Blackpool in the UK, like you’ve never seen it before.

    That’s because we didn’t go to Blackpool up north but rather far down south on the east coast of Devon; that’s where you’ll find ‘Blackpool Sands’.

    We ditched the bikes and jumped in the car to travel on the A379, which is a great semi-coastal road around Devon with lots of scenery and some quaint towns and villages. It would be much better to ride the road on the Royal Enfields, but we don’t have them with us due to our work.

    Blackpool Sands is a little gem of a place; we don’t think that it’s one of the main tourist destinations, but we could be wrong.

    There’s some nice cafes and a great surf shop where we managed to buy some swimming shorts.

    Although the beach is shingled, it’s sheer beauty is still more than worth a trip.

    Car parking was cheap as chips and wasn’t that busy on the day that we went. We went midweek so the weekend coukd be much busier.

    We hope you enjoy this video and that it gets you thinking about all those travels to come in 2024.

    Where are you going, and what are you planning for the new year? Let us know in the comments below.

    Please Like and Subscribe to help our channel grow.

    Travel well


    insta: @BionicBikers
    TikTok: @bionicbikers13

    There’s a place I have found in the shade on the ground far from our world and tring sound when I go there to be by myself only me no one can guess what I came there to see today Lizzie asked me where we going today Neil bear in mind we’re in East

    Devon aren’t we Liz MH well we’re going to Blackpool um um might not be the Blackpool you think there’s a place called Blackpool Sands Blackpool Sands and it’s down south Devon on the east coast and it’s supposed to be really really beautiful so you fy coming

    Liz that means yes right let’s go we’re down here what you think God look like with a mustache shut why have you just shaved it off [Applause] got it that made my eyes water right let’s go to Blackpool shall we are you ready that means yes right well let’s go

    We got a 2hour journey and we’re taking in some sites on the way cuz you know Google Maps doesn’t let you take the best routes so what you have to do is you keep punching in different sites along the way so that you can stop off at them and

    It takes you on a better route because we want to take the a379 what do we want to take Liz the a379 the a379 so that’s what we’re that’s the road we’re going to be going on well for the best part anyway um let’s uh let’s let’s go when I’m with you

    I’m with you I feel like I’m inside a Rainbow right so we are at a place called can’t go through this powder ham Castle which is really cool yeah today’s our day off and we’re going on a bit of a road trip like we like we like to do don’t we we like little Magical Mystery

    Tour we do yeah we do a lot of Mystery Tour we’re not going to pay to go in cuz we ain’t got time but it’s um it is one of Devon’s top attractions look at this but it is it is lovely look and uh the water over there there’s a nice like

    Over there there’s a nice um pond it’s beautiful there Camilla Let’s head off to the next stop then [Applause] Come me B We’re on our way to touth look at those Gorillas [Applause] [Applause] He W Going back to my old Hometown picking up the ear I leave behind getting in my car I drive as memories come here you want to be a star no she picked on the wrong person here didn’t she hold on Labrador Bay is a beautiful Coastal Reserve near shelen it offers some

    Absolutely stunning views over line Bas the rspb took over this piece of land to help secure the future of the S bunting which is a very rare bird and its population is almost entirely restricted to South B Labrador Bay is also home to many other key species including

    Buzzards and perig and yellow hams and on a really good day out in the bay you can see the dolphins in the basing shark swimming we going find somewhere this maybe going to have something to eat somewhere yeah airplane up there see that oh sweet memories of a town I love but

    Oh changed when you Left keep on asking myself in my mind Were You The One That Got Away went for the dream but I got lost this house I leave There’s Nothing Like Us chased happiness ended up on a walkway Street we’re leading nowhere that’s why I Leave pass the creek where we used to swim jump the fence before the summer begins and getting cool in summer he with you my sweet sitting in the back of your car wishing for this road to take us far now I’ve been wait too long I’m going home

