📌 In this interview with Gwen Preston, from Resource Maven and expert in junior mining, she discusses her success in identifying and recommending stocks that have risen to amazing highs. Talks about her love for gold and silver stocks, as well as copper and uranium.

    📋 Preston provides insight into the challenges of investing in junior mining and the importance of deep geologic knowledge. She also discusses the decoupling of uranium prices from equities and the supply-demand forces in uranium. Additionally, she shares her thoughts on the potential for a soft landing in the US economy and the impact of rate cuts on gold.

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    ⏰ Timestamps:
    00:00 Intro
    01:12 Career Highlights
    05:31 Uranium Outlook
    09:54 Gold Perspective
    16:30 Copper Stocks
    18:27 U.S. Macroeconomics
    22:32 Risk Assessment
    27:58 Investors Mistakes

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    🚨 Disclaimer: This video is for informational purposes only and is not financial advice. Please do your own research before making any investment decisions.

    The supply demand setup is insane these price moves going from 75 to 90 happened on very small Volumes all right everybody welcome back to the next big rush I am Fabby but you’re already tired of looking at me and listening to my yapping I am here with Gwen Preston the reer maven she’s a newsletter writer and she to me will forever be the one who was pounding the

    Table on Great Bear when it was cheap as chips as they say it in Britain and I never listened to her which was a massive mistake and amongst other stocks she’s seen H and identified really early on and seeing them rise to amazing amazing highs when welcome very welcome to the show

    I’m saying welcome very much this is it I love that welcome very much I appreciate it all the ways awesome Gwen uh I don’t know how long you’ve been in this market and and Reporting or it but I just remember you always being there right like you you’re

    In Vancouver you know the people behind the companies and you shake hands with them you ask them questions that nobody else wants to ask them you get to the bottom of things and you find really great gems early on so I’m going to ask you straight up what

    Are some of the wins that you’ve had in your career that you’ve been able to point your subscribers to that you say yeah yeah I did that that’s that was really cool so I mean great bear um is the standout for sure how could it not

    Be um what I love about looking back on the Great Bear story is you know I met Chris Taylor when he was still like struggling to raise money and I I certainly saw something in what he was doing that I thought was special and it’s special because it just ticked all

    The boxes right you’re always looking to check the boxes there has to be a solid geologic the like thesis there has to be you know a land pro package that can be explored and is in the right sort of area and then there has to be like

    Really good people involved there has to be a good share structure they have to have access to Capital um and yeah there were aspects of it right at the beginning that I was like you know there’s something a bit special here but I don’t want to say that I knew that

    This was going to be the one because that would be a blatant lie and the whole thing about investing in juniors right is that you have to buy a bunch of explorers because you don’t know which of those might turn into the Great Bear so absolutely great bear phenomenal win

    For my subscribers I mean I love meeting subscribers whose lives were changed by that um so uh but I mean there’s been lots that have not worked out in the same way uh the other thing that I love looking back on the Great Fair story is

    Um that I did continue to buy and encourage people to continue to buy all the way and I think the reason that I was very confident in that is hard for a lot of investors to do which is the is the sort of deep geologic knowledge I’m not a geologist

    But I’ve written I’ve been around this space like you say forever so I understand quite a bit of geology and I do have access to people so I could sit down with Chris Taylor every few months and get a really solid update on what he was doing why he was doing it his

    Thought process and that’s why I understood that the lp fault was a game Cher this wasn’t just a high-grade thing anymore this was a game this was a big thing um and that’s the service that I think I try to provide right there’s a lot of investors out there and I love it

    Who are really interested in junior mining but Junior mining is really hard to keep up with right there’s so many projects there’s so much knowledge that’s needed to understand any individual press release whether that’s not knowledge of the people like you got to read between the lines you got to

    Understand the geology you got to understand the impacts of politics and all this stuff and it’s hard to do so I think that’s the service that I try to provide I spend all my time doing it and then try and help you know spread that knowledge around to some extent and it’s

    Really gratifying when it works of course there’s lots of times when it hasn’t worked and then sometimes the ones that win can be a bit surprising I remember having like calonia mining was this like small scale produc in my gosh I’m not even going to remember the

    Country it was at Botswana it was like a small scale gold producer and for some reason it just it went up it was like a 900% and you’re like where did that come from okay and then there’s somewhere you get the timing right Sigma lithium is a

