Revivez nos 2 premiers mois de notre Tour du Monde à 50 km/h à travers l’Europe !
    Découvrez nos impressions sur ce début d’aventure insolite !

    Un grand merci à @musicsandstories. pour cette vidéo, allez checker sa chaine qui retrace l’évolution insolite de la musique à travers l’histoire !

    ➡️ Des questions? N’hésitez pas à les poser en commentaire !

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    Hello everyone, we are happy to meet you today to tell you about the start of another journey so it all begins in Switzerland during our move which lasts from April to the end of May for months there we went back and forth in France with our moving boxes we

    Left our two respective jobs and then finally we returned the apartment sold the car and we became real homeless people so we arrived in Alsace on June 1, 2023 to start super intensive weeks of preparation before the start of our

    World tour that gives 15 days of major cleaning to repack the boxes of the truck to reclassify things to store the boxes which will remain in stock with Dan’s brother and then our last goodbyes and our last administrative papers 15 days it was hot especially

    Since there are always unforeseen events but here we are on June 15th, the day of the farewell drink is gone, saying goodbye to friends and then to the family we break the bottle of champagne on the

    Truck a slight pinch in the heart and then we leave we take the road first stop at my cousin Virginie in Saint-Die to say goodbye to my family and then also to display our truck in front of the Monsieur Bricolage store for this day of exhibition we had quite a few

    Visits from friendly people, some of whom even brought us small gifts and recognized from the show the madness of camper vans on C8 then headed to our last stop in France the Paris region more particularly Bailly-romainvilliers just next to Disneyland

    Paris now the goal is to say goodbye for my part to my friends, my entourage and my family we are also welcomed by the town hall of Bailly Romainvilliers my childhood town which sponsors us and we have the opportunity to pass time with the inhabitants and the town hall of this city we

    Have a last meal with the family with a special goodbye cake for the world tour of the last moments in the evening with friends and we leave for our next stop ah and we also stop at the town hall of Sevran before departure to collect just in time my new passport

    Which has just arrived the day before it’s not too early eh here we are heading towards our first country Belgium and just before arriving a little accident on the road a lady fell asleep at the wheel and passed between a truck and us nothing serious for Woody more fear than harm and

    Then we hit the road again we arrived in our first country Belgium first stop Chimey town beer and our favorite beer the chimey bleu we visit the chimey experience and we taste the beer specialties and we leave with a beautiful bottle the vintage vintage

    We continue our Belgian journey towards Namur it is the largest citadel of the Europe and it is also the capital of Wallonia we join one of my childhood friends Pamela who shows us around this city surrounded by water a great discovery for us then towards the capital

