House for restoration with back garden in Soalheira, Fundรฃo.

    Located in the footsteps of the Gardunha Mountain, the village Soalheira it’s an historical village wit a lot of site seeing, tracks, the Marateca dam close by to cool down on the summer and be able to swim, fish or even do motor water sports.
    Soalheira has all the amenities that you need for your daily life.
    Ground floor house to be restored with 36 m2 and hight enough to do a mezzanine and also a 38 m2 yard with direct access to the front road of the house.

    Ideal for airbnb or vacation home.

    Luรญs Baptista
    Phone/WhatsApp: 00351925413810

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    #centralportugal #livinginportugal #luisbaptistaestateagent

    Hi guys L here City agent in central Portugal today at the footsteps of the garduna mountain to show you that house just behind me with a small garden on the back very close to the gardunia mountain as well this is an investment I believe it will be very good for

    Whomever want to spend some time of the year or to put it for rent here’s an Airbnb so come along with me let’s check it Out and here’s the house just in front of us the white one with the gate next week which is next to it which is the access to the to the ptio on the on the back and this is one of those very very typical Portuguese Village a lot of

    Stone work like this these Villages are indeed old and the back of the house is the Garda mountain and we we are on the Guna Mountain area so during the winter it will be a little bit cooler than other regions and yeah basically to show you

    Around a little bit of what we have more recent houses old ones already renovated in stone quite beautiful yeah big Village okay you will have your amenities so you have where to have your breakfast your supper and everything you have your Supermarket uh you even still have those

    Old uh uh trucks who come with the bread to sell you in the door if you want just one of those passed by very well so move on it’s a ground floor with 36 square m footage and the access to the back patio with uh 38 square m but let us start

    With the house and then we’ll go inside so the outside walls are all in stone and this house they never finish it this was the structure of the framing that they they wanted to do we call these French walls in Portugal I don’t know if they came from France or not but

    Basically this what needed was then to be plastered nowadays it doesn’t make any sense so ideally all of these should be removed so understand that basically you have the surface of 36 square m and you have to redo it all from here I can even show you the

    Roof which in my opinion must be change it’s in wood framing but it’s old um there’s a lot of s suit on it because they used to to do some some row here then and then the smoke of course went into the structure so ideally here you need to leave the

    Walls and remove everything else and start from scratch 306 square m I believe can be done a nice Studio even eventually create a mess in because you do have height enough for it if you want to do like a bedroom upstairs so it’s really up to you but the location is

    Very desirable for an Airbnb a lot of search and demand on this area this is the water meter a little bit dark but you do have the water meter there the sewage passes in front of the house so you just ask for the connection no problem and the

    Electricity the same thing you need to to ask for the connection of the electricity to the house and for natural light you have this window and that door alone okay which is to the front of the of the house I believe you can understand the thickness of the walls so wall in

    Stone yeah I mean a corner here that wall is the very end and that one there so around 6×6 which comes to the 36 okay let me show you the garden this is this is the view so you have a lot of parking space around I left my car there a trash bin

    Which is collected every day and then Road continue on to to other Villages if you want to leave the the exterior wall uh with the stone exposed you can you just need to break the the the plaster because the structure is very similar to this one on the side so

    If you like this look I know I do you can do it if you want yeah so the house doesn’t have an inside access to the back to the P which I would advise you to do of course and then when entering we have all of this

    Space some Boulders okay so for example this is a big Granite Boulder over there at the corner there’s another one and let me see if I can manage to explain you I’ll try to go so Boulder at the back okay let me shoot to the house I believe it’s easy for you to

    Understand so this is the back of the house we P there on the right side or left depending on which where you are this is just a shed which which was made you can knock it down and do like a barbecue area for example I believe

    Could work very well on this side we have this Old Stone Wall which is the limit of the property turning to that other side we have an exact same wall well not the same but similar wall dividing us from the neighbor and here on the back we have

    This big boulder and the property doesn’t end here it still goes on to those brumbles I’ll try to zoom in to those brumbles over there steal the property so all in all 38 pet you on the back of the house eventually if you can if you want to use that upper

    Part I believe a platform could be done here if you want to put your money and time over it some steps going in because the view this way which is South we have the met them and you’ll be able to see from there so could be a nice a nice

    Feature on the house this is a plum tree and the big one but they pass already a lot of them around on the floor and then these are newborns of the same tree this is the mother of them all and here chamoma it brings flowers we call it in in

    Portuguese chamia sorry not chamoma Camille Cham is a tea Chamas we call it Chamas which brings a nice flower into it so keep it if you want if not yeah take it away it’s really up to you so the outside structure of the house is like this beautiful sun

    Wall let me just share with this shed so this was an Old Shell I don’t know if to put some animals at that point and basically this so if you can there’s some big Granite pieces here you can reuse it for some decorative pieces I could work very

    Well and then when exiting we have all of this space over here I believe it’s kind of too narrow to put a car you could put a car but probably wouldn’t open the door so cars outside a bicycle uh or a bike no problem I see no

    Issue about it let me just show you this facade now so no stral damage nothing at all so basically 36 square m with 38 square meter ptio good ptio for your barbecue lovely Village lovely lovely Village around and it is a beautiful Village and again you

    Have the gardun mountain on the back in the M Dam if you like to fish or swim or water sports you can do all of them around nice and this is it guys again a good investment if you are up for it it’s not a big house so the investment will never

    Be big but there’s a lot of there’s a lot of demand for airbnbs on this region Central Portugal next to the gardunia in the meram so could work very well has an Airbnb or if you want just to have a holiday home it’s up to you any

    Questions I’ll leave my details at the very end of the description of the video see you next time bye-bye cheers


    1. This is a property with some potential, but it would require a lot of money to make it a comfortable vacation home. If it's a short walk to shops and other amenities, that's a plus, as is having electricity, water and sewer so close and having a small rear garden. But it's basically a shell that needs everything. I'd be concerned about drainage from the hill behind it, and the back garden is overlooked by the neighbors.

    2. Could be a lovely little bolt hole for someone ground floor lounge kitchen shower room with a mezzanine bedroom and low maintenance garden area to the side and rear..

    3. The prize is right.
      In my country you can only buy a caravan for 10.000 euro's, not a house. And on top of that then you will have to rent or buy a place to put the caravan.

    4. Maybe a future storage area for someone with too much stuff and too little house. Course, you'd have to invest in a new roof. Putting money into it for a home seems like a money pit.

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