So we went to Paris Fashion Week!

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    8 hello you guys and welcome to a brand new Vlog and we’re back at Travel Vlogs sadhart and I are currently in Paris we got here this morning and we’re here for Paris fashion week it’s a very quick short trip and uh this trip was like a

    Very confusing one because it was just going back and forth like I wasn’t sure if I was going to come or not like literally up until 3 days ago and you know 3 days ago something got locked and we were like okay let’s go and we had to

    Figure out my outfits figure out everything in 3 days book everything so it was pretty crazy but we’re here we got here this morning and uh I’m just about to start getting ready I am going for this bulgary thing bulgary is hosting cocktails this evening so we’re

    Going for that and then tomorrow is the bulgary preview so I’ll tell you everything that’s happening you guys are going to come along and by the way I’m Vlogging on a new camera because the last Vlog that I posted I realized that I need to switch my camera big time I

    Actually got this camera a while back but I never used it um so I’ve switched to this one so let me know what you guys think of the quality if you think this is better cuz like I am still planning to buy the new

    G7x um but for now I’m going to use this one for this trip so hope this one is better but yeah we’ve just uh checked in we’re staying at the M social hotel in Paris and it’s a really nice hotel really good location it’s literally in

    The heart of hosman um and yeah it’s a cute little room we have a balcony as well it’s a nice sunny day it’s actually super Pleasant it’s not too hot but it’s also sunny and literally we’re on top of hosman that’s where Gallery lafette is

    And like this is the whole area it’s got some amazing restaurants and bars as well and this is our room o hi what’s up what’s up this is my outfit for today by the way this is uh what I’m wearing for bulgary it’s from this designer called Georgia Harden um courtesy I

    Spy and yeah it actually doesn’t look the way it should look on me because of my bump but it works guys I can’t tell you how difficult it was to figure out outfits because of my bump cuz like obviously now I don’t even get into like a regular large because of my stomach

    Although my body is somewhat a medium my stomach’s like you know a different size alog together so these are some of the looks that I’ve set up some are here you guys know the drill I need to set up up the wardrobe the minute I get somewhere all my bags are

    Here some hair stuff makeup and all the shoes look at how beautiful these shoes are from Jimmy Chu and all my luitor shoes are here I’m also going to be attending the lubar show which I’m really looking forward to last season I missed it and I was so bummed cuz it was

    Such a good show and yeah anyway I’m going to head into the shower cuz like I literally have half an hour I need to get things sorted start with my hair sorry start with my makeup and then the hair stylist is coming to the room at 4:00 so yeah we’re going to get

    Going bonejour so it’s a little later and I am ready to go for the bulgary event I’ll show you guys the look and everything in a second but uh we just finished shooting downstairs my photographer had come we finished taking the photos and also got a video here at

    The balcony but I’m not sure sure if that one’s the one so we’ll see if we need to get some more but for now we’re heading out for dinner first uh cuz we’ve not actually had like a proper meal we got Tas and cookies from home I always get those when I’m traveling

    Especially now since I’m pregnant so we had that uh for lunch we didn’t really go out to eat so we want to go and have like a proper nice hot meal so uh yeah the plan is to get some pasta and then head to the bulgary event um and it’s

    About 7:00 right now so we should be good but let me quickly show you what I’m wearing um I’ve gone for a very different hair do for what I would normally go for as opposed to what I would normally go for because this is not really my style but then with the

    Outfit I feel this kind of works let me show you the look okay so this is the look I’m wearing this really gorgeous dress um in red and went for a different hair do like I told you and I have this bag from bulgary that I’m in

    Love with Willl send this bag over for the trip and I think she’s beautiful and I’m wearing these heels from jimu I love the pearls they’re like the perfect wedding shoe um and yeah we’re ready to go first I want to have pasta and then head To Good morning so we’re doing hair right now with c Rea hi and I love the look that we’ve gone through I still have to have my makeup on and everything but then like we’ve gone through this um Sleek wet hair look that’s like kind of

