Pro Cycling Manager 2023 | Pro Cyclist Mode | Sprinter & Northern Classics EP039 S03 GP du Luxembourg

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    Hello guys welcome back to the channel my name is tiad and we are back in Pro cycling manager 23 with the pro cyclist mode in the career here of TI who is a sprinter SL Northern classic Rider and his objective is to win the three jerseys for the points classification of

    The T Theo and laa and the second bonus win as many monuments as he can preferably the five monuments and as a third objective become world champion Euro champion and Belgium Champion if you can H but that’s for probably season five because we are still improving our

    Rider here is quite nice quite decent but still the physicals have to improve a lot and the hill stats and climbing in general have to improve a lot so this time around we are going to Luxembourg to the G the Luxemburg it’s a f stage race so we are

    Going to do of course the prologue here with TLA then we are going to do this the the final kilometers of the second stage then the full third stage stage the full fourth stage and the final kilometers of the last stage the fifth one so let’s get started with this and

    Yeah let’s get on get on in the first stage here let’s see briefing wise are we among the favorites we are not of course in this time trial hilly time trial hilly prologue not a time trial we got briet here who is a good Sprinter good in air quotes of course and buros

    No buros no oh it’s the only Sprinter that we got here okay so we have to rely on briet for the other stages because this one will lose a lot of time fortunately it’s only a 4.2 kilm time uh prologue but heilly oh this is going to

    Be very tough we’ll see what we can do and as always guys I’ll do a cut here in the loading and I’ll see you in the race and here we are at the start of this prologue let’s get this started okay given the level of opposition yeah to be expected we are

    One of the Last Riders to leave the podium and yeah this is going to be very hard okay I’ll try to save my red bar for the climbs but I think we’ll l lose a lot of time so let’s see probably 85 then up to 87 on that little

    Hill then 85 again and then try 90 on that climb there that’s the plan but for now I’ll do a cut and I’ll be back once titla is about to leave the podium titla for is about to leave the podium and let’s see what he can do we

    Got a negative on Cobble so I think we got minus one on the day we’ll see we’ll see after we start here we are 85 no it’s a zero so our fitness is not the best I see okay so 87 here on this climb now dropping to 85 again let’s

    Go go go go go go go go go go go and we’re approaching that big big hill okay so 95 probably the Riders are in a portion 10% 99 should have used 99 sooner and we lost 32 seconds yeah that was not a good time trial no not a good time TR whatsoever

    Yeah we’re dropping probably we are the last Rider here we’ll see VV the winner as expected and let’s see the Damage Done 32 seconds lost but we are here to win stages if we can yeah not the last but close to last place okay so let’s continue and let’s let’s

    Get to the second stage which I think it’s a flat one which I’ll bring you the start and the end of it if I’m not mistaken indeed so are we among the favorites this time around we are the last one okay oo yakobson and thei are

    Here Kelly buan yeah this is not going to be fun but we’ll see what we can do and as always I’ll do a cut here in the loading and I’ll see you guys in the race to here we are the first proper stage the second stage of this

    Tour and we got a zero okay zero is not bad the objective is to finish top 10 okay that’s quite possible if I think do we know anything about these guys we don’t we only know that Bri with the plus two is going to be our lead out and

    Vaniman here probably my second one now flat stat okay who and BOS yep going to be my main guys here and v string here will be my water boy so let’s get started let’s put ourselves here in the front of the group oh who is where are

    You going man it’s now or for those where are you going my friend battle over the last few K I don’t want you to go away if you can okay who is is back in the pelaton which is great let’s put our guys here 75

    Good we ourselves can be at 75 uh 59 sorry but in the front of the group if we can it will be ideal okay and we can speed a little bit since we are in climb but the pelaton is not working hard now they are but

    Hopefully the climb is going to end soon and it did okay good so we can take a look at the parkour very Healy not easy at all hey heilly hey false flat hey heilly hey and ending on a bit of a downhill so I’m going to do a cut here and I’ll be

