The day started really well with some amazing finds but what I found next shocked me. How the hell did that end up there?

    Hope you enjoy

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    The magnets we always use are from Online Magnets. Link below

    We also have a discount code for them. Enter Northants10 at the checkout to receive 10% off.

    Also I have my own branded magnet Integrity. It Has a 1700kg pull force and comes complete with a carry case and Northants Blue Rope. Available at the link below.

    All The Equipment we use to create our videos.


    Evo 80 Small lightweight magnet that really packs a punch. Paired with 30 meters of rope giving you the ability to throw further to search those untouched places.

    Evolution Great magnet not weighing too much so the ability to throw great distances

    Evo Xtreme Not for the faint hearted. Big and heavy and really strong. Make sure you don’t go alone because if you get stuck on something big you’re gonna struggle.

    The Beast

    200kg double sided


    Wireless Microphone

    Dual Bracket

    Gopro memory card




    Camera Bracket

    Gopro Hero 11

    Gopro batteries and charger

    Editing software

    I got a road works on good great I believe that’s an old horseshoe bit of gring that an all light on a bracket I got a locking pin and I got that whole light know what ever any on but could with a weird bracket on it that

    As they got a load of these they’re like catches off a box where the arm piece go down you latch it down but seem remember we had a lot of them here before got locking pin off sun in and a lumper cast arm probably a fireplace and another old [Applause] key

    It’s all got the remains of a possibly a hoe or something gho I got that weird thing like a little metal tray of some description not quite sure what it is Aaron what it’s different is it yeah BR in the camera now hexagonal bowel again so there we go I’ve got another gun

    116 but that’s an old one it doesn’t seem to have a trigger guard like it didn’t have a trigger guard looks like one of those safety triggers it’s ins set between two other bits but there we go third gun of the day between us mate yeah cool come on be hands

    Now so I’ve got a cash box I got a fishing LW and I got that which I think is a knife I’m just going to give it a bit of a tap well actually it turns out it wasn’t a knife it’s a flat round there we go you can see the copper

    Banded on the bottom so it is a solid one yep so that you say flat round solid shot I’m going to give it a clean there we go you can see it’s clean it’s not a solid shot it’s actually empty so it’s completely empty one I got the tip

    Off a 20 mil flat round I believe a there we go so I’ve just got myself an old Tim bath it’s a proper heavy duty industrial one as well it’s really thick but it’s actually in remarkable condition for its Age EX [Applause] right huh what you fighting fuel tank I just found what I thought was a class knife so 20 mil flat round drain I’m got a spanner how you going to out up down would have been a long time ago yeah that’s pick up yeah so there we go I’m got to petrol

    Tank out something something old old petrol tank so got this random piece of metal a well engineered random piece of metal but we ain’t got a clue what it is it’s one of Them lumper cast on me foot uh round thing there I think it’s just a nut going to tap that AA battery random piece a random IE thing piece of metal it’s another bluming nut he’s tapped it now never seen what the heck that’s a headlight

    Thought it was a front off a bum at first be nice but no it’s a headlight that would have bolted on to the front wing on the really old car look a Model T they would have had that type of thing but that is a really cool oldfashioned headlight that’s a nice [Applause]

    Vine and a spark plug look at he’s running he’s running did you see PA one earlier a pink one yeah don’t I no and that random lump of cast not sure what it is but it’s random so we had the fuel tank we had the headlock we got model Tina bit of

    Bar remains of a bike [Applause] pump more cabling what time is it AJ Hammer Time Hammer Time been a while since the Sledge hmer come out with an handle on it not the old old one but it’s the removable wrinkle coat can squashed it’s

    A lot of Coke cans here a lot of coke people in Bedford I would and a ring [Applause] oh boat oh pedal sort of a dust spin so I’ve got an empty can funny that cuz AJ’s got an empty can from the same area I got a round

    Bit no that’s all you got to have skinny feet for that and you fall off that’s an old scooter that is I got a screwdriver as Well half an alloe Keys bunch of keys oh dear it’s one of grand P coverings it’s one of those drain pipe fixes a it from the courthouse there we go so one of the drain pipe holders from near the courthouse up there we was getting loads of them wait come

    Up that Waits a bit longer than your last one mate another anle wa I’m going to road so minute work you you Bo Barrel strapping all the way down here yeah that’s great that is we’ve got more up there as well Amma B this padlock end of for shotgun

    Shell I got a span the spanner now usually have numbers or emblem what you found AJ got himself a ring it’s not magnetic not sure whether is gold yet if he’s going to clean it up but that was stuck to Sunny cow so that is actually a really cool find well

