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    ‘At ABL Health we strive to support people to become active participants in their own care, enabling them to become healthier and happier for longer. ⁣

    We are driven by our vision to eradicate health inequalities through our free community healthcare programmes. From weight-loss support to stop smoking, our team of experts will work with you to take back control of your health.’⁣⁣

    Hi everyone um and welcome to the August bariatric information session and as you can see we’ve got Jody here from Salford Royal and bariatric nurse and we’ve also got Jillian here as well um who will be talking through her experience um having bariatric surgery with fruit sulfur dryer and before we get started

    Um as it’s a webinar you guys won’t be able to see each other we won’t be able to hear you either um Jillian I’ll go through a um presentation for us and then afterwards we’re gonna have time for some Q and A so if you’ve got any questions to ask

    Any of us in the panel and then please put them into the Q a box and then use the chat box to chat amongst yourselves but unfortunately I won’t be able to look through the chat box for your questions so make sure they go in the Q a brilliant hi everybody good evening

    Um I’m really glad you can join us so I’m Jody I’m the bariatric nurse at Salford and for anyone who’s joining for the first time the idea is that we do these sessions on the first Wednesday of every month except for the one in

    January so you can get a bit of a feel for our team um for bariatric surgery itself and tonight is one of my favorite sessions so it’s a patient experience night there will be some people in the audience um as well that have had surgery if

    That’s the case and you’re happy to be one of our panelists this evening which means you might contribute to the Q a or I might have a little question or two for you and then please do raise your hands and Abby’s going to do her best to

    Figure out how to flip you into the panel and if not we might do it a slightly different way so let’s see how the evening progresses we were meant to have two speakers tonight sharing their experience but one had to pull out unfortunately and they’re a bit gutted

    Because it is a really nice one to do because it kind of cements how far you come and we like the kind of boats and all we know that baritrix surgery is not an easy fix we know that you’re all going through a lot right now with your weight management and

    Um delays and life and everything else so um barricade surgery is fantastic and but at the same time it’s it’s never that easy option so it’s really nice to hear from people that have actually had surgery and so without further to do we’ll hand over to Jill who’s kindly said that

    She’ll talk through her presentation be kind it’s not an easy thing to do and so we’re very grateful to have you uh just one last thing for me Abby if you’re all right have you got the presentation and everything okay lovely right I’ll see you after thanks Jill okay right shall I start

    Yeah okay hi everybody um I’m going to run through this presentation as per the slides I think there’s 15 or 16 slides but it does include photographs of me in various States so be kind um but Jordy asked me I’ve been involved with the Salford weight team for a few

    Years really now culminating in um a sleeve gastrectomy last January 22 and she asked me if I would like to do a presentation for this evening which I was happy to do and share my passion experience with you all so here goes I am from Bolton so I’ve got a strong

    Voice of that accent so there’s anything unclear please just Bob it in your your questions and answers all right so my name is Jill I’m currently 57 and this is my journey from software to Survivor and Beyond and yes it has taken me 57 years to achieve this goal so you know

    We know never give up because it’s never too late next please right so we start off like because as a child you know because I think for a lot of some people not some people coming to sort of await loss situation later on in life but I think a lot of people also

    Start from um being a young person being a child and growing up and that was my journey um I was feeling that I was the the bigger one amongst my friends you know at Primary School whatever where you become aware of Weights really um I mean we are talking about the 70s

    When I was sort of that age 60s to 70s so I’m sure now it’s it’s a lot more sort of involved really for kids now um especially with social media but I had a friend that was born on the same day as me same age we’re actually born

    20 minutes apart and our mum’s met in hospital and Jerry and our growing up um she was always we were exactly the same height she was the slim one and I was always the one that was a bit bigger the big boned one as they used to say

    I carried on and it I did start to become aware of this and then unfortunately my dad passed and I’m an only child um when I was 13 and that was extremely traumatic for me and I think through teenage years that Consciousness about my weight um just continued and grew I was very

    Self-conscious um and had a poor body image which continued to affect my feelings of feeling a bit inferior really and my confidence was law and normal ways of living were just like constantly thinking about food and you know what I should eat or not eat dieting checking weights

