Today we take a look at Egham Water Works, 57 The Causeway, Staines TW18 3AX.

    As we are looking through the front gate we speak to a very informative member of staff who tells us all about what they do inside.

    As we are flying the drone, we are approached by another member of staff who mentions Critical National Infrastructure and how that is relevant to what we are doing.

    His boss then comes to make the final decision.

    Google Maps 360 Degree Panoramic Drone Photo –

    Q – What is your email address?
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    Q – Where Can I See All Your Links In 1 Place?
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    Q – What E-Bike Do You Use?
    A – MiRiDER One (2022 Edition) Orange
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    Q – What Drone Do I Use?
    A – DJI MINI 3 PRO
    My Referral Link –

    Q – Where Did You Get Drone Insurance From?
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    Q – Where Do You Get The Drone Music From?
    A – Carl & Alison at Positive Audio
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    Q – What Bodycam Do I Use?
    A – GoPro HERO12 Black
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    Q – What Camcorder Do You Use To Zoom In?
    A – Panasonic HC-V180 90x Optical Zoom
    My Referral Link –

    Q- What Powerbank Do You Use?
    A – Charmast 23800mAh Quick Charge 3.0 PD 20W
    My Referral Link –

    Don’t know if you’re allowed to do that here man what is that this is a cni site what’s that mean it’s critical National infrastructure site so you’re not allowed to fly these anywhere near anything like this so welcome back to the channel guys today we’re here in stains tw18 post

    Code taking a look at Affinity water eggum integrated Water Services as well on site so we have an open gate here to the left looks like some staff parking the building look very very old they call it the Operation Center quite a few signs to read no

    Tailgating so there must have had a bit of an issue with vehicles being hit as they tailgate through no unauthorized admittance or visitors reports the production office I safety boots multi-hazards deep water egum 198 this is located right next to the river temps and it is some sort of treatment site

    From what I can see so I thought let’s cover one of these and let’s see if it is actually possible for it to discharge into the river temps and let’s see where that would take place with the Drone production office to the right big thick pipes chemical

    House and of course CCTV we will be being watched inside that window bit of a plant room in there as well well got some pipes what’s that signed us there no unauthorized discharge permitted to surface water systems on this site no unauthorized discharge vehicle there just having a

    Look what oh anything really okay um does any discharge go into the river from this site no this is a Water Production so it’s not wasted I can see some round treatment from water treatment yeah yeah so we produce water here we don’t we don’t water don’t deal

    With any waste right where would I find waste going into the temps don’t know mate God help cuz I’ve got a drone in the bag so I’m just going to take the Drone around to have a look yeah I say this it’s Infinity water we only deal

    With fresh water T waterers the are the ones that deal with the uh waste water do you know those round things that are treating the water uh at the back there the sludge things yeah yeah aren’t they for Waste Water surely they are they’re clean the water don’t they no they’re

    Not all the bugs don’t the bugs got the wrong end of the stick there well come on you educate me then because I’m that is a sludge thing we take water from the tens and then we produce clean water oh do you yeah oh brilliant so you’re the

    Opposite of what I’m expecting see totally so you suck from the temps yeah we take take from the temps we take surface water and then we treat it and then put it out into the network so when the opposite is happening that conflicts with what you’re trying to do doesn’t it

    When they’re pumping in poo into the water um yeah I mean they the thing is it’s not so much the water companies the people you need to have a look at is the government they’re the ones that set the um the amounts that can go in the Press

    Have got got the hold of the wrong end of the stick totally they because the um the companies to deal with the waste they not pumping out any more than they’re regulated to it it’s just the Press making a big thing out of it and the government uh has set the wrong if

    If anything they’re they’re the ones that set the limits so they’re the ones that should be blamed not the water compies they’re not breaking any any of the regulations okay my job my aim really was to find somewhere that’s discharging it mention you know that yellow sign there that triangle yeah it mentions

    About no discharging allowed yeah yeah cuz we’re cuz we make water so we we we can’t just tip water out anywhere because it could go then into our network of Clean Water un that’s all those signs are saying that we we can’t tip any water out anywhere I know you’re

    Not allowed to say but do you actually know where they are where the discharge points are I honestly I don’t know mate CU we don’t deal with this how would I find that out so I want to find one’s water do you think they’ll tell me about