    Good one right I mean I was just introduced to that story lithium was hot but Sigma was a little bit quiet they hadn’t done a lot of marketing and it was that recognition that they were on the golden Runway they were building the mine it was an inexpensive build they

    Had the right team and so that’s in the portfolio and is a nice win and then uranium oh my now it’s doing well but this is a good example of being early is arguably the same as being late or being wrong yes I know all about that yeah so

    Right now uranium is just a lovely lovely space to be in and to think about and and to keep buying um in my opinion but um yeah takes a lot of knowledge and it takes you got to kiss a lot of frogs um that’s the nature of of Junior

    Exploration because the rocks the rocks at the end of the day are in charge you just said that uranium is something that people should probably take a look at and should probably you know consider buying right now there’s this big debate happening right now on the Twitter sphere of okay the decoupling has

    Happened right we’ve been talk I have been talking about decoupling in a different way of hey uranium stocks and uranium are going to decouple from the rest of the market therefore you should look at it what has happened actually is the price of uranium has the coupled

    From the equities which is not exactly what we were aiming for and uh what’s your take on uranium not just the commodity but the equities themselves I mean I I have to believe that this is just I mean I was chatting with a a uranium guy just this morning

    About this topic and I have to believe that there’s just a few factors and momentum has compounded the selling right now and and that’s just that like I say a lot a lot of people were into uranium early and so when you’ve waiting for something for a long time it’s

    Absolutely fair to take some to take gains when they’re given to you and you know who knows what people’s like lying in the sandw $75 uranium go back a year $75 uranium might have seemed like a crazy oh my gosh if we get to $75 uranium that’s where I’m selling that

    Would have been a very reasonable promise to make to yourself a year ago right and so if people stick to their own promises to themselves that’s an important part of managing risk in your portfolio um of course you also have to amend your rules based on new realities

    And whatnot but I think there’s just a some profit taking on the retail side right now my understanding is that the uranium funds are still very in right they’re they’re looking for more positions they just want to keep adding because and this is something you’ve talked about Lots I mean that the supply

    Demand setup is insane there’s just right that these price moves going from 75 to 90 happened on very small volumes because there isn’t Supply like it just straight up isn’t out there um but yes the equity response has been interesting lately we we got benefit I feel

    Like one of the pieces of evidence that shows that it’s still um a lot of pretty informed investors playing the uranium space as opposed to generalists I think one good piece of evidence of that statement is that it’s really the companies that are able to produce into

    This Supply Gap immediately or in the near term who are prod who are doing the best and that the and that makes sense because they they are the answer so much as they can be to the immediate problem which is that we don’t have Supply right

    Now and we don’t have enough supply for the next few years the overall love for the space hasn’t like there isn’t enough generalist interest in the space yet for that to sort of come down and really benefit you know the prediscovery Explorers haven’t really seen anything

    Yet and even those who yeah the the share prices of of quite a few companies haven’t actually moved that much yet um if they’re not on that production train um I do think that it will happen um but as you like you talk about this decoupling stocks are always part of a bigger

    Picture and I agree that the supply demand forces in uranium are so insanely skewed that it should decouple and perform in its own way but at the end of the day if we’re not in an in an environment where investors are confident that we’re going towards economic growth then they’re not

    Thinking about investing in Commodities as a whole and so these things always it’s two steps forward one step back so I think that’s all that’s going on is a two steps forward one step back thing um and fair enough I mean when you see stocks like NextGen having gained so

    Significantly after a really after people had to wait a time for that you can’t fault people for taking some money off the table is it weird and frustrating that that’s happening while uranium is marching higher to like almost record levels yeah absolutely it’s weird and frustrating I feel like

    In the New Year we’re probably gonna couple again and carry on but uh yeah that’s we shall see we shall see indeed I think your it might be fair to say correct me if I’m wrong that your bread and butter is gold and silver stocks is that correct yeah gold and silver um

    It’s what comes up the most I guess yeah for sure I mean I love copper and uranium as well um but especially in the last few years it’s been more gold and silver because they’ve been the ones that where there’s been some opportunity copper and uranium at least over the

    Last five years haven’t provided as much excit let’s talk about opportunity in the gold space um I have been looking at pretty much pick any developer and I am looking at all of these different feasibility studies pref fiz whatever the stage is and I’m looking at the assumptions and they mostly look okay

