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    #football #sorare

    What is going on people here we are myself uh SSH and as always my sparring partner in a in in what is I guess festivities are done now Quinny but here we are Quinny SSH back for episode number 80 of the n product podcast we are closing in on the final 10 minutes

    Now Quinny uh before the 90 and then and and then time added on how was the FES in a non in a nonso rare uh capacity first H it was great mate H Santa came by we all had a good time presents for

    Had kids had a good time uh had a we bit of tequila a few snowball fights a we bit of sleding and stuff like that was yeah it was a magical magical Christmas I must say story book stuff yeah I was up um ended up up north Scotland for a

    Few days which was fun and uh the weather was brutal I don’t know if you’ve seen but there’s a few games called off and whatever and I was like in the middle of like the the highlands getting snowed on on everything else so it was like Christmas Day woke up and it

    Was like just normal kind of minging Scottish weather but then after like I don’t know 1:00 it was just snowing for like a day and a half solid and I was just brilliant just pure picturesque stuff which was great but coming home like for anyone that knows if you don’t

    Feel free to check this out on the map right but essentially I was coming from like aore which is like the A9 the big roads like that’s the kind of General kind of area I was at and uh to get back to Glasgow you have to come down the A9

    And come down the motorways and all the rest of it but the A9 is like one of the deadliest roads in the world at the best of times and it was like mad blizzard weather so the road get closed and anyway the way I had to drive was round

    Like all of Scotland essentially go around to Fort William and down Ben NIS gleno all that stuff around the back of lock lomman back into Glasgow so um it was like a cross country tour of death honestly me and the quins were almost wiped off the face of the earth a couple

    Of times yesterday and none of you would have been even aware or anything like that but honestly like so many times this close away from a truck wiping us out or honestly M never had anything like it in my life and I’ve did a lot of unfortunately through no choice of Mo

    Like um Treacher driving let’s say and like bits of trees were flying off the road there’s ice and snow all over the place as well and like trees were like full on trees were on the road and like had to be cut away and stuff like that

    And I’ll tell one we side tangent on this and we’ll get into it we see what the live chat’s giving it as well but we had to come off the A9 and to go towards like Fort William we had to take this little tiny road and it was a little

    Single track Farm Road but it’s covered in like blizzard and ice and everything and it’s main let it’s like downhill and then uphill and then downhill again didn’t know that at the time obviously but anyway come down the first big downhill and it’s a single Track Road

    With some passing places and then when you get to the bottom of the hill the road widens into a big band and then it goes in a single Track Road over a b bridge and then it’s like up again into like kind of trees and whatever and on

    That big wide Bend there was a huge sheet of ice on the back half of the bend oh and then where the road narrowed right before the bridge there was a brand new pristine still actually perfect Nick but on its side Mercedes S-Class or something like that like

    Sideways and then like the height of the car was below where the road was if you get me so it was like ditched like off the side of a road kind of thing and I can I wasn’t there but I can just imagine H that sheet of ice and off it

    Went so that just put me that just put the fear of God into me and then like for the whole Drive I was H you know the kids in the car and everything else man it was just it was hell on Earth but we got across the highway to Hill finally

    And I made it home which was all good crack but uh yeah wow it was a great time but honestly yeah roller coaster of emotions and in all way shapes and forms uh this past couple of three or four days for me great the car as well the misses and the

    And the kids enjoy bit the Celtic songs no hey well the kids you know the kids are starting to sing along to one of them and my wife is not too TR about that so I need to if anyone knows the Celtic Symphony it’s definitely not one you

    Want your kids singing along to um so I need to watch that a little bit to be honest with you but um no we wless I can’t get that kind of thing on in the car typically unless it’s a short journey and I can hijack the Bluetooth

    For 10 minutes but yeah yeah there’s none of that going on it was honestly like you don’t get good reception and stuff so it was like lots of periods of silences and just talking and stuff and you hear every bump and every and every crunch under the tire and every we in

    The wind as well and you just delivery pool and pushing oh torture yeah sounds like the polar opposite to me I first time I’ve ever hosted at Christmas so we had the family round mine so Christmas Day I I did no travel um boxing day we went to the

