Step into the heart of an historic triumph with the latest episode of Inside Line: All In, as the Red Roses travel to New Zealand for the inaugural WXV tournament.

    From intense training sessions to the bonds formed off the field, this exclusive behind-the-scenes footage reveals the dedication and unity that propelled the team to a famous victory and shines a light on the special characters that make up a special team.

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    Whenever you pull on the white shirt you have to  raise your game because everyone seems to play   their best game against us whether it’s six  nations whether it’s in like World Cups and   stuff I think we know that we always have to  be on it pre-season that we’d had the warm-up  

    Games it was all culminating in putting a really  dominant performance out there we want this team   to go to places that this team have haven’t been  before and whether that’s this season next season   the World Cup the one after so we keep on growing  each [Music] game for us it wasn’t about revenge  

    Or Redemption it was going about what we’re about  now what this team’s about what’s really exciting   is that we’re literally just starting so we’ve  got so much further to go but this is a really   really good starting point to go unbeaten and  put performances out like we did it just shows  

    What what a squad we are and I think we can reach  a whole different level uh of where we’re at right now this is it girl this where we flick  the switch we’ve moved to the training   facility we go be for the next week  let’s make sure we really switch on  

    Today yeah lead yourself and  Lead others roses on red red Roses I think there were couple of aims for going  out to wxb we had introduced a new way of playing   I guess we wanted to see that and practice  like from everything we went after over attack  

    Defense at piece new game cycle so we wanted  to see that in place and see where we we were at still being ranked number one in the world  and being the ultim competitor as we are like  

    We wanted to win like as England we don’t  just want to turn up and perform like we   want to be winning games we want to be  winning competition so um that was a a  

    Big part of what what we wanted to go and do  as well so it’s a balance of seeing our game   and seeing if it’s working and how we improve  on that and everything we’ve done in [Music] preseason obviously I only finished  played in March so to come in for  

    Preseason and then go out to W  xv’s sort of lead on defense was   uh was yeah definitely not what I had  envisaged six months ago that’s for sure it probably has been one of the hardest  things I’ve ever done you know definitely felt  

    Out of my comfort zone for a lot of the three  months that we’ve just had but within that   you grow and I guess for me you rise to that  challenge and I’ve been supported brilliantly   by a management staff um and probably more  importantly the girls themselves you know  

    Having someone come in to now coach them who  they’ve not long played with and have really   good friendships with it probably was a a  difficult position for them to to be in but   I couldn’t thank them enough for how they  accepted me into the role and how they’ve  

    They’ve supported me with it like it’s been  really nice to go back into the environment   and and be be part of a new challenge and to play  a small part in that is has been pretty pretty pleasing we’ve never had someone so focus and  responsibility for defense like it’s always being  

    Picked up by other coaches who are doing something  else so for me to be able to bring in just a finer   detail and attention on exactly what it is we want  to do defensively and give the players some real  

    Clarity on how they go after it and what success  looks like and what we want I think made it   slightly easier in the to to deliver so it wasn’t  necessarily anything groundbreaking it was just   giving like processes Clarity um communication  exactly on what people could could go after and  

    We saw some really um positive transfer into into  the games um that we had in the warmup and in [Music] wxv training at at that those facilities  were it was yeah it was pretty special to train  

    There to have an Insight of where other people are  training when they’re at the top of the game as Well you feel very professional when you’re there  you feel like that’s where you’re meant to be to   have access to a pool and to a sauna and to red  light therapy and there was cryotherapy there  

    And there was a coffee shop on site it was  just it felt like that’s where we deserve to be there’s training like the top in the world  but also the lifestyle of you know you had your  

    Own like Apartments it was and they were nicer  than my own apartment at home but it allowed you   to have your own space which I think is difficult  when you’re in a hotel to find your own space and  

    Be in your own head and reflect yourself the  facilities that they had just made you want   to train better definitely um and it made you  realize all the extras you can be doing whether   that’s recovery or having the interactive board  up to kick the ball out and get some feedback of  

    Your accuracy where it can come into a game and  you can have fun from it um was pretty special   and I’m definitely grateful that we were able  to be [Music] there it’s always very daunting  

    When it comes to selection I think more because  I get excited to play and I thrive off of that   as as everyone does and you put all the work in  and you just want to then perform it’s almost   like a performance when I wasn’t soed for  that game firstly I was really disappointed  

