Explore the breathtaking landscapes of the Peak District, right at my doorstep, and let me assure you, it’s an exhilarating ride. Join me on this captivating journey as I whisk my wife away for a late afternoon adventure aboard my BMW 1250 GSA, navigating through some of the most picturesque spots in the Peak District – from the stunning Bamford Edge to the iconic Stanage Edge and the awe-inspiring Winnats Pass.

    Embarking on our ride from Coventry in the late afternoon, we find ourselves immersed in the golden hour, treating us to a spectacular sunset that stole the show that night.

    I appreciate you taking the time to dive into this upload, and I acknowledge that it’s been a while since my last one. Rest assured, I have loads more captivating content to edit and share with you, and I’m excited to roll out more in the coming days. Stay tuned for an adventure-packed experience!

    Hey how you doing today welcome back to the channel well it’s a lovely sunny afternoon a little bit cloudy but it’s very warm 22° obviously I’m not going to waste that weather so I thought let’s get out on the bike and the misses was free so she’s joining me today as well riding

    Pan and I think we’re going to head to the Peak District we should be fun we got stuff to eat and bought the chairs with us and that so we can go and find somewhere nice up there hopefully so stick around and uh let’s go and do some

    Exploring ah there’s traffic today guys this is because uh there’s a c game on I forgot about that centry City playing at the r Arena today so it’s uh manic down here but we should be a to filter through in a minute once we get just on that bit

    There and then I’m planning on going up to the uh Peak District not sure what area yet we’ll just head north and see see where we end up I’m still just recovering from the France trip that was a a lot of miles did about uh 1,600

    Mil um was a bit achy when it got back not too bad but I think I did 600 miles on one of the days come on then but when you’ve been on a ride like that you get withdrawal symptoms and I was really missing the bike this week at work just wanted to

    Get out on it so I went out for a little uh little Shakedown last night just around this local area and I didn’t put the Panos on I didn’t have any of that stuff on I didn’t have the GoPro on just went out for a little blast and it was absolutely

    Awesome so I thought I’m definitely going out for a ride tomorrow um and the misses she definitely wanted to come as well so that was good and then tomorrow I’ve arranged I mean it’s not it’s 99% confirmed I’m there going but if I want to go there’s

    A a ride out to we’re going to Snowden and then going over to abis withth for lunch and then back again and it’s an 8:30 meet in Birmingham so 8:30 in the morning so hopefully I’ll be going on that and if I do obviously you’ll be coming with me

    Guys haven’t been up to Wales for a while actually if you’re a a viewer of the channel then you’ll know that I’ve been to whales quite a few times before so yeah I know a lot of the areas up there and it is it’s a fantastic ride actually and also it’s not that

    Far so yeah we’ll get down there have a little blast around snowdonia abis and then probably back along Eland Valley or something should be a good ride out so stay tuned for that one see all the cough supporters over there hopefully we’ll win today it’s against Watford got the Miss on the

    Back she being really quiet but you can just make her out on the GoPro there all this just to see some men kicking a ball of air around the field my son has actually gone to the game I’m just looking out see if I can see

    Him right that should be it now on the traffic now it’s just a nice straight run up to the Peak District normally I head to Burton on Trent and then up to ashborne and then straight into the Peak District that way but I think what we’ll do today we’ll head to

    Leicester or up the m42 and then come out up by sort of Nottingham Way head north a bit and then cut in and then uh Meander our way back down through the Peak District so we’ll get as far as we can first and then have a nice ride back through the Peak

    District and then hopefully we should be be up there when the golden hour starts as well later or on our way back anyway so we should be able to get some good uh good shots up there I think we’ll go yeah we’ll just head to Leicester and then we’ll turn left up the

    M1 SS low okay so we just getting on the m6 and then we’ll take the m69 over to leester and then up the M1 and then we’ll head up towards Sheffield and then cut in somewhere probably won’t get as far as Sheffield probably go to like Chesterfield or somewhere or maybe

    A bit further but this bit is going to be a bit boring so I’ll catch up with you guys again in a minute once we get a bit further up okay so we are currently still on the M1 uh We’ve traveled quite far north and we are coming off at Junction

    29 which is uh chestfield and I have look at the map on the way and we are heading for to start our day around the Peak District we’re going to head for Lady B Reservoir so a lot of you all know that one and then we’re going to