    How to look and dress to try and look the best that I thought I could that was acceptable to me but you know growing up people’s glib comments um you know that probably didn’t you know mean anyhow but we like oh the fat child are you know sit down you’ll break

    That chair if you sit on that you know they do hurt and they do stay with you so in this picture um of me holding a really cool doggy um I was 28 29 I’d actually just lost a couple of stone I’ve been on a straight British Heart Foundation dang it he’s in

    Practically nothing for six months and managed to lose the the two storm so I was very proud and happy at getting down to sort of nine and a half but then I fell pregnant and really that’s where I’ve had a lot of women’s health problems from since during the pregnancy

    Um and that then really made the way it explored and ballooned um over the next 20 saw years other issues such as you know I’m sure a lot of the ladies will appreciate you know with women’s health is a lot of hormone imbalance um PCOS um I’d had surgery during the the

    Pregnancies you know two or three times so by the time I had my son um I gained from that starting point seven and a half Stone which was just awful um you know and in the clinic in the maternity Clinic the doctor would make you feel absolutely Dreadful by saying

    What are you eating are you eating cream cakes are you eating and you just felt totally martified um next please Abby I’ve been a nurse for 33 years now I’ve always worked in mental health I’m a trans mental health nurse um here’s me but looking sort of very blotted I mean I

    Always had a round face but I just looked back at these pictures and just feel disgusted really um with myself and how I look and I was very embarrassed yeah I tried every diet going Weight Watchers Slimming World Atkins the Heart Foundation I mentioned but nothing gave

    Me that start to proper weight loss and a route to feeling happy um for the long term next please Abby so finally I was I think these staff said and it was fairly a new thing was the weight management service and in Bolton I managed to get my GP to refer

    Me to the weight management team um and I began with that um I mean despite the weight gain through various conditions um I mean I’d also had a couple of cancers in this last 10 years which hadn’t helped with the whole scenario really um I started going to the weight management team

    But again I just I might lose you know a few poems and I’d feel you know lifted about that but then they’d just go back on and I’d just be swinging backwards and forwards all the time and just couldn’t make any you know serious weight loss um So eventually

    Um I was sent to the bariatric clinic in Salford in 2016. um but unfortunately at that time I just had the second bite of cancer and it had a social hysterectomy um and even though I I went and I saw the consultant and he did feel I was a

    Candidate for the sleeve gastrectomy I couldn’t go ahead right at that time so a delay came in again I went back to the weight management team in Bolton then on the another occasion um I got as far as the Spire from a pre-op and but because I’m on a medication for

    Um a particular endocrinological disorder it just created a problem and again there was delay um it couldn’t go ahead and then of course corvid hit and we were all you know sort of pushed into our homes and nothing was going on with anything so again I was I was just stuck

    Um to my own devices okay so this was how I always thought I might look I would like to look I never I’ve never been a slim jim skinny mini um but I’ve always felt like I didn’t want to be a stick either or somebody who

    Looked I always wanted to be just that you know sort of traditional woman shape um so this is this is Sophia Loren and actually the year I was born 1965 um saying she’d rather eat pasta than be a size zero um so I kept this picture as a sort of a

    Bit of a benchmark really um so I then next one Abby please this is me don’t be horrified with the picture on the right um I’d managed to get I think I’ve gone under the rear Daryl a little bit plus corvid um I kept ringing managed to actually

    Get again sort of into the the books of all right okay perhaps we can look at this and try and get you in again um for surgery consultation and surgery so this is the end of 2021 um I’d finally spoke around November yes I was still interested um and then suddenly really without

    Warning got a call um December late December um can you come in to auckland’s itself but um and have the surgery and I literally just had the two weeks available to complete the liver reducing diet that you need to do before you go in for surgery obviously it’s trying to reduce

    The liver enough so that the surgeon can see what he’s doing so here’s me on the left um I’m trying to think of my eyebrows are so big on this picture but hey ho um and this is the 10th of January I’d gone in and then following the surgery I

