Some shopping in Stockport as it was a nice sunny day with no rain.
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    So we’re in Manchester and home and behold it’s not raining which is an absolute Miracle there no rain and there’s actually blue sky and it’s quite mild so we’re off to a place called Stockport it’s about less than half an hour from where we live and

    Have a Wonder around the town center and uh pick up a few bits and Bobs Sandra wants to get out for an hour don’t you Sandra daylight NE you need daylight need it need it vitamin D so um got some jobs in the house but go

    With those we get that so we’re heading to that blue sky there where the blue sky is that’s where we’re going cuz it it it never rains in Manchester I’m a liar got no idea how much I love you Sandra I’m going to be

    So kind to you for the rest of this year not got a clue Hey free free car parking I getting all stressed out pulled up the app and all the rest of it red rock that that’s that’s also Red Rock car park that’s where always conf that’s I’m not confused this this is the car park I come to you now you know this is here

    Don’t you I could find it again trust me trust me S got no no idea how much I love you yeah free car parking it’s a bit weird isn’t it took me about 5 minutes on the app to pay and then it comes up it’s currently free dare you to

    Say that off camera pardon say what off camera it’s still very Christmasy Sandra isn’t it look at this is after Christmas and everything we’ve got little rides and little stalls might have to have something to eat Sandra what you what you reckon um do you want to go should we go

    Left and then work our way up and round where do you want to go have a look at the big teddy which way should go this way have a look so so we’re in stport Mery way and there’s like a random Ikea it must just be where you can

    Design yourself a quick thing but this is a this is not a real it’s not a real Ika but sand wants to have a look weird oh Golly Golly to design your own kitchen super we buy an Ikea bagra buy an Ikea bag for 75p and make a

    Hat out of it this is this is a bit weird is it it’s like just one Ikea boobly is it pop like here what is going on with that what is what is happening so just another few observations there are a number of mobile phone shops here that are actually open not closed

    Oh God last time we came here we bought a chain no we we bought something from the shop up here we came back with the electric drill last time we came shopping he saw poor with you we went home with with a secondhand electric drill

    Sandra not here no it was here it was here it’s coming yeah yeah no it’s it’s definitely here definitely here it’s coming back to me oh God the bus station oh the bus station all been developed since it so that’s uh all right went to a couple of PanAm

    Mes there saw toy Wilcox in a panamine there a few years back there’s nothing really here is there bus station gone weird was that local Baker is that one of so we bought Kenton mcm’s birthday and they vegetarians but we bought a couple of um ready cook chickens didn’t

    We just go around the outside shs on those are come back those are certain age remember the malcol McLaren song isn’t it three buffalo girls go around the outside around the outside around the outside you remember that SRA and doy do your partner there is there isn’t it this yeah Greg’s here

    Now still here oh he sir all right okay right closed anyway right should go back through the precincts and then head into the Town Center we can rejoin the precinct on the other in fact I bought your wedding ring from down here mulas down there on the right which

    One I only ever bought you one wedding ring no there were two do not remember I bought you two wedding rings no they were both W ring engagement rings but there’s a up with the ring size and I never got the engraved message you don’t remember this there was a Jewelers

    Down here on the right and I bought I got your wedding ring from Jeweler down here started out as an engagement R don’t remember I don’t remember being Cas did yes did I did that that was my second engagement ring do you not remember oh I do know grade but there’s

    A up with a ring side you wouldn’t Engrade this one I never did find out what they said oh it was a long time ago son did I propose to you yes what did I say what hey the usual stuff did I say will you marry

    Me I said we’ll do it properly or not at all so said do it prop proper right okay you remember it was a long time ago right it’s good to see shops open as I say we are on a sort of Christmas weeks of plac to clo still for Christmas

    And so far how the any charity shops which is always so historic uh yes if you ever come to Stockport there are bits of it which are incredibly hilly and very very oldy fashionly um so I can’t remember name of that place went to make but it’s got the

    Mural with Frank side bottom on it isn’t it there was down there on the left or up here on the left under bank that’s the one that’s the one so on this a sand what you need to do is come down on your bike with a basket with you with your legs spinning

    With a hovish loaf in in the front of it it’s bit like the H HOV basket Hill is it that’s a bit of that hill in Lincoln actually remember that one yeah think what’s that called I think it’s called Steve Hill or something isn’t it

    Yeah so also in stock ports if you ever you come it’s well worth a visit is the H Museum it’s uh going to say the market that won’t be open today will it it won’t be open it’s worth yeah yeah oh yeah it’s coming back back

    To me where I am it’s been it’s been a while there’s the Old Market Hall so they’re talking about converting that into a bit like Alam into a food Hall not the market this here yeah why I have no idea because food hes in the world everything

    That happens in alham everybody’s got to do haven’t they Geor but I’m not sure you’re not excited Sandra aren’t you what have you seen just Justin have you seen a church with ring of Bells maybe but it’s not Ingam El with ring bell Bells uh yeah there’s there’s a car park in

