Amsterdam was founded at the mouth of the Amstel River that was dammed to control flooding; the city’s name derives from a local linguistic variation of the word dam.
    Originally a small fishing village in the late 12th century, Amsterdam became a major world port during the Dutch Golden Age of the 17th century, when the Netherlands was an economic powerhouse. Amsterdam was the leading centre for finance and trade, as well as a hub of production of secular art. In the 19th and 20th centuries, the city expanded and many new neighborhoods and suburbs were planned and built. The canals of Amsterdam and the 19-20th century Defence Line of Amsterdam are both on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Sloten, annexed in 1921 by the municipality of Amsterdam, is the oldest part of the city, dating to the 9th century. The city has a long tradition of openness, liberalism, and tolerance.[18] Cycling is key to the city’s modern character, and there are numerous biking paths and lanes spread throughout the entire city.

    Amsterdam est la capitale des Pays-Bas, bien que le gouvernement ainsi que la plupart des institutions nationales siègent à La Haye. Sur la base des chiffres de l’année 2023, la commune d’Amsterdam compte un plus de 920 000 habitants, appelés Amstellodamois, ce qui en fait la commune néerlandaise la plus peuplée. Elle est située au cœur de la région d’Amsterdam, regroupant environ 1 650 000 habitants. L’aire urbaine, qui rassemble plus de 2 500 000 résidents fait elle-même partie d’une conurbation appelée Randstad qui compte 7 100 000 habitants. La ville est la plus grande de Hollande-Septentrionale, mais n’est cependant pas le chef-lieu de la province, ce dernier étant Haarlem, situé à 19 kilomètres à l’ouest d’Amsterdam.

    أمستردام هي عاصمة هولندا وفق الدستور الهولندي وأكبر مدن البلاد من حيث عدد السكان، لكنها وعلى الرغم من ذلك ليست مقر الحكومة الهولندية التي اتخذت من لاهاي مقراً لها. بلغ عدد سكان أمستردام أكثر من 800,000 نسمة ضمن نطاقها الإداري فقط، بينما بلغ عدد سكان منطقة المدينة الحضرية 1,557,905 نسمة، وعدد سكان المنطقة الكبرى 2,332,839 نسمة. تقع أمستردام في مقاطعة شمال-هولندا في غرب البلاد. تشكل أمستردام الجزء الشمالي من راندستاد، وهو أحد أكبر التجمعات الحضرية في أوروبا، حيث بلغ عدد سكانه حوالي 7 ملايين نسمة.كانت مدينة أمستردام في بداياتها قرية صغيرة لصيد الأسماك تقع على ضفاف نهر الأمستل وكان ذلك في أواخر القرن الثاني عشر، لكنها أصبحت فيما بعد واحداً من أهم الموانئ على مستوى العالم خلال عصر هولندا الذهبي (القرن السابع عشر) نتيجة تطور التجارة فيها، وكذلك كانت مركزاً تجاريًاً ومالياً. توسعت المدينة خلال القرنين التاسع عشر والعشرين، وبُنيت العديد من الأحياء والضواحي الجديدة. أُضيفت قنوات المدينة الواقعة في قلب المدينة والتي بُنيت في القرن السابع عشر إلى مواقع التراث العالمي في شهر يوليو من عام 2010

    Wheat mill which no longer works at the moment oh the sun which rises which rises there is always we have in HS si mills and a few water mills to pump the water out of our town and there are some industrial mills too which no longer works now because those are factories

    Eh at the moment on the right for example in Paris also I don’t know about you not so much eh I think too but me eh I think yes look everyone takes the bike to go at work eh you see everyone on bikes and uh especially today because we announced the

    Gfes in amsterd at the ha so at the e yes at the e not here but uh a lot of trains are full so and that’s it that’s why people take the bike more than normally I have I don’t have a

    Car I just have my bike and almost everyone has their bike here it’s much easier we go faster we can go everywhere eh while in the car there are a lot of prohibitions in the river zan we looked to the right the river comes from a

