On this episode Spanian walks through what is probably Australia’s most infamous suburb “Mt Druitt” with a couple of locals to see and hear about life in this western Sydney suburb.

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    Produced by Spanian Media

    Crazy one of the best smash bricks fall every through the brick wall holy we’re in the thick of it now brother I’m spion I was raised in a housing area as of Sydney City spent most of my youth and adult life in prison and after a total of 13 years I’m

    Free and I’m out and about flying around susing out the hoods all over the world it’s o All right everyone welcome back to into the hood I’m in Sydney Sydney City I’m at a suburb called red fern today I’ve been trying to get here for a long time we’re going to a place called mount jart mount jart is without a doubt Sydney’s most notorious suburb it is ranked as

    The most dangerous suburb in Sydney two of the suburbs within Mount JW actually ranked number one and number five for most dangerous places in Sydney to go a lot of gangs out there a lot of Street crime high levels of violent crimes out there gang fights in the streets bats

    Machetes it goes off out there attacks on police anyway standing in red f station to get to the specific subb we’re going that’s called Wilmont it’s about an hour 40 from here it’s a train ride and then a bus ride from Mount J station listen before we go any further

    10 seconds we got let’s o merch we got white shirts hats as you can see there’s hoodies there’s black shirts if you don’t like white shirts if you support the journey like the channel grab a shirt grab a hat whatever you want like lighters don’t brother how you good Brother this station Is so it’s a 57 minute train ride from here we’re getting off at Mount J station and from there we’re catching a 759 it’s 16 minutes I forgot to say the suburbs we’re going to I didn’t tell you the goodness lad I got something juice lined up the three most notorious

    Suburbs wilmart Shelby and bidw which are all at the back end of Mount JW which are like away from the the train station obviously we’re meeting people there at Wilmont one of the boys is a rapper from Sydney hoodridge we’re meeting him at Wilmont he grew up there

    He’s going to show us around Wilmont and then in Shel and W one of the older boys from G bumpy we’re going to bump in we’re going to bump into bumpy we’re going to bump into bumpy and um he’s going to show us around Shel in

    Uh bidw they’re waiting for me to come brother and we’re going to be rocking up on our bus like I said brother let’s go we started here which is the city central we started at Red Fern and mount JW’s all the way out here so it’s it’s

    Almost as West as you can get before you leave Sydney All right here we are Mount J station lad finally bus from here 20 minute bus rod and we’re there brother and we’re there this is where the buses are clearly just said someone screaming for me L try run brother run I’m going to get off So all right just messaged the first lad H Rich told him I’ll be there in about 15 minutes I don’t know exactly where he is and where I’m jumping off look how we just go under the belts straight over I don’t exactly know where he is or where

    We’re jumping off but we’ll find him I’m sure we’ll find him them right all right you can see it’s definitely getting uh a lot worse you didn’t expect to see me on the bus I’m getting off at wmart sign a shoot walk through the it’s the next stop all right mad thanks boys

    Later all right I think I’m getting off here brother it is here thank you there he is he straight at the bus stop we got in the first go how you doing lad how are you yeah it good good good good Rich doing you been brother good no i’ been

    Good by you been yeah good brother yeah hectic hectic [ __ ] lad [ __ ] H lad where we in the F of this is the F of bro I noticed they get worse at the last suburb Left Bridge Park yeah left brige bro left brige Park’s pretty [ __ ] bad

    Too bro yeah yeah that’s just before Walmart yeah yeah I noticed it just then bro but to be honest this are is a cleaned up a lot lad yeah you grew up here right yeah grew up here my whole life bro yeah mad but yeah this this

    Area is cleaned up this is the aftermath of everything really like everywhere else in Sydney pretty much basically so how many suburbs are in in um Mount J in general 10 or 12 right yeah you the main one’s a leage park sh Walmart bid but

    You got EMT you got old m j but you got hebo you got [ __ ] hustle Grove like you got you got everything through here bro yeah but these ones here are the ones known to be the worst yeah yeah definitely bro sh big this house a bit you used there used

    To be a house here and it used to I don’t know what happened to a land but every time i’ become in a school oh lad [ __ ] I was always I was always [ __ ] at LAD walking through here cuz it was just partying oh no way bro it doesn’t

    Matter what time of the [ __ ] day it was lad oh in the house they used to be knocked it down no way yeah bro there for ages too so right where where we’re going now brother’s basically yeah you can see all the flats coming up bro this

