Hermann Prime Just BROKE THE GAME! New META Rise of Kingdoms
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    🚨 Hermann Prime NERFED ALREADY! See new video for updated skills – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_qOzphpBvg

    Rise of Kingdoms is a Real-time Strategy game released on Mobile and PC devices. In Rise of Kingdoms, players choose a civilization, join a kingdom, and play alongside alliance mates to become the strongest they can be. Rise of Kingdoms battles happen in real time on the map. Anyone can join or leave a battle at any time, allowing true RTS gameplay. In Rise of Kingdoms, fight alongside your alliance to take control of a vast kingdom. Clash with other players and use superior tactics to emerge victorious in this MMORPG strategy battle royale. Rise to the top and you and your civilization will be written down in your kingdom’s history! #RiseOfKingdoms #RoK #MobileGames

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    Testing NEW Iconic Equipment (TIER 5) in Rise of Kingdoms

    0:00 Hermann Prime Skills REVEALED!
    0:44 Skills Review
    6:40 RIP Boudica Prime?
    11:49 BEST PAIRS for Hermann Prime
    12:59 DO NOT Use TOMYRIS?
    15:58 Best Archer Combos for 2024

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    The official skills for Herman Prime have been  revealed over in the Chinese servers for Rise   of Kingdom So today we’re going to go over why  he is a must- have commander and will probably   replace Boudica Prime for a lot of people  but first what’s going on guys cheers okay  

    So this was kind of a bombshell that came out  earlier today and basically we have all of the   official skills for Herman Prime and I imagine  that this exact screenshot this exact document   is going to come to us in English very soon  as well as the information for Ashurbanipal  

    At the time of recording this video we do not  have the information for Asherbanipal so if   you are already commenting that I’m sorry to break  your heart but we can obviously pull these skills   into Google translate and we could see what this  says in English so the first active skill here  

    Obviously 1,000 rage requirement three Target  half circle AOE okay you heard me correctly it   is the same type of AOE as Aethelflaed okay half  circle 2,000 damage factor that is reduced by 15%   for for each additional Target that is standard  that is also just like Jon of arc prime it goes  

    On to say inflicts three poison stacks for 10  seconds on the hit units now this part is a   little bit confusing to me because obviously  the translation isn’t great my assumption is   that each Target that is hit from the AOE will  get three stacks of poison now it could be the  

    Case that only the Target that you are actually  attacking and connecting with get the stacks of   poison but it is far more likely that this is  an AOE poison skill which is crazy especially   because it says three poison Stacks in one AOE  that’s wild okay this can stack up to 15 times  

    And the duration is refreshed every time it is  stacked now obviously with the rage engines that   we have in the game right now you’re going to be  refreshing this every time your active skill goes   off so you’re basically it’s never going to fall  off okay you’re never going to have these Stacks  

    Get removed especially once you get to 15 it’s  going to be really easy to keep the target at   15 stacks Stacks okay we’re going to talk about  this a little bit later but also we know that each  

    Stack of poison increases the skill damage that  they take by 3% this is identical to the poison   over on Tomyris which we’ve already talked about  on the channel I’ve already told you guys that   that would be the case we knew that would be the  case three Target 2,000 damage Factor half circle  

    AOE and three stacks of poison to three targets  potentially that’s nine Stacks with one hit that   is wild next skill 20% attack 20% defense 15%  March speed okay so slightly less attack and   defense than Boudica Prime more March speed no  conditions by the way okay Boudica Prime under  

    80% is when she gets her defense here he gets it  all the time this is basically like Henry okay   Henry skills very similar stuff here next skill  third skill says when attacking troops in the wild  

    That means on the map okay so when attacking or  when fighting on the map the skill damage caused   by your own troops is increased by 20% okay so we  have a 20% increase in skill damage that’s insane   when attacking units in the open field within  2 seconds after casting your active skill the  

    Defense of the target will be reduced by 20% so  every time you cast your active skill the enemy   will get a 20% defense reduction for 2 seconds  now that’s not that impressive right obviously   Xiang Yu has a better defense reduction Nevsky has  a better defense reduction we have plenty of other  

