Corn talks about building his career on Twitter, going viral, Kai Cenat, celebrity boxing match, and more.

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    Took down my dick award because somebody was telling to the other day but now it’s I’m going to just put it back right here that’s crazy bro the Jason Lee show yeah you know him unfortunately are we filming yeah what is unfortunate about Jason Lee Jason only cool I’m just saying unfortunately

    Just because of happen this year what happened this year I mean am I thinking of the right you’re thinking Jason love oh yeah yeah not even higher that’s crazy Jason Lee is the uh homosexual host of Hollywood unlocked so like tell me like how did you win this award bro

    Like what happened bro I mean I’ve kind of wondered that myself what have I done to deserve the Hall of Fame Mandingo award I’ve never never really thought about myself in that context but you know Jason Lee gave it to me it’s like I guess he felt like my deserves some kind

    Of award but that’s neither here nor there K what’s going on hey man A lot’s going on yeah yeah hit me with the current events I mean current events like trying to get back into streaming I say trying cuz it’s like I don’t really like just sitting down like I’m the type

    Of like I just like to move like it just helps me think so like with streaming you know like you been seeing the going on with like IRL streamers and all that Tak over yeah like it’s old art form I’ve been watching Ice Poseidon and all

    These other people do it for years and years but now it’s like having this moment where even people like Steve will do it who never did that before are getting on board and then you got neon going viral every night Aiden ra is doing it exactly like you got to think

    About it like the people that watch this is like they’re living through these people like they can’t do it so it’s like they gota it’s like there’s always been Vlogs and but it’s different when it’s live you know what I’m saying anything could happen but yeah like

    That’s what I’m going to start doing starting next year like January type right now I’m just easing into it so I’m still in the like I just moved bro I literally just moved on my mama crib like October know I’m saying okay and so you’re from where so I’m from DC Marland

    I’m from the DMV and I just moved to Atlanta okay it’s been chill as like it’s just nice what made you decide to make the move hey bro I had three choices it was Atlanta Miami and la and it’s just like MoneyWise definitely Atlanta’s better than those two and it’s

    Also like Miami just way too crazy it’s just I need to like just have more discipline before I’m living in Miami I’m going to be way too distracted so it’s like the plan is I’m going have I’mma live in all three cities I’m going have cribs in all of them but I’m

    Starting off in Atlanta first okay so yeah Atlanta it’s a business decision kind of more you know lowkey mhm but definitely a creative space but also like close to home for you exactly like it was just a business decision honestly right so it’s like I’m really just using

    That as like train in grounds in a way okay that makes sense so you don’t think that DC is it when it comes to you doing right now like I don’t know if you’ve been hearing anything about DC but it’s crazy bro you have 12 year olds just

    Running around with guns like they’re crazy yeah like I literally just saw someone say today like you if you have a nice car or clothes like you literally can’t walk around DC without feeling like you might end up 12-y old today cuz they’re just crazy bro wow like it’s

    Actually crazy and honestly I never really had no problems when I was in DC so it’s like I only see the news I had no problems personally but literally the like two days before I moved out uh me and my boys was out and like bro the

    Whole like you know street parking whole street every window got broken into but like it’s just crazy yeah no it is wild like and getting dangerous I feel you cuz like I always looked at San Francisco as a pretty nice place and I was watching a documentary about it on

    Channel 5 the other day and holy is a war zone now and and they kind of like made the point like like there there’s this random dude on the show he like a fentanyl addict and he catches like an assault yeah oh yeah does nothing like just smoking fentanyl all the time and

    He caught a charge that in San Francisco they didn’t even bother to prosecute him and they said that if he got caught up for the same thing in a state that is more strict like North Dakota or something he would have got like 20 years damn what the going on in San

    Francisco They just they passed a law where like you basically it used to be that you would catch a felony if you stole anything over $400 I think and now it’s like $1,000 and they just basically they’re just not Prosecuting anything they got like open air drug markets and

    Just got lazy as hell yeah basically and they just they decided to go easy on crime basically and like try to keep people out of prison kind of reminds me of that I don’t know which city was this in Canada like it’s like every drug is legal it’s just crazy out there

    Vancouver and all in the Northwest this is something that they’re trying out and I don’t think it’s really going that well n like the video I’m seeing is crazy like like like is that dude I don’t know his name bro but I’ve seen some videos he’s just walking around

    Trying to see if this person’s dead or just asleep it’s just crazy wow man at least when I was a kid we had crackheads and you got the F all addicts it’s a totally different level um okay but wa so what kind of upbringing did you have

    You grow up in a bad area or did you grow up in a decent area so like when I grew up like at cuz basically my parents they grew like they were born in Ghana like I’m ghanana I was born here but they’re Ghana so uh right like right

    Before I was born they moved and they were staying with my uh like C like my cousins I guess their sisters uh brothers and and like at first when we first moved into our first house or whatever I was only in there for a couple years I moved out when I was five

    But it was it wasn’t bad but it wasn’t like no Suburban the second house we moved to that was some Suburban bro and then like bro like a lot of crazy like my dad got arrested we had to move off so for a little bit we was down like he

    Got arrested for what I mean I ain’t going to get into that right now like even my like I know it now but even my mom didn’t want to tell me till I was older so like I really don’t know how she’d feel if I just aired it out but

    Like yeah yeah you’re right so he was gone for a little bit and then so after that like we wasn’t in no big house we was in the suburbs bro and then that got arrested like just went so we moved to like a little condo it was like me my

    Brother sister my grandma and my mom uhhuh and then after the condo we moved to a little townhouse and I was and after so basically bro like all everyone who’s watching this that’s in the DMV know like like I grew up in PG County and kind of crazy out there like I

    Always say like I moved out of PG County in sixth grade if I stayed in PG County I’d be a completely different you think you would have just got into crime for sure like like bro even like I was only in Middle like when I started middle

    School for eight weeks I was only there for eight weeks bro and I was like I don’t know what was going on I could feel myself changing but all the was around all the people I was talking to was just crazy and then I moved to Montgomery County is way Chiller it’s

    Like it’s the most I I remember I read it a couple years ago it’s literally the most one of the most e ethnically what’s the word diverse yeah ethnically diverse like cities or places in America so it’s just everybody you know like before it was just literally just black people you

    Know what I’m saying it was in the ghetto uh but over here it was just you know what I’m saying was just chilling did you do you prefer like being in the suburbs and having a nice clean lifestyle or did you kind of like being in the city and having all this wild

    [ __ ] going around you honestly like my mom was because you know she was new to America so like she was propaganda into just like being really safe like she literally thinks every time I walk out I’mma die so like I really didn’t get to do growing up like I like I remember

    Like my first time going to a birthday party was like fourth grade she ain’t like me H like she ain’t like me being outside like like literally she was just scared she thought like he’s going to join a gang he’s going to get into all

    This bad so like when we moved to the suburbs like I with it cuz like now she feels like it’s okay for me to actually go out so I like the subs more just cuz in a way it’s kind of like Freedom bro like I can literally just sitting in my

    Seat scrolling through my phone like even if the door open and not have to worry about bro like the house that we had just moved into before I moved to Atlanta that was like Peak suburbs bro like it’s a whole new neighborhood just got built so it’s like safe as right you

    Know what I’m saying I like feeling safe like no yeah like when I moved out of my parents house I was so hyped to live in the areas of New York I just thought it was so cool and when I think about it now like I want to live in the nicest

    Area possible I want to live in a gated community want my kid to go to the nicest private school possible I guess part of that is just the fact that like as Americans we’re all just scared of like crime and that’s all this crazy ass homeless people like it’s literally I

    Mean is it getting crazy or is it about the same right now I haven’t checked into it recently I mean I feel like it’s gotten crazy like I just remember being younger and just the the rule of law seemed so much more secure like it was

    Just such a big deal to steal something and now it just feels like that is just nothing in comparison to everything that’s going on like the cops are going to bother to arrest you for shoplifting maybe getting more numb to that it’s like you know what I’m saying right

    Definitely so what kind of kid were you throughout all this were you kind of like a computer kid or like like even now like people have always said I was a very quiet kid I was one of those like I was really like cuz I know some

    People like they’ll be like I was like once I started talking you would listen like for me it was really just I was kind of a Class Clown but in the sense that I didn’t talk much unless I was talking to my friends but every now and

    Then I just crack joke just li like that was just quite as like just soft spoken like I’ve been working on that recently it’s been going well but like like teachers picking on me to read or whatever they be like C get quiet you know what I’m saying you know uh he’s

    Soft spoken or whatever I remember when she said I was like wait a minute really like you know what I’m saying I just had to change bro but yeah like I was just a quiet kid like I never really got in trouble except for dumb I went to the

    Tension suspensions for D like but it really just I don’t know I really didn’t really get into trouble or nothing right I was really a smart kid too like I was in like a engineering club you know what I’m saying I want first place in the school and we did a competition with

    Other schools I literally want first place in that so I really thought I was going to become an engineer when I was growing up but as I grew up like my mom was trying to put me in programs and and it’s like for me I like doing [ __ ]

    Because I want to do it like I feel like I’m in like I’m in control like once I’m doing [ __ ] where it feels like damn like if I if I had to choose I wouldn’t do this like I just can’t do it because like the stereotyp type of immigrant

    Parents is that they’re super strict and they are super serious about education and they want you to just basically get the a boring ass job the one that’s going to make as much money as possible were your parents pushing you in that direction yeah for sure like even now

    Like she still wants me to like cuz right now I’m taking a break from school like I was in college but right now I’m just on a break which really I say break but it’s like I probably go like I personally I think I’ll go back in a

    Couple years that could be 2 years or 10 years I don’t know just depends how I’m feeling about right right now I’m just on a break like she still wants me to play it safe basically cuz she says it it’s like a safety net it’s just like

    The sh I want to do at least for right now like college can’t teach me like the last things I was doing in college cuz at first I was just doing general education while I figured it out or whatever right and then uh I started like you know what I’m saying eventually

    They push you like you have to choose something you have to choose something so I was like bro I just choose Communications like when I choose when I chose Communications I was already like planning my Escape to get out of here like my mom was just strict as hell like

    It was just annoying me but you know unghetto Matthew yeah yeah yeah so I interviewed him the other day and he actually said something that I haven’t really heard other people say too much which he basically said that he felt that he up by staying in high school

    Because he had yeah because he had some viral going on and like his music was starting to get attention and he going viral on YouTube and all that while he was still in high school and his parents basically like convinced him to you know stick it out and just stay in high

    School and he feels like he kind of lost the moment in terms of his music he actually said he he said I would be a little Oozy right now if it wasn’t for the fact that I stayed in school which normally people don’t talk about staying

    In high school like it’s a mistake but definitely like with you right now with the college thing like you probably you don’t know if you’re going to have the opportunities that you have right now for you know in two or three years was funny too cuz when I chose

    Communications but we’re in class they’re talking about networking and all this other I’m sitting there cuz this is like 2022 right the beginning of 2022 was the last semester we’re sitting in class and like they’re talking about oh Name an experience and this and that and

    I was sitting here like writing the that I’ve done I’m like bro don’t even sound real like we’re supposed to like get in and talk about it so I’d always like minimize myself in a way so that cuz I don’t know like it just sounds like cap

    When I was writing it down compared to all these other college students but in terms of college like I honestly feel like if you know what you want to do then do it and also at high school like even high school like I was telling my

    Boy like bro just if you’re going to not do anything like at least finish High School like just get the diploma like stick that out but hey like maybe Matthew Matthew’s My Boy by the way we’ve linked up people say we look aik like he’s that kind of crossed my mind

    Yeah like but yeah he CH us maybe he like maybe he would have been L I don’t know but I still feel like high school like you got to at least finish that that’s what I feel like can do whatever you want but I used to always know these

    Pro BMX kids too who would like stay in school and like it’s kind of like I I would think that maybe they were making a mistake cuz yes dope to finish school but at the same time when you’re getting all these offers to get all this money

    And be able to travel the world and do what you love what you’re passionate about I mean really I’m trying to figure out how the speed finish like was he just doing online or something like bro it’s kind of crazy this like he’s still flying out and doing all this other