    Is the F of it bro the yard is that the playground is the play Area oh this his house L man pass kid been pass I’m making a joke because it’s it’s fresh behind us and I go is that the play area he just looked at me like what and then he goes in and it’s his SL that’s his Yard let’s get our ass back there that’s ham all the same style houses yeah bro but this is the front of people’s houses yeah how is this is this even a street just sitting on it’s not even a street how do you put someone’s house and what but they live in a

    Walkway it’s a full SE class you that’s bad here I didn’t know was this bad BR I’m not going to lie lad I did not know look at this this is depressing as brother but I think if I leave DB running around the streets with Mercedes

    And bats too brother St what do you mean I was and I lived in a City hey bikes flying around Western Sydney is obsessed with bikes dirt Bikes how are you buz watch thank you hello my lers well tell us like a bit about you CU what’s it like growing up here specifically your experience growing up woman was it was [ __ ] it was tough at when you’re in it yeah but obviously looking back on it it’sing it was

    Blessing in a way yeah yeah like I put it this way if you went from this area and you come down here especially on a Friday or Saturday night lad and like you got this false sense of security because you know John down the road or you know this you’re right but brother

    The amount of I’ve seen come down here and I’m not even just talking woman in general I’m talking about Jews old that just got [ __ ] slept and sent you know what I mean for just coming down here oh no way yeah bro yeah so so people come

    Down here cuz you know trying to be in the hood they know people go to school with people and that everyone turns on them exactly s I’ve seen people naked but just drift bro no way yeah pretty hectic down here but other than that bro good

    Good bunch of boys yeah good kids that live here good people common people from here end up in jail and that um [ __ ] a lot bro yeah there’s a few boys from this area I can vouch that yeah there’s a a lot of boys from this area like a

    Good percentage of the jail system is from our yeah about doubt bro yeah a lot of boys from Walmart inside see your blocks are flats here littleway these were pretty bad back in the day yeah Come people people are still living here bro bro he are still living in this this these Flats around here but like look at this BR I can’t believe people live in that L full on bro I didn’t expect that cuz I did not expect that you know what I do I go

    Like do little Google Earth map street view I look I yeah yeah buz what’s that that’s a for that’s supposed to be abandon what do you mean what is it um like C Cally around here what what’s this place made up of I know there’s a lot of Islanders around

    Here obviously like a lot of rappers come from here like yourself and most of them are Islanders 14 and stuff um is that like a big minority around here Islanders bro it’s yeah predominantly Cy and Islanders yeah Cy and Islanders Aussie Cy and Islanders yeah basically

    That yeah yeah yeah much like where I’m from yeah yeah a lot yeah yeah what’s going on there let’s go SS that out cuz there’s a collection of ibers in Australia we call them bin chickens they’re all froing this one house there’s a cat and 32 bin chickens

    Lad hey I’m calling them over theyy calling them over like their dogs here 100 C in oh no way oh you know what it is it’s like it’s probably a crazy cat lady and the bin chickens are froing the cat food that’s what it would be are they’re off

    Oh these are the shops here yeah this is wmart shops bro what’s that wmart prison yeah it looks like Juvenile Justice Center no way dude these shops have been through it bro I can imagine bro look how secure it is so this side here used to be open yeah it

    Looks like it’s closed now bro but i’ assume they’ve closed it because of all the runners what do you mean Runners people when when you go into the front of shop you understand what I mean just go the you know whatever the Dead Set prison Lads and that’s that’s the yarn no way

    Look at this what they got here Community Services of course essential Hood store Community Services hot food store the only thing that’s Miss oh there is a bottle there is a bottle liquor open seven days I was going to say how does it not have a liquor store essential wood

    Stores oh it’s half a convenience store half a Bott here come this all used to be stacked to the back but used to be straight everything yeah yeah yeah but the boy what the boys used to do they used to reverse the car into the game Smash It

    Down grab everything in the back from there no way yeah so reverse the car through the brick wall grab everything lad and run down to the baseball to the BX track we have I’ll show you stash all the look even they got it behind

    Now oh they run run and stash it down at the park Lads come boys hey hey hey hey hey hey hey Hey that’s h what you doing lad walking around doing On can’t open it grab a h and smash the car straight through there land oh through here yeah used to drive the car through here smash it through bricks for every oh through the brick wall brick I thought he’s talking about the gate he’s talking about They smash it through the brick wall Bro what about drug addiction around here I know not not like so much now although is it still like aot it’s the same same bro same same yeah mostly what ice yeah ice B GE heroin marijuana everything it’s normal yeah all right bro so what we’re cting through here to

