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    Do you mind not filming and go home!!!

    This guy wasnt happy at me filming the company and told me to go home!!

    Watch the video to see!!

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    Email: bpvisits@yahoo.com

    What gear do you use?
    Body Worn Camera = DJI Osmo Action 4K – https://amzn.to/40bIE6T
    Zoom Camera = Panasonic HC-V180 Handycam – https://amzn.to/40bIE6T
    Handheld Camera = DJI Pocket 2 – https://amzn.to/40bIE6T
    Drone = DJI Mini 3 Fly More Combo – https://amzn.to/3tJb109
    Mobile Phone = Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max – https://amzn.to/491joEF
    Scanner = Uniden UBC-125XLT – https://amzn.to/491joEF
    Editing Computer = Apple Macbook Pro 2019 – https://amzn.to/45JG0qq
    Editing software = Final Cut Pro

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    This is Public Access Just before we start guys um don’t forget please subscribe as we’re getting very close at 10 000 Subs now and once we get there then I’m gonna do a draw on one of the videos where you stick a comment on and you have a chance of winning 100 pounds yes 100 pounds all

    You need to do make sure you subscribed and drop me comments and you’ll be in with a chance of winning that money in a later video keep watching and get miss that ten thousand back to the video hello and welcome MBP and we’re at this new court in normanton and we’re going

    To be looking today at abscess utilities let me tell you a little bit about what these guys do so we go so this is uh aptus utilities so it’s a multi-utility Services Nationwide so our telemed Solutions are provided with a fixed price and end-to-end design and build service no matter whether

    You’re an independent Builder or National Construction firm building single plot or a new neighborhood so you’re looking down here look they do electrical connections water connections gas connections Street lighting water testing chlorination and EV charging points that’s interesting because I can’t see an EV charging points at the

    Moment so we’ll have a close look when we go in and see exactly what it looks like it looks like they’ve got an office here so as you say visitors says please ring doorbell deliveries and operatives please use other door so we’ve got a couple of doors so main entrance for visitors

    There is a doorbell there so please observe speed limit Vehicles parked on a risk obviously not Sports reception industrial trucks and operation but we’re only as if we’re packing up so we’re only going to have a look through the gate anyway um because we know what these do so PPE

    Must be one Beyond this point so going inside you’ll definitely need PPE so let’s just have a look in here so oh look at this right I’m probably going to get these Zoom come out because we’ve got all these materials here so now I don’t have to class set as

    Materials but that’s a portal loot whether that’s their own use Maybe and we’ve got some bits and Bobs fencing panels down there and got a lot of piping look it’s like gas and water I’m assuming that’s what that’s for eign yes we’ve got lots of pipe in here so it

    Looks for different gas water and electrical I guess you’re an electrical in the piping if it’s under under the floor but so yeah we can have a have a look in here so now I’m not sure if you’re going to be able to see this through through the fence

    Which seems pretty quiet in here I’m doing so done so there we go so look we’ve got loads of that stuff it’s going to focus if I turn around it’s focusing on the fence but they’ve got reels and reels of probably electrical cables and piping Some Stacks there hi mate just looking just uh see what you do really so we’ve done it to film it oh he just walked up to me I’m just looking I’m just looking that’s all so Auto shots oh shoot oh yeah so loads of reels and spoons there

    Different attitude to the laser place and it so yeah so he’s not there’s another one over there so he’s got that one open yeah get the zoom come out he’s might close that though before I get the zoom come out but we’ll we’ll see ah too late look is closed oh no oh

    Damn yeah so he shuts them all down now sarcastic but we’ve got to see him anyway didn’t we so so we know that they are just uh they’ve got all this sort of stuff haven’t they and it looks like that’s all that I mean these are probably off Cuts because they had all

    The other stuff unless these are measured pieces for smaller jobs so that’s what they could be they could be actually measured to take to a certain job yeah interesting oh Public Access right no this is Public Access hello would I come if I was with you I

    Where would I put my car if it was a mix of film what we’ve got I’m just interested that’s all looking but not filming oh that’s exactly the same as looking film is just recording what you’re seeing it so if I could oh you would say I can look but I can’t film

    Nothing because would have been stood here like this film it obviously like this I did it outside there when you couldn’t see me film it I’m gonna film them over there I’ve done them it was brilliant took me in showed me around everything totally different totally different

    Attitude but you you just come up here go away stop filming as if I’m going to be why do you why do you just assume I’m a robber when I do all so many people coming here they’re trying to break into our places and so I

    Say but he never he never accused me of being a robber you know I mean he was straight away and started chatting to me and tell me about what he did and I’ll come tonight exactly you can come and introduce yourself to uh to us to say I like to

