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    What is U52 Now?
    The first mindset shift to having optimal health is ‘the priority has to be you.’ The problem with making ourselves a priority is we fail to do it consistently. I invite you to journey into your new lifestyle 52 weeks a year. I invite you to make progress the goal, not perfection. I invite you to start to make small steps so that you can go great distances. Most importantly, I invite you to start NOW.

    All right all right all right y’all we are here we are here hold on let me make sure I’m here this is this is going to be something until we until until we figure this thing out this gonna be a thing every time y’all until we figure this

    Out okay oh and I am here uh let’s see we are here where the people at come on where y’all at come on I have a I have a a good what’s going on Laura Laura is always here can always depend on Laura to be here come on y’all we’re talking about

    The power of nutrition okay transforming lives that is the subject or today the power of nutrition um so look this is uh y’all know y’all know what I believe food is the foundation this is what I know to be true food food is the foundation right

    And so um when we speak about the power of nutrition first of all because food is the foundation it can’t change your life like food changes your life I know like I believe that you need to exercise okay as well as eat right but I know you can lose

    Weight and never step foot in the gym okay like you can start to heal your body and never never exercise but you want to expedite things like you need to move your body as well but but we’re going to talk about like the power of nutrition right and how it

    Can absolutely transform your life that’s what we’ll be talking about today and I I’ll just just give you a practical example of how it transformed my life if I if I could just share this story with you real quick so so I’m retired military I don’t know if y’all knew that I’m

    Retired military and so I can recall um for for many many years I mean I was always into physical fitness and so you know I’ve done some competitive bodybuilding in my day um you know so it was all about Fitness Fitness working out working out working out working out

    And so while I was in the military I was scoring extremely high on my physical fitness test right extremely high um but for some reason I could not like get the perfect score right so I I would Max the test right so to to um to Max the test

    The only thing you really needed was a 90 in each event okay and so 270 with at least a 90 in each event is considered Max in event so we had the two mile run we had um push-ups and sit-ups so I would always get 295 296 297 but I could

    Never get the 300 and the harder I worked I just could not get it and um I would see people getting it and I was like I don’t understand I worked I worked out longer and I just could not get it but I was still scoring better than most right I

    Was still one of the elite people um you know got many got my my my uh APFT patch on my uniform like I was getting all those things but I could not get that 300 and I could not figure out why and I’m talking to people and they give me

    Strategies on you know do fart Li training interval training like all this stuff and I just could not get it okay this went on for years y’all and it wasn’t not until um after I had my when I was pregnant with my third child actually this was like this is part of

    My story but when I was pregnant with my third child um I was about seven months pregnant uh some friends of ours came by our house and gave me a book right gave me a book and it was called eat this and live by Dr Don cobbert and that was the

    First time that like I felt like the scales were were lifted off of my eyes and I really really saw the importance of nutrition and saw the importance of of of eating you know uh God’s food okay okay and and and the impact the real

    Impact it had on the body so I started so we like basically started over cleaned out our pantry started eating better I start eating more vegetables took out the sodas and you know like all these things to this day my my my baby who’s now 14 but I was pregnant with her

    She’s never had McDonald’s okay and so to this day um you know we start eating clean like took out all the cookies and the just all the stopped all the fast food going to Popeyes and KFC and all those things and just start eating more

    Of God’s food um took out the so started drinking more water start eating more vegetables right so I had my baby I probably gained like 70 pounds with this child okay I put on a lot of weight with every pregnancy but praise God I’m able

    To lose the weight so had the baby um and I lost the weight in record time okay just and blew right past my pre-pregnancy weight and lost an additional 20 pounds right all because of what I was putting in my body so let me tell you something about the military

    The military gives you six months six months to get your life in order okay before you have to take another physical fitness test and so so I had uh my baby uh August of 2009 so that means around February or so um I was taking a test

    Probably was February March I was taking a test the first test coming back after having gained 70 pounds and having a baby um I scored a 290 okay first test out the gate I said okay this is good the very next test okay which was six months later so if that was February

    March the next test was maybe you know August September time frame right I score a three I think it was like three I want to say it was like 332 or something like that 332 and then it was 350 360 3 and I was just getting higher

    And higher and higher and higher to this day I I still hold the highest physical fitness test score in DC National Guard history with a 387 right and so because after you so they call that the extended scale you know um but I’m just saying

    But all this change when I change what I put in my body do you understand does that make sense it all change when I change what I put in my body so when I say the power of nutrition and how it can transform your life right the power

    Of nutrition it’s it’s transformative do you hear me like like food is the foundation I need y’all to know that food is the foundation so so whatever you’re dealing with um and many people may be dealing with many different things high blood pressure high cholesterol type 2 diabetes um uh migraine headaches inflammation

    Arthritis you know debilitating menstrual cycle sleep apnea gird or acid reflux like whatever it is you’re dealing with I need you to know that food is the foundation right nutrition can change your life does that make sense y’all if that makes sense just put just put makes sense in the chat does

    That make sense if if that if y’all hear me uh because I see I got like 14 people here if you hear me just just type makesense sense in the chat let me know if that makes sense what I’m saying when I when I change what I put in my body

    Everything changed right and I never look back okay I never look back I never had to had to uh uh be taped again I I was I was now passing my screening weight you know um because we had to weigh in every six months as well so