    Done got a bolt got a razor blade yep go I’ve got to wait as well is it oh for God’s sake Now that’s all right got a cylinder some description stinks of oil yeah one of them it’s R2D2 should be got a grinder we go I’ve got myself a grinder going on what no I’m not going on grinder I don’t need to I’m I’m on the pool anyway every Sunday but it’s got on

    There British Mina it’s a British yeah the great BR is Miner don’t make them like that anymore you don’t have to work to things now in the kitchen you just press buttons got a Sparky bit and I’ve got an Okie bit got some boat up yeah probably not show it for the

    Minute now you can show it AJ’s got himself a knife what you got there PA you’re on the Coke cans very old M oh seem to get a lot of coat cans here I’ve had this present in my car for some time is really hurting still works where’s the rest of

    It wait let me [Applause] out let me show it R something like that a while ago oh there someone think there’s a dog in the water what you got a and work great oh padlock and bit of gutter in yeah you know want mention my plug out

    My mes SM I bit far boy over there you know he’s jealous now cuz that’s out of a river anyway I got spark plug and I got a spanner I think I found the handle off me Miner cuz the bit fell off as it was lifting up but that had a wooden handle

    On it I think might be the hand think that might be the handle off me Minah so the camera was further out Mina handle sounds a bit German that doesn’t it Minah handle it’s ready for T that’s a mini Digger tooth Aon got this threaded tooth maybe that’s someone you know like crown

    So I’ve got myself an old Fork ain’t got many teeth like a toasting Fork oh and a clothes Peg oh he wants to know why that’s so heavy what you got Aaron I got a Bend round it tell him why that’s Aaron Cross Iron rain it is a drain yeah you lift it

    Cuz they were pass on back in the day yeah that would have been there or something that’s an old one so they’re two PE they yeah so people can actually lift them so they work but that was the the the cobbles you see you got the few cobbles there

    The cobbles were laid curved to take the water down and that’s why they cuffed victori another one of them big nuts ever already Blue Seal battery there we go AJ found one of the big cast IR Dr covers we could have done with that last week small chain you having a fing good

    Time I ha just draging c yeah ho ho ho strange looking one is it bet Ray’s had a few hoes in his time a he yeah he as Welly TR look got a little box see what it is PCS [Applause] tar it’s a set of way scales so yeah Tony Little set of

    Scales that bloke I said looked at military just talking to him he said he knows the he knows a bloke he used to know bloke that was from World War III era said the Commandos used to use this stretch of river to training he said they used to have hand grenade throwing

    Competitions to see who could get it to the other side hence all the mills in here hence all the so many of them yeah said yeah they us to use the whole stretches the training seven I think I’m [Applause] six what you got there got a pink spark

    PL with a weird top on it yeah that’s it he finished for the day ooh pul pul you know that is don’t you oh wow oh I’ve got the lid off an ammo crate now the sun got dragged in that I’ve been working on for quite a while

    And that’s been ripped off oh and that’s a fresh rip off so I think the crate’s down there and I’ll just rip that off it cuz that’s a fresh breake so yeah definitely the lid off an Amo crate so I need to get back down there that’s a fresh brake Ain it

    And AJ’s got some players we got Aon oh got shotgun UMD drid Aaron you got soul I got so oh look a [Laughter] do that again you got Soul there it is that’s one of the wooden ones is it but that’s no it’s not mouth yeah it’s been empty for a long time is it see right and I can say I’ve got the rest of it I’ve Got Me Ammo crate and there we

    Go 100% that’s the one ammo crate with the lid you can see the um drab Olive on the back might have some writing on but it’s pretty far gone another one AJ’s on the cans now he’s got himself an old Fanta can Fanta can I don’t know why I’ve getting that

    Bit of cast iron bit of cast IR on the top of your box ages ago stayed there yeah there’s me cha can and it’s mirror time yeah it’s got mirror well I just found some rubbish airp shovel some chain on a bracket probably hanging basket or

    Something that’s a stock of gun stock of a machine wishful thinking got H cap oh my Lord jeez wow oh that is that is a f it yeah I’m not see one like that that would a p up no nor have I I don’t know about that I can go back

    In for the moment yeah for the moment that can stay in there you not about that yeah what’s the BL hey what’s the blast on that I don’t know that okay Ready sorry I need to make a phone call all right mate no worries German W grante once that TI it so that’s when it go man that’s kind of cool though is it gting is it it’s a bit close to the 80 from like need a picture of

