On today’s ride, me and my cycling buddy Mike, cycled from the City of Manchester into the heart of the Cheshire countryside, passing through places such as Wythenshawe park and Tatton Park before the all important cafe stop at the Lambing Shed Farm Shop & Kitchen in Knutsford.
    With maps, a running narration and the occasional blooper, I hope this road trip gives you an insight into what road cycling in the north wet (west) of England has to offer.
    I’m a cyclist and I live in the Pennines…

    Stay up right Mike we’re going to do a flyby shot I’ll put the camera on the floor there and then we’re going to ride by so just don’t keep looking at the camera all right you’re got to ride Away Hello and welcome back to another cycling video people and on today’s ride we’re cycling South away from the penines if we look at the map in more detail you can see where we are right now which is in the city center of Manchester we’re in the Metropolis Mike

    Today’s route was going to take us down deansgate St Peter Street Oxford Road wiso Road Palatine Road with W Shore Park and tattam park along the way before the cafe stop in nutsford just off chord Road where me and my cycling buddy Mike had a spot of lunch at a

    Labbing shed Farm shop and kitchen and at this stage we’d cycle 37 miles but let’s get back to the ride where we’re in the Heart of the City Center oh where are we Mike well we’re in Manchester aren we we are in Manchester we’re um just above the Manchester ship

    Canal is it and then we’ve got Premier in in front of us you’ve got the cathedral there yeah I know the cathedral so anyway let’s talk about the weather so we didn’t go out last week did we no weather were poor bit poor yeah and then what was our last ride we

    Actually did where did we get to do you remember we went out didn’t we towards the Dal a bit didn’t we oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah went to uh we’re going to head down Dean gate yeah we’re heading down Deans gate and and uh we were talking about where we

    Went last time we went to illey didn’t we yeah went to illey yeah went to illey and I had uh they didn’t do black pudding did they no they didn’t so I had bacon sausage I think I had and then I’m working on the anide ride where they

    Didn’t do scon cream and they didn’t do black pudding I know it’s been hard is it not working out this I think that this this is the reason why my legs have gone black pudding yeah need iron so we thought we’d do a chure ride today but

    Look at this we’ve not got going yet cuz of traffic lights know it’s ridiculously whose idea with this yours so here’s where I’m at I’m not a lover of City Center cycling I think it’s dangerous but every now and then I find it a refreshing change there’s just too much

    Stopping and starting going on with the traffic lights and because it was early in the morning it wasn’t too busy which did help so let’s skip forward a bit to the first highlight of the day which was with andore Park 22 and half miles Mike

    This is um with andore Park is it it’s lovely isn’t it I mean we’ve left the city and it was red light after red light couldn’t get going it was shocking really hard work it’s disappointing how much litter we saw as well wasn’t it in Parts those are litter and we ended up

    Here it’s just really really nice you’ve got trees and them yellow daisies they buttercups buttercups you know you know your flowers well I do yeah aunica and you’re a you’re a crocus in a Bonia yeah and within the grounds is withn Shore Hall which is the home of the tatan

    Family for over 600 years it’s a 16th century Timber framed former manor house and in recent times it was almost destroyed due to a fire well we’ve got rain it’s rained every weekend for the last five or six weekends we didn’t ride yesterday because of the weather it’s been a really really really

    Poor summer middle of August rain anyway we’re about 9 miles from the cafe and we’ covered 25 M and once you’re in this part of the world you notice how flat it becomes and it’s like a mecca for most cyclists because in general you can hold a good steady

    Pace without having to put too much effort through the pedals and on this section here me and mik are doing rotations and we can keep the pace around 20 mph and we did this with relative ease although we do TR through the week and at times when I glanc down

    At the Garmin I could see 23 and 24 mph but we just need to have our wits about us at T Junctions like that because car drivers can’t judge our speed well hopefully the weather we’ll settle down a bit now the the rain’s died off Rec cycled past

    Ashley and we’re all some really nice country lanes but the farmer look at the state of this road this is disgusting oh I hate it when they do this you just get caked in if you lick it clean don’t show up on yours as much

    As mine so where was I yeah I had a mini rank coming on then when the farmers mess up these Lanes you end up looking like you’ve been working on a farm when you get to the cafe this one looks better now now mik’s bian did look clean

    But close up it was speckled in you know what can’t see that crap know you check before I couldn’t see it well I’ll bleep it out yeah C everywhere and I saw an Ashley Road here and on the left over the wall is tatan Park this feels like

    Cheser 31 m covered we’re at another Park and this one is tatan Park beautiful around here mate oh yeah yeah you you’ve got um deers them oh yeah yeah get him on isn’t that fantastic oh wow look at all them well I’m glad I came out here just

    To see that that’s amazing so what do you think of the ride so far Mike uh wet it’s wet isn’t it yeah I must Adit I prefer it in the dals yeah I do I prefer it going more North yeah but I like it around here yeah it’s raining again yeah