    Does that okay thank you Lord thank you michan like that’s what happened so here it is the power of nutrition so so we’re going to talk about three things on the power of nutrition right we’re going to talk about building a healthy uh building a healthy plate people like to

    Know like what what should my plate look like like how should they building a healthy plate the role of nutrients okay uh that’s okay Iva that’s okay uh okay the last the last shall be first I love it um uh and then the third thing will be uh healthy eating for elimination of

    Chronic illness y’all healthy eating for elimination of chronic illness okay Jane colen so I got Laura I got michan I got Linda I got uh Iva uh the last shall be first and Jane who else we got here like let me see y’all say hello let me see

    Who else we have here um so here it is the power of nutrition let me get right to it so building a healthy plate um okay Esther I got you building a healthy plate this what I need for y’all to know I used to have this I don’t used to I

    Still have it it’s this uh it’s a plate right that kind of has things sectioned off to tell you what to put in what right but here’s the thing um when you want to build a healthy plate right a healthy plate only thing we should be focus on is veggies okay Ling protein

    Right uh uh and you can have some whole grain and and maybe some fruit okay for a healthy plate y’all for a healthy plate hey michan oh you’re very welcome Hey Briana uh my son has a plate yeah yeah you know the plate I’m talking about okay so we’re talking about

    Veggies lean protein some whole grains when I say whole grains like whole grain pasta uh uh uh uh brown rice things like that so veggies lean proteins whole grains and maybe some fruit okay okay we shouldn’t be doing more than one piece of fruit a day y’all just one piece of

    Fruit okay um portion control here it is portion control you may have learned this long time ago so here it is like the size of your protein you can use your hand the size of your protein should not be larger than the palm of your hand now I’m talking about your

    Hand I’m I’m talking about your husband’s hand like don’t get another person’s hand your hand so the size of your uh protein should be no larger than the uh the palm of your hand okay your whole grains okay should be no larger than the back side of your hand this

    This is just a way to to have portion control okay listen right here right so protein whole grain okay that’s easy right your your your your Healthy fat so if you if you use butter or oil whatever it should be no more than the the bed of

    Your thumbnail okay no more than the bed of your thumbnail so we have protein whole grain okay whether that’s rice pasta whatever you know okay and healthy fat okay that’s an easy way now you can have all the veggies you want okay lot I want you

    To load up on vegetables y’all and leafy greens are your friend type that in the chat leafy greens are my friend somebody type that in the chat leafy greens are my friend I need everybody to know that leafy greens are your friend y’all okay like don’t skip out on your leafy greens

    Like let me see who’s gonna be the first one to type that leafy greens are my friend okay so we got protein whole grain okay healthy fat and leafy greens are my friend there you go thank you thank you so leafy greens are your friend okay so here here we go um

    Let’s talk about how the grocery shop uh here’s the easy thing to do guys so we shouldn’t be U let okay my God my people coming in thank you okay Jane all right Minister uh Deborah Davis ktina so if you’re going to the grocery store here

    It is guys you got to stay on the periphery the periphery of the grocery store because usually when you go in the grocery store either end you’re going to find your produce most times you go to the grocery store you go to the right that’s your produce that’s your

    Vegetables your your fruits right like like usually going to hit the produce you keep swinging around you may hit the meats right right you swing around okay now on the far end is GNA be your uh your uh your dessert okay don’t go on that end okay the desserts are normally

    Opposite the produce okay so but if you can cut down the aisle you may cut down the middle and hit the um the frozen section you can get frozen veggies you know and things like that but you want to stay on the periphery of the grocery store that’s where you’re going to find

    All of your live Foods when you start going down the aisles okay that’s when the sirens should start going off in your head because that you start going down the aisles and you’re hitting processed stuff right processed food processed foods are in the aisles guys that’s when you getting stuff off off

    The shelf yeah it’s dead okay if it’s on the Shelf it’s dead okay there there’s no nutritional value of on anything on the Shelf so we should be doing that sparingly that should be the exception not the rule the bulk of our basket should be filled with items from the

    Periphery of the of the store excluding the dessert aisle okay not not that side okay I’m talking about the produce the produce the the fresh meats or um or our fish you know and uh you get the Frozen Okay frozen veggies are good too right so that’s TP for grocery shopping okay

    Here we go some tips for meal planning now I’m retired now I work from home but I can recall when I was still working this is what I used to do I used to you know and I used to get my kids involved

    So I would get a a a menu this is what I would do every week I’d get a menu and I would kind of get some buying from them so we would have like uh you know meatless Mondays taco Tuesdays uh Wild Card Wednesdays you know things like that uh fish

    Fridays um uh you know I think th I forgot what we used to do for Thursdays probably I don’t know if it was if it was uh leftover Thursdays whatever Saturday and then I remember Sundays was Sunday’s best and Saturday I forgot what Saturday used to be but make it fun okay

    But once I make my menu right what I used to do is I would take like three hours on the weekends guys either a Saturday or a Sunday right and I would make if I’m going to have meats I’d make my Meats right if I was going to have

    Some brown rice that week I’d make the of brown rice right um if I had a pot of beans I make the pot of beans um so I would make my meat because the veggies are easy that’s easy to steam so I could