    Swept back and the hair is nice and like Smooth at the back it’s not like the proper wet look that I did for GQ this is uh a little more relaxed I love it okay makeup done and I’m just putting my outfits together for today the first look is this denim coat

    Which I really like it’s from melodrama and I’m wearing these jeans I’ll probably have to unbutton them and like kind of keep them half buttoned up like half zipped up because they don’t fit me actually anymore and I’m going to be wearing like a white cro t-shirt

    Inside with maybe heels or boots I’m still figuring so if I’m wearing heels I don’t like to like walk too much or stand too much just because you know it’s not the best idea to wear heels right now so a lot of people were concerned that how am I wearing heels

    When I’m 8 months pregnant I’m just trying to keep the activity very minimal when I’m in heels um so yeah that’s the plan and as it is like the first thing on the agenda is basically lunch so we’re not going to be walking around too much only when I’m shooting is when I

    Need to be on my feet so let’s see because it’s a luberto lunch oh I didn’t mention what I’m doing by the way so the first thing on the agenda today is a lunch with the luberto team we’re going to Gigi Paris and I’ve been wanting to

    Get an a reservation of Gigi but we’ve not been able to go so far so I’m so excited to finally go to Gigi for lunch and then we have a little preview and like a walk through with the lubor team at one of the aelas and then I come back to the hotel

    Change and then the evening is with bulgary again so bulgary has the new preview the new collections preview host uh that’s been hosted today so I will be going there after which I have a shoot with the bulgary team they’re actually shooting my look um somewhere around the

    Preview um so I’m going to be shooting with the Bulgarian this evening so that’s basically what we’re doing we’re doing two looks today this is the hair that I’m going to keep and I still need to do my makeup um and yeah that’s basically a day I should be done by like

    7:00 p.m. today I started super early I woke up at 6:00 I went for a shower at 6:30 I had to wash my hair went down for some breakfast and by the time Katrina was here for my hair so yeah it’s been a busy morning already and now I need to

    Rush and get my makeup done and we’re ready to go I love being on this balcony it’s just so nice and the weather is so good today uh but yeah we’re ready to go this is what my makeup’s looking like I actually really like it and my outfit is pretty chill my

    Bump is out with my glorious bump and and uh yeah I’m just wearing this crop t-shirt my jeans some boots and I’m carrying my new Gucci hospit there you go and we’re ready to go we’re in the middle of shooting this look and then we’re going for lunch to

    Gig and this is what it’s looking like as I cross you we can add the r yes yes yes I love you yeah So let me oh my Hi so this is literally the first store of Kris Lu in Paris so right after lunch which by the way was a lot of fun we went to the first ever Christian luberto Store in Paris um that’s where it all started from and the stores kept expanding from

    There and we also went to the Atilla which was right next to the store store and that’s where they make all the shoes um it was the first STI year which by the way is still active um and I think it was just such a cool experience to be

    There so a quick change later we’re headed to the bulgary event I’m wearing this really fun suit from L kapor these really long pants actually um and this oversized jacket and my bu serenty bag and I’ve got these funs on let’s go okay so we had to quickly come to the

    Hotel Rush and I just got ready for the next event which is with bulgary and I have my bulgary serpent bag and serge who’s shooting the video is already waiting downstairs so we need to get shooting it’s exactly 4:00 so not not bad actually we’re kind of allun Time all right so we’re done with the bulgary event and uh it was beautiful the location was beautiful everything was stunning and we headed back to the hotel so that I can get into comfortable clothes wear some sneakers and maybe head out to grab something to eat but

    Yeah we’re done for the day it was a very fun day very eventful day we got a lot done this is where the event was by the way it was at this hotel okay our Uber’s here so as I was saying we’re done with all the work for the day now I’m just

    Going to get to the hotel quickly get into comfortable clothes and head out and grab something to eat are you hungry so that I’m actually not that hungry surprising we’ve not eaten much technically but I’m but I should be eating so okay so this is a little later