    Obviously everything is a guesstimate when it comes to Mining and I’m looking at the price of gold and it’s holding nicely and I’m looking at the npvs with is market caps and I’m scratching my head and my head is getting really hot from all this scratching because there

    Just seems to be a mess massive disconnect Where Do We Go From Here is it going to take higher gold prices for us to have sort of a gold Revival in you know the the Juniors or are people just going to finally wake up to the fact that they’re they’re already cheap with

    Gold where it is um I think it is g to take so I mean gold yeah the price of gold is fantastic but it’s not dramatically different yet from where it has been for a few years and to be honest even though it’s at a very lovely level in terms of being able

    To make money if you’re a gold producer costs have been creeping up but anyways it’s at a lovely level it’s been sideways for three years and that’s the definition of boring so I don’t think that investors it just hasn’t provided any kind of pizzazz and then that’s what

    Investors look for they like whether you’re technical whether you’re fundamental whatever you’re looking for for momentum and there hasn’t been any momentum in the gold chart so those of us who know the history look at the gold price and we’re like this is this is a really amazing level like why like why

    Isn’t it working better and I think it’s just that it hasn’t developed that momentum it hasn’t developed that excitement yet now I feel like the last couple weeks and um are have provided reason to believe that that’s going to change in 2024 and of course you’ve talked about this but this

    Is you know Powell came out and the fed the FED came out and talked about rate cuts and that was like the thing that was needed right we all needed con the market as a whole the gold space for sure but the market as a whole needed confirmation that all of

    These bets on rate Cuts weren’t incorrect because there had been a huge BET right on rate Cuts in 2024 and when the FED came out and confirmed that yes we are planning on cutting rates in 2024 and that’s a proactive move they’re wait they’re not waiting until they’ve

    Strangled the economy they’re trying to cut rates so that they can support and maintain the the the way things are which is commendable um and that’s obviously incredibly important for gold right because gold for the last three years while it’s traded sideways has done so despite the most important

    Anti-gold Force being like the biggest thing in macroeconomics like the biggest thing that was going on was rate hikes and rate hikes are by definition the worst thing for gold and yet gold just was like I can do this I can handle it bring it hit me with some more rate

    Hikes I’m just gonna stay right here at like 1940 okay and that I mean I think central bank buying is the reason that that kept happening central banks are stockpiling gold in the face of dollarization and de globalization there’s a chart that I love that shows

    Um it’s from the Royal gold Council and it shows Central Bank buying and it shows it segmented into disclosed and undisclosed so the world gold Council knows all the central banks that are buying but the banks are independ are individually allowed to say yes you can

    Say that I was the buyer or they can say no keep it Anonymous and you historically it’s been mostly disclosed with a bit of undisclosed at the top and the last year or last three years it’s flipped it’s like primarily undisclosed with and the bars are much taller

    Because there’s a lot more buying and most of the bars undisclosed which is says to me that’s just Stark evidence of there’s a lot of countries out there that are quietly preparing for what what will whatever might come from this de globalization movement right dollarization de globalization these

    Were very arm wavy things for a long time but now they’re realities they really are and you need to have a fallback in in when when dramatic change happens and that even if it’s happening fairly slowly but this is a tanker turning around in the ocean that’s what dollarization and de globalization are

    And eventually it does turn around so Central Bank buying is what kept gold strong despite it being punched by rate hikes for three two years um and now that headwind the thing that kept gold down despite all of this Central Bank support poof it’s just gone right and so

    I do think that that fundamentally creates a setup that lets gold do what it hasn’t been allowed to do for a couple years and the c is now very strong which is helpful for all the technical traders um so we’ll see I mean I don’t want to get too optimistic but

    The The Disappearance of the eradication of the huge headwind of rate hikes is very significant in my books and so I feel like it does set gold up for the opportunity to go in 2024 whether that I mean if we end up in a recession I I would prefer that we end

    Up in a soft Landing with people excited by gold because we’re in a rate cutting environment if I could choose then that’s what I would choose because then I think all medals would have an opportunity to perform um I don’t get to choose it turns out unfortunately um but

    Whether we end up in a soft Landing whether there’s some sort of recessionary time I mean they they all can work for gold as long as we get rate cuts and now that is what we’re we we’ve been told that we will get so that was a

    Really long answer I don’t even really remember the question was that that’s the kind of answer that we were looking for so regarding the the whole notion of soft Landing versus hard landing and whether that’s going to look like a realist recession or not is that impacting the way that you look at

