One day trip พายเรือที่หมู่บ้านกลางน้ำ หนึ่งชั่วโมงจากเบอร์ลิน

    Go to a roadless village. Will it be too much? 2 kilos for 11.80 euros, 1 kilo for 6 euros. how many kilos? There’s strawberry jam too. Is it delicious? Please share. Walked with confidence and came to the wrong side. Typical Opal. Classic.

    Strawberries are also sold here. But the stall just now looked more delicious. And this one is sold at a place where people pee. Seriously, just now it might have been a child’s stall. This is a father’s stall. This way. Eat eat eat. Is it this way, hon?

    Yes, can you read the name of the station? Konig%&*(&^%! You can’t stop eating. Why didn’t you take two kilos? This one is very sweet. Every one of them is sweet. Now we have to take this train from Grünau station, which is this station, to Königs Wusterhausen. Can I sit here first?

    The weather is very good today. Will it rain? It definitely won’t rain. It’s 9:30 and the sun is very strong. I immediately love the German summer. I really love Germany. Look at this one. Where will we go next?

    I don’t know which way to go next. But all I know is that we have to take RE2. Try going to that side? Lost and haven’t gotten anywhere yet. How much does this cost for travel? It’s free. No, it’s not. It’s 49 euros for the whole month.

    We pay 49 euros for the month-ticket and we can take trains in Germany for a whole month. Very worthwhile, including long-distance trains like this. Here it is. Now we have to take RE2 at 10:03 to Cottbus Hbf station. I’m not sure how many minutes it will take. Currently waiting for it to come.

    How many people have come to ask us for directions today? Has it been three? Because my face looks like a German person. This face looks like Isaan people, I wonder why there were people asking us for directions. (She is from Mukdahan) I think, the kids are going on a field trip.

    Here it is. They are unreserved seats, therefore, we can sit anywhere in the first floor. Yes, first come first served. Oh wow. Is that floor paid class? Yes, that’s 1st class, with reservation. Is it not included in the 49 euros? Not included in the 49 euro ticket, it’s 1st class.

    How many hours were you on the planes yesterday? 18 hours from where to where? From Bangkok to Doha, then Doha to Berlin. She got home around midnight, woke up early to continue traveling. So strong? I’m. arrived at Lübbenau station, not too far from home, about 30 minutes,

    But we waited for the train to come for a long time. Is this the station? In the forest? One day I walked into the forest (Music lyrics). Oh wow, It’s too cold to swim. Is that right station? Lübbenau Station.

    The weather looks like it’s going to rain. It was very sunny this morning. I hope it doesn’t rain. Here it is. Lübbenau/Spreewald. Look, they looked at us, and smiled. It’s better to walk up here. I saw people walking up there. Where are the restaurants, I’m hungry.

    There are a lot of clouds. Hopefully it won’t rain. It won’t! Here we are, there are hydrangeas too. I have them in my house. It has a slope that goes up. I want to be a German girl Because I’m too lazy to go that way (detour).

    We need to wait for the bus for 10 minutes, it should take us 10 minutes to walk. So it’s better to walk. I want to take a walk. It’s very peaceful. From here we can wait for the bus.

    I don’t know how many minutes the bus would take. But I have to wait another 10 minutes for the bus while it should take us 10 minutes to walk. So we decided to walk. There are a lot of teenagers. Do I have to cross again? Or go over here.

    Hon, take a look. I want to have this house? There is a donor restaurant. Wanna eat? Or are you going to eat in the town? In the town, I want to try eating Pickle. Today will be the first day that I will try to eat Pickle. I don’t know what building this is.

    How do you like the German countryside so far, better than Berlin? It’s a million times more beautiful. Berlin tends to be dirty, homelessly, and smells like urine. But when you come outside, It’s this style. Less than an hour by train. From the center of Berlin. What flower is it? I have to smell.

    Dog’s shit. They are roses. Are you kidding, why are they so small? Look! There are full of them. It looks scary. We’ve arrived. This should be a tourist zone. There’s a cafe. Which one? This is a cafe. We should go eat at a restaurant. There is a tourist information. Where?

    There’s tourism flyers that we should take. We should’ve taken our bicycles and put them on the train. But it will be difficult. Where will it be parked? There should be a place where we can park and lock. There’s a beer garden. Where? Here. Beer Garden am spreeschlößchen. Let’s go there.

    Aren’t we going to eat? Yes, but I means let’s go today. we don’t have to drink a lot. Look! It’s a monster fountain. What is the theme of this town? Cute. How do you like it? Shy (of a camera) I like it. It’s a million times more beautiful than Berlin.

