Hello everyone! Welcome to the new episode of driving moments. In this chapter you will watch some interesting moments when drivers encounter kind, wicked and arrogant people! Do not forget to like the videos for new videos and express your thoughts in the comments!
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    JustSomeVideos0 | https://www.youtube.com/@UCPv0F27vLl-z_NlGMAEUUNw
    Pedal Perspective | https://www.youtube.com/@UCpGrgR27oId46xMO2appDtg
    Simon Turner | https://www.youtube.com/@UCa40IcCZf9M7jqxQasZWj_g
    hajfes | https://www.youtube.com/@UCDkZgon9h-U3akjUaQWB2CA
    budbel | https://www.youtube.com/@UCPiL45szCWUqHUKlIH6A3cA
    llewellyn237 | https://www.youtube.com/@UC2kpOHU8M4iSTTQe-zb9LKQ
    Birdy | https://www.youtube.com/@UCGz6bMkpnSzHiJzwlcjiAZQ
    The English Lounge Lizard | https://www.youtube.com/@UCsxX3OFwW-mOJ2IMnZEnH5g
    00:00 Intro
    00:21 JustSomeVideos0 | UNITED KINGDOM
    00:53 Pedal Perspective | London
    01:21 Simon Turner | m4 j11
    01:50 hajfes | M1
    02:16 Simon Turner | UNITED KINGDOM
    02:42 budbel | Livingston
    03:23 llewellyn237 | A1M southbound near Catterick
    04:01 Birdy | A14
    04:31 MissJ | Birmingham
    05:05 The English Lounge Lizard | Redditch in Worcestershire
    06:55 Simon Turner | M4
    07:41 Outro

    #ukroadrage #ukcarcrash #unitedkingdom


    1. 3:10 should have said “ dangerous driver…… ME ! I trust he’s calling himself a fukin wnker. . So ignorant he doesn’t see his wrong doing. I haven’t scrolled down yet but I’m sure I’m not alone in my thoughts.

    2. Motorist at 2.40 you supposed to give way at corners ie slow down and stop if people are there crossing Birdie I've been in an estate car with four people and luggage for four when we had a blow out we were in right hand lane Lorry let us over into middle and again onto hard shoulder while front passenger went for a pre in the bus is we unloaded luggage and tools and hanged tyres and loaded up again before ass hole passenger finished his per I think he just didn't want to get stuck in with the work

    3. The schoolboy probably knew full well you were there. He was playing the (now) normal game of "what you going to do about it – run me over" routine. A juveniles big problem in playing this however, is that one one these days somebody will!

    4. Notice the video fade out before the two cyclists got close to the zebra crossing so they wouldn't get caught not giving way to pedestrians already crossing but quick to point out that motorists where doing it

    5. That ignorant kid on the bike is fueled by that new highway code rule. It states you "should" let people cross, not you MUST. But a lot are saying you have to stop. WRONG!

      "Should" is a suggestion. "must" is a directive. The only time you have to stop is at zebra crossings

    6. Bike kid at the roundabout. I'm sure everyone here would be just fine with him taking the lane to use the roundabout like any other vehicle driver, right? Right?

    7. 3:50 Perhaps the driver should concentrate on not teaching his kids bad language, so when they grow up they can be considerate on the roads and not drive in the overtaking lane.

    8. It amazes me just how bad the standard of driving is in the UK, it seems to get worse as you get into larger urban areas, however recently I found myself up in Cumbria on the M6, I was cruising around the 70mph mark and I had a low flying bike come past me like I was standing still, and was doing an estimated 140mph (he was passing lamp posts twice as quick as I was), I think I know why the American Slang for a quick biker is a 'Suicide Jockey'.

    9. Cyclist these days are such little bitches , putting a camera on they head and purposely going round looking to wind people up for utube content ,…get a life.

    10. Got to love the cyclist at 1:00 pointing out cars not giving way at a zebra crossing. Oh the irony, when cyclists don't give way at zebra crossings or light controlled crossings or even when they are on cycle lanes and their traffic light is red. Oh and the jumping on a pavement to ignore a traffic light and the simply going through no-entry signs. People in glass houses…..

    11. I was mowing the grass at the Royal Ordinance Factory in Chorley, back in the 80's, when a truck tyre blew just outside the fence. I actually felt the blast. Thought the bunker I was standing on had blown up.

    12. 2.25 there were already peds in the road & it was obs that the bike would most likely cross as well.
      Yet turn into the road anyway and sound your horn? TOTW?

    13. All Zebra crossings need to have flashing light on. People react more to flashing lights. Not all run them on purpose. People also need to watch out for cars when crossing them. I see people walking over them without looking.

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