    Now actually not too later cuz like we just rested for half an hour now we’re heading down to have some dinner and we’re literally going right across to one of our favorite Indian restaurants called jagard if you guys you guys must have seen me talking about jagard on

    Instagram stories but like this is our third time going there in less than a year and we love it that much um so yeah that was like the easiest option I’m very tired actually I’m just like I just wanted to wear something super comfy so just threw something on I don’t know

    What the outfit looks looks like but it’s just super comfy so yeah we’re heading to jagard going to have some food s’s cousin brother is here so we’re meeting him and his girlfriend and the two of us that you got for dinner and then we’re going to call it a night at

    Least I am are you going to go out to that what a liar are you going out no he he also has to go and pack okay anyway we’re going to go let’s go h Good afternoon you guys so God why are you peeking today is sort of a holiday um cuz we don’t really have much going on it’s the only day off during my trip here and we literally like relaxed and had the most chill morning um we went to

    Bed quite early last night and I actually woke up at 6:00 in the morning but I just stayed in bed and then we went went to like a bonger at 10:00 to have some breakfast I had this Nutella crosso and had a pan of chocolot and had

    Some coffee and then got back to the room did a bunch of work work on a couple of calls with like the Arabella team and stuff like that so got a lot done but it was very relaxed and it feels so good cuz yesterday honestly like my body isn’t the same anymore like

    I’m not functioning in the same manner anymore so I get very tired so yesterday I was pretty tired at the end of the day cuz like I was also wearing heels for the bulgary look so yeah now we’re headed out we’ll probably go to Galler laf and Shop a little bit grab something

    To eat and just have a super chill day and we’re also maybe meeting Nicole for an early dinner so we’ll see if that happens but let me show you what I’m wearing real quick and then we’re going to get going also my package from revolve arrived yesterday which was so

    Good cuz I was actually very worried that if it’s going to come on time or not cuz I actually called for my outfit for the Christian nbar show from revolve from Norma Kamali and I wasn’t sure if it’s going to arrive on time because happens but my package is here

    That’s the Box I’ve actually already opened it and I tried on the jacket and it’s perfect and I need to actually buy a couple of things for that look so we’re going to go and buy it right now I need to buy like a little mini dress to

    Wear inside the jacket and some tights like sh black tights um so we’re going to go and do that and yeah I’m just so happy that it came on time the delivery date actually set 28th and tomorrow is the show tomorrow night so I thought

    That you know even if I get it in the day I can wear it at night but it came like 2 days early so that’s perfect also I’m using this new camera so I am constantly looking here cuz the viewfinder is actually not the viewfinder the screen the flip screen is

    Here cuz normally in my g7x the flip screen is on top so it still looks like I’m looking in the lens but I still need to get used to this but I’m actually going to go and bu buy the g7x as soon as I’m back in Bombay um but anyway let

    Me show you what I’m wearing so I have this fitted dress on from Zara look at how big my bumps and uh I actually love this dress so much I have it in a white as well um and I’m wearing my Chanel sneakers these are super comfy they’re going to be

    Perfect to like just walk through the day and I’m wearing these pearl earrings and I’m going to throw on my oversized trench coat and I’ll probably carry like a black bag so that’s the look of the day you’re actually planning to go to B Village not B Village The laali Village

    Here in Paris but then it’s a long like commute to get there so I was like it’s not worth it cuz we actually went there in July and I got a bunch of things but I don’t really want to buy anything as of now for myself just because I’m in

    This phase where I don’t know what my body is going to be like in a couple of months so it doesn’t make sense for me to buy much so so yeah we’re going to skip laali but I definitely want to buy like a few bits for the baby so we’ll

    See how that goes so we went to this Korean restaurant for lunch that we actually spotted on our way back from breakfast this morning and the food was actually quite good and then we walked it up to galleries lafayet which was right next to our hotel um and we walked

    Around shopped a little bit I actually spotted the skims popup which I was so excited about but then in the end I didn’t really end up picking anything cuz I didn’t know what size I would be in a couple of months so it kind of didn’t make sense cuz these are like