    Was up straight away more or less um you have these four or five wounds from the keyhole points but certainly by the next morning I was up and feeling fantastic um because when I’d had a lot of gyne surgery before I’d always been in bed in Lords of Pain

    Um for days but this was totally different um so I thought oh this is great you know I’m I’m up mobile it’s done and now we just see we see what happens so the first thing they have to um encourage you to do so that you can

    Be discharged is have a small drink of tea see if you can tolerate that and they bring you a small bowl of clear soap and if you if you manage to tolerate those then you know you find you can you can go home so the first thing for me really

    Probably because I was pre-disposed two reflux um was I could only manage a couple of spoonfuls of the soup because it just made me feel so sick um and Bloated but I did come home and then you follow the plan and what Jordy and the team advise in so much as three

    Weeks of fluid on where clear fluid um tea clear vegetable stock nothing fizzy you can have some juice water whatever you feel you can manage I found it very difficult with water just pure water Alone um well the main feelings for me were the heaviness in the stomach the real

    Bloatedness and sickliness after a couple of weeks and the you know basically the wind the indigestion I had so it was like a baby I had to walk around and actually try and bring the wind up um after I’d had you know a couple of you know bits of drink or something

    But by the time you finished the fluid stage um on week four you well I was you’re desperate for something solid really um so then you start very slowly introducing you know it’s sort of semi liquid things like your yogurt with no no fruity lumps in it just you know

    Plain yogurt smooth yogurt I used to have a Slim Fast Shake um fine soups you know there’s more just small amounts which is literally very small amounts and then onto your your soft diet um after another three weeks of the um the pure air so yeah so we’re eating a little bit

    More by and feeling a little bit feel better in so much as you’re getting back to actually eating something solid but it’s still well for me extremely small and I this heavy feeling was just something that you know I really have to try and tolerate and continue with because you

    Know I’m being totally honest it wasn’t pleasant um but you know I carried on um medications that you prescribe by the team um it’s important that you take roles you keep up with the vitamins um I am still on 80 milligrams of Omeprazole a day I use antacids and

    Various things but I think it’s for me I’ve never regretted having this surgery and I think it’s a small price really um to feel more confident look and feel healthier and just be able to do things that you just can’t entertain doing before you’re going to walk feeling you can keep more

    At a place with your friend or your husband I mean straight away I have the motivation to start going to the gym um which is something I’d never I’ve tried over the years a few times but I always felt too conscious to embarrassed um but since that day in February last

    Year ago you know nobody bothers me I just get on I do my own thing um you know a bit of the cycle bit of the treadmill I still can’t run on the treadmill man but you know a bit of the the whites and things um I actually enjoy it because it’s time

    Out for you so I say I’ve never regretted it at all um I mean I’m just through another slide Abby oh yeah here we are yeah so this is me when I first started going to the the gym on the left the hair thing is because even though I

    Had chemotherapy 10 years ago um and I’ve obviously then I had to go through um a rapid menopause um but it would look a bit further on um you’ll see that I’ve I’ve tried to so I think it’s about reforming yourself in a way that you feel most comfortable no you think other

    People shall feel you look or how you should be but what you do for you and this surgery has enabled me to feel like I fit within society’s Norms it’s given me that confidence I need to feel good about myself and my body um next one Abby please everybody’s different and has different

    Goals and it is very individual as I say it’s what you need to feel you can move forward in your life without the physical and psychological burdens of being at what I call a bigger person there’s no blueprint apart from following the the program um be patient with yourself but it’s your journey

    Um and you follow it as you your body adjusts um all right here we are here’s me um having because of the hair um re-farm myself a little bit through other methods but again that added a lot to me so I have my hair back alongside the way the way it was

    Um so I’ve lost probably near five storms now you know I look like to still lose another two um so that would be total of seven but you know I’m not pressuring if I don’t get there you know I’m happy with how I am and over the period you know it’s

    Been a very steady weight loss it’s not been well I’ve lost three stone in two weeks uh it’s something you have to work out keep committed to for yourself you know to put that investment in take responsibility for yourself um you know there’s been weeks when I’ve

    Just plateaued and been the same weight for what seems like forever but don’t get disheartened just keep at it and you will get there um you know the surgery is the start you know so make make your life on the goal what you want it to be