    Shelby Straight Ahead that’s it bro so that’s Wilmont that’s the first part brother off it head what have you been doing anyway what are you up to just been trying and staying healthy brother getting music music done yes hopefully have a new new album New Year what’s

    Your insta H Rich Hefner Hefner yeah Hefner on everything I’ll put it up I’ll put it up so it’s all the same HWH brother yeah yeah just music staying in the gym l i see it bro anything else guys it’s good that’s good all right so through you thank you

    Later we’re going through here I hope it’s not a zigzag I hope it’s just a straight PA which race the Shelby straight through here that way all right so he’s said it’s through here across the shore and then boom we’re popping up there what do what Do hey they got jumps out here and all that’s M bro look at this a gang of bikes coming lad what the you what the just boys guys’s doing do or [Laughter] that L I’m trying to find the I’m me the me one of the boys taking Through thank you brother thank you for theide now they’re gone we can talk been good brother big day yeah it cuz all right here we are Shel lad be lad you from around yeah he he since I was four lad since you four yeah what’s life like around here BR

    Nowaday it looks mad actually it is it looks madad fun lad every every day’s a blessing B yeah that’s mad so right here we are we we’re at the start of Shel here yeah hey come up to 80% of it Housing Commission bro yeah on this side on this

    Side yeah the other side’s more private you know oh is it yeah the other side a bit better yeah hey oh yeah what there I wear it over in Europe bro I wear it over in Europe hey hey later boys lers oh it’s a lot more here I noticed

    It’s a lot more like town houses like that over there was all like like freestanding houses more yeah what’s this did you say This Is Shel shops sh shops what were you saying bro eat meat pies I’ll buy one bro I’ll buy one I’ll buy one $3 oh yeah hectic

    Hectic hey is doing good good good there’s another set of shops that looks like a prison looks like a c clo old sesn is I’ll get one of the PES bro all righto I’ll get one of the PES I’m not I’m not hungry but I’ll get a p

    Now there they are boy the famous P all right but let me eat this pie hold this for me bro they want me to do a review on the pie see what the PES are about bro they’re forcing me I’m not even hungry and they’re forcing me to eat a Pie it’s like a full jail pie that’s a full mwrc pie lad when you’re hanging out off the AR train that’s a it’s m that’s a full J how are you brother how you what’s your namey how are you hey heyy how are you he’s little boy

    Came there’s a good pH shop on in B too bro he there yeah hot food there like the PO food and that yeah mad so M huh yeah yeah I want one of them brother I want one of them what is that around here Shelby in bidw culturally what are the

    Islanders yep yep yep yeah Cy as well is there Y and OES hollanders CES and Aussies [Applause] yeah little go-kart little off-road buggy someone lives in that day yeah some of the houses they look bed up but there’s people in there so you were running around here when you were

    Younger younger yeah mid90s yeah yeah early 2000 early 2000s yeah around the same time as me yeah but in terms of like crime and violence and stuff or you reckon was worse back then oh bro yeah yeah know bro yeah had waves you know where was Islanders yeah those CES oh

    That’s you know yeah back in the days like people around Mount J didn’t get along so much and Originals they didn’t oh didn’t they they used to punch on all the time politics oh Dead Set hey how are you how are you a photo with you

    Yeah yeah of course of course yeah there you go yeah you’re a legend has that changed a bit now but all one us with them you know yeah they probably would have translated a bit from jail back in the days yeah that’s V back then yeah like oil and water eh yeah Bro he almost back flip they love it I they love the bikes bro has this always been blocked hey I was thinking why is that blocked what’s that that’s proper permanently closed yeah everybody get Chas oh yeah AR that oh no I thinking that’s a weird place to be per

    Permanently closed what’s the point of it the back edge of Shelby here so this all to Wi BBY oh yeah oh that’s it this B here bro coming up the bid now M oh so that’s the line This the start of it this is the dividing part yeah M the border line

    Yeah all right BR so we’re going in right now straight into the hood of bid W into the thick of it now brother we doing [Applause] Lads oh wait this is just all house BR look at this run off the street oh wait wait this is this so this street here yeah Chestnut it’s like a horseshoe Chestnut Street Avenue yeah Chestnut yeah CES Chestnut CES all all the stre run off oh yeah all

