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    00:00 – Intro con Kenia
    09:30 – Relaciones Y Honestidad en El Dating
    19:47 – Cambios en Mi Vida Últimamente
    30:59 – La Importancia De La Compañía Responsable
    42:13 – Miedo a Aves Y Perros Grandes
    55:16 – Conversación Sobre Diversos Temas Y Anécdotas
    59:24 – Alergias Y Preferencias Alimentarias
    01:14:07 – Conversación Sobre Tacos Y Emociones
    01:30:12 – Amistades, Relaciones Y Disfraces Para Halloween
    01:46:13 – Canciones Juntas Y Primeros Enamoramientos
    01:50:09 – Vicio De La Coca Cola DietéticaY Matcha

    #KeniaOs #SnowThaProduct #Podcast

    That girl can’t stand it, she wants everything because who is more excited than us to have mother ? story and who is she Sorry sorry I threw you off a little bit well [Applause] cheers quies lemon I have look thing don’t

    Take e Oh we have my aunt too no because my aunt speaks Spanish so today we have my aunt my aunt chell is making us no It’s just that I don’t like tequila Oh you like it I mean

    No I don’t enjoy it if the bodka with naranda is not like that and wine and everything like sweets like that disguised What is blueberry blueberry ará blueberry blueberries blueberry Oh Wow What the fuck arán

    Aran blueberry I came to teach you words yes gy it’s Spanish class for me I already taught him also pleasant pleasant a pleasant conversation between friends we are going to have a and we are going to be fine dil Aranda No Aranda No Aranda No Aranda No Aranda No Amanda What up Yes

    , no words are going to be like my son is also going to say 10 words Fuck you Don’t believe it I don’t understand more than I can talk I understand it more but because all the time I’m listening to

    Your talks here and I gossip about it And since I’m a gossip then I force myself to understand the context do you like gossip Yes yes I mean but gossip like with my friends aunt likes gossip

    You too yes I love gossip with my friends ch as well as not in a bad way of not gossiping and It’s from the as well as from the chatter that yes I mean like gossip fun no as well as well

    Bad bad I love this one yes but here they are putting a lot of things in the chat too yes okay they are laughing because okay So I have my friend tells me brother, I can’t say the wrong word

    In the first 5 minutes of the podcast and I already do it, I mean I’ve never been able to do it 5 why ca n’t you say bad words because sometimes they limit the video to us always because I’m

    Well bad the spoken or always like there have been no times when they put it 18 on and I say I almost made an omn fans for my podcast No I didn’t know you couldn’t swear here well Yes I can but he says

    That in the first 5 minutes first five and in Spanish you can’t swear in Spanish either, they also block them yes I don’t know and I ch no no but it’s fine anyway Well it’s not like people

    Don’t know me or anything here a pleasant conversation is going to have bad words I’m looking very I’m happy to be here with you today to come here to your little ranch, gee, he told me yesterday I have a

    Ranch, but it’s not a little ranch, I mean, leave me here, I’m lost, it’s a town, it’s almost a town, I mean, it’s huge. She has like 10 houses, a pool, the woman here. We’re trying to improve . dur that hen

    Thinks it’s a that a falcon How do you say like a gray turkey the gray or We call it oreo Yes I mean but the chickens and that S you eat the eggs and that thing about which they give you every day

    We make breakfast with the little eggs I want I want some eggs soon I’ll make you some Oh I love her aunt [ __ ] aunt doesn’t want to go to Hollywood with me Yes every time Oh we already have enough guests who want you to cook them different things because Chiquis

    Wanted H wanted he wants chilis ch I think you should have a party for all the guests and here pure aunt’s food Yes that would be the best Oh don’t fuck him I’ll pay him well I’ll pay him well I’m going to put

    A restaurant a restaurant restaurant my aunt Look, this one has chilaquiles restaurant No the chilaquiles No I don’t know what works best for him that’s why I’ve been gaining yes or no we were yesterday or the day before we were

    Talking very good good girl says says my aunt says says I imagine that’s why she’s gaining weight because I cook I cook rice chile beans my aunt makes everything gorditas the other day we made the fried fish fried fish in the How do I know and she does it gorditas and I eating

    Whole wheat bread there with a no what you’re missing being here as a neighbor is that I’m depressed Kenya you you are fine You follow him you follow him through our dreams Me here like me not the truth is that

    Right now I’m barely resting, I mean I had like two weeks of rest but I hadn’t stopped the same I was on tour, I was like that but now I arrived and I finished the apartment and so on and on, but anyway, I mean

    Since I arrived I haven’t stopped, I mean, I just get up for breakfast and all day I have activities, but they’re fun, as I was coming, I came here. and I came to ruin your you your all your

    Activity and and you give hangover not today just I just had to come with you Oh yes I just had to come here Oh It was already a long time that I said I wanted to hang out with you and well in Mexico we hang

    Out and hang out you know Okay now we hang out and fu that was fun we went to see this golden beak Ramón I always miss the [ __ ] cool name yes it was very cool I liked it I also need to

    Take you to Mazatlán I need to take her to Mazatlán No, I haven’t promised, that is, that return, all of you have to go, please, seafood there, home. Let’s go. I have to be eating seafood in Mazatlá

    . let’s do it do you want to do it to get to know each other more okay So The whenever we see each other we see each other in the peda we see each other yes gey always I see you and suddenly I’m

    Okay there are all levels or Whatever are things of friendship Okay what do you want pi a cardy la Translate that is to say truc Translate I translate or you can read it and if you don’t like it another one if you like it is com media There is

    One or another that you say pass that is but that is for me to do it to you to see or for me to ask relationships oo yes it is you asking me How many How many relationships I think that you have

    Been Okay How many relationships do you think that I have been in and also says and how many do you believe in Oh I am in love how strong yes like for the first one also good first first the

    First How many do you think that what state two three yes really I had never been serious and I hardly one no no let’s see Ah yes like three well I mean like boyfriends already boyfriends boyfriends three boyfriends three already

    Got And how many have you been in love Oh I don’t know two me of two no I don’t know what I don’t know what I felt at that moment Oh my God no no no Look cancer no no no now already now I am a person that when I am

    In a relationship yes I am like that that I fall in love yes I give I’m all super so dedicated so yes I was in love at the time with my relationships Yes of course Okay Why are you making that face no because

    Well I don’t know I gey I don’t know I know Okay let’s see but three Oh what two I don’t know gey Oh Okay we are Calm calm I don’t know they are also half AC see this half ea see see this was

    Two this One what do you think my circle of friends have in common well then no well I have me they all love tacos and spicy But I’m going to see okay How do you Define dating that

    Is, How do you say in Spanish dating go out on a date if when you are dating someone which is dating someone and what is like relationship or how do you define how you define Like if you are

    Talking with someone text Calling or if you are already dating or if you are ahl It’s like the difference between everything if you were to give me the definition we are going to say that I still want to be in

    The whore and not And you are telling me These It’s the thing is that I feel like that’s it or like you talk about it and you say you put your cards on it’s me you don’t put your cards on the table and it’s like let’s see

    What it’s not even what we are it’s how you treat me I’m going to know even what am I even not even how you treat me how far I want us to go Wow independent Woman yes I mean not with all the

    Guys I’m going to have a relationship you know maybe I just don’t level up and that’s fine Okay we were talking about What were we talking about? I didn’t know what the word was. You know what the word cattle is. We just explained the context of G cattle like Aha, don’t say,

    Say, Well, I have won, not the cattle or the cattle. Ah, I thought I had. cattle Okay the cattle Well the animals the group of animals but she was saying it the aunt said it I didn’t say it I a

    Herd a group of the herd Okay in English there is something called the Roster so a Roster is is When dating multiple people and like Okay This is my Roster wednesday with this person tuesday with this person That’s My Roster I Guess in spanish it is called cattle in Spanish

    Cattle so it means that if you have a boyfriend for Tuesday, on Friday you are prendentes and you You decide to stay with one and you say I’ll leave the cattle G for this one I’m going to leave the

    Cattle because you’re already interested in one no more Yes but go Okay Kenya said that she can like date and talk and Whatever but me obviously I’m going to make it about me freaking out when I do it because

    It feels like I’m more stooped but when a woman does it with several men when the cattle are men she feels more independent but when it’s women I know if I’m slouch I don’t feel like I don’t

    Want to say anything I don’t want to say anything because you, miss, have had cattle I know it I know Claudia cattle Don’t act small, I’ve had cattle right now, no, but what I’m saying is when I’ve had cattle sometimes he speaks It’s like Wow because

    I didn’t choose the person that maybe some of my fans wanted me to choose so suddenly it feels like I’m a loser No well you see one also has to be the one who is going to win

    The cattle the winner of the cattle Right now I feel I feel stressed I feel like a winner I feel I’m more afraid than you because you’re better with the words of all

    This and I’m taking I’m going to get into a no no no in your defense here no no They understand Spanish okay Don’t look for El Translate because we’re worth it Okay you when I distance myself That is to say I distance myself That is to say that I

    No longer distance myself from the person rather When you think that I am Kenya is a person who distances himself from that person for a person relationship or friendship whatever and good because I know you

    Well I don’t know you and well and you are cancer and more or less from time to time we throw the gossip in there several times yes eh honesty and fucking when people I think that honesty It is

    The main thing when people say they are going to do something, they have to do it and if not, if they are not complimented or whatever, I feel that you are saying No, nothing now because Obviously you know who you are

    And you can have whoever you want or because let’s see let’s see why why do they always tell me that it’s not that you can have whoever you want I don’t you think you can have whoever you want it doesn’t mean that you love everyone but it’s like You are the person you

    Would like, well you can have, well, obviously you are Kenya, gey, you are Kenya, the [__] Kenya is pure Kenya Ah, it’s your turn to [__] Kenya is pure Ken Oh, my dyslexia Let’s see, [Music] says if you don’t like it, why are they

    Medium Oh Ok but it’s getting medium emotion no no yes it’s getting medium like Okay I’m getting level one but here I got from level one say level one and two Is that I’m a Gemini

    Moon yam I like to have Ah I got the yours gey okay I ask you How many Uy a Vero fuck I’m going to faint like F think like Five Yes I mean I did like a mini but seriously no because they also count

    No no no no no no no serious like that relationship serious Okay one two three [Applause] cu Crazy says very well let’s see wow What is that Miguelito put buing here with a translator you can explain it the right way because I’m not really sure which ex of mine confused you more

    Than that is Okay that’s something that people Maybe they might think of me because of my social media, not because of Facebook. How do you say social media, social networks, no, that’s not correct about you, okay. I think that people might think, maybe they don’t know how you are, like, humble, no.

