What an effort from Millie!
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    Music: 2 songs
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    What have you got there got bu of stle bars in a box I’m have to hide them in a bush or a barn in the oras yeah I’m going to hide them in there eat them later um why have you got 30 bars in

    There cuz I’m about to go do 27 laps of L’s laps laps up and down reps up and down 27 times wow and what does that what does that an Everest hopefully how far is it 8,800 and something it’s a long way me elevation yeah so so you’re doing that tomorrow

    Tomorrow yeah starting at some point this evening so this is this is this is scran yeah big up ster 50 g of carbs the what else do you need right well we’ll see you uh we’ll see you tomorrow then we’ll come we’ll come catch up with you see how you’re

    Getting on yeah let me Go So very good morning welcome back to the Vlog and a big Merry Christmas to you guys as well thank you so much for tuning in around the Christmas period hope you are enjoying the festivities I’ve got out of bed pretty early the sun is just coming up on El’s

    Angels because as you may have guessed by the title of this video my good friend Millie is doing an Everest in the middle of winter she started at 12:00 last night it is now just after 8:00 in the morning let me tell you guys I’m wearing everything I have it was 1°

    Rolling through town so this moment and I realize what a strange thing to be doing on your Saturday night what H am I doing a bit cold but the stars are Mega bright so pros and cons are a good so I’m on my way up to the other side

    Try and find her see how she’s doing so although initially Millie wanted to do the Everest at this side of vs uh she’s decided to do the F side of vals just because there’s a slightly more elevation in less duration which means she’ll get the Everest done

    Quicker and I’ll overlay the stats of that climb on the screen now I’m approaching the top of this climb now and I’ve got a uh little bit of morale from the bakery for m a donut we have made it to the sunrise 11 Laps on lap 11 3 and 1/

    12,000 me done it’s a third of the way there yeah cruising here she is guys way good morning good morning the sun’s come up m is that a relief yeah I don’t know I feel like when it’s dark you don’t really feel like you’re riding uphill

    But then when it’s like you can see it and you’re like ah I’m going uphill sunrose was Unreal I bet which number is this Milly we are on number 12 number 12 baby 4,000 M woo 9:00 a.m. what a Sunday how much have you had to eat Millie how many bar 50s have you in well for the for the video we’ve had 10 it’s time for a little pocket coffee pressy what is that this is this is let me tell you Tik Tok viral yeah little chocolate yeah it’s

    Coffee wow tell me that isn’t everything you’ve ever dreamed on more wow yeah a I’ve also got something look made a little pit stop oh oh my goodness you absolute hero my favorite guess what it is Donut oh my goodness but I you could have G me this

    Before I started eating the bagel I haven’t eaten for the last 7 hours an hour 2 near halfway well that’s pretty good considering the sun’s just come up what did you just say you’ve been listening to Millie T right I’m going to follow you down this hill a little bit let’s go I’m

    Finally free finally free finally the I feel it in my fingers bounding in my CH just a normal Sunday morning for Millie if if you guys don’t follow Millie you should I’ll leave the link in the description she did the transcontinental race the ultra race this summer and also the trans Pines so

    An ultra racer anyway I’m going to crack on now down back down LS join a group pride and then we’ll go and check out with her later also guys before I forget just made it back into Jona before the end of the video I will be giving a little

    Giveaway as a little thank you to you guys for the support over the last year with one of my sponsors nutrition sponsors stka so stay tuned for how to win that so good afternoon I’m back on our Angels also I wanted to say a massive massive thank you to everyone who

    Watched my last upload it was our balcon film the projects I’ve been working on all across summer more stories tomorrow’s first proper film The response has been absolutely fantastic over 30,000 views if you haven’t watched it please do and yeah keep sharing send it to your family send it to your dad

    Anyone who you think might enjoy it I really appreciate the love we found You can’t make me go fast enough the L before this one was the second worst one yeah but in general yes pretty good was it during the night you like Like they’re doing a giveaway on this video oh yeah yeah the leftover bars from Millie yeah yeah they guys you can win The Leftovers exactly anything Millie doesn’t have how are you doing good oh my God the end is in sight though the end is in sight okay I all of