    Just SE on what we said before because I did  want to play we just got to New Zealand we’d   had a week down week and then so it was ultim  like two weeks not playing but it’s then a case  

    Of what will be will be and how can you then  help the squad to be that better Squad even   if you’re not playing and that week was all  about how can I grow the team how can I make  

    Sure that this team are going to play the best  rugby in the weekend and not just win but smash It 2 it [Music] down when we’re actually out in New Zealand I met TJ  from um the All Blacks and a quote he said in the   the documentary that was done years and years ago  was around not word for word don’t quote me on it  

    But it was around if you’re not going to be this  so he’s a scrum half if you’re not going to be   the starting n then you need to be the the best  bag carrier for the team if you’re not going to  

    Be the bag carrier and you in NPR and you’re not  playing at all you need to be the best defender   when it comes to training but if you’re going to  be that starting player you’ve got to be the best  

    Nine in the world so there’s always a place for  you and it was really nice to have that reflection   with him because it’s definitely something that’s  inspired me to have that mindset that first 20   minutes is so important to us not everything’s  going to go our way but it’s how then we back  

    It up we flip it and back it up yeah this is  the start of our tournament but let’s go out   there enjoy it tomorrow you know I said a few  weeks ago I said I think we’re ready to play I  

    Was lying genuinely if you look if you look back  at this week our preparation yeah I think it’s   have been our best prepar preparation week we’ve  had so far right outstanding yeah the guys that   are not involved preparing the team to play like  brilliant and you can really see now elements of  

    Our game really starting to come but soft errors  has gone down massively yeah so when I say now   we’re ready to play I genuinely believe we are or  you are yeah well on for a great week let’s make  

    Sure we’re taking it into the game byebye let  just say roses are red red roses we talk about   our values and our culture and definitely it came  through so much when nprs are doing their topup  

    Session obviously we finished the the main bulk of  the session and the MPR have got to stay out and   do their topup running and players stay to cheer  them on and give them support obviously they can’t  

    Run with them but they can be there to encourage  them and support them which I think shows massive   value and just how important every member of  the squad is it shows that it really is not just  

    The starting 15 uh it’s not the the 23 that are  playing but it’s the whole Squad that are there   and everyone’s going to be there to push people  on the same way I’ve just said how is a defensive  

    Player when you’re not playing you’re pushing  the the starters on it kind of takes quite an   isolating situation of not being in the squad away  and you feel like it is kind of that one te one [Applause] dream Uh good luck for your first game against the  waloos I’m sure it’s a good way to get into it   and we hope that we’ve given you every opportunity  to put your best foot forward in being uh part of  

    The Faro this week at the campus it’s every team  that comes in like you guys have stayed with us   we go through a small welcome and welcome you  to the Waka and we attach this rope with the  

    TOA to a PO tying post over here that Ben will  describe in a little bit more detail and that   basically signifies to you guys that you’re on  the wer you’re attached to the facility you’re   looking after the place like you look after your  jersey as the red roses you’re a caretaker and you  

    Wait you put it in a better place than what  you what you found it when most people look   at this they just look like yeah it’s a rope  but if you actually doep dive deep down into  

    What the Rope is if you take each of these  little strands that are on the rope and if   you think of give it as I’m a strand you’re a  strand you’re a strand you’re a strand and if  

    We all connect all of our strands together then  this rope is unbreakable um us as the red roses   we talk about being World leading on and off  the pitch but these facilities that we’ve been  

    Here um for this past week is World leading and  we’ve really enjoyed it um so thank you so much   and not just you guys everyone that works behind  the scenes tily the food’s been great the rooms  

    Have been great so yeah thank you very much  and we have a small gift for you as well um   so J just an England shirt sign from us just to  say thank you for having us a [Applause] right  

    Daisy you have been a fantastic addition to  the red roses Squad and your commitment and   desire to becoming the best player you can is  incredible from rooming with you and learning   about Journey makes me so excited to see you take  the field tomorrow so Daisy welcome to the red

    Roses what’s been really great to see is see  the group grow like the squad grow every the   week like the improvements we’ve made in our game  um um the only thing I think left to do now is go   and put in a performance most important  thing we enjoy doing that yeah ready to