    You had to get here to the pod ranch and he has always been very very like he has not always been very cool with me he does not have any like the fuck but like he has always been very cool with me

    Even when I went to Mazatlá I always say it like he treated me super well the fucking the hotel where she got me, I stayed there like sitting and said I Wow like what a view like What the fuck

    Was I good you so it’s already very I know that those who Nini know that they know that she is very Sweet but I also have a temper of the scrubbing but no yes the net yes I try to be a good person

    Good person good people no yes no let’s not get rid of our genius But you are a good person but I can say something too, that is, about snow than about Claudia rather than me I thought I’m going to get crazy While she’s talking I get crazy huh it seems like she’s

    Very rude and colder and like that and not really she’s Look Sweet Sweet Sweet cancer and it’s so very tender and no no it doesn’t seem like it but yes Claudia is Thank you I don’t feel like this is for defense

    Thank you let’s cry let’s go It’s good that you’re not drinking guy because yes the only one who’s going to cry is me and yes cry cry lie she’s going to be my she’s going to be my my therapy right now she’s going to therapy me

    Yes I here I have a section of my life called kenini counselor and I give advice to all the people That’s how I love it I love it like Claudia is pretty they put Oh no Yes, she is very, very

    Good with advice and everything, there are even some things that she tells me for a long time and then I’m like Okay I’m listening to you too now and I always tell her I told you I told you like

    A mother yes He says, now, forget about that, you’re a lady, relax, Oh, it’s not your turn, he loves to see, to see, Look, I got one Wait for me, Look, Level came out on one, let him know what he wants,

    You’re thinking too much about something that you improvements of not thinking about it as in the changes Tim I met you friends as changed lately that I have made in my life yes like I made a lot of changes made a lot of changes

    And like suddenly I’m like meditating And why did I do it Okay I think I wanted it Okay, I already did it Okay, well, if nothing else, that always has me working and things, but more like the changes that have been happening in my life lately, yes, it’s like, I don’t understand, but

    Well, because Lauren just came, she’s also cancer and so am I and and She came to the podcast because we were talking about the changes so I say like is Cancer women or are we all or what is happening because we all feel like fucking changes You also feel like

    Doing many different things and I feel like Well I had how it came to me like a wish that I felt like physically I felt that no I had to make changes

    In my life because every time I get like this it is because I know that already Yes already this stage has already passed and I have to be professional or personal or What’s more, a change has to happen and that’s

    What I’m in right now. Yes, what I felt was like I was already in a moment where I had already done many things that I already wanted and needed as the next step, but I kind of saw the step and said

    Like Oh again I have to kill myself for it and it was like meditating to rest a little and go for the Aha and hit it but it was like it was difficult for me because yes well it is difficult for me how to take that step because I know

    Everything that it entails taking the next step to all the things that I want and it was like pushing myself but it is already at a point where I mean I can’t stay in this because

    I already feel like I’m in a loop and in a Comfort zone where I’m already bule depressing loop What is that loop we’re going to put in when the podcast is on we’re going to put in all the words that

    Kenny taught me [Music] loop orbit Okay cool nice wow These words I think that by the end of the podcast he’s going to have taught me Like some 20 Yes I think so and you in English I think none

    Eh No well right now in English no no no I don’t want I don’t want here they are finishing me Wait let me pass advanced level one to see eh from one to 10 how happy it makes you your work or on the

    Scale when I am when I am you are thinking about it a lot eh No when I am well very very very happy when I want to be with my son or I want to be at home well obviously

    It is stressful sometimes not being where I want and nor where I want to be is more than something bad that you would describe of what we dedicate ourselves to. So I feel that good the opinions

    Of my personal life. Sometimes or even there have been times that I bring out my son and but your son is this and he another and your son’s father and I, the people are like very and sometimes it does affect me because well

    He is a child you understand me and for him I am just his mother and sometimes he wants to appear in my videos because well this is what What I do is normal Whatever and there are the opinions oo my relationships

    Or exes or whatever sometimes it’s also something average I’m learning to again be more private with everything before I was you No I was married to my son’s father for a long time and no one knew anything so I feel like I’m learning to have more privacy with you again and

    So on. PR Yes you know that for a while now I became very private. Like what, it must be about two years ago, before I published everything it was like I uploaded my my day I go to the gym I go I do that, I mean

    For example today every day almost I go to the gym and before every day I published and I uploaded there after I was going to eat and what I did with who was there and like that and sometimes I upload almost everything to

    My clows you know and I eat like that and I’m more private because I don’t know I feel Yes my sister was the same before when she was younger she loved social networks and there came a time where she

    Started to affect too much because people are very cruel with social networks and obviously being Kenos’s sister they put a lot of expectations on her and expectations that neither my mother nor I nor even

    She had or placed on herself and that’s how she completely distanced herself and In fact, he almost doesn’t go up or anything anymore, he does it entirely for Hobby now, yes, now, sometimes that, that happens, it affects the

    Job’s benefits, if you understand that, the job’s benefits, benefits is a saying Yes, but what is it, gaj No, I don’t even know the gaj

    Aunt, if I don’t know, they say it, that is, they say it to you as perks of the job as a saying, no more no more like gaj It’s like what you have to do at work gaj I don’t understand the saying but I say it’s the word

    Gaj no It’s that I don’t even understand but it’s like it has seasoning to say occupational hazards So just seasoning seasoning you cook and I don’t don’t don’t know how to figure it out I mean he cooked you with what egg he cooked you

    With what coffee coffee air tacos air tacos hot water cereal cereal with milk popcorn cereal with milk yogurt with fruit marán cool no Maruchan de cargo chips use uere eats that is s no when

    Using uere eats It was already You solved it no That’s good Me too the same yes No it’s not that yes me yes me I really like cooking, to be honest. But no, I’m not that good only at breakfasts and very specific like hotcakes with French bread, huevitos, whatever you want, quesadillas or

    Basic, it’s strange Because when I hear hotcakes I know it’s pancakes but when someone says hotcakes I imagine a type of pancakes and when I hear pancakes I imagine another pancake is like different like the Mexican hotcake and the pancake my brain you know mean like I hear

    Beans or like beans like I’m Like Like beans you could be Getting baked beans but beans from the pot with cheese is something else okay It’s your turn Okay let’s see with a lot of cheese with a lot of cheese please

    My aunt tells me off every little while that I love cheese Oh I also love fresh cheese Me It fascinates Ah yes also the fresh cheese Okay you decide Ken because I don’t know what private

    I want to do but no you ask now now now now you say describe Oh my I’m not going to say yours because he says describe my First day How was my first date ideal but describe yours or

    Mine whatever you want we describe both of us goes Okay You first how are you not going to say mine or I will say yours no no no each one says Okay okay what would your quote be shit like that

    Ideal ideal since you leave your house like that everything Man the same and it’s not in your house well Maybe your date ideals I feel like for me like obviously like well fuck with someone that I’m

    Excited to see right like I want to like because you know that emotion that you feel there are times when you already arrived like but that emotion I feel like that is the most important thing like the

    Butterflies that say what are you doing when am I going to get ready I’m going to look good like exciting and then I feel like I don’t let it be the truth whatever like go to eat go sit down like I don’t

    If you’re like that also whatever it is or whatever it is literal pref I prefer something like spontaneous like I prefer to leave my house and meet somewhere and from there what to do is whatever it is no

    Gey I am dramatic if someone invites me out Oh my God And I no no no I am like that I mean you have to invite me but they are men like a I feel that if there is a different expectation I As a real girl

    For me a boy has to be a gentleman or be a gentleman to me that you walk like that how to explain it that when they are like that what interest am the interest No in life I

    Will answer you again being that is you block you don’t exist I love that gentleman So I invited you out I’ll see you there who chooses the place I mean I love it and I always have

    Like my motto of they have to treat me like a princess and not because of how a princess but because I treat myself like a princess and I’m not going to accept less, ladies, you know, I’m not going to accept

    Anything less. So less than how I treat myself, no, then if I treat myself like a princess, then yes, it’s like running a restaurant, restaurant, drinks. talk meet gentleman Yes that and your buchón bouquet can come later can come from r Buchones after the appointment

    The Ram arrives can come later Yes but but yes write it down everyone now now now e taking notes taking notes now Well well for me obviously the same As she said, that is, as a straight woman, the thing is that it can be different depending on