    Respect it’s heavy isn’t it it’s heavy now you know how I feel lugging this thing around I know yeah do you even see you later mate good to see you good ride today good ride enjoyed that nice Loop nice Loop welcome to my little hot yeah yeah show show me the CP show me the C so as you’re an ultra race yeah if you’re feeling a bit like you just find a petrol station and you get an Aquarius and you know you sort yourself out yeah

    Here it’s like I know that there’s Absolut there’s just my barn you have to be way more organized yeah there’s no like wao moments when you come over the crest of anything oh cuz you’ve done it all because you you know exactly what you you’ve seen it all before every Rock

    Every tree welcome to my tri I love it I love it love what you done with the place yeah yeah did some interior design this is great yeah this this is this is all the water I’ve drunk It’s not that much is it no I think he needs to drink

    More yeah I think so too still going no no need no need to lock so what rep is this Millie 22 22 baby yo yo yo yo 7,146 m is the scent okay so and what’s the magic number for those guys wondering 8,840 something we’re we’re quite early

    On in the clim here and it gets it gets steep straight away now yeah is this is this the hardest section steepest yeah but there’s two bits further up mentally Pua 13 hours ride time oh my goodness oh that’s a big number does that make you

    Feel good or a little bit uh little bit weak at the thought of it it’s not harder than a normal 13-hour day that’s for sure okay guys time to talk about the competition all you have to do to be in the chance of winning one of stk’s

    Bundles and I’ll put a little overlay of what that is exactly all you have to do to win is Guess How many cab bath 50s Millie is going to consume during this activity during her Everest make sure you like this video subscribe to my channel of course and yeah put your

    Guess Down Below in the comments yeah as it is Christmas Eve what do you want to say Milly Merry Christmas doesn’t feel very christmy here in the sunshine that’s F there it’s a halfway point yeah this one here yeah halfway guys oh it’s not focusing there you

    Go so that’s a favorite moment for you each Time it’s not quite a Starbucks order but I think it’s doing the trick you brought her a coffee mhm coffee oh look at that yeah absolute Serv absolute dream I mean how are you guys it’s not quite a triple shot macchiato vanilla true syrup and some on top but it’s the

    First Warm thing I’ve had since I left yesterday afternoon yesterday night I woke up this morning first M was like oh wonder she’s on oh no I think it was oh I’m a bit cold actually but Millie’s out there must be cold on that thing though no yeah whizzing down there yeah she’s

    Covered in at she’s been parked under the wrong tree if there’s one tree not to park under Juna it’s obviously the one that we’ve parked under at see the other side good luck thanks you’re so close now so just made it back into drona what an absolutely heroic effort from Millie

    There absolutely incredible still with five reps to go absolutely nothing compared to Millie’s effort today but decent one on the clock for me as well um 175 km today a really nice long one to round off the week as usual guys thank you so much for watching please

    Like And subscribe if you enjoyed and give uh Millie a thumbs up for all her effort and make sure to enter that competition with sterker my nutrition partner Merry Christmas and we’ll see you on the next one CIA we are done oh my days I feel like I’ve lived a lifetime but at the same time I’ve ridden off and down the same stret of road for five 5 km stret of road for 285 Km you finished in one word how was it uh repeative I got the local Legend on straa obviously who would have thought obviously if you guys want to check out the straa link I actually don’t use straa I just I just got straa to upload this one thing check out straa guys one

    Ride one time only if you’re in between the Light


    1. Congrats to Millie. I did my first (and probably only!) Everesting back in 2021, a cold 5am March start in Lincolnshire. The numbers are fascinating, as a comparison my came in at 212km and 106 reps finishing 6 minutes earlier than Millie. For me my basecamp yes was at the top, but a car boot fully loaded with everything you could imagine; plenty of "proper" food as well gels and powder. Don't think I'll ever do one again though – although the idea of a "Roaming" Everest does interest me, but I see that as difficult in the UK unless I were to venture to Wales maybe.

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