    Film no you’ve got no receptional switches like there’s I’d have to go ring the bells and so he’s all right I’m gonna film I am trouble so doing this a lot of people coming in Robin is not trying to robbers understood but you can’t just assume

    Everybody’s a robber I mean do I look like a typical robber I wouldn’t be stupid I’m just saying we’ve got people come round it doesn’t take somebody to come around and film and say oh by the way you know uh I’m gonna rob you but yeah

    You know anyway come around and say uh and film and then come back weekend and I just understood understood but I could do all that secretly out there anyway yeah yeah yeah yeah so why are these off Cuts then these ones here they’re why they’re they’re because everything’s on

    A spool didn’t say so these like measured for customer site something oh is that how it comes they come like they buy them like that oh do they oh yeah so what’s the big spools inside then is that not that stuff or is that electrical you had all them big spools

    Cable right obviously you’ve got the also the cape right this is the piping for the kids the yellow which is the gas is the uh water bottle oh it’s always right yeah full uh cable inside right right so do you know do not there’s electric go in that black stuff then

    Or anything like that you’re very exciting because it’s a very uh expensive yeah yeah yeah is it copper now is it copper in the cables as well right okay the smaller ones yeah and then you go to copper and aluminum the bigger size right okay for him conductivity yeah it conducts faster

    With that yeah because copper was always the best conductor the bigger the heat the bigger that it is it’s sort of um stops the heat with the aluminum yeah so how thick are the actual cables in we got to something like that yeah wow 2 15 and then you’ve got no you’ve

    Got 300 which is about that size yeah well the smaller sizes your normal House cable and then you yeah this the soap yeah okay from the sort of uh National Grid yeah into a substation for an estate or something yeah and gets small yeah yeah it’s set the current goes into

    The house yeah yeah stuff like I said it’s just really interesting because obviously you know you don’t get sort of some it’s a YouTube channel so some of my viewers that don’t never see anything like the drab buy it no not claw access utilities does you know but now we can

    See that you do this utilities basically his uh it’s in the name in it really which is yeah but she says what’s on my website before I come through and it says electric car charger as well we we do fit them because obviously every new um building site every new sort of housing

    Estate every single house do they have to have them yes what housing Estates as well you have to have package space with electric charging well it’s a house has a charging port are you doing that when I was just yeah what new houses have to have a charging port I didn’t know that

    That’s a new new music everyone has a charger when you go you go around to the new Estates yeah um 15s depending on which one yeah and we obviously we’ve been the elections and opening to that and that’s not actually every house has to have that down yeah a couple of years

    Yeah yeah making you do it yeah you said the government doing it no but then this is least that I suppose he said that they’re going to try and get in these buildings do you know that they’re trying to get into them I’ve seen take them over there yeah well he

    Owns this anyway yeah he said he saw him by the scene yeah he’s uh he’s coming we’re coming out we’re moving elsewhere oh you know about this right yeah okay yeah he’s coming in yeah because they’re getting big over there he said they’re getting so big nice and so they’re going

    To expand into here where you’ll go in their dinner we don’t know yet uh We’ve we can’t do anything until we decides what is doing okay until he gives us notice that we um Wakefield depending on right I’ve seen a couple of step into you and it’s all

    About the the rent is yeah big question what was what was there because on on Google Maps that looks like it’s a data center or something like we thought it was the data center right and it’s been demolished since you’ve been here uh we saw a lot of servers come out of

    There yeah uh nobody worked there right um and they just had a lot of massive fans yeah yeah so the only thing we could think of that had a lot of massive chance to call things down it looks exactly like from when you look at Google ad it looks like a data center

    But I just don’t understand why it’s gone because your data sensors yeah it was taught that this was going to be made into a um a truck stop all right okay nobody’s done anything since so we don’t know how long has it been like that um

    There’s a guard up there haven’t they I don’t know if anybody’s sat in the hole for sale but yeah yeah said we’ve been bought for a talk shot but if it’s up for sale then pulled out and doing that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

    Look at that you know I’ll come and do a video on that like you know because I’ve got I got me drawn so I get a bit of aerial photography as well when I’ve sort of finished just to finish the video that would be great that wouldn’t it

    Yeah that’s just on Google Earth it looks better oh that looks really good you know the big obviously we had all the different uh escapes yeah so instead of just put in the pile and checking the way that we’re recycling because we’re going along right right so while your cables yeah

    While they’re doing it yeah wow that’s suppose I’ve got to do that now aren’t they they’ve got to say and because they can’t just pile it all back to a scrappy Outlet everything mixed up can they they probably won’t take it in anywhere nowadays and then all the