    [Applause] go England set piece works well  bottom and charging bumping   bodies and crashing over the line what  a charge and what a strike from Hannah botman pops the ball for Jones spins along  the hands are quii they good the footwork  

    From breach is excellent the step and  the weave and now the strength pops   it back in field and L is on the board for  England coming on VI Little D Down The Blind   Side and Jess breach has scored plenty  of tries this one will be one of their  

    Easiest and a little thumbs up o h likes it  with some strong carries a little short ball   for M Jones in close oh It’s Tricky it was  coming and Megan Jones scores for England England with the opening win of w xv1 the  thing I was most pleased about um was the  

    Defensive set at the very end we’d won the  game but I think we defended for like 20   odd phases which is a ridiculous amount for  nearly 3 minutes and I guess as a defensive   coach you want the mindset of people not want  to concede and that’s at any point but that  

    Just shows you the mindset of the team about  actually regardless of whether the games were   or where we are they just don’t want anyone to  to cross that white line and and for me that   that’s about how they want to defend and actually  that’s a really good characteristic we and trait  

    We we want about our our defensive side we’re a  new look England side um and we’re we’re really   enjoying the way we’re playing at the moment  we’ve got new um coaching staff and Mitch is   now here with us we’ve done a lot of training  without him but we’re really pleased that he’s  

    Here with us now and look we’re just looking  to keep growing and building into next week’s game it seemed such a long time ago but uh when  the girls were back in Chester and and I think we  

    Created a video for for the girls and just asked  them four questions um that I think they needed   to consider as they uh went about preparing to own  and bring to life uh the values so so for me that  

    I think that was probably a really significant uh  moment what I loved about it is that the staff the   leadership group and the and the players  they’ve they’ve been able to bring it to life the red roses have set outstanding standards  in in the Six Nations have created a legacy in  

    Test rugby already so there’s a uh a lot of  goodness there because they’re been very very   good at that level now there’s an opportunity to  to become greater better and then give ourselves   the the chance to rightly contest you know a a  World Cup final at home you know all all those  

    Factors put together with my own personal wire  around desire to to lead a program again I think   um there’s enough little things in in there I  guess that that really can um allow you to get   each morning and go get after them and um and  that’s what excites me I think having Mitch  

    Comeing uh to Camp is brilliant the detail he’s  coming with um how he wants to to push the game   forward like I said we’ve always we’ve been a  great side and he’s always always acknowledged   that but like what’s the next level this group  can go to and he’s really driven that it feels  

    Like we’re complete now yeah I think at the  start I was quite I don’t don’t say worried   okay I’ll say the word worried but if he takes  that wrong then cut that out um I I think I was  

    Worried only because we didn’t know him at all it  was just this question mark on who is this person   Mitch who’s going to be coming in his knowledge  is just crazy sometimes it’s a little bit too  

    Crazy and I’m I I just nod my head I’m like yeah  okay and I can wa thinking I have no idea what   he’s just said but then he will always pick up  the conversation after and and make sure that  

    We’re on the same page and he can learn from us  as much as we’re learning from him because it’s   a different environment that he’s in as well  he’s coaching women and I’m glad that he’s here   for the ride um and the journey because it’s  going to go to places he’s probably not been

    Before [Music] hello [Applause] You have to move [Music] [Applause] [Music] back that be great for me leadership isn’t just about  the decision making it’s about how   you Empower everyone around you to  be the best version of themselves   and like to get the best out of them so  that’s definitely something I strive to

    [Applause] do yeah like I like I just  enjoy seeing people thrive and seeing   people really enjoying what they do and like  knowing their worth and knowing their value   so that’s kind of how I invisage leadership  and how I try and go about [Applause] it Hol  

    Yeah get out CL yes stay in there stay  in there cast cast on Kick cast on Kick pass I missed out on the world upup and then  still went back in for the Six Nations the   following year which still under the same coaching  staff to get the opportunity again like obviously  

    When the coaching staff changes you never know  if you’re still going to be in the mix and to   get the opportunity to go for preseason and  then to get that on the playing for wxv was   everything it was it was awesome like there’s a  real freshness about it there’s a new game plan  

    Um nines are quite involved in that which is how  I like to play the rugby like I like I mentioned   earlier but I love to be in the thick of of it  I love to try and get the best out of people so  