    Other side of the family which is pretty local so I was polar opposite to yourself very little drivein from Christmas Eve onwards until boxing day um and like I said those Journeys were nice and short so yeah it’s good good few days busy is it I think when you got

    Kids in that and lots of family and what Christmas is not like the relaxing time that it’s kind of pitched to as like sometimes to relax with the F it’s not relaxing it’s nice but it’s definitely not relaxing but it was uh yeah it was

    Good it just it it it’s been a nice distraction actually from from uh all the reward openings because I’ve had absolutely zero end product through this festive season Quinny have you got anything uh to report on the on the card front or any e any any thresholds anything anything good coming

    So yeah so I had the deadline show was kind of the last thing we did H before clocking off for Christmas and whatever and right at the end uh I kind of made some changes to the teams and whatever and no no was that the oh no no so so

    Sorry I beg of Pardon did the deadline show that was all good everything was fine for the dead for the weekend we been unlucky with some of my scores and I think I made one decision that went against me I ended up pulling a tier

    Three and a tier four super rare and I finally s won a Super rare goalkeeper I don’t care he’s a DMP Merchant he’s under 23 plays for USG doesn’t play but after I win him the USG keeper gets sent off so I might get one match out of him

    Now oh nice which is which is perfect but I have needed a dnp keeper anyway just to have a throwaway kickoff team once in a while or something just to get a dnp keeper out I don’t have that at all I’ve got three playing Keepers no

    Dnp and sometimes you want that just to I say throw a team out in the especially in a midweek situation or something like that where anyway so that was kind of cool I’m not that excited about him outside of what I’ve just said there but

    For a tier three I was like okay at least it’s a keeper and then the other guy I won was it a tier was it two tier threes or was it maybe the goalkeeper was a tier four and I got a tier three for finishing 12 in Allstar and that was

    Arnno danjuma who nice I was a bit like uh I was a bit like H but C at Everton and stuff like that but all did was a quick Twitter search as you do and the first thing I seen was he’s on loan at Everton and the loan’s going to get

    Canceled in January all right the first thing I thought was oh BR was gonna go back to Tottenham and he’ll play for an or something then maybe if he’s bringing him back maybe he fanes him and it wasn’t I didn’t really look into it too

    Much I won the rewards when I was away dealing with kids and Christmas and everything and it wasn’t until like a day or two later I was like did Spurs actually sign him and I looked into it and it’s he’s still owned by Villa real

    So he’s going to be going back to Villa real in January to play some La Liga and that’s where danjuma has been Peak danjuma there’s been championship for Bournemouth if you look at his so5 ratings or championship in fact or but it was for Bournemouth and then Vale so

    If I get danjuma going to Vale in January um then for a forward super that’s a that’s a chunky tier three potentially decent yeah it’s not too bad is it I think uh in the midst of all of the the feror around DMP players and that you’ve actually managed to P pull a

    Couple of useful potentially useful dmps there and uh yeah to your point on having that DMP super rare keeper I think it’s really useful especially um for cap modes I very often in these like weeks where I haven’t got a lot of options I’ve been able to chuck in a

    Three or four man cap 240 and just hope it hits i’ I’ve hit a few times with a like a non-playing goalkeeper so long as they’ve got that l15 of zero they can be quite useful in those cap modes because if they play one game and they’ve got

    Managed to hit a clean sheet or something then they they render themselves a bit useless but it is quite handy having the l15 of zero uh especially for cap cap 240 I think it’d be surprised how many um lineups do scrape over the line and get get the

    Money especially if you can line up with a few cards that have got a decent like bonus so something that’s being trained up level 20s you know like those 11 12% bonuses next to um a a non-scoring goalkeeper can add up pretty nicely so yeah I’ll be quite happy with that I I

    Managed obviously just I think the last I can’t remember if this was the last podcast we did or we it happened since but uh I think we might have been the day we recorded So I I finished first didn’t I in cap 240 super rare that week

    One a a tier four unique my first unique rewards um and it was I have to remind myself of the player it wasn’t someone I was particularly familiar with but it was a playing Center back um plays at Rems and is a maybe not Uh current but definitely a recent Moroccan