    While in high school like he just graduated right maybe he wasn’t doing that much or maybe he was maybe he just secretly like real serious about that I don’t know yeah maybe for unto Matthew he’s he was probably like like when you have to go into to school and like all

    Those hours that you’re stuck in school like he probably wasn’t doing online or none so like he probably did I mean if you’re good at school if you’re good at taking tests and can imagine like being able to just kind of Coast through the

    School part for me it’s like if I like I just remember school being hard as for me because I just don’t have a good memory I don’t give a it’s just hard for me to like do anything that I don’t want to do but I’ve also just known a lot of

    People in my life who were able to just kind of Coast through high school and college and it wasn’t that big a deal for them yeah I mean so for me basically I never studied till High School like I literally I was just going through like Elementary School Middle School it was

    Just closing through after high like during high school that was when like I said my mom put me in this little engineering program and that’s when I started so at first nth grade was normal 10th grade normal but 11th and 12th grade so 11th grade I would have the

    College professors pull up to the school and I like we would cuz it was a program right so we would have our classes at there and then 12th grade it was basically dual enrollment that’s what it’s called 12th grade I was just like I did didn’t I wasn’t in high school in

    12th grade I was literally in Community College as a senior like that was my senior year just going to Community College bro and that must felt cool having all these older girls around yeah it was kind of cool but bro like I don’t know bro it was like it was hard to make

    Friends and just I don’t know it just weird but like okay when did it become obvious to you that you were smart enough to skip ahead like that what do you mean skip ahead like be able to go to college early and everything like that like like did you just always have

    A super easy time in school yeah so it was super easy but like I said I was it was always easy for me until high school so After High School like I started studying and [ __ ] but it was like since I’m doing all this college [ __ ] and I

    For me like bro I don’t know if you’re like this too but like if I don’t want to do something I’m really not going to do it like I don’t have no motivation I can’t just sit there and like stick it through bro like if I go to prison bro

    I’m escaping if I don’t want to do it I ain’t doing it bro like that’s what my like I was just trying to get some people to understand that and it’s like if I want something to do with I have the drive to do it I’mma do it like it’s

    Going to happen like you know yeah I mean everything that I’ve managed to accomplish in my entire life has basically been the product of me just having a really hard time just doing whatever the I’m told and just every time I ever had a job throughout my life

    It was just hell hated it and I would spend the whole time thinking about how I was going to you know hustle or figure out some kind of scam or some so that I didn’t have to work crazy cuz like I’ve only had one job like I was literally I

    Worked at McDonald’s for three days and like on that like last day like I just walked out you know what I’m saying said bye to my manager I never went back like I’m pretty sure I still I still had the uniform I don’t know where it’s at right

    Now but I literally just walked out they never even called me back or nothing bro I just literally never went back in and right after that like this was literally like June 2018 right right after that like literally I’m talking about next week uh the that started the Catalyst of

    Where I am now was Instagram like I had a meme page or whatever that next week like I started going viral like I started hitting explore page and it was like some crazy coincidence like quit this job and then the next like cycle of my life started right just like that

    Were you always just around online doing little creative things or what what is your Online Career been like so like bro since a like since I was a kid I’ve always been on the internet I’ve always been scrolling through I’ve seen a lot of you know how some people

    Say like they’re n like they don’t care about seeing gor whatever the I wouldn’t say that cuz I never went out of my way to go see that but it’s just like I’ve just seen a lot of on the internet like I just know the ins and the outs of the

    Internet and then as time went on as like Instagram and all these other apps are progressing I’m seeing these other people do this and that I’m like bro I could easily do that I started it was trash like [ __ ] was going bad now you know what I’m saying I screenshotted on

    My story when I made the meme page like yo Everybody follow me it was like four of my friends followed me I’m like bet I’m going remember this and like it took this is like 2017 it took like nine months before like I started picking it

    Up but it was just like I don’t know it’s basically since I was a kid I was gathering knowledge without realizing it that would help me to where I am now like that would help me to just boost everything that I’m doing and that’s why the internet’s crazy if you use it right

    Because there’s infinite knowledge that you can just pick up on there but you have to really want to learn and you have to be willing to pay attention like even just the podcast space like you can just listen to all these super smart successful people have conversations and that information

    Right there if you’re willing to actually like go for it exactly I’m telling you like this next generation of kids that are raised on these phones and iPads that are just have that [ __ ] in front of them they may be a little weird but like watch out for them they going

    To be Wicked smart but they there’s they’re also going to be really really dumb like it’s going to be two parts of the spectrum bro really really smart people and really really dumb I’m excited to see what happens with the Next Generation like I really want to

    See this the the thing that scares the out of me is when I see a like a Tik Tok that it’s called like a stim Tik Tok Tik where they’ll have it’s like stimulation like they’ll have like a podcast clip and then they’ll have like a crazy

    Fastpac video game clip below it and just realizing that that helps keep kids engaged and then realizing it’s also working on me and I’m just staring at the video game footage and it’s helping me to focus on the podcast clip that scares the out of me for the future

    Generation cuz they’re doing it as kids bro literally just yesterday I’m literally listening to whatever the was in like a twitch stream or whatever on Tik Tok and it’s just a person doing parkour on Minecraft I’m like bro why is this working on me like what the Yeah man

    That [ __ ] crazy weird but okay so you start doing the meme page thing and like when does it actually start to hit so it started hitting so when I hit that explore page that first time like ever since then I was just steady growth so like by the end of the year like

    Literally gent so by the end of the year January 1st I hit 10K like on January 1st start off the year yeah start off the year like 2019 January 1 New Year I just start off I get 10K and after 2019 though that’s when [ __ ] got a little rocky so like Instagram

    Stayed deleting me cuz you know when their shit’s changing or whatever like you can’t curse you can’t do this blah blah blah blah blah and normally the algorithm doesn’t care but all those old posts anyone with a report bot could literally just go through your [ __ ] get you clipped like I don’t know

    What was going on with those people it was these people called report guys it was like literally gangs just internet people that just did not [ __ ] with people that post memes so they’ll just be constantly clapping my accounts and so with Instagram what I’ll do is I

    Always use Twitter but I only use it to make my memes like I’ll literally like do my little caption post my picture or the video and then edit it together throw it in a post that’s how I did my [ __ ] so when I’m when my Instagram was

    Banned I just went straight to Twitter and I was forced to be on Twitter like basically I was forced to be on Twitter I never chose Twitter like I just was forced to be like I’m just an internet guy like I got to be using my phone I

    Gotta be seeing [ __ ] and if I’m not gonna be on my Instagram [ __ ] then I was just gonna be on Twitter so I started learning a lot of people like NL choa and blueface who tweet a lot it’s just because they have been like permanently banned from Instagram yo literally both

    Of them like but with Twitter a lot of people this tell me this truth this is a cycle of Twitter right you download Twitter you’re like what the [ __ ] I don’t understand anything you delete it and then you come back whether it’s months or years later you come back you

    Start using it the like yo this [ __ ] kind of fun and that was the kind of [ __ ] that happened with me so like I was like this [ __ ] kind of fun I still miss my meme page though but this [ __ ] kind of fun I get my meme page back like

    December right and then my Twitter gets clapped so I’m like [ __ ] it I got my Instagram page back I don’t care no more February comes in my instagam hard get a Twitter deleted right like what were you doing so the first time I ever got deleted was the only time that was

    Really my fault like I didn’t understand Twitter like that so like apparently if you said [ __ ] twice in a reply see I heard you say that and I’ve never heard of that before that’s crazy that was 2019 though so 2019 if you said it twice in a reply it’s because you’re adding

    Them right so the bot or whatever is like they’re saying a slur twice get them out of here well I have a friend who I’m pretty sure got deleted on Twitter at one point for saying the n- word too but it was the hard R oh yeah

    That’s different he was saying he wrote like I hate hard RS or some [ __ ] with like a bunch of emojis or you know he’s [ __ ] around but if you look at it and you’re not thinking of it as a joke you’re like oh this is hate speech yeah

    I mean the reason I got banned that time is like you had three strikes that was my third strike at that point so like they got me out of there I didn’t care though like that was like I didn’t have no attachment to Twitter at the time so

    Like Instagram got banned in February and bro mind you this 2020 you know what I’m saying you know when Co hit this is March March I mean Co hit in 2020 literally the week before Co hit I went viral for the first time on Twitter and

    Like at this point I knew what I was doing so like I just kept doing that [ __ ] I was growing a little fan base or whatever like and then Co hit and a little like that was literally the blessing like everybody in their mama is

    In the house no one’s at work no one’s at school and they’re just all on Twitter and like a lot of people were new to Twitter like they didn’t know what the [ __ ] was going on and like basically just greeted them you know what I’m saying like this is Twitter I

    Was posting my [ __ ] it was all going viral every single day and uh what made me stop caring about Instagram is like bro I literally gained 50k in a month and when I got banned on Instagram at that time I had like 60k but that was

    Over the course from 2018 to 2020 right but on Twitter I gain I went from like 4K to 50K in 1 month I got suspended but it’s just like it made me realize I’m like I could do something with this but where do you think you get that sense of being

    Able to you know not only like think of funny things to tweet but then also figure out how to say them in such a way that they do incredibly well on there because I have a [ __ ] million followers and I have a hard time thinking this sh like it’s easy to just

    Write whatever you’re thinking it’s another thing to take that thought and wrap it in such a way and shape it to the point where people want to retweet it like that’s a very specific skill so like nowadays you know like Elon bought the app all this other now it’s a war

    Zone it’s great for people like you that want to make offensive jokes on there yeah yeah I mean like so right now like the easiest thing to do like to really ease yourself cuz for me I just have an internet brain I’m not going to lie so

    It’s like different but it’s like right now quotes you like you see a lot of quotes now that’s what’s popping this like quotes is the easiest [ __ ] ever well I mean just posting a meme is the easiest [ __ ] ever but quotes are the easiest [ __ ] ever cuz someone said

    Something now all you got to do is add on to it so it’s like someone say some [ __ ] you just got to [ __ ] quote that [ __ ] and say whatever the [ __ ] you want cuz a lot of times different than just writing a tweet from scratch like that’s

    I’ll see you with like 100,000 likes on a response and sometimes it’ll be the most obvious [ __ ] thing it’ll just be like a girl posting a picture and she’ll have big ass feet and you’ll just quot tweet it and be like [ __ ] you got big ass feet boom 100,000 likes I know

    Exactly which one you’re talking about too is that a real one I just made that up but it might have been influenced by one that I seen before this girl had big ass feet I said fif fo ass Fifi f F ass feet like just big ass feet that

    Literally like 2 days ago oh okay yeah so I mean I don’t know CL is just the easiest [ __ ] ever and it’s the algorithm favors it a lot and then if you respond to it and put more responses in the quotes than or below it than that a lot

    Of times I think helps keep it going yeah I don’t really do the replies no more cuz like nowadays I just tweet and go like I’m just on the go but bro like I still miss old Twitter though because I like at the end of the day to me word

    Tweets are the best Tweets like it’s what makes Twitter Twitter like words like every other app you’re on Tik Tok it’s a video while you’re on Instagram is a picture or a video something special about just like a fword tweet that goes but unfortunately like I [ __ ]

    With Elon Musk yo [ __ ] all the old Twitter staff I really hope they’re struggling to eat because they was just on dick for years for no reason but Elon Musk I haven’t been suspended yet so I [ __ ] with him but he changed the algorithm and word tweets aren’t

    Favorite like bro tweets like word tweets are what make like what separates Twitter from everybody else you can just hop on there and just read [ __ ] you don’t have to see anything you can just read it but it’s not favored in the algorithm no more I’ve noticed a lot of

    People like that know this [ __ ] like anyone that has a lot of followers they don’t do word tweets as much I still do it cuz to the end at the end of the day it’s the best Tweets to me but a lot of people don’t do it cuz it you you’re not

    Going to go viral at like as often it’s like a hit or miss you could tweet the funniest [ __ ] ever and it’s a word tweet it just doesn’t hit the algorithm but sometimes you’ll see people going super vir with like a really long tweet that just has a fuckload of information or

    Like a thread of of multiple TW twet in a row which is like another brand twiter to me it’s still like the best T there’s so much information on there there’s just everything’s on there if you want to know what’s going on in the moment it’s the only app because it’s like