    The back of here came here a few times with Wayne Uh definitely so that’s the car park I was talking to and then there you can see it is a Robinson’s Brewery so we were talking about that with with Keith the other day wasn’t he he saying he could smell the

    Oh smell the brewery oh yeah um strawberry what’s the record studios here there’s an OMD connection a big one strawberry Studios is in stport uh yeah if you’re an OMD fan you will know where the connection is with that and if you go in they actually are playing electricity by

    OMD what was strawberry Studios famous for I’m not in love love so don’t forget it it’s just a silly phase I’m going through lovely old building there is it that one no it was like inside a cafe sort of place um I’m sure it was on the

    Left hand side can’t it was a long time ago it was a long time ago down that way walk walk walk around there’s a work space there for people with outstanding ideas Sandra I’m a bit outstanding sometimes aren’t I cuz I’m going to be kind to you for the rest of the year

    SRA that he’s being Ted there a nice M all there is there really very or eight that’s of How High We Are isn’t It it’s super high is it I don’t remember that watch shop there look at the um figur outside the watch shop there you seen it watch shot there oh interesting and it’s bit like the uh that car park in St IES is it where you have want to come down here sherries

    Would you don’t talk about Sherry oh God we were just looking from the bridge behind us here you can see that that’s where we’re coming over on under that and then this was the clock house look at the figures here the bells ring SRA I’m not too sure string goes up P

    Clapper I guess possibly from the bridge we could really see up there can hear bells ringing now mural isn’t this gorgeous look at that trout and we’re by the cracked actor yeah another Hill Sandra the mail house brow Crystal shop yeah all things are possible if you

    Believe God that’s freaked me out it’s a stport dungeon stport dungeon minutes prisoners were held in the cells access from inside the meal oh my God so this is a little door hello but did you know that that stb had his own dungeons B creepy that head’s freak freaking me

    Out dungeon cly oh I got a minute January 14th February fre admission o ooh feary shoot should we keep that on the radar Sandra fre Mission make a note probably for oh the 14th yeah do it before I return back to the nurseries so making our way back round

    To sort of where we came from came from that way didn’t we and Hills Sandra lots of hills is there I’m going to get a brat first or a brock first or some are you having anything not sure because you don’t know how much I

    Love you you got no idea I might I might buy you a donut a donut a donut I think I saw some chocolate donuts even the grids are made out like little stairs not saying it’s that hilly I’m walking you on the cobbles Stockport sits on a lot of

    Sandstone and believe it or believe it not there’s actually a river runs underneath Stockport down the far end where the uh Railway V du was that one of the biggest fire ducks in Europe when it was handbuilt got seven men died building or something possibly it is massive and then underneath the vior

    Where the I forget the name of the river now where the Sandstone is um people have been carving into it for years making caves and homeless people were actually living there in recent years did you know about the the the original Depo that was the trains Goods station as it

    Were up near the what now the cath it’s all closed off now but Mom remembers it cuz my Grandad used to Drive the goods trains so there was somebody been bricked off now somebody an extra tunnel musan templ called Keith warinda did the book The Secret tunnels the

    Stockport and there’s actually a whole book about it and there’s a air ra shelter underneath here a nuclear shelter underneath train tunnel one of the original train tunnels there you go steep in history a lot going on right so we’re going to go down the main stretch where we were before

    And all being well I’m going to grab myself a need to do a Christmas tour of the tunnels do that yeah Chris um Warren lives on MOS Lane um obviously well Rose School author did lots of interesting books uh and Martin it Martin O’Neal YouTuber um some he’s got as a friend he

    Does a lot of exploration in all the tunnels and everything his videos are really good if you into that sort of thing development going going on this might be the last time I ever come to Stockport originally that the original turn around that was the original Mark and Spencer’s building all right my

    Grandma used to take me there my Grandad used to sit in the car and read the paper Grandma used to take me in there Vis if you’re a little girl Sandra I’ll give you a ride on the roundabout we may never ever come back to stopall this could be your last time

    Ever seriously very possible Maybe I don’t think so very possible this might be dead uh yeah last time all change like to cross you but you won’t stop dinky oh weed get high on that there you go dinky Donuts Andre are them nut H things down

    Here as well you see what I mean what the weed or the donuts ohra it’s a hot food here by looks of it it looks like it looks that way doesn’t it yay that’s what we want isn’t it let’s have a look I got BR verst cheese cry

    Burst it’s got to be a cry burst we can pretend we’re in Cologne what are you having good go with the cower yeah well then all right so s’s going to order up and [Applause] uh sorry you’re okay sorry just just saying hello on YouTube sort of thing so

    Yeah so okay yeah there you go all cooking away there isn’t it all on the charcoal yeah beautiful thank you keep saying to sander we’ll get back to clone one day we’re going to have a Civ in colog but what they do there they put the um brat ver into like a little

