Today we take a look at Sopra Steria Ltd, 61 Maxted Rd, Hemel Hempstead HP2 7HW.

    We have a little dive into what this place does. Security come and speak to us and remain professional throughout.

    Google Maps 360 Degree Panoramic Drone Photo –

    Q – What is your email address?
    A –

    Q – Where Can I See All Your Links In 1 Place?
    A –
    My LinkTree –

    Q – What E-Bike Do You Use?
    A – MiRiDER One (2022 Edition) Orange
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Drone Do I Use?
    A – DJI MINI 4
    My Referral Link –

    Q – Where Did You Get Drone Insurance From?
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Bodycam Do I Use?
    A – GoPro HERO12 Black
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Camcorder Do You Use To Zoom In?
    A – Panasonic HC-V180 90x Optical Zoom
    My Referral Link –

    Q- What Powerbank Do You Use?
    A – Charmast 23800mAh Quick Charge 3.0 PD 20W
    My Referral Link –

    Right we saw you on the outside you were taking you had a video camera you had a drone as well yeah what was the reason for that so welcome back to the channel guys today we’re here in HL Hemstead taking a look at sopra stereo according to their website they

    Are a European leader in Consulting Digital Services and software development so let’s just call them software Developers for now and we’ll take a little look so yes Reception Area looks very nice doesn’t it modern Paving and plants and the building itself also looks very modern loads of glass no blinds you can

    See right in but def left quite a distance between the foot path and the building looks very christmy in there bit of a staff car park to the left once again it has got an electric gate both are open at the moment but they do have potential to keep this a lot more

    Secure and as you walk down you will just see inside and they’ve got lots and lots of workstations in there most of them not being used but then we do have some staff in the background probably having a meeting yeah having a meeting aren’t they reading from a news article

    December 2023 National savings and Investments nsni has signed sopra steria on a276 million contract to provide a contact center and services in support of its customer service operations so the new cont ta Center and operations came into Force early November so the contact center will support digital transactions requests

    Queres and complaints through web chat so that’s the sort of thing they do they must have a massive call center somewhere cuz this place would not be big enough for an operation like that but you just never know what you’re going to find on Industrial Estates do

    You and a place that just looks like this have just got a 276 million contract so I can’t see what’s behind the place so I reckon this is the perfect time to get David up and let’s see what this place looks like from above so as always we’ve checked on

    Drone assist there are no flight restrictions in this area at all sopra stereo let’s have a look at you then shall we so the lovely reception and the dirty generators and skips the area that we’ve already seen just a flat roof with lots and lots of airon on the

    Top it wraps around that building there so it goes back much further than I thought so it might be big enough actually and around the back what do you have around the back is it just more parking yeah more parking so there’s the lovely reception Frontage I would have thought if there

    Is any images online it will just be of that section there and certainly it will not be of that that’s my guess but let’s get the whole site in one shot let’s do a 360° photo for Google Maps and then we’ll see where the video

    Takes us next cuz I can see a few people looking out the window will they be able to stay inside so there you are your whole site in one shot doing around here cuz the clients are just wondering are you the clients the company so this this company here you’re

    Working for SAA sopra steria yeah how do you say it sopra steria sopra steria yeah I’m doing a video about them about like general just about the company yeah uh are you with a news agent news just general just it’s citizen journalism citizen journalism yeah okay that’s fine all

    Right sorry wonder about the Drone making a video about the company so sopra stereo it does look like that security card came from down there where they have a much bigger building so when we mentioned earlier about being a contact center they do have plenty of

    Space in my opinion to run such an operation but like I said who would afford to a a place like this in a building like this on an industrial estate like this the location of the DJ audits key ring is just down here just there look if you are one of

    The first people to watch the video about a meter in from the start of the Bush and good luck with that we’ll just have a quick look at the other building down here and then we’ll move on hybrid working working from um and in the Office they have constant advertising in the office to inspire them donate a lot to charity donated money to Ukraine oh I weren’t looking at you mate I was looking at your tell didn’t spot you there what do you prefer the TV or him I think the TV so you’ll notice they have closed the blinds all down here but they’ve not bothered to do the rest oh there’s

    Another screen over there as well something about gender equality it’s all good stuff and then we come down to where the new building joins the old and they’ve got this little link here and they even have the infrared sensors on the wall so anybody walking towards the building will break

    The laser and Alert security inside and then we get down to the bigger building at the end the bike is all the way up there still and so is the security guard but they do have a reception sign here so shall we poke our head in and have a look I think so

    Is this building empty as in the whole building or yeah is every floor occupied or not it depends on the day to be honest today I’m not sure really and truly sometimes it sometimes it isn’t it’s one of on what’s up well you can see the next