    Your basic everyday essentials that should fit right then we actually went upstairs and shopped a little bit for the baby but I got so excited that I forgot to Vlog and then we went to Jo and the juice which is a tradition it’s at galleries La we always go there I got

    My go-to smoothie and sadad got this little bar hi we’ve come to bour we’ve gotten Nicole to lombardis cuz like we had to and this is like a third or fourth time you listen and every time oh I’m like interrupting your no no no if you ever

    Go have a dining experience with jei inste you have to just like let them pick where they want to go because they have good taste oh so I was just like no you I mean of the times that even we’ve gone like when we were in New York I was

    Like oh my God she has like a you know she’s a food catch that was good yeah and then we went to Bond Street which but I was like the pressure is on right food together yeah so now it’s like I know it’s going to always be a good dining experience how’s your

    Pasta good okay s’s like do not disturb and that’s some salad okay bye good morning you guys I don’t know what’s happening here but I’ve just woken up I’m having my coffee in bed and um I honestly don’t know where the time has gone by it’s already day four here in

    Paris and I literally don’t know how I feel like we just got here but um today is a very exciting day tonight is the luberto show and I’m actually super super excited for it cuz I’ve heard so much about it it’s my first time doing

    The lbar show and it’s going to be like really special and right now I’m just sitting and planning the day I like to like sit with my coffee every morning create these notes and basically plan the day plan the um you know video content and the photos that I need to take and

    Everything of that sort so I’m just planning the day having my coffee and then Sid and I are probably going to go down to the bolog that we actually went to yesterday to just grab a quick bite cuz I wake up very hungry nowadays like Mama’s got to eat and I

    Feel super hungry so um yeah I’m just going to go and grab something maybe like a pan of Chocolat or something uh it’s like my favorite thing to do every time I’m in Paris like I love having a panis shule l or like a crosa and coffee

    But um let’s see um you probably get get something to eat and then come back to the room I’m not planning to get dressed or anything of that sort right now because I just because I’m going to get into hair and makeup at 4:00 anyway for

    Luberto so I just want to keep it very relaxed we probably just go out and about to stroll for a bit and then come back to the room and get ready for lupos it’s coming for the show as well so that’s going to be fun and also I have a

    Very special package from the luar team they kindly gifted me these really beautiful shoes and I want to shoot like this unboxing video for it so I’ll probably do that once we’re back from breakfast and I’ll show you guys the shoes but they’re stunning I actually

    Got to see which shoes they are on WhatsApp like they sent the photo to me and I’m just yeah very very excited and they actually gave me like Flats because I’m pregnant and all of that so I have like these beautiful pair of flats from

    Lberto which is the first for me so yeah um I’m going to probably see you guys when we get something to eat I just wanted to say good morning and yeah yes by the way I haven’t washed my hair since day before yesterday because I actually washed my

    Hair that day in the morning and I only have product here the rest of my hair is product free and I have to wash my hair anyway right now so I was like might as well waited out for a day and I really like the way my hair looked when it was

    Like sleeked up and it was at the back so we kept it that way also by the way it’s been such a task going to bed and sleeping because I just feel so heavy I feel like all the weight of my body goes on my back and it’s you know pretty

    Painful I’m traveling with this guy right now which is like my savior I can’t do without my wedge because the pillow kind of supports my belly and it takes the weight but it’s still very uncomfortable to sleep nowadays so I haven’t been sleeping like nonstop without waking up

    And readjusting so that’s that but I feel I should get used to that by now cuz it’s pretty much training me for the baby when the baby comes here cuz you know you don’t really sleep much when you’re with a newborn um and the baby’s also super

    Active at night like just going ham kicking which is the cutest but it’s also like you know you’re kind of you kind of know what’s happening so you’re not like fast asleep um yeah anyway I’m going to go and eat now Yeah bjo you guys so this is the last day here in Paris and yesterday I don’t know what happened but we literally just lost track of time and we were kind of running late everywhere um the last time I spoke to you guys was I think in the

