Cycling Asturias: Re-discovering home
    2020 has been no-fun for everyone. Since borders closed up and travel became a complication, we decided to spend all this time home, working on other projects. We had never considered cycling in Spain, my home country, so it was the year to give it a go. I realized that one can also find joy and beauty in their own “backyards”.

    I hope you enjoy this new video.

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    1. Siempre nos atrae lo lejano, es inevitable, vivo en la costa Ártabra en el Norte de España,y ahora empiezo a valorar la calidad paisajista de mis alrededores y ahora mas que nunca la disfruto pedaleando….¡¡¡¡Tus videos son espectaculares.Un saludo

    2. Hi Belle, I had the same first thoughts last year: cycling in germany must be boring…specially because I planned my "dream-tours" for other countries. But now I suppose, we did the best we can. Discovering Brandenburg with my son and a solo tour in Mecklenburg…it was amazing. Maybe we all should be a little more humble and try to see the things right in front of us. 😉 Thanks a lot for your wunderful thoughts and impressions. Greetings from Berlin. Frank

    3. Bravisimo! Me ha encantado! Comparto tu visión, yo estoy deseando volver a España dadas las circustancias y explorar de punta a punta mi país el cual también me parecía aburrido.
      Un abrazo pareja!

    4. Love the video! And a valuable take home message. Maybe that's actually a positive outcome of this crazy situation we find ourselves in. Sometimes restrictions force you to shift your thinking, I suppose. Love from us from Norway!

    5. España es una maravilla. Nosotros en septiembre y octubre realizamos la TransAndalus. Recorrer toda Andalucía completa y es espectacular. Gracias Belén por compartir otro magnífico vídeo

    6. Listening to your interview with Stefano on Broomwagon podcast!! This is just what I have been looking for while I can't be bike touring. Fantastic videos & looking forward to everything that follows!

    7. Lovely video and all so true. alan de botton did great tv programme about travel that featured a couple from Kent who went on about 10 trips a year and never travelled more than 20 miles. Not good news for easyJet but best for the planet. As for us, we were going to cycle in the BASQUE this summer and had to settle for Box Hill. Which was fantastic.

    8. Que gran descubrimiento!
      Os encontré en CondeNast y no puede estar más acertado!
      Nuevo sub para que me sigáis dando envidia e inspiración.

      Buen viaje!

    9. La cultura de lo de fuera es mejor me parece cuanto menos de ignorantes. Tu lo has dicho. Ni conoces tu pais y decias eso sin saber. Tambien pasa lo contrario. Uno va un lugar que le parece maravilloso y a los locales no les gusta por eso. En resumen. Nadie es feliz donde esta. Triste. Yo he estado en los Alpes y la gente queria ir al Kilimanjaro. He ido a Polonia y querian ir a Canarias. En Canarias querian ir a Alemania. En Alemania a Baleares. Y todos trabajando 11 meses tristes para ir a su lugar un par de semanas donde gente triste trabaja igual para el mismo fin. Ni viviendo toda la vida se conoce nada en profundidad. Pero claro hoy es todo superficial y cuantitativo. X paises en x tiempo. Cuando algunos paises son mas pequeños que provincias de otros o viceversa. O mas monotonos.

    10. It’s so beautiful, Spain is a very beautiful country. In September I wanted to see Picos de Europa but The weather was so bad it was raining so much so I ended up in Andalusia instead where my sister lives, but I definitely want to go back to Spain again and see The northwestern regions and Picos de Europa.

    11. Funny how your ideals in travel can vary SOO much depending upon your background and experience. Living in Australia I have travelled by bike a lot over the past 45 years. The bicycle has been my primary transport for travel as well as for commuting. I have explored parts of every state of Australia and especially a LOT of my own state, Victoria as well as our island state, Tasmania. But my ideal for bicycle travel is to explore Europe. WE have been to France and Italy twice. Next goal is to visit (and for as much as 3-5 months)……. Spain and Portugal! 
      I see MUCH to recommend for touring in Spain. Many quiet roads, the Camino routes, the Via Verdes, the 'pueblos blanco' (white villages) of Andalucia, the cities like Seville, Granada, Leon, Santiago Compostela, and Barcelona for the culture and history. The Costa Brava looks to be a real delight too. SO very different to the heat, flies, dust, distance and tiny backwater towns of Australia. I did love Quorn and Oodnadatta, the remote silence of the Oodnadatta Track and the Gibb River Road, and the cool summer breezes on Flinders Island, but it is lacking something. I know now, the historical background of many centuries cannot be matched.

    12. The images, your words, the music … it all fits together. We plan to visit Asturias in April 2023: Parque Natural de las Ubinas – la mesa, to explore an unknown mountain range. It’s the first video I see of you after watching several from Tristan’s serie. Just very inspiring 👌

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