    Back for the final t 20 km to the line 20 km to the line guys and we are here in the front with our teammates heading for the last climbs here of the day this is tough man this is tough so I think I’m going to set my Sprint train

    At around 8K it’s been working great speed okay 13k 12K 9 9k I think the 8K Mark will be after this has over question mark yeah it’s going to be after the seal it’ll probably be a m finish 8K is here so let’s follow briet briet will follow V

    Hlan this guys will be at 99 and with the jail and I’m going to the wheel of burm burm into the wheel of ho who is going 99 this gu is can be in my wheel if they can if they can hold it okay go bookm go go go go go to this

    Side of the road please let’s try to drag our team here not BOS now to this side yeah we are getting blocked like hell so we h with the Jael no Jael Tu yet yeah no chance in hell we are getting very very blocked work M you must go 99 you can

    Drop the Riders are entering the last 5 km of the Stage 5 km go jail go with the jail go with the flow come on we got dropped there so we must go with vin hamlon because something happened there with Brook MOS that I didn’t know what what it was come on V

    Hamlon push push push okay we must go this this you can drop this 99 still go go go go go go go hard go hard go hard go hard go hard and Sprint go go go go go you are sprinting you are gone Sprint now briet briet is sprinting he’s failing

    Now T Sprint by himself loads of legs ahead yeah too many legs ahead yet no chance in hell is the winner there were too many legs in the way our team is not strong enough to give us a good shot here at the front so we ended up in six somewhere around

    There top 10 I think which was the objective let’s see top 10 indeed 10th Place okay so we’ll get nine points for that so we are 50 points away from the level up okay let’s go to the third stage which I think now it’s a hey

    One and there we I’m going to bring you the entire stage if that’s the case which I think it is to be honest indeed H one but that ending is very flat just a little bit uphill and vak is the favorite with vpol there as well let’s see what we can do

    And as always I’ll do a cut here in the loading and I’ll see you guys in the full race ladies and gentlemen hello andcome and here we are in this third stage and the heal one and we got a zero and no team surrounding us today so BB

    Is the leader okay I see that’s stupid I’m the best Rider of this team but okay no team here with us which is worrisome so let’s get into the front let’s use this and let’s take a look at the parkour yeah this is very Healy very tough very tough

    Indeed I don’t think we’ll have a shot but you never know so let’s speed this up let’s try to save ourselves here long stage of 180 km so we must try to use as little energy as possible in order to try to keep our bars to the end or full

    Bars at the end there let see if we are able to Vin Hamlin is on the ground okay big fall with Van B there okay so let’s keep going now going into Holts here okay probably the peleton is still taking this easy yes it is so we

    Are keeping 59 in here if we can Traverse this pack of climbs at 59 that would be ideal to be honest yep we did now heading to that fourth category which is the K so let’s see if we can tackle the K do at 59 probably not but we’ll see let’s

    See the Damage Done don’t write backwards okay we are keeping ourselves here who we did kept ourselves here at 59 that’s gigantic to be honest we saved a little bit on the red on the green bar doing that now 65 the peleton will increase their pace

    For sure the guys up ahead are 5 minutes away okay some guys are trying to go it’s too far out still okay we are holding here very nicely so 80 km to the line and then we are going a little bit too far uh too fast for my taste the cut the

    B is going to be read two times and we can snatch this guy at least we’ll have one protector with us which is nice good good okay let’s keep going let’s get ho to protect us nicely done okay now 75 on this one I’ll save the aerodynamic skill for

    The last part of the race with 75 we are doing well now heading to this deal and we did it very well very cool good so let’s keep going let’s try to recover something we did recovered okay now cut the is from cord couple who want to go

    It Alone still two minutes from the guys up ahead okay the first pass was done correctly and good and now the second pass of this got to the 10% here’s the Breakaway right there with one pople there okay some guys are going breakway at the front big names

    He’s trying to give his big names trying to go KNX is trying to follow them or or catch them I don’t know if they are working or they are trying to get away we’ve managed to cap ourselves here that’s great to see okay and we got