    Oh sweet memories of a town I love but oh changed when you left I keep on asking myself in my mind Were You The One That Got Away sweet memories other down I love but oh changed when you left I keep on asking rest in my mind will you the

    One where you the one always lo my mind you’re the one always there you’re the one that got Away your heart is going to find a way don’t you worry but setting love free yeah that’s when you’re going to start to see that Li in B times of History I’m telling you everyone needs a care around the world everywhere about the way we like it to be

    I’m telling you Now’s the Time to Define who we are draw the line and make it like we want it to be who’s going to be there to put up a fight who’s going to turn all the RS in the r waiting for a miracle who’s going to stand up and give

    Us the truth who’s going to make it better for me than you guess it’s going to have to be us the walls are going to Tumble down you’ll be happier without the all around and the music that We well we’re on the we’re on the dark ma faery now look oh on the other side we’re just we we’re trying to work out whether or not we could do this on our bikes um yeah of course it do get load of people coming on here on bikes I

    Reckon but I must say like you said it is a very steep there yeah it’s a very Steep Hill the other side you got to climb steep coming with you I don’t ever ever trick me to come down here cuz I would just stop by and get off would

    You not interested in the slightest now what you love me not a lot at the moment bringing me on this out of 10 three three only on the three of the love scale here we go what happens if we roll out in the back fing why can we be in the Middle shoving us Moody he’s the Moody Boy where I’m here I’m here here Wait left onto new road you think the people on this side of the town over the ferry are different from the people on that side they got three heads it’s like South and East London South and North London very different one side to the other Bing the job Winds in my ha on the open road my t is full drink in Hand Liz and I just came across the ferry where did we catch the ferry from this was it over there that’s the F we were on yeah oh that’s the ferry we was on there wasn’t that was where down there oh yeah I am recording how are you Yeah [Applause] w hello there is it free for royalty I’m Up Quite nice burgers chicken burgers is It Lizzie and I were talking earlier about whether or not we could actually live in a camp van I don’t think we could I know you could M you sure I can with you in one now that’s a different thing here living in a camp van and then living

    With me in a camper van yeah two completely different things anyway look at [Applause] [Applause] This oh that’s really nice the color behind you yeah look at this this is black pool Sands black pool this is black pool sand so this is where we’ve come not the black pool you know what are you making that funny face for tell you suck your

    Belly in that was all but I won’t tell you bre in so this is black pool stand how beautiful is this beautiful beautiful is this right I got to be careful here I need to film this that’s it so here we are for the rest of our day

    Oh I could see it I just put a put a uh video on clear Oh see it is that Crystal is it it clearing is it Crystal no but it’s just nice where was have have be careful something in the beach you can walk through the Rocks there’s people walking through the Rocks

    Up there all up there great M well Lizzie and I have had a really good time with black pool Sands haven’t we Liz did you enjoy it here I did it’s absolutely gorgeous here to be honest oh bit reset now feel a bit reset yeah

    It is a of reset it is a lovely place it’s privately owned Lizzy read a thing over there it said that all of this this whole Beach area is all privately owned um owned family beach yeah privately owned family beach so I think we will certainly be coming

    Back here we might bring the paddle balls back I don’t know if you can stay overnight here no no overnight there’s no overnight stays so but uh it’s worth it for the daytime how much was the car par £4 P it’s £4 and I guess that’s for the day and you’ve got

    Toilets a lovely Beach the sea and obviously the um snack bar and that over there there’s a shop as well so like when we got here we didn’t have any shorts so we just went there and bought some which was really handy in the little like surf shop that there is

    There right that’s it let’s um it’s 5:00 p.m. on Thursday evening I think we should go back now didn’t you yes yep say bye-bye bye-bye well not bye-bye completely maybe but um maybe it is I don’t know it’s uh let head off got an hour and a half drive at least

    Going to be a food and music fa a big hopefully it’ll be a nice drive from Bye Oh

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