    The person I’m dating. It’s May, I have to do all this, but May, someone a little bit is different, people, but at the time of the day, I’m very interested in someone is not Day [Laughs] that I feel that this I feel that it is something that you can describe tell

    A very cool story Oh my Go to see bus says imagine Okay Imagine that I just woke up from a super crazy night where I woke up and what regret what do I regret what do I regret Uh gey if I do wake up and I’m not at

    Home in my bed No that’s what that’s the worst I’m immediately going to be panicked Like Like What the fuck What the Fu because I’m very like even though I have a party here we are

    Somewhere else I want to come to my house I grab one let’s say last night I almost grabbed a hotel and I stayed to sleep but it’s not like crazy night it’s more like I’m fucking sleepy and when

    I I’m sleepy I want to sleep like now how to delete if I wake up in a hotel first I’m going to say where I am where my things are with who I’m totally my clothes everything is fine Everything there

    Is no one the bed is regular I’m going to say What the Fu did I fell asleep I imagine and I start calling my friends What happened but that doesn’t happen so you know I like to get home and I always go with someone responsible because I’m irresponsible gee we have very

    Similar ways of going out I still always go with someone who I know is going to take care of me if it’s not a friend who I know is going to take care of me takes me to my safety in Mexico and but when I arrive I

    Never look like my mouth turns crackling and you know they’re going to hurt you. throw out cil because Cab knows No, she knows I have always come to sleep that yes and here someone who

    Is with me can confirm it for you 247 I arrive I send my location I arrive no matter what but I arrive No I have my location several people and never I’m not like I’m fine that people know where I am I’m not

    Doing anything strange like fuck and please if at any time I’m like like Random go go and look for me because What happened where are you taking me or what I don’t have that thing about having someone Like

    Sharing my location, the only thing when I go out is that I’m always with people who are always like people on my team, that is, I’m never ever alone, never, never, never, Oh, yes, I’ve never been weird, they

    ‘ve asked me why I’ve arrived, and they tell me, Oh, this is what I’m going to do. to Mexico and I go alone And then even Ivet who has just started to be my manager says she didn’t have security When you go to Mexico and

    I there haven’t been times that I arrive alone I go inu well she already provided security for me No I walked like a donkey m It was worth it to me, not me, I always Thank God we are alive, it’s not that I have a lot of

    Anxiety I have a lot of anxiety So I don’t like being alone because I get like mini panic attacks and suddenly my blood pressure goes down and so you need a hug That’s how I am, I don’t have to worry about

    Being told that when I land everything is fine and it’s like Yes, true Everything is fine and I kind of go back but if I’m alone I start like I’m going to rest I go crazy and I start to feel like

    The hands FR and not me being alone I’m fine but like every two hours 3 hours I need someone to tell me that everything is fine whether it’s a video call especially like a hug like When someone tempts me and says like fine I already feel like like Okay Fine No to me,

    They pinch me half half pinch half weird here in apen ya la well it was very like yes I was like yamos deiry we are all talking in a ball it was like well and I do and it’s not the last

    Eh You know Ah look that’s cool He finished the sentence, you are the only person who can let’s pray what I thought we were going to pray because prayer Oh say it, it’s prayer yes I just learned that it’s not like gender geey let’s see I’m doing my best to translate

    These things I’m fine donkey like I think it’s Spanish well and then suddenly prayer I said I finish the prayer I said okay father our father who art in heaven hallowed be your

    Name Okay no Dale I know it I was in the alter girl How is it I was an altar girl why you an altar girl That’s why I’m gay Greetings come out the Catholic religion AC we walk no Okay dil well yes

    Finish the sentence and not the one they taught you there Okay Eh you are the only person who can With what can with Aha What can with what With Or no changes of question no well I am I don’t

    Have a very low self-esteem. I don’t think I’m the only person who can do anything. I can rap like I rap. I’m the only one. I loved it. The only thing I have as confidence is that I’m a

    Good rapper. Everything else is. I like what. Do you think that’s what I need to hear at this moment [Music] and the food we ordered about two hours ago has already arrived The food has arrived

    No, it hasn’t arrived, that’s what I’m giving, let’s be sentimental Claudia Okay, well, excuse me, what is it that I I need some advice that you would give me as a friend that you need to hear that everything

    Is fine, don’t worry, even though you already came here in Los Angeles, right now you are going to do everything cool and well, here you are, here you are with me, well, gy and what You are going to do everything

    That you want to do, you are going to do it because I know you and you are a hard worker and people know me for being a hard worker because I do everything alone but you gey You

    Scare me like everything you do you set a goal you follow it and you follow it and you follow it and that’s great And I consider you like an inspiration for me like literally so you’re going to fucking do everything

    You have to do dude collaboration with fucking rana whatever you want dude you’re going to do it I love you all, thank you. How nice, yes, it is sentimental, but that’s how I’m going to drink my tequil.

    Oh, come on, as if it’s good, Sweet, it’s good, Sweet, my Cloud, I know you, and yes, you’re going to do well, you’re going to do well, let’s see that I don’t have, it’s not. that says that what what joke between us that what joke

    We can say between us that it is funny but we are not going to say it so I know you mosco Oh I had 15 days without eating Tajín as soon as you arrived yes or no I told you Take some yes or no I

    Told you that you take some so that you can bring them in your bag I already took some there Okay First impression what did I say [Music] say okay what was it I swear that’s what it says but

    Okay I don’t even want to read it what was your first impression of the person you have seen me with most recently And what do you think now Okay says What was impr of my recent Partner Okay first

    I think I met you at a very different stage than the one you are currently in and I always told her I have always been honest with her and I always tell him you know what I This is what I see This

    Is what I feel and things are like this I don’t know if I’m totally right but as they say I’m rarely wrong and I told you what I felt about it and then I met you like in another stage of your

    Life and it was like Wow You look happy You look calm and I also love her I love her a lot it’s like she’s a great party friend and she can tell him her name no no Okay no but right now it’s gone bro It’s good

    That I asked how good it is that I asked because I didn’t say Give me ot Give me a beer because I’m going to Tom with you buo that Spanish so that I don’t talk so that I talk more just what I think I think that

    The person you are with at this moment makes you a lot Well, she is a person who understands you , who loves you, who wants the best for you and that is what I perceive at this moment that you

    Look calm, you look at peace and I like her very much and wear her to all the parties, please, what I wear is my t Now, for talking, go ahead, aunt has it, put the camera on it. Look, the camera is with me. well drunken well drunken there on the

    Street and well no thanks and well oh no [ __ ] scold you too you say because then you say how good that’s how you tell me you told me yesterday you say how good it is that I’ve calmed down yes how good that

    You’re fine Okay we’re not going to do that one But read it in private but we’re not going to say it No no Oh no no no at one point I said I said yes but then I said No I don’t want people to know that

    I’m getting all the Okay that’s it We’re on number three, we’re already on our way to the side How many unread texts do you think I have on my phone right now do you know the number that

    Comes up How many do you think I have right now about 35 okay And you have about 20 okay do you want to see and see Wait for me wait for me Where [Laughs ] it’s like

    587 but on WhatsApp how many do you have? I don’t communicate much on WhatsApp I don’t know how Ah the application comes out Well you already opened it no no no I mean I’m in these but but gey here they send me

    From CBS I mean I don’t, I don’t write with anyone around here, I write everything through WhatsApp and in WhatsApp Look m But because it’s Friday and but it’s a Monday This is bursting I have six I have six

    But I mean because it’s just who I’m talking to right now But but I’m like I have a lot of anxiety about my phone it’s like there are times when I see conversations about like What like are you You’re

    Bad at answering the phone messages yes yes am Yes yes it’s bad everyone tells me that well yes everyone tells me that Okay no but it’s because sometimes they are things like Like Like things that okay Now I’m

    Going to see, for example, my aunt or like Miguel, who tells me or who knows which of the blueprints we were like Okay well come get them I don’t like it when people tell me For a long time what I hate the most is

    When people say I can ask you a question pruning do it like that like that kind of Like Like how they give me that kind of anxiety so sometimes there are things that I say like What the fuck you answer you

    Don’t answer them So sometimes sometimes I say Okay, now I’m more emotionally prepared to respond to this, I’m going to respond and then when someone tells me, like, Hey, something important, I ask you a question. As soon as I see the message, I go boom.