    International let me go into my team and remind myself exactly of the player but um pretty good uh unique I’m not sure how much use it’ll be of to me because I was really hoping again I was kind of hoping maybe even a DMP uh unique goalkeeper would have been amazing

    Because I I’m short a goalkeeper in a for to do anything in the unique um tier of of competition so I find myself now with I think four or three Defender unique cards um he’s a 35y old he plays for Rems yunice Abdul Hamed um and yeah Moroccan

    International uh didn’t play in the last round of international fixtures so remains to be seen if he’ll go whether or not he’ll play an afcon or not but um he scores very well for Rems actually he’s capable you know he’s got some 90 plus scores in him uh so if you can put

    Him into like an Allstar could be quite a useful unique to have especially considering didn’t have to pay so I was quite chuff with that obviously got the threshold and my first place um win was uh I usich of ferard yes 24 year old Croatia International um so that was the

    Tier two I believe it was so as far as tier two rewards go that was decent I was happy with that um and I also managed to scrape my way into the cap 220 month monthlies with that decent score I did get a really decent scoring 220 that week and it didn’t look

    Like it was going to bring me in but obviously it just about did once everything was rearranged and so I did I managed to win a a rare and a super rare in those long format competitions and the rare was a DMP because I think it

    Was a tier four or five but as far as they go I got Donnie vaner Beek so he’s off to Frankfurt isn’t it I think I think that’s de all done so um yeah all around pretty happy with that and but yeah since then since the uh festive

    Season began nothing no no thresholds no a few coins but nothing else um so fingers crossed once the fixtures start up again we’ll be back in business but um yeah all in um some decent some decent end product between us Quinny it sounds like yeah I I I forgot all about the unique

    One I think it must it must have literally been the night after we recorded or the day after you’re right um but we’re also in a game week the now and this is kind of where I I kind of thought I shot myself in the foot since

    We last spoke but like so I ended up swapping around my at the last minute I wasn’t in the studio I was away on Christmas at the last minute I swapped around my Allstar team from having John beginning it like he played at the weekend the team that finished 13th I

    Was just going to roll that same team out again and I thought M’s good for a big score scored big against City scored big against Arsenal should score big against Man United and I thought n I’ll play dies in my Celtic have the full Celtic team playing dunde should be a

    Good game I’ll be away watching it I just want to see the one team all kind of run and fight together and see how high it gets and I made that decision right at the end and then the subsequent result of that was like kuna get taken

    Out of Allstar rare or I can’t remember how it all worked but basically and totally but I was should have been on for like winning Allstar rare Allstar H super rare sorry with mcin in Midfield and you know I didn’t pav kuna drafted in but I was really dra I was weighing

    Him up but it’s St was always going to play kyogo but Kya did end up into D3 and he scored like 80 before multiplier I think or 70 so for a super rare forward he would have been really powerful in a def so anyway I ended up

    Moving things around and I really shot myself in the foot I should hang on I’m hopefully hanging on top 10 with the Celtic team I’m in eighth at the moment with two games to go tonight Arsenal West Ham and I forget who else and then

    The team the D3 team that begins in is in 42nd the prizes stop at 47 so I’m probably gonna get pushed out the bubble on that and I got a we rare threshold with my with my dnp and kungu getting a 30 pointer um so like a we bit of like

    Midweek end product to kind of top up on the danjuma the dnp keeper from the LA so I kind of think of them as one kind of little period because it’s like extra football over this period isn’t it then I’m kind of all right with where I’m at

    As long as I hold where I’m at and hopefully um the weekend which we’ll come to probably later on the podcast like we keep the form going but that even usage for you mate when I seen you won that I thought that’s an absolute Peril of a card to go in with like

    Verman and oiles and yeah whatever just totally you know like tongue and groove with them it feels like you know but you’re unique guy see the whole Moroccan International part of him he feels like proper sabate yeah yeah he I haven’t looked at his contract but um you know he is he’s

    A regular starter for Rems Rems defensively probably haven’t been as good this season in terms of keeping clean sheets I know this because I’ve got um yavan deu rare so I’m familiar with um their sort of defensive output and last season it was it went it had some real purple patches um