    Copper stocks at all yeah I mean I did not buy into base metal stocks um other than those that I thought were potential to deliver a discovery so like if you’re if you’re a pre-discovery Explorer and you have the potential to deliver a discovery it actually doesn’t really

    Matter what the the metal sentiment is like discoveries can shine no matter the market like a nextg discovered arrow in a terrible uranium market and that didn’t matter but if we ex if aside from those with the potential to deliver a significant Discovery I haven’t been buying base metal stocks for the last

    Year and the reason is exactly that the risk of um overall economic down downside ahead just invalidated the thesis right because if you’re if you’re buying a a copper company that is growing a resource and is about to produce a pea and or that is even

    Building a mine I mean those are gradual stepwise value builds but a recession just erases them and so I just thought that that risk was too present to bother with that game like it was too risky you’re supposed to buy a copper developer because it’s a lowrisk

    Leverage to copper and I just thought that there was no lowris risk opportunity and copper um because of that macro setup I mean I talked to me three months ago and I was still very divided I’m like we could be heading into a recession we

    Could I don’t know like the data were so mixed so incredibly mixed right open one report open another report you could be convinced either way 20 times a day it was crazy making actually and there’s still I mean I still hesitate on being optimistic that we’re going to avoid a recession because

    This rate hike cycle has been insane and you know what it does to debt payments on household and corporate levels is really dramatic but so far so good and if we do get some rate Cuts I mean I feel like it might happen and the the US economy has

    Been shockingly resilient I mean we are stocks are at all-time highs unemployment is still under 4% like we still have better than 3% three and a half% growth like it is amazingly good out there the the worst thing has been sentiment when you go you know you go

    ISM surveys of Manufacturers or whatever or um you know surveys of retail sentiment they’ve been in the gutter for two years despite things actually looking good on a hard data front and now that sentiment is starting to shift a bit as well and that may be a rate cut thing as well um

    And that matters because sentiment can we can create our own outcome you know if people are too negative for too long then they can create a negative outcome if it were possible to sort of go either way um so I’m more optimistic now that we are that that there is a reasonable

    Chance of getting to this magical unicorn soft Landing the fact that I call it a magical unicorn it sort of captures How likely I thought it was for a long time that’s what I that’s how I characterized it now I’m like oh maybe maybe we’re going get getting it you know

    Every that that does happen sometimes I’ll be scratching my head even longer if that does happen I I honest to goodness only thought that a a softish landing would only be possible whenever a powerful government actually had fully implemented cryptocurrency as it main you know monetary way of doing business

    Because then you can change the supply um basically at the Press of a button just by programming it and so I thought okay maybe they’re going to use this in order to you know like really pull the levers whichever way that they want um but that hasn’t happened yet and and if

    They can figure this out without a major recession then I’ll be like you know this this is this is quite something well done I mean at the end of the day the big problems that we’re discussing still exist right the debt loads I mean the the bigger thing in the in the rates

    The if you really step back and look at 20,000 feet I mean the big issue for the US government is um is there need to issue debt and like just a the number of buyers of that debt just keeps sliding now the US bond market the treasury

    Market is the biggest most liquid most important Market in the world I’m not going to stand up there and say all of a sudden there’s no buyers for US debt that’s this is no uranium spot Market exactly this is the opposite exactly of that but we do have China buying far

    Less Japan not buying because they’re managing their monetary setup differently we have Russia of course not buying any there’s a lot of banks around the world governments that aren’t buying us treasuries to anywhere near the extent that they were before and yet there is a deficit necessary way of operating so so

    I mean the the issuances just keep rising and so at this is a Kick the Can thing I mean I I we’ve obviously kicked it for quite a while already I I don’t think that that can is about to explode but um yeah that setup doesn’t get fixed

    Even if we manage a soft Landing from this rate hike cycle but that’s that’s very big picture stuff that’s like dollarization that’s a tanker that’s and that tanker is still just getting started on its turn this decades yeah this decades it’s a decades long conversation and we have been talking

    About it for for about a decade right yeah uh Gwen you probably look at hundreds and hundreds of different companies every year trying to assess you know what is worth your money and what is beyond that worth openly and publicly talking about and recommending to your readers how do you assess risk

    In a company is it about jurisdiction is it about team uh what are are some of your gauges there yeah I mean it’s a it’s it’s the question right um it’s interesting when I started my newsletter which is almost a decade ago um I feel like the conversation around risk was