    Um stay focused I can’t see that last bit at the end um it says stay focused and and make some more changes to your lifestyle where you can yeah that’s it and you know I always thought at the beginning um surgery was the very very last option for me because

    I suppose I was hard on myself always thinking you know I should be able to do this myself why can’t I do this myself you know I’m an independent person I’m a I’m a nurse so you know I see to other people why can’t I do this for myself

    But I had to really swallow that and say well no I can’t do it um and if surgery gives me that platform to enable me to do it then then that’s what what I will do and I feel so thankful that I’ve had this opportunity um

    So you know if you have that opportunity so then you know I’ve tried to be realistic you know it’s you know it can be very hard um but it is worth it so just keep on and you’ll get there so so yeah this is me real the week last week at work

    Um because I also know and obviously being a mental health nurse I’m big on this as well as the physical side the a lot of the time yes it’s the physical appearance but it’s also I think it’s the psychological burden that we carry the thinking how we

    Start for years so others have maybe you know made us think the patterns of behavior that we’ve Acquired and breaking laws is really difficult you know and I’ve experienced anxiety I felt depressed you know negative about yourself and all because you feel bigger than somebody else and you shouldn’t

    Have to feel like that so tackle the physical side but also tackle what’s up up here as well in your head in your mind and the two go together so is that it then yeah that’s the end I’ll just say that use Jordy Chris everybody um they’re there to help and support you

    With whatever the lovely um so and they’re just there to help so use them don’t don’t be shy um you never a failure never been never think that you’re never a failure just be your own success story thanks very much guys for listening thank you oh Jill that was just fantastic

    I’m emotional I just think that was just so I don’t know I think everybody’s watching it will be so grateful because it really brings it home and how everybody’s journey is myself I know and I didn’t think therapy in itself when you look at just how far you’ve come and you know the

    Goals you’ve reached and kind of just acknowledging lots of things that come with weight especially the mental health side and I think that’s really important um and I think we do see a lot of people now that are having additional hardships because we’ve gone through covid and we

    Kind of almost forgotten about it which we of course we haven’t it’s left a bit of a scar but a scar we’re not really willing to look at yet um and and that I think for people that were suffering with obesity or had a lung condition or severe asthma

    Um lots of issues that were right up there when we were watching the news saying oh it’s worse for you if you’re obese it’s worse for you if you’ve got this it was a very scary time and people were in limbo yet again unable to access weight management unable to have their

    Surgery so that kind of stop start has been really difficult and then the following impact to that of the longer delays now so that getting that phone call where they’re like oh can you have your surgery in two weeks is exactly how it still is now so people might be

    Waiting quite a while and then they’ll get that phone call to say right we’ve got we’ve got slots in two weeks three weeks but he’s you know it can feel quite overwhelming because you’ve been waiting and then thinking oh well I’ll just stick a pin in that and it almost

    Once it goes out of your head but for your own kind of Sanity you can’t be forever wondering when’s it going to happen when is it gonna happen you’ve got to live your life you’ve got to and I always say book your holidays do your life it will happen the funding’s there

    It’s just taking a lot longer so yeah so when you’re suddenly hear all your surgery is in two weeks that can be quite overwhelming as well I don’t know if you found that well it was definitely I mean I I was yeah as I say I didn’t have time to even think

    Yeah all the things are tossed back and forth previously I didn’t have time to even think so it was just right I’m in and that was it but you know I wanted I forgot to say one of the main things for me as well was I know we always talk about weight loss

    But it was very much for me I thought what else can I do to create myself into a healthier human being because I’d had the two watts of cancer and other issues and that was the only thing I could do was lose weight so it was about creating that healthy

    And me to try and divide avoid that so yeah and I think I think the other thing that was one of your slides was a picture of you as a nurse and you were saying oh we’ve always had a round face and then you were like oh I don’t really

    Like this picture and I can’t remember what your exact phrase was but it’s like I’m looking looking awful or looking disgusting disgusted I still love them when I look back at them honestly I look at honestly and I couldn’t help myself I was like looking beautiful because I