    But the weather is very bad. Luckily, it hasn’t rained. This morning, when we woke up, it was sunny, since seven o’clock in the morning. Right now, there are a lot of clouds. I’m not sure if the photos will come out beautifully or not. It depends on the your skill, not the weather.

    Found a bar, which is normal in this country. You can find it everywhere. Let’s come back here to enjoy the drink later. I’ve already set my sights on this bar. Cross the bridge. Oh my gosh, look at this alley. It’s so chill. I think we’re staying in this city all day. Yeah

    Let’s go kayaking. This is Saen Saep canal. There are a lot of people too. I’m not sure if there are any kayaks available. Is this a minimart? Hey, they have kayaks for rent here too. Do you want to rent it here? Be careful of the car. Hon, it’s a camping van.

    Let’s go get something to eat first. This is a minimart. But let me take a photo here first. Oh, here it is. Rent a kayak and paddle around. Do you see a dog? It’s one fat dog. Let’s go get something to eat first. This should be a minimart.

    Eat like in Greece? I want to eat protein. I want to eat protein. Or going to a restaurant? Let’s go look first. Yep, in case it has anything to eat. But should we buy Coke or water? We should. Any breads? You don’t want breads, right? No Then you can buy some water first.

    What is this? Pickle? Oh, right? Pickle? Yes, that’s right. Here’s a picture of a cucumber. Please give me some mini Sausages. Bottom left. Right now, I want to go eat first because we’re going to be paddling around for several hours. I haven’t eaten yet. I’m very hungry. x2

    I can’t make a decision. Which restaurant should we eat at? How about this one? Let’s do a mission, eat whatever the person in front of you eats. Traditional I don’t know what they’re serving. I don’t see anyone at all. See the menu of this restaurant This one serves beer.

    Wow, this bar is very cute, very minimalist, but probably not open yet. Very cute. A bar along the Saen Saeb canal. We’ll come here in the evening. Ice cream. It’s a Pickle stall. Can I taste it first? Yeah, but you don’t like it, right? I just don’t like the smell of cucumbers.

    I’d rather eat at this restaurant. Sure They say “Lecker Essen” too. What does it mean? Lecker means delicious. Essen means food. Direct translation. How about choosing between this restaurant and the restaurant in the middle? Is the middle right here? This one serves barbecue, burgers, Italian burgers. It serves only burgers, currywurst, and salads.

    Big no There are only burgers and salads. Oh, so boats can go to the canal from here too? Seems so What is this serving? It’s saying “Fish” Fried Fish Oh, the view. Are you gonna be on one knee and propose? Are there any bands? Are we in Venice? Don’t, don’t compare with Venice.

    A friend from Isaan said to me, Sa-on barami. what does that mean? Jealous. And where will it sail to? Bon Appétit Danke Schön Soup. I told you it was soup. But it looks delicious. It smells really good. Would you take a photo first? No, I took a photo. Hurry up, eat and explore.

    Luckily. We only ordered this one main. How was it? Salty. Not salty, not German. You should try Sprinkler. It’s Pickle! Sprinkler sprays water. Please review your kidneys now. How are they? In Isaan language, we say “speechless”.

    Not salty, not German. I encourage anyone who says they like to eat salty food to try german food. You can live here, I can’t live here. The kidneys are failing. I’m full. Are I full yet? So full, so full that I won’t eat German food for the rest of my life.

    This is a beer garden, right? I’ll say, stop by and sit when we’re done paddling. Hon, it’s a community, a Pickle shirt community. If we bring our bicycles. We can lock them here. This is a bicycle parking area. Do you want to eat soft cream? Don’t eat?

    I want to eat x2. I want to eat but I don’t want to eat right now. I want to go paddling first. And come back here hungry. Don’t rely on hope that it would stay open. If you want to eat, just eat. It might be closed when we are back. Nah Nein

    Hopefully, It won’t close. Given it is a weekday, there are a lot of people, but they are old people. Retirement. As for these two people, one is unemployed, the second person is not working. Are there any massage shops employing? Is this bar open yet? Very chill.

    Is it the same bar as this one? Then we sit opposite the bar. I think there are a lot of cafes here. Compared to Chiang Mai, there aren’t many. This shop also serves ice cream, a lot of ice cream, soft cream, and smoothies. I got water on my face. Please turn right.

    That’s right. Boatwoman. Hon x4 You can’t just leave me alone with the kayak. We’ve gone into the forest. After I took a couple of photos. A little to the left, a little to the left? Oh, the atmosphere is very shady.