    Building along you can see straight in there’s quite a few people working in there a’t there and this is the um the software company in it you do like contact centers as well for like nsni to be honest I’ve only been here for two days so I can’t really say I’m not sure

    I’m just I’m just after some information because on the internet on the internet just here we’ve got a news article 6th of December yeah NSN agrees a second big deal with s stereo yeah so I’m just doing a little bit of Journalism outside but I can’t quite tell which floors are

    Empty and which are occupied I don’t know you’re going to have to speak to someone them how you do you okay yeah I yeah I’m at the right place and I the government can have a look quickly please right we saw you on the outside you were taking you had a video camera

    You had a drone as well yeah what was the reason for that for the journalism journalism yeah I’m covering a story they’ve been awarded a 276 million contract from National savings and Investments like a contact center did you know when you got can I just take a screenshot of that please yeah of

    Course what’s this for what’s it for yes I want to show it to what’s the name you know the people in charge of us I want to speak to them now what I’m asking is is this the building that the contact center for this contract works for not that I’m wor

    Of no we don’t have anything this I was kind of surprised where this came from I mean well basically do you know when you have a web chat on on a web page yeah what just we because you know you have to understand s stereo

    Based uh you know like in most towns are they right sometimes here sometimes let out I thought this was the contact center am I at the wrong place I would say so unless it says Hamil hamster then you probably I mean there’s one one in London there’s one in Birmingham one in

    Edinburgh on the big cities so you may if they don’t give you the location then you’re most likely in the wrong place is this not the biggest one I don’t know the size because I haven’t never been to those ones have you not right okay all right yeah

    Apologies I would love to help you but uh because I’m going to cover the story and a part of that is getting the building where the contact center is because there’s a lot of do you know how you’ve got a web chat on a website so it

    Invol what is a contact center I mean I’m kind of confused if you don’t it’s a banking something do with banking because we do support places like uh sbes and stuff you know like tesos like the stuff from here not from here but around the country that’s what I’m saying

    So what exactly is this thing that you’re talking about about National savings and investment you know premium bonds yeah yeah that’s a product of national savings and Investments so it’s it’s a very well-known government body that’s awarded a small company like this a lot of money to do a simple job and

    One of the simple jobs is uh support digital transactions request queries complaints through web chat so you know how we’ve all got a little web chat and we want Live help so we will click our button in homes and we talk to a place like this yeah so it’s it just seems a

    Very good story to cover and when you get the footage of the building that’s actually got the people doing the work it makes it even better yoube YouTube would you put it on like should I tell you 100% truth yeah if we’ve never heard of it there’s little chance of that happening

    Because literally I’m asking you what this is yeah so I think there’s probably a flow in the story that’s there to be honest very I would say so otherwise we work here we would have known what why would I be asking you what that is anyway do you know what I

    Mean there has to be a massive flaw in that story what about what about this one sofware stereo pays 82 million to BU the cabinet office by the cabinet no out of a so basically buy a job Outsource oh that this bit I know bit about is basically

    You know there was another company it’s not superer itself is there’s another branch that used to be owned part owned that’s completely different so I think you’ve got both stories kind of intwined first one I’ve never even heard of this one it used to be the case but what

    Happened is you know like they used to you know like you get it companies Microsoft every company uses Microsoft right number where you go they’re going to use it government use Microsoft is the same sort of thingy that they had some little bit of software which was

    Used in the NHS Hospitals now that contract was bought out by sopra not here yeah but I think it was in somewhere another place they’re not based here it’s a separate compfort entity together like you get General Motors you right then you’re going to get different

    Branches You Got U uh Volvo scoda vul uh you know like Mustang yeah these were all old they came under the General Motors umbrella it was that sort of thing right so that’s all been changed now so I’m quite confused as to where you got the first story from the second

    One there the first story is very recent it’s the December so all you need to do is type sereia into Google click news and you’ll see the stories the one that I’m covering is that one there but anyway if you don’t know about it no problem you’re only

    Security aren’t you honestly honestly to be honest well we would know about it if there was I mean I’ve never come in contact with anybody from and uh premium bonds just call them premum bonds see I kind of pronounce the company so if it was here I would know

    About it yeah well I just thought it might be a busy place or buzzing with activity you’ve just got this big new contract but there’s not much to see here it seems very quiet oh we a bigger contract but it just doesn’t work like that much all right okay well thanks for

    Your time anyway guys sorry to disappoint you on that one that’s right the story will go out anyway cuz it’s you don’t think it’s real but I think it is uh we would know about it because there’ll be more activity on site trust me you know people it might be another