    Open field options that will reduce the target’s  defense we also have Tomyris which we’re going   to talk about later she has a a 10% chance for a  30% defense reduction so I think a lot of times  

    You know it’s nice that this is on here but this  is going to be overwritten probably pretty often   by better defense reduction in the game the damage  taken uh by Archer units from Cavalry is increased  

    By 5% and the Damage dealt to infantry units is  increased by 5% okay so this is very standard   basically you take more damage from Cavs you deal  more damage to infantry that is standard we see   that on lots of different kits next we have the  Mandela root poison okay all damage taken from  

    Poisoned units is reduced by 1% times the number  of poison stacks on the target so the poison sacks   go up to 15 right that’s the maximum so here you  can have 15% less damage taken from all poison   units that’s wild especially because you’re  applying it in AOE fashion and this you start  

    To get the benefit of this as soon as the first  poison sacks are on there you’re going to start   taking less damage that’s amazing okay each normal  attack has a 10% chance of causing direct damage  

    To up to three enemy units within a fan-shaped  area with a damage factor of 200 so very low   damage Factor here for each additional enemy unit  it’s reduced by 15% that’s kind of a bummer cuz  

    It was already low but this is kind of like CJ  his his AOE is trash and you apply two layers of   poison to the hit unit that lasts for 10 seconds  so essentially this is the same poison that we’ve  

    Seen on the active skill and what’s interesting  here is that this is another AOE another AOE   poison unless it’s just to the Target that you’re  hitting again that’s a caveat here I suspect again  

    That this will be AOE poison it does say to the  hit unit not hit units it’s not plural but also   this is a trash translation so so I’m going to  go with the assumption that this is another AOE  

    Poison because that makes the most logical sense  based on how it’s worded and it says the cool down   is 3 seconds that seems like a really low cooldown  for something this powerful and I wouldn’t be  

    Surprised if this gets updated when it comes into  the game I’m not saying that it will but a lot of   times we see these things come out and then like  right at the last second the devs changed like  

    One little thing one little tweak to make it more  balanced I can see if anything on this kit gets   changed this 3second cool down seems broken to me  like this seems absolutely ridiculous I can see  

    This going up to a five or even an 8sec cool down  cuz I feel like this is going to be just insane   it it’s just going to be insane I mean every 3  seconds you could possibly deal this I I mean okay  

    Anyway I’m getting ahead of myself the best part  about this is that you’re taking 15% less damage   from all poison targets with the maximum stacks  and let me just say this up front here everyone’s   going to run Herman Prime okay the poison stacks  on Tomyris are op but she removes them Herman  

    Prime does not remove them which is insanity okay  so the fact that everyone’s going to be spreading   AOE poison and there’s there’s nothing on his kit  to remove the poison and everyone who has Hermann   Prime is going to take 15% less damage from Poison  targets which everyone’s going to be poisoned all  

    The time basically it’s going to be wild okay next  uh for the expertise down here it says every time   25 stacks of poison are applied to enemy troops  a level five Forest of the whatever the active  

    Skill uh will be activated again with a 10-second  cooldown okay so that’s a long cool down but this   is basically uh it’s very similar again to Jon  of our Prime’s fourth skill okay it’s a 10-second  

    Cool down here but you get a double cast of Herman  Prime’s active skill and again his active skill   is similar to Joan of Arc Prime and instead of  the buffing here he’s applying poison so it’s   actually insane um that we are getting a commander  this powerful now is this a must-use commander yes  

    It is what are the best pairs though for Herman  Prime now I think that there is something to be   said about Tomyris but Tomyris is actually not the  pairing that I think is most exciting I actually  

    Think that this is going to be an insane pairing  for Zhuge Liang is already insane an AOE damage   dealing monster okay he’s lacking the March  speed and Boudica Prime has 10% Herman Prime   has 15% okay now Herman Prime has a little bit  lower stats than Boudica Prime in exchange for  

    That uh for that March speed but Herman Prime okay  let’s just talk about why I think Boudica Prime if   you’re running one Archer March I think bua Prime  is pretty much her her time is done I think she  