    Work our way down through the peak districts and then end up back at sort of ashborne area but there’s plenty to see between those two places so should have a fun afternoon so keep watching and let’s see what fun we have in the Pak District okay so we’re just coming up to

    Our turning now Junction 29 on the M1 then what we’re going to do we’re going to go through Chesterfield and then up and then sort of behind Sheffield and then it will cut across to Lady B if I get a chance I’ll put a map on the

    Screen for you to have a look at of the route the misses is still on the back we haven’t fell out yet which is good give a little wave yeah good to be off the motorway you know me can’t stand it on the motorway I’m not not one for fast route

    I always take the slow way but it’s already 302 which means it’s already getting on a bit today so it’s going to be a nice early late afternoon early evening ride today so I’m just going to pull in here and get some fuel we’re just near Sheffield now I

    Think this is like the outskirts of Sheffield I’m not sure but I think it is I’ll just stop here 149 a liter which is a lot cheaper than uh what we were paying in Germany and France especially France she’s got her Alpine Stars jacket on all Alpine startup showy neotech helmet she’s got

    All the best gear I wish I had a sh neech helmet but then again with a shy nech helmet I can’t put my camera on the front like that it’s annoying otherwise I’d get one in Flash which is really annoying you can’t have it there because one you you can’t fix

    The mic um to the front I have watched a few YouTube videos about how people have successfully done it but again you can’t lift the front up with a with the camera on the front like this just won’t work okay let’s just get some dollar from my bag how much is it £37

    7p where see nice one thank you so we got our sandwiches we’ve already got drinks and stuff so we’re all set now spend uh good few hours in the Peak District look at that wow okay get these in cool I’m just seeing what way we got to go

    Now right so we’re going to head down now to Lady B 9.7 mil away some bikers okay so yeah we’ve turned off and we’re going to take the scenic route down to the lady Bower yeah this way is much better much better past stores and up that way

    Brilliant I’ll put the uh what three words on here guys so you know exactly what roads are on and stuff and where we’re abouts we are if you fancy doing these roots yourself there’s Sheffield good view cross Sheffield there to the right lovely View and here we are out in the

    Sticks my favorite place to be I hope the camera is picking this up uh because that is such a nice view right across Sheffield looks pretty up ahead people do this now it’s a new thing guys hanging your dog poo from your back window so what we got in the North F

    Arms Hotel looks pretty okay so we’re going left and then we’re doing an immediate right the road is called fullwood Lane hikers everywhere it’s mad to think that we’re so close to Sheffield right now literally just a stone throw except we’re out in this beauty okay saying turn left in 0.9

    Let’s hope um it’s not a dirt track cuz I’m not flying solo today so now we’re on Black Brook Road and it is definitely giv this is really nice so if you are turning off at Sheffield to go to ladyb then forget that Main Road that’s horrible come this

    Way just use the what three words that I put to find this road and come down this way much better way more Scenic okay we’re turning off here doing the left somewhere along here look at that and that massive house down the bottom there beautiful okay we do a left

    Here that was uh Harris Lane and now we’re going on to Black Brook Road this wouldn’t be a bad place to live I don’t think guys because you’re so close to Sheffield if you want to get in there but also you’re out out in the wild that’s the perfect sort of place

    For me that is when you’re not quite in the city but you’re just close enough if you need to get in there for something got a little nod from a veser still a biker at the end of the day isn’t he wow look at this huge Lake in front as well do you

    See it oil there Suns out guns out bit of a descent now down to the actual Reservoir itself view goals actually feel like just getting up and going for a hike and then straight on Manchester straight over the snakes pth which is uh up there right so we’re just approaching it

    Now just ascending around these bends and then we sort of come down to a nice Valley there’s a lot of cars about and bikes a lot of bikes I hope you can see feel this guys cuz the sun is blazing on the camera right now traffic right so there’s the lake over

    There look it’s on both sides we’re going to go across a big bridge now uh and we’re entering the Derwin Valley and there you can see via snake pass straight ahead so guys banford is left we’re going to go there afterwards but first I’ll just uh show you around the reservoir

    I have got another video showing it but it was a miserable day that day so it’s nice to actually be here with a bit of sun in the summertime look left there’s a country Park here uh I’ll just I’m just going in there now to show the misses as

    Well so we’ll go right into this park if you go straight that’s the bit now to the snake pass you can see the start of it there as a sign says there Snake pass I’m finding the bike is really miserable today this is the Derwin Valley Park

