Mathieu van der Poel stormed away to his seventh consecutive victory of the 2023-24 cyclocross season, this time dismantling the field at the UCI Cyclocross World Cup in Hulst.

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    Matthew Vanderpool W vanard and Tom Pitcock you can see them in the background that front row that red jersey of Ali bit watch the lights we’re green we are go and it’s Neil Vander put us straight down the center Ryan Camp just takes a little glance across

    There ronard just trying to move up but it’s Al a bit that gets the whole shot through the first corner you just got to watch that little curb Riders going down in the corner and un unfortunately that looks like uh that Leo oh pidcock’s gone down Jeremy that’s too bad that’s that’s

    Frustrating yeah big problems there for pitcock that’s ah a broken shifter darn it that’s you know the head-to-head battle that we wanted to see is not going to be possible today we’ll get a replay of that but unfortunately that’s a long run to the pits for Tom Pitcock the gears have got

    Look don’t look like they’re playing ball here here as well his his rear rear mechs come off as well uh that looks like game over already for pitcock unfortunately the mechs come off and that is a long run to the pits oh what a shame let’s have a replay here

    Jeremy yeah you can just catch him here on the outside here just at the right now at the back of your screen on the left hand side you can see that it looks like perhaps cam Mason just leans over or even pitcock potentially just goes just loses a front tire there and then

    That’s just that’s just it it’s uh someone hits it kind of cockeyed and then that you know the shifter’s broken the dilers now broken as well yeah it’s a it’s an unfortunate day but wow Easter bit already Marty loose here on this first descent if you weren’t with us for

    The women’s race this descent very very technical very sketchy even Vander Poole way off the back of the bike there taking this one a little more gingerly in this opening lap van a there really really good as he comes through though looking solidly we will see now pitcock

    Coming in Marty for a new bike well I will keep an eye on this throughout the day the former world champion from Minos grenadiers let us have a replay so vandero just gets out of the rut there Jeremy yeah that’s I mean you can see that’s we saw in the women’s race

    Problems here where these two lines yes sck finding a track that really works for him and um I think he’s going to be he’s going to be in a good position to do something here it’s a flat track it’s a Punchy track you just saw vanard and ronar as

    Well coming together w vanard to get through and it just forced him onto the camber and he slid out here problems there he’s got to put his chain back on this isn’t the end of the race but he’s got to stay focused here this is the second problem that we’ve

    Seen today with this we saw in the women’s race uh well Rider from the Trek basa Lions team having problems V there able to fix it but he’s given up and shed about 20 seconds and he’s going to the problem is he’s going to be in a lot

    Of traffic to get back up to the front here yeah well so drum all the way here in with Tom P the first just see a little replay here Jeremy you could see on the other shot from overhead when the other camera was on them that they were coming into that

    Line two up and that’s not a two- up line you know each of those Riders is going to be frustrated with one another there it’s like you know in one case wow opened up that line by being on the outside and on the other side runhard you know the young upand cominging

    Former under 23 World Champ opens and says I’m taking that line as Ron har and Camp remount at the top right Camp be his final race in the colors of pal sou and Bingle before he moves on to past just new but TBO Del Gro if you’ve been with

    Us throughout the Christmas period um he’s uh really making a name for himself if you weren’t with us at the start of the race Tom pidcock just trying to find his way through here he’s got a lot of traffic just ahead of him pidcock trying to move up for the inos grenadiers going

    Down on that first corner broke the rear Mech had to run to the pits on that opening lap and he’s just trying to find his way back through pick his way back through the field and it’s a tall order when and he when you’re trying to find

    Your way back up towards the front of the race now we see mpol come to the front for the first time here on this course he’s uh he’s been taking notes it’s 15 minutes in the third lap you know he’s been waiting for about the 30 minute

    Mark but today it looks like he’s already opening up it’s going to come down to V to keep this Gap tight and and tidy he doesn’t want to let you don’t want to let mat Vanderpool go but Vanderpool is going to know that he really needs to kind of use the governor