    Is over I think is she a bad Commander absolutely  not can you continue to use her absolutely yes she   is she’s still she’s still great so please don’t  misunderstand this okay but if you’re like me and  

    You’re running a single Archer March Boudica Prime  I do not think is in your single Archer March okay   here’s why first of all 2300 single Target okay  the debuff on Boudica Prime is insane 35% more  

    Skill damage taken from the target well great news  with 15 stacks of poison that you’re going to be   applying like it’s three with his active skill  two with his instant proc from his fourth skill   so that’s five poison Stacks from in basically one  skill cycle you’re guaranteed five Stacks okay so  

    After three skill Cycles uh you you’ll guaranteed  have 15 stacks of poison but it’s probably going   to be faster than that with the instant proc uh  application and especially with everybody else   in the open field running Hermann Prime everyone  who has the poison is going to have 45% increased  

    Skill damage taken okay so the upper limit of the  skill damage taken uh debuff that you’re applying   to the Target is high on on Herman Prime than  it is on Boudica Prime and also because Herman   Prime does not remove the poison Stacks that will  remain forever whereas this is for 3 seconds okay  

    So maximum poison Stacks is just better than the  debuff on Boudica Prime the benefit of Boudica   prime is that it’s instant it’s right away it’s 35  okay so Herman Prime you have to stack it up okay  

    But I think again with all the her primes that  we’re going to see I think you’re going to get   those Stacks really really fast okay um the 30%  March speed reduction on her on Boudica Prime is  

    Still very good but we have a lot of ways to slow  down the target these days and I don’t think that   that is really a reason to use her but mainly  we’re talking about a three Target 2,000 damage  

    Factor AOE versus a 2300 single Target it’s  night and day the AOE on Herman Prime is much   better than the single Target skill on Boudica  next obviously I think this on Boudica versus   Herman I think uh you know we’re trading off some  stats here for Herman but the March speed is like  

    What Jay Leong needs most most okay Jay Leong  is already kind of tanky he’s already got his   own stats what he needs is March speed and Herman  Prime has more March speed than Boudica yes it’s  

    A bummer he’ll lose some stats here but the rest  of the Kit’s just better okay here we see Boudica   takes 25% less skill damage that’s good but  remember Herman is taking 15% less all damage okay   remember all damage taken from poisoned units is  reduced by 1% per stack okay so would you rather  

    Have 25% less skill damage taken or 15% % less  all damage taken I would rather take 15% less all   damage cuz that applies to normal attack damage  Counterattack damage Smite damage everything okay   so I think that that is better the downside again  this Stacks over time whereas for Boudica it is up  

    All the time and is instant but at the end of the  day I think Herman Prime skill is probably going   to be better over time okay the rest of this  skill here for Boudica is not really anything  

    Special her fourth skill here says 5% more damage  to infantry units well Herman has that as well and   she has a healing Factor here which I guess is  nice in the open field it’s a long cooldown it’s  

    It’s okay it’s great in 1 V 1s and then finally  she removes her control effects now we’ve already   gone over the channel you know a 5551 Boudica is  about 90% effective so a lot of people shouldn’t  

    Even get the expertise from Boudica anyway I know  that pisses Archer mains off but like that’s just   the reality the number of sculptures you need for  that forward skill is just not really worth it um  

    If you already have it like me it’s great but  it’s not a must-have okay so Herman Prime has   a powerful AOE that hits three targets which is  much better than the damage Factor on Boudica   the maximum poison Stacks which everyone’s going  to be applying is more powerful than the skill  

    Damage taken debuff that Boudica Prime applies as  well he has more March speed than Boudica Prime   with the cost of slightly lower stats you also  have a 20% increase in your skill damage which   Boudica prime does not have that at all that’s  amazing he has a defense reduction which isn’t  

    That great of a thing it’s not that big of a deal  and he takes 15% less damage and a double AOE okay   so when you compare Boudica Prime to Herman Prime  I think Boudica Prime takes the bench I just do I  