    Of Belgium Brussels we join one of my musician friends Lucas (thanks for the video <3) who welcomes us for one of his concerts it's also the music festival and so he shows us the nightlife with fries and beers heading to our second country Holland We are leaving the French-speaking comfort of Holland and we are going to start having to speak English we arrive in our first city which intrigues us gouda which has the name of one of our favorite cheeses also it is a picturesque and very magical favorite city at night in the streets there is Continuous music like in Disneyland and everything revolves around cheese there is even cheese sloping in the streets or seats in the shape of gouda we will have seen everything eh we go to the local market with flowers fruit vegetables bread and of course gouda that we take welcome to The vetland we take our bikes out for the first time Holland is of course the country of cycling so Woody will be able to rest the roads are laid out perfectly for a beautiful ride at the Edge of the North Sea but of course the weather is a little gray and the temperature of 16°R is not necessarily very pleasant. We stay and sleep near a lake and Estelle resumes training. swimming for the first time then hosting new bike rides discovery of Castle National park to arrive this time on a beach where you can swim there direction Amsterdam with the visit of the capital of weed and the country we go to a few coffee shops we walk along the canal along the water we discover the culture of flowers and of course Nuggets like the narrowest house in the world, completely flowered bicycles or even the seven houses in Europe and finally an unusual restaurant completely dedicated to the mothers of the world we arrive inside with only photos of the mothers we end our visit with the Discovery of the red light district which is illuminated with 1000 lights we finish our tour of Holland by discovering zandam it's a whole historic preserved as in the 1800s with more than ten mills as well as the artisanal manufacture of pastry shoes and Other artisans of the time we choose our ideal shoe to bring back to Woody and we also come across a completely unusual hotel the wood Haven which makes our heads spin a little we see that Holland is below the water level everywhere we drive there is water from the lakes of the rivers And the coverings are all made of shell then here we arrive in Germany to meet my colleagues from Wago he also showed us around the area and loved Woody then headed to Hamburg the capital of hamburgers and the birthplace of the Beatles we had fun retracing their steps we Visited the city in the rain we found a lot there of street arts and the vintage way of life we ​​continue towards the north reaching the coast of the Baltic Sea we also arrive on new landscapes of more Viking architecture which take us slowly Towards Denmark that's it we finally arrive in our first northern country, Denmark, it's where we have to show our customs clearance book. We didn't know at all what to expect but the customs officer was even more lost than us after a few calls with his superior and A few discussions exchanged within half an hour an hour we finally managed to pass phew our first stop in Denmark is Legoland Legoland you all know Lego is an invention of Denmark and we didn't know it so we stop and visit this gigantic park with magnificent Lego reconstructions we are Amazed and we really learn a lot about the architectural culture of the country. In Denmark we then join my aunt who comes from the United States and my little sister who comes from Strasbourg who are our first visitors of the trip but on the road still with Very windy weather we unfortunately lose our solar panel which was nevertheless very well hung on the roof fortunately we are in the country of the solar panel so as soon as we stop we find one just 3 km from where we are we visit the hometown of the writer Hans Christian Anderson you know who he is the one who wrote The Little Mermaid the ugly duckling the princess and the pea we on the opportunity to visit his birthplace and the museum dedicated to him we make unusual discoveries also with the oldest store in Denmark Which is located in this city and which dates from the 16th century filled with treasures in frederiksund we discover our first fiord and as well as a Viking reconstitution village we also discover completely by a Viking market with artisans who explain to us their Nomadic way of life and the history linked to their country their writing their Viking language and so on really learn a lot and we continue our tour of Denmark with the mon Clint it is gigantic and grandiose white chalk cliff which also marks our first hike each Day we have the opportunity to have small barbecues or wood fires on the beach and we feel really lucky to be surrounded by nature we end our trip from Denmark with the last small fishing town which is located on the border of Denmark and Sweden but Before arriving there we spend the night on a parking near a beach where we come across two septuagenarian French travelers full of experience we spend the evening with them and they tell us all their lifelong adventures we end up visiting this Fishing village which is also considered the most beautiful village in Denmark it is filled with colors of pretty flowers and we discover one last big mermaid to finish our visit to Denmark to reach Sweden we cross a large gigantic bridge which forms the border Between Sweden and Denmark it is the largest bridge in Europe it is underground then above the sea a little stressful with Woodie because at 50 kmh on this part of the highway it was hot arrived at malemo we took the opportunity to do our first Swedish Sauna in an atypical place Magnificent on the sea c is a nudist and without asking anything we show up with our swimsuits oops then we go north to lingsa before crossing the country to reach Stockholm during a walk we come across a slightly strange place where UFOs have been seen and This UFO marked the history of agriculture in the strange country the Stockholm region