    Now and last time I just stopped along here for a coffee in that I think I will stopped from the first one somewhere along here so this isn’t actually a through Road I’m just taking you down to show you the Derwin Valley Country Park there is actually a little track all

    Around the reservoir but this time of year they close it so we won’t be going down there and there it is Road closed ahead so in the winter sometimes that’s open but now it’s closed so we’ll just have a quick look in here welcome to Fair homes this is a

    Pain display car park okay we’re not staying anyway yeah I’ve just come down here to show you all but we’re not going to stay here how’d you get out I suppose you have to go around there that’s fine got a nice cream van somewhere to park the bikes a lot of bikers over

    There so if you come down then you can park your bike down here and have a picnic bench there if you want to have your picnic get nice cream but it’s way too busy for me I’m out of here nice views though in fact I come down here in the

    Winter sometimes it’s really empty and it’s really nice and just sit and have my picnic all on my own Hello Duck just letting the Ducks cross look he’s having a little bath in the puddle there you got a whole lake over there and you choose that dirty puddle

    Okay all right so I’ve brought you down showed you that now let’s move on it’s too busy here I think everywhere we go is going to be busy but if we get out once we’re in by Bamford and that we’ll find some nice quiet areas not quite so busy as

    This it is nice along here though what we’ll do now we’re going to sneak down through the peak this now and try and find as many lovely places as we can on our way down but this is a good starting point I think you’ll all agree wow lovely oh wow look at that

    View here some bikes ah so good to be back out in the countryside after a week’s work that’s why sooner or later I’m going to head off around the world with the misses on the back we haven’t really planned a proper route just yet but probably going to ride

    To well we’ll see what the world situation is like at that time but you know got some plans where we want to go right we’re going to turn right here and we’re going to head down towards Bamford some of you probably seen that on my other video Bamford Edge

    But we’ll go down there anyway cuz uh it’s spectacular and it’s really nice and sunny today so it’s going to look really good what’s going on there map Reading their map right this is the dam here and then that’s the end of the reservoir there’s the ram the dam

    There so we’re just coming up new road now new road and uh Bamford Edge I think it’s Bamford Edge just on our left and on the right as well we’ve got some spectacular views as well so you can see people sitting up there on Bamford Edge I’m assuming that’s

    Bamford Edge anyway but yeah it looks really good it’s like the stones are sort of flat rocks that are just sat on each other so cool I’ll try and find out a bit of history about it and put it on the video and then a lovely view on the right side across the

    Valley oh look at that beautiful this beat is sitting at home I’ll tell you I’d rather be out here than at that football match that we passed earlier I think it’s time to stop for a coffee soon there’s a lot of Walkers about going up there look look at that beautiful

    That’s a nice view across there so we have got some nice Series in England actually I think that was banord Edge back there and I think the standage edge is this one up here pull in pull in good lad yeah this is my kind of day out just slowly cruising through the

    Countryside so that was bamage back there but I think this might be standard jedge I’m not sure but I’ll check on the maps and put it on the screen and I’ll put also the what words again cuz I know a lot of you want to come

    Here so here you can sit with the Sheep sit with the sheep and have your dinner actually is that a good spot here maybe yeah here we’ll park on the grass here on the selck and climb over thereon lunch with a view Perfect part from my squeaky boots

    That’s it I am going to rename the channel I’ll tell you squeaky boots forget itchy boots now it’s all about the squeaky boots city city Adventure Boots hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey hey Hey hey Hey Hey right that’s teab bre over time to make a move onto our next stop not really sure which way we’re going yet but we’re going to just head that way um we could probably go by Castle turn and all that area but we’ll just carry on up

    This road for now and see where it comes out I’m going to ride my gloves off for a little bit just up this road just in case there’s anyone watching who thinks they’re going to send me an email don’t worry I’ve got my gloves with me I’m just having them off

    For 5 minutes cuz it’s so hot and uh we’re not going fast now so just going to keep them off for 5 minutes right then let’s keep moving on it’s a nice placees for a sheep around there Isn’t it nice views good Fields loads of mad tourists toilets don’t remember them

    Being there that’s good look at that it’s 5:30 already so we’re definitely going to be out for the golden hour oh yeah if you go right down that way there’s a nice bench to sit on down there if you want a nice bench to sit on with a good view

    Keep going along there and you’ll get to like a sort of wooded area and there’s a really nice benched bench part I know I get quite a few people watching my videos who I’ve also got these van converion if you do come this is a good spot right