    Um on his engine he’s going to need to just keep things under control because this is a course with a lot of caution and speed limits on each of the turns Marty like every single part of this course has a different uh way you have to navigate it and you’ve got to stay

    Really clicked in and and super focused mentally if you overcook one of these turns you go down it just cost a ton of time if you overdo it on one of the big descents on one of these off campers we saw it in the women’s race one small

    Laps in memory and that’s a lot of seconds so vanderpol comes up to this off the bike there really quickly and um he’s got a he’s got already a handful of seconds over vandar Tom pitock goes through the line uh 64th he’s up to down that was a he

    Did a seven uh he did a 927 and a 7 39 lap uh that lap for Tom Pitcock so he’s lapping quickly is pitcock Vu Vanderpool at the head of the race though this is what you don’t want to do this is the moment when the world champion starts to

    Make his move upping the pace up in the pressure he’s got about a you would say 100 meters Advantage already as he goes through the windmill goes through the mill at the top of the course here in Holst Michael vuran out to mon Rook yen

    Adams M boros there ell AIT down in 16th Yoli berini is seven 17th at T V boss mace hris in 19th into the pits for a bike change for wman Arts you’ve got quenon Herman in 21st Cameron Mason 22nd Cory Van W vard now in 24th as match

    Vanderpool goes through the line um it is a gap of a minute 10 from our leader Matthew vandero to W van in 27th Place Danny van up St godri and matius fiala and then we look down through the field Tom pitcocks now up to 55th at 2 minutes

    And 33 seconds down on our leader so he was he was in last place I expect the Gap probably to be around 30 seconds for those Riders as he comes up to the stairs now but um but vanar um you know also saying that um you know the tires

    Really you know the right tire for the day is that Grio Tire it’s that traditional tread but it doesn’t really do justice down in that lower section you benefit from a mud tire down there Marty but uh but in these conditions you know with the course really suiting kind

    Of that other Tire it’s just um yeah it’s just the best tire for the day even though it’s not super efficient down Low then we should see W vanard coming through let’s see Tom pitcock here just trying to get up there up that little Bank there for Tom cut W vard goes through a minute and 13 he’s now caught and passed TBO Del Gro Ward just picking his way back up to as

    High a place as he can find today you know what I mean see clearly someone’s been pushing the limit too far I think that that’s uh I’m sure we’ll hear about it but doesn’t take anything away from a beautiful Victory here in holon his home country World Cup wearing the world Champs

    Jersey mat vano comes home for win number 156 the Amerson deic man the world champion in front of a home crowd Sensational yet again from mat vandero and behind Pim ronard skips over the planks yis NE house comes through for second and it looks like lar vandar is

    Going to be the man that rounds out the podium national champion the Netherlands takes third and it is going to be fourth spot for PIM ronard today start today second in the World Cup all three B Wasa track Lions Riders closing the Gap with a dnf for Alit wavern

    Unfortunately that mechanical was that just cost him dearly 43 seconds down at the Finish but what can we say about this man and another incredible day out for Matthew vandero yeah it was indeed he really put it together today and and honestly I think it was probably uh A different

    Race than he even expected especially when you looked at the start list of this with Pitcock and vaner both on the line everybody looked pretty I would say like focused not even necessarily nervous but you you saw like it just was a different level of intensity between

    Those three at the start and yeah mistakes and problems for those other two round unfortunately 30 points for Yus nen house in second 25 for vanar in third but the victory the day belongs to matchi Vanderpool 7 wins from Seven starts so far this season your top 10 looks like

    This Matthew vandero just under the hour of racing 12 seconds ahead of your s house L vanard 20 Pim Ron W Lon s me founder put Ryan Camp Michael vter and out tale Gro your top 10 overall there’s nothing else more important than watching Cy across to

    Bring in the New Year GP Spen n b on January the 1 with Rob hatch and Jeremy Powers but your Podium today mat Vanderpool Yus house and L Vander have the national anthem anthem of the Netherlands


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