    Genuinely not just saying that you were you look great you’re at work you do your job I think sometimes um that imprint that that kind of self I can’t take that away from you you feel how you feel and I think when people carry weight and and you need to carry away to

    Understand it fully like the people that are listening right now um but I just find that hard I find it hard when I see someone else struggle in that sense and they look at themselves and they kind of have that kind of form of self-loathing and that’s a really

    Difficult thing to acknowledge because you are hope you you know you’re a wonderful person just the way you’ve taught everything you’ve said we can see you’re a beautiful person and you’re a beautiful person then and you’re a beautiful person now um and I think sometimes when we have

    Bariatric surgery as well it can make big impact in um little things like how you feel and in terms of being able to do more like keeping up with your husband keeping Pace I like that phrase keeping Pace with the person you’re next to I think

    That was a really nice way to put things um so yes I think that that kind of made me feel quite emotional when you said that because I think for some people they can actually struggle with their body image after surgery kind of I did almost like an identity

    They weren’t expecting to have or their head catching up with their body not really seeing it I’ve had people who are really disappointed who’ve lost 75 of their excess weight because they felt that they were going to look a certain way or they might have had an image and

    And still felt like they somehow failed because they have they’re not living that image or they may have not quite understood just or not understood or not quite a thought about the impact of other things like maybe some excess skin or the fact that you know whatever diet you’re on the bit you

    Want to lose your weight from the most tends to be the last place it goes wrong so sometimes your expectations like come on I just want that you know whatever bit of your body you’ve always had a bit of an issue with so there’s there’s things like that it’s that how you kind

    Of approach that Journey as well again for your mental health is really important maybe I’ve just mentioned where you mentioned about excess skin Jordan because I’d had a lot of Guinea surgery and full abdominal cough even sort of prior to the actual weight loss surgery and the weight gain but I always

    Had like a bit of an apron told me at the bottom um because I think I just lost the muscle because of the surgery no that’s the one thing that even though I’ve lost in other air that hasn’t changed which is that’s the that’s this I mean I don’t let it get me

    Down I’m gonna think I’m looking but that is disappointing in a way to me um so I’m you know I’m at the gym I’m thinking how do I get rid of this thing or re reshape it so you know for the future I don’t know but if you expect

    Your whole to be suddenly you know it is a working progress and it is but if you have that then it maybe isn’t gonna change a lot you know even with the weight loss so I know there’s lots of q a um so we’ll come to that in a moment

    With Abby but I know we’ve got Jeff and Stuart here as well we’ve both also had surgery they’ve just flipped into the panel so thanks gents for joining us and so just just briefly if you don’t mind I wouldn’t mind asking you both um if we go maybe to Jeff first what’s

    Kind of your being your the best thing about having your surgery and perhaps the hardest thing about having your surgery the best part for me has been the change in in being able to go out and buy clothes at a normal shot like I’ve been able to go go into any

    Shop and just pick some off the shelf instead of having to buy off like fat man sites as I call them like Giacomo or whatever um losing like eight inches around my waist it’s been four months since my surgery um I had the single elastomosis but it’s just been absolutely amazing that side

    Of it however like Jillian’s just been saying people who come into it and think like I probably did I’m gonna lose all this weight and I’m gonna look ripped and I’m gonna look really good you still got that it’s that that part of your body

    Where you really want it to go from your belly you really want it to go but it’s come from everywhere else so I’ve got a little p head now where is it used to have a big chocolate head and and kind of like I’ve still got my belly there

    But but it is amazing I went out and I wore a suit on Saturday night for my brother’s 50th and everybody come up to me and was like oh my God who’s this new person and that just gives you a bit of a a bit of a boost doesn’t it it makes

    You feel better but what I will say is that everybody’s saying like I’ve lost six and a half Stone in the four months which I think is really bad amazing however um for to do that I have exercised my backside off like from the moment I

    Could get out and walk I’ve got out and walked and there’s not a day goes by where my wife doesn’t drag me out of the front door and drags me on either a Four Mile Walk or an eight mile walk and we’ve gone up to like 30 mile walks but