    That so see you can see it now now it’s off the magnet there we go that is we believe German fragmentation missile but that is that is really cool on a Minute For Yeah yeah you okay I was just looking at the photo of it now yeah it’s been in the river a while hasn’t it it’s definitely been in there a while yeah yes yeah me uh all right you’ve got officers on the way to you actually um so if you’re happy to

    I will hover here until they get here yeah um just make sure that they find you okay and this is what we don’t like this in bed because obviously it causes massive problems um the road you see blocked off there the road is blocked off about 50 m Beyond

    There so now that road over there so unfortunately it’s a bit of a problem I don’t think we’ll come back here for a while um I’m amazed it hasn’t happened before you know that arm woman this one fragment is a problem uh but it’s being dealt with swiftly I wouldn’t stay there mate

    There’s a bomb in the water I wouldn’t stay there there’s a bomb in the water down there I’ll definitely move along some people we go as you can see now that’s um pretty much closed off it’s on the corner main road closed off Side Road closed off um I would say we’ll get

    Moved on very soon have to walk up that way I don’t know why they got red Fa That it you just got to check with the sergeant well message him he’s put details he’s going to message sergeant and hopefully we’ll be on our way otherwise it’s going to get a bit chilly but as you can see the day has ended we did the live stream I said we’ll just

    Have a few throws and it went a little bit wrong didn’t it final three is never a good one no the final three right CED it up this time but he said to me he said that the embankment is probably not the best place to go because there been

    A few things pulled out of it I’ve but no doubt but there is been a lot of things pulled out of here but Paul did it last time I’ve done it this time I’m done here we’re not coming back here but just waiting to hear now whether they

    Want over work fingers crossed they don’t right so there ends another day last night we had this discussion Vinnie boy here he said he was going to get the best F I said it was my turn cuz you saw his stretcher last week and that was

    Cool but what did I find that mortar I thought with my early find i’ I’d done it way too early I peaked way too early but then I got one and even the score he won on the knif so I’ll let him have that one he won on the KN but he didn’t

    Get that fragmentation thing which I don’t think the pictures will do it justice it’s awesome yeah it’s like a Mills on steroids is it is and fact that it’s German German World War I still wants a bit more research but from what I found on my phone um I just show

    Quickly just we have made the phone call as well they’re on the way so we so let’s see what you can see all right come in then we can go that’s it oh that’s got really funny that hang on let’s press the F oh oh there we go right that’s perfect it’s

    One of them a so cool it’s just a shame it’s got to go but we’re not taking chances on it it’s um a pleasure to see one come out an explosive that you’ve never seen before is is cool yeah it’s kind of rare now as well the amount of stuff we we’ve

    Pulled out but we’re finally saying now that this section is done now we’ve done this side multiple times magnetic rocks okay yeah if you like rocks then yeah come down here but we’ve done this section now probably six times yeah we’ve done the other side five time well

    Six he did a bit while I was on holiday and to be honest with you it’s really paid with some tremendous stuff we had a guy earlier who said that the Army in the war used to practice Commandos Commandos used to practice it but how they used to practice is

    Brilliant cuz what they used to do is get Ms of grenades and see you could throw him the furthest so that probably explains why Paul found that Mills grenade that time yes and it probably explains that we can throw a magnet further than a Mills yeah but anyway we’ve done this section

    We’re happy what we’ve pulled out has been unbelievable um ohot about AJ’s nice find he’s scabbed oh he’s scabbed yeah we will try and get some pictures that if it cleans up with that foral par it’s pretty rough so the three of us today we’ve done all right it’s a North an

    Thing hasht there we go we’ve done all right but anyway thank you for watching hope you enjoyed the videos next week we might actually be in a different location yeah we still you never know yeah that’s it we’ll definitely be out on the pool but thank you for joining if

    You haven’t subscribed already don’t forget to do that and press that Bell for the notifications for when we go in the comments vote who had find of the day cuz I still like mine mine was still much cooler but we don’t care cuz it’s not about the competition it’s about having

    A laugh and we can C don’t forget who won the knives it’s all about competition don’t forget who found one of them and he never did this you know this the video outro is turning in longer than the actual fishing today but anyway thanks for joining and we’ll catch you on the next One oh


    1. Awesome find!!! I can’t help but be concerned for ya… items being so old can be very unstable 😮. Be careful 🙏Thanks for a great video- looking forward to more ❤❤from Texas 😊

    2. I don't know why but of all the different shaped Bombs you find that particular one looks the most scary! Btw the sensitive fuse on that bomb makes it the least "fun" to find!Great area, hope you don't find any more of those!

    3. Question Nigel, if you don’t mind…when you find an explosive and call it in, do the police get aggravated with you for finding them, or are they grateful that you have found it and have called it in so that they can remove it?

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