    During the [ __ ] protests and the riots and [ __ ] in 2020 it’s like you go on Tik Tok you’re going to see some girl dancing from [ __ ] two weeks ago you know you go on Instagram it’s like it’s too curated it’s everybody that you know and what they’re up to and [ __ ] but

    Twitter you actually feel like you can see what’s happening as it’s happening or like during a [ __ ] UFC fight mhm what are you going to look at you go to Twitter because you know you’re going to see everybody you know talking about that [ __ ] real time like Max like Max is

    2 days like that you’re going to see old unless someone just retweets an old tweet but it’s literally everything was today from yesterday or two days ago that’s it like you know what I’m saying how many hours a day you think you’re on Twitter so like at my Peak my Peak was

    Obviously Co so I would say right now I’m not on Twitter that I’m not going to lie to you like if you not like if anyone has noticed I don’t be on Twitter as much I still be tweeting a lot but I’ll say on average on a like if I’m

    Really like let’s say I’m I’m it’s a good week right average would be 6 to8 hours right like swear to God but at my Peak was Co I was dead ass on there all day bro [ __ ] crazy and I remember cuz I got suspended hell times when I got when

    I got suspended uh during Co I’ll be like bro like no no notifications coming in no nothing I’m like damn what the [ __ ] do I do now like bro like it was just boring as [ __ ] without it I’m like damn but I always gave myself that little break cuz whenever I was on

    Twitter I was literally on there every day like just tweeting so it’s like but I don’t know like At first I was doing it for the Love of the Game and I still do it but you saw that the new payouts and [ __ ] right like people getting paid

    And [ __ ] now uh that [ __ ] is ass by the way like I’ve been telling people like if you want to get on Twitter to get to that point you’re going to have to do it for the Love of the Game you can’t do it for money cuz the money will come when

    You’re big when I was first doing it it wasn’t for the money but bro the payouts are just dog [ __ ] how bad is it you get a lot of [ __ ] views let me show you how bad it is right so off one quote like if someone pays me for promo and I

    Do a quote off that one tweet cuz these X payouts the Twitter payouts they come out every two weeks bi- weekly you get it every two weeks so two weeks of accumulating your views and getting your money up I make that off like I’ll make more off one person buying a quote tweet

    So it’s like I always got promos that’s how I always made money on Twitter and like that’s still the main way I make money on Twitter not the payouts like those payouts aren’t [ __ ] like what do you make like a, bucks a month a couple thousand oh yeah a couple thousand like

    Off the payouts like that’s it like that [ __ ] is not it like it’s cool you know what I’m saying couple extra rack like you know what I’m saying you it’s cool but you’re also one of the most viral people on the platform so think about how it is for everybody else I’m saying

    Like I could only imagine like bro two of my friends that like that are actually big on Twitter like that do the same [ __ ] as me they don’t even get paid cuz the other person I don’t know what it is with them but the other person

    Like the other other person uh he put the wrong country and you can’t fix it so like they go super viral every single day they have not made a penny W so it’s like they literally Do It For the Love of the Game bro like I respect that I

    Guess damn yeah I they’re missing out on I still haven’t signed up for that [ __ ] yeah and you you know Ian miles CH or not yeah but he I remember him posting to him getting like 10 grand in like a week so people like him actually make

    The most off these payouts or whatever because so first off they spam tweet so like they’re just accumulating like me like I’ll tweet every hour or a couple hours so like I’m actually not I don’t tweet as much as people think I tweet like some people try to make each one

    Count yeah like I remember back then I used to tweet every hour on the dot like as soon like I know when I was going to Tweet nowadays I’m just on a whim like I just you know what I’m saying it was different back then but for him he spams

    A lot and he just has engagement baiting tweets like he makes people mad and all this and another the main thing like this is what people have to understand anyone watching this cursing actually [ __ ] it up that I think I would get paid more if I just didn’t curse I’m

    Pretty sure every tweet that I say [ __ ] in I just get Z off that tweet like I can’t like confirm it or nothing but I’m pretty sure like so at Ian milang he’s [ __ ] spamming it like this is how you make money off payouts like listen spam tweeting engagement baiting you have to

    Actually interact with people y’ people be forgetting that you have to interact and you can’t curse if you want to make maximum money like that’s how you make the payoffs I’m pretty sure that’s what really makes my payouts trash I curse a lot and I just don’t care cuz Brands

    Like advertisers really don’t want to be next to edgy content like anything about abortion or or you know birth control [ __ ] like that like they go so hard and now they have algorithmic ai Bots that basically like can detect if a website has [ __ ] about abortion on it and then

    It just won’t run any ads on that [ __ ] so that content to be a publisher to run a website that does content about like abortion and War and [ __ ] is just like a terrible business to be in because you’re not going to be able to make any

    [ __ ] money off it and people also they don’t realize like they think you get paid off the views like no you’re getting paid off people scrolling the ads in your replies you’re not getting paid off how many views you get you could get 10 million views but if no

    One’s checking the replies or if you have comments turned off bro you’re not getting no money cuz it’s all about people scrolling through your replies that’s how you make bread off the payouts which so weird that he chose like this one part of the site to monetize it’s just the responses he know

    What he’s doing bro otherwise bro I promise you I’ll would be sitting and [ __ ] du buai on a cam right now if he did what he was supposed to do with that payout [ __ ] like [ __ ] ass like people was asking me literally today they’re asking me is it worth it

    Is it worth I’m I’m like I I want to just I just be honest with them like you’re going to have to do it for the Love of the Game like until you’re you have a couple hundred thousand followers and you’re making money off people like sponsoring you you’re not making no

    Money off the pay like don’t go to Twitter and think you’re going to blow up and make Bank off the PS unless you’re em M CH like I don’t know like that guy you just I don’t know bro I mean it is crazy because if you want to

    Get respon is you just kind of have to like create conversations and it doesn’t matter like if you really agree with what you’re saying like even the other day I saw my chick she was going to a [ __ ] party and she was wearing this dress that was like super [ __ ] [ __ ]

    Looking I’m like watch this I [ __ ] film her walking to towards the door and it and I just post I wrote is this an appropriate outfit for my girl to wear out without me 80,000 likes because I asked a question that I already know what the [ __ ] the average person’s

    Answer is going to be and I know that everybody’s going to take it as a chance to dunk on me and be like she already [ __ ] another dude on camera so obviously it shouldn’t matter you know so it’s like I’m setting myself up for

    It but it works and I got like you know 10,000 followers or some [ __ ] that day yeah that shit’s crazy man like I don’t know and it’s also funny too cuz all these verified people like me personally I ain’t going to lie like it’s like I always had Twitter blue like before it’s

    Called Twitter premium I always had blue like people think I bought it for the Check N bro I just always had it like I was actually verified before that [ __ ] was even a thing but so I bought Twitter blue and I just always had it and then

    When uh the check [ __ ] came out I was like damn like now people going to think I bought it cuz of the check but all the people that buy it in their ear replies like they have they’re trying to make money off the payouts cuz who knows what

    Living conditions people are in right you got to do what you got to do so like if you going make money like you don’t even like eventually you get to the point with your Twitter account people know your shit’s going to go viral so you could say anything it’s going to

    Spawn with hundreds of comments and it’s like damn like there’s always going to be replies like you don’t even you just got to work for it like it just eventually comes but so they make money off their own responses in the responses to your [ __ ] as well or they’re just

    Trying to get followers it’s both like I’m pretty sure you can make money I I I think at first you can make money off your owner appes but after like they made some update and you don’t call me on it I don’t know like I haven’t

    Checked in a while cuz I don’t care about the payouts so I haven’t done much research but uh at first I know for a fact you could get you could get paid off your own replies to another person but now I don’t know but so what’s it

    Like for you being young as [ __ ] getting hundred and hundreds of thousands of followers and [ __ ] like that and then meanwhile like most of the people who look at the account don’t even know what you look like right like did you ever have to do a face reveal or were you

    Always kind of putting it out there so with Instagram when I hit that 10K Milestone I did my little face reveal like I didn’t have a other personal Instagram account that they knew of and when I started Twitter for a little bit no one knew what I like literally nobody

    Right like there was some people that knew it but I never hit it I just never posted like I had no reason BR I had no drip no bands yet like I’m not going to like I could post a selfie or whatever but it’s like you know I’m not going to

    Do all that right now so eventually as time when on bro like people started to recognize me like even now like like obviously right now I’m the biggest I’ve ever been to date but it’s like kind of weird like right now like bro you could literally there will be some people like

    You know who this is and they’ll show the account they like oh wait that’s you so they didn’t know what I look like but they knew the account and also it’s like in terms of Twitter I’m one of like I don’t know I wouldn’t say I’m the first

    Or whatever was like I’m one of those people where it’s like all the other people that do the same [ __ ] as me they don’t really post themselves they don’t really go out they’re not like really I don’t know what to say networking or whatever the [ __ ] they’re just doing

    Twitter and that’s cool like you’re just focused on whatever but it’s like so I’m kind of like navigating new reals and bro I will tell you what helped with more people recognizing my face bro like I started boxing this year right and bro when I lost that [ __ ] went crazy viral

    Like even now like most of the time when people come up to me nowadays they’re like oh wait you’re Cor from Twitter like you you started boxing right yeah I saw that boxing that’s probably how a lot of people saw you for the first time right yeah like the boxing [ __ ] like

    Luckily I won that rematch whatever but like that first fight like I would say it definitely just boosted my popularity in terms of people actually see me and they recognize me before there would be people that knew me but they didn’t know what I look like they’re like bro it’s

    So crazy cuz I follow you I don’t know what you look like but it’s crazy too cuz I literally be posting fit pcks pretty recently I mean pretty common like nowadays I ain’t going to lie like the past two months I barely posted but I was literally con like for a Time

    Consistently posting fit pics and going viral for it with the boxing [ __ ] what made you want to do that so what really started is bro like in 2021 they had that YouTubers versus Tik Tok [ __ ] so like I was like damn like if I’m ever in

    That position to be able to box I’ll actually do it and uh later that year this is 2021 later that year I got into it with keemstar and so basically keemstar doesn’t like me I don’t really like keemstar at that time and then again this year it happened again again

    In like January February we got into it cuz I don’t remember what he said some dumb [ __ ] or whatever the [ __ ] he went back and forth then he went into spaces everyone’s adding me like bro get in here so I get in there we have we have

    Our back and forth I get bored so I’m like bro this kind of boring so I’mma dip keemstar is like yo corn would you be down a box I’m like [ __ ] I’ll be down like I always said I’ll do it if I if I had the opportunity so I jumped on it I

    Had no idea he meant like the [ __ ] was going to be in like 3 months though like that was I still decided to do it cuz like bro I kind of want to do it like have you ever done any kind of boxing or anything no no no no no never did no

    Type of boxing like uh in terms of sports and [ __ ] I was like a soccer dude track like that’s what I did I ain’t even I a even like it’s so crazy when I started boxing like I just gained a new found respect for those people cuz I was

    One of those dudes like after a fight I’m just cooking the [ __ ] out of the [ __ ] but now it’s like different like damn like that [ __ ] is hard to even get to that level bro right like holy [ __ ] so you didn’t have that much time to

    Train for the first one but cuz I noticed like a huge change in your skill level like you went from like kind of getting your ass beat on the first one to basically beaten the [ __ ] out of him in the second one yeah so in the first

    One I wasn’t at 100% either that fight would have still been asked just cuz of the first fight it would have still been ass but it’s even more ass cuz I was like I was actually real life sick and uh but the second fight I was able to

    Get like just polish my skills and I was actually at 100% so I was like fine I actually get to like see what I do when I’m M like operating at maximum like this is how you know what I’m saying but so who was that guy anyway so funny

    Story like the first person I was actually supposed to box was another Twitter dude cuz they were trying to F like so like cuz it’s hard to gauge how big I am because Twitter is weird from Tik Tok like you could have 6 million followers on Tik Tok and nobody will

    Know you but on Twitter it’s like so at the time I had like 500k followers so it’s like people know me but it’s like unless it’s another Twitter dude how are they like how do you like match up with someone like as popular it’s so weird because a lot of actual famous people