    Do that the day up so I would do my my staple which would maybe maybe be the rice or something uh most of the time it was brown rice or something but my Meats I may make three meats okay um everything’s going in the oven because I

    Wasn’t frying anything so I do like three meats cuz you know we were a family of five now my son is grown moved away have a daughter in college now so it’s just me my h husband and my youngest daughter now but when it was

    Five of us that’s that’s how I used to cook right so and I make it and it was easy only thing I had to do if I wasn’t home you know one of my uh my daughter or my son or my husband they could steam some veggies but everything else was

    Already prepared that took the stress off of me I didn’t have to worry about anything I didn’t have anybody calling me saying um well what are we eating you know if that’ be listen if I if I had hair on my back which I don’t but if I

    Did that’d be one way to make it stand up okay that I’m on my way home and somebody called me and say what are we eating oh that would and so this is what I did now it made me look like the best mommy ever okay but that was about

    Relieving stress for me okay knowing that I’ve already prepared the meals I didn’t have to worry about it anymore okay you have to worry about it don’t have to call me you get some steam some veggies whatever I got some fresh broccoli in there your or some string

    Beans or you know some mixed vegetables or like whatever like that that relieved the stress for me knowing I was was done for the week and I would make enough for the week and I said if you eat it up if you eat it up quick then guess what

    You’re short okay I’m just saying this is what I did y I promise you because I used to have I used to be like okay y’all this is what we gonna have on Monday this what we gonna have on Tuesday and they start treating that thing like a smorgus board and I was

    Trying to micro man I say you know what forget you can have it however you want it okay you can have however you want it but once it’s gone is gone okay um no I didn’t talk about seasonings and oils that’s a good one I can talk about that

    I can talk about that Patrice uh and so that’s what I used to do so we talked about uh what the plate should look like we talked about portion control we talk oh let’s talk about this um no Mindless eating huh no I I don’t know this thing

    Where um if you’re watching TV you have to be eating something we don’t need to do that that’s mind we need to have mindful eating okay and when once you start to eat more of God’s food right once you start to eat more nutrient-dense meals I promise you um

    You won’t be hungry you won’t be hungry and so um what what I what I need you to ask yourself is this when you’re eating ask yourself if you’re hungry as a matter of fact I’ll I’ll go one better before you eat food how about this drink

    A glass of water drink about an 8 o glass of water if you’re still hungry after the water right then you yeah you were hungry but if you’re no longer hungry after the after the water then you were never hungry you were just thirsty because the body doesn’t the

    Difference between um thirst and and and hunger okay it doesn’t know the difference okay eating or watching TV yeah yeah most times we aren’t even hungry just want yeah just that’s right Maya most people not so so it’s just Mindless eating so we just taking on

    Extra calories for no reason okay so we have to stop that so we have to be we have to be mindful when we eat you know so sit down try watching TV not eating a thing you’re not gonna know what to do with yourself you going like what what

    What am I supposed to be doing here watching the TV okay watching the movie that’s what you’re supposed supposed to be doing okay you don’t have to eat anything drink some water okay y’all got water take a swig right now okay hey is it alasi hey so just drink

    Water you don’t have to be eating anything okay you don’t have to be eating anything so um so we talked about what the place should look like portion control no Mindless eating tips for grocery shopping tips for meal planning so someone asked about uh uh seasoning

    Oil so I use um most the time I’m using um avocado oil and I use avocado oil because it has a high smoke point um I I I use I have olive oil but I mostly use avocado oil okay I mostly use avocado oil um because it has a high smoke point

    And uh olive oil does not so if you if you use olive oil we shouldn’t be frying okay lightly sauté lightly sauté but if olive oil gets above a certain temperature it can release carcinogenic compounds right so so um the uh avocado oil okay has a high smoke point so I

    Don’t have to worry about that so that’s mostly what I cook with is avocado oil but I do you know use olive oil as well on occasion um seasonings uh if you don’t have any um blood pressure issues salt pepper onion powder garlic powder

    You know um deal you know th you know um you know things like that oh you’re really live cherol you have any tips for overeating uh any other tips for overeating I’m I’m telling them to you listen to me I’m I say I’m telling them to you some some of this stuff y’all

    It’s I don’t have any magic words y’all just gotta sometimes we just got to stop like like you’re in control of you okay you just got to stop okay but here’s a here’s a tip right here here’s something you can do first of all you got to slow down most times

    We eat so fast that we blow right through okay the the the uh I’m full point we because we shouldn’t eat till we’re full we should eat till we’re satisfied somebody type that in the chat eat until you’re satisfied not eat until you’re full right and so it takes it say

    It takes the brain right about 20 minutes to even realize that you’re satisfied right so that means we have to slow down when we eat don’t eat so fast right that means you got to take at least 20 minutes for the brain to register that you’re satisfied and so

    Here’s a tip to to slow down um chew chew your food chew each bite at least 20 times huh that’s that’s the way chew each bite at least 20 times that is a way that you can slow down okay bring that thing on down and what’s gonna

    Happen see oh I say I do eat fast I wasn’t trying that’s why we here okay that’s why we here and so slow down don’t have to eat so fast right because here’s the thing you’re going to come across when you slow down you’re going to realize H I’m not hungry anymore