    Here park up here probably just stay over no’s going to say anything right where we going to go now let’s have a look think we’ll go right here cuz it looks good I just turned right this way but I don’t really know where I’m going at the

    Moment I’ve Just Seen A Road over there that looks good which I didn’t take goes up there and down there look let see there might be a little road through good way to spend in afternoon cruising around these beautiful areas of England England’s not that bad is it it’s just

    When you go in the cities that I don’t like it that poor cyclist back there was struggling okay let me just check the map here it’s a lovely little village this got delies and bars and all sorts of stuff going on in fact I’ve never seen it this busy

    I’ve been through a few times outdoor shops everywhere okay so we’re just approaching Castleton and because we’re here it would be rude not to do win it pass so we’re going to ride through win it pass as you do it’ be rude not to wouldn’t it while we’re

    Here so hope station’s on the right hand side here it’s actually a real stunning place around here Hope Valley they call it if you just set your sat up to Hope Valley you’d be in a good place so Hope Station just up there Here’s Hope now there’s a caravan Camp glove on the

    Left be nice for a hike from there nice little sort of um base I’ve stopped in that Spa many a time to get snacks on my bike Journey it’s a very stocked up shop that is if you ever want to go in there and then if you just ride up this

    Way uh we’re going to get to the wind past shortly so keep watching cuz it’s is really spectacular although saying that every time I go through there there’s about 100 cars going either way so up ahead we’ got uh he Castle Peak Cavern Tre Cliff Cavern speed whe Cavern and blue

    John Cavern as as well all really good places to visit if you got the time while you’re on your Journeys today we’re just going to be passing through I’m literally just coming up this way so we can do the win pass and then I’m going to come back down here and head up

    These Hills here youth hostel on the right okay so we just entered Castleton and you can just make out when it’s pass over there the entrance to it the good thing is it’s a bit later in the day now so might not be as rammed although

    Saying that it is 22° still so we might still see quite a few people I think it’s actually 10 to 6 already nice How Lane and that is incidentally the name of the road that we’re riding on now how Lane this Village always seems to me to

    Be so like beautiful look at it it’s got lovely little shops and bars and restaurants and b&bs and hotels and all right so let’s keep going through the village and as you can see there that Valley there is uh wi its pass so we’re going to Traverse our way up there and through

    There now my one of my first videos was uh driving two minutes pass so I’ll put a link to it somewhere here or there or anywhere look at the traffic jam just to go up it never mind we’ll do it anyway it’s really spectacular the way the how it’s cut out like

    That I wonder if a river originally went run through it or is it cut out by man I don’t think it’s cut out by man I bet a river ran through it maybe and created that a valy okay so this is when it’s pass and it is pretty

    Stunning epic I don’t know what word you’re going to use to describe this but yeah it’s all of them and it’s just randomly there right in the middle of this area I need to find out whether this is cut out or naturally formed but look at it this is epic all

    Right believe it or not we are going to go back down again hello Mr sheep don’t you think you should be off the road come on silly really some mad people get the Drone to follow them up good lad so we got a lorry in front of us

    Going down look an Arctic coming down through when its pass there’s a first for everything I haven’t seen that before wouldn’t it be nice time when it’s past his out for a bit he’s got to take it slow down here because I don’t know if the camera

    Does it any justice but it’s actually really steep so yeah we’re going really really slow 6 M hour M mint sauce in fact it’d be really cool to just climb that hill and sit up there somewhere look at that guy on the top there look you can everyone these days

    When you look at them they’ve all got their arm out because they’ve all got their phones well this I’ve never been down WIS past this so it’s really good for you to watch at home go on toy France let’s have it he’s not waiting he thought he was going to come

    Ripping it down here today the Lori ruined it I don’t know if you’re supposed to bring an Arctic down here to be honest but there’s no signs so I suppose it’s all right how did he get it through that little Gap there look look at the Gateway [Applause] how

    Thanks well that’s Castleton done now let’s just head out of town of it and see check our bearings out when we get there and see where we’re going to go next well this is a bit of a steep one now when I first got my GS this is one

    Of the first roads I came along first thing I did was come to the Peak District and now we should be back in the sun again and there’s some really fun look over there look at the view over that way guys let’s stop here for a minute just here and [Applause] Then good picture from there well I just rode about 2 miles I just had to stop again I’m not going to rush home tonight I’m going to stop when there’s views like this who wouldn’t want to stop and check this out look at this England in its finest suppose we better move

