The ultimate off-road trip, 4 trucks, 6 blokes, lots of beer.
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    Taking our Land Rover defender 110, stu’s land cruiser jzx90 and a toyota hilux surf to Wales to hit some tracks and camp for 4 days.
    We hit Elan valley on the first 2 days, and strata florida on the next which is where this video starts. Then the last day we’re on horseshoe lane.
    Strata florida is literally miles long and we were on there for well over 24 hours, and also… at this point, I’m just absolutely waffling so we can fill that search term algorithm. Oh Strata florida green lane? That thing? Yeah when you search it hopefully this comes up. 4×4. 4×4’s driving big tracks. Green laning UK, big fat lanes that are green and in the UK. Off road trucks, Defenders, Land Rovers, Land CRUISERS. I dunno, what else we got. Guinness? Instant ramen.

    Welcome to my channel Boqer123, aka BQR…. a YouTube channel based in the UK where we make videos modifying and building cars, track/drifting days & driving, BMX videos and more. You can subscribe here – 👉🏻👈🏻
    We also run the clothing company BQR, where we specialize in custom streetwear clothing, accessories, and stickers. Visit our website and grab some stuff –





    I don’t know I don’t know about all that morning found anything no I had a bite a minute ago but don’t think Corn’s a Move look at all the Mist the mountain go on down head under that’s bit PR you pissing oh that’s a [ __ ] idea oh days colder than it was yesterday oh my God just commit now yeah going in we’re doing [Applause] it [ __ ] out that’s enough for me

    Oh L che L chew’s gone the fish the [Applause] fish leg daggers now there is not F his leg we’re going to have [ __ ] daggers a minut it Dan You’re Next Level you’re doing like a you’re on a 20-minute ice bath I’ve got cold how get back in flew away with a

    Curent yeah I was like we’ve started a thing now where we have to um swim every day yesterday was in the reservoir today’s in a river even colder so much colder how was that cold I got cropped for this very purpose blingy want that got dripped up them

    Toes in there as well no that charge extra I’m shaking like [ __ ] in dark I’m like I’m buzzing Now right Frey wraps for the boys this is actually the recipe that we did on the channel before it’s just a a winner doing toito onion garlic mushroom egg cheese make a little mix put it in a wrap I haven’t actually told everyone what we’re doing we’re on a trip we’re

    On like a 4-day trip on uh in the middle of St Florida at the moment which is basically like the longest best track we’ve done what a quarter of it and we’re just camped up last night it’s doing Andy’s birthday weekend so we just thought we’d do a big trip mushrooms

    Make you look Pro choing as well you ready for this he’s got that he’s got his food you always been into cooking yeah like a kid yeah yeah the flick on it on what you putting in there oregano we had Lou with us this morning he’s he’s

    Out to go home but we got the defender me and Andy are in that yeah lovely stuff we got you and Rory in Stew’s Truck Yeah and then come over here little addition this time a new member of the 4×4 gang so this is Dan destroy or die Dan in a hux

    Surf SSR one as well unreal good truck the thing’s bone stock bone stock into turbos and just a good little tune up and it is doing everything real well oh snorkel got a snorkel and lovely now Auto and that is it and he sleeps in the

    Back this is the deepest we’ve done St of Florida so we had yesterday we had Louis with no snorkel so we had to turn the engine off and I had to drag him Through go on go on yeah baby yeah he’s out to go now so there’s just a three truck there and we’re just having a [ __ ] we’re having a great time5 baby get a last we got our little flavor mix tho mushroom uh onion garlic coriander chili flakes salt

    Pepper then we going to crack some eggs in make that like a scrambled egg type thing this yeah I had one leg out and I was like I don’t want to take it all off so I was like Pi my TRS up draped them over there and I started crapping and I was

    Like [ __ ] I’ve left my L roll over there you can pee without poo but you can’t peo without pee oh I’ve done myself a CER yeah all over my trailers and I was there was like [ __ ] up there love gold nect this is Ry wraps that acceptable to drink in the

    Morning it’s a good slab isn’t it remember when you fed me butter at my party party oh man I was [ __ ] playing [ __ ] table football D comes over New Year’s with this [ __ ] [ __ ] you don’t even think of slab of butter on a fork have a bite of that pie Yeah here s is in it my disc’s not working either I’m not going to lie just reverse back give it more jet you st going back I’m stuck now my toe bar toe Bar’s just on the floor I can’t go back can’t go forward oh shoot oh my God it’s Gage