    It all right well I’m going to cover I’m a YouTuber and I cover industrial Estates so you’re just in the area that I cover production UK laboratory I’ve not read that sign yet is that you yeah well yes as part of the uh lab yes this

    Is where we test the water what’s your particular role I’m a sampler water sampler all right so you take from the river no well take from everywhere from customers houses to um reservoirs to other smaller treatment centers pumping stations and we just ensure the water

    Comes out you know clean and you test on the spot or you bring it back we do test on the spot and we bring samples back for the lab to analyze as well that’s all all get cleared through the DWI the governing body for the water the water

    Inspectorate of the country so what’s the most important measurement then that you’re looking for could be anything um I we we test for everything from the um forever chemicals that You’ probably heard of the be passes uh lead uh for pipes that in um that are degrading uh agricultural waste Industrial Waste

    Anything that can affect the water bacteria like the phosphates and stuff everything anything and everything if you go on to um the Affinity water website you can there’s and you look at water quality in my area poy post coding and it’ll give you a full report of all

    The tests that we’ve done brilliant and all the upper and lower limits of where the water and you can see how good our water is so when some farmers are over fertilizing their fields and the runoff goes into the rivers that’s overlaps what you do then does it it can do yeah

    I mean that that would show up if um we’ve had it before where a farmers uh put some Silo down and it was near one of our um treatment centers or where we produced water from and that water was seeping or like the just seeping through

    The the ground into the water table and then we educated the farmer and told him how to store his silage properly yeah and away from water things like that so we’re out there all the time sort of uh you know helping farmers and educating them basically yeah well and if they’re

    Willing to be educated great and if not but then I suppose if they don’t listen and they continue that bad practice then yeah they could be up for fines and things like that yeah have you got like are you linked with some sort of power

    Center um I you just report it would I just report they do all right it’s interesting stuff so really you you quite an interesting job really yeah is it is quite good and yeah I mean it’s it’s quite surprising what um work goes in to ensure we have clean drinking

    Water yeah um you know we’re in the there’s I think it’s six or eight countries in the world uh that have a mark of a 100 out of 100 for their drinking water and the UK is one of them um and you know there’s obviously lots

    Of other countries that have got a mark of about six or seven how many homes does Affinity water cover oh uh that off the top of my head I don’t know millions millions is it yeah we we got quite a large area who are you regulated by uh the the um it’s

    The DWI the um Doctorate of water intution or whatever they are okay and the government as well uh so we get we’ll get um audited regularly and get audited yeah oh yeah I mean that’s one of the reasons why we always get told if there especially at the moment with um

    The terrorists and everything else if anybody’s sort of seeing that’s why I’ve just sort of like confronted you there I’m just zooming in on that sign cuz it says the word discharge I thought ah I might be in the right place but you’re saying I’m not so I’m just going to

    Complete the video anyway from the public footpath over there just the Drone 20 minutes I’ll be gone but yeah security is quite good is it on this side uh yeah the actual water protection side only this side is only the lab anyway there’s no access through into

    That way so yeah obviously we have to uh you know have quite high security because of the nature of it you know it could affect millions of people so do you think that might be on a terrorist agenda targeting somewhere like this I couldn’t tell you if it was on their

    Agenda or not we’ve um taking precautions just in case and you know with the bosses and the security teams are in in contact with M5 and things like that all the time do you know if it was hit then and it was taken down this place is

    There a way that the system can divert probably yeah I mean we could shut water off going out to anywhere else and then we can produce water from other side into the system yeah so one one sight goes down it’s not a problem I didn’t

    Know any of this right I’ll let you C crack on my friend hi K it’s a nice van yeah yeah thank you a 73 plate van Affinity water there and we was just reading the signs weren’t we well it tells us that no discharge is happening

    Here so we’ll have to believe him for now and then we’ll get David up very shortly all the Affinity water Vehicles down there and the UK labor tree so there we have it nothing else to see really from this area now the time has come to see if he was telling the

    Truth have they got a way of pumping out or just sucking in let’s find out let’s get David up and see what this place looks like from the above oh yeah good what don’t if you allow to do that here man what is that this is a cni site what’s that mean it’s