    Much more specific people wanted to talk about jurisdictional risk they wanted to know which jurisdictions I liked and which ones I avoided uh they wanted to talk about like they wanted to talk about Capital markets risk and that was there it was just very it’s a much more

    It was a very specific conversation now that we’ve gone through this grind of a side bare Market sideways Market whatever it is um risk has become like I feel like there’s less benefit in um focusing on the individual the individual aspects of risk definitely still matter you

    Obviously need a project that you can actually work um you need uh there’s no point trying to advance a nickel product project if the nickel price is expected to decline for the next 5 years right like these things matter but the way that I summarize it is when you hear the

    Story and have a conversation with management do you get a clear sense that they have a well formulated plan to try to create new value for shareholders in the near and medium term and that um sounds kind of simple but actually what that does is capture all of those aspects of

    Risk because if you want to create value you’re going to need to have money so that’s means that you need to be able to access money and that also means that you need to have a plan for how to access that money that won’t inhibit your ability to create shareholder value

    So this is all about when to finance and how to finance and who’s in your book and how do you how do you create Market support and then what are what are you actually doing and are you good at articulating what you’re doing I mean I think there’s been

    Some it’s really important to say these are my goal posts that I’m trying to get to and then if you get there or you don’t because the rocks are often in charge and you don’t always get to decide you have to explain that you tried that you either achieved it or

    Didn’t and then this is what you’re going to do next and it’s it sounds kind of simple but it is shockingly rare that there’s a clearly articulated plan with timelines and deep Capital markets knowledge and planning integrated into that and it is not just a hope and a

    Prayer that a single drill result is going to open doors and make things happen like if this works then we’ll do this we also have this going so it might work maybe they happen at different times if they both fail then we can bring this third thing into the from the

    Stable over and we can start focusing on it these things are complicated running a junior company is not easy you got to have a lot of cards in your deck and you have to be able to play them in different ways and understand who else has cards and what you need from them

    It’s complicated but it really comes down to that like what are you g to do next week next month and next year how are you going to fund it who’s going to do it do you have the knowledge do right like do you have the permits to like how

    Are you going to create new shareholder value and also management really matters and Management’s ability to Simply articulate to to create and then articulate that plan it’s like being a teacher you can’t teach something unless you actually understand it so if management can’t articulate a clear plan then they don’t

    Have one and that is the biggest red flag for me is the lack of a clear plan um the lack of and an inability to explain what they’re doing as a story because I think that that really matters um there’s resource focused funds out there for sure and there’s resource

    Focused investors who will get excited about your technical data and you know your geophysical maps and things like that but there’s a lot of money out there retail through to big fun family offices big funds that need you to tell them a story and I’m not saying that to

    Suggest that they that they’re dumb or something they need a story they they’re not geologists or geophysicists what they need is a story why are you doing what you’re doing like why is it interesting why is exciting where where might it go that’s a story and so can

    You put it into a story can you tell people a story stories are what people remember stories are what click in people’s heads and people For Better or Worse investors often get very attached to to individual stocks and they’ll do that because the story resonates with

    Them and so yeah it’s about what WEA management can can do that tell a story that’s clear well articulated and has backup plans um that’s sort of how I assess whether they’ve managed risk yeah you said that some people fall in love you know with with a story of a

    Company I which I’ve seen you know to a fault and sometimes uh you know they they get the opportunity to meet with management and you know some some of of these CEOs like they they’re great salese because they have to be you know and that’s that’s not you know anything

    Negative on them good for them because you know lower cost of capital they’re able to raise money but at the end of the day I I do see uh a lot of retail investors just attaching themselves to a management teamwork company to the point of being blind you know to all the red

    Flags or The Many Colored flags that they might see throughout you know development or lack thereof uh what other mistakes do you see investors making right now as you you’re looking at all these different markets you’re looking at uranium gold silver copper and you’re looking at these as

    Opportunities and you kind of know okay you know this type of company is something I really like versus that type of company what do you think most investors are missing huh interesting question um so we’ve been waiting for a a good market for Metals for a long time I mean

    If that is if if that is developing I mean and I’m I’m ever an optimist so it might be um then you know now is a great time to position but I can’t chastise anybody for not jumping in right now I absolutely can’t because there’s been head fakes before there’s been fa like

    Right and yeah so I I can’t chastise anyone for that yes there’s great like you talked about the incredible valuation disconnects for some of these gold developers I think that’s very true some of the things that are giving me confidence that there might be some um

