What’s the craziest adventure you’ve had with your kids? Last summer my twin brother and I decided to alter our epic mountain bike trip to Iceland by inviting our oldest kids to come with us. We still did a little riding, but let the kids pick a new adventure for each day. Our trip included horse back riding, hiking, and exploring three of the costal shores. Enjoy! Please contact me if you are interested in licensing some of the drone footage you see here.

    So for all of you out there that are parents what’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done with your kids some would talk about camping others may be going to a football game where someone gets into a fight well me and my brother decided to do something really crazy this last year

    We decided after Co giving our kids a little bit of a break and something to look forward to as I finished up their Junior and Senior year of high school why not take him on an adventure with us this time to Iceland After an 8 hour flight from Seattle Washington we landed in Ric and started on a 2-hour drive up the coast to a small ranch run by an Icelandic family these are the same horses you see in Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit they are absolutely gentle Little

    Giants and the kids totally loved it one of the first things you notice about Iceland as you’re on top of volcanic gravel and craters everywhere and these surefooted little horses know exactly where to go there’s not much in the way of trees in fact the island of Iceland has

    Been reforested some three or four times over the last thousand years but if you time it just right there’s plenty of color and green things to See hey guys it is day two of Iceland how’s it going guys I need water yeah he doesn’t get any water girls yay okay nice how’s it going buddy okay we’re trying trying some scy candy highly recommend if you’ve not tried it before sure what the call Skull Candy’s doing roundabouts like a

    Crazy day two in Iceland was by far our our busiest day after a morning of doing some mountain biking and walking around the steam ferals above the bike area we went on a long hiking trip between several waterfalls the kids were great Sports and it was amazing how much there was to see

    I look that Sil is it like Yellowstone or Better hi hey kids where we at guys Iceland [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] shapes all the dinosaurs and stuff died Di and thousand years they Harden their fossil and then eventually turned a stone see those Sh after a long 10-hour day we finally made it to the Black Sands Beach a place made famous by modern movies but also the puffins that fly above the basalt Cliffs even though we were all cold and wet it was still a great place to hang out and stack

    Rocks what a cool place to Visit Sometimes it’s the most unexpected stops that make the most memorable places I think for our kids the morning of the fourth day was the best day of the whole trip the sun was out it was warm well as warm as Iceland can be and there’s something about having

    Sunshine on your face in a remote place that helps give you perspective yeah life can be rough at times and it’s nice to have a place where you can feel close to God and close to Nature I think for us Iceland is one of those magical places yeah St hold still buddy yeah

    Hey guys we just came back from the ocean that was pretty epic lots of surf lots of dangerous wet rocks and Tyson and Tanner decided to jump in I couldn’t save him I’m sorry oh hey Ty how’s it going uh good good Okay It’s hard not to feel the magic of Iceland there are so many animals waterfalls ancient towns and places to go visit uh it really is an island with a thousand years of history and yet for some people this might be too rugged most of the cities are spread pretty far

    Out there’s not more than a few thousand people in any one town and there’s very few shopping places which in our mind makes it a great place to go and explore it’s true the reason why we first came to Iceland was because of a Ben Stiller

    Film but really the reason why we want to come back is because of the good experiences with our Kids okay so we’re about to get Co tested oh yeah yes so we can head back home tomorrow but we have to have a clean bill of health so let’s hope none of us have Co Center what’ you find here on we found a Russian blue cat in Iceland and it’s so

    Cute and it’s wild and it likes us now here by the airport I think the locals PR by a beach of Sorts I found Tanner aboard I didn’t have to like break this door you did not did you come on Tanner the door was like stuck and I had like okay so we’re here by the ocean side the airport here panners board the K97 and looks like it’s open for boarding boarding Now okay big smiles girls big smiles for the to got It your right kid oh it’s in there yo scene that was so weird we just went inside of jun’s cave weird strange weird not sure how to feel about it but it’s just weird It’s hard to wrap up the feelings and thoughts of this entire trip what I think back is just gratitude for our good kids we hope this trip has brought you some joy and some memories but also just this idea of building confidence that the world is not such a scary

    Place and that you know we have confidence you do great Things it out again it out again it out Again it’s been a while s we felt the way we did back when we were dumb and younger it’s been a while since I looked into your eyes and are start like both bright colors yeah when I’m down me up and when I’m dry my no one else my love

    My love I will choose you over and over I will choose you over and over I can choose you over and over again again and after all we been through this no one else for me but you I will choose you over and over again Again I out again you are the real thing the novel before the film all the new an every letter and you do things to me like they have never been down love like I could last forever and never when I’m down up when

    I’m dry my no one else my love no one my love I will you I you over I can choose you over and over again again and I we’ been through there no one else for me but you I will choose you over and over again I again I get iing out

    Again out again when I’m down when I’m dry my no one else no what my I you and over I you over and over I choose you over and over again again and I all we’ been through this no one else for me but you I would choose you fall R over again Again iose you over again Again I’m Cho you over again Again


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