    So should we crack on better don’t we otherwise we’re going to get H by the deers I thought you liked an old deer good kind of dear so that was Tatam Park and what a little gem that is and so we made our way past melet Mia and nsford was just

    Around the corner I’ve done 35 miles here this is nutford and um it’s an easy place for us to normally get to when there’s a cafe down there we always go to so we’ll try somewhere different you got to keep mixing it up enjoy your cycling so we’ve made it to the

    Cafe 37 mil 30 in it the lamming shed it’s all right it is it worth the the ride out looking at it well it’s looking like it’s expensive this is it they stopped doing black puddings it’s a farm shop when they stop doing black puddings and the Sausages at half

    11 I was hoping to have some local produce what you got burger what kind of burger hamburger lamb lambing shed Burger lamb burger I had to go for a beef burger looking forward to me black pudding this is a big Whopper isn’t it oh look this how you start it’s got

    Bacon on it as well lovely job Le get stuck into that one H I’m not even touched the meat yet that it should do for the price I paid for it felt the weight of yours taxi for Darren are you getting stuck into your burger yeah he’s a man of few words when

    He’s eating his hour M well it might be 15 quid but it’s bloody good yeah I thought I’d wear M and Stripes today Mike what do you re Greg Leon thanks for that mate but we’ll come back to the Styles and Stripes later on there

    It yeah 24 quid 24 quid mine was just shy of 20 I had a coat dinner yeah it were tasty but like that’s a lot of money is it you got to be thinking like I could get some new handle bar tape though you get handle bar tape yeah

    You could do I could even get some couple of vill tubes phys yeah could get more than a couple yeah could get five yeah right should we make tracks yeah so what you missed there was when we arrived at the cafe our bikes were absolutely disgraceful so we’ve nabbed a load of

    Napkins from the toilet I use me buff hat as well to clean the bike you use your undies did you you wife me undies yeah yeah mate you just you’ve missed a bit down here so I don’t like riding now it’s dry with a dirty bike it just doesn’t

    Seem right see I use waps in fact I’m not happy with me sidewalls on my tires what your lick and clean does you about lick the other day you about licking T I’m not licking me tires Mike oh you’re under B you got dots on is

    That dirt or is that that’s part of the pattern I tell you what it’s flat round here just passed through chelford we’re on the a537 and Mel field is about 6 miles away we got dry roads and the bikes are a bit cleaner so for me I feel a bit

    Better about that and it’s good to get the stars and stripes on show as we cycle through these cheser Lanes I’ve not warn this top for quite a long time but I’ve had it since about 1988 GRE they were great times back in the 80s it’s a shame we’ve got to get old but back to 2023 and we’re on congleton road we done nearly 45 miles got Mike on the front and we’re near nether Ally and Warton to the left uh just lovely chesher Lanes this

    Is like Old congleton Road I think the wind’s kind of all over the place but it’s not a big wind just takes the edge off the top speed we got a little climb here max out of the saddle but it’s not a hill so this is

    Ally Edge and it’s in the east of the county of chesher and it’s renowned for the rich and famous who live here and it’s been referred to as the champagne capital of Britain and of the 4 ,400 residents it’s estimated that between 300 to 350 of them a millionaires very

    Opulent area this um been to a couple of cafes here as well but if you want to go to a Good Charity shop you’ll get high-end baring products here when the footballers wives have had enough they’ll just Chuck them over a of these charity shops up next was Willams low

    You recognize this so I’m having flashbacks when I came here from that ride out to Chester and I totally overheated now this was a hot day it was over 38° and it was a year to the day 13th of August 2022 on our way back from

    Chester had to stop in Wilms law just to cool down and I was on the limit in fact I just about made it home and I’m not good in the heat I can’t describe it it’s hard to breathe and you feels sick another bottle of water and I’m coming

    Back down again so we’ve just gone through quite a few of the pretty well-known Cheshire towns Villages we’ve got nutford Ally Edge willms low his pressy this is where I live got now Mike says he lives here but these are the kind of properties that you go past isn’t it no

    This this is where I live that’s not your GFF it is there’s a beautiful one there you can’t see cuz there’s really big Frontage that’s Billy so Billy lives over like when we say like the cafe was expensive this area it’s opulent it’s dentist plastic surgeons and footballers

    Yeah pay 16 for a an hamburger law nice but I mean if you go to Iceland you can get them a lot cheaper than that can’t you yeah I can get four for three quid three quid yeah any let’s keep riding so we’ll we’ll show you some of the Houses it’s like a is it it’s just like this all the way down real big houses another lovely little place this is pry this so yes this is presbury village now we’re still in cheser and we cycle 53 miles and it’s another one of them places that’s rumored to have local

    Residents who may be footballers TV or music stars and some names reported to have lived here a Wayne Rooney pad mcginness and ndy holder when I talk about places having feelings pres has a charm all of its own it’s clean it’s tidy and it’s quaint so we’re 58 m in