    On but I’m not in any Russian this is just too good but next we’re going to be at Tides well and then we’re going to go down towards Monash and those areas I think it’s called Monash right let’s get this off the stand we’re

    Uphill so it’s going to be a bit of a struggle it’s on the center stand okay we good yeah if you just ride along that bit there there’s a big quarry with a big hole there yeah we’ll just keep going along this road to tr tie well I’ve been down

    There before there’s a quarry there 645 cruising along sun setting misses on the back ah what more could I ask for want to be somewhere nice for the sunset so just on our left here there’s a big Quarry you don’t want to get over that fence just over there because then

    There’s a big drop so we’re currently just on our way to Mono head now um oh what’s that is that a big hot air balloon Tides well down that way okay I was going to go through Tides while but it doesn’t matter it’s too far we want to go this

    Way you know that way Peak Forest that’s that track you know the off-road track we go down with the blue water just look at these dry stone walls thousands and thousands of miles of dry dry stone walls everywhere built up over probably hundreds of years the farmer out check his uh Liv

    Stock a This Is The Life okay so we’re going to go on the main road for 2 minutes thank [Applause] you all right we’re going to turn right along here here it’s this one down here at the bottom of the hill that’s it monso head Ashford in the water and

    WL and there’s a lovely River along here mono Dale that’s the one uh you’ll see on the video in a minute why I chose this way cuz it is so stunning and we go right down into like a valley and then now we come up into mono head then so we’re to right

    Here um Yep it’s got some stunning bits down there is that a track on the right it looks like they’ve gated it off though nice oh I can’t believe in just a few weeks it’s going to be winter and all these nice evenings will be finished and by

    Now it will be pitch black and I’ll be at home sipping on a cup of tea saying that I did get out quite a bit last winter and I was getting back like freezing cold almost in tears cuz I was like like a block of ice when I got home we’ll see what

    Happens this week there it’s normally blocked off is it blocked off today no see that bridge just there in front I don’t know if you can see any pip today but that’s time I came along here I could see Pike in there and uh other fish can’t see any

    Today hi gorgeous spot down there isn’t it beautiful it’s absolutely beautiful I’m going to ruin it while I just start the bike to get it out of here uh we just come from cry yeah not it’s not too far ashborne is beautiful I love it there it vibrant Market got a lot of

    Going for it it yeah they’ve always got the bunting out there for something a good journey all right nice to meet you bye bye I’m going to turn around have a lovely rest of your weekend Okay jump on very nice this looks like a nice place to

    Stay right there’s monel head up there so let’s go up here and I’ll show you monel head a lot of you will have seen this already but for those of you who haven’t over there there’s like a Viaduct or something I don’t know if we’ll catch it

    On this camera it’s just over there might be worth let have a I might be able to just pull over up here a look Sun’s back out up here right let have a look there there you go can you see it down there lovely with the sun setting as

    Well we can pull in look there’s no one here this is normally heaving normally you can’t park it it’s too busy but it’s all right today you can actually walk down here stunning isn’t it these boots are so squeaky that’s not a bad view that and the sun going down that’s why I

    Want sits here look to watch the sun going down over there beautiful it’s really nice England’s not that bad is it we have got some Little Gems haven’t we I know I’m Le about England but it’s not too bad I’ll make a good YouTube uh thumbnail up something going down there Usually it’s rammed here it’s cuz it’s late right let’s see cuz I normally go straight there I think let me just check the map well that monso head was absolutely amazing and how they built that um vodu or whatever is down there that is definitely worth a visit there guys and

    We just came at the right time because it’s after 7:00 and everyone’s gone if you come in the daytime there’s literally nowhere to stop there and you’re not allowed to stop the bike on the corner either like we just did so these evening rides do pay off a bit

    Actually bit of a winner winner winner chicken dinner right then half an hour we’ll be at um isum Island Park down that end then we can have a coffee more hot air balloons over there taking off actually come on TR the one there’s bait Quil want a cherry bait

    Quil and then I think this road goes past bqu campsite bqu Caravan and Caravan Club site so it’s now 7:31 and we are just heading south again but we’re just staying off the motorways and heading down towards ashborne now and it will be uh quite a while before we get home

    Still um not short time but with evenings like this who cares oh yeah I see trees are green red roses too I see them new this is the ultimate RNR after a week of work then tomorrow and then tomorrow do it all again tomorrow is a lot further though um North