    Don’t think that you really I don’t think it  really moves the needle now here’s the other   thing that we can talk about though I think that  it is possible that if you don’t have Zhuge Liang   you might run Boudica Prime primary with Herman  Prime secondary uh and I think that would be good  

    Now I prefer Jay Leong because five Target 2K is  insane and everything else on his kit is wild 30%   Health you have a double AOE here with with J  Leong he has the mar effect it is wild I think  

    The best single combination most likely will be  Herman Prime with Z Leong now as much as I want to   say that Herman Prime gets to be primary because  you want to apply the poison Stacks as soon as  

    Possible I think the skill tree on Jay Leong might  make him primary honestly uh I’m I’m trying to   think like what would the downsides of that be and  honestly I think that you probably run Jay Leong  

    Primary although the faster you apply the poison  St the faster you’re going to get the double AOE   from Herman Prime but I think the Synergy here  is amazing okay Herman has attack defense March   speed J Leong has health and Archer damage both  of them have 20% skill damage bonus so now you’re  

    Up to 40% they both have insane AOE the debuffs  that they apply with their AOE is insane I think   that’s probably the new best single Archer Army  okay that’s my best guess I think we’ll see Jay  

    Leong with Hermann prime which order they go in  will have to be tested now we have to talk about   obviously Tomyris there’s obviously Synergy here  and if you’re running more than one Archer March   you probably run Boudica Prime with Zhuge Liang  and you might consider running Herman Prime with  

    Tomyris now here’s my only problem with Tomyris  okay she removes the poison stacks and this was   the biggest problem with Tomyris and this is why  players would pair her with Artemisia right this   is why players would pair her with commanders  that have really slow rage Cycles because you  

    Basically wanted to pop Toy’s active skill as  slow low as possible cuz you wanted to leave those   poison stacks on the target forever so in this new  world where we have Herman Prime applying multiple   stacks of poison in AOE fashion well yes there’s a  lot of benefit to having a consistent application  

    Of poison with Tomyris right because that means  that you’re going to get the the second cast of   Herman Prime’s active skill faster because of his  expertise which is going to be nice but here’s the  

    Thing I don’t know if it’s going to be worth  it I think the removal of the poison sacks on   Tomyris is a massive disadvantage and if even a  single person brings a Tomyris to the open field   they can just start removing poison Stacks from  everybody else’s hard work that they’ve been doing  

    With their Herman Prime so I think you know yes  there’s a ton of synergy here and the extra bonus   poison from both commanders is amazing right also  lots of Archer attack and a even powerful defense   reduction on Tomyris really good stuff there and  there’s also something to be said about the fact  

    That Tomyris does have a museum Relic which is  really solid um it’s a small amount of stats but   it is stats that you really like okay it’s 15%  health and 10% March speed and that March speed  

    Is going to be really good for the Archer boys  it’s going to be really good so I think you know   do you bring the the Herman with Tomyris I I don’t  know I think the removal of the poison socks is a  

    Big red flag I think that’s going to that’s going  to really turn a lot of players off because again   now we have a way to apply poison without any of  the downsides of Tomyris you could basically bench   Tomyris and know that you have a consistent  source of poison that you never remove that  

    Sounds really good to me and the more people that  run just Herman with no Tomyris that means that   everyone in the open Field’s going to have poison  all the time and it will never be removed which  

    Is insane to me okay so if you run more than  one Archer March you may consider Herman with   Tomyris but I think that’s probably not the most  exciting pair honestly I really don’t think that   Herman with Tomyris is is anything like insane  her active skill kind of sucks to be honest with  

    You guys it’s just nothing special in my opinion  it’s single Target it’s low it removes the poison   don’t really love it okay so the Tomyris pairing  it’s interesting we’ll have to see how players   use it but I think that the downside of removing  the poison like we’ve been given exactly what we  

    Want from Poison okay players wanted to just leave  poison on the target forever and we have that and   even with Sargon right the problem with Sargon  sport skill is it removes the odd Stacks okay we   hated that now we have a poison stack Commander  that never removes it and I think that’s amazing  

