Hi and welcome to WannaGoBiking. My name is Arjan and it is time for a new Bikepacking Adventure! In June ’23 Peter-Jan and I started cycling from Folkestone towards Wales. It was a fun and beautiful ride along the south coast, Isle of Wight , New Forest, Bath and Bristol. My subsequent plan was to cycle in Wales for another week or so, but that’s from episode 9 onwards.
    In the first episode we take the cycle shuttle from Calais to Folkestone and have a nice cycle stroll down towards Hastings.
    Hope you like it, enjoy your rides and stay safe out there !

    * If you like the music, unless listed below, it is on epidemic sounds.
    If you use the referral below you get a nice discount:
    * Title music Moving by Supergrass
    intro 00:00
    packing 00:25
    01:06 le shuttle cycle service
    01:30 folkestone
    02:50 the plan
    04:57 Rye Harbour nature reserve
    06:11 11k to go
    08:10 outro

    Hi and welcome to WannaGoBiking  as you can see we are on our way trying to prepare our bikes for our trip from Calais  to England to Folkestone as we are going to hopefully join a queue over there in  an hour’s time and use the euro tunnel to get over to Folkestone

    I’ll tell you more  about the way you can you can or maybe you cannot take your bike in a tunnel so  well that’s for later so Peter-Jan is over there preparing his bike and I’m going to have to  do the same to mine so

    Yeah it’s going to be a bit of work but well it should be all  right all right hope to see you on the other side so looks like we made it to Folkstone  after all and yeah the the train ride was quite smooth we just had to wait a little  bit

    Now we’re heading downtown Folkestone to get lunch well the good thing is of course  it’s 1 hour earlier here so plenty of time for lunch and then 70- 75km  ride I think along the coast towards Hastings our destination for today English coast line, uncharacteristically sunny

    Well as you can see we are in  England on our next bikepacking Adventure we of course that is Peter-Jan over here hey we’re back again, yep we got the band back together so yeah the plan is for this for the  next couple of days to cycle from folkestone where we just sort of landed

    Came by Train  by Euro tunnel train today’s destination going to be Hastings tomorrow Brighton and then  so on and so on and hopefully we’ll be able to reach Wales the only maybe caveat is that  I have sustained a few injuries last week

    So yeah let’s see how it goes but for  now everything’s fine weather’s superb and yeah spirit is somewhat high so let’s see  if we can make it work all right see you later what a funny sight that is  a church in the middle of nowhere, litterally

    I think we’re just halfway now on the  way towards Hastings and yeah it’s been lovely riding on these country roads right, it’s 11km till finish and we  have got one major climb to do well it’s only it’s also the onlyest climb of today so can’t  really complain

    Yeah it’s been an absolute blissful day ah I’m still enduring quite a bit  of pain on my right wrist so that’s not a good thing but I think I Will Survive the next 11k so that’s a goodbye from us and hope to see you in the next video so

    Enjoy your rides and stay safe out there  see you bye all right one last push then it’s down to Hastings yay well that was a climb! that  was a tough climb eh? haven’t climbed for a year ! that was a short one 3K but mostly 13% so yeah

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