    Would have like half a million on Twitter but like you’re and then on all the other platforms they be kind of big whereas you have just kind of like figured out how to blow up on this one specific platform as a way to gain notoriety exactly but I was going to

    Fight this dude on Twitter uh his name was Breezy shout out him he actually chill as [ __ ] but he ain’t have no Visa so they were trying to figure out wait who should he fight who should he fight they switch out so many people and they

    Landed on this dude this dude is called unbe you know what I’m saying uh I’m actually going I’m probably going to fight him again as a Trilogy oh wow but not not three times in a row I’m G still fight someone else before that but so

    Yeah he’s literally he was like he had like 300K on Tik Tok this was like someone they had to get last minute I’m talk I’m talking about two weeks before the fight so he had two weeks to train bro and that’s another reason why people

    Was cooking the [ __ ] out of me he had two weeks to train I had like two months and uh it was in the UK all that [ __ ] but that’s really how most people know him from like from that fight no one really knew him like he had like I said

    Bro you can have followers on Tik Tok and nobody will know who you are like that is not real but yeah like he’s really like nobody really knows him like but okay you lose like you you finished the final round of the first fight what’s going through your head did you

    Feel like you lost or was it kind of all lost in the fog so the first fight that first round I personally like that was the round that I feel like I actually did good after that that’s when is like uh so like the first round super out of

    Breath too right yeah so after the first round I basically I said I’m like damn like that’s all my energy gone cuz I had like bro I’m telling you so the only [ __ ] I ate that day was uh two bites of a watermelon and one bite of a sandwich

    Cuz I bro I woke up late like I was woking up late and oh that was just I I don’t really like like this like PTSD type [ __ ] but so I woke up uh we were supposed to be at the arena at 2: I woke

    Up at 2: I wake up I still have my little cough or whatever but I honestly didn’t care cuz in my mind I’m like bro this [ __ ] has two weeks of training bro like even if I’m sick I don’t care I’m going in and I’m gonna beat the [ __ ] out

    Of him but and you can’t let everybody down by exactly but really what cooked me was that food situation and I’m not blaming nobody but myself for that obviously I should have just ate but so by the first round I have no energy so it’s like at end of the first round I’m

    Like I want that but can I really keep this up for the next two rounds the end of the second round um I honestly felt like like this is I’m just giving my real thoughts I was like one more round and I might actually win like that’s

    What I was thinking uh obviously when I watch back now cuz I’m way better now than I was that first fight obviously I’m like [ __ ] that’s just dog [ __ ] like just ass and then after actually the end of the second round when I stood up for the third round to start everything was

    Losing I’m like this is it I have zero like I’m you have zero I had negative energy bro and I was just everyone says bro slow motion punches like it really felt like that that day is not real bro right because okay real I’ve noticed this multiple times like when Nate

    Robinson lost to Jake Paul on Twitter black Twitter is huge if you a black person and you get beat by a white person in a boxing match they will have a [ __ ] field day with you yes how was that so bro my phone was blowing up cuz

    I didn’t really get to my phone till like an hour after the fight so my phone is blowing the [ __ ] up I was like yep do not disturb I did not check none of my notifications anybody who texted me saying any negative [ __ ] or whatever like completely ignored but I looked on

    The timeline it was I I look at my notifications and I would only I dead ass before I tweeted cuz I had I didn’t tweet for hours before I tweeted I only checked the app like two times for a couple minutes cuz I really didn’t even

    Like it was just crazy I personally it was funny to me in a sense but I was also just disappointed in myself so it’s like I just I’m the type of dude like hate doesn’t get to me cuz like I’m just not going to read the [ __ ] you know what

    I’m saying like the [ __ ] don’t exist if I close my phone so they really started cooking me once I like when I finally tweeted cuz my plan was I was going to win the fight and then tweet the next day like I was just not going to say

    [ __ ] but because I had L I was like damn should I should I just tweet while I have it here so my first tweet I don’t know if you’ve seen that picture of Gru standing over the minions I I just tweeted that cuz the context is I have

    Some bad news so everyone who be using Twitter knew the context and then the second tweet I was just like I forgot what I [ __ ] said oh yeah I was just like uh did iin really kill himself or whatever just like trying to be funny like trying to change the topic or

    Whatever but I was like at that time bro I was like damn like is it over m I know well you’re like people won’t ever laugh at my Twitter again because I got beat up because I think if anything you realize like oh this [ __ ] doesn’t matter that much like you didn’t get

    Famous for being tough in the first place right yeah yeah so like honestly I mean I still don’t like I wish I would have won the first fight but like it taught me a lot but so for that first day I only tweeted those two things and

    Then the next day I just didn’t tweet all day cuz like I was still sick like it actually got worse after the fight I was on that plane dying bro but when I got home I was just chilling I was just you know what I’m saying just talking to

    People that I [ __ ] with wasn’t on Twitter wasn’t using it and then the next day I’m like all right let’s test the waters I tweet something funny obviously other repes are people cooking me but I’m still going viral so I was like y’all [ __ ] is frauds bro [ __ ]

    Was cooking the [ __ ] out of me I thought [ __ ] hated me like dead ass hated me bro the way they was talking but I’m still going viral on every tweet so I was like this [ __ ] only going to last two weeks they’re only going to keep

    Posting those clips and [ __ ] for like a couple weeks and I already barely read replies so after that I just literally stopped reading replies I only get notifications if I follow you or you’re just really big or some [ __ ] so I only clicked on those I’ll do my reply and

    Then that’s it like the shit’s not going to get to me if I don’t look at it you know what I’m saying with Twitter and really every social network it’s very easy to fall into the thinking of like oh this is real life and I need to read

    Every [ __ ] response and all that [ __ ] and like sometimes it’s just really important to just take a step back not look at the [ __ ] for a while miss a couple days of responses on Twitter and like you know I’ve been horrible at this throughout my life but to even just be

    Able to say like all right right I’m going to put my phone in the other room and I’m going to just hang out with my kid for a few hours and just not even think about whatever [ __ ] hell storm I’m going through on Twitter it could

    Just be like you know exactly way people have real problems with that bro they feel like they have they have to I don’t know what it is cuz I’ve just always been that person I could detach from anything so it’s honestly easy for me but people will read every comment every

    Reply every them like every hate like bro I was telling this girl like you can’t be doing that like you’re going out of your way to make it pissed off or sad or depressed like you’re going out of your way to do that if you just didn’t check you’re straight if you are

    Like showing too much emotion on Twitter people will just feel that and just sink their teeth in you need to be able to take time away from it or just show them like you don’t give a [ __ ] by just not tweeting too much for a while and that

    Shit’ll just like kind of lessen the tension usually that’s dead ass like the golden key like people don’t realize that so if you’re going to be sad or mad about it just don’t do it on the internet like release your tension in real life no one can [ __ ] see you do

    Whatever the [ __ ] you got to do but on Twitter or inag don’t get like mad or whatever don’t reply to any of the hate tweets so for me I just didn’t look at it so I never had the temptation to cook somebody or like just fry this [ __ ] cuz

    Even if I did fry them I’m just going to get cooked they they’re just going to be my replies clown to me so for me what I did I literally ignored it I never showed any response I never said anything and eventually they just stop like damn this [ __ ] boring this [ __ ]

    Has no reaction [ __ ] you it’s just gonna stop like simple as that right it was funny too people just forget [ __ ] really quick you know like I’ve had friends where I had to like advise them on that like trust me nobody is going to be talking about this in three or four days

    You got to just ride it out exactly and it’s like it’s especially true cuz that second fight when I won obviously so the first fight you had KSI and all that other [ __ ] so it’s naturally going to be bigger cuz like that’s what people mainly watch The Misfits and all that

    Other [ __ ] for is just like the big dogs like Ki whatever the second fight um wasn’t like a KSI event so it was like a normal Misfits event so automatically less people have heard of it but after I won the people that I were watching there wasn’t that many tweets like there

    Wasn’t no haters obviously cuz I won but it was just like it was overwhelmingly crazy how less like reactions it got when I lost that fight every streamer was reacting to it Ka was reacting to it there was articles being written all this other [ __ ] but when I won it was

    Just crickets bro that’s why I got that [ __ ] pinned like I I just have that [ __ ] pinned so every time a [ __ ] click online page it just reminds them and it’s crazy cuz no one really saw that [ __ ] because like it’s crazy how much negativity helps you grow like there’s

    So many people that like if they if they meet me they yo what’s up I saw your boxing match blah blah blah they actually I’ll be like bro you know I got my get back right they like wait you did they actually haven’t heard of the second fight they only know about that

    First one so it’s like that first one actually blew me up and the second one was cool like if anyone wanted to watch the continuation of it I guess did you actually get a shitload of followers from losing the fight just because so many people were talking about it yeah

    Yeah so when I lost the fight for a little bit I was gaining and then after that I was naturally just tweeting less so like it kind of slowed down but like when I first lost that fight I was getting like thousands and thousands and

    Thousands but I also feel like if I had won the fight I probably would have like hit a million followers quicker and [ __ ] like that but who knows like that’s just a theory so are you really trying to take the boxing thing to the furthest that you can like are you trying could

    You see yourself so I always said this is what I said from the beginning like I’mma do the boxing [ __ ] cuz I’m some discipline [ __ ] like that [ __ ] really disciplines you I’mma do the boxing [ __ ] and then uh I’m a fight under that KSI versus Logan Paul I mean not Logan Paul

    Jake Paul [ __ ] when they finally fight if they ever fight because that’s the main thing that people are waiting for that’s like the [ __ ] season like ending like season finale of this whole influencer boxing [ __ ] if it ever happens I’m going fight under that and then I’m going retire that’s what I

    Always said like I’m going retire after that oh so you just want to have a little run you’re not trying to like do this for years so I’m trying to do everything I’ve always said I’m trying to do everything bro I started boxing this year bro I I I walked New York

    Fashion Week that [ __ ] was insane like I W inv you to do that so uh like uh my boy dremo uh he worked with this company called creators Inc and they just do a lot of event you know like you probably know fans management [ __ ] exactly so uh

    Shout out Creator Inc shout out Andy uh but like literally just I just flew out there and they’re like yeah you can run I mean you can do the walk [ __ ] it like just went in there like it was just crazy so I’m trying to do everything bro

    I’m trying to act I’m going to I just started streaming again cuz I used to stream but like now I moved out it’s different now but I used to stream so I’m trying to stream again I’m trying to just do everything I’m trying streaming or what what kind of streaming uh so

    Right now like it’s just cuz before I was still at my mom house like yo like my mom I would be streaming my mom would turn off the the internet bro like this is like 2020 uh my mom would turn off the internet and that [ __ ] would piss me

    Off so I bought my own internet I bought my own router so she stopped turning it off but it just wasn’t hidden to me like I was like damn like this Twitter [ __ ] is just way more fun to me so I stopped but now I’m in a new house new crib new

    Room this just a different feeling so it’s still kind of IRL it’s like half IRL like I couldn’t get people on there like we could like literally collab and do [ __ ] that’s like what I’m planning but January because yo I be out a lot

    Like I’ll be in Miami I’ll be in La I’ll be doing [ __ ] I’m like imagine if there was just a camera and this [ __ ] was live like I feel like so many people have missed out on crazy moments cuz my dumb ass don’t really be doing video content

    All my [ __ ] has always been mainly Twitter or like Instagram [ __ ] but it wouldn’t be of me so all the [ __ ] I’d be doing like there’s probably so much crazy [ __ ] that could have went viral that people never know even exists you know what I’m saying so it’s wild cuz

    Like creators Inc did a party on Halloween that’s where I met neon and I’m at the I was thinking it was going to be the this little chill party so I’m not even thinking about security or anything like that then I see neon I say

    What up to him all of a sudden I look at Twitter and I realize that the clips of me talking to Neon are already [ __ ] getting hella retweets and [ __ ] and I’m realizing like oh anyone could easily figure out I’m here and it’s just such a

    Weird feeling to feel like you’re out in public just doing some normal human being [ __ ] and then realizing like oh no I’m totally like under the [ __ ] microscope right now because anything that happens to me is going to get blasted out to like 100,000 people right now yeah literally like and it’s crazy

    Cuz you saw uh speed like bro speed got swatted recently I mean it was kind of like you can’t be showing the outside of your house last night neon got [ __ ] his manager got the [ __ ] beat out of him and I know a lot of people think that