    Oh my at Birmingham Wheels I had to calm down cuz I thought I was going to hear you stoed it and couldn’t drive T box [ __ ] cial packet you’re [ __ ] driving lo give it the do yeah just show do cuz you’re worried about hitting the front

    In you go up it roll back so you know you can go up it and then at the bottom reverse back of it and just roll up with a bit of momentum you’ll be sweet round two I ain’t even joking I’ve got a table in the back all that stuff hit the ceiling

    Down yeah let’s see it Bobby I cannot Believe It’s Not Butter You got diff lock I’ve got something maybe come right right down a bit yeah this way smidge there you go piss there I I was surprised then move on Yeah Need to stop it too oh my God God in there get steep Y what shut up oh my God that is a good Truck This is this is the ship right here we’re still not out of uh St of Florida St of Florida goes on for ages but we’ve just gotten out the rocky bits and now we’re on to like the woods so I think we’re nearly done but it’s an adventure I think we’ve

    Been on this we’ve been on this track track over 24 hours now and we’ve run out of beer So you look at these steps right it probably doesn’t look big on on camera but like to describe it as well when you’re driving it it sends you leaning left and you know that that drop is down there so like it probably looks it looks easy but when you’re driving it it’s

    Kind of just like oh [ __ ] completed yeah St Florida what you reckon to Str Florida then it’s bloody lovely [ __ ] know that was a long one I was 26 hours on that track it’s [ __ ] well worth doing is it it’s so good honestly I advise anyone at some point in your like if you’re into cars

    Get a truck [ __ ] do It what’s C then oh your we are on Horseshoe Lane aka the B hardest Lane in the world hardest Lane in the world ever no one’s got hard you got a harder Green Lane than this send us a pin we’ll come and we’ll do it and

    Make it look like a mockery yeah that’s the challenge it it you can’t do it ask the comments in this video if you know of any lanes either than the bastard yeah we literally want it takes us a day and it’s like a all long all you people out there are just

    Pusses I’m going to beat my words now that’s a bloody lovely jacket Andy what’s that say there be you get that where is that look at the armit well no fit on so uh this is basically this track is really hard but they’ve put like a

    Restraint on you can’t go up it anymore so I think going up it was like one of the hardest tracks you could do going down it’s not hard it’s just gnarly They love it don’t they these trucks Yeah wait hey yeah I think cuz it’s downhill in you could just roll it down there it’s going to go down there a it you do that in a 4K it wouldn’t be nice but you got a bit speed that be fny it it from there [Applause] you going this way yeah nice

    Down good line good drive good drive slower than in a minute and I’ve still got load of air in my braks so when you’re trying to Edge it’s like oh I need I need to like let off a little bit when I’m trying to just Edge

    Just a little give it a tickle and then it’s like yeah yeah yeah nice go go go go go go nice never looks deep does it but that is [Applause] pretty That’s a bit n than I remember it’s not hard it’s just like there’s so many like different levels isn’t There right this is the gash bit it leans you right into the bank basically got G close to the bank oh my God I’m literally like that I reckon the GoPro is probably stabilizing itself that’s straight I’m straight there a it’s dirty clothes couldn’t get a [ __ ] paper that [ __ ] hell jeesus

    Jesus all right that was a lot scarier the first time we did it second time you know you’re not going to roll whereas it honestly feels like you’re just going to roll into that [Applause] bank we it feels nuts to it it’s mental it’s when it just like that little when it

    Starts to go and you think when’s it going to stop oh yeah and it goes a little bit further than you think the camera just can’t quite justify how steep that is this is the crazy bit I reckon this is what looked oh hold on let me

    Um let me stra this bit is it yeah this bit is [ __ ] M this is gnarly actually it goes like off camber there round and then drops so hard to see but that is a sheer drop go on Bo yeah yeah bit more that way and then straight that’s it body

    Do left hand down [Laughter] know oh oh I heard that what’s happened sh you snapped something I think you snapped your stering arm a whole bar it’s the whole bar it what is he Amari what is it [ __ ] job’s [ __ ] job’s [ __ ] mate what B tracking’s out yeah I’m bit untracked he’s

    There he’s there yeah and that’s supposed to be straight and that goes to that rear knuckle back there so we just need a steering rod you’ve got no you’ve got none do now [Applause] because one you got this one this is the setup now that’s stuck