    Get people running off you try and find space  and that’s how I enjoy playing the game so to   have that almost game plan implemented at  International level kind of suited the way   that I wanted to play and I genuinely think that  we are just on a trajectory that is going so far

    Forward hold it hold I put everything into rugby like I absolutely love  the game playing for England is the ultimate and   I’ve done it for so many years and it’s still as  special as the first time I did it to then have  

    That disappointment of something you’ve worked so  hard towards it was it’s really tough and I think   you’ve kind of got two options you either say  yeah I’m done and obviously at my age like do  

    You want to put yourself back through all of that  um to potentially have the same outcome but I just   knew that I had more to give like I don’t feel  like I’ve ever fully fulfilled what I’m capable  

    Of um definitely in a white shirt so like as soon  as that call came in I think I had the weekend and   I was like no I’m not done like this is something  that I want to go after it’s probably spurred me  

    On um to 2025 he wouldd have known whether I  would have still been here still been playing   still had the drive for it if I had have gone to  the World Cup last year um but I definitely have  

    The drive now like I want to playing home World  Cup like I’ve made no bones about that like I   want to be there and I’ll do everything I can put  myself in the best shape possible and that’s just  

    The mindset like getting back to New Zealand  with the girls just meant so so much and like   those moments with the girls they’re what I do it  [Music] for you felt controlled looked organized   like even on the unstructured play we had options  and I could hear so much communication they gave  

    Real Clarity to the ball receiver and then the  next receiver okay and it’s spot on really really   good lose somebody that like you trust instantly  so we’ve had some really honest and really good   conversation so back when she first came into the  role and I was still on the outskirts of the whole  

    Squad she sat down with me um gave me some real  clear directive work on stuff that I could go   put in place um again gave me that confidence to  to go after it and to to give it a go and she’s  

    Been brilliant um in terms of how she’s gone  about trying to ignite like a passion in all   of us to play the game and it’s it’s a really cool  feeling to know that somebody’s just got your back  

    And especially in that environment like everyone’s  there to do their best so to have somebody that   really is living and breathing that is is really  important I think it’s absolutely crucial to any   successful coaching relationship that you take  a lot of time and you’re really deliberately  

    Trying to get to know those players understanding  what what their values are what makes them tick   what motivates them any negative experiences  they’ve had in the past as well is is really   important to building that relationship and  that level of understanding between the coach  

    And a player as to how we’re going to push one  another and get to places that we’ve not been [Music] before so I think my coaching  philosophy has evolved but it’s always   stemmed from a place of how I can get the best  out of people so I think nobody has a ceiling  

    I think there’s always room for growth  and Improvement but it’s all about how   you go after that and what that looks like  so My Philosophy is to empower the athlete   and for them to recognize who they are as  a person what triggers them what drives  

    Them what really pushes them past that point  that they thought they couldn’t go to before   and then how we harness those all together to  create the ultimate package of a world class player so I think the kicking game in the women’s  side of the game hasn’t been explored as much as  

    It could be yet I think think there potentially  has been a perception of female players being   Limited in that aspect of the game but again  through my philosophy you can probably see that   I’m like there are no limits to potential There  Are No Ceilings so let’s break these barriers down  

    And let’s show them what we can really do giving  that kind of energy and confidence the player and   then putting in that specific skill development  as a resource to them can only enhance what can  

    Be an aspect of the game that can cause a lot  of oppositions a lot of trouble so you’ve got   opportunities to um to disrupt defensive systems  you’ve got opportunities to kick to compete  

    In the air and get the ball back and it’s just  another layer of the game that you can add on so   that teams defensively don’t know how to stop you  and that’s why it’s such a crucial piece to this [Music] [Applause]

    Puzzle I think Lou’s done so well in just  trying to breed that confidence amongst the   group to allow us to try and express ourselves  but also to get behind each other when we do   it so it’s not just the fact that we’re able to  go after the kick she’s really encouraging that  

    Space and encouraging us to go with our instinct  which is huge for any player coming up through   the ranks I think you’ve only just seen like what  we’re trying to get I think there’s so much more   to come from this group we have to remember  that these are exceptionally talented players  

    They’ve got a lot of experience and they’ve got  some ridiculous skills that they can use to go   after what they see and I think it’s really  important to actually build such a level of   confidence for them to play intuitively and with  Instinct and based off of what they’re presented  