    This season not so many um but he has been putting up good scores regardless of the fact that he’s not getting that extra 10 12 points for the clean sheet once you factor in the goals conceded as well all that kind of stuff so I think

    The main problem I’ve got at the moment is similarly to yourself at the beginning you was talking about uh just the lack of goalkeeper super rare options at the moment I’ve only got Gan cook with fixtures and uh that means for me it’s it’s a I

    Have to choose like one division to use him in and usually that’s cap 240 super rare so um until maybe Asia or America starts back up again my uniques are rendered a little bit useless at the minute which is a shame but to be fair it’s not the worst timeing for that to

    Be the case because you know levit at Hibbs hasn’t been the scorer he was at dundy United um auso is very hot and cold um at rhoers in and they go into their winter break um and who else do I have lehan bombs obviously sat on the

    Bench at meland he’s only come off the bench once so far um so yeah I don’t I’m not I’m not knocking the door for like an entry for any of my uniques uh especially in like a unique division so for now I think he’ll be similar to what

    You were saying with your goalkeeper it might be like a a throw together a throwaway team into kickoff and just see if you come lucky one week um with maybe a DMP goalkeeper or you know a subke keeper that might get on you never know

    But um yeah yeah I’ll be keeping tabs on him he he was uh he was suspended for the last game they played so yeah I think you’ll be a card that I’m following I’ve got him listed in case uh someone comes and uh snaps him up

    Especially you know for all we know they might be he might he might make the afcon squad and they might announce some kind of special and people want to get a little Morocco that going and there’s there’s there’s your guy like so if I can sell him great I think he might be

    More used to me in cash than he is as a a unique card at the moment so yeah but nice to win one my first unique I’ve won so it’s like a little another trophy in the cabinet that one unque great it’s great for that isn’t it having a we unique reward I

    Love that myself so I’m big fan of that I don’t know but would it be worth your maybe trying to trade him to like a pavl or something for another unique help you positionally I could do does have some value and he’s not a superstar but that that

    Division in that whole region are trying to get the National Heroes that they can that are up for going there and becoming Role Models yeah a guy like himim who is like French league own level you know he’s decent isn’t he you know like that just feels like a guy that team could

    Just buy it won’t cost him a lot of money and probably fits the remit of what they’re doing that’s just that’s just my Spidey senses if you get me saying he’s not perfect one thing that is good about if you are a super rare if you’ve got enough super

    Rare lineups but maybe you are a bit light on uniques I think he is you know his averages are pretty good um and he’s more than capable of a high score so if you are like quite a strong Allstar super rare player then he would be a

    Good unique to use you know like his L5 is 60 his l-15 is 57 when you add that 50 % bonus in super rare that’s like a very good score you know you’re looking at 100 points um you know he’s got two two out of the last five games of 74 and

    75 I can see another couple of 65s of 75 there’s a 96 in at the end of August beginning of the season so yeah and then if you go to the sort of talking about Rems and their form towards the end of last season that Purple Patch I can see

    Where they were hitting those clean sheets you know he he’s hitting 78 81 77 78 99 77 um so if you’ve got that in an Allstar super rare team like he would definitely be for me if I had an All-Star team I think he’d be the best

    Option I have now out of my uniques he would be the one I would be looking to use he’d be my go-to unique card in my gallery so yeah if you if you’re a player who’s got a little bit more variety in your gallery and makes

    More use of you unique and you know like because of his age and the you know valued him based off what I’m seeing his sort of rares and supers go for so I’ve just listed him at like 0.73 e which you know for a unique is

    Pretty good but I think you know if that player was was under 30 if that was a 29 year old that’d be an e and a half to two e probably um but yeah I’ll take seven something for it if I can get anywhere near that for it I’ll I I’ll

    I’ll take it just because I just don’t think my gallery is where it needs to be to really utilize that card so like said maybe maybe is something I go to um a Trader with and see if I can swap that for like a super or a couple of decent rares or something

    That might be a little bit more liquid as well so where it might be hard to shift the 739 e unique because there’s not as many buyers maybe maybe I you know chop that up into four really good rares that I might be able