    Don’t remove it never remove it don’t probably  don’t bring Tommy okay I think you do Herman   Prime with Jay Leong for two armies you probably  do Boudica Prime with Jay Leong and then you do   either Herman Prime with Tomy maybe or you do  Herman Prime with either ysg or with nebu right  

    I think nebu is still going to be solid here in  a two Army lineup and yes I do still think people   are going to use ysg I love people love to hate  on ysg he’s still insane 50% bonus skill damage  

    What are we talking about why even argue with that  it’s insane okay it’s circular it’s wild those I   think are the best pairs but for me Herman Prime  ji Leong that’s going to be it for me that’s going  

    To be my pair I think that is a slam dunk like  both of them have double AOE both of them have   skill damage bonus both of them have amazing  debuffs it’s it actually feels broken it feels   overpowered it feels unbelievable almost that  they would give us two ways to apply AOE poison  

    Um it’s insane okay and again I think this debuff  is probably going to be bumped up I think three 3   seconds is too low in my opinion so we’ll see how  that goes but guys I would love to hear from you  

    Guys in the comments section below what do you  think about Herman Prime do you think that he’s   really good do you think that he’s looking really  weak okay he does have a very small amount of  

    Stats to be honest with you for a legendary this  far into the game so I would love to hear from   you guys in the comment section below while you’re  down there drop a thumbs up on the video it helps  

    Out the channel a ton of helps get this video out  into the YouTube algorithm so other Rise of Kings   players might see and while you’re down there  consider subscribing to the channel and clicking   the Bell to be notified the next time I upload  a rise of Kingdoms video with that being said  

    Guys thank you so much for watching this has been  Omniarch I will talk to you guys again soon peace


    1. 🚨 Hermann Prime NERFED ALREADY! See new video for updated skills – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_qOzphpBvg
      EDIT: I was wrong when speaking about the defense reduction on Hermann Prime, his 20% reduction WILL stack with active skill defense debuffs! I misspoke and want to thank the few of you who have corrected me, thank you! 🙂 What do YOU think of Hermann Prime in Rise of Kingdoms? Don't forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more Rise of Kingdoms content! 🙂

    2. I am currently running to Calvary one infantry and two archer
      1 atilla /takada
      2 boudica P/ ysg
      3 Herman P /and Zeuge
      4 scopeo /guan
      5 Joan if arc and Alexander nev

    3. Unless I am missing something, the expertise is not worth it. If the poisons are never removed, the enemy will only hit 25 one time. That is a lot of extra heads for one skill shot. And if someone else places the 25th poison, you most likely won't get the extra skill shot.

    4. Nooooooo!!! I hate to have these must have commanders. Sh**! I literally can't keep up making all these commanders even to budget build(5511,5551, etc.) before new ones come.

    5. No, it will not replace, it will complement. But there is one caveat. To hang all the stacks of poison on the target , you need to hit the target , which is not always possible to implement in the field , perhaps it will find greater use in the rally.
      in other words , he will be able to realize himself with prolonged contact with the target

    6. I wonder if Hermann is already good at 5511. I'm still working on my Zhug who is at 5551 already. But Hermann sounds awesome to have in the field as soon as you can.

    7. In a ball fight, you can't be sure that your poison stacks will hit the same three targets every time. Hermann will spread poison on the enemy ball, but I bet most targets will get a few stacks each and very rarely reach 15 stacks on one target.

      Good that he has two AoE skills spreading it and that 25 stacks make him cast twice. Great addition to the ball, but he's still a support. Other damage dealers will do the killing.

    8. Every Commander who works with any kind of stack is literally trash. At least for f2p. I can't chase the enemies, and I can't stay in front when someone targets me either. Most times you are literally dead before you even fill the rage meter and put your stacks out. And he is ugly as hell, Why? who is the designer? fire him!
      I skip this one

    9. Hey bro hope you can see this first off love your videos second

      Is sargon lui che gunna be good for next couple kvks? Want to know my lui che is expertised but I wanna know if I should push to finish Sargon or save my heads have a good day cheers

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