    Here a split with vanard here so we are keping ourselves with vanard okay let’s keep let’s keep ourselves here with vanard if we can let’s go 85 on the dot probably 90 trying to reconnect here the finish line is getting close the Riders just passed the 10 km road

    Sign oh the list of those Left Behind goes on Rising good good good good let’s keep what 90 let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s keep it 90 okay we got some guys here with us which is gigantic to be honest so probably we can try to use them like so let’s give

    Them the jail to both of them let’s go 0 with when here go go go go go go to decide 6 km let’s give jail to an healan go go go okay good the Riders are entering the last 5 K of 5 kilm let’s give the Jael

    To when who is gone so let’s go 0 with when healan to the side of the road if we can and they keep on attacking anyone that’s low on gas definitely won’t be able to keep up good good good keep going keep going keep going 0 okay why have you

    Stopped Sprint no no no keep 90 keep going 90 you can go into my wheel keep going 90 please please please please go go go okay you are gone which means now I have to go 0 myself use this use this go go go go go we don’t care we

    Know that the guy is gone go go go go 1.3 let’s Sprint let’s Sprint to this side don’t play blocked t for t for no we ended up he managed with no strength but fourth place but almost we got the win GE was the strongest Rider yeah we we got out

    Of red just before the Finish Line H it was a little bit too early my Sprints but okay okay that was not bad at all fourth place I think the manager will be satisfied with that hopefully let’s see if he G gives us some points for that or not let’s see General

    Wise we are 29th points wise we are ninth Mountain wise we don’t care Young Riders we are 11th and team we don’t talk about the team uh is the manager satisfied it is it gives a e gives us 13 points okay so let’s head to the p ultimate stage the

    Fourth out of five and I think it’s another heilly one if I’m not mistaken let’s see indeed ending again on an uphill and this time around 92 kilom o this is even tougher so let’s see what we can do as always I’ll do a cut here in the loading and

    I’ll see you guys in the full race ladies and gentlemen welcome and here we we are second to last stage of this tour and this time around we got the team but we got also a minus two which is not it’s not what I intended let’s see who’s the best heal guy briet

    Probably and bormos yep yep yep yep yep so we only need these guys now the whole lot can do whatever they want and let’s start here with probably this guy as my water boy so let’s get this started this is going to be very hard with a plus with a minus two even

    With a plus three it would be very hard with a minus two is almost impossible but you never know let’s try to survive here he’s launching an attack there’s not much succeeding but at least his family gets to see our boy go if he wants unfortunately it was our water

    Boy okay okay okay which is not ideal attack it’s a good moment to show the team colors yep our water boy is gone not ideal at all the pack is trying to chase and they manag to get him now V hamlon is trying to go o the p is

    Pushing hard trying to give us P the slip 75 is that enough no no no nope 85 I don’t want to be dropped okay 85 that’s enough I think tough okay let’s drop to 65 now not enough come on can can we survive can we survive this I think we

    Can let’s use this for the downhill to get back up front at 65 good good good good keep going good o another attack in the lead we almost out again 85 survive survive o this have 65 again the Gap is this kind of than minutes will kill seems my

    Resistance and stamina a fair lick you’ve just got to hang on in an instant 80 let’s use this we are not going to be able to hang in here for much longer at this place okay they are still going hard probably let’s see 85 now okay I think the peleton slow down

    Somewhat the and the Escape is water who want to go alone who remains here can we drop the tempo to 65 probably not nope we can’t so 75 let’s try to hold now 65 we got through this okay let’s use this to try to get back up

    Front we are trying We are failing but we are trying let’s get back up front it L for here o 65 still okay now we are back up front we cannot drop 65 unfortunately okay but the pack is pacing way the rider will have to burn some energy to get e

    Okay only two men up ahead those three men’s on that second group probably will be cut quite soon there’s a breakway in the group this third category is not going to be fun at all let’s put ourselves 85 because this is not going to be fun at all

    Man okay our boy here will grab water again ourselves can drop to 75 that the strongest can create some Gap and even 65 now should be able to hang in here let’s use this good good good good good we hanged we survived we saved a little bit of energy doing