    Crial National infrastructure site so you’re not allowed to fly these anywhere near anything like this I’ve never heard of that before yeah like can I ask you to stop well I’m not taken off yet I’m just getting ready you have that I was watching you no yeah

    What I’ve been up and down I’ve not gone over yet yeah and the gimbals is calibrating I’ve got a bit of a w the reason for doing it here is there any particular I just want to have a look at the uh the river temps you can walk to

    The river temps no I want to see do you know where you suck or discharge one of the two why would you need to see that that’s a what I’m interested in you can you can actually walk around there’s a footp at the back oh I didn’t know that

    Yes I I think that’s a big know I mean I can get my boss here to back me up but I can’t physically stop you doing it but I would have to report it if we carried on what it is I make videos like this and I

    Put them on YouTube which makes me money right so if I don’t do it I’ve got a wasted journey I won’t get paid so I can’t ask you I can’t you can’t it’s especially filming the site like I say it’s a cni site you mean you can look

    That up I can get my boss down here to back me up what other site would you Class A cni just so I can put it into context water treatment no you know this is cni I’ve not heard of that before um would it an oil refinery also I don’t

    Know I don’t know I work for water treatment so I can only speak for this site cuz I’ve done a lot of you see and I never heard of this so I think we’re still okay to fly here I’m I’m going to ask you to stop because I don’t believe

    You can I mean like I say I can get my boss down here now I can’t physically stop you but I will ask my boss to come down now and speak to you if you’re going it’s up to you I no like say you could stop that’ be great no no it’s up

    To you if you get your boss not up to you if I fly I I believe I’m allowed to fly by law okay I’ll give him a bell you know I don’t know the law I just know this is a see and eyesight so that’s a

    Big no no what in terms of what the law or your policy uh it’s a critical National infrastructure site so that is government law to my knowledge but I will get him down here he knows more about it than me I’ll give him a bell

    Now and I’ll ask him to come down he’s only he’s only 200 M away what’s your thinking though what what is not allowed on cni so this is a critical National infrastructure site so terrorism that’s that’s the main thing we’re worried about terrorist attacks so if I’m not a

    Terrorist then I’m allowed yeah yeah but I don’t I don’t know if you are a terrorist or not but say I’ll give my bell I’ll give as long I know what you’re trying to get at so I agree with you terrorists should not be allowed to fly drones over here that but obviously

    That don’t apply to me so we’re good I give him a bell so we we can’t hello mate um can you come down and give a sound uh we just got the Drone problem here at the side when you say the Drone problem you had it before no oh okay sorry all we

    Haven’t had it thought so am I right in believing that you just take from the temps here you don’t discharge to the temps do you no this is just we purely suck out the temps and um yeah drinking M so where would I go to see the discharge to the

    Temps we don’t discharge to the temps you hear a lot about it don’t you that’s sewage this isn’t a sewage side so if I go to a sewage is Affinity water not sewage don’t sewage we’re a clean water what am I looking for then give me a

    Clue I don’t know you’re making a video I don’t know what you’re looking for this first water treatment what do you Clash yourself as water treatment Sor okay okay so treating water that’s pulled from the TS not treating sewage cuz you do get sewage treatments don’t

    You yeah that’s number two of us when I saw on Google Maps the circle thing circle thing yeah down at the back right bear in mind you do this every day I don’t I don’t know what the technical terms are these Circle things here I see them on waste treatment sites

    As well right would you agree I know nothing about waste treatment I don’t get involved in waste treatment uh so I can’t speak for waste treatment whatsoever like I say we we don’t deal with waste so where’s the sucking point then uh it’s like I said it’s a foot path yeah

    But you’re here you’re the expert where do you suck from where am I focus somewhere somewhere around here come on man I me I I don’t want to answer any more questions to be honest oh okay in that case I won’t ask you any I don’t

    Know who you are you could be a terrorist for right no no problem mate I thought we could use the time constructively yeah no we we just had training and all this so no wor any oh in the van uh no just behind cuz a minute ago when I went up

    My gimbal was shaking so I’ve just brought it down to be honest mate I think you should stop yeah I I heard what you’re saying look you see that see the shake yeah when you saw it up in the air it’s CU it started shaking like that but I’ve calibrated it