    More more or less and this is the pot shrigley area which is the home of bit UK the Old Brick Works is up here yeah yeah it’s great round here isn’t it and I’ve seen b at UK test the bikes that he restores up and down these Lanes Here Comes past that side

    Post and then we found some fantastic smooth tarmac and this was near poon at poon Lake on London Road which was the b509 to I’m still going about the TAC oh he’s Dro a good to it’s good stuff and then somewhere near Ashton on Le’s Road

    My camera battery went flat and I didn’t have a Spare but in the end we made our way back to our local Hills in the penit at the end of the day we cycled 91 miles with a ride time of just under 6 hours the elevation gain was 3,783 ft and I think that just about

    Wraps it all up for this year people can I wish you all a Happy New Year thank you for all your support and all your comment comments and if you see us out on the road give us a shout I’m a cyclist and I live in the penines and until the next

    Time Jump to say a few words about Manchester you got to talk in your normal voice that was my normal it w all right I’m about to pull over we found smoo tarmac look at this look at the tarmac that’s the TAC is it oh yeah is

    It have a feel of that oh well I get my hands full of you know all that talk we Doing you oh yeah yeah watch your what do you yeah he’s talking I’m a cyclist really so anyway let’s talk about the weather we didn’t go out last week did we no why is that cuz weather was we can’t use swear words all right yeah all that think you Pon oh look at

    That it’s not as smooth as the other one last week that’s nice better keep riding cuz I here all day you smell it yeah oh it’s one of the best oh fantastic time that guys I mean that’s that’s really made the ride on it are you uh are you interviewing me

    All right are we On


    1. I am NOT a car guy, but I sure as hell can add fluids/change fluids and filters , change spark plugs and wires , change tires (like remove from rim and add new rubber to rim), change breaks( calipers ,pads, shoes ) , bleed breaks, deal with battery issues, jump start vehicles, and a hand full of other stuff. There is no reason beyond stupidity or laziness or illness, that any one person cannot learn how to do thousands of basic tasks and learn basic skills before 40 years old. All the while learning the mastery of one major skill. That was once common place . A man or woman could cook well enough to eat without getting sick, build a house , hunt and fish , forage, sew, tan leather, grow vegitables, make almost everything needed and be able to repair it and on and on. They could do everything needed in their situation to live well. While times and situations have changed, we are still capible of doing the same amount and complexity of tasks. I see potential wasted everywhere I look. We need to break this social habbit before it gets even worse. Will we? Nope. Probably not. Though if we did ,life would be a lot better for everybody.

    2. Great Cheshire mission. Love it when that fan says "I'm a cyclist and I live in the Pennines" Fame at last ! —– looks like you'll have to add an autograph-signing pen to the kit list Dazza! 🙂

    3. It's a lovely cycle up by Knutsford, next chance you get, there's a place called Mobberley Taphouse, lovely place, decent beer. I like to do a bit of a cycle up by the airport and then up through Mobberley, through Tatton Park, and then come back. Decent ride, I love that place, once you get through that little thicket it just gets super quiet.

    4. You and Mike absolutely crack me up, you know 😂😂. Your filming being professional and mikes dry humour. When you and Mike were eating, you're trying to have a chat, and he's like, shut up, daz. im trying to eat 😂😂🤓🚴🏿‍♂️

    5. In the words of the Thin Lizzy song “The boys are back in town”, and you two certainly are. 😀
      What an amazing refreshingly different ride and style than your normal rides. As always professionally done with great commentary and as I’ve never really been around this area, brilliantly informative and really interesting.
      I think we can all relate to city riding and how dangerous it is and also once you get out into the country lanes, the crud on the road. 😂
      You guys are really funny, and I mean that in the most complementary way, brilliant friendship and good riding partners.
      Thank you Mike for being such a character and thank you Darren for all the effort to put these videos together.
      If you two carry on with your popularity, at this rate you’ll be signing autographs and opening supermarkets soon. 😂
      Happy new year lads and whatever next year brings “Lets go for a ride” and find that “Cycling heaven”

    6. Another great video Daz. You and Mike are like Canon and Ball so funny 😂 but also great cyclists and very knowledgeable, well Mike is 🤔🤣🤣🤣 you put out top videos.
      Happy New year to you both and i look forward to watching your videos in 2024 🚴‍♂️🚴‍♂️😎👍

    7. Despite the weather in the first half of your video Darren, it was wonderful to see the Deer at Tatton Park its always a pleasure to see wild life in beautiful surroundings, I used to live near Woolaton Park in Nottingham’s that was home to a magnificent herd of deer 🦌 a very interesting video lads, nice to visit places I haven’t been before, the burger 🍔 looked delicious by the way 😋 and your stars & stripes t-shirt looks rather “snazzy” 👍

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