    Wales snowdonia abis with and then back I think this is that weird Bridge bit that’s lovely is’t it wow that is a gorgeous little spot there for when you’re on your travels guys I’m going to put a what three words for that bridge cuz that place is really

    Nice let’s have a look up here now look at that the sky doesn’t even need a filter it’s actually pink look at that that is just [Applause] amazing yeah today has been good I’ll take that off as a good one hopefully we’ll see the sun again

    Now when we get over this brow I think we will it’s not quite done with us just yet yeah we got pink guys oh wow there you go we are about to witness the beautiful sun disappearing Over the Horizon just look at that I’m tempted to just stay here and

    Watch it go down or do I risk going on a bit more and seeing if there’s another spot on our journey where we might be able to see it still okay we’re going to carry on a little bit and you see if we can see the sun going down somewhere else will we

    Get to see the sun again today I’m not sure yeah you can turn right here do you want to go right so if we can see the Sun up there yeah we’ll go right here look this the the road we can always the SAT have set

    Anyway so it’s not going to change we’ll go back up here now and see if we can find a Viewpoint right we’ve just turned off the main road again cuz we want to see the sun setting if we can and it’s up this way somewhere there might be a view

    We’re going and have a look yeah I think we’re going to be a to find the Sun up here look see those beautiful Skies again very nice I think it’s just gone down don’t know if we’re going to find a spot okay we got a good brow of Hill up

    Here look at the top see we lucky oh yeah nice yep and they’ve got the same idea in front everyone’s got the same idea look beautiful well we’ve been chasing the sun and uh it’s finally disappeared not a bad one today though well we’ve just uh stopped for a

    Bit we watched the sun go down which was absolutely fabulous to see it was so stunning it was beautiful um you can see over there the colors are still going down now look but um yeah we stopped for a bit we actually stayed for quite a

    While actually and had a coffee and we had we uh continued our paner dining experience today and this time we had some uh crackers cheese tomatoes and all that rubbish coffee and now we’re going to start our Drive South back home to centry it’s now 8:40 already and we got about an hour

    And a half to ride back and then uh in the morning I’ll be heading off then to go to Snowden um 8:30 I’ve got to be in Birmingham so it’s going to be quite tiring aspect right then get on this bike okay so first Stop’s going to be ashborn and then buron on

    Trent and then down toon and then centry cuz um where we are at the moment we’re sort of right in between the m6 and the M1 but like miles each direction to each one so it’s easier for just head straight down straight down the middle and back to

    Comry you can see there Buck done this way and ashborne Okay so we’ve just come down we’re right by Derby now and as you can see it’s Pitch Black it’s very dark but there is a lovely like orangey Moon over there I’ll try and show you on the

    Camera in a minute but we should be jumping on the a38 soon and then it’ll be straight down to the m6 and home I don’t know if you can see that Moon over there looks pretty amazing in fact the last week the moon’s been really mad we had a blue moon one

    Day I think they call it and it was so bright today it just looks like a burning ball of fire but yeah we’re just going to get on the 838 it’s a bit dark so there’s nothing to see so I’ll let you know when we get back

    Hope you all enjoyed today’s ride by the way if you’re watching this and you’re new to the channel then why not hit the Subscribe button that’d be good and it will really help the channel grow and uh if you’re a regular viewer if you haven’t hit that

    Like button yet give it a little like because again that really helps the channel grow and as always I love to read your comments let me know what you’ve been doing if you’ve ridden the Peak District yourselves and where’s your favorite spots to go to what you like to do up

    There and yeah keep those comments coming cuz like I said I love to read them and I do try and reply to all of them sometimes it can be a while though to get back to you but I always try my best right let’s continue and uh as you

    Can see on the sign there we’re going south towards Birmingham Burton and centry okay so we finally reached the junction for centry on the m6 and that’s that’s it another ride done successfully until tomorrow when I’ll be heading off to Wales anyway we’re nearly back now so

    Hope you enjoy today’s video like I said earlier hit the Subscribe button leave comments hit the like button if you haven’t already wherever you’re doing though stay safe and most importantly ride safe and I’ll see you all in the next video thanks for watching take care CH for

    Now oh and bye from the misses as well see You


    1. I live in Michigan, USA. But really enjoyed the ride with you and your misses. I took my 2019 K1600 B across the US from Michigan to Maine to Michigan to California and back to Michigan this summer. A little over 10,000 miles. Almost entirely on the back roads. When you do your world tour, I can recommend some good US routes for you.

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