2008 the country’s culture reflects a blend of Albanian and Serbian Traditions

    Evident in its language music and religious Heritage kavars are often depicted as resilient familial and with a strong sense of identity some of the most famous dishes being FIA Sanda and baklava with notable landmarks including the granha monastery the patriarch of peek and the newborn Monument of Pristina Estonia situated in the Baltic

    Region has a history shaped by Swedish and Russian rule struggling for Independence before getting recognition in 1920 and again in 1991 Estonian cultures marked by its unique linguistic Roots Coral singing traditions and the technological advancements that earned it the nickname Estonia estonians are often portrayed as reserved techsavvy

    And with a strong connection to Nature with their Cuisine is famous for things like blood sausage M grains and kurd snacks notable landmarks include hallin’s well preserved medieval town the scenic leima National Park and the kumu art museum Cyprus situated in the Eastern Mediterranean has a history marked by ancient civilizations

    Including the Greeks Romans byzantines and Ottomans before becoming a British colony in 18 78 the island gained independence in 1960 yet its history remains intertwined with a complex issue of division between the Greek and Turkish communities cypriots are often portrayed as warm family oriented and with a pensent for leisurely outdoor

    Activities cypriate Cuisine is celebrated for dishes like musaka halumi cheese and suaki with notable landmarks including cuan the divided cap of nikosia and the stunning beaches of ayanapa Luxenberg nestled in Western Europe has a history shaped by its strategic position transitioning from a medieval Fortress to a Grand duy and an

    Influential player in the European Union the country’s culture reflects a blend of German and Roman influences evident in its multilingualism and Architectural Heritage luxembourgers are often known to be multilingual Cosmopolitan and with a strong work ethic some of their most famous Cuisine include smoked pork neck with broad beans and potato fritters

    With notable landmarks including the medieval Luxembourg City the grandal palace and the picturesque vianden Castle monegro situated along the adrionic sea has a history marked by Ayan V Venetian Ottoman and Yugoslav influences before gaining independence in 2006 monan culture is characterized by a blend of Slavic and Mediterranean

    Elements seen in its traditional music dance and the architectural Heritage of coastal towns like coder monans are often portrayed as proud hospitable and with a deep connection to their rugged landscape and some of their most famous Foods include dishes like smoked ham cornmeal and potato mash along with various seafood dishes notable landmarks

    Include the Bay of coder the ostrog monastery and the derer National Park Malta situated in the Mediterranean boasts a history dating back to ancient civilizations with influences from the phocians Romans Arabs Normans kns of St John and the British the maltes culture reflects a Rich Blend of Mediterranean

    And European elements seen in its traditional festas language and unique architectural Heritage the maltes are known to be warm family oriented and with a deep sense of pride in their history with some of their most famous dishes being pasi Vata and mgar with their most notable landmarks including

    The temples of Hagar Kim and minra the medieval town of Medina and the capital Veta Iceland situated in the North Atlantic has a history shaped by its Norse settlement in the 9th century followed by centuries of isolation and later integration into the Kingdom of Denmark before regaining Independence in

    1944 Icelandic culture is characterized by its sagas traditional literature and unique Icelandic language icelanders are often known to be resilient friendly and with a strong connection to Nature and the winter with their most famous dishes including fermented shark cultured dairy products and the iconic hot dog notable landmarks include the powerful gulfos

    Waterfall the geothermal wonders of geyser and Stroker and the vat nukul National Park Andora nestled in the pyrones between France and Spain has a history marked by its status as a co-principal jointly ruled by the French President and the bishop of urgl and Spain the culture of endur reflects a

    Blend of kadalin and French influences evident in its language customs and festivals urans are often known to be resilient pragmatic and with a strong connection to the mountain life with Famous Foods including potato and cabbage dish meat and vegetable stew and cocas notable landmarks include the medieval Stone bridges of St Julia

    Deloria the Romanesque Church of Santa Cola and ski resorts like gr Valera lonstein a tiny principality nestled in the Alps between Switzerland and Austria has a history marked by a strategic location and alliance with the Holy Roman Empire later becoming an independent principality in 1719 Len Stein’s culture is influenced by its

    Germanic roots and its history as a silvern nation with the German Confederation lisen Steiners are often portrayed as discreet Pro prous and with a strong connection to the outdoors and despite its size it’s well known for dishes like cheese noodles potato dishes and different appetizer plates with notable landmarks including the medieval

    Vadu castle the Contemporary CST Museum lonstein and the scenic Landscapes of the Ryan Valley Monaco a glorious principality on the French Riviera has a history shaped by its strategic location and the Grimaldi family who have ruled since the 13th century the culture of Monaco reflects a blend of French and

    Mediterranean influences seen in its language arts and opulent events like the Monte Carlo Opera and the Formula 1 grand prix monagas are often portrayed as affluent sophisticated and with a penchant for luxury living while mono may not have a distinct traditional cuisine it hosts worldclass restaurants offering a variety of culinary Delights

    Notable landmarks include the iconic Monte Carlo Casino the princess palace and the oceanographic museum s Marino the world’s oldest Republic is situated on Mount tatano within Italy it’s history dates back to the establishment of a small community in 301 ad by St marinus the culture of Marino is deeply

    Rooted in its medieval Heritage with influences from both Italy and the broader European context the people here are known to be proud of their independence friendly and with a strong sense of community with Famous Foods including patelli torta tronti and padena and some of the most notable landmarks include the three medieval

    Towers on Mount tatano the Basilica danan Marino and the public Palace Vatican City the world’s smallest country and the spiritual center of Roman Catholicism has a history intertwined with the Catholic church and papacy established as an independent city state in 19 29 Vatican City is home to St Peter’s Basilica one of the

    World’s largest churches in the iconic St Peter Square the culture of Vatican City is centered around the Catholic faith with its museums housing Priceless artistic Treasures including Michelangelo’s cinee Chapel ceiling inhabitants primarily consisting of clergy and officials are seen as devote scholarly and dedicated to the church

    And while Vatican City doesn’t have a distinct Cuisine visitors can enjoy Italian and Roman Delicacies in its small restaurants and if you enjoyed this video make sure to subscribe and let me know what you want me to explain next next


    1. Good video! Some corrections for you: 1. "Starry Night" is by Van Gogh, who was not french but dutch. 2. The picture of books you put for the Czech Republic are in hebrew, not czech.

    2. In 1988 I was very surprised to find out in France that the Westerners think that geographically Europe ends at the Eastern border of Austria. There were even maps showing that (mention : at that time Austria was not an EU member – 1995)

      Min. 4:42 – Kazakhstan is NOT an European country. Turkey either.

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