    Right what up there’s like little colder sack dead ends yeah all right bro we’re in the thick of it now brother Chestnut Cresent bidw smack bangl is this A bash right this gives me a Vibe this streight bro this streight gives me a Vibe Though thank you thank you thank you all right my bro Later there’s heaps and straights hey heaps of them so pretty much up every one of these straights is pretty much like that long story short yeah oh Hors shoes all right yeah that jump that jump yeah that’ll get Me you know what’s mad here there’s no empties huh there’s there’s no empties like there’s heapes of people we which is actually rare for hoods nowadays I noticed usually most hoods they half empty you know bro hey I saw you yoube did you yeah mad I follow you thank You they way yeah lad is what the boys always rapping about Huh hi he you comeing he what do Is lat boys lat hey what you Doing you doing this is getting trapped as here this is full in a mix of lead hello look at them Flats bro [ __ ] H killing killing the this is this city is bit here bro this is by by far the the worst part I’ve been yet this this feels like it’s

    Right in the middle way look around here Brothers feel like I’m in like like a little Park Circle in between it [Applause] all what you goinging it’s bad here L even nice Flats here up There czy one of the best anywh around here is good good dve anywhere every day look at the bo we all love it all get long out here all get a long l [Applause] 27 all day 27 all day Original he’s pumping it on the road bro he’s is sick here I love it here yeah everybody get yeah he’s is mad bro I want to get my bike and join in Brother Boys holy he almost killed me let brother give me a haircut brother who’s everyone go for out here penr pen pen You he broke the rules he broke the rules CU he broke the rules he’s still going up there I got peppered with rocks then you right now you know why they have those things here look someone burn burn a hottie here just last week F this whole thing all he is all

    Flat too the whole thing bro was the worst bro probably 90% the whole thing like when we’re in wilmart there was like little bits in pieces like that this is the whole thing oh it’s closed there oh this is the what so that’s the shopping center here it’s

    Full closed up like a jail lad and it’s a Monday too you think it’d be open what is it Monday what time is it 5:30 far around it’s closed look at the shopping center bro it’s like that’s the so it’s Monday 5:30 theoretically when everyone finishes work and but the whole thing’s

    Done up like a jail like full closed that’s where we’re coming oh is that was that the place pal pafic was that the store pal Pacific SP we come to get a feed you can’t even get a feed it’s old brother it’s O yes so right now we’re in the center of

    It this the center yeah the mad mad hey how you doing how are you how you doing thank you respect how are you brother brother it’s nonstop like even when you look out here huh hey even when you look behind me bro it’s still it’s still just

    Flats Flats Flats as far as you can see down there Flats Flats Flats that’s it years sick sick like that ear I saw the young turn they were having their little fun bro it’s down bit but time that’s when it pick it up bit you know yeah spend your yeah thank you

    Ella oh that’s mad bike jumps right in the middle of it oh look at that That was sick BR my journey bid’s off top hey the Shelby pie he Rao you didn’t finish it was a jail pie I think might was setting me up lad I think might was setting me up wasn’t get all right M and this is the this is the bus to m j

    All right beautiful thank you thank you brother I appreciate that that’s it now I’m here at the old bus stop brother that’s Mount J that’s the mount J walk through I was going to wait half an hour for for a bus to make it authentic back

    To the station but he’s offered me a ride brother it’s all good it’s h thank you oh thanks bro that’s that’s o laters later later later I’m in the miror later I like the Sens of Community bro everyone it’s like a big family yeah bro that’s that’s that’s what I love most

    About like in the hoods like these I said the same thing when I was in um Campbell town I said that said it to them I said [ __ ] it’s Maddie you all know each other and he all riding bikes together and that you know yeah you go

    To nice areas bro no one knows no one what do you mean thank you brother mad thank you thanks he good see you later see you lers lers a that’s it bro lucky got that lift lucky I got the lift back bro I don’t sitting at that bus stop for like half

    An hour and everyone have been harassing me in the cars that’s it but I man Jo Lad


    1. Why not Lethbridge Park? That's a sure fire hole of a place, sorry for those of you that live there. Your guide even said so !! Maybe for another day you will do one on this shithole. 05:05 and admits Wilmott has cleaned up a lot. I was hoping for the worst of the worst video.. Not a cleaned up suburb video so to speak . I have lived in this area for 31 years so I know what I am talking about.

    2. thats so cool they can still ride motor bikes without the cops harassing them it used to be like that (south west/ riverwood area) ijn the early 90s id ride my road and dirt bike to the tip (just b4 the m5 highway was fully built )until a cop got me riding it without a helmet and caught me riding up and down the footpath on the way back home from the tip those were the good ol days, when we were actually free.

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