I have this bike and have had so many problems with the stock parts. I’ve put probably $800 into it now and it’s great, but I was really disappointed with the choice in the components. It wasn’t expecting much, but some of them were legit safety issues, like my stem bolts coming loose no matter how much torque I applied. Swapped the stem when I got new handlebars and I haven’t had an issue since (6 months).
🔥🔥🔥 they’re not chartreuse, but they look good! 😝
Bee ann chee, my favourite pronunciation
What tires are you mounting? How do they feel?
I have this bike and have had so many problems with the stock parts. I’ve put probably $800 into it now and it’s great, but I was really disappointed with the choice in the components. It wasn’t expecting much, but some of them were legit safety issues, like my stem bolts coming loose no matter how much torque I applied. Swapped the stem when I got new handlebars and I haven’t had an issue since (6 months).
Now that’s a hot rod