    Shit’s fake but he facetimed me and talked to me about it for like 10 minutes and he had a [ __ ] bootm mark on his forehead and [ __ ] like he really had dudes run down on him and I’m I’m not I don’t think it was a beef thing

    And but they also didn’t steal anything so I mean people are trying to make it I don’t know what’s going on with that cuz like uh neon has like faked getting jumped or whatever exactly but like when I don’t know like which ones are real or

    Whatever the [ __ ] but it’s like when it finally happens like the boy who cried wolf exactly nobody believes you now those three B kids who tied him to the tree that [ __ ] was fake but then now he’s having some [ __ ] that seems like it’s actually real and everybody like he

    He just at a certain point he shouldn’t keep joking around with that [ __ ] that’s the thing with neon like just his whole Fame is like yeah you got it but you had to fake your death twice and all this other [ __ ] it’s like you reap what you

    Sow so it’s like now when all this [ __ ] is happening it’s like nobody believes you it’s kind of crazy but he couldn’t use that to his Advantage there’s so many people rooting for neon to fail that like if anything does happen to him everybody’s just yeah cuz nobody

    Realizes how big he is like yeah he might like whatever followers or viewers but it’s like in terms of how many people know him they like anyone who saw him before like his Peak like he’s at his Peak right now anyone who saw him before probably hated his guts so now

    They see him and they just like hate like they just want him to fail the thing is is that everything is fake for him because yesterday he was hanging out with KP Mack at the zoo and [ __ ] and he’s hanging out with them and KP Max

    Throwing a hot dog at him and [ __ ] and I don’t know if they planned out the hot dog throwing but then he’s talking to the camera just saying hey [ __ ] you KPM you’re a piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] y y y neon said that yeah and it’s like I’m

    Talking to his manager and it’s like neon’s just saying that [ __ ] for Content but at the same time it’s like it’s only a matter of time till you run into somebody who really is going to take you serious and do something to you and he you he rolls around with security and

    [ __ ] but last night they got ran up on and it didn’t seem like the security mattered so I don’t like’s just playing with fire and everybody who IRL streams it ends up going badly in the long run and I’m not saying that’s going to happen to him but it would not surprise

    Me yeah I mean it just depends cuz it’s kind of crazy anyone who gets to that level there’s some sort of Shameless [ __ ] that they had to do to get there it’s kind of weird so it’s like once that’s what people are seeing you for and once you realize that’s how you are

    Getting views you keep doing it and eventually like you just bite off more than you can chew like that’s just how it goes yeah it’s almost like letting some got [ __ ] your wife for clout bro bro can we talk about that bro I think that’s how we first started talking is

    Because you were quote no you quote tweeted the wedding video yeah and it got like I I can’t remember the exact numbers I think the wedding video might have had like a million views or two million views on Twitter and by the time your quote tweet was done it had like 80

    Million views bro so okay so talk to me bro so you’re telling me you guys have been together for what like six seven years seven or eight years yeah so like she just never [ __ ] a dude until you got married facts actually honestly the fact that it happened so close to the

    Wedding was like not something that we talked about or that we cared about at all because it’s like nothing really changed with us when we got married we already had been living together we already had a kids so we’re already like basically married then we just had this

    [ __ ] ceremony and yeah her doing the scene didn’t really have anything to do with that I mean so would you say it’s like like that was for the better like everything that happened since like just for the better I’m happy with how it turned out for sure and let me let me

    Just tell you this so like inter inter that [ __ ] aside I always say like bro this dude’s smart for that like I personally I don’t like agree with it but it’s like do what you got to do it definitely made me a million times better at like internet marketing and

    Like understanding going viral in general but I’ll tell you this is that so when she did the scene with the other dude I was a little bit torn where on one sense it’s just business but on the other hand it’s like well you were sucking another dude’s dick in a hotel

    Room with a cameram man you know it doesn’t necessarily make you feel the best as a guy but like I [ __ ] her with the dude who won the reality show the other day and I was having a blast you know as soon as we get going I’m [ __ ]

    Jamming her head down on his dick and [ __ ] just having a great time with it so I mean now I’m kind of feeling different about it where I’m like maybe I actually am comfortable with this where it’s like it took some mental gymnastics to make myself comfortable with it but now

    Having actually done it I just didn’t really feel jealous like I thought I was going to feel when I was doing it well you have got to donate your brain of science you have to cuz holy [ __ ] you know what it is to me too is it’s like

    It was just an issue of me doing what I felt like doing slash what was best for business versus my desire to not get made fun of on the internet and it’s kind of like for a lot of people like neon like he’s baiting negative attention all the time now granted it’s

    Just negative attention because he’s kind of a [ __ ] or he you know looks like a [ __ ] or whatever the way he acts on camera and stuff but it’s kind of like the same thing with me it’s like all right you can call me a cck if it’s

    Going to work Market wise and it’s going to make us all this money and [ __ ] all right I’ll basically you the sacrificial L of it I’m sacrificing myself for myself type [ __ ] so it’s kind of uh it is kind of weird like you you cuz realistically like I’ve never had a

    Business like this but the plug talk thing the porn thing it’s kind of like we have to create controversy in order to get eyeballs on it there’s it’s it’s very rare that you’re just going to do something that people are going to be 100% positive about that will also be

    Viral yeah like it’s crazy like negativity is just King I don’t know like I always said like you have to have fans and haters like the haters actually help you like anybody who’s aspiring to be anything that involves having eyes on you like you have like you actually have to

    Embrace the haters like that [ __ ] really helps you and honestly I remember for a while bro cuz when I first started like let’s say like Twitter when I first started bro every reply is really just dick riters like every [ __ ] like it was a thing at the time like when a when a

    [ __ ] tweets like it’s just all positive like off the do blah blah blah like you thought you know what I’m saying you just did this [ __ ] like a couple years ago if you had one person who who commented the same exact response on your tweets you would think that that

    Person was insane and you would be like what the [ __ ] is wrong with this dude that is so normal now that you would never even notice or think about it twice that because people are just chasing clout and also it’s helping you to have people responding even if it’s

    Annoying exactly like I remember when I was first blown up uh people realize like if I turn on his notifications and I uh reply as soon as he tweets uh that [ __ ] has a like way more chance of going viral or whatever the [ __ ] when his

    Tweet goes viral so I had a bunch of people that would have my notifications on you have the normal people that are just reply guys are just fans then you had the haters and they would reply with some crazy [ __ ] but bro I remember this

    One time bro so this is before I really was showing my face my face was out there but it’s like you have to go out of your way to look for it this dude literally went through my tagged on Instagram so I had Instagram it’s public

    If you see it you see it but I didn’t realize like my tags and [ __ ] was public and I had just graduated high school my mom posted like a picture of me and mind you I graduated in 2020 so like I was a CO [ __ ] grad baby so my [ __ ] was like

    Online or whatever but she took a picture this dude screenshots it puts it in reply he’s like this you and like bro before anybody told me that he said that they’re all quoting it like it’s like they’re trying to show concern like yo you’re weird for this but in a way it’s

    Like you don’t actually yeah like you’re just trying to get likes bro cuz why Ain nobody like I had to imagine you’re just scrolling you’re you’re technically faceless but you’re not faceless you’re scrolling and you just see your face on a timeline I’m like what the [ __ ] I damn

    This thing I’m like bro are you good bro delete this and it turned out he wasn’t even trying to be no hater when he said this you cuz you know what this you is right like this you when someone says that they’re trying to uh cook you this

    [ __ ] was like probably some kid and he was like I was generally wondering like is this you cuz people didn’t know what I [ __ ] looked like I was like oh I mean yeah it’s me bro but just delete it he was like okay cool like but it’s just

    I I know bro so are you concerned with like hiding certain parts of your private life and [ __ ] cuz once the more famous you get the more you start to Value oh I’m going to like have people not know about this part of my life exactly like for me it’s like you can

    Say do whatever you want me just leave my family alone like my main issue with that one was like the [ __ ] could have scroll like well my mom’s Instagram was public told her ass to private it but it’s like I don’t want nobody to just be able to look through my mom’s Instagram

    Cuz she’s just a normal woman like you don’t need weird people going on there but yeah so I just have certain [ __ ] that I but honestly I’ve been like damn like I be hiding [ __ ] that I wouldn’t mind people knowing like I feel like certain aspects of my life if I just had

    Recorded it like it would just go viral like there’s so many people that just want to see more of me it’s kind of weird and I’m just like I ain’t Playboy cardi bro I’m not really no mysterious ass [ __ ] so it’s like bro I’m I’m going

    To like next year is really when I switch the content from what I’m doing now to like actually me like videos and [ __ ] so we going to see how that goes it is weird though that like we think of cardi as being this insanely mysterious person because he just chooses to not

    Post and we know a lot of people who are like that who like don’t really post on Instagram They Don’t Really tweet or whatever they just live their life and they’re not concerned with documenting it but for a celebrity to do that it makes us super [ __ ] fascinated and

    Curious about them and and the fans like any real fans have this lust for like uncovering details about you even for somebody like you yeah like bro they be hacking his eyecloud and all this other [ __ ] that’s the problem with that though like it probably happen even if he was

    Recording a lot but I mean even if he was posting a lot and actually dropping music but it’s just crazy like the price of Fame I guess I mean cuz I’ve seen both sides of it with the kid thing where we posted the kid for the first

    Two years of her life two and a half years and then when all that [ __ ] was going viral I just decided like you know what [ __ ] it we’re not doing this anymore we’re just going to completely not share my kid with the world and a lot of my followers were disappointed

    About it but for me it just makes like if you really want something to be special to you don’t make content about it don’t share it with the world just keep it to yourself because at certain point she’ll be grown up enough that she’ll just be like a person in my

    [ __ ] Vlogs or like you’ll just see her and she’ll just be a human being but you know for now it’s like the nicest thing that you could do is to just keep that part of your life separate from the world you know yeah cuz like I mean

    They’re a kid but I already know like what type of [ __ ] they were saying they would be like oh they’re going to cook her in school blah blah blah but and much worse yeah I don’t know like that kind of makes me wonder about the family channels like like the last family Vlog

    Or whatever I saw is like it’s kind of cool cuz they’ll be recording the kids like they were playing like flag football or some [ __ ] it’s kind of cool but it’s also like is anything real in that Dynamic a lot of it is fake as [ __ ] because those people just have the

    Incentives to fake everything so I’ve seen Family Channel downfall videos where it’s like holy [ __ ] they’re pretending that they’re getting divorced every couple of months and they’re you know just like that’s when ren do for real like why you pretending to get divorced well it really [ __ ] up [ __ ]

    Too like the uh the daddy of five channel was famous because of the fact that they basically had the kids kind of like hitting each other and [ __ ] to get these weird little viral moments of like one of the kids picking on the other kids and it’s like holy [ __ ] you have

    Strayed so far from what being a parent is supposed to be now luckily they were suspended by YouTube and stuff and I feel like they’ve tried to make comebacks and people just cook them to death because there are such pieces of [ __ ] during that whole thing I mean yeah

    There’s like multiple lenses to look at it cuz you remember that Angry Grandpa dude it’s like [ __ ] like that like a little start off as real and then when you realize like holy [ __ ] we get so much views out this [ __ ] eventually cuz I I don’t remember when I stopped

    Watching it like I know he’s dead now and [ __ ] but I remember when I was watching it as a kid I don’t know what like at what certain point the [ __ ] became fake cuz obviously not every video can be real like when you’re posting that often and it’s one Niche or

    Whatever so it’s like some [ __ ] will literally work cuz like that’s the real life and then eventually like you just kind of it’s just kind of over okay like the Twitter version of that is saying something that you don’t necessarily agree with or that you know is [ __ ] up

    Or mean or shitty just because you know it’s going to perform well on there because on Twitter cruelty is extremely viral you just tell someone they’re a piece of [ __ ] you are up that’s going to go viral as [ __ ] you know mhm like I already know about all that like I

    Honestly would say in terms of like Twitter I always know like bro people will come to me be like bro should I tweet this all and I’ll just be like cuz I know like any like if you show me any tweet I know the reaction to it or at