    Right because you’re allowing your brain a chance to register that oh I’m full or I’m I’m satisfied and then you’re gonna have to make a decision do I just eat the rest of this food anyway or do I stop and wrap it up put it away save it

    For later right you’re gonna come to a Crossroads you’re gonna have to make a decision do I just just pay no mind to uh my body telling me I’m satisfied and eat anyway or do I stop you know I have a governor and stop and say you know

    What I’m satisfied I don’t need any more and wrap that thing up and put it away okay that’s that is the thing okay so we got to slow down we got to slow down y’all um so so that was that’s building a healthy plate what’s going on Miss

    Joyce building a healthy plate so here it is now let’s talk about um this second point the role of nutrients right the role of nutrients now people that know cult I say this all the time I say it takes uh 19 vitamins and minerals with non amino acids with the perfect

    Protein to make a perfect cell these nutrients okay these nutrients y’all so it says vitamins and minerals are essential for bodily functions such as helping to fight infection wound healing making our bones and regulating hormones so vitamins and minerals that they’re essential we need them we need vitamins

    And minerals and that’s why we eat the vegetables right that’s why the vegetables and the protein like God’s food that’s where we’re getting the vitamins and the minerals from that’s why we need to eat these things so when a person is uh uh uh say not eating God’s food then you’re definitely

    Vitamin deficient right mineral deficient when you’re not eating God’s food okay do y’all hear me so that’s why we have to eat more of God’s food because we need these vitamins and minerals to make up our cells right so we can have these perfect cells so that it can heal our bodies

    Right and so from my folks that know me and know about this cell theory you know that’s how this all makes sense so I’m making it make sense helping you to connect the dots how everything like God knew what he was doing when he made us I

    Think he knew what he was doing y’all right so we have to like food is the foundation Health starts at the cellular level right cells are made up of of nutrients okay and you get the nutrients from the food so we got to eat God’s food to get the nutrients I eat the

    Vitamins and the minerals so that we can have healthy cells so that we can have healthy bodies period period y’all that’s how it works okay so here it is says the most so all of our vitamins are essential okay we need them all but the three most the three most important

    Vitamins let me see can y’all guess let me see if y’all can guess what are the three most important vitamins the three most can you think of one what what do you think the three most important vitamins let me see if if you all are got your thinking caps on the three most

    Important vitamins what what anybody let me see type it in the chat I I probably believe that come on Miss Joyce I was going I knew somebody vitamin D absolutely let me tell y’all something about vitamin D vitamin D vitamin C vitamin C D vitamin CDE e AC D AC D C

    Vitamin D y’all most people are vitamin D deficient right so listen it says um this is about to run an ad okay some of y’all going to see an ad in about in about 37 seconds okay okay but don’t worry I’mma still be here okay you going

    The thing GNA pop a ad and it’s GNA come back I’mma still be here let me see uh good sales make good organs good come on michan come on somebody look like they been know they know the cell theory okay so it says the three most important

    Vitamins are vitamin D vitamin B12 and iron that’s what it says okay here are five five benefits of vitamins y’all this is this is amazing listen vitamins right uh increased energy level that’s vitamin B okay vitamin B12 increase uh uh your mood that’s b b as well see most

    People that have uh oh some of y’all just went out on that ad see most people that deal with um like mood swings and things like that you probably just they need like a b complex give them a good B complex right that’s going that’s going to help regulate those mood swings right

    So we got energy levels vitamin B mood vitamin D um decreases uh your stress or anxiety right there vitamin D3 and magnesium can help with that uh increase your short-term memory that’s vitamin B as well um and maintain muscle strength uh vitamin B3 so vitamin vitamins are

    Very very essential we need we need our vitamins so um three most important vitamin D vitamin B12 and iron right and then five benefits of vitamins increase energy level increase your mood decrease your stress and anxiety increase short-term memory maintain muscle strength all these are very important

    Right all these are very important when it comes to uh vitamins so um also the role of nutrients we talked about vitamins and minerals now let’s talk about water right water is very important you all water is very very very important uh I don’t know if you

    Knew this but like water is needed water is needed for every entic reaction that happens in the body like water water is needed for every enzymatic reaction that happens in the body okay so when people tell me I don’t like water like I don’t really care that

    You don’t like water your body needs water like you’re like you’re like 70% water okay so it doesn’t matter about what you like I tell people it’s not Burger King okay you can’t it doesn’t matter what you like you can’t have it your way okay your body needs water and

    You need you should be drinking at least half your body weight in ounces so if you weigh 150 pounds you should be doing 75 ounces right if you may if you weigh 200 lounds you should be doing 100 ounces right and that’s with a sedentary lifestyle okay that’s with a sedentary

    Lifestyle if you’re if you’re if you’re exercising okay then you need more than that because if you’re exercising you should be perspiring right which means you’re losing water so you have to replace that right but as a baseline half your body weight and and and in uh

    In ounces so here are some things that what I don’t think people realize how much you like what water does here are some things listen this is what water does regulates your body temperature keeps your joint joints lubricated prevents infections this is all water now delivers nutrients to your

    Cells I don’t know if you knew that keeps your organs functioning properly come on water improves Your Sleep Quality did you know that this what water does improves your sleep quality improves your cognition and improves your mood so you get moody drink some water okay you you can’t you don’t you

