The past couple of cod sessions have both been from the rocks, so I fancied mixing it up a wee bit and fishing beach for cod. It was a lovely night and I even caught my tea!

    Don’t forget to keep an eye out for more details of the giveaway!

    The tackle links aren’t affiliate links, they’re just there to answer your qustions and help you find the tackle used

    Beach Rod- Century Fireblade 14 4-7 oz-
    Reel- Penn Battle III 8000 LC –
    Daiwa J-Braid, 79lb
    Rig- Paternoster
    Bait- Squid, Cart
    Century NG Smock-
    Tackle Trayz-

    Follow me on Instagram-

    Affiliate Links-

    Cornish polarised sunglasses made from ghost fishing gear washed up on the shore- 15% off anything on the site-

    From time-to-time I get asked by viewers how they can support the @Slippylimpets channel, my answer is just to keep watching and interacting with the videos, but some people like to give more so I’ve set up the below-
    ⭐Becoming a channel member⭐

    ⭐Or getting your self some Organic Slippy Limpets Clothing⭐-


    Every little helps and HUGE thanks to every one for watching and supporting the channel.🙌🙌👏
    #seafishingUK #shorefishing #rockfishing

    Who that’s too bright oh it’s better hello and welcome to sppy olympits video we are out on the beach this evening um past couple of videos have been Rock marks and today I just fancied hit in the beach so uh we’re chasing codin there is or Cod ideally

    But more likely codling got here a wee bit early just because uh well I had time and after the storms I really wanted to see the beach because the’ all changed you know you used to be able to know where sandars were and things but

    Now got no idea so I got here early so I could see the swells and where the waves were breaking and get an idea of where the um the holes were basically I thought there was a load of weed in the water but actually it’s just uh buried

    Kelp FR sticking up vertically had a couple of Wee bites during daylight but they just small fish um this beach is so shallow that um night time is the definitely the best time to fish so we’ve got maybe 2 to 3 hours before low water I’m going to fish those down and

    Then fish two hours back up conditions aren’t the best as you can see it’s uh you know there’s not much swell rolling but there is a is plenty of color in the water um and it’s a building tide which is always good it’s not too low either I

    Think it’s a a 1.8 m low which is great for this beach because anything below a 1 m in it it’s pretty much empty unless there’s any sort of swell running so uh yeah let’s get a fresh bait on and see if we can get a fish on the

    Beach a I hate it when Cuts Like This makes it almost impossible to stuff your squid and then it comes out super quick as well much prefer the gelatinous stuff this is all just going to come out as soon as I whip it it doesn’t help that the squids are tiny as

    Well so I’ve got a panel P Noster sorry not a panel it’s just a p Noster rig with a 60 single Viking mustard sorry mustard Viking hook um with a plain lead cuz there’s not much swell some was going to let the lead swing around in the uh in the

    Current in the tide and find the holes for us still got a rotten bottom on because there’s feels like there’s a lot of sand missing from the beach I uh on the last cast it could feel the um what do you call it you could feel like cobbles and boulders which is

    Unusual for this time of the tide so there we go that bait in the water it didn’t weit very far because uh I’m scared of falling down a hoer tripping over a boulder I’m going to give that 10 minutes cuz it’s such a small bait but uh can’t leave it out much longer

    See how it goes there’s a wee bite that didn’t take long like I said earlier I’ve got a 601 here and the bait’s really small so I think I’ll get another rig ready go on take it uh and put smaller 40s on maybe even a

    Three just to size them to the bait can catch small fish for small codlin on 6o but quite a positive little pull but well you never know if it’s from a small or a big fish my uh my PB Cod off the shore or no

    It wasn’t a PB sorry 86 I think I caught once and um the pb’s total different story that was pulling Rod stands over and all sorts while I was having a pee but H yeah caught an 86 and a SM subtle bite just bling tummy or even a Rockland

    And then uh once the wound actually hit into it it’s quite a nice fish see you never know good posit well positive little pull downs but I don’t know if it’s a rather than a codlin I’m using uh 14t Sentry Fire Blade today or tonight this is the first

    Time second time sorry I’ve used it uh first time was on quite a rough ground mark and it seemed like the bite detection was really good um but you kind of get used to rods don’t you and deciphering bites whether it’s uh Coy codlin flatty bites I mean that was