    Facetime Yes because I don’t care what happened tell me what happened to me too there sometimes I get texts like Oh this has already been paid bo know that that sometimes Ah about Yes I have the bank here like this Let’s see

    Ask me something that I never You had asked me before something that I really want to know. Hey, I’m not going to give you an SP. Let’s see what I’m going to ask you. No. Okay, no, what you want is something that you haven’t asked me

    Before. Why are you afraid of chickens? Keep on with the fucking ones. chickens dude okay No why Okay Why are you afraid of dogs Okay both of us have a reason when me too I mean my grandparents are from a ranch So I went to that ranch a lot during the holiday season

    But I lived in the city in Guadalajara at that moment in my life so when I went to the ranch, I was like the most that yes, I love the ranch and blah blah blah and I was with

    The chickens with the cows with my grandfather and so on and suddenly A hen was going with her chicks and I wanted to grab one of the chicks and the hen and the hen went after me and

    The same thing happened to my sister so that’s why I have respect for them because I perceived them as cool. They are putting chicks in the chat What a bad thing Me What a bad guy but I kind of perceived

    Chickens as super cute animals and so on and suddenly a cool chicken runs around at me well you did n’t steal it from my cool son They are still cute how are you doing Let’s get rid of the cute thing, they are cute But you

    ‘re there stealing a baby. I wasn’t going to steal it. I just wanted to grab it for a little while. I mean, that’s what he said. He was about 7 years old and he grabbed me and he told me, Grandma, I ran and jumped over a fence. and my grandmother wasn’t

    Going to steal it, but she wanted to grab it for a little bit. I grab it for a little while and and with a dog, that was it. That happened to me in Guadalajara. Hey. My dad had a friend who had a store upstairs and his landlady downstairs and

    Downstairs. I mean. You went down many stairs and at the bottom of the stairs there was a dog but it was huge, I mean giant and they always had it tied up but that time I was looking for my dad and he was in

    The little store and playing and I was like dad I don’t know what so I opened it and I wanted to go down and the dog was loose but it was a very aggressive dog. So when I was going to go down the stairs I see

    The dog that comes out and starts barking at me and gee, how in your dreams have you dreamed that you can’t eat? That’s what happened to me when I ran, that is, from the fear that came over me when I saw the dog and as soon as I managed to get out, and

    From there it’s also a phobia of big dogs, they make me afraid, that is, I see them and I say, Wow, how pretty, but yao, it’s like you know. okay I didn’t know that I saved the dogs before and literally I invited her

    Up to the house because I had already saved them I was happy that I did what because they attacked you I said okay put and then I’m barely getting ab when Benji and

    Bring come out in [ __ ] yen literal jumping like here that is giant it’s a giant dog and I really no no no I didn’t even look at it I heard the footsteps and I said it’s a big dog I was

    Stiff I stayed like that no I did nothing I stayed like this like I can’t anymore yes Benji brinks bash everyone was in [ __ ] or the one who didn’t come out was Pancho anger they put a Pancho Pancho emoji Where is Pancho

    Uh is he the one who barks the most Oh my God is that Chihuahua no Chihuahua I loved it says Snow has an episode with Oh I don’t know why they’re saying that’s it now Look those are Look the dogs have emojis How

    Nice all the people are giving me chickens Yes because well you’re stealing chicks and I was 7 years old or the chicken she got agitated she couldn’t stand it I mean she couldn’t stand it I wanted to play with her with the chick for a little while

    And that was it and we were alone to return she s but the dramatic [ __ ] ran me I mean she came back and I saw her coming Ah I threw the chicken you threw the chicken even angrier you threw the

    [__] chick it was the chicken I I was 7 years old I wasn’t that high So no it didn’t fall so high a little jump no nothing happened to it because I saw it and then it got up the family the

    Happy family yes gey And oh we didn’t go my cousin had the worst time the pat a cow my cousin was also that cornophytes so here but he likes roosters so that’s exactly why we bought more small chickens

    Okay my brother doesn’t want it that we buy But why roosters not because he thinks that he is going to get a hen pregnant and that the eggs we eat are going to come out all nasti but not

    If they get pregnant Eh yes but no it doesn’t work like that I mean it fertilizes it Whatever but the egg is still fine It is said to fertilize in that it is like a plant gey the metamorphosis to the

    Chicken G I put my English in Spanish I thought let’s find out in English how do you say it inl fertili Yes Ah ah you see gey making me embarrassed fertilize it fertilize gey worse a plant

    He watered it Okay no Tell me he stepped on it is called la pó he stepped on it on the ranch dic he stepped on it the rooster stepped on it I understand why the first time I saw a rooster the rooster stepped on it the first time I saw

    A rooster stepping on a chicken that I was traumatized and I told him, grandpa, they are fighting and he said no, the chicken was very comfortable and you, I was scared, I said the [__] hen, the hen was enjoying herself and you

    Wanted to kill her because the experiences between you and me with the chickens are different. I here watching hen porn and you stealing his children I was I was traumatized I said they are fighting What

    The fuck Any Okay Tell me about the process I want to know well okay Why not because there are no roosters allowed on snow’s farm Miguel Okay my brother is the law around here if I want to

    Buy another dog or something we have to try, I mean I have to get to Per Como Pancho They gave him to me because they knew that Miguelito was not going to let me buy another dog

    So someone gave me Pancho and I already said, I was already there, he did it So maybe here my brother doesn’t want us to have roosters Although my cousin likes roosters a lot But you want

    Roosters he doesn’t want roosters because he doesn’t want them to be subscribing So he doesn’t want them to be subscribing Have a good time well the chickens don’t qui Yes he says Here the only rooster is me so

    And the chickens what the chickens Like what’s happening here they are in lesbian Ranch no so what happened was I went and bought chicks eight chicks and I said one one is going to come out rooster and

    Miguelito can’t say anything. I bought a lot of chickens. Yes, so right now they are growing. And at least one or two are roosters and now, Miguelito can’t say anything . multiply here and I’m going to be afraid to eat eggs But

    It’s not like that no no no no no because I remember on the ranch that when when the chickens are already they lay their eggs so that those are going to be baby chicks, that is, they lay several, they lay several,

    And they don’t stop from there, eh, that is, they stay there, no, you don’t move them anymore. Yes, aha, mhm, in Mexico they say she’s lying down but according to me they don’t take long to make the chick so eh I think they come out they eat something and I mean they

    Don’t move much from there they have like Science like the animals like they know you know like because I remember that or sometimes my when my grandmother had chickens and he told me No,

    Not those because they have chicks or I would move them to a different place and I would put them like that in a dark black place and I would leave them food, that is, food like that in the center and I would put them all like that

    In the corners that they had. little eggs and suddenly all he told me was that the chicks were born and I went and it was you, you were going to steal it and I wasn’t because the chickens wanted my grandmother they wanted my grandmother

    My grandmother’s name was Lucero and they loved her So they did let me grab her The newly hatched chicks, but the newly hatched ones, are horrible, that is, they are just like all of them without

    Hair, nothing like that, aunt, tell me the truth. Because I was going to tell you something, when I had my son, people think that it is something very beautiful, but it’s scary, isn’t it? like When I saw baby I said Oh my

    God What a bad girl PR there are children who are born ugly I tell my daughter alía Oh alía you were fine looking a The truth is that’s how you were fellita no longer doll you are now that I think about it My mom has never

    Told me that I looked good when I was born my mom told me you were born with a lot of hair the only one the only comment a lot of hair and my sister without anything is all she says dude I mean she never says gey

    They are beautiful Not my mom with a lot You and your sister have hair with nothing and that’s all it says. Yes, I think that babies start latching on at about three months. It’s not what I saw in the movies. Yes, I saw

    In the movies that the child is always born in the movies. and he cries and Oh and they hug him and everything is very happy and mine was born he didn’t cry he didn’t make any noise anymore he was like that like looking everywhere

    And like it scared me and then they gave him to me and What the fuck like I was like in shock What the fuck and then like literally it was a few hours and already I felt like you were like

    Understanding that what a fart or what was happening was happening. It’s more when I pushed him out like it felt like you had it, you had it natural How like I pushed it yeah yeah like Push

    It’s all natural but they gave me the and it hurt Well yes but because I want to have my natural babies and everyone says no well there my aunts say no you’re not

    Going to hold on I don’t know what breaks you it cuts you Whatever you have to put stitches on is the ugliest thing the ugliest thing is when you have to Stitch sew again in the first two weeks

    You have to do pe and Like they give you a spray that will You have to, what are you like, how do you look at your son, like, what happened, you made me suffer, because yes, it’s like a thing, like, and he

    Didn’t want to leave. I had to have had him for about a week and a half, and he didn’t want to leave, so they had me. to take to the hospital and say okay Now yes I

    Already had to How do you say ev Kid induce no but when cuer ran out of his house [Music] evict they gave a note to evict baby yilo with the [ __ ] donkey the size of his head I’m hungry do you want

    Com if you want to eat I don’t expect that right now you eat I’ll drink let’s see Bring me a but yes for me drink me a beer but what did they bring there is shrimp and meat Look at the shrimp no no no Oh Claudia let’s see but I

    Can see them let’s see You don’t see yourself You don’t see yourself You’re the same as me I too there on the side I want I want first you can still do more and no You don’t see yourself This is not

    Chicken Yes this is chicken It’s just that I ordered chicken I ordered chicken is mine please do you want me Let’s pay it there but if you want to have children yes but it is a future conversation yes right now no no no no not

    Even in a few years it is not what I am happy that I already had it now look at it I mean at his age and like we can we are more like friends and we don’t go to the roller coasters 20 20 so

    Fucking roller coasters Whatever like we ride in [ __ ] co I feel like it’s cool I mean if I hadn’t dedicated myself to what I dedicate myself to Kenyans and and so on I mean if I had been a mom like me

    25 26 but since I don’t see it in my plans at this moment if it is done until further notice not now but sense because you already with your career like fuck No I would also tell you You follow him

    Gey because not right now Don’t stop right now without brakes and you don’t Do you want to eat something, not right now because I know that in a little while when the drunk arrives I’m going to eat it, I say, I’d better wait but they say Lil Kenya, my boss, when

    You’re already drinking beer [Laughs] I want my No, well, give him the Sorry it’s your turn tequila my turn is chicken taco water no here I have water I owe her the di ca Kenya bro I brought her I brought her to the podcast so she could make micheladas

    And it looks like micheladas I made you and I didn’t bring her a [ __ ] diet coke Sorry aunt Tell her to go by diet ces And I give him a bl a bl Tell him that there I have is what they give me the most in whir and I do

    N’t even smoke that much Give him that there I have you You almost don’t smoke anymore I don’t smoke anymore to sleep I mean every day to sleep five Sometimes you don’t know the Mel But the thing is that the melaton lasts a long time,