    Can’t think clearly or whatever like drink drink some water okay your your knees hurt a little bit you’re probably dehydrated drink water okay like you not sleeping well drink water like water water water y’all not only a leafy greens your friend water that’s your best friend okay come let me tell you

    About my best friend water is your best friend right that’s really all you need all this other stuff people like goo what about this and what about that no what about water what about water and spring water is best okay so does the temperature of the water matter so here here’s the

    Thing I like to I like to give you an analogy right if you’re going to wash dishes okay if you’re going to wash dishes what will be the temperature of your water huh if you’re gonna if you if if you make some spaghetti okay and you’re gonna wash dishes what

    Would be the temperature of your water let me see somebody say hot somebody say hot okay so with with that same uh thinking in mind think about it water is you drinking water is going in and cleansing your colon like just pulling stuff off the walls of your Co now

    You’re not GNA necessarily drink the hot water although uh in in in in Asian you know in the Asian culture that’s why they do the hot tea right that’s why they drink something hot after after they have dinner right so that’s a good practice to do right just maybe some hot

    Uh hot water or hot water with lemon or whatever just because listen that’s what it’s doing is pulling that it’s cleansing your colon so it’s pulling stuff that’s stick into your intestinal walls right so with that being said if you’re not going to drink hot water room temperature is best room temperature is

    Best because what happens when you drink cold what happens when you wash dishes with cold water is it gonna clean the dishes does cold water clean the dishes anybody does cold water clean your dishes when you use the sometime I check my daughter I’m like girl this water is

    Cold girl if you don’t put some hot water in this uh in this sink what are you doing what what are you doing you ain’t cleaning these got film all on the glass the glass you know it’s smear you’re not getting this grease off this glass with this cold water okay you

    Better put some hot water in here okay listen y’all know what I’m talking about that’s right same thing same thing so no no no you so if you’re not going to do the um the hot water with lemon or something after your meal then room temperature room temperature I just got

    Bottled water right here look just bottle water room temperature now I know the cold water tastes good okay and sometime coacho drinks it okay sometimes I drink it um but this this is what’s best okay room temperature water okay if you really want to do something then

    After your meal drink that uh hot you know what I’m saying just be some hot water just hot water with lemon or something you know just to help it go down easy or whatever just sip on that that’s this thing about that’s just pulling stuff off your colon like H come on

    Here just going in and cleansing stuff okay because you need stuff to detach from those intestinal walls and come on out we don’t need nothing hanging in there okay you need stuff to come on out let’s see I used to drink hot water all the time when I was younger and people

    Thought that was no no no you was on to something michan you were on to something okay let me take a swig y’all hold on okay so we talked about hydration now let’s talk about incor seating nutrient rich foods in our daily meals now my people my people that know that’s been

    In the robo you know how to do this how do you incorporate nutrient Rich uh nutrient rich foods into your daily meals the easiest way is a salad okay salad salad okay if you say what about for uh for those people that want to have breakfast okay you can sauté some

    Uh uh uh some spinach or some kale okay you can mix that in your eggs okay you you can do so many things right salads um just adding leafy greens to eggs to Pasta to sausage you can thr you can throw some leafy greens in anything okay

    Um adding nuts and seeds right to your salad people add chia seeds and things hey Adrian yay yeah I’m GNA be doing this every day okay I’m I told you I’m going live every single day in the month of November okay I don’t know if it’s

    Gonna be a set time so turn on your notification so that when I go live okay um this was the earliest I could do it I had a lot going on today but no this is great so add nuts and seeds to your salad add more fruits and veggies right

    Um eat the rainbow there we are eat the rainbow say how do I feel about white potatoes it’s gonna spike your blood sugar okay it’s gonna spike your blood sugar and if anybody has blood sugar issues type two diabetic things like that you don’t need to be eating white

    Potatoes you don’t need it anybody know they got a sugar addiction you don’t need to be eating white potatoes right normally people ask me about white potatoes they kind of addicted to the sugar right they want the sugar sugar right cuz that white potato going going

    To make you feel good okay that’s like you just eating french fries when I think white potatoes I just think french fries oh you like that Adrian don’t don’t get me distracted now Adrian don’t get me distracted okay yeahall decide to let it out today

    I said let’s let let’s let it out today um so people they want to know about these potatoes now that’s normally my people that’s trying to get the sugar normally my people okay I say these are questions from an addict don’t take offense to this y’all I’m just saying my

    People ask me about these potatoes because they want to get this sugar okay nobody ask me about asparagus okay nobody’s asking me about asparagus and brussel sprouts okay but we gonna ask about these potatoes every single time every single time we gonna ask about a

    Potato okay uh and that’s I you might as well say we eating french fries okay we we eating french fries um we well then we giving the babies french fries okay that’s what we doing we setting them up right I’m trying to get off the sugar and and butters Lord I

    Have to have bread with my salad and something cream on my oh you don’t have to you can say you want to okay but you don’t have to okay yeah you don’t have to you say I want to right so uh these are things we can do to incorporate

    Nutrient Rich uh nutrient rich foods in our diet so we talked about building the health healthy plate y’all we talked about the role of nutrients now this last thing and this is easy because everybody if you’re in the robo you know this um third thing is healthy eating