    With in front of them than just having a one set  plan on to do this regardless of what’s happening   in front of you and that’s that’s the kind of  level that I push to I I want the players to be  

    Creative I want them to be really bold I want them  to think outside the box of how they can go after   weaknesses in teams and I just want them to feel  really confident in those moments to recognize  

    What the picture is in front of them and know  that they’ve got the experience the skill set   the evidence Bank as I call it to go after it  and solve that problem and execute and get that  

    Try you gave the pressure okay which forces then  us to work even harder to get those opportunities   and that’s what we need that’s how you prep okay  and although volume’s gone down the quality of   everything we’re doing is going up every every  single time okay and that’s because the energy  

    You’re bringing and the clarity of movement from  people makes it that much faster so that think   fast play Fast gives us those opportunities that  we can absolutely capitalize on and get over that   white line okay really top work today and that’s  from every single one of you just SP on so we do  

    A little bit of um like a verbal dump from our  brains onto a piece of paper prior to a game   so that could be something that you’re grateful  for it could be something something that you’re  

    Worried about that you want to get out it could  be something that you’re going after and I think   it just helps those players who might not be the  biggest communicators verbally to actually put  

    That down on a piece of paper and then share it so  we can share it with the group they can share it   with me and vice versa I will write something  down to them that I think is really important  

    For them to read and to hear and to recognize  but that can be done in a really private space   so they can they can take it and digest it when  they’re ready again it shows that I care about  

    Them it shows that they care about one another  and ultimately the game of rugby you have to   care you’re putting your bodies on the line and  you’re you’re going out there understanding how   one another operates how they’re feeling before  a game what they want to achieve in that game  

    Will only unite them into to been exceptionally  stronger when they take the field like I said   today let’s let’s trust our preparation I think  over the last two weeks in particular like you   flip the switch so you think back to last week we  had two real good sessions battle team hit day and  

    I think we’ve just bettered it this week so just  massive good luck tomorrow yeah we’re building   really nicely our game is really starting  to show yeah so let’s go out and attack it [Applause] tomorrow [Music]

    Two of the best in the game stand at the heads  of their team Marley Packer and Sophie D goody   teammates in club rugby rivalries tonight as the  red rose of England takes on the maple leaf of  

    Canada round two of wxv 1 coming to you from the  south of Alor New Zealand in orty denen and now   the AIS sees a little space in behind sweeping  across or feris Assurance got in each other’s  

    Way and did she just in time get a fingertip on it  kill done came through they’re going to CH field   yeah so backwards by Red no clear grounding and  then grounded by England TR stands I feel like we  

    We made the call to to kick it but we didn’t at  the same time it was instinctive from Holly and   I know my strength or one of my strengths are  my acceleration and I can get to places quite  

    Quickly and ultimately if we’re going to go for  something everyone needs to go for it as well we   all need to be on the same page so when that kick  happened it was very reactive and I just thought  

    I beg on the end of this in that scenario and we  pulled it off and I didn’t even know whether to   celebrate if I’m honest cuz I was like um now  what no one else celebrated cuz I think no one  

    Expected it and I stood up and basically before  the game we’d um we’d agreed of a celebration if   we score and I kind of backed up and I thought  I don’t know if I’ve scored this or not and by  

    The time I got to halfway I looked up at the girls  and the um who were on the bench and they gave me   the do it so then that’s when the whole cowboy uh  thing came out and when I looked up on the screen  

    It was actually been shown in slow-mo which was  slightly embarrassing but I’ve had to go with it   since um and yeah it’s um it’s one of those things  that you’ve just got to see what happens if you go  

    If you go after something something will happen  again they roll for and it’s still their control   they’ve earned a penalty but they’re going to get  a try it’s brilliant they’ve got seven8 met to go   and they are just rolling forward Here Comes  number four for lin Davis Alli kill dun just  

    Slides through the tackle accelerates away little  ball back in field for Jess breach who scores   tries against Canada for fun what a strike for  England here they come again McDonald needs no   room skips out of the first tackle weaves way to  the line all the speed you need and it’s Claudia  

    McDonald’s turn to break out for England and  England power to Victory with a 45 12 win over Canada I thought the players came out and they  were extremely Brave in their decision making   they went after the things that we asked them  to within the strategy and they they executed  