    Morning and then we went out for a bit to like grab some lunch and do a bit of shopping and then I had to get into hair and makeup and meet my videographer in the evening for my video but then he had like a prior appointment set so we had

    To leave at 7:00 p.m. anyhow and we were stuck in terrible traffic so it was all just a rush so I had no time to Vlog we somehow managed to shoot the video but then it was like literally in 10 minutes and then we shot for the lubor show I

    Did I think take like a few glimpses for the Vlog from the lubar show which by the way was stunning um and we met like so many people and it was just a really nice evening and then it actually got quite late to get back to the hotel

    Somehow last night we were back in the room at 1: and then we had to pack um because we’re checking out of the hotel right now and we’re going to spend the day in Paris and then basically head to the airport tomorrow morning to oh we’re

    By the way checking out of this hotel and checking into another one cuz they didn’t have a room available in this one for today so we have to check out and check into another one um and then we’re headed to the airport tomorrow morning so it’s been quite the morning and night

    Last night cuz we also had to pack a lot but yeah it’s a rainy day in Paris today luckily I don’t have a lot of shooting to do but yeah it’s a rainy day uh so we’re going to go grab some lunch I’ve just got a reservation at this place

    Called Sunday in SoHo I think so um it was on my list of restaurants that I want to try in Paris so it’s like a cute brunch spot so we’re just going to go there grab something to eat and then see where the day takes us and I do want to

    Do some baby shopping today uh I put up a story asking you guys to recommend a couple of like baby stores and like cute things to get and products that I should get from here um so we’re going to go check that out hopefully find something

    Cute yesterday we also got a few cute things for the baby so yeah it’s like the best part of the trip shopping for the baby um and yeah we’re just going to shop look around eat and I’ll take you guys along so as we were walking we

    Found this Lane which was amazing it had so many restaurant options to pick from and it actually shuts down right after lunchtime so be sure to go here during lunchtime or breakfast I’m going to try and put the name of the lane um it was

    Very close to our hotel so that Ali had a lot of stores that sold old currencies that you could buy and like postcards and stuff um we had lunch there and then went shopping and of course we were shopping for the baby and I was getting super carried away there was so many

    Cute things to buy so that literally had to like calm me down every time we enter the store just because I wanted to buy everything after some some baby shopping we went straight to Galleries lafay and I wanted to buy a few things myself I got this tank top from lway which I

    Think I’m going to use a lot I got this in a size medium so that it fits me later on as well I was confused between the black and white but then I settled for you guys will find out in a haul maybe and I also wanted to get this

    Jacket but I wasn’t too sure about the fit I thought of waiting it out till I’m like back to my original size or like the size that I’m going to be in for a while after shopping we went to this Cafe and I had some R and I had my

    Sparkling water cuz that’s my drink lately um and then we were just walking around exploring stuffing our faces as in when when we saw like cute bakeries and stuff I had like macaroons and eaes and then we went for an early dinner to the cutest Italian restaurant ever it

    Had an open kitchen and the chef was so kind he actually came out and asked us what we wanted he custom made the pasta for us aspara taste and it was Perfection also that’s not all the chef actually sent over some desserts on the house for us and he noticed I was

    Pregnant so he sent over some theu without alcohol that he freshly made so overall it was the most perfect day and perfect evening and just like that it was time for us to head back home and that would be all I hope you guys enjoyed watching this Vlog and coming to

    Paris with us Paris is always so special um and I’ll catch you guys in the next Vlog bye


    1. It feel so nice seeing you be so active ❤️❤️🧿🧿
      Loved the quality of the vlog
      It’s so nice that you actually read the comments and literally try to do your best in anyway possible like I’m talking about those comments which said about the quality in your previous video
      You actually have taken efforts to shoot with good quality camera now which is great

      Loved the entire vlogggg ❤️❤️
      Your pregnancy looks are just 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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