    You don’t have to take it one thing I have How to say adhd TD Whatever tdha Ah, I have that So my sister also has it okay with that I don’t have I don’t look towards me I don’t have a plan

    , that is, it’s not like I’m going to drink the melot at this time because I’m going to sleep at this time. I want to smoke and go to sleep. I don’t know how to plan, like nothing at all. I feel bad about eating and I’m not

    Talking. Oh sorry, I’m talking, let’s see, aunt, talk, everybody, no, that’s why I wanted to eat later right now. Oh no. I mean, you always have to and I always have to smoke. So you like it. You like

    The process of smoking. Go to sleep comfortably. I’m not even that much of a smoker. smoker smoker Lil smoker Like You there people here like to be smoking every little while Whatever But for me no no Like if I can’t

    Sleep or if I have anxiety I smoke but not a lot and not with people I don’t know like I’m not a person I can reach a party and I smoke and there I am with like I don’t get anxiety from the sun I like

    To smoke alone or with people oh I think they are already getting hot we have to turn it on it also makes me hot when Tom is already drunk no no no yes we have to turn it on I mean I’m fine now tru or shs

    Tru in Spanish ask us questions in the chat ask questions in the chat Let’s see ask no yasm yes he doesn’t have a girlfriend noene yasm asked if Snow has a girlfriend I don’t have a girlfriend

    You don’t have a girlfriend no no I have You want me to have a girlfriend gey but I don’t have a girlfriend I don’t have a girlfriend okay Kenya wants like dude she doesn’t have it because she doesn’t understand girlfriend kri

    Perfect what do they say they say that if we are going to have another col noar di she has a boyfriend they are good Good tacos Look at the bite that I’m going to give you my Okay I’m afraid of when many things are doing the same thing at the same time

    It makes me panic like How do you explain I don’t understand I don’t know like Okay yes you know when a CD like Scratch abas or said the same sound No more I can hear it like four five times and it

    Starts like my heart A Like I can’t hear the same thing the same or if someone was like that and then suddenly like makes the same movement many times the like It gives me, I don’t know, strange things like fucking weird, it’s weird because I’ve had, I’ve had, like, nightmares like suddenly like

    Something like, or let’s say, several people do the same thing, it starts like it gives me, I don’t know, it’s like when You see little dots and things like that, it’s like the same thing, I have that, but I

    ‘m terrified of eating food. But wait, I mean, no, that’s cool. I love him. I’m not going to explain. I normally eat, I eat, very Li, like the ones. I mean, I like it like what I like that like almost every day I explain myself, I’m like very basic so suddenly I’m

    Traveling and I’m very afraid to try new things because I’m afraid of being allergic so one of my biggest Panic is like eating something because they tell me I don’t know, try this seafood blah blah blah

    Because they are good from here and because here they sell them and they prepare them very well and I try it and like being allergic and having my throat close up is a panic that It gives me So every time I try

    New food new and I’m Friday 15 minutes I’m like waiting for no to no I gey it’s a real panic funny Lilo did you understand that What She Just said say it say it Okay no No more I say

    Because she realized in a way that she had an allergy and her this one closed because she ate shrimp she ate shrimp but she didn’t have an allergy to shrimp or She has always eaten shrimp and suddenly one day she ate shrimp and fucking and when He tells me the story makes me

    Panic because he says he fell asleep like he was shutting down but he didn’t do anything he fell asleep and waited until he said he didn’t want to go to the hospital he just waited and said I gey you could have died

    Like What the fuck that happened to a friend that happened to a friend who has been eating seafood all her life and like that and suddenly a shrimp got bad and she got a horrible allergy and from there my trauma increased Because if my friend who all life had eaten shrimp suddenly

    He almost died of an allergy it could happen to me too that happened to my dad my dad didn’t have an allergy in he became well like that fucking ugly and suddenly like I already had problems with my

    Dad and suddenly he became like fucking terrible I was like what the hell and that’s why I don’t talk to him anymore it’s not for that reason but it increased my reasons why I don’t talk to him anymore I say I

    Remember that time he traumatized me and I say I don’t Let’s do that, those fish that inflate themselves like this, and that’s how their whole face looked. Yes, I’m very afraid of allergies in general. Allergies scare me very much.

    Is there any allergy that I know of? Oh my God, or you’re not saying it for safety, what does it say? Oh, that’s what my dad looked like, it happened to my friend, but in the in the in the body in the body I feel like balls like that because of

    Allergies that’s why I almost always eat the same thing every day every day egg rice chicken nice the basics What is your favorite food? Sushi, sushi, mother, mother, love Sushi, yes, I love it, I love Sushi. It fascinates me before. I didn’t like it so much . I love eating sush

    And also what else and Mexican food or whatever it is tacos good tacos no yes tacos enchiladas gorditas chilaquiles my favorites I know that you eat very clean and you exercise and you are fine

    Clean But there are times when you give yourself fucking it has to be Sushi chilaquiles things like that that I like but you have like one day a week or one day a month or like once a week once a week maybe a

    Week but almost always, that is, for example, my nutritionist tells me He says once a week but normally if I tell him if I drink alcohol I have I have available that day of the week and he says no

    Because well there it is like you your That was your day Oh yes So I eat Oh sometimes I eat very clean but I’m drinking alcohol balance and I am a nutritionist and I do it well, I do the diet but I am taking bodka and he

    Gives you your Estrellita and tells me Well, minimum Aha So now I can’t make my chet meal there anymore but yes I’m going to get well I’m leaving I’m going to get well starting today I’m going to get

    Well and so that the days that she has like this fucken go crazy also with food and with drinking I want I want to go so that we can be like this I eat go well as I give myself my weeks of

    Rest, that is, suddenly there has come a point. Oh, the entire chat is full of [ __ ] remix. In other words, there is no longer even talk, it is no longer pure [ __ ] remix, now, that is, the entire chat in a moment we

    Talk about it No I mean, how do we make the remix and we’re like there watching it but it didn’t happen I feel like [ __ ] It was a great song for both of us together and you know I feel like if

    We make another song later we can add other people and like that but like [ __ ] remix Apart it came out two years ago no too Hey guy ya F it’s been so long no yes I feel like what you guys liked

    Was that moment and we feel like we had good chemistry in the song in everything I feel like it’s cool for some reason reason too We are friends I feel like it’s because like we get along well

    Ah But something else could happen another song or Whatever but [ __ ] remix well it’s been two years already like Yes already get me one we fucked they said I already sent him yes I’m going to bring Oh I love them

    So much Right now I’m going to give him a [ __ ] pound of marijuana he was the one to bring Oh then I ‘m going to give it to yello well thank you yello he’ll be around after a while aunt he didn’t see he gave it to Kenya aunt I invited

    A star from Mexico to Kenya and he brought me Limón on a [__] piece of paper like this, so I said no. [ __ ] gey I hadn’t even noticed the paper and suddenly and I was laughing like not [ __ ] with fuck

    I said and what were the lemons for anymore Well you Well if you want lemons no no no I’m fine It’s just that I have here like I have lemon and Tajín Ah well it’s to finish my chat Let’s see give me

    A Tajín baby Tajín baby Valentina mayy put a taco on top you don’t want to eat a taco no because I’m also going to walk like you and I won’t be able to talk I don’t, now I become the Host so

    You can eat a taco now. Anyway, I already feel like you’re the Host because I’m here with my nonsense, you just don’t ask the good questions, let’s ask, I’ll ask the good ones. It’s just that I’m here

    Looking at the chat what do they say they say that how many of us got screwed we got screwed make hashtag we got screwed gey there is not going to be [ __ ] remix and the screwed ones were you but

    Yes and me too gey because I was waiting for it too It’s tequila s I was waiting for it too I’m a fan I’m Kenini geey I just arrived I arrived no Well then guest invited

    To see say no I don’t know what you guys do for being Ken I don’t want them to then say You’re not geeky Get rid of you, no, but we got screwed. Hash, we got screwed. They say, Hash , we didn’t get screwed, but what another song?

    Oh, I love it [Laughs] put hashtag we fucked on on Twitter so that suddenly they confuse fucking all the people for when it’s going to signal no plans day date time and month invite me when tell me gey I have di but you’re busy gey Me I’m going to arrive

    I’ll arrive the other time they came to me there have been several people in Mexico who tell me He’s arriving tomorrow I’ll be arriving tomorrow to me what like yes or no yes he arrived we were eating and it was this weekend

    Let’s go I left what What are we going to do like you’re right a What problem am I here The problem is me see how he turned the t I’m incredible it’s a work of es it’s a game that

    I’m given but of the tortilla Forget it forget it that’s something else In lesbians Let’s talk about the topic I’ll go to you to invite Sinaloa but let me see when I am, or I mean I am

    At the holidays but but obviously you are going to be here with your family and so what are you doing on New Year’s nothing there are times It is that my son goes with his father or here I am No more I like with

    My with my brother my brother has not gone to Mexico and have a lot of fun like since I was a child I want to spend the new year in a place that I really like in Mexico you go ahead s yes okay I love it

    It’s over Assembling the Crew I am a good Crew let’s see what they say yes or no you don’t know why Because the best things in my personal professional life everything has always been like spontaneous like

    Suddenly like there are many things that one plans Maybe Me Like They have stolen my sweetheart when you plan too much and suddenly it doesn’t happen and you say like fuck like you feel disappointed almost like

    I like to live more like s you like to live more more without planning so much now and also no you don’t plan anything nothing nothing well there are people in me life my brother is more more of a plan and it is more of a plan I have