    There doing where it is now i’ sort of giving it a bit of a path we’re doing a little we’re trying to pull us that way yeah turn bit it’s coming stop break break break break break he’s right wow that log we could just bump it saying that if you’re there that’s

    Probably your best spot is that the spot then that’s a spot on it Park up have a beer got no signal to post asking for parts it’s raining so we got the or out we drunk our own piss so in the future if you’re the person that’s helped us or

    You find us dead yeah happen this is our like [ __ ] eulogy this is the the magic bus of B Lane is it you’re going to find us dead choking on berries this’s the situation we’ve towed us out we’re on a good spot now at least people

    Can get past or out pot noodles out Mama’s out had the piss V’s out Rory’s got a gig so Stu and Rory have got to get back and there’s a big wall down here so we’re just going to film him getting down we’re waiting for people to reply to see

    If they got any parts but may as well try and break another track also highly recommend Tom Yum shrimp noodles right this doesn’t look that big but it is my God oh my my God go really careful D yeah yeah you’re down yeah nice [ __ ] way maner than the yeah

    Bom it’s been a pleasure yeah I love you and leave you good luck I’ll try best but yeah if you need me I’ll have to come back yeah all right cheers see there Rory no I’m not ping out it’s got a wiggle in it still look how bent that is we’re

    Just trying to straighten it that’s I’ve just the bent straightened a little bit it was worse than that power right we’re uh We’ve located some spares maybe potentially so we’re all jumped in Dan’s truck and we are off where are we going Diffy bike park yeah yeah apparently

    Diffy Bike Park which is just down the road they use Defenders as their uplift vehicle so they might have some Spar so we’re just going to go check that out right we got to get D down the [ __ ] hill now that’s it keep coming yeah you’re sound very slow yeah you’re

    Right you’re going to smash that bumper but it’s right yeah tidy right we’re Dy bike park Dan just bought me a coffee and cake cheer me up cheers down look at this look what they use as their um uplift Vehicles oh Baby that should do the job

    Lovely we’ve got it in stock we’ve got a uh got a freshy just went to Diffy bik Park and the Aon just gave us a uh steering bar apparently thanks to [ __ ] K in it cuz he he told him he was like sort these boys out so then he

    Messaged us Kate Edwards messaged Dy bike park the the athans and said sort us out and then we’ mad message us but that was one mile away from the track that’s probably the best possible scenario wasn’t it unbelievable yeah if you said someone’s going to someone’s going to come through with parts that

    You can have and fit and it’s a mile down the road I would have just been ey be a Land Rover garage or some bloke with a Defender nope not World Cup the Aon with 17 Defenders mind we’ve straightened this one got fresh look at that right let’s get it on that look

    Tough oh Beauty yeah job’s [ __ ] B is less [ __ ] than the one we just took off oh this is so awkward cuz the diff guard Ah we’re back on what a mission I did leave a little little momentum if anyone ever comes down here I want to see pictures sent to us if you see this Thank God for that get me home country road yeah that was sketchy that was long when it yeah y right I’m so over this I’m knackered we’re all [ __ ] I want to go home steering Works we’re off the bastard Lane shout out to Alfie to Cade to the athans to everyone that helped

    Get that steering rod I’m definitely going to have to buy some spars and keep them in the truck uh but you got to find out somehow so I’m wrecked so am I I’m [ __ ] nightmare but be a memory again it it to the memory bank add it to the

    Memory bank everything happens for a reason that is a great truck that is a great truck Well’s a great place great weekend great weekend drop a comment down below and you win something and I will see you in the next video thanks for watching Goodbye


    1. Looks pretty awesome and great laugh , you should change your gearbox and diff oils though after wading deep in water unless you have breather extension tubes fitted 😎

    2. We do a Welsh trip to the same place every January! All the boys, freezing cold, landrovers and lots of beer. I feel bad for anyone who hasn’t discovered these adventures yet. Keep it up boys x

    3. I'd be more worried about my disco breaking down on the way to Wales haha but I have done bastard Lane and can confirm it feels worse than it looks 😂

    4. We kept bending steering arms every single off-roading trip in our Range Rover with 35” tyres. Even boxed-in reinforced ones. Must have gone through 5 of them.
      So now we have a full hydro steer system on there, strong enough to move the whole vehicle sideways when up against a rock

    5. Love it. Wayfarer used to be good scenic lane. must be over ten years since I did that one. Cant remember if I ever did strat but some bits looked familiar. comfy in a classic Rangey between christmas and New year. Snow and ice can help and hinder to give a new twist.

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