    I want to jump into the water. Oh, we’re heading into the forest x2. We’re heading into the forest. Very shady. Do you like it? I like it, but you can’t swim. Well, my boyfriend wants to swim. Are we going to crash? Pan, stop filming. Pan, which way are we going? Turn around.

    Like this? Are we going around? Passing under the bridge, it is very refreshing. The water doesn’t seem clear for swimming. I’m afraid there might be something under the water. But it’s very refreshing. Look at that house. We will soon go to a village called Lehde.

    I’m not sure if we will be able to reach there with a car. But we’ll kayak there. Turn right here and … Okay. Here’s the map. When he explained, I couldn’t fully understand, I confess, he spoke very fast.

    But it is about 10 kilometers round trip and takes about 2 hours to Lehde Village. This house is very chill, but when it was late at night. I’m hungry for Coke. What should I do? Are there any 7-Elevens nearby? Can I order via Uber Eat? The house is in the middle of nowhere.

    Tired yet? If you’re tired then you should be a camera woman. It’s like they’re selling something. What are they selling? Oh, selling honey. A honey shop, do you want to stop by? So where are you going? Are you going back? I can’t film, the moment I start filming the kayak hits the shore.

    But there isn’t anything like a bee house. Oh, I was going to tell you that there aren’t any bee houses like those in Thailand. A beekeeping kind of place, but there it is. We are back to the honey shop again. Just passed by recently because we’re lost.

    Tell people that who looks at a map. We’re lost. Anyone who can understand him is very good. Like listening to him talking very fast while explaining. He speaks English well. But he spoke too fast. I couldn’t keep up. Hon. What should I be saying? I’ll turn the camera around.

    Wave my hand. Now I’m using Pan to paddle alone because I’m tired. And then there’s someone who are approaching from the front, two people. Look at them go, synchronously. The point where we are now is water gates, everyone. Because the water levels on both sides are not the same.

    And to prevent water from the higher side flows to the lower side. So we had to go inside. Then open the doors one side at a time. We passed the gates just now. We were very excited. We thought it would be a theme park slide.

    But it was nothing. There were two doors. They opened the first door, then we went inside and They opened the second door. We were trapped in the middle. But there was nothing. I was so excited for nothing. We are always behind. We were with people just now. What?

    I mean that everyone else has gone ahead. Challenge Accepted! I still can’t find a place to dock. I want to take pictures. I want to take the drone up. I think there must be a cafe around here. But we haven’t found it yet. What is that? Is that a tennis referee’s chair? Fault!

    Net! Very shady. Everyone else went the other way. We came this way, so there were only two kayaks left. There’s one kayak ahead. Can you see that? This is the kayak that is associated with our life disasters. Very shady. There are people following behind us. Push it, push it.

    Have you ever been to see a long-tail boat race, In Isaan? No, I haven’t. My family owns a speedboat. You don’t need to hurry, chillax, It’s only been an hour. Hello. I really like it. Because? I like things that are green and things that are watery. It’s not too far from Berlin.

    It’s just an hour’s train ride from Berlin, and the train ride is free, included in the monthly ticket. Well, it’s not free. But it is included in the monthly ticket. But how many months can we actually come here a year? In the winter, there probably won’t be anyone here.

    Even though it’s summer, it’s still cold for me. Can you film a boat in front of us, take a photo of aunty, and … This is for people who don’t want to be tired. There will be a nice, chill boat ride like this. Oh, so they’ve come this far?

    But we don’t want it, we want trouble. Pan, are we crashing them? We should shout “Okamechan” Do you know how much for a nice ride? We don’t know? I’ll go find it and put it in the video. I’ll put it under the clip. Taking us into the forest again.

    No, we have come out, haven’t you seen this? Pick up the berries. What kind of berry? Blackberries? Blueberries? We could die. Is it edible? Pick it. I can’t reach it. I don’t know what kind of berry it is. I got one.

    Let’s test it. Test unit. If you die, I don’t have to eat it. I’m not a tester. Actually, the village we are going to today has a road. But we will kayak there. Besides kayaking, we can also rent bicycles or walk there. The village that we will go to today is called Lehde.

    It is a village surrounded by water and canals, and is part of the Spreewald or a reserved wetland forest. Not far from Berlin. We’ve paddled for a hour and stop by for a beer. Don’t drunk driving. Don’t drunk paddling. Just drink one beer. I’m tired. I’m hungry for shabu shabu.

    Hungry for Thai barbecue? Yeah, but I can’t eat German food. Now we’re in Venice. Want to eat Thai barbecue? What Venice? German Venice.


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