    People in my life, friends and people I work with who are more like like e gey this day you have to okay it’s coming but like that I mean you flow what makes me love To keep living is that I don’t

    Know what I’m going to do either tomorrow or the day after, so seriously How fun I know what I’m going to do all next year Well I have shows that I absolutely have to do He’s looking at me and

    I see here like gey and I, what are you talking about, dear, no, but you’re here. I’m sorry to ruin your talk, but the agenda is already full, eh. Not anymore, like this year, for example, I was on a fucking tour for months,

    Like it was Every fucking Day for me on my tour and then I got on the Santa Fe clan tour and it was pure right now that I came How many shows did you do this year they were like Totally good Well my

    Tour was like 35 and loel were like 30 and something the same and then more apart from all the One offs that I had fuck I’ve had What like fucking a shows like it’s been too gey tired right now I’m at

    Home in like very happy drinking tequila I see my son I take him to school or I pick him up Whatever Hey I like it someone asked a question how do you see yourself in 5 years more I wish problems come

    You see you visualize I don’t know I feel like everything I’ve been doing especially independently like It’s like cool like working with my brother my aunt my cousin my family like fucking I’m happy like me my goal was to teach that I could do it

    Like like this this way and no more like No no I never had like I never thought I was going to be like fucking Beyonce or anything I like having my podcast I like having guests

    I like having friends that I live with and Whatever I work I have shows I have songs or Whatever but I’m not like that, I feel like every hit is going to be like, not like, I’m fine.

    I’m okay. Apart from that, I have a lot of things. How do you say low of steam, like when Bizarrap was very popular and people commented on so many things like me? I gave an anxiety like I also don’t

    Want so much attention like Okay okay like you like it You like where you are it could be it could be a little more a little less a little more I can be like this for a long time no no I don’t want like like that

    Then suddenly like that you show the rhythm of life that you have right now so I want to live with my family my son I want to see I want to see him more not when I was I was not in my house

    In I lost some special moments that like sometimes it gives me I’m not drinking dude Don’t make me cry right now but Sometimes it gives me no no no I already loved it Oh no people are already getting

    Very sentimental here what who I don’t what what would you say to your child self no geey that’s therapy that’s what I’m telling you let’s finish Look The therapy would be a podcast Between her and

    Between her and me as the second third something right now is like as mild as Happy what do you like With what tacos are your favorites what tacos are my favorites Well the ones from Mazatlán Well yes but

    What about meat with guacamole and their name is San Pablo where are you taking me to eat tacos When I arrived after where When you arrived You arrived And you arrived As soon as I arrived from the airport they

    Took me there but we went to a restaurant no or that was after that was after we arrived at one like that Tacos El guacamole was like thick yes San Pablo Then I ate them No yes they were

    Good Good Yes they are good right as soon as we arrived and I was like outside Aha yes yes Okay no longer yes those tacos They are good I like the tacos good from Redwood City in se The area around the fence is called El

    Grullense. One day you want to go to San Francisco or something like that. Well, I don’t know if it’s already been there nearby in the Bay area where Miguelito was born and there are some tacos called El

    Grullense and I really like them. And my aunt too Oh, how are they? I mean, it’s a big tortilla, not a normal one, a small one, but with a medium tortilla, a little bit, but the flavor they have is the truth.

    It’s good, at what point are we talking about, we change tacos, the tacos, which are your favorite tacos because I wanted to change the conversation from we were getting sentimental sentimental emotional means like they want me to cry and I cry easily you cry

    Easily you know that I Before I was very crybaby or bad I was super crybaby now I don’t cry so much anymore well I’m happy to not cry so much anymore because if I was a Llorona and everyone

    Made me cry and now I don’t what is one thing you would have liked to say to Some ex that you never told him that says no you are not counting which ex n else says What is one thing you would have liked to tell an ex that you never told him

    Is that first I’m thinking which of all my exes that I never told no is that I always told them everything I always told them everything yes I always told them everything everything I think no yes I always told them

    Everything everything everything I felt how I felt yyy yes always always I’m not one of the people who stays silent and like no I tell you everything like that they already have gloss Me too I need gloss to see what your friends think about me they love you Ah I loved it

    Thank you snow friends I love you Ya The Love here they are all Look they are all watching you am When was the last time I liked someone and why Oh who you both

    Okay in the in the finding my cattle and I have gone you see that yes you had cattle and it sounds incredible cattle the word cattle inando I mean I was just trying to I’m not a person

    Who can have enough because I’m not also going to be honest with you Just Because I’m gay I don’t want to to say that I am not a woman also being a woman there are times when I say I like and I don’t want to waste

    My time like I am also worth a lot like What the fuck there are times when I also put on my you know and I say I like this person like Come on like We went out once and Like no no

    Like the conversation is stup like What the fuck I don’t connect and I try to Like Like I try to give hint like like no but like people sometimes like they really want to hear it like they want you to

    Be like like fucking and I say I like I can’t but tell me what was wrong how am I going to answer you say women can be very like yes like But tell me but but what but what was wrong

    That I don’t want to say to someone woman like something that’s wrong I don’t feel that sometimes there ‘s nothing wrong You just didn’t connect with the person and that’s it I mean no no there wasn’t a conversation no no

    No it’s already been there they put me here latina Yes latina mommy no Oh no no I no no no no no no [Laughs] no bad Let’s see I’m not going to read the chat

    Atlanta no no well you know no Okay I went out with a girl and she’s very pretty everything everything good Everything good but no I know Sister me in Atlanta Ah That’s not that one no no no okay And with this girl

    Like one time I went out it was my brother and it was my friend because I said well I never met her I don’t know what’s going to happen but Whatever so we went out and everything was fine but it got

    Half a little Like Like I turned around because I was hungry and there was a very pretty girl with food and I said where did she get it from and when she grabbed my face as soon as like

    I turned to see a girl said what are you seeing and like she looked at me He grabbed his face I didn’t talk to him again because I said I was already half violent for the first date like What

    The fuck and no more then there then I just went to the plant after 9 months that never and we were we ran into each other and he says you made me Ghost and me well Well yes but he says don’t worry everything

    Is fine like I hope you have fun I see that you are with someone I am with someone too everything is fine and I okay cool he says I’m going to arrive in Los Angeles in a few weeks and

    Me and you no no No, wait for me, I don’t know, but my friends were telling me: Did you see the red flags? How do you say red flags in Spanish? It’s okay that they catch you like that

    Violently, even if you like it, it’s not okay, it doesn’t matter if you like it or not. I didn’t lose the context, I was gossiping. What happened to the gossip out of context? What’s up? I’m lost. I’m lost too. I’m

    Not sure. red flag It’s just that I had never said it in Spanish Oh yes yes we laugh here with this Mysterious girl there are times when you like red flags or no no never never I do n’t see you have to ask Kenya three times never never never and There you see,

    Look, look, no, no, what happens is that sometimes you can pretend to ignore them, but if you see them, then I can act like the ones who ignored them for a little while because, well, I like the person, they’re kind of

    Funny, yes or no there are some things I like but it’s not good no no good don’t ignore them don’t ignore them please don’t do it don’t do it but but what not Or no no Ah well no I thought

    That sometimes we like them no one here Oh how perfect how fucking perfect everyone Oh pure wad di it’s not that I’m not going to tell them either I’m not going to say anything about them Not sure but no one also knows But I can tell you whatever you want about me [Laughs]

    I grabbed the bottle and You throw it away, it’s not just that it happens, it’s normal, it’s human and also If you knew like Okay, in a few months you’ll be in trouble, you’re going to have fun, and what

    Fun are you going to have with Red Flags or with Green Flags? You’re going to bring the Red Flag. so or no damn it shut up you’re Distilling me No I’m just saying sig keep taking out t

    Questions because I remove all the strong ones But apparently you are with everything let’s see I said Ghost [ __ ] you see you’re lying here we are live And don’t be careful, you’re entering a very mysterious area

    Wor Okay, the worst, the worst date Oh, no, no names, no more, okay, the little problem. I mean, I met someone and I didn’t like it. And for me, that was the little problem. to spend my time with someone I didn’t like is Ah you’re the person that

    I know like that [Laughs] noo like they treat you like you know Like Like do to and Just like Don’t Touch me M yes it has happened to me no no a That hasn’t really happened to me. I mean,

    But what has happened to me is that I could have gone out with someone and I didn’t like it. And it was like, what do I do now? Now, and I have to go, I left the washing machine, that’s why I say. I always

    Bring a friend my first date if I’m going on a date with there a friend saved me she said we had to go she said she has to go I too my friend took me out of the date and we didn’t

    All go together and now it was like more like besy like it wasn’t so like date now it was like Okay three women who are going to get tattooed I got these tattoos this one and these

    Two are pretty just now she put one on her neck I was left I have one on my neck too, but I say for a first date, putting tattoos on our necks is strong, but I think we can be

    Friends, so now the name so that I know who it is so that I can talk to you again No, he still talks to me, he still talks to you I don’t have anyone in my life who doesn’t talk to me, everyone talks to me, that’s why

    I have 598 messages that don’t. I mean, you can keep in touch with someone who has already finished the cycle. Yes, they get angry, if not, no, it’s not very difficult. Yes. I want to but because you’re straight dude because they’re

    Men you can tell it doesn’t show I too I know that’s my problem I mean me too I know that my problem is that I like men but then what do I do dude that’s how God made me I don’t know dude I mean