    Least I know their reaction based on what part of Twitter would hit like certain [ __ ] could hit this side of Twitter but this side of Twitter going to just destroy you if that ever hit they [ __ ] but like for me there’s so many I would probably say there’s so

    Many tweets I’ve been like bro there’s no chance I’m tweeting this this just sitting in my drafts like if I tweeted it I know it would go viral but do I really want like I don’t even read the apply but it’s like you never know what’s really going on down there but I

    Don’t know cuz like the the most extreme version I can think of is like that Pearl girl who goes viral on Twitter all the time because she you know the white girl who always is talking about how women shouldn’t be able to vote and [ __ ]

    Yeah I know what you mean I mean she just says like the most [ __ ] up [ __ ] you could possibly all those Andrew Tate little fan girls or whatever the [ __ ] like I don’t know like how like I don’t do they really believe that like a part

    Of me is like you got to somewhat believe that to say this [ __ ] but certain point you’re just like overdoing it because you know this shit’s going to get interactions I think she’s somebody who just literally saw the fact that the more misogynistic the [ __ ] you say the

    More [ __ ] up the [ __ ] you say is then the the more viral it’ll go so that has led her in the direction of saying women shouldn’t be able to vote and women shouldn’t be able to be taught to read it’s so funny because it’s like see channels are demonetized so she [ __ ]

    She [ __ ] around and found out that’s dumb as [ __ ] like it’s like I’m not celebrating that but damn that’s got to hurt cuz it’s like anyone that sees that the first thing you’re going to think is like you’re trying to impress men but it’s also like as men like any nor I I

    Don’t respect that like why you saying that like I don’t know like if I was a [ __ ] that said women shouldn’t vote I don’t agree with that but if I was a [ __ ] that said and I saw that I think I’ll be like I I like I don’t respect

    You for that like what she saying you don’t want to vote I mean you shouldn’t be able to vote and now you’re agreeing with me she’s just stealing the Andrew Tate sauce making it like actually kind of more offensive or more blunt or less eloquent same thing that like you know

    The Kevin Samuels wave that ended abruptly when he died and [ __ ] it’s like just seeing a white girl just decide that she was going to basically just co-opt all this [ __ ] is just like crazy as [ __ ] and and then the fact that she just took it to such an extreme that she

    Got her whole Channel demonetized after just building a team having all these people she’s supposed to be paying and [ __ ] it’s just like that’s why you know you should not take it to the the furthest extreme on the internet if you the more extreme you go the more likely

    You are to get a [ __ ] rude awakening yeah like I always say like that’s really what’s selling your soul is like if you’re doing that [ __ ] and you especially if you don’t agree like if she really agrees with that it’s different if she really believes every word she’s saying but obviously like she

    Not but if she really believe what she was saying it would be different but that’s really what selling your soul is kind of feel like she doesn’t believe anything I feel like she just doesn’t just a blank Sate like exactly [ __ ] AI yeah she’s just whatever’s going to

    Go viral that’s her that’s her opinion um what was it like when Kai was cooking you and [ __ ] did did you take it personal you talking about the boxing yeah no I actually thought it was funny because bro he paused at that direct moment and I remember what I was

    Thinking at that moment like I’m the type of [ __ ] when you hit me a lot I’m going to get mad like the more damage I take the matter I get so like um after that little combo whatever that he had hit on me bro you like if you saw the

    Video bro I lost all my boxing composure my hands wasn’t up my hands was flaing out I just started running at the dude I wasn’t doing the boxing [ __ ] or nothing no I just [ __ ] started swinging at the he paused it and he was like bro

    This [ __ ] ugly as [ __ ] blah blah bro that shit’s funny to me cuz by the time I saw it I already over it like I get over [ __ ] quick like I already knew okay rematch confirmed I’m going to win that like so I was already over so that [ __ ]

    Is just funny to me cuz I’m the type of [ __ ] to say that [ __ ] I’m the type of person like I’m not a hypocrite I’m like if I’m the type of [ __ ] to say that you can say it to me and I wouldn’t care personally but it’s just funny I don’t know it’s

    Crazy cuz there’s this concept of like the villain of the day on Twitter you know just the person who says you don’t want to be the vill you don’t want to be the villain of the day but in that case it’s it’s kind of like everybody’s just

    Giving you a hard time [ __ ] with you it’s like you’re not the villain you just got to take the role of the clown for the day you got to just let everybody laugh at you let it get out of system two days or a week but and

    Compare it to like something real like you catching a [ __ ] assault charge or like you know some kind of court case or like you get cancelled for some real [ __ ] it’s like losing a [ __ ] celebrity boxing match that it’s not even like you got knocked out getting knocked out is embarrassing exactly and

    Bro that’s another thing let me just say this now every PE everyone that like tries to make fun of of it be like didn’t you get knocked out no [ __ ] I knocked him out in the second fou like he actually got knocked out so what are you talking about but anyways that’s

    Only that’s only time I’m going to get mad at that [ __ ] I don’t care no more I already won so I’m chilling now right but I don’t know like you do not want to be the villain of the day you don’t want to be the clown of the day unless it’s

    Actually going to unless it’s some [ __ ] that don’t matter I always say this if you’re going to get canceled or whatever the [ __ ] is going on and everyone’s on your head if it doesn’t matter it’s actually a positive like if you’re getting clown like for me like I’m

    Getting clowned because I lost a boxing match I’m not a boxer like you know what I’m saying that’s not my whole life I didn’t train for years to get to this point I just trained for two months I hopped in there I got [ __ ] like I

    Lost and then that was it from your perspective when you’re sitting around trying to come up with a viral tweet what is it actually like like what do you like are you just reading other people’s tweets and then kind of trying to think of your own version of it or so

    Nowadays because like I said I have a lot going on in the background so like it’s kind of bro like bro Twitter when like during Co it was just the best like no worries no job no [ __ ] nothing bro like just just on Twitter all [ __ ] day like it was just different but

    Nowadays so actually I’ll just go through the process for both of them so basically when I first got on Twitter well when I first started using Twitter uh normally like me and my boys was literally like we was on a quest to go viral and it took [ __ ] months to

    Finally do it but uh quotes back then actually did [ __ ] so like I said quotes do well now but quotes back then did [ __ ] so to actually get a viral twe bro screenshots and all that other [ __ ] it’s really when it comes to screenshots because screenshots help you go viral

    The the algorithm accounts for that uh so screen B nowadays okay so back then it was screenshot like people want a story you see the screenshot you swipe to the next one swipe to the next one it’s like holy [ __ ] that’s funny as [ __ ] and the caption uh so with those those

    Are really my forte that’s my specialty uh sadly because I don’t scroll on the internet as much as I used to when I’m doing [ __ ] like when I’m just chilling at home I do that [ __ ] all the time so it’s different but like let’s say I’m on

    The go right uh if I just see some funny ass screenshots that’s my forte I get the screenshots and I just cook up a caption like it’s just so easy but in terms of word tweets that just comes to me like dead ass I have so many drafts

    Because bro with word tweets so for me like I’m on account curated to go viral I have so many tweets you don’t see because I’m like do I really want to go viral and that’s why like with Elon Musk I’m kind of like on the fence with him

    Because I I realized like back then all these tweets that I drafted if I had tweeted it back then it probably would have did well and and now that I’m here I’m like damn like these word tweets these just from scratch tweets can’t tweet it because I know it wouldn’t go

    Viral now because you can’t like experiment kind of you know what I mean like experiment so it’s like especially do you feel like that has been exaggerated by the fact that the For You tab is how most people look at Twitter now so it’s like viral tweets get a

    Shitload of attention and R like whenever when I do go to like my following Tab and look at it I see a lot of girls plugging their only fans that doesn’t get any [ __ ] engagement so I never see it on the for you I see people

    Saying like oh I’m going live on Twitch right now which like never go not H the algorithm at all you know all kinds of links like I was thinking about the other day I’ve been following the New York Times forever and I don’t think I

    See the New York Times links in the for UT tab because Elon hates them and because they you know it’s just a link it’s not going to go viral you know yeah I mean so bro I’ll look on the following I’ll see [ __ ] that I haven’t seen for

    Months cuz I I really go on the following like I’ll go on the following if there’s some live event like let’s say it’s boxing or like literally anything going on right now that everyone’s watching and tweeting I’ll go on there because I can actually see real time everybody’s reaction but I I’m

    Mainly on the for you page and bro you really do miss a lot when you’re just on the for you page but for someone like me because my account has always been curated to go viral like back then I used to just tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet cuz the algorithm was different so

    Whatever went viral went viral and the other [ __ ] it’s whatever but nowadays I literally I’m just CU it like I just know what will go vir like Yep this the one tweet and that’s it but back then it was just different man like and especially with elon’s Twitter because

    Like bro tell me if this makes sense before Elon even if somebody didn’t go viral they would get like a little 7K likes just on average but now those people that were just average sh they weren’t going viral but they had their little fall like their following or even if

    They hit other people’s timelines they would get a couple thousand nowadays it’s just like a couple hundred like it’s like just on average everything is lower now if that makes sense so an account like mine is different because since I’m cued to go viral and every

    Time I tweet is just supposed to just be funny and go viral like the algorithm like just [ __ ] with me so it always gets pushed unless it’s like a promo or whatever the [ __ ] I’ll tweet I don’t know it’s just weird but it is weird too because sometimes you’ll have something

    That you genuinely want to say but there’s no viral way to say it yeah so that’s what I have a second account for that like it has like 20K so that’s where I’ll just do that [ __ ] just [ __ ] around my followers but yeah I don’t know like I so

    A good way to explain this though like with what I’m about to say is like in terms of Twitter like with everything I’ve ever done in my life I feel like I’ll get to the top and then like I’ll find something new like bro like it

    It’ll be some dumb [ __ ] like [ __ ] uh like bro I used to play Minecraft right so like I eventually got staff I Rose to [ __ ] like head admin owner of the [ __ ] server and it was like once I got like like got to that level uh bro

    Honestly a lot of weird [ __ ] happened where I had to stop but basically I got to that level then the next [ __ ] pops up where I’m going to start doing that but basically that happened with Instagram and now it’s happening with Twitter like everything I do I just like I make sure

    I do the best and then I get to that level then I just upgrade to the next one and I don’t necessarily know what that’s going to be like who knows it could be streaming but basically I’ve gotten to that point on Twitter you know

    What I’m saying I did what I had to do I’ve done a lot of [ __ ] that nobody else can say that theyve done especially through [ __ ] Twitter like I’ve done a lot through this little iny mincy bit so just remember like whatever I do I feel

    Like I’ll raise to the top and I just feel like whatever it could be streaming I feel like it’s going to be streaming but it really depends if I configure out this IRL [ __ ] cuz this is a new territory same with the Twitter it’s a all new territory but I don’t know like

    Somebody up there [ __ ] with me I’m I’mma just I’mma do well bro it’s kind of weird because there’s this thing that happens where people online will get famous for doing one thing like you see this with a lot of like YouTube ESS channels and [ __ ] T to especially they

    Yeah they get famous for a dance or they get famous for making videos about other YouTubers falling off or whatever and then they get more and more comfortable and they start inserting more and more of their personality into the discourse and a lot of times it’s like you didn’t

    Get famous for your personality you got famous for talking about this and making videos about this and so then those same people sometimes end up getting like a lot of blowback like even somebody like dream who was viral for just playing Minecraft and slowly starts putting himself out there more and more showing

    His face and he’s [ __ ] crying on stage and [ __ ] and it’s like the people maybe don’t love you as much as they loved this [ __ ] Avatar that they had before when you were just playing this game and nobody knew what you looked like yeah so yeah I know what you saying like that

    Transition from Twitter to streaming who knows what it’s not saying it’s going to happen to you I’m just saying it’s kind of like that’s the worry right it’s like maybe I’m dope at this one thing creeping in the back of your mind or whatever but for

    Me I don’t like bro I’ve just always never never worried about anything like it’s crazy I’ve never worried about anything and it works so that be happening with a lot of Tik tokers like they literally make one cont they try and do some other [ __ ] they they’re completely out the algorithm even if

    They try and go back to that oit that was making them viral they’re done for the followers aren’t engaging nobody wants to [ __ ] see that [ __ ] so at the end of the day could be rud but you got to be blunt like you just have to be