    And it’s still shaking so I think that’s going to be a something I sort out at home to be fair yes so now you’re over the site now yeah yeah we tried to talk but you won’t tell me would you is that it there can I

    Ask you to come back off from the site you’ve already asked me pardon you’ve already asked me that you’re not going to do it now you refusing to bring it off no I thought we was having a nice chat about that thing there you see that

    Is that where you suck from just there yeah course to do now so chap here is filming all around site yeah yeah so what’s the purpose of you filming I just want to see that you know where where you suck from the temps yeah like that and then you obviously

    You make it safe don’t you and you treat it so it’s just for your own use is it for YouTube I publish all my videos on YouTube okay and you make money simple as that you make money com the adverts yeah okay so do you have a drone license

    To do this yeah yeah of course yeah okay cuz there a CN I side so it’s a national infrastructure really big filming we can’t even do it ourselves you can’t actually put it on YouTube it’s interesting to hear your view on it but you’re wrong okay so what else are you filming you

    Said you wanted to film the intake I’m filming everything mate all the vehicles all the yard just have a good look around a good nosy that’s what drones are for with cameras to look around places that you can’t really I can’t come in cuz you’ve got great security here so we’re get in

    Using the Drone and we’ll put it on YouTube and we’ll get a few views get a few pennies you understand it don’t you yeah I think we understand it but like you said it’s a c and iight it’s a big no no I’ve tried to understand what you

    Mean by that we’ll leave you to it it’s fine thank um we we’re reported to our security what we can do all right have a nice day guys see you later cni or no cni critical National infrastructure so yeah the Drone the gimbal there’s something wrong with it I am going to have

    To look into this when we get back home so I do apologize but and it weird when you’re not moving it’s perfect but when you start moving forward’s okay oh it’s intermittent so yeah their job really here to sus out you know if I am just about to attack or something like that

    Then yeah C and I may kick in there’s a big risk alert the authorities you know but when it’s me when I say I’m a YouTuber and I’m answering all your questions questions and I’m trying to talk to you about the great things that you do

    Here but then you go all quiet don’t you you don’t want to tell me anything you don’t want to promote the brilliant things that you do here so they’re saying that these are cleaning the water but the gimbal’s too bad I’m not going to carry on this video with the gimbal being this

    Poor I’m going to get David back and I’m going to move on but yeah they’re definitely not discharging it’s definitely sucking from the temps going through some sort of filter there and entering the plant just there and that was Affinity water eggum treatment works well you wouldn’t afford it would you

    You’re on high alert the terrorist Target apparently although they can divert water from elsewhere this could affect millions of homes if attacked the location of the DJ audits key ring on this video is there just wedged behind that white sign if you are one of the first people to watch

    The video and you do want a key ring good luck with that but it does not affect a 249 G drone does it oh no no flight restrictions no emergency services operation in place where obviously there will not be a restriction but you shouldn’t fly over if it’s got a police

    Cord in shouldn’t fly over none of that applies here we’re not near an airport we’re not near a prison there’s no flight restriction zones in place we’re good but unfortunately they believe otherwise wise don’t they they’re only trying to protect the site that is so important to all these homes in the area

    So credit to them but I think the boss there it quickly sused out that we are just creating content for YouTube to show people and I was on the hunt for a discharge point but they’re not discharging here they’re sucking they’re taking in so anyway if you have enjoyed

    That video do give it a thumbs up for me and I’ll see you on the next one guys bye-bye for Now


    1. That dude in the van was incredible. So much information. I learnt more about UK drinking water in the first 10 mins of this video than I would have reading a news article.

    2. Terrorists wouldn't be wanting to stop the flow of water, they would be more likely trying to add some form of agent to it. 👍

    3. Mogden further down on the tidal is where a lot of sewage is discharged. I’m sure there’s lots of other small outflows along non tidal discharging to. Friends that fish in that area have found black sludge and condoms on line 👎

    4. If they are treating the water, they are removing impurities. What happens to the impurities that are removed? Are they disposed of or discharged back into the Thames.
      Saying there is no unauthorized discharge is not saying there is no discharge.

    5. We're one of the only developed countries in the world with privatised water. That inherently means profit over people. Yes the government are to blame but so are the water company bosses. Any amount "permitted" is still disgusting and unacceptable in my opinion.

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