    No, no, what I’m saying is that it’s very. So what I can tell you is, Okay, among heterosexual relationships, it’s easier to explain that a woman cannot have a friendship with an ex who is a man because the gey

    Will always have an idea with women, I feel that because we are more with an idea, we are people, well, which one with an idea, well, that gey is talking to you with an idea, like, it’s not because Oh, they both like it, they

    Were painting, they were going to talk about painting, like, it’s not because that gey says like, how are you, friend? Yes . or no or no Let’s see well my friend we are friends but yes I feel that I could be friends but

    Like with an ex-husband and that he had Maybe a baby or something that’s cool we have to end up cool and like that but oh yes I do I feel that I do, yes, but and just like a boyfriend and like that and I mean because

    If I break up with you it’s most likely for something not then well I Well I don’t know I personally feel that I have broken up with people who still well some people still I like them as

    A person they are funny I laugh like everything is good but no but they are liars so it’s like no I can’t but like like people who and then if you’ve spent years it’s like sometimes it’s difficult like like that

    I don’t know what I’m the only one everyone is there but they give me their eyes like let’s see here they give their opinion Let’s see let’s take a vote you yes yes you can continue having contact with yes it’s not that it depends on you You can you

    Can I can but if it was like that like a 10 years ago that’s fine for me mother but for 3 years we have Friends we spent so much time together that we have some No I don’t have a like that is to say I

    Am not closed to ending well with a friendship of one that is to say ending a relationship and then being like not friends but like everything cool and that you write me anything but it hasn’t happened It just hasn’t happened you know there are times that there are times that you are

    Friends with your ex but they end up again Being Together When you do when You keep doing that is when you finally you break that because now he says I don’t know where we’re going to end up we

    Have to cut it here because we already know Okay I haven’t returned with an ex so I’m done we don’t return we continue at some point we return to my friends and I don’t return because I know something

    ‘s going But I’m different okay Never been with an ex No longer can they be friends with someone but not return with a how strong how strong what strength of will eh the only time that kind of thing has happened when we are still but like Oh they finish with me like Whatever

    But still like it has never been like ending and returning like no but That’s why I think I can be friends with the next because I separate like all that Stuff like sexual all that Stuff is more like like maybe Poor girl me I need more friendships than I need fucking relationships

    Like I don’t need that I need friendships and support and fucking like a but like that it doesn’t depend on How the relationship ended Ah como chingan Bro like I can name them read Last text you sent to your best friend or Sign l best friend putting the whole chat full of and I’m the one doing it, I’m my best friend ISO

    They’re telling you that in Spanish because there are a lot of people here who speak Spanish, your guest too and I’m getting lost baby but it’s just that Sorry How do you say Trigger when you They said something that already

    Shot me and my anger shot up so I spoke in English so don’t pay attention to them there are people and then right now I’m going to take a shot of tequila and I’m going to it’s a butterfly a papal lotita I’m going to take I’m going

    To drink and I’m going to do it too now now How do you say when to unburden unburden unsar Ah right now you’re going to be true but here it says to say it in Spanish because they want to

    Know the gossip No no that’s in bilingual No if they know it they know it and if they don’t they know it they don’t know it Okay the only thing I’m going to say is that there are times angry they are not trying to cause drama

    Where there is no drama in me like for my part there is no problem I am still fine but I also understand that people can have your own emotions and no more like fuck like people can be angry or Whatever but also one I can’t promise anything that

    I won’t keep so what am I going to do sorry I was here with the cattle well things that happen things in life Yes If I were straight they would think that I am an independent woman that I have

    This and that I have that but since I am fucking G they think that I can’t have that that I can’t say No that I can’t say with But why can’t you say no to some straight people He likes

    To give his opinion on those of someone he doesn’t understand Oh, but it’s the Internet, people sometimes speak [__] there, so let’s see lerico, if you are telling me to answer Spanish, I ‘m practicing my English and the questions Here they are going to answer are that I they keep

    Sending ohl it was the last thing you did Google I’m not going to show that you can’t say okay one of the last 10 things something that isn’t so cool to It’s just that I’m pure gossip Here pure gossip Ah I put one of the to

    Copy a little symbol in for me Story What an innocent innocent little pigeon I How to put my aunt in my helmet I want to put gey that’s good lady geey the Cosco Well my aunt my aunt wants to go to

    Cosco and I have my cosco and well here only Cosco no I mean How about your Cosco card Club Cosco now And what a fart I want a Cosco Niria card Let’s go for a Cosco

    Noar card on Halloween I don’t know if it’s enough because that day I’m flying I mean I’m on a flight but I don’t know what I’m for this year I have to dress up, says Claudia. Well, you look like you

    Like to say like you like the skimpy outfit that you don’t wear anymore Like ears Like eh I’m a rabbit I’m fucking a cat I’m fucking [ __ ] let me tell you let me tell you that

    My outfits are very thoughtful and I do makeup shoot and everything eh you’re not attacking yourself you’re attacking yourself with my outfits you’re going to fly away gey What are you going to do fuck butterfly I’m not going to do

    Anything I’m not going to do anything that day flight attend V for flight attend it will be that Rob laso Mexico a suit vy Dress up as Aeroméxico and sit down and stand up and see who

    Believes you I’m going to be here And what am I going to do a cow again what are you going to say this year friend my best My friend wanted me to dress with a bottle of tequila and she with Genesis but

    We haven’t made our outfits yet or I can dress with a bottle of tequila you can dress with a bottle of tequila which bottle of tequila would you dress with what I’m going to say was I would like

    To be like this but I’m not like this What are you talking about so I’m going to dress like a bottle from pattern from pattern I say from Don what is this Yes pattern from pattern How pretty I have a body from pattern gey zero

    Of that Who gave it to you a fan a fan Aha they gave it to me Aha gey it’s cool thank you thank you fan Thank you fan What is the biggest lie that you told your parents that you told your parents me

    Now that you are an adult and that they are not going to yell at you when you were Maybe smaller Oh how strong Ah the the biggest lie that I have told you the truth is that and the truth is that I don’t have

    Dad, the truth is that only my mother but since my mother is very young she is like my best friend but I barely hide anything from her. The truth is that no almost no yes no no dude I think my

    Mom hasn’t told little white lies But like that a big no and I have always ended it by saying Yes dude you okay Yes I swear gey I’m too good What a fart Wow Oh

    It’s Oh it’s TR No no she already got drunk you don’t have to answer I like it No that’s not it Okay the most big of my mom no I don’t think it is but I didn’t tell my mom that I got married

    Until like until the month in a month all í No you didn’t tell her that you got married we didn’t go to Las Vegas we got married doing a Drive through and I came back and about a month later I told my mom that

    I had already gotten married and she was like fucking you know Well of course you got married and everything but Oh and what and when she became a person she changed her name and didn’t tell us until about a month Well but that

    ‘s it, her name is Delfina and now her name is Daniela and I was like and said now who is this lady who is she who is she no longer I don’t know well but now thank God Me and mom have overcome many

    Things that have happened but yes that was I feel like it was but my dad did know my dad was the one who told me that it’s okay You already said fly to the nest he said and I Well then V the ax or how did

    You get married so Random or you planned it like that well it wasn’t like Random and it wasn’t like it wasn’t very Random but it wasn’t very planned like we already knew but not then It was like a weekend

    Going to Las Vegas and it was like Ah okay It was in Las Vegas Yes it was like Let get married and it was like no m Okay it was good no problem right I don’t think I made it like the biggest mistake of

    My life like no when you get married in Las Vegas nothing else matters in Las Vegas it’s not that It’s what you do in Las Vegas, it only stays in Las Vegas Yes, but as if you signed, you’re already worth it, you’ve already

    Left Las Vegas, I’ve already entered there and Caro, what came out to me, no, there it is, don’t put it on a piece of paper. These are not like this, I like it like this, no, they’re not going to pour a glass, I’m not going to give it to you with a letter,

    Gey, please, here I will be with the letter, thank you. I loved it. What a great service. What a great service. Thank you, very late text. Oh, yes, mijo, it’s let them listen listen Thank you nice sound saes you don’t know what a blessing thank God And thank

    You Okay between the two say this between you and me between you and me who would cancel the plans last moment absol brings you back to life Thank you god for inventing coca me I always trace them

    Because I am a person who hardly likes to go out lately it’s something Oh lately it’s something they have a little piece of paper lately I do more activities I almost thought it was my phone

    But it’s newer how do you know it’s new the one I’ve had lately I already I force myself to go out more and it’s already difficult for me to go out. I mean, it’s not so difficult for me to go out anymore, but I am a little antisocial and I really like

    My house, my space, not sometimes not seeing anyone else, which is more, not even me for a while, just like that . see no one So if suddenly I need to recharge For example when I live

    With a lot of people Eh I like it a lot but I kind of carry myself like that you know I really like it but I’m kind of very tired so if I’m doing that every day and I finish the day week Just like

    I need to just watch TV just TV and me TV and me and that’s it Same with me on tour everyone also knows not to bother me There are moments literally if I don’t have time alone I don’t even know what’s going to happen I

    ‘ll be in the I’m going to be on stage I fall what happened to him No they didn’t let him it doesn’t happen to you that sometimes you have to give a show And you haven’t slept that much and it’s very very tiring it happens to me that sometimes I haven’t

    Slept that much and it’s the worst to give shows when you haven’t slept for a long time Oh friend like I literally can’t give shows anymore because I drink like Oh that’s how I feel my life like it’s like like I have a lot of

    Anxiety and I see people and I hear and I see I see each person it’s Like if someone does like a strange face I’m like like What the fuck so like when I drink I no longer I don’t see anything I see atmosphere