    So yoyoing a little bit now two men up ahead only and we are reaching the last part of the stage where the first climbs this first climbs I’m going to put myself at 75 which probably isas enough to survive let’s hope so let’s send our boy to grab water in the

    Meantime if he can before the climb that would be great but I doubt it okay now 75 for for us let’s hope that’s enough we’ll see are in a portion above 10% we’ll see indeed it’s not going to be enough but let’s hope we can do this before we get to the

    Here this is tough man some team managers mustn’t appreciate we can drop has inreased speed 65 on this easier slope and then we even got a downhill there where we can try to hang and recover some positions that would be ideal let’s use even this this will

    Recover before the end for sure so let’s go 75 again okay good let’s survive at 75 nope we have to go 85 we don’t have any choice choice opportunity to attack 75 is not enough so let’s speed this 85 is we will survive this for sure okay let’s drop our Tempo now to

    65 try to recover something just before the last heal which is the again this is tough this is way tougher than I was expecting okay and here we are so go 85 okay should be able to hang in here we are dropping a little bit not

    Too much but dropping a little bit those guys up are up ahead are only 20 seconds ahead now they will be cut just before the end of the here indeed 1 kilometer we will survive we will survive indeed but we are almost dead almost dead okay we

    Survived let’s TR try to get back up front but this less kick and then we’ll use our guys probably can I pull guys into the front that would be ideal if we could let’s see if we can get guys here up front the pace is really H we shouldn’t see too many attacks

    Let’s survive this placee the finish line is getting close the Riders have just passed the 15 km road sign nobody is going into my wheel that’s a shame burm is almost dead we need guys to work for us here at the end okay vams is here v v Hamlin is here as

    Well okay good okay good 10 kilomet 10 km to the 10 K one of the motorcy apparently he didn’t inter with the race ourselves going to briet briet going to vams vams probably going into bur MOS Burk MOS going into wi Hlin this is not what I was expecting to be honest okay in hamlon with the jail go 0 then BM then villains and finally yeah okay Vin hamlon go 90 if you can who is you can go into my wheel if you can hold it which you probably can’t

    But okay okay Vin Hamlin is doing a fantastic job here you can go 99 and TR to get into the front jail to B MOS now you are going to be stuck here good CH to vums work M go 99 as well you can try to drop into my wheel

    Good bumos good good good good job good job good job good job bumos with a fantastic job briet BOS keep going keep going keep going 5 km remaining 5 kilm jail to great job by bum okay BM is gone so vain now we are approaching the hill let’s try to go

    95 BR M can drop into the wheel go villains go villains good job good job good job let’s drop to 90 good lead out here by villains okay TI must use this must use this must go into the will and villain keep going at

    90 go go go o someone is trying to go so we must put 95 99 even Williams is gone so go 95 with briet here 90 drop to 90 okay 95 again go go go go go go go go go go pull hard pull hard pull is hard pull pull pull pull

    Pull okay 99 not 99 uh still going still going no Sprint Sprint Sprint Sprint can we hold can we hold yes we can yes fight that one a win for TI here stage four yes finally we got a win here in this tour spectacular man spectacular to be

    Honest let’s give our boys everything they want they they want to do spectacular here win 40 with a minus two it was almost impossible to do something here but we did we did something here and spectacular win the four guys in the front are all Belgium and VTO briet here

    Ended up in fourth even what a fantastic job by him but titla for holding and then sprinting in the last meters to get the win vak tried he got very close but failed so yeah we take this win wo that was a big win big win and hope the

    Manager is also surprised by this win and give us a lot of points that would be great because General wise we are now in 24 so top 25 points wise we are fifth Mountain wise we are 10th Young Riders we are ninth okay and what’s the manager

    Decision it’s 20 points okay I was EXP expecting a little bit more manager but okay 20 points we’ll take it and now let’s go into the last stage of this tour which is a flat one if I’m not mistaken indeed it is 184 km we are not among the favorites