    Good at what you do just be good like whatever you’re going to do make sure it’s [ __ ] good like like if it’s [ __ ] horn whatever you just have to be good at making people talk about it to make all the horny [ __ ] see it so they

    Caning do their [ __ ] like that’s how it works you have to be good at what you do whatever it [ __ ] is just be good you know what I’m saying be the best at it definitely I mean the problem comes when you accomplish what you were going for

    And you kind of realize like well maybe this isn’t exactly what I thought it was going to be you ever feel like that like damn I have all these followers this is what I thought was going to be the best thing in the world but now I got it and

    Maybe it doesn’t feel as good as you I got suspended so many times all like before I used to just be hanging on that thread of I’ll get unsuspended and I’ll just go on the craziest [ __ ] little way run and just this and that but I

    Never got on suspended so I always had to get it out the mud and then now that I’m here at a million it’s like for me it’s just one step so I don’t really feel like that it’s just one step of a bigger plan like people always say this

    [ __ ] Bro people we’ll talk about they the some [ __ ] will happen right I’ll do some crazy [ __ ] just cuz I’m a Twitter user like I let’s say I meet a [ __ ] rapper or whatever the [ __ ] they’ll be like bro sold is soul just to be a Twitter account and then I’ll literally

    Be like bro this is just step two of a five-part plan I Ain revealing the five-part plan right now but like one from Instagram now we have Twitter like we only on the second part like relax like I haven’t done everything in like every every accomplishment is just one

    Step to where I’m trying to go you know what I’m feeling yeah like when you were talking about even like doing the face reveal or showing yourself to the world it’s like I just felt like for you like you look cool cool pause no homo all

    That [ __ ] but like you know with the hair and everything like obviously you know how to dress and [ __ ] I just feel like people would like you more based on the aesthetic that you have and would probably want to support you and I think even with like this interview I know

    You’ve done other interviews before but I feel like probably a lot more people will see this one and it just kind of like I don’t know I feel like the people would want to support you regardless just and also because you just seem kind of like lowkey humble not a [ __ ] you

    Know people like that people that only see me on Twitter have this version of me like no like everyone who knows me in real life I just be chilling and that’s a funny thing too like with the whole face reveal [ __ ] when I first started face revealing I didn’t post that much

    Like it all started in like 2021 but before that like it would just be like a selfie hearing there cuz like bro my hair was still growing and all this other [ __ ] and like like I said everything perfect timing right so when I actually started posting fit pics I

    Had just started getting money and like I I had just like started dying my hair whatever the [ __ ] it was and obviously it worked cuz like as soon as I started posting more and more and more and more and more and more more people know what

    I look like like they was [ __ ] with me even more but what’s the the amount of [ __ ] swimming up in your DMs look like for a famous Twitter page so listen right you have way more [ __ ] the lower followers you have I swear to God

    I had all the hoes when I had 10K followers now that I have a million and like I guess who knows it’s maybe it’s cuz I’m a dreadhead whatever the [ __ ] it is [ __ ] think you have a ion followers you’re a dreadhead you know how to dress blah blah blah you have

    [ __ ] so they just dismiss me like if I like I basically I would have to shoot first but I don’t like to DM [ __ ] on Twitter because it’s happened so many times they screenshot you yeah like I only like talking to Instagram girls or Tik Tok girls anyone that’s not Twitter

    Because everybody knows who I am on Twitter if you screenshot me I don’t know who the [ __ ] is seeing me right now and they know who I am like it’s just weird if you’re going to be a single dude you just kind of have to accept that you’re going to get screenshotted

    Sometimes cuz I would feel the same exact way if I was single right now I would be dming every [ __ ] hot girl and I already know some of them [ __ ] are going to expose me and it makes you look thirsty as [ __ ] even though it’s

    Like N I was really going to go buy you a steak dinner girl like what are you doing trying to expose me it’s just worse the more I guess famous you are like the thing with Twitter is like who [ __ ] knows like you can literally post some screenshots and it will just

    Go viral that’s the problem with Twitter like you could be doing whatever the [ __ ] you’re doing on Instagram yeah it could still go viral but it’s just like Twitter is just different like let’s say I don’t do no weird [ __ ] like because I literally I just don’t even talk that

    Much I don’t talk that much in DMS or nothing so there’s nothing like that you could anyone could ever have on me but it’s like let’s say I was doing some weird [ __ ] and they screenshot that it’s just the percentage of it going viral and the fact that all these people know

    Me it just boosted up so like I literally just be I don’t even have to try to be like not weird but it’s just like I’m just never going to be in some weird ass situation like that I just never be in any situation where I could

    Get cooked like if they’re going to screenshot me like saying yo what’s up or BL blah blah blah or getting their number like you can go ahead it’s not going to go viral like they’re probably going to cook you cuz why you screenshotting that you weird right but

    As soon as the world starts to turn against you and they feel like they want to expose you that’s when all of a sudden like even even the littlest dunks seem powerful at a certain point to people they literally bro people have files on you whoever the [ __ ] are like

    Bro they’re waiting for the perfect time to bring it out I promise you oh yeah but yeah like back to what I was saying I’m telling you when I I had all the hes I was 10K and right now now I’d be joking but I literally say I’m washed

    When it comes to bad [ __ ] I’m washed like like I’m washed I feel like that might take you to the next level if you had a young Miami or whatever in your life oh yeah for sure I I’ve been thinking about like should I get a girlfriend like I’ve actually never been

    In a real relationship and I’ve never been in love like and then I got to that certain point where I was like even when I started [ __ ] with a [ __ ] I realized I wasn’t on my aame like when you cudding with a [ __ ] you’re not making no money you don’t make money

    When you’re cuddling like like it just started annoying me like damn like I really don’t want to goow like I like it but I also I have to find a way to like I always say like I have to just get disciplined to have a girlfriend because

    I can’t get distracted with what I’m doing till I actually make it so yeah I can’t have a girlfriend right now but I be thinking about the business aspect like you know what I’m saying see this is how you know you’ve really lost your mind is that you think about love and

    Like having a girlfriend and your mind goes straight to like well will it be viral and I am sick like you because my mind thinks like this to a certain extent but I mean yeah but my thing is like if I was to do that I would

    Obviously let the girl know like I’m using you yeah you know what I’m saying like there it’s probably going to be mutual like yeah but but people know that and they’re down with it now too you could literally hit up a girl and just be like hey do you want to like get

    Together and do some skits or like you know collaborate or even just [ __ ] around and troll the internet like people hang out all the time and do that [ __ ] yeah I actually kind of resent the fact that I didn’t really get a chance to do that cuz I got in a relationship

    Before it became normal I would have burn out so dating all kind of differents and having all this weird messy drama and I probably would have loved it like look at blueface blueface was only able to reach a certain level as a rapper and then all of a sudden he

    Has multiple viral baby mamas and he’s at a completely different level with TV shows and all that so crazy because like to the average person cuz I’m not calling them dumb or NPCs or anything like that is but it’s just like they take it at face value anything that like

    Blue face does but then you have like anybody with a like business brain or however you want to say it you’re looking at this [ __ ] like bro this [ __ ] blue face so [ __ ] smart it’s insane right or his team smart I don’t know who the [ __ ] the master brain behind it but

    Like bro cran you remember that [ __ ] bunk bed little [ __ ] camp or whatever the hell they had going on cuz I met her at the very beginning like they had only been doing it for a few days and we went and we did a vlog at the blueface

    Mansion and I meet her right away and I just say like oh [ __ ] you really are missing a tooth and she just like I will beat the [ __ ] like she threat away I had no idea shout out to blue face cuz I had no clue she was going to

    Become huge and now I’m thirsty as [ __ ] to get her on the podcast oh for real bro you know what’s weird I actually saw cran yesterday at the mall she’s outside she she ain’t [ __ ] around yeah and also like you know what I’m saying she

    Has a kid and all that so and he captured the kid last night at 400 in the morning bro boy you see that boy that’s why it’s so insane to me like I literally just saw her yesterday and now this is happening like what the [ __ ] going on bro it’s hard to comprehend

    Right I don’t know man just it’s crazy too it’s like I sat here and had a whole conversation with Jaden and blueface as if they were the greatest couple ever and they’re going to be together forever and then they came to my birthday party and they performed and [ __ ] and then you

    Fast forward like two weeks and she’s chilling with Chan Rock kicking it talking hella [ __ ] about him like I’m like how the [ __ ] did that just happen that fast so wait so cuz I didn’t even get to like I only got to see a couple

    Bits of it wait so did Jaden and cran link up after he took the baby yes the middle of the day today they’re hanging out on Instagram live drinking getting [ __ ] up FaceTiming him talking to him with 100,000 people on Instagram live just watching them getting drunk and

    Talking [ __ ] I’m like what the [ __ ] is going on cuz you feel like you know these people and then their whole lives are just changing so much while your life kind of stays the same it’s [ __ ] crazy bro I don’t know man like blue face better watch out I guess cuz why

    The [ __ ] your baby Mama’s teaming up against you bro but if I was you even if I didn’t you know naturally get into a real relationship I would for sure be finding some sort of clout relationship to just [ __ ] with the people and take weird [ __ ] family photos together and

    [ __ ] like I’ve already started kind of doing that like I remember like when I went to New York I kind of I didn’t do it but other people kind of did it for me so I it got me to thinking like I could really do this [ __ ] just give me a

    Little bit Yeah like just give me a little bit that’s why it’s perfect like I literally just moved so everything that people are about to see from here on out is like me at just 100% cuz you’re kind of you’re kind of nerfed when you your parents when you with your

    Family like a whole family’s at the crib like but now I’m with my boys like shout out Bliss like this is my [ __ ] right so this is your crew or what so Bliss so Bliss is a movement right you know what I’m saying you just Bliss and bless like

    You’re Bliss and blessful okay it is what it is so I’m with my boy shout out Rugrats uh so we moved in together and it’s really on some business sh like we all [ __ ] with each other and we just go so well but we there to make money so I

    Have my brand about to drop and they two of the people there they already have Brands so they already do that [ __ ] you have one [ __ ] on the side this [ __ ] is a [ __ ] like computer genius [ __ ] and you have we have more people still

    Coming in and [ __ ] but like this is just the start or whatever but I’m about to drop this and it’s really like it’s starting off as a clothing brand but you going to see in the next couple years like shout out Dremel he’s like my right

    Hand man for this [ __ ] and then so who do you look up to like do you look at somebody who’s like made it through streaming like Kai or do you look at somebody who’s made it through like fashion and [ __ ] or or how do you kind

    Of like what would your ideal route to blowing up so I look up to Mariah Carey that’s my number one inspiration Bro think about it yo every year she goes number every year she makes a bag bro like she found the infinite money like I literally aspire to be that like every

    Year without having to pick up a finger like holy [ __ ] bro I don’t even want to talk about it too much cuz I’m just going to getting overwhelmed but Mariah Carey you are my number one inspiration I love you yeah no that is the best when you can create something that will just

    Work for a long time like like it’s one thing to do a stream I’ve done a million streams where we talk about the news we talk about [ __ ] whatever but the feeling when I do an interview with somebody like Kai or X or whoever like that Kai interview is like six million

    Views and it it didn’t have that many when I dropped it it’s just like over time just that interview from super early in his career just having people still keep going back to that I don’t know it’s like a special feeling content when like you discover someone special early yeah

    And just just having like the definitive interview of anybody early on is like the best [ __ ] feeling so I’m always kind of trying to go to that like if you end up being as big as Kai someday this will be just such a fire part of my collection of interviews just because

    It’s like a really raw moment where maybe you don’t even 100% know what you’re going to end up being in the future you know saying yeah it’s honestly kind of scary like like I said I don’t never worry about anything but it’s also kind of scary because who [ __ ] knows like

    Just like what cuz you like do you have like an ideal version of yourself like what you want to be or like at least when you’re younger like you know you know what I mean that’s the weird thing about it is that you just keep doing little things and then certain things

    Work and then so you keep pursuing those but then you kind of zoom out and you’re like oh holy [ __ ] like my life is this one specific thing and it doesn’t really feel like I I didn’t know it was going to end up that way I’ve just been like