    Was positive but even if it is a small fish means the bite detection is really good on this come on codlin come back for a second go oh yeah it feels rough out there ni as in massive Boulders and kelp just uh Stone cobbles I’ll call it or shingle definitely going smaller

    Hooks I knew soon as I started baiting new since I started baiting up or something that that would happen it’s why I don’t normally do it surprised there’s any bait left on there with all these bites right so this is my next rig I’ve got three o I’ve got two

    Three seag GL canaro short trunks on which are actually really nice hooks all right well let’s get that smaller rig on that smaller hoop rig fish should be managing to Peck around the hook must just be tiny things think there’s ice crystals in the air that it’s

    Raining it’s not forecast for any rain or snow last me 4 ft in the water again another small squid with uh with car but nice as car that’s been in me box for a couple of days um nicer as in there more gelatin so it’s easier to use and two three

    Hooks so can hopefully hook into these little gits that are uh providing all the uh the bik would have hoped there would been a bigger fish in amongst them but you’ve seen the rod tip bouncing and just can’t hook into them unless it’s just going to be one of those nights but

    I don’t think so haven’t had a bite yet maybe I like that gelatinous cart but uh the fish prefer the other stuff did cut slightly fur the left so might be out of the hole I don’t know half tempted to move further down the beach but also while that’s uh

    Soaking and we’re waiting for that bike every winter I tend to do a giveaway on the channel and it’s used to do it for like subscriber milestones and things but over the last year and the year before it was mainly to say thank you for all the subscribers that I’ve got uh

    And I try to get as many sort of giveaways as I can last year gave away uh a rod and re combo um and a couple of other bits and Bobs year before that was uh a limited edition slippy Limpet zipwake lure and uh 180b waterproof Rook

    Sack which is brilliant for Lure fishing and a pair of um shoes that I use for uh Rock fishing in the summer but I think this year I’m going to give away another Rod um and hopefully a real and what El whatever else I can find and kind of either scr off any

    Obliging companies or uh just pay for myself to say thank you and I’m thinking like I said this year I’ll give a rod and a reel probably a c senty Rod um with maybe a pen reel I don’t know whe it be a fix pool or a multiplier but

    Um I’ll keep announcing in sort of the you know the next few weeks with videos how to uh how to get your name down to win one of these things and I’ll confirm the uh the giveaways as well because without you guys watching then my channel would be nothing and I would

    Be standing here talking to myself instead of you lot so yeah maybe a bit more information in next week’s video hopefully I should know what which Rod un real I’ll be given away at that point oh there we go that was such a subtle bait in slack Lane W I got some headshakes

    Come keep it on the surface well I was just starting to think that that cart was rubbish but I was wrong got this uh little beauty it’s about 3 and A2B big fat belly on it easy tiger nice woohoo get in it’s got hook so uh he’s coming home with

    Me that was slightly to the left so I’m going to do that again which was actually the way I was going to move earlier but um I’m not moving while there’s fish there we go same direction give that 10 15 minutes well sooner if we get a fish my

    Yeah I don’t know what’s happened I don’t know whether they’re cold or the batteries of my bits and Bobs are kned but I’m going GoPro down my head Cal and my head torch just flashed four times while I was waiting out which means it’s got 20 minutes of uh of light

    Left but we’ve got a fish on the shore and tea as well going to be relying on my watch and it’s emergency light who what a shooting star that was oh I hope that came out on the camera so my rotten bottom had uh triggered and I’d lost that lead on

    The uh on that rig that I just used so I’ve put my other rig out which has that single 601 just just to save time but if there fish like that sort of size around then uh a single sixo should be absolutely fine for them especially the way that

    Our fish took it running towards the shore it’s 7:00 now so I got 40 minutes to low water um which has been contrary to the years before that this beach hasn’t fished in uh on the flood at all really may get an hour we go which stop obviously as soon as you

    Pick up the rod oh that was a better bait six hours not working for us tonight had one bite and one fish on the three and then yeah two bites and no fish on this cast with the 6 those and however many bites before next cast I’m putting those back out

    Last week that’s all I used and uh had the smallest fish of the season so far well we got 5 minutes till low water oh that looks like I got a snug there so going to give this five more minutes until low water hopefully then my head

    Torch would have charged up enough to use and uh get another bait on look like the start of a little rattle there well the clouds have just don’t disappeared and the stars are out and the temperature just plummeted but I thought was the start of our rle but I think it’s just a