    That I feel contributes but I feel mentally better being able to do that and it is it’s just an absolutely amazing transformation in such a short period of time if you want to put the effort in if you don’t want to put the effort in please don’t go into it thinking it’s

    The easy option because the other sides of it are like bits of dumping syndrome and you know like constipation I’m quite open on the abl group if people have watched I’ll put honest opinions of the fact that you know it’s taken me three days to go to the toilet and I’m in agony

    Um you know um like laxiedo is my best friend at the minute but you’ve just gotta crack on with it and and take the rough with this move really and all thanks Jeff I’m sure we’ll see you in future talks so that’d be really nice to do your journey at

    Some point so yeah thanks so much and Stuart same question to you sorry I missed the question because it actually cuts out yeah I’ll say so my question was just just briefly what would you say is kind of the best thing about having had surgery and perhaps the hardest thing about having surgery

    Oh we’ve Frozen for a minute we’ll give you a minute to come back to us and I guess just you know when you’re listening to people where they kind of say um I’m doing lots and lots of exercise that is brilliant that is so good for

    Your heart it’s so good for your mental health and you’ll sometimes find that um this will help um further down the road with things like excess skin you can’t exercise away excess skin it won’t ever fully go so just again have that kind of realistic expectation with it some of us are very

    Lucky and have amazing collagen and elastin in our DNA and that might make it a little bit easier for them but compared to others so it’s all again a very individual Journey so even though social media has exploded and we can follow people’s Journeys and so on and just keep remembering that all

    Individuals we’re all very different on this planet anyway yeah mine mine is definitely definitely not disappeared but it still works so to be honest that rapid weight loss which is usually the four to six months is almost when you kind of really notice it quite pronounced because your body can’t catch

    Up with itself so then kind of when you get kind of to two years plus it’s slightly different um it kind of you can actually kind of gobble up a little bit of it and then and then you’ll know kind of what you’re left with so when you plateau out from

    That sort of two to three years so I’ll let I’ll let Stewart come back in because he’s unfrozen now and your fair few years down the line now aren’t you Oh no you’re Frozen again no for your connection all right let’s go to some Q A’s Abby yeah Um so just well thank you everyone just before we start looking nice thank you everyone for um especially Jillian for sharing that your journey and I can see in the chat a lot of people have found that really valuable um yeah yeah but also showing like your emotional Journey as well through it

    Um is that better I mean right well um so going back to the question the best thing that ever happened to me was questions and answers so when you get questions after what freedom and and that is just the best thing in the world the the worst things really were the

    Dumping syndrome which um I mean you do overcome it eventually I’ve got to that point where I’ll become it um and you you even know that I’m four four years and three months in wow and I’m still happy as Larry fit as a fiddle and loving life and and before

    That I was depressed um frightened for what was going to happen to me because I felt like I weren’t gonna I I really so up to the point of surgery I felt like I didn’t have long left four and a half years down the line no got him

    Um no I’m riding my bike doing 20 and 30 miles a day um whether it be I’m gonna buy a car in the bank in the shed Fitness is absolutely superb and life is just fantastic I mean you will go through the turmoil and and

    And and the stress and and the worry and everything else through the operation I mean like you just had Jill the worst ones in my life was that three weeks not three weeks of liquid I can’t tell you how much that was awful and then going on to the puree don’t

    Tell you what not to do don’t puree sausage and beans okay I’ll tell you what he’s like but don’t do it but yeah life’s fantastic now and and and you know this team that we’ve got us off as Royal is just absolutely super what can we say

    Um I think all of us can agree they’re just cracking people love them love them to bits and and look at where I am right back at you like Abby let’s have some q a yeah um so just before I start the Q a just do

    Um I’ve put in the chat already but I’ll just put it in again and the link to our feedback survey just I know sometimes when I mention at the end um some people are already logging off so just would greatly appreciate if you spent a few minutes giving us some

    Um feedback it’s just a short survey just to make sure that we’re giving you the information that you need and the information that you find valuable and so I’ll pop that in now so questions um how is it decided what surgery is best for you as an individual