    Throwing pain at the wall and just trying to make something work for all these years you know yeah so it’s just like it’s scary to me like it’s not scary on nothing bad it’s scary to me how like whatever I end up being like I don’t even know like I don’t have the

    Complete image yet like I don’t I can’t really see it yet but to me it’s it’s scary but it’s exciting it’s an exciting feeling cuz who [ __ ] knows what’s going to happen like every day I wake up I’m just excited because bro despite the crazy [ __ ] about this world going on

    Like to me it’s honestly [ __ ] up like it’s kind of a game to me like I don’t know it’s just like playing this game but it’s still real life but that’s what makes it the game to me like it’s real life I kind of constantly have that

    Feeling of like wow the world is incredibly [ __ ] up right now but at least I’m doing a pretty good job of like managing to do my thing in this incredibly [ __ ] up world that I managed to be yeah and not even in the porn stuff but just in general of like just the

    [ __ ] that goes viral it’s like you’re just kind of constantly playing the game yeah and just trying to like keep it going but at a certain point too it would be nice to like really zoom out I mean I took a month off I’ve been thinking about BR cuz I have never taken

    More than like a day or two break from my phone I want to just like but even when I didn’t go on my phone it was just more like I wasn’t on the internet like I might have still been watching YouTube and Just zoned out on that but it’s like

    I want to just not have a phone no text no nothing just literally me and my thoughts maybe friends or girlfriend whatever the [ __ ] I just want to not have my phone for like a week or something like a week vacation I want to cuz who like bro like I said I have

    Internet brain bro and that’s why I say for this next Generation watch out for those [ __ ] cuz if this is how I feel and think and [ __ ] I just don’t know what’s going be going on with them like I have never been without my phone and

    Like or any device or anything like it’s kind of crazy to think about like do I really even know who I am me I do but it’s just like without this phone let me like do I really know who I am right before I started doing these interviews

    And [ __ ] back in like 20 I think it was 2013 or something I went to Barcelona for a month and back then internet [ __ ] was still way prehistoric in [ __ ] Europe and [ __ ] so basically like I would go out riding bikes with my friends all day and my phone would not

    Be connected to the internet I had infinite time to just think about exactly what I wanted to [ __ ] do with my life and I get back after that and I basically like start doing podcast and start doing all the [ __ ] that basically takes me in the direction of everything

    Think that was like yes because it just gave me so much time to like really be able to see my life with a with a zoomed out View and just be like okay this is how far you’ve gotten in your life up to this point but if you really want to be

    Successful you need to like change course you need to think about [ __ ] differently and that like just having that space like yeah I I constantly have this thought lately of my whole life is divided up into making content and consuming content I get home from

    Talking to people all day and what do I do in the car I [ __ ] listen to podcast and what do I do when I have an hour or two before bed I sit on the couch and I watch YouTube videos and it feels like life is like everything else

    Besides those two things and a lot of times especially when I go to other cities and I’m traveling and stuff and I’m just like the last time I was in New York just walking around with the homies just chilling in public and smoking and [ __ ] eating random slices of pizza

    And [ __ ] I’m just like this just feels like way more of a life than what I do typically and I love what I do but it’s sometimes kind of frustrating because it’s just it’s just so like either making [ __ ] or consuming [ __ ] yeah I definitely feel that like just you’re

    Literally either making some [ __ ] or you’re just watching you’re just watching other people say things do things type things and it’s like especially with the internet cuz uh I honestly been not doing I mean I haven’t really been like on YouTube that much lately I’ve been actually I came back to

    It just cuz like every time I’m about to do something I have to get back on and I I’m plan on doing YouTube and [ __ ] I used to to do YouTube when I was a kid but like like I remember when I was a kid bro you know what’s crazy when I was

    A kid I wanted to be a pop singer who are you looking at that you were inspired by Michael Jackson obviously that’s what a lot of people have been saying to me lately that’s interesting like yo Michael Jack bro I wanted to be a pop star and it’s like I was writing

    Lyrics and all this other [ __ ] and then even my mom like even she encouraged that likee obviously she would have still wanted me to do like the college and [ __ ] or whatever but she she was definitely like rallying behind me blah blah blah and it’s so funny like when I

    Started this [ __ ] like and I’m making all this bread and [ __ ] it’s like she can’t wrap her mind around it and I’m just like yo mom like trust me just let me have a couple like not even it’s not even that long like like two years let

    Me just do this [ __ ] just Watch What Happens so like that’s really where I’m at right now and honestly at the end of the day nobody ever really knows what’s going happen but like I don’t know that’s why I say like this [ __ ] is really like a game bro how old are you

    So I turned 21 this year so you you have so much [ __ ] time to figure it out like when I was 21 by by the time I was like 23 I already felt like holy [ __ ] I’m old I’m washed like [ __ ] is slowing down it’s over whatever now I’m 40 and

    I’m like oh hell yeah I got probably like 30 or 40 years before I’m dead that’s pretty decent you know like 21 is so [ __ ] young that you just have the world in front of you but I would advise you to like definitely try to take more

    Time away from your phone to travel and just go and like you need to just like fly to Europe with a couple of homies and just travel around for a week or two this is literally why when I say I haven’t been on Twitter that much it’s

    Because I’m when I’m doing life [ __ ] I just don’t like I really want to be in the moment nowadays but that’s also why I’m also thinking about that IRL streaming [ __ ] because it doesn’t have to be no neon [ __ ] I could literally stream my real life cuz my real life is

    Lit I could stream my real life doing real [ __ ] and it would kind of be the same but also it is it does kind of like ruin it in way because a lot of people who are IRS streaming this is them they’re just looking at the chat all the

    Time just looking for some kind of feedback to make them feel like like that they have some kind of motivation or just anything and it’s like n for real though the IRL streaming [ __ ] is dope it’s just don’t let it consume you I know so many people do it like every

    Day and it’s just like bro this is like the least healthy thing I can [ __ ] imagine yeah I just like to test things out and like I said I don’t like doing [ __ ] I don’t want to do like if I was doing IRL streaming and let’s say it

    Became the most popular like let’s say I became the number one streamer off that [ __ ] if I feel like I didn’t want to do it I’m falling the [ __ ] off because I’m not doing the [ __ ] if I don’t want to do it like with Twitter it’s not like I

    Don’t want to do it but it’s just like it’s not the same like the [ __ ] that you’re playing a game yeah like when what I was feeling when I first started blowing up but I remember I would go to sleep at 5:00 a.m. I’m waking up at 9:00

    A.m. like at this point I hadn’t done no drugs or anything right so it’s just like I’m waking up I’m going to sleep at 5:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. and I wake up at 9:00 a.m. because when I wake up at 9:00 a.m. life is exciting like let’s go I’m

    Awake let’s see what the [ __ ] happens today but then whenever I was like going through anything bad or whatever like I would just go to sleep and just be asleep cuz my body just doesn’t even want to be here type [ __ ] so like that’s what life is like I got to just be

    Excited to be here yeah I have a theory about Twitter which is that that first 20 or 30 minutes of you looking at Twitter for the day is [ __ ] great because you don’t know what’s going on in the world and you’re just finding out about all this crazy viral [ __ ] that

    Happened over the night or whatever and then after a certain point like the other day I was was on set on a on the reality show thing for like you know I’m just sitting around for like 14 [ __ ] hours so I probably stared at Twitter

    For like 6 hours out of that day and by the end of that day I was enjoying Twitter so little because it’s like you’ve seen everything it was like the day that [ __ ] Israel bombed this hospital and people went from thinking it was Israel no Israel didn’t bomb it

    But everybody thought they did and then they find out that it was just this explosion and it’s like just it just becomes a miserable place when you’re looking at it for too long but that that initial burst of just like holy [ __ ] I’m going to find out exactly what’s going

    On in the world right now is like the best feeling yeah it’s like bro it’s two size was I what was I even going to say bro like there’s just two ways to look at it bro you’ll see the best of people and you’ll see the worst of people like

    Some days you’ll leave Twitter like I was cool and then other days you’ll be like bro people are so [ __ ] dumb I do not like this world like you guys are just too dumb but honestly I don’t really like the thing that honestly kept me Glu to

    Twitter at first too was just I would be on Twitter I’d be on group chat so like I’m meeting all these new people and like like-minded people that’s definitely what kept me on and you feel like you really have your community on and then when like eventually cuz like

    When it that was the peak of that was like Co everyone’s in their crib but after that like actually linking up with people bro like it’s actually in the same feeling like it’s just crazy I don’t know just finding like-minded people that yeah cuz like growing up bro

    Like I ain’t really like I had friends bro I would always have a best friend but it wasn’t until like high school that I had a group of friends but you know how that what goes on with groups of friends like and also like I had that

    Little program up so I wasn’t with the same group of friends no more and especially when you’re young everybody goes to college and your whole friend group just gets disintegrated from as soon as you leave High School you got to start figuring out like oh what [ __ ]

    Tribe do I actually fit in with I’m saying like it’s just I don’t know but it’s like doing this da [ __ ] that’s why I say like it’s just all new I’m just navigating it and like all these like-minded people whether it’s like in terms of whether they’re also going

    Viral or whatever the [ __ ] or just like-minded in terms of like they see the potential in the app or whatever but like for me it’s just funny because I’m really here on accident like in terms of blowing up on Twitter like it was but at the same time when I first started on

    Instagram like that’s what first like kicked me off or whatever Twitter was all like that was the [ __ ] I always used so it’s like it was always there but it was also an accident it’s weird yeah it is crazy but I bet you would have figured out how to blow up on some

    Platform if it wasn’t Twitter I bet you would have figured out Tik Tok or [ __ ] Instagram or whatever you know I still feel like I’m going to figure it out like telling you man I’m on a [ __ ] mission it is crazy though how many people I know who basically started

    Their career by being a fan page or like a fan account like like I have a dude who works for me now who just literally was watching no jumper podcast and clipping it and had an account called like no jumper the best of no jumper or some [ __ ] and he’s just uploading clips

    And then all of a the internet is amazing bro like there’s so many opportunities like there’s just so much money to be made in the world bro like ah if I start talking about that I’m going to ramble forever like I swear bro that’s true there just too much money to

    Be made on this [ __ ] [ __ ] I do have one more interview I got to do before the end of the night but this was a [ __ ] awesome conversation I have a huge amount of faith in you I think you’re going to be ridiculously in the future appreciate it man I I enjoyed

    This [ __ ] like hey man I know y’all be cooking them but bro like past the internet [ __ ] you guys got to remember real life is real life bro and I [ __ ] with you I appreciate it man yeah well your first real sit down with the cuck Master is officially complete you

    Survived for show gang but can you get can you get rid of this [ __ ] like this sh been like bothering me well I got a girl coming in next too so I don’t know if she’s going to get all out of pocket when she sees this thing so yeah I’m

    Gonna hide it shout out to Jason Lee shout out to Jason love shout out to Corn which is that’s what we call porn which is kind of awkward right yeah bro that I’m bro I’m telling you you going to see me it’s going to be corn Sky if

    You talk about porn on Tik Tok you got to call it corn but meanwhile you actually are corn yeah I don’t want that [ __ ] like when people Google me if I stay corn it’s going to always be the food and it’s always going to be like

    Porn and [ __ ] so like yeah I’ve all like it’s crazy it’s on accent but you’re going to probably know me as corsky oh you’re that transition like already it’s kind of like yeah it’s kind of like the full name already but it’s like I haven’t really changed to that but yeah

    Corsky okay remember that that is good I like that yeah being googleable is very important like when I was trying to find information about for this I had to ask you straight up like can you just send me anything that you’ve had on YouTube or whatever cuz I don’t know how the

    [ __ ] I’m going to must up any link I could find like bro there’s just not enough video content like video wise definitely all right [ __ ] with my manorn we’ll link to sh in the description thank you very much no jumber coolest podcast in World Checkers on YouTube Tik Tok patreon Instagram like comment

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    1. dude has some funny tweets but bro is the embodiment of a no life twitter user, I cant say I like the guy or dont like him cause honestly who tf even is he? hes just a ad wall for twitter thots and memes. Why does he got a almost two hour long interview what interesting topics could he possibly have without it involving other celebs. no jumper is garbage now, giving a twitter meme account an interview

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