    Rubber that was left they’ve got a big grinder in and grounded oh that’s what that is all right oh the best yeah that’s all the rubber that was left well yeah that’s true that’s true yeah me surprising now we’ve got a scrap yard and and they say that’s like 97 recycled

    Or something it’s like wow yeah that’s so I’ve only put like three percent in landfill which is fantastic so yeah it’s getting good we are we are doing it more and more now so anyway right great thanks no no no absolutely I welcome any interaction and just come and talk to me

    And I’ll tell you how many people that would probably rather tall but yeah it’s just that there’s yeah yeah you know no I understand I understand advertise what we’ve got because we advertise what we’ve got we might not be there when we well yeah yeah no problem

    Yeah yeah so I’ll go up there so I’ll take my drone I’ve just finished with aerial shots and they’ll be I’ll be gone so that’s it right thanks for your son thank you cheers thanks so that’s it so that’s up to utilities so yeah it came out a little bit guarded

    But Swansea come and spoke to me and realize what I’m here for then obviously tall changed and we had a good little Chapman about what they do here and what they Supply and also we now found out about this what was a data center has now been demolished and yeah that’s it

    And that that all that Rubble there is a smashed up walls and everything that was used to build a data center fantastic okay so uh let’s get the drop and see what we can see There’s no restrictions to flying in this area so let’s go take a look at aptus utilities the whole point has been updated please check it on the map so I’m not sure there’s a rear to this uh because it’s just what we can see here so they’ve got the the three units

    As you can see along here because they’ve got three doors so one of the doors is outside of a fence but the other two doors are behind the actual fence there so we had a look in here so we let us know this is all piping

    So blue is for water and Jello it’s a gas and then I don’t know if you saw on the camera you’re not going to see it now I there’s some bendy pipe behind the black pipe at the back wall there that’s to put the electric cable in as well so you can

    Protect that from rats and knowing through it yeah so these spools I thought they’ve been measured out but that’s how the Comey said so they come like that not size So it looks like there’s some stillages there building some stuff I don’t think they’ve got anything around the other side it is just uh Greenland yep so there’s nothing down that side so let’s take a look over the top see if they’ve got any uh solar panels on this unit no I don’t

    Think they have so no solar panels so no solar panels no electric charging from a company that installs electric charging into all new houses I didn’t know that but yeah that’s good then so that’s how the government’s forcing us to pay for their infrastructure and get any more put into your own house

    When you buy it all right let’s get to the middle ice do a 360. Thank you foreign Get back and get a picture of a whole business in one shot Right before we finish um let’s just have a look at this around here so this was a data center and it’s now been smashed down it’s a rubble look at this So I can do we get a bit I’m gonna get over here What we can do is become low on this one So there’s your old security uh station that’s not used anymore now look yeah they’ve got all somebody sat in the door I think he’s just back there though Yeah amazing that isn’t it so that was if you look on Google Earth today that was a data center but again this is what these videos are good for because that’s what it looks like today it doesn’t look like what Google Earth shows it anyway let’s get the drum back and let’s

    Finish this one up and there you go that’s it so that’s aptus utilities so the guy came out a little bit guarded but when I explained to him what I’m doing then I think he uh he came on my side he started tell us a little bit about the business and he

    Also told us about the uh demolished data center that was over that side so let’s give abscess a score and move on to the next one [Applause]


    1. The agression and accusations by the employee was uncalled for. Very unprofessional aproach to a member of the public even though he turned out to be friendy after a bit of conversation.

    2. How on earth did you change his attitude? I'm gobsmacked after the initial interactions with him. He turned in to the advert for the company, he wouldn't shut up and really connected with you, I thought… 😂😂😂😂I do understand his initial reaction as he seemed under pressure with there only being 2/3 people there and the previous thefts. Brilliant video, one of your best I'd say.👍👍👍👍👍

    3. "Stop filming" and "go home" – two things that he absolutely can't demand you do, but totally misses the one he can demand i.e. get orf mi land. That hi-vis is next to useless in that condition.

    4. Nice video. Glad to see someone come back and apologise for his initial remarks. good on him.
      I think if you recheck your rooftop video it looks like the rear roof has plenty of panels. Or is my eyes deceiving me.

    5. this goes higher up than UK law,,,,, ECHR European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms ECHR) is a European treaty in which the human and civil rights of all residents of the member countries are laid down (article 10). allows filming in the public sector, even people in public and in government buildings , everything you can see from public (even if you point into private buildings and sites) you can photo and record it since November 4, 1950, Google Earth (with

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