    Let’s see if we can try to do something here again but for that I’m going to do a cut here in the loading and I’ll be back for the race ladies and gentlemen hello and welcome and here we are for the last stage of this tour we got a

    Zero today and the objective is to finish top 50 top 10 sorry and this time around let’s use briet again and probably H Vin Hamlin probably Vin Hamlin with ho and villains who and B MOS who and bur MOS being my guys to the Spring train okay so let’s get this started let’s get into the front and our boys can be in the front as well okay good let’s use this to go into the

    Front Okay let’s use this and now we can take a look at the parkour it’s very Healy at least for this first half of the stage then after this climb the cut the B shade it’s a little bit easier still some stip here Hills there and ending on a hill okay that’s

    New but okay so I’ll do a cut here at the start and I’ll be back for the closing kilometers of the race around 20K to the line 20K to the line and we are holding here still with full bar enabled so all of our boys here are

    Suffering like hell but we are doing kind of well to be honest so let’s try to call here our Bo to the front see if they can manage to get into the front because we’ll need those guys to try to do a Sprint train for that climb

    There so let’s bit this and let’s tackle this climb again this is going to be tough you are getting blocked a lot the Riders are entering the last 10 km on the stage I honestly don’t know who the best guys are here okay 8 kilm the last 8 km of the

    Stage most likely end up in a mass Sprint okay 8 kilomet so let’s put these guys on 99 let’s give them the gel bming going to do who’s will I’m going into bat going to Vin hlan V hlan into BOS and who is probably going 80 99 if he can at least

    Try try try try try try Okay 7 kilom jail to V hlon go go go go go Bo is gone work M will be gone as well not ideal not our ideal right here okay BR is gone can villain pull something out of out of this you can

    Drop and do whatever you want you will follow to villains wheel villains with the jail can you pull this off villains work moves going to the wheel of somebody with the jail 5 km remaining 5 km come on villain keep pushing okay villain is out as

    Well now we are in the downhill getting very blocked V hamlon please go 99 you as well if you can of course because we are so locked man it’s not even funny okay 3 kilm which means I have to use TI for here and we are so blocked

    That we’ll change around something we’ll do this we’ll protect TI for here protect him please you go as well as this 85 you protect me please protect me good 85 with this should be good to go up front at least okay now 90 where are we

    Standing go 90 go 90 go 90 go hard go hard go hard okay we are here look let’s go 99 95 sorry go go go go go go go go can we Sprint I think we should Sprint sprinting Sprint sprinted La we sprinted can we overtook

    Dele no we couldn’t he snatched is the winner finish we ended up in fifth which is not that bad to be honest not the worst result we could have we’re for the back markers who appear to be fairly numerous in this this was a hard tour no expectations

    Here to be honest for this tour with those big names here it was always going to be very hard to do something here but we’ve managed to snatch a victory here in one stage so I’m kind of happy with this let’s hope the manager gives us some points regarding this result and

    The tour overall where we ended up in the top 30 yeah top 25 even 30 23 points wise we ended up in fourth Mountain wise we ended up in 14 and Young Riders we ended up in the top 10 and in nine so manager wise 24 points good so so we’ll

    Have the level up spectacular so we have access to the two def France next level up won’t give us anything okay so we’ll use this on Fitness pick why not let’s get that done and yeah that’s done for today the next episode we have two races here to One Day races

    The pitu and the Chrono Denio which will be the last races of the season so the next episode will race those two races of course probably bringing you the entire race of Bah and of course following TI for in Theo those 48 kilom time trial and then we’ll end the

    Season and probably even plan the season heading to season 4 yeah we’ll plan season 4 so that’s the plan for next episode two races and and the plan for season 4 and on the next the episode we’ll start racing on the first races of season 4

    But that’s for the next time today the episode is done I hope you enjoyed it if you did drop a like on the video subscribe to the channel hit that notification Bell and leave me some comments down below thanks so much for watching my name is tlar I hope to see

    You next time for the end of this third season bye-bye and take care if you liked this video please like And subscribe also read the description below where you will find ton of useful information and links regarding the contents of this video

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