The police are looking into a situation where a man was caught on camera knocking the hats off Jewish men in north London. The incident is part of a series of antisemitic acts happening in the city.

    CCTV footage reveals a young man on a bicycle cycling near Jewish men and hitting their heads to make their hats fall off in the street.

    The same person is accused of punching others in the head and hurting a child.

    Peter Cardwell speaks with former met police detective Peter Bleksley.

    #news #crime #police #politics #talktv #talkradio

    Uh but listen there is very important news today from labor who have an been analyzing the crime statistics showing that 4.7 million crimes have not been solved that’s 87% of crimes reported last year you report a crime nine times out of 10 it is not going to be solved

    What on Earth is going on the it just gets worse and worse Peter Blackley is with me he’s a former met Poland police detective and a regular crime commentator lovely to see you in the studio Peter how are you doing very well thank you hope you had a nice Christmas

    I did lovely lovely uh this these statistics are incredible 48% of the cases remain unsolved because the police failed to find a suspect so there were 4, 77253 crimes reported in the year rounding to June 2023 that’s the latest uh time for which we have statistics and so many of these offenses

    Going UNP punished Peter and these statistics as Dreadful as they are cannot be relied upon and I’ll tell you why they that is because so many people that I meet increasingly who are victims of crime and I say to them did you report it to the police they say what’s the point Y

    This comes on the raft of a of a Lany of dreadful stories this week about policing that 22 out of the 43 police forces in England and WS are inadequate or require improvement with regards to investigating crime so even when they do investigate it clearly many of those investigations are falling well short

    And a very serious note on that I was talking to uh somebody very senior in the world of representing victims who will have to remain anonymous but they deal with sexual offenses rape horrific crimes and they said to me one of the reasons why the conviction rate is so

    Low and of course the charging rate is because the investigations are not what they should be now if we had all of your show this morning to talk about crime and policing I could cover every aspect of why policing is where it is but let

    Me tell you now please if I may because the police in recent years surrendered the streets they stopped patrolling the streets and became a 999 response service so they just went from one call to another so stop patrolling the streets decimated neighborhood policing community policing call it what you will

    Subsequently the streets were surrendered to the criminals they also turned their backs on us the police turned their backs on you if you were the victim of burglary car crime cycle theft phone theft shoplifting do you really think that’s a fair thing to absolutely and I haven’t finished yet

    And fraud the real elephant in the room that does not get investigated they just gave us a crime reference number for all of the afor mentioned they didn’t investigate it if they they will say of course they had reasons for it but that is the core fundamental part of policing

    It’s what connects the police to the public and to victims and they just turned their backs on us so what has happened in recent years the police have become irrelevant to the moderate mainstream of the UK statement utterly irrelevant because they do not tackle and investigate the crimes that matter

    To the every man and woman in the street and that’s where they’re at so when they bang on about trust and confidence actually what’s been lost is respect wow that is that is a big statement the police are irrelevant says Peter Blackley former Metropol police detective what do you think tell us what

    You think about this 0344 499 1,000 have you been a victim of crime what what has your experience been with the police it’s really interesting you mentioned fraud as well Peter because there is so much crime that is online these days as well and so many people I I I barely

    Know a person who hasn’t been a victim of some form of online crime and what usually happens is that you’re defrauded by your card or whatever you don’t contact the police you contact your bank and the banks put it together and then if they want to can present something to

    The police but I know I was Fred about £400 I got the money back from my bank and I know £400 is a lot lot of money to me but not a lot of money to my bank they have written it off they have written off Millions if not billions and

    That will never be investigated because whoever perpetrated that crime will have done it to 10 other people in 10 other parts of the UK or maybe around the world and there will be no case put together they’ll just get away with it and this week it was revealed that the

    Vast majority of these online frauds originate from outside of the UK yeah so thereby perhaps giving UK law enforcement almost an excuse to not investigate it it needs dealing with at governmental level because it’s International it’s interesting you mention that this is a a story from

    Labor we did ask for someone from the Labor uh home Affairs team they weren’t available this morning but labor has slammed the conservatives for as they put it letting criminals off and letting victims down similar sentiments to what Peter has said figures showing the near record numbers of victims are dropping

    Out of criminal proceedings 1. 6 million people dropped out of criminal proceedings last year um I was chatting to someone recently a barrister who was Prosecuting various crimes and was saying that this is a massive problem and often when uh things like rape statistics for example you’ve got a one

    Or two% chance of uh if you are allegedly a victim of rape and it goes through of actually getting a convictions very very low but a lot of people drop out of those criminal proceedings and the more high profile the crime the more more likely people

    Are to drop out record numbers of crimes labor s are being dropped due to no suspect being identified 2.3 million last year and the overall proportion of crimes charged has dropped 60% since 2015 that was on the conservatives watch labor say they want to change that they want to put 13,000 additional

    Neighborhood officers and uh police Community Support officers back into the heart of communities would that help would that arrest the development without that solve the crime well what I’d say at the labor part is that talks cheap and policing’s expensive so we’ll see where they get the money

    For that from and of course wokeness fluffiness and a liberal kind of attitude towards policing runs through much of the labor party like the word Brighton runs through a stick of rock so we shall see if they deliver if they get elected policing is in absolute crisis and with regards to these investigations

    What the police also did along their way towards abandoning the streets and turning their back act on so many victims was that they subcontracted the investigation of crimes out to victims themselves yes because you pick up the phone for example yeah you pick up the phone you