    Chopper and chop the cever into little bits and then put the cly sauce on top uh here it comes in a bit of a separate what’s the word dunk is probably the best way to describe it so um yeah going have some lunch oh these very uh festive little

    Tables trying not to get all sticky and gooey so almost almost a clone way of doing things so if you go to yeah if you go to um clone like I just said they cut the sausage up and they normally have the sausage on there and then they pour

    The sauce on but here we’ve got the BR verse yeah that’s how they do it in CL SRA look into little bits all right oh that’s C is nice what did you have the smoked sausage one anyway you just B no yes you did that was very tasty Wonder wonderful

    That really enjoyed that super right going to nip into um the high quality clothing store now aren’t we Sandra yor putting wraps on this stall here oh don’t don’t you want some beef Sandra what are we having for tea see what I canle we still got a lamb have a lamb lamb

    Sandwich it is it Primark or Primark how did you say microwave have you seen the big story on the news it’s a presenter who says microwave is a microwave she calls a microwave a microwave M you not seen story no I have better things to do dear

    So do I apparently not so last time we came here a year ago or just over year ago was with Lucy and Caden we come out Prime out we come here and we met um uh Johnny here and Liz they got on camera giving a wave many times they’re not here today are

    They they be 11 June Le manchest should we go in should we go in come on I’m what we going to buy what are you doing here now colorful very colorful right I got some bits for Kaden and grandson and uh some bits and bobs for myself this

    Will be my last close shot before going back to the nurseries the joys of Primark lovely jile is it the green the green level we are indeed how’s your little trip to stop for not nice ni to be out in the fresh air bit Sunshine a bit different poing veryy much it’s really

    Unusual this is the first time s between Christmas and New Year we’ve not been away I think since I’ve met you we’re normally either going away nowish for New Year or we’re coming back after Christmas isn’t it very very unusual could go to skag nest for for a couple of

    Days there a place called M mumbe you heard yeah I could get on with me box packing and house cleaning and stuff and tax return and all things that need doing you said he wanted to come outside today today well can’t we take all the

    Boxes to the calan and you can sort them all out in the calan was that being silly but no idea s how much I love you got not got a clue no not not not and my other one my kindness for the rest of the year is outstanding Sandra outstanding what am I

    Going to do to me in 24 though that’s what I’m worried about I’m going to give you all ofby and we’re going to start a new life we had a lot of response to our fairy tale in New York um song it’s not actually a Christmas song is it as such

    You you got very tearful didn’t you Sandra so did you well I know I did I said I said I would but yeah thank you um Everybody made comments on that I think it res resignated with a lot of people didn’t it I think so and it was a very

    Sincere message that we gave and po ponant song word Sandra that’s what I’m looking for I would say poignant but yeah poignant yeah you know what I mean yeah right come on let’s go home here on the left if you know the area you’ll know the landmark what we

    Call the pyramid that used to be where the co-op we um base there might be the last time I’ll ever see the pyramid Sandra see don’t go to Egypt where you could get shot the Arab R in to go to stport all we need is a camel


    1. I love watching your videos when you go places. My Paternal Grandfather and his family were from Audenshaw, Ashton Under Lyne, Manchester area and were generations of Hatters so when you mentioned the Hatting Museum you peaked my interest. I was in contact with them at one time regarding my family's Hat Factory. My Maternal Grandmother was from Oldham and Bury

    2. last Christmas you were at the cottage. Did you get that storm pass over by yours last night? about 10pm i felt our floor vibrating then big flashes of lightning and huge booms of thunder it was crazy. My sister said Staleybridge had roofs ripped off.

    3. I think ikeas do look this way, then you go a bit further in and there are the areas you can buy things, if your not,lost by then. I like. Greggs sausage roll. My hubby spent two years in Stockport when doing his audiology training. The hill in Lincoln you refer to is cardiac hill. We go to Lincoln every week to collect out granddaughter back from uni for the weekend.. I dislike heights so couldn’t be on that bridge. Sound like you may need a bit of oxygen soon hehe. No wonder the chap was shouting if he was high on weed. It was bad enough passing him , so imagine what he must be like, . I would get that dinner down me Neil if I had your dinner, and wasn’t sitting down , I would have to have something like Sandra’s. How long before you go back to the nurseries. I can’t help but wonder what happens in 24 either , when Neil keeps saying about till the end of the year, hehe xx

    4. Nigella was the first to rename the microwave to microwarvey 🤨 silly woman 😂 when do you go back to the nurseries, did you get your car sorted 🙏🏼the head in the window looked like a real person 😂 awesome vlog 🥂🍾🍻

    5. Hi There Sandra and Neil and Rasha , Hope you are all well , Great video of stockport ,looks a nice place , And interesting bit of history , Sandra at the end of each month im on auto renew with my insurance , as its the end of the month put Neil on auto renew then Neil will love you in 2024 , LOL , Well Thanks for sharing , Take care all , 🌄👍👍

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