    To get rid of two or three of and keep one for for my own Gallery I think that’s something that often yeah with anything above super rare particularly like Su some supers are easier to shift if you chop them up into four decent rars or two rares you

    Know um if you’re trying to move things on and uh yeah I mean like I said I’m not desperate to move this on I’ve listed it in case someone wants it but yeah I think we’re goalkeeper has come back for me he’d probably be quite a

    Useful card so if I can get the money for him now great if I can’t he’ll probably you know he’ll probably win me something down the line so quite happy to sit on it if I don’t get that kind of money back for it I said no rush to get

    Rid of it but um but yeah I’ve had a few cards like that recently you know like you win them and you list them but you’re not really that bothered so you just get constant offers don’t you at the minute I’m getting so many offers on things and like you know I’ve listed

    Them for the sale price that I’m after not really that bothered if they sell or don’t um I sold a few of my America cards cuz I just felt like I was a little bit weak in some positions in America recently um and I wanted to thin out the gallery a little bit

    Um just liquidize liquidate a few cards and it made most sense for me to like look at my America and some of the cards um so I sold um today my Nang ho uh Soul card because he’s moving to the J league and I thought I don’t it’s weird because his

    His utility if anything be better if he goes into the J league and he plays every game you know you’re getting that you’re not gonna have to deal with the issue of waiting for the scores to be updated like we do with K league but I’ve just got this Affinity to FC Soul

    Now I think and now he’s moved I’m like yeah he’s not really my guy know he’s in my collection but I’ve lost osar to uh the Malaysian League Nas Ang Ho’s gone so you know I’m I’m I’ve got I’ve still got Kim Jung and and palich there

    Um holding down the for for my soul Gallery but yeah I let I let Nang ho go and a few like I said a few uh America cards probably not the smartest time to sell these cards in terms of like their Market uh Trend you know be better off

    Waiting to get rid of some America cards maybe a month or two’s time when we know you know like the we start seeing the fixtures com in and that kind of thing but but yeah managed to uh let a few cards go nothing really exciting no nothing that changes my gallery so to

    Speak but I’ve got a lot of cards that just go unused at the moment and um definitely quite a few of those in my America kind of collection um but yeah I that was that that’s been my that’s been my kind of like wheeling and dealing uh

    For over the festive period I don’t know about you but I’ve barely looked at the market through the festive season because I’ve been busy doing other stuff but I wonder if this has been a good time to get in the auctions I wonder if any have you or anyone listening to this

    Right now have you noticed any auctions go particularly low anything that surprised you have you kept an eye on the market at all in the last week or so while through sort of Christmas Boxing Day all of that I’ll be interested to see if uh anyone snagged a real bargain out there

    Well I think I had one because I thought oh yeah maybe there be some auctions that go a we bit sneaky quiet I think somebody messaged me that they got a good we auction I forget who it was if it comes to me I I’ll mention but I had

    A re Noy at the gallery and I seen that the jersey number real soad zakaran rare was going on auction and some of you guys might remember big win I had earlier this season was winning a Kubo so I have a Kubo in the gallery as a

    First owner on 40 points collection or whatever and if I get first owner jerseyman on a zakaran or Zakarian or whatever we want to call him those two cards will get me 2% no problem at all like just the way the points work and everything it’ll be a we bit over but no

    One cares about that H and I have a zakaran so I ended up B it up and H I got I shifted my basil I shifted to Basil my zachar an and the rookie super rare I won and a few other bits and Bobs took some money out got the zacharyan on

    Auction and I didn’t think it went that bad for a jersey mint it was right right around kind of on the cheaper end of recent sales I thought and yeah so he looks nicer he’s got an extra we two% bonus on him nice we addition into the

    Gallery and then again I was in that kind of festive spirit and everything I thought is it a we guy I’ve been wrestling around oh should maybe buy him before he comes back or something like that and I got a for and I needed forward position fi so I went and got

    Forward card Nabil fakier for like like 80 quid or something Bettis I’m pretty sure I’ve not say I’ve been in fesive mode but I’m 99% sure Bettis finished third in their group because Rangers beat them at the end so bets are in the Europa conference League now H for the