    Small village in the south of Amsterdam and goes to the center of Amsterdam so it was always the main river of Amsterdam and we have two big rivers in Amsterdam also the river Aï a we say at home aa but it is perhaps difficult to say yes

    A bit like a my mother is French also she comes from France and she always says that the people here after the adults are very nice but as children they are very rude you say ma polii imp polite imp polii eh imp polii yes when they are young eh because he has in

    France etiquette and so on it’s quite important eh there are a lot of rules but not at all here eh they are very open and but it’s not bad but it’s the way of being that’s what uh here we go to the Jewish quarter of Amsterdam we have a great history

    With the Jews that is to say that our country I told you was very Catholic after in 1580 we became Protestant here it was very important we s mounted against the Catholic Church

    Because there were too many people who went to church and not to the people then we said to ourselves if we have empty churches without decoration we just listen to the Word of God and nothing else we’re going

    To be Protestant and like that we have less uh expenses for the Church it’s better for the people we became Protestants and the Jews who had to everyone said why we have this this this ugly building here but at that time 25 years ago it was fashionable here the

    Amsterdam broom on the right the opera we say here once again the amsto river on the left there is a very famous bridge the skinny bridge we can open it you have to open it because there is a boat coming

    Here it’s very pretty eh when you go for a walk we can also very well go over there on the right after us we go together to the factory the rason diamond factory which is located there too it is a very beautiful neighborhood there are many very old houses lots of Ruel with

    Boutique restaurant Café go there also to see on the right a café on the corner h there are many coffee shops everywhere we also have a lot of coffee shops eh you also know that coffee shop is something else

    It’s we have coffee to drink but we also have coffee shop written in the English way we smoke it ‘s ach it’s very well known in Amsterdam there are now I think 300 coffee shops here 300 coffeeop we find them everywhere we feel it also for us there is not too much problem

    With that for example I tried it when I was young it appeals to me didn’t like it at all a lot of people in they think like that a they think like that who don’t smoke a lot there are people who smoke it

    Once a week there are others who smoke once a month but in general it’s the foreigners eh who come for that you’ll see it’s full of tourists inside but that’s it relax it’s not very serious eh here a defense gate as they used to say

    Defense gate a defense tower regular tour eh we call it there there is rue pagne by boat to sell flowers here in Amsterdam and that’s why we always said the flower market floating they arrived by boat to sell the flowers from the boat and then they left for home

    On the right there is the University of Amsterdam and everywhere many buildings of the university the archaeological museum of the small bridges everywhere eh you will see PS everywhere we had the war against Germany too so it was a bit frowned upon at home but in general

    It went well especially with the last prince Klaus king Klaus amsbergen who was married to queen Beatrice he was very nice didn’t have any bad feeling against us at all very nice and now we have a queen of Argentina maxima yes and our

    And Guillaume who lives in the ha the family with the three daughters here AM’s place in front is AM square the main square yes we see on the left the royal palace of Amsterdam but do not live

    There the new church on the left the new church and on the right there is the monument of the D to commemorate the victims of the two world wars here there is a department store on the right eh if we

    Like shopping we can go there we have sales we have sales up to 50% yes we have sales we too the Dutch misers they go during the sales eh they always say it’s better to wait until December January when we have the sales and then they come

    It’s much better yes the stock market on the right is the stock market that was the wheat stock exchange here on the right the wheat exchange here on the right we are almost going to stop sir here it is the

    Main street of here here we have a lot of pomm fries on the left mayonnaise we eat here but we also have AR cheese tart in POM which is very well here we are going to stop sir ladies yes you have to

    Take everything you have with you because our driver Eric is already going to the diamond factory and he is going to stay there and we are going there by boat so Enez everything you have with you eh we’re going to take the boat here on the

    Left there is the red light district in front we can’t see from here but behind there is the red light district with the prostitutes who work in the windows yes if you want to see this we can but without me because with a group

    It’s forbidden you have to small groups of course like family it’s possible but in a group we ca n’t

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