    Site might be a different site you’ve told me this is not the only H Hemstead is not the only one so all right yeah I’m going to uh which way is it this way yeah just okay thanks for your time guys what makes you think it’s YouTube no

    Some guys do that on YouTube and have their own like you know cuz of the Drone footage and so and so no no no I’m covering um National savings and Investments so when you your story out can I read on that but I was going to say be careful you’re leaving your bike

    There cuz there’s a lot I’ve got a track on it oh that’s fine then it’s all right no problem there’s a tra around the corner and a lot of bikes go missing and so so I’ll go and film them as well good luck man yeah thank you so there we have it sopra

    Stereo just been handed 276 million from National savings and Investments and if you didn’t know National savings and Investments is a UK government backed savings and investment organization it operates as an executive agency of his Majesty’s treasury nsni offers a range of savings and investment products to the public including premium

    Bonds and they didn’t want to do the live chat and customer service thems so this place is doing it at the Hefty sum of 276 million which probably is going on in some sort of building like that but as he said his only security is not aware

    Of it it’s very recent news isn’t it maybe it’s happening at a different site but for now the staff handled it very well didn’t they they just passed it over to Security kept themselves inside kept themselves nice and safe inside cuz I could have been anyone but

    On this occasion I’m just making a video for social media and Security will have to find the video himself no help from me on this occasion so if you have enjoyed that video do give it a thumbs up for me and I’ll see you on the next one guys bye-bye for Now


    1. "Security come and speak to us and remain professional throughout." maybe but they missed the irony of checking on someone videoing whilst dying we watched you on video!!

    2. It was printed as Her Majesty’s, you spoke His Majesty’s, am thinking you are maybe guessing ( when one talks without justifiable research) 🙄 others tend sheep or are distracted by the guessing, currently a very informative ish clip though, and that there security guard? had very good and somewhat believable eloquent rhetoric, hmmmmm……? 🤔 I would say that the most important answers to your questions were always somewhere else, and so for me alarm bells were beginning to ring regarding the eloquence, If you know you know, thank you for posting DJ.

    3. Have you received the frequency? Judging by the sound, it is a DMR port and you may be able to receive the frequency, but because it is digital you will hear a less pleasant sound.

    4. They’re government contractors, they do passport application pre sorting before HMPO get the application to process as part of their function, basically open your paper application or passport renewal, book it in then transfer to an HMPO officer to process a new one.

    5. £276 million and you've got to talk to them via web chat. I hate web chat it's so impersonal. It used to be so much better when you phoned a customer service centre and you actually spoke to a human, those were the days, now it's just an AI web chat.

    6. It's one of those pro ABC clan suckup companies, no wonder they close the blinds and not do their jobs.
      The security was rather nice, kudo's to those chaps.

    7. What a bunch of sad ..thick..ill-read..Generationally brainwashed WOKE KENS work here! Dont they spout WOKE BS and utter WOKE nonsense..approaching an innocent man doing a perfectly legal activity in "PUBLIC" and making international WOKE FOOLS out of themselves! Who does WOKE BALD KEN think he idea who he is really working for!! OMG!!! they even have their own brainwashing propaganda WOKE films playing in the actual work place itself. No wonder this lot are dim and have over inflated WOKE EGOS about themselves they are believing their own hype! OMG THEY DONATE TO THE DEEP STATE!! KHAZARIA = UKRAINE & SUPPORT THE ROTHSCHILD LOONIE CRIMINAL ZELENSKY….No hope for the WOKIES here..too far gone!! They all spouting the same WOKE BS without thought..reading …research and thinking for themselves! WOW!! They have no idea the pure evil who owns Ukraine! If they did they would ALL be deeply ashamed and embarrassed! Someone needs to explain to these BRAINWASHED WOKIES…who owns UKRAINE!! What the legal difference is between MARITIME LAW…UNIVERSAL/COMMON LAW…PUBLIC & PRIVATE and what it legally means to be a DIVINE "LIVING" SOVEREIGN of the lands under GOD ie Your protected birth rights! …………….. THIS COMPANY IS SO WOKE!

    8. they are, as so many companies nowadays following the mais stream fake bs, licking the european WEF policies asses about creating wars and then helping the poor people (in fact corrupt govenments but ok), race, charity, multi cultural on that screen, so boring that woke bs

    9. It's perplexing how the same inane questions are asked over and over and over.
      What are they expecting, a confession?! "What are you doing" barely meets elementary school level comprehension. "What's the camera for," lol. The abject ignorance of basic everyday walking around laws is enough to cause heartburn. Ohhhh the exasperation..

    10. Jesus, 'inclusivity', rainbows, Ukraine, the only MSM narratives missing are See nine teen and the climate change hoax. Impressively woke.

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