is made up of several lakes like all of Sweden moreover here we are at Lake Malard which is made up of a hundred islands Woody takes his first Ferri we take the opportunity to take a bike ride to visit Viking sites and learn a little more about their history we enjoy a turquoise Blue Lagoon for a few days to be able to swim there and then fish then we stops by situna the oldest village in Sweden on the way to visit we come across two Volkswagen T2 combies and We talk directly with the owners four Norwegians in their fifties with whom we talk about travel and life old vehicles he offers us a pepper plant and then it's time to visit the city, lots of historic red and white buildings, old shops And runestones, if we find so many of them it's because families still have them today to decorate their homes going up the Baltic coast. arrives at Gavla, another pretty little fishing village with war remains on the coast and pretty little red houses, then we head inland to find a magnificent spot between two Lakes, still going up to the North, our next steps are almost in the past we first arrive at bjot with an unusual pose on the side of the road we find an old gas station a gas station that a collector keeps With lots of advertising objects from the golf brand and old cars a real gem and a super nice owner so we took the opportunity to take a photoshoot with Woody who feels super in his element then we stop a little further on at an Ax factory in a community that we can visit but also take the opportunity to throw axes it's a nice discovery and the whole thing is led by a community of artisans who show us the old trades of the time we finally arrive at sigun passing by a Beautiful waterfall then with a fairly important stop for us the largest automobile museum in Sweden it is gigantic although it does not look much from the outside but above all it has a lot of American Volvos and stories to tell when we leave the museum we have Our next problem that happens when he leaves the road when passing a car on a small road very big scare Woody is not far from tipping over and everything inside is upside down but ultimately with some storage precautions which Helps us and taking the time we manage to get it out of the ditch taking all the time we need our next crucial stop is on the High Coast of Sweden and our first stop is nordinja we can see super beautiful views of the lake of the mountains a great nice Hike for us and we even discovered a rather unusual cabin for those who are not afraid of heights we continue the visit of this UNESCO region with a longer hike this time of the skulesKogen national park it is the most beautiful national park of the trip for the moment with Completely diverse landscapes in every corner we go from forest to mountain to lake with pink and green rocks overlooking the sea and above all a large incredible prehistoric fault in the middle of two mountains then we go back to visit an elk farm it is a gigantic animal very Present in Sweden very impressive that we had already encountered quite a few on the roads but closer it is even more interesting we finish our first two months of world tour travel with a last stop in Sweden sangis before leaving for Finland we release our new hit On Sweden in will be able to double which talks about attractors and which brings together all our little observations on Sweden dan made a last miraculous fishing with a record pole of 40 cm in a few figures the first two months of travel have allowed Woody to travel more than 6200 km 11 full of diesel and cross 6 countries and beyond the visits of the trip we have our daily activities first of all driving Woody at 50 kmh which takes us quite a bit of time then the maintenance of the truck we also have our sporting activities which take a lot of Time: running, hiking, swimming, muscle building and cycling there is fishing for Dan and then me for my part I keep a travel diary that we rehearse the daily cooking every day and finally the content that we share with you we end with Our feelings of the trip and to begin with the points more complicated than what we thought with the connection and data problems we also had difficulty finding the rhythm at the beginning between driving the times to enjoy the rest times how many hours of driving then we Of course had several problems the loss of the GoPro the loss of a solar panel two accidents but somehow he is doing well and managing the administration remotely which is also not an easy task and some small health problems especially on Estelle's side and the most important For us what we remember from the positive of our first two months we made a lot of great encounters especially thanks to Woody who attracts attention in all the countries we passed through we had to our great surprise zero problems with the truck zero mechanical problems or Anything whatsoever very nice understanding between the two of us a question that is asked regularly but ultimately everything goes well the culinary discoveries that we have every day more and more surprising from each country that we discover and ultimately the most important for us and the Most positive that we remember so far is to have different landscapes each day that we spend of this trip and here we hope that you liked this first summary video of our first two months and in our next video we will tell you about our first mission in Finland so in the meantime don't hesitate to follow us and leave a like see you soon! <3


    1. Bonsoir les voyageurs ,il a de la "gueule" votre camion. Vous avez le temps de voir les
      paysages à cinquante kilomètre heure! Super belle vidéo de votre aventure🤩
      Bonne route à vous deux vous êtes géniaux 🙏 A bientôt

    2. Bonjour à vous deux, ça fait plaisir de vous revoir avec le volant à droite et les vitesses synchronisée et la direction pas assisté

      Ça me fait plaisir, j’adore les vieux camions

      C’est moi qui vous avez posé la question, si c’était un 1. Saurer !!!!

      J. M. N 64

      Je vais vous suivre avec plaisir

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