    Um I don’t mind taking this one um yeah you come and meet the team at Salford you’ll meet the surgeon and most people also meet our medic we’ll give you the benefit of our expertise based on your individual history so for some people if they’re um say very very obese it may be

    Quite hard to do a role-wide bypass um so we might even plan you for a two-stage surgery where we would do the sleeve see how you go with your weight loss and then consider a bypass if needed um for other people it may be that you suffer with terrible God Barrett’s

    Esophagus or reflux so you’re having to take lots of um ppis that’s Omeprazole and esome and optional things like that on a daily basis and so we may say the sleeve could cause you problems because sometimes the sleeve can have higher pressures and can sometimes cause more problems with reflux which I think

    Jill’s um definitely experience with her um so we we kind of try and mitigate complications and give you the benefit of our expertise um and then and and then uh really it’s more down to you for some people when they research this they’ll say well the

    Sleeve seems to be the one with uh that’s the shortest time on the table technically the most easy and seems like a lesser operation it’s still a major operation just like a bypass but for some people are much more comfortable about the idea of a sleeve

    Um so we will always question with you why a sleeve why a bypass and then if everybody’s like kind of happy and if there are any additional risks the surgeons explain them to you and we won’t do a surgery if we think it puts you an unnecessary risk

    Um and if you are a smoker we would say please be a lifelong non-smoker um and we definitely wouldn’t do a bypassing someone who was a smoker who wasn’t too sure if they would be able to be a lifelong non-smoker and there’s reasons for that so definitely consider

    If you are a smoker now how are you going to stop to give you all the good options and be as safe and as healthy as possible after surgery with this great thank you Jody um and I’ll ask um each of you guys that have had um the surgery how long did

    Each of you stay in hospital for and what was the recovery time like for you with going back to normal day-to-day life oh sorry now it’s been overnight I have the slave so the reason why I didn’t have the bypass was because I’ve had IBS for

    Years and years so you know that wasn’t the right option but yeah I had the sleeves so as I was I was leaving after that couple of spoons of clear soup um you know the following day and I went home in a taxi I remember that I got in

    A taxi went home in a taxi so but um I was back at work in after a week so I was obviously a little bit anxious about how I was gonna manage this whole fluid thing and still do it however you know how many hours shift at the

    Hospital but you do you do as long as you know what’s you know what’s in your mind and what you have to stick with that um then you just get on really if you want it badly enough you do it and you get on with it thank you Judy and what about yourself

    Jeff yeah I went in I was um admitted in the morning had surgery I was in for nearly three hours I had the like I say single anastomosis but I was there overnight and I went home three o’clock the next day after making sure I could have the

    Clear soup which I really liked and I managed to stick I really managed to stomach it and then I had so much peppermint what is it peppermint syrup that was coming out of my ears um because I thought it was like a soft drink it was really nice and then I went

    Home and it probably five days to to rid myself of of the pain because I was in quite a lot of gas pain where they blow you up like you was talking about Jill yeah and it it was just horrific like really really bad pain but yeah five

    Days on I was back to normal really thank you about yourself Stuart so um I went in around the back of the operation was about two I had to stay in overnight because I had to go because I was on the CPAP beforehand um so I had to stay in overnight on in

    In the intensive care but um just saw the monastery tomorrow over the night um I then went on roughly about 12 o’clock the next day um unlike you Jeff I was actually thinking when I had that that liquid suit how far is this one God for free oh my good god

    Um I think the best thing they had was when they woke me up in the morning well I didn’t really sleep it is so uncomfortable and you’ve got all these bleeping going on and for some reason um I suffer from um my heart rate goes really low that’s just something we’ve

    Got I think he’s trying to track a card in backyard it went on um we we suffer that in the family um but it kept bleeping the machine and it kept running over so not only did that wake me up I want myself up um

    But the best thing I had was a yogurt um the next day and it was so God there were no bits in it but it was still yogurt and it was something tasty um and a bro bought it without soup what I did find there’s um there is a

    Company online and they do bomb broth um Valley so what I did is that I bought a lot of bone broth and it actually made my um my liquid meals a little bit better it gave a bit of flavor um and I got through the three weeks with that it’s just that

    Sausage and beans just don’t do it

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