    Remainder of the season so they’re taking a step down European wise so I’ve already got Rocka plays in Midfield as a super rare and if F’s coming back into fitness which we’ve seen him getting into some squads before the break there like you know for 0 quid nail Fier I

    Thought yeah we’ll get him and that would be some good fun so it’s not really the auctions by him but that was just a we there’s a lot of guys there’s a lot of rare SSH out there now and chat would definitely be able to attested to this that really under 100 quids

    Depending on your risk appetite for guys coming back from an injury or your profile for Success you don’t need the guy to hit 80 plus twice a month three times a month or something like that under 100 quid can buy you a lot of cool stuff no oh yeah 100% it’s amazing how

    Cheap some of the rares are my my my brother was around for Christmas and I’ve mentioned him on the podcast loads but we we we talk about s a lot now and he’s starting to move in to Rez and you know he I think he’s starting to finally

    Get the Knack of so rare data so we’ll talk about how he finds the players he does and I’ve seen a couple of the cards that he’s picked up and he has picked up a couple of decent res um for like 10 to 15 quid um and I he’s definitely putting

    Himself in a position now where he’s still without a rare goalkeeper but even you know you can even pick rare goalkeepers up now for maybe 110 12 quids um and we’re talking starters here they might be on that old super capit super capit when it comes back in

    January he’s he’s been playing the 220 but I think he had it it stung him a little bit because I think one week he he had such a good week that if he’d have played the team in um Allstar or cap mode even with like a DMP keeper he

    Would would have won a card and he was like oh but he couldn’t he wasn’t able to be consistent enough across two 220 and rare um so yeah and and that might be worth talking about I guess that like we know that 220 super cap is coming

    Back they they we kind of had that announcement didn’t we just before Christmas um now that we’ve had the Fallout we’ve had the rewards we kind of know what came of the rewards in 220 are you going to be playing cap 220 super cap Quinny or are you going to be

    Deploying Cards into you know strengthening lineups versus like actually looking at that as a solid option H that’s a great that’s a great question s I’ll answer that in two seconds I just wanted to mention just on what we were talking about there’s a fewb comments in there Connor Asel

    Saying he got a rare Willian for 40 which was normally 70 and he got his film collection up to 750 points the magic number so well done Connor Merry Christmas to you um and uh so there Josh coming in mentioning the Kim floor at

    042 ethereum is up a bit there now so if you’re quoting it in E price it’s a little bit you know skew it in favor of the conversation but still valid all the same of course um but I don’t know S I felt 220 really burned me the super cap

    Because every game week I put a big team in for by hook or by crook I managed to get a dnp almost every time so I never get anywhere really near the prizes and really should have been and I got a great 220 score the first weekend uh

    After that’s where I won one of my cards I think one of my thingies was like 220 I like the goalkeeper maybe I think I maybe won him out of 22 for the game week you know not for the monthly uh so that was a we bit annoying

    I thought wow that score would have made a real difference but one week too late so I’m a little bit bitten by the fear that everyone had in the long form competition of wasting good scores because I put good players in there with good scores they ended up being in dnp

    Teams all month and d d could have won more you know if I didn’t play it so I have been bitten by what the fear was and I will be shy next time yeah I I think similarly uh do you know what I don’t think I mentioned it but the week

    That I won cap 240 super aare I did actually also come first in the super air cap 220 that that way I had a double I had a double first place in the last week uh but obviously it was the end of super cap so I didn’t win a card for

    That but that score did actually put me right at the bottom end of uh the tier five um super rare winners um and it wasn’t an awful card to be honest I think I as far as tier FES go you know at the minute you’re kind of expecting a

    Big DMP Merchant and I think I got um I got a card that has been playing maybe missed the last couple of games let’s have a look remind myself uh yeah so he’s he’s not a big scorer but he is you know starts three out of five games that

    Kind of player um he plays in the Turkish League for hatti and his last auction went for like 50 Quid so he is you know he is a tier five level but not the worst tier five you can win he might be useful forat mode them kind of cards

    Maybe will get deployed into the next cap 220 for me but I think um I think it will be a throwaway team for me every week uh you know I don’t I won’t be using a starting goalkeeper in that Division I don’t think given what I have