    It to a point where we’re recognizing where this  team could possibly go it’s really exciting like   especially through a new part of the game like the  kicking strategy um and how much we can use that   to our advantage as a team admittedly we’re always  going to make some mistakes but those mistakes  

    Are absolutely valuable because they teach us the  lessons we need to move forward and those moments   are crucial to what that looks like in the long  run especially as you build towards a World Cup   you’re never going to get everything right and  that’s the that’s the beauty of these players  

    Going after it the way where they are now they’re  willing to take risks they’re willing to make   mistakes and they haven’t got this fear of failure  and that’s what we recognized in the Canada game no pressure [Music] har 2 one right stuffing even on I think  the training week leading into black ferns  

    Was actually a really positive one we were  hitting PBS in the gym we’re hitting PBS in   our in our speed session and it just shows  that what the snc’s were talking about back   in Chester to after the warm-up games with  Canada is you know we want to Peak when we  

    Come to the end of the tournament when  we’re playing in the biggest game that   that is playing against New Zealand in  New Zealand and that’s definitely what we [Applause] did the black ferns game the buildup to New  Zealand was obviously a pretty big week for  

    Us we they’re obviously reain and champions we  probably knew it was going to be the toughest   test we were going to have out there uh  so there was a lot of preparation a lot   of detail I guess from us as coaches that went  in to ensure that we prepared the girls as well  

    As possible and and I guess tried to give  them the information that the pictures we   thought they were going to see with that  comes only so much and the girls have to   bring that intensity they have to bring the  execution and they did that in bucket [Music]

    Load obviously coming off the back of World  Cup last year and not getting the result the   whole week people are talking about this  the Revenge match um how do we feel as the   red roses coming back out here to play but  we were quite certain I was quite certain  

    That actually this is a new look England side  a new look red roses we’ve got new coaching   staff lots of new players involved actually it  was just a game coming this Saturday trust in   the process trust in what we had done before all  the training all the dark places we had been in  

    To to get us to this point come that Saturday  put the performance in and we definitely did that we did a bit of slip and slideing actually  it was really fun but it just shows you know we  

    Work hard we train hard together but then actually  we have a bit of fun together after training and   you know I think that gave us a real mindset that  going into New Zealand we can be relaxed about it  

    Because then it brings out the best versions  of us us as individuals but us as the red roses [Music] but you you guys should be like massively proud um  of how you prepared throughout the whole campaign   like the summer and since we’ve been here in  New Zealand the staff myself a massively proud  

    Toam we’re on a journey what happens tomorrow  will be yeah the exciting thing is we’re still   early in this journey there’s so much more  growth in the team and that’s really exciting off the boot of Holly heson England  and New Zealand round two is [Applause]

    Underway Matthews controlling it a back New  Zealand back pedling Matthews P go scor the   try brilliant from Alex Matthews superb control  and physical power opens up the scoring this is   England’s bread and butter there for o the M  set on there over the line they crash Tri for  

    Away they come again low and hard and driving  to the line Zoe or cro they keep plugging away   to the right hun burn too easy in the end  for Sierra burn Marino to De and they’ve   got Advantage as well Simon goes Kennedy Simon  gets New Zealand on the board you’re going have  

    To go and win the game multiple times yeah  they’ll have another moment yeah and we’ve   got to go and win the game again and then  they’ll have another moment and we’ve got   to go and win the game again yeah you just got to  believe in the plan and STI to the process let’s  

    Be brave in attack let’s think fast Let’s  Stay Alive both attack and D yes Ro R run Sil from heso for the corner kako scores  Shing this time telling is [Applause] over   England’s forward flicking near muscles  old CR over old CR scores they know their  

    Game superbly well and they execute it when it  counts England wxv one Champions World number   ones an unbeaten season for the red roses  world class performers binging it on a big occasion beating New Zealand in our own backyard  there’s no better feeling and they put on a a  

    Fantastic game for us tonight didn’t stop right  to the end so full credit to them but just proud   of the girls it didn’t feel like we were playing  that World Cup final rematch at all it just felt  

    Like any other game there wasn’t this nervous  cuz I think when when big games happen like that   there can be this nervous energy that everyone’s  trying to do something but we were just so on it  