    Crab feels like a similar size to the last one I was just thinking that slack water is a waste of [Applause] time now he’s a wee bit smaller there we go second fit of the night half the size of the last one let’s get it [Applause] back smaller Hoops are making all the

    Difference like that was his first bite as well and uh yeah same as the previous fish apart from that one didn’t slack liners on so we’ve passed slack water Tide’s pushing in so just moved all the stuff back give it another hour or so got a

    Feeling like I said earlier the uh the bites might stop now but hopefully we’ll just keep going for another half hour or an hour or so have me fill for the night I wouldn’t uh oh there we go this is uh the second time I’ve used

    This one it’s a fire Blade the cheap one oh there we go well I thought they’ turn off or uh on the flood where’s me deep throat is h i not too bad though I think this one will be uh be all right third fish of the evening all it’s

    Uh oh there we go oh where’s that snug probably on one of the St took me rot on bottom off as well see I keep mine on now in here yeah I think I should have had like five casts and never been snugged I just thought there were little

    Rocks not like yeah there is big ones oh it’s a good thump of that as well Jesus you still on or no no yeah look it’s on there thumping around SN just snap me 80 rig buddy off the uh the clip oh well I’m going to call it a night Now ah well what a cracking little session it’s 20 to 10 um fish for what 4 hours I mean an hour and a half of those are in daylight so that was just kind of a a waste of time really um just a bit of a wrecky so I could see what the

    Beach was like but yeah I really enjoyed that cracking little session um what a difference Swap and hooks made I mean I’ve caught hundreds of cod on 6 o like from that big to I don’t know 89 whatever and um I’ve never had a a session where I couldn’t

    Hook up with what a single hook like that so the three was made an instant difference you know like first bite was hooked straight into a fish which is the uh the one that I’m filled on the beach and going to take home for me tea uh in

    A couple of days and then a few more fish shame to lose that one at the end school boy era I mean I took the rotten bottom off and um because it’s normally quite clean or it’s not clean clean it’s prettyy mixed but don’t normally have

    Many issues with snags but yeah a real shame to snap that fish off because we snapped the 80 uh rig body straight at the uh the link so it was probably at the knot which is always the weakest Point anyway um but yeah it felt like a

    Reasonable fish too um but yeah still got a few on the show and The Season’s improving for his a late season and catching an atypical conditions as well I always like it when uh when you do that when you think oh well it’s I’m just going to go out you know today was

    The only day I could fish uh so I just went out cuz I I knew that I had to basically to go fishing get my uh my fix in um and really enjoyed it beautiful night you know pretty chilly but uh loads of stars one of a rod on the beach

    So which was I thought was crazy for a Friday night I thought there’ be way more what else is it oh yeah the giveaway uh don’t forget to keep watching the next few videos I’ll give more information as I get it and on how ENT and also what what I’ll be giving

    Away I really enjoy doing it because it’s it’s kind of me giving something back to you guys for for supporting the channel um so I’m going to Hound a few companies and see what I can uh see what I can muster from them and if not I’ll

    Just I’m I’ll Source them myself anyway cuz that’s what I usually do um so yeah keep watching the next few weeks videos and I’ll give more information on how to be in with a chance of getting some of the uh the kit but anyway I really appreciate you’re watching uh thank you

    Very much and please leave a comment and um give the Thumbs Up And subscribe I’m going to drive the hour home now so only 10 to 10 uh which is early for cod fishing but had a good session I felt like I could leave and had a feeling

    That as The Tide Rises it will drop off I’m just telling myself that could have got better but we never know I’ve had a good few hours out and that’s all I need had my fix so yeah I’ll stop yabbering now thanks very much for watching and as always tight lines


    1. Great session Nathan, target achieved, and one for the table, shame for the one that got away bud, just means you have to go out again 😁🎣👍🏼appreciate your efforts mate👍🏼👍🏼

    2. Seemed like a good session Nathan at least you got your reward just shows little tweeks do make a difference local open comp over here in Cumbria last weekend over a hundred fished not a cod to be seen won with a dogfish temperature has just dropped dramatically now hopefully might make a difference fingers crossed tight line’s pal.🎣🎣🎣

    3. I was hoping you'd get to keep a fish for super and gutt hooked is a good reason to keep em, I know they can survive gutt hooked as I've brought Pollack home myself and found a hook with beads inside going rusty but the fish was in good health. Until I despatched it lol

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