    For elimination of chronic illness we already know how to eat okay eat what about eating a lot of fruits does it raise your blood sugar or give you it uh I won’t say it gives you diabetes but it absolutely raises your blood sugar but here here’s the thing that I educate my

    People on right so when you already know you have an affinity to sugar when you already know you are addicted to sugar when you already know you you have a sweet tooth right like don’t think you’re doing something by uh uh satisfying that that that that craving with fruit right because the body

    Doesn’t know the difference it’s still it’s it’s still lighting up the brain getting that dopamine hit the same as if you were doing cocaine you see the body doesn’t know the difference so if you know you have a sugar addiction if you know you have a sweet tooth like the

    Only way to stop the craving is to stop the sugar and that would include fruit now when I say that what I am not saying that you can never have fruit again that’s not what I’m saying I’m saying fruit is not your fruit is not helping

    You right now it’s not helping you to get rid of the addiction right now right so so you need to look to eat more more vegetables and more protein and not even the starchy vegetables right not the starchy so don’t go for the potato okay that’s what that’s what y’all do I’m

    Gonna do the potatoes I’m gonna do the corn I’m gonna do the peas you know why y’all like to do those because they’re sweet right so I need you to do more broccoli more asparagus more string beans okay let’s do some of that you can do the bell peppers right you can do

    Cucumbers right don’t do carrots right because y’ y’all go corn carrots peas potatoes that’s what y’all do corn carrots peas uh potatoes all starchy all starchy and then sometimes Tomatoes can be starchy because tomatoes are really really a fruit okay botanically speaking tomatoes are a fruit right um uh and so

    That that’s what we do uh is that why you say one that’s why I say one fruit a day that’s why that’s right and if you know you you addicted to Sugar you don’t need any right now you don’t need any you need to be loading up on veggies

    Veggies and protein okay is but enough squash a good option to K sh no it’s not because squash is starchy too I need to see green stuff green stuff okay Adrian green stuff right so uh eating healthy eating for elimination of chronic illness okay we know food is

    The foundation I just told you we just said leafy greens like leafy greens okay leafy greens will help you to rid your body of things like high blood pressure high cholesterol type two diabetes inflammation uh uh migraine headaches like you do leafy greens proteins and water I promise you you’re gonna change

    Your whole life you’re gonna change your whole life uh pasta is starchy too yeah pasta is starchy too pasta starchy too right so leafy greens with your friend I told y’all that leafy greens are your friend y’all listen I promise you this is the power of nutrition right

    Nutrition like will transform your life either positively or negatively okay you can have uh uh great nutrition and and affect your life in a positive way or you can have poor nutrition and affect your weight in a very uh adverse way okay and the and the reality is most

    People in the country have poor nutrition habits right and that’s why we’re sick and that’s why we’ve normalized sickness right uh I’m about to start opening folks mail what you mean what you mean what you mean by that tuer what you mean by that say mindless eating I’m about to start opening folks

    Mail what you mean talk to me what what does that mean mindless eating I don’t know what that what that mean tuer talk to me I’m about to start opening folks mail I don’t know what that I don’t know what you mean by that I don’t know what you mean by that but

    Um tell me what you mean by that Tu CU I don’t know can you talk about how you transition your kids to this diet listen it’s still I still got to get on my daughter who’s 14 okay kids are kids but that but here’s the deal here’s the deal

    In in total transparency when I when I realize um come on Andrea talk about it when I I realized uh the importance of nutrition and I realized I was killing my family this is a real talk you ask me I’m just telling you what I I’m telling

    You what I did I sat my children down because remember I was pregnant with my third one at the time so my my son was about 12 and my daughter was probably about uh six I think she was like six so my son was 12 my daughter was about six

    Yeah yeah she was six cuz she turned seven after Gabby was yeah she turned seven in that no nober so 12 and uh 12 and six okay is what my two kids were I sat them down at the table I I never forget it sat him down at the kitchen

    Table and I told them I said Mommy was killing you I was I was I was honest I said Mommy was setting you up for an early adulthood of disease unknowingly but I was killing you with the food with the food I was giving you CU I promise

    You listen my son who was 12 at the time but I I remember he had five cavities y’all by the age of seven he had five cavities from all the trash I was giving him you know the oatmeal cream pts the Dunkin sticks the Honey Buns the the the

    The Kool-Aid Jammers the Capri Suns like all of that like it’s trash you know the uh the the Doritos okay um like that’s that’s what he used to eat right I mean he he like uh oatmeal he wanted oatmeal all the time I nice to put and and I’m

    Not talking about no old fashioned not I’m talking about that that Quaker uh uh you know in the little packets you know the um Maple brown sugar okay Maple brown sugar and I probably added more sugar to it I’m just saying this is how

    We used to eat y’all this is how we used to eat so so I don’t need anybody to think that oh coach R you’ve been you’ve been eating healthy no I haven’t coach R from Houston Texas I grew up eating everything fried smothered I’m talking some pork chops with rice and gravy and

    Cornbread and Kool-Aid that that’s how I grew up I promise you that I go home and they still eat like that okay okay that that’s why they sick that’s why they sick y’all they still eat like that when I go home so so I don’t need anybody to