    Change on that is there has been some m&a lately that has started to address that right we saw dunde by osino you know we’ve seen the merger of calra and Marathon um you know we’re starting to see some in the in the uranium space as well some consolidation um quite a few Investments

    Like Majors doing strategic Investments they’re not buying out companies but like you know the competition for Majors to invest in Hercules silver when they hit into the poery was really like okay finally the majors are like and then the stock shut up even more right yeah

    Exactly and baric was buying in the open market baric never buys in the open market they were buying in the open market because they were so excited so there’s a couple things there there one of the thing that that Hercules situation really underlined it’s something that those of us in this space

    Have been talking about for a while but it’s this lack of discovery right like we are so ridiculously short on copper discoveries significant copper discoveries it’s insane and the world is going green and even if it wasn’t going green we need lots of copper for everything that we do but it is going

    Green and that means we need way way more and so the lack of copper discoveries in is insane and that is why baric and six other Majors were you know in a fist fight over who got to invest in a brand new copper por Frey Discovery

    Um that’s a sea chain right that is not something that we have seen and so if more money starts coming down from the majors that will help um it’s not the answer we still need generalist investors to start caring about Metals again and that is going to happen on its

    Own time frame that’s going to depend on the generalist investor deciding that the world is back on a growth path when the world is back on a growth path then investors will invest in Commodities again and they don’t when we’re not on a growth path so we got to get there we

    Can’t control that but within our little space I think the the moves from strategics are helpful as for what investors are missing um it’s it’s hard to say right now because I think the comment about falling in love with companies is always um an important one to discuss I think

    It’s really easy like you say someone meets a really good CEO who sells them a story and gets them very excited and then they put too many eggs in that basket and I talk a lot in my newsletter about how and we said it even at the beginning of this conversation you know

    As much as that drill Target looks really really good the rocks are in charge and they might not give you what you think is there and so you gota you got to own 10 explorers in the hopes that one of them will deliver a really good Discovery a

    Few of them might deliver like okay progress and a few of them will be complete failures you got to own 10 you cannot own one um and then it’s that whole investor mentality thing where like you end up averaging down and getting deeper and you’re digging your

    Own hole and then how do you get out um then there’s I mean this big picture positioning I I think one of the things that investors need to always focus on is like what is the time frame of their investment thesis are you talking about trying to

    Make money in the next six months the way to do that really is probably with uranium or discoveries those are the only things that are that have some confidence and that of course discoveries don’t have any confidence at all but like those are the things that

    Could happen in that short time frame if you’re investing for the next two years then I think gold silver copper they will uranium they will all do well but you have to be you have to always be aware aare of what your time frame of investing is so I think that’s really an

    Important one it’s it’s easy to get convinced of a thesis the undervaluation of developers you know the the drill Target that this person’s going after the idea that this that a a copper mind or a mine that’s adjacent needs this land and will buy it it’s easy to get

    Convinced on individual stories but you have to be aware of the timeline that it might take for that story to play out and it’s impatient I’m an impatient person I get it but you got to always remember that so I think that that’s a that’s another very common mistake yeah

    It’s what I usually say you can lose money on a really good stock if you don’t have the right you know time frame and somebody else will pick the same stock and their timing will be different and they can you know make out like Bandits that is very true Gwen thank you

    So much uh can you please let us know where people can go and follow you and get to know more about your newsletter absolutely so resource m.ca is the website easy to find uh and all the social media connections are there and Twitter and I do lots of short videos

    These days reals and Instagram and all that um so yeah but resource m.ca it’s the easiest place to find uh to find everything and thank you so much for having me this was a fun conversation thank you we should do this more often for sure because ABS great I absolutely

    Love talking about all of these uh gritty little Juniors that you know might might actually get us somewhere someday thank you here’s hoping right here’s hoping cheers see you next time take care


    1. Another great analysis! Your video on the Lassonde curve provided valuable insights. Considering your expertise in identifying promising stocks, I'd be interested to know your take on Fuse Minerals, a junior mining exploration company gearing up for an IPO on the ASX. With applications closing on the 24th of Jan and the listing set for the 8th of Feb 2024, it seems like an exciting prospect worth exploring.

    2. At inflation adjusted terms, gold did not reach an all time high this past month. In the meantime it will get slammed down when it breaks out, optics are everything in the fiat ponzi scheme.

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