    Report the crime and of course the call Operator says do you know who did it do you know where they live have you got any CCTV have you got any evidence say subcontracting investigating crime to victims of crime there are so many people who will say look I’ve got ring

    Doorbell footage or equivalent doorbell footage of someone breaking into my house or I’ve got my find my phone um data we know exactly where this is and still the police don’t do very much yeah well of course we’ve had recent pledges haven’t we now about how they’re going to start investigating shoplifting once

    Again perhaps don’t hold your breath shopkeepers please don’t and also how they’re going to what they originally said was attend every burglary but then of course people like me picked up on the language because they’re trying to make falls out of us there’s a difference between attending a burglar

    And investigating a burglar so they’ve tweaked the language now and they said they’re going to do it but already I hear anecdotal evidence that that is not being achieved as we speak we shall have to wait and wait and see but of course this goes back a policing generation and

    All those who now occupy the corridors of policing power and we’ll get onto their let me ask second in just a moment yeah yeah they’re all highly educated brought it off to University came back with business degrees or criminology degrees and all that kind of stuff invented ridiculous policies meaning

    That every police officer had to have or achieve a degree during during training and their probation ABS non came up with ridiculous expressions like healthy churn so for them it was good to have a police officer served for three four five years or so and then leave again utter abject nonsense because an

    Experienced cop gets better and better with each and every day of that learned experience and they’ve come up with all this trip the College of policing the National Police Chief’s Council and they are all the educated types with their University degrees and do they believe in healthy churn at the top of policing

    No of course they don’t because they’re in the positions of power they’ve practiced themselves at climbing that greasy polar promotion which they’re very good at whereas some of them have huge question marks over their actual policing ability many of them getting gongs actually in the New Year’s honors

    Let’s tell us about some of the people who’ve got their police medals and other other gongs Peter I know you’ve been looking into this for us how apposite that on today of all days we get to talk about policing gongs right well the most notable one Martin huitt already a qpm

    So Queen police medal awarded to him when the late Queen was still alive he has been awarded a CB e a very very senior highly prestigious Kong it really is because he’s recently stood down having been chair of the National Police Chief’s Council again very senior position within policing and in the in

    The glowing comments which are which are written about him today in receipt of his CBE it points out of course that he was in charge of policing and policy and such like when things like BLM protests were occurring right and look how many dared stupid ill-informed idiotic police officers took the knee thereby

    Surrendering their independence policing without fear or favor fundamentally underlying everything that is important to British policing and also environmental protests well how did the just stop oil protest go start with when I was satting here in this very Studio saying to you the police should be acting that’s the act and section the

    Law they should be acting under and they weren’t anyway he’s got his CBE let me just rewind a few short years if I may to what Mr hwit said and this actually bleeds into everything we’ve been talking about this morning he said of course we are talking here about

    Victims of crime and crime is a minority minority percentage of the activity we are under undertaking so said Martin H when he was an assistant commissioner at the Met police said that crime was a minority percentage of what they are undertaking which cuts across all of

    That them turning their backs on us okay how they’ve largely become irrelevant they’re not irrelevant if you get murdered that’s one way to guarantee that there will be a well resourced investigation but of course for the victim of that crime it’s all a bit too late yeah exactly goodness me how do

    These people get these gongs incredible lots of people getting in touch uh one person doesn’t want their name red out and totally understandably because they’re a serving police officer I admire Peter blackle but please don’t judge us all like the mat my Force may not detect a lot but I know we

    Investigate everything we can sadly there’s there are not enough officers there’s a lack of experience also our neighborhood teams are on the ground and great not all forces are the mat uh Mr angry in Huddersfield I’m not sure this his actual name says Peter black should be home secretary soon sort our country

    Out um and Dan says what a novel idea police investigating crime whatever next border Force controlling Borders or even doctor seeing patients it will never take off uh cardi P grp see you back looking forward to the show lots and lots of people getting in touch on this

    Big issue uh Peter and so much to discuss as well um this is really we’re we’re in a crisis aren’t we we certainly are and thank you very much to that serving police officer who understandably anonymously got in touch and if of course he listens to every

    Word I’ve said it’s not been the front line that I’ve had in my S that’s right it’s those that sit at the top of the policing a constable on the ground is not responsible for the policies that are implemented by the National Police Chief’s Council and the College of

    Policing it’s not the cops on the front line that say talk about healthy churn and the need for degrees it’s the clowns in the positions of policing power who prowl those corridors and think they know best and were responsible for turning their backs on the public and therefore becoming largely

    Irrelevant Peter uh I need to ask you a less important question and this is that I had a very sore throat over Christmas and one of my friends said look on the bright side your impression of Peter Blackley just got better can I give you my peter Blackley impression please go

    Ahead the leadership of the Metropolitan Police is a shame B well I would use slightly different language but um I I I think that’s a seven out of 10 excellent excellent excellent that’s not too bad that’s I’ve got a crystal one as well do you want another Crystal one yes please

    All right babes that’s my crystal one four out of 10 four out of 10 okay Peter thank you so much you’ve given us a lot to think about there are loads of people getting in touch about this


    1. Peter is bang on the police are a waste of time. I had a bike pinched gave them the name of the man who pinched it who he sold it to and where it was and they didn’t care. I did have to phone calls back though asking how my mental health was. Absolutely pathetic

    2. Two tear policing where certain groups of society are deliberately not investigated to prevent riots by those groups who have now become convinced the law doesn’t apply to them. The Uk government couldn’t keep quiet a piss up in a lockdown . I believe the government wants social breakdown because it will give an excuse for total servalance and less civil liberties. This in tern will give government ultimate control.

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