    At my disposal um I think it’d be better off deployed elsewhere and hoping to get lucky versus you know having to having to do well four times out of the seven eight weeks difficult especially if you haven’t got midweek like lots of midweek options um and I’m sure if we look at

    The leaderboards I haven’t got them in front of me but I I would I would assume that most of the the top Prize winners were still like you know the big galleries that have their throwaway teams are as good as anyone’s you know big teams um been

    Seeing like pranksy popped up on my timeline the other day and I think his Gallery is worth like over a million dollars at the moment so yeah that you’re playing against stuff like that is his throwaway teams are probably insane but be interesting you know like

    Uh pranky if whether it’s a person or I think it might be an organization right I think it’s multiple people sort of managing the uh the gallery not like not the so rare Gallery necessarily but the the nft gallery that or portfolio whatever you call it so um I

    Think it’s interesting to see you know how the the pranky account whether it’s a person or whatever they seem to to be one of the very vocally um upbeat positive about the experience obviously that account is winning a lot but when you can spend that sort of money you be

    Surprised if it didn’t right there probably are a few accounts out there that are in the range of that kind of value that don’t right when you think back to like the boom days of who was that guy who went out and bought like 10 mbapp or something probably spent about

    Bore and Zema blue these were the Big H the splash whales you know the ones that really came in and they shook the ball up as it where yeah but they they’re still about in the leaderboards you still see them quite a bit don’t you oh

    Yeah you would be mad not to be play your teams if you were them um but in this whole kind of f of spirit Corner as was saying he’s been looking at MLS cards they’ve been kind of bouncing back in price someone else mentioned that also um and the kind of seasonality of

    Some of these cards does offer some good opportunities as well um but I was just thinking there on this whole kind of note that we’re on in terms of like some of the value there and how do we look through I’ve just bought myself for the

    First time ever I’ve got a I’ve got a rare Danny pjo in the squad now so I was just thinking about that Dan jum if he goes to Val I was like oh how much is the Danny p and also I’ve got we Valencia collection with 2% on it so I

    Just went and got one to know so Merry Christmas to me we Danny P um so yeah I think like right now with a lot of the card valuations like in terms of the rewards as well because I know a lot of people are frustrated with the dnp

    Rewards as am I I think they’ve made a critical error somehow in the in the new algorithm yeah I think people are off to be honest I feel like and the the people who are meant to be sorting it because it doesn’t feel it feels longer it feels

    Like normally these things that’s an issue they get nipped in the bud and they’re dealt with quite quickly but it does feel like the the subpar dnp reward debacle has rumbled on a little bit more and that makes me think maybe this is a little bit of you need to kind of burn

    Them into the reward pool and get a few of them out over a few weeks maybe even this kind of festive period and then they can kind of you know like I say burn that into the new system and then it’s a bit better and it’s just one of

    Those ones where it’s the only way to develop it perhaps or it’s one of the maybe it’s unavoidable somewhat because of the way they can’t just sell all these cards in auctions they need some secondary transactions to probably knock around and maybe some other stuff to

    Happen it’s hard to see or tell um so I think that has an impact as well because like the market is an ecosystem and I can’t really say how the direct impact the direct correlation is but like yeah it’s an ecosystem all this stuff the market reward Cycles what

    They’re paying out on how many people hit Freshies you know dnp and on this kind of little flavor and pass the back T is like we’ve said um a lot on I think every B content I’ve been doing especially here but since the Qatar World Cup is like the injuries are

    Mental dnps happen all the time to all sorts of people foreseen and unforeseen and everything else in between now so um I think all these things kind of cycle around around um you know come in into the market yeah I’d agree with that I think um it sad me

    Having a look there talking in the market I always kind of look at the expensive cards as most people do but I’m not talking about the uniques I think that unique value goes up and down based on the kind of overall Market T tends to be the case right or the

    Offering and I think that when they introduce thresholds for Unique super air all that kind of thing definitely gave things a boost um but I think if anywhere’s suffering a bit at the moment it is the rare Market I think there is a lot of value to be

    Had there as long as those thresholds stay in place I think the threshold reward keeps a lot of people playing so yeah fingers crossed that that that stays sustainable based on the kind of current levels and and whatnot uh be interesting to see if that can continue