    Like good but when I’m like this I’m very arrogant I’m more looking at people and there are people like they do strange things in Oh yes yes I understand you But what I do when when I see that sometimes I feel

    That it’s not always true Oh but sometimes I feel that for example maybe people who buy the ticket I’m not your fan, obviously there are a lot of fans, but I’m not your fan and it’s like Ah, what do we have to do

    This weekend, I don’t know, Snow is coming, Kenya is coming and it’s like, Oh, let’s see, you know, So we don’t know the songs, nothing. So what? It’s cool that they go, even some of them become

    Fans after they go. But then, since they don’t know the songs, maybe they’re just like that, or also the boyfriends, the boyfriends who are going to accompany their girlfriends to my concerts, are like, and and I’m like, well

    . I move more, not me, flirt, flirt, me with me, no. So yes, what I try is to see a point, a fixed point. Eh, so as not to get distracted because I’m not here this year. I no longer drink

    Anything at the shows. I drink at the festivals. Yes, I love festivals because they are a 45-minute show, that is, it goes like that, but in a show I have to be there for about 2 hours,

    No, and I change, change my clothes, and reset. No, not anymore, but at festivals it is 45 minutes. No no no that’s going away no am on the tour with Santa Fe fuck there were a lot of fans who obviously weren’t going for me

    Right obviously fucking going for other people But literally they were like that and I stayed fuck Where is the tequila bottle please fucking swallow me dirt and no but not everything is fun and but some some some cholos don’t like me like okay not all

    Cholos are going to like me there are some cholos who are my friends there are some who well I don’t know they don’t like me I like the binis what are we going to do I get depressed but Any Okay let’s see another one See that I say Whenever I get up [Music] he says What is what is the What’s the worst physical Pain you ever experience spanish the biggest physical pain that have you felt in your life Uh Abi what pain Jai you tell me are you

    A physicist in the stomach in the stomach vomit vomit you cry I cry yes I vomit I cry I cry I feel yes the last time yes I cried and I said I loved my mother but why I was already very

    Sick, well, baby, have you ever felt that your heart hurts? Oh, aunt. Yes, the shot is not that I didn’t know, but when my little sister died, I did feel. Oh, yes, I also felt. How could I feel? like that pain here I like it here here it

    Hurts me Yes yes it has hurt me right here but with very strong things When I broke my Arm no I’m Dead no more no more and I remember all that too now that was fucking strong al wel Tell

    You guys The Story we will tell the story in another day they are going to make a song together you have one we have one they are going to make another one well I don’t know we have to go into the

    Studio and see if a good one comes out Because The one we have is good and for us to get one it is because it has to be very good yes it has to beat it it has to beat it Yes aha what part no Okay What was your first

    Crush shit like in person or like famous no no no like you first It’s just that I’m just realizing that the admiration that I felt for some people was a Crush I thought that I want to be like she was Pedrito Ferná when I was little

    This one I was about years old but but also who toaa girl I I was too much yes one day I’ll see him I’d tell him you’re not my crush anymore I mean forget it I was 8 years old but I liked you Ah yes my sister Met him yes On A hike in Hawaii Ah randomly I want him to

    Stop by to see what would happen on a date that you you would leave like without saying anything like you leave Ah oh, that it’s rude that it’s that he wants to spend with me like touching or being like that or that

    A comment that I don’t like would be very rude it would be like you know what you know you know you know you know you know but yes Do you like the boy and he loves you? Whether you leave him or not, it’s another matter.

    If you leave, that’s another conversation. Of course, if I like him, it depends, but the first date. No, you don’t act like begging, no, but let’s see, he’s calm. Calm, calm, yes, nice. nice Me too people don’t think that about me that like I don’t like when like when a

    Woman is like It’s a lot Like Like Wow girl like That’s weird yes or no like whether it’s a man or whether it’s a woman You also have to like respect don’t think that No more because someone like me has already

    , take away my coke, now, gey, they already brought me half a million laron, even the other one, there’s the one from Mom, no, gey, it’s just that if you let me have that s, I’ll finish it. So now, then okay. Three things that, I

    Mean, obviously not drugs or anything, but three things that if they let you, they obviously put in front of you the coca, the diet coke, no longer me. I didn’t take coke 5 years ago and here a little person started

    Taking it and I tried it and it was like no and I’m back on the bike I’m back Okay two more things two more things okay I’m not sure you like them the same as diet coke dude and What’s the other one that

    I like, I’m also asking you Ah, I’m lost gey Ah, two things that I like just like coca I don’t know, no, not anymore, right now I hate them, I’ll come back, I don’t know, coca is

    Like the only vice So I have and coffee but now also macha coffee I really like maa a See nickname nickname what is your What is it according to see my brain Okay What is your nickname that Maybe embarrassing or Maybe not embarrassing just that I don’t like some nickname that you have Now there’s an Apo that I have that I don’t like is kenini

    Kenini it shocks me and but growing up since I was a little girl like a nickname that didn’t have very cool nicknames an aunt called me chocomil chocorrol la chocomil and la chocorrol Oh yes because she had Chinese hair

    And she had like the chocorroles like that but literally it seemed like I had chocoroll how Chinese my hair was and my aunt always called me chocomil or choco roll Come here chocoroll ch Well, to me,

    You already know, but yes, I don’t like the one because it reminds me of a stage of my life and my career very very dark So I don’t like it nice but Kenny Nini whoa whatever you want

    To say I like it nice because choco rol is going to stick to you those who wanted to tell you that chocomil and they called me fiol and when I grew up I they said bean And also bean Why bean because

    They called me fiol when I was a child I have always liked beans So I said I wanted fioles So I always said n fol I said fif fifo yes yes yes then they called me fiol or

    El fiol Which We should have known I was gna be gay Because they always told me the fif you [ __ ] fif You are very crazy and be like you know like I called myself that way then and I grew up and they no longer called me

    Fol they called me bean or I have always been bean And or Maybe there are people who still call you beans, my family. Ah, your family, I gave you beans, family, yes. Where is the beans? I’m crazy. I’m the beans. It

    Was funny to me, he always told me little pill, rest in peace Doña Esperanza, I had like that, nothing more than chocomil chocorrol and when I was little, what else did they say to me, they also called me Omara, but that’s how they

    Were going to name me, so they told me how they were going to name me. for some reason they said chocomil and beans chocomil And beans you thinking that we are no product and Kenya we are not chocomil and beans we are

    Chocomil and beans we enter a safe space Yes now you wp It Up okayu W up make a pose so they can do screenshot chocomil and beans we Now you ready Put your heart chocomil and bean chocomil And

    Bean well I want to thank you obviously more than a podcast or this whatever friendship is here I love you a lot You know fucking in Kenya I hope for the best like and now I’m going

    To learn fucking English right now your English is going to be Uh friend baby be careful careful careful bilingual superst no but thank you very much for arriving on a Friday I know that you are

    Busy for you I am never busy Thank you for inviting me to your house for inviting me with your family your friends your team everything I am very happy and I loved coming to the ranch

    I will go back to try the egg with ham that they promised me here eh It doesn’t matter that I do it from the heart you said but I said it always puts pressure

    Est Thank you very much Thank you and There will be more and We Will figure it out and we are going to end your fear with chickens because I have chickens no No thanks I don’t want to catch them they are going to do the

    No nothing if they give me eggs I forgive them I forgive them yes I forgive them girl they don’t run me Ah I’m going to take them to pick them up because no July has collected them, no I, I like to observe, I like to see, appreciate

    The art of collection, but I’ll record it, I’ll put it on Tiktok, everything is fine, thanks, but it’s not going to attack them Okay, cool, thank you very much Thank you guys very much fing watching shit You know here we are Thank you and here Sincerely chocomil and beans

    Chocomil And bean, dad, that girl can’t stand it, she wants everything because the pusy tastes like a fanta, if you leave her for [__] she marries you, give her everything, two of tongue and a horchata If you can afford Kilo of chance with I’m not Santa baby Me I am a chancla mother, what I have a lot you lack and if you want I will teach you with the r B I am okay mother


    1. Claudia no quiero que tr asustes pero me podrias ayudar a estar Libre de drogas por 90 dias tengo Muchas ganas de sacar lo mejor de MI I promise not to let you down, you already look like a million dollars I make you look like 100 million dollars if given the opportunity, and to be honest that's the only thing that I need an opportunity to show myself what I'm capable of, I want to fully know what I'm capable to accomplish with sober eyes, entiendo que no confias en un desconocido but given the chance and opportunity I can be the best of anything I set my eyes to, but right now I can only wish to be one of them. I will definitely stay true to everything I ever said I truly, honestly believe I can at least make you smile. And if given the chance I can make you proud of what I will accomplish with your help I'll be tha product of that product.

    2. By the the way no tienes que hacerlo si te sientes incomoda o simple simplemente no confias, pero la verdad hare lo que sea Para Llamar tu attention.

    3. La verdad no te quiero espantar pero eres MI inpiracion y la base de Toda MI energia sin ti nunca podria ver la Vida Como la miro, Gracias por ser como eres, nunca cambies desde la primera ves que te mire me enamore de ti y pase lo que pase asi con ese pensamiento me morire.
      Your my queen the goddess of beauty.

    4. By the way I also wanted to ask you if you can guide me with opening a channel here, I will expose the cancer of society "corruption". I'll find some sponsors or maybe just a 5 min clip on yours if you think it's ok
      Would you help me with my messy life to become a complete human being?

      LOVE YOU.

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