    Tell me that um like I don’t know I do know I know I I know I need to change right and so it’s it’s possible like God is God is able so I I sat my kids down I told them the truth and I said I’m

    Taking this out of here and I did because kids are kids they don’t buy food and guess what if they choose not to eat then they fast fasting is good okay but I promise you when they get when get hungry they will eat it but

    What we have to do as parents is stop caving in to Children y’all hear me stop caving in the children uh let’s see putting on my gloves can you talk about how you okay it TR okay I’m so glad I read lab yeah yeah when I look at nutrition facts I

    See trans fat and saturated fat of those foods with high trans saturated fat uh bad for yes they are they’re bad for the body uh yeah that was diabetic oatmeal I’m from Georgia so we have diabetic every y I know Patrice I know uh yeah

    Yeah I’m from Virginia and I grew up e yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s it we got to stop caving to the children because we we we so worried about them being mad at us I’mma tell you when they really gonna be mad they gonna be mad when they uh when

    They’re overweight okay or they got some type of uh whatever condition and they gonna look at you and say why why why did you let me eat this as a kid you were my mother you were my father why did you why did you let me eat this

    They’re going to be mad when they when uhh when they have acne when they’re picked on you see when when they’re picked on because they have acne on their face because it ain’t it ain’t hormones it’s food when they’re overweight okay when they can’t make it

    For the sports team or when they’re the last one running or when they’re out of breath or when you see that’s when they gonna be mad because we so worried about um being uh being happy and we should be worried about them being healthy I’m

    Just telling y’all what I know okay uh I listen to you when my 5-year-old was digging in my salary today for all my come on Adrian that’s what I’m talking about girl you better give that as a praise report on the call okay I want to hear

    That let the people need to hear that Adrian okay and my five-year-old was digging in my Sal today for all my raw broccoli that’s what because you cause you be you were the mother okay cuz you were the mother and that’s what we have we have to stand up and be the parent

    And stop worried about being their their friend that’s white We’re parents your kids aren’t your friends they’re your kids okay my goodness that’s the problem God put God like like like like um um we’re responsible for them right they don’t buy food another thing I tell my daughter now we don’t do vending

    Machines people say how do you get your daughter to drink water I tell her to drink it she’s a kid she’s a kid did y’all I tell her to drink your water no no no juice that’s enough juice no no no ice cream that you’ve had ice cream

    Yesterday no ice cream today okay you see they’re kids and and y’all can say what you want but um I thought she she’s 14 she asks before she get ice cream she don’t just go and get stuff that’s right come on Andre I’m setting the pace okay

    She can’t just go in and out of the refrigerator as she wants to and you know what but I was able to do that as a kid but we don’t allow our kids to do that you just don’t just go kids they’re kids they don’t know they

    Have no judgment right they don’t have they don’t have a governor they don’t have any judgment so we have to we have to come on we have to set the pace come on Words shout out the words Taylor listen if y’all don’t if y’all I dis a

    Plug but I’m telling you the truth if you have not um if you were not at my conference I am the Hope conference September 30th in Orlando Florida uh uh uh uh then you need to get the replay okay you need to get the replay repl if

    You don’t have a replay hit me up I’ll send you the link um so you can get the replay y’all it is it ain’t free you got to pay for it but it was amazing okay um that’s right Patrice they have to ask you can’t just go in and out of the

    Refrigerator and just get what you want and get dessert when you want you can’t do it you ask and that’s going to be a yes or no okay that’s what it’s gonna be train up a child and way that’s right that’s right that’s right that’s that’s

    That’s what we’re on y’all now as a kid I could go in and out of my refrigerator it was of us we can go in and out in and out in and out in and out my mother I don’t recall my mother ever telling me

    No I didn’t ask I just got it if it was in there I got it okay that’s what it was I don’t recall asking um probably beyond the age of I don’t know probably eight or nine I don’t recall asking anymore I just went in there and got it

    Now our kids couldn’t do that they couldn’t if my son he’s a grown adult now out of the house but if he was if he would come to visit right now um it was something refriger he would ask if he could uh have have it right now that’s

    Probably out of courtesy now because he doesn’t live here it ain’t his house anymore um but even when he was here like he just did do that mommy it would be okay if I eat something yeah go ahead honey or whatever you know um I don’t think he asked for dessert though he

    Probably stop asking for dessert at some point probably but I’m just saying that that’s that’s the way we bring up our kids uh Lord knows I’m old and I still ask before I used to go in my mother’s refrigerator yeah yeah yeah yeah so that’s it y’all that is it the power

    Nutrition I need you to know nutrition transform your life okay either for the for the good or the bad okay depending on what are you got good nutrition or bad nutrition okay uh but it is powerful so we talked about building a healthy plate we talked about the role of

    Nutrients um and we talked about healthy eating uh to eliminate uh chronic illness y’all that is it so I’m going to be hitting these topics hard every single day for the month of November yesterday was just an introduction um um this was good appreciate you all jumping

    On again if uh turn on your notifications right you’re welcome Jenny turn on your notification so that you can be notified when I do go live because it it could be during the day sometimes just that just for today it was at night but um I’mma do it when I’m

    Able to do it um coach’s life is kind you know I could have some things going on so I was kind of busy all day so that’s why it’s just late I have to catch the replay set my notification I really no problem Patrice um y’all share