    As a team we were just so ready um and it was  just like playing any other team we know that   we’re going to come against them again and to  have that in your back pocket that no this was  

    The feeling this is how we did it and this is  how we’re going to build from it as well I think   it is exciting I think the reaction after that  final whistle from the squad was you know a real  

    Emotional one um of Happiness of relief uh it’s  been it was a long 13 weeks running into into   that final game at wxv and you know we put our  bodies in some Dark Places um and come out of it  

    And come out with the result we wanted the Synergy  between the team not just the team of players but   we talk about the staff like everyone had done  everything to to put us in the best place for  

    That for that game but for that final whistle  and you know it all came together for [Music] [Applause] that [Applause] I didn’t think I’d be as emotional  as I was like genuinely didn’t um there was a  

    Lot of I think fight in me from previously um  obviously like getting back to a white shirt   but getting back and for me to have such  a big involvement in the wxv I think that   was huge because for me there’s a difference  being involved but also playing a big big part  

    In the team and and obviously like starting a  couple of games out there um was was huge for   me and especially getting the the nod in that  final game against the black fs and being able  

    To throw the ball around with the girls and I  think it was just that like Elation that I was   back there that I was doing it on the biggest  stage Against the World Cup winners but also  

    For world number one team um and still holding  my own but also that we’ just beaten them and   I knew I knew we were capable of it like  I knew we could do that and although I’m  

    Probably coming to the end of my career like I’ve  still got a few years to keep fighting for that   and and to be to almost springboard this new  era and I’m excited for for that opportunity  

    He almost sensed the emotion after the game of  what it meant to to everyone um that was that   was playing in in in that game you know after the  Heartbreak of last year and that’s the Heartbreak   for people that played in the Rugby World Cup  final but also the Heartbreak for those that  

    Didn’t make it who wanted to there was yeah it  was really great to be a part of that and feel   it and feel how special and how much the squad  had grown in that time and when I say Squad I  

    Mean the players and the staff like joined  yet it was um it was nice to to be part of it after the final whistle um we’re we’re in  a line shaking the new zealanders hands as we   always do um celebrating the game and Harriet  Martin our manager comes over to me and takes  

    Me to the side and I’m thinking oh well if I  done wrong now what’s wrong like this isn’t a   normal thing and she said I’ve got something  to tell you Marley I was like okay preparing  

    Myself to be something bad and she’s like you’ve  won World Player of the Year and oh the emotions   were yeah I cried instantly to be fair I think  you know it’d been a long four weeks away from  

    Home uh missing all of a you know just missing  all your home Comforts as well and then to get an   Accolade for uh individual Accolade like that is  is massive and what I never realistically thought  

    I’d ever win but to to win it off the back of  this season um is really special every player   that I play with week in week out they’re the  people that help put me in the gaps help make  

    Me be the player I am and keep keep driving me  to be the best um I can be and for me I always   try to keep being the best open S flanker there  is in the in the red roses but in the world as

    [Applause] [Music] well happy birthday to you happy [Music] birthday happy birthday to you [Applause]  [Music] [Applause] [Music] carry around I think we were very very clear on  our process against um New Zealand we had   good plans in place in terms of building up  to that our training design was all geared to  

    To Peak physically and um and that we were  really good mentally and we we already had   belief around that our game was the right way  and our game was working so as a result of all  

    That I just think it just allowed the girls  to to be able to go out on the on the pitch   and and be really really clear and and bring  the necessary energy collectively we were very  

    Much on the same page that evening and I think  that’s just a really great example of of uh good   preparation by by by everyone we we talk about  process performance but to get the outcome is is   awesome like that’s a brilliant brilliant result  and credit it’s been amazing 31st of July to now  

    Uh what we’ve achieved already as a group uh has  been been outstanding I mean the application from   everybody in every area um just so proud of how  everyone’s kind of really committed to what this   journey is about what this team’s about um just  massive kind of world we’ll see we’re already a  

    Strong team but we’ve become even stronger we’ve  still still got uh lots of improvement left in   us we’ve got identified areas in our game that uh  that we that we can improve um it’s certainly not  

    Not not finite for us and ultimately end of  the day if we continue to be very very clear   uh evolve the detail and build build stronger  stronger people physically and mentally then I   think um you know we’ve got got an opportunity  to to take our game to to another level than you


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