1. I'm close to tears watching this ! I was born in 1951 and Hanley was an amazing place ! Now its just a disgusting
      open air toilet ! I'm ashamed to say I'm from hear, God help us !!

    2. I worked a few nights on the doors here as a bouncer, I'm not gay myself but I can honestly say it was one of the most friendly of night clubs you could ever go into in Stoke.

    3. Such a shame for Stoke on Trent its getting really bad now, my era was the eighties and the night life in Hanley was amazing. It started to go down hill very quickly about end of the 90s era. I worked most of the doors in Hanley and Newcastle with my Nephew Eddie Hall, as he used to get me the work bless his fairy socks..lol

    4. My parents used to take me the the 'old' bus station when it was relatively new in the 1960's. The little shopping precinct was clean and with a variety of nice shops. There was always a slight smell of diesel/bleach but it wasn't a bad smell, just something you expected. I think I recall (not certain though) that they quietly played current pop music through the announcement speakers. Years later (late 70's) my then g/f and I used to frequent the little nightclub under the bus station called (at various times) Chico's/Maxims (which also moved to the Sammi Belles building in Newcastle – the names seemed to swap around quite often). I'd love to own a time machine and take this video back….

    5. The labour council have done more damage to stoke on Trent than the Luftwaffe did….I can’t believe my old stomping grounds have turned into Beirut .what a dump ..😢😢😢😢

    6. There is no need to class gay lgbt community as you have! There is enough hate in the world without your comments as you have! You should Re-edit and keep your vile comments to yourself!

    7. I'm surprised that Hanley has gotten that considering I live near the town centre and they are right to a point city of culture it depends on what culture it is 🤔 drug culture or fly tipping culture 😂

    8. 3:50 did you have to cut the recording because someone turned up? You have to be careful in there. As another youtuber said, only one way in and only one way out.

    9. Stoke reminds me of mega city one from Judge Dredd, even the bit on the A50 with the large concrete sides looks similar to the bike chase in the intro. The people are awesome though as are the oatcakes. From Derby, great work mate.

    10. Jane Ashworth you should be ashamed of yourself stopping the regeneration of Stoke on Trent. The Conservatives have done more for the city in a few years than Labour have ever done. How can you leave us like this?

    11. I did security at that B&M and the old Argos years ago you were brave going up there, the fire exits and steps down to the bus station used to be littered with needles.
      They filmed a zombie film in the old east west and bus station before it was knocked down 😂

    12. I was in Hanley the other day and i don't know if it was just the part i walked through,, or ive just not been looking properly but i really felt a foreigner in England all i saw was eastern Europe

    13. A family friend of ours ( elderly ex war servicemen ) was assaulted up Hanley by foreign youth a few years back now the place has been going down hill for a good while and it’s not turning around. I turn 28 next year I am planning to be far from stoke with my family by this time next year.

      Whilst saying that though there are still pockets and hidden gems in stoke with good history and lovely people but that’s not enough when the city centre looks like this.

      Good vid.

    14. Come and see Carlisle city of Cumbria oh and that state of the A595 road that links it to the county. Where does our money go? Council tax ect. Bloody joke!

    15. Hanley the shit hole then blame the labour shits in charge ,they dont give a fig anyone with any sense knows how to sort this but high paid twats can not

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