    This out share share share it um you know when I post it share the link and um let’s educate the people right I’m educating the people it’s operation help the people and so for those that that know many of you do know but many do not

    I do a free Master Class um it’s actually one going on right now um Sundays Tuesdays and Thursdays it’s free it it is a recording as you see I’m here with you and the master class is going on because it is a recording um um but the the information is the information

    It’s and it’s great information that’s right that’s what that’s Operation to help the people that’s what God told me to help the people okay he God blessed me with uh probably about 25,000 uh follow new followers you know on um Instagram you know over a 60-day

    Period And I said what do you want me to do he said I want you to help him and so that’s what I’m doing I’m helping them so free master class y’all um and at that master class I’m teaching you a lot of great information and then there

    There is an off at the end of the master class and it’s for you to join my sugar a’t sweet Academy Sugar a’t sweet Academy many people here are in the sugar a sweet Academy all my all the superstars in here in the sugaring sweet acab uh sugar sweet Academy and is

    Changing lives and so again um I put the link in the description here um another ad is about to run in like 20 seconds but I put the link in the description um it’s at the top of the description the sugaring sweet um master class and so

    I’m sorry it’s called I Am The Hope Master Class class but it’s for the Su sweet Academy that’s what they’re going to show at the end y’all an ad is about to pop up here but I’ll stay I’ll stay and keep talking to y’all come back um

    But yes somebody’s asking about I have a yes I have a cookbook let me see let me see if I can grab let’s see if I can grab the master class is it is it gonna let me do this let me see let me see

    See I don’t know if it’s going to let me do it but let me see um oh boom yeah it is that did so that is uh yeah that cookbook is fire let me let me grab the cookbook do you do you see the master class I just dropped the

    Master class in there do you see that you see that Andrea let me see I’m about to drop this cookbook too y’all see that the master class I just dropped it the link let me drop this cookbook uh okay let me get let me get this cookbook hold on hold on hold on

    Hold on hold on uh let me see hold on let me grab this cookbook for y’all cookbook cookbook is fired now it is fire uh here we go there it is there’s the cookbook um and the master class is is gone up y’all got to scroll up you got

    To scroll up um yeah the ma The cookbook has five recipes the master class I am the Hope master class and let me let me give y’all this too because people be wanting um I don’t even know if I can find it my uh the gear people be asking

    Me for the gear I don’t know maybe well if y’all just go to my site I’m just going to do this y’all just go to my website rochel if you just go there um and you click on the about tab you’ll see uh you’ll see my book you know the priority

    Has to be used you’ll also see the book that changed my life right um eat this and live um but you’ll also see the health motivator store so that’s where you can find all my gear my I am the hope you know you know be wearing my I

    Am the hope shirts my I am the hope shirts my u52 gear all my hoodies t-shirts with all my sayings like when you give your body what it needs to thrive like like all my sayings um that I have them on t-shirts so y’all can go

    Out there and do that to have water bottles uh tablets things like that I mean like little notebooks and so that’s it you all uh thank you all for jumping on I pray that this was beneficial to you again I’m going live every day okay going live every day for the month of

    November just putting out content content content helping operation help the people that’s what we on y’all operation help the people so that’s it that’s all listen I am out of here thank you all share this share share share follow me listen follow me on subscribe to my channel okay subscribe follow me

    On Instagram okay my uh uh uh Facebook Tik Tock okay everywhere guys everywhere um if you’re not part of my texting Community let me do this too if you’re not part of my texting Community send a send a text to this number 24650 914 send a text to that number and

    Just say hey coach roow okay matter of fact send me a text and let me know um how I did on this how was this information on the live how about that send a text and do that and U y’all just get plugged in okay get plugged in I do

    Have a free um Facebook group that’s my u52 uh u52 now Community that’s my free Facebook group all the people that are in the uh sugaring sweet Academy they have a private Facebook group as well but those are all people that are paid

    To be in the um they paid to be in the roboat okay um it’s the sugar sweet number the same as this the sugar ain’t sweet number I don’t know what the sug a sweet number is uh Adrian I don’t know what the sug a sweet number is

    Uh yeah I don’t know what that is the sugar a sweet the sugar ain’t sweet texting number yeah probably yeah because that’s the only number we got yeah so that’s that’s it’s all the same for everybody it’s all the same okay very good very good oh that one um no no

    No that’s that’s that’s just a automation that’s automation Adrien no that’s just some automation so um that’s that’s a different number that’s you’re just in my automation um to give you a text so that’s a different number so if you want this is though this text comes

    Directly to me yeah this text comes directly to me and if you want to hit me up or sometimes I can send a a blast text out to let you know something I’m about to go live or you know something like that but that’s that’s what this

    Text is I control this the other one’s just part of automation if that makes sense um so that’s it y’all am out of here it’s late listen I still got got to go get a workout in so I’m about to go get on this Pelon for about a 45 minutes

    Get my evening workout in um so that’s all I have listen thank you all for joining I pray this was beneficial to you that is all I have listen I am Rochelle T Parks I am your health motivator guys and guess what whether

    You like it or not I do not care okay I can I will and I must continue to walk alongside you and help you to achieve Optimal Health and I am out love y’all peace


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