    Just having a look we look um at so like mbappe for example just to see in in sort of like pound pounds and I noticed that there is an mbappe on the market now for um it might be the is that the floor let me have a look cards rare for

    Sale um lowest price let’s go so you can get an mbappe on the market right now for 1. 16982 each just that you know that is 3,000 still so it’s not a million miles away from some of the prices we’ve seen recently for him

    But it it is there is like a bit of a mental thing isn’t there seeing things go down in E because I think as much as we’ve all gotten used to sort of valuing things in pounds the minutes that those e numbers start to drop it just does

    Something doesn’t it you’re like even though it’s the same amount of money is there’s definitely like it’s very strange but I’m looking now at that price and I’m like wow that’s a huge drop but then when you look at it in pounds the drop isn’t actually that catastrophic we’re talking

    About 15% something like that which you know it’s pretty pretty standard this sort of Time of the Season well may maybe a little bit more than standard especially for a card of mbappe where we haven’t got the supply so when a card like that’s going down maybe we should

    Sort of like pay attention a little bit more but but yeah just catching myself there looking at his e price and like having a panic almost but when you put it in pounds it’s not not quite as dramatic as as it feels initially I was going to say to where

    Did I hear recently maybe anyone in the chat can help me but I hear people talking about like thresholds and like you’ve brought them up there that they might be off the table like going forward like next season or something like that I heard something kind of I’ve

    Not heard from anywhere I don’t no one yeah no one I’ve spoken to or anyone has said like oh there’s a whisper going around I think that naturally when when we get Market dips that’s almost the first question that comes up or like the theory is you know people will look at

    Thresholds and think that is like surely one of the biggest outlays for them apart from buying licenses on the platform giving away money um you know giving away more cards doesn’t necess neily cost them money but it costs them maybe like potential or something like that PO earning potential I don’t

    Know I’m not a mathematician or um an accountant but I think like so people like me as well probably have similar they look at thresholds and be like how much longer can they afford that while the P if the prices are going down you know were those threshold sort of calculations made based

    On the price of this card sort of staying the same as we as we got to this point in the season or not but um I think they would had to have made any forecasts because we remember how surprised we were that we got super rare and unique thresholds yeah for a start

    Like even that they came a limited one it was like wow so I think for them to introduce that knowing how like detrimental it would be to then subsequently remove it further down the road they would have to have been super conservative forecast and sustainability

    It surely is the way I think of it so yeah it was but it was in the back of my mind when you brought it up there it kind of brought it to the fourth and I thought I would just um mention it and just get my two cents well I think as

    Well it was something we were talking about in our chat with Tony as well because Tony’s obviously moved into playing a unique uh tournaments quite a bit of late and we we discussing the move you know like we spoke on the podcast last week about why would they

    Do the change where like they add the scarcity blah blah blah so the more I thought about that um if you missed it last week we were basically saying super rare and unique scarcity uh bonuses are going to be added so instead of it being 280 points it’s going to be

    Like 330 for super rare and for Unique it’ll be something else like 400 and something probably right and I think this now more I’ve thought about it the sole reason that makes sense for me at least for me and this might make sense for other people is in doing that it it

    Gives a bit of a handicap to anyone that plays the unique um version of thresholds that has a super rare it makes it much harder to reach that score if you’re losing 20 30% on one of your cards which is what will happen now and it wasn’t happening before they were just

    Flattening out the everything was 280 but now now we’re getting that scarcity bonus included it means that if you’re playing um cap 240 in unique but you’re using a super rare where a Unique Card might have a 50% bonus your super has only got 20 30% bonus it’s going to make

    It a lot harder to hit that cap unless your super rare is massively outperforming their cap so yeah I do agree that these probably to make it harder see one thing I was thinking there as you were talking SSH is like so the unique threshold right see if 10

    People miss it that’s $5,000 that’s a thousand limited thresholds that are then easier to yeah to pay out isn’t it I guess so that’s I never thought about it in that context that you said it um because it seems like it should it will definitely save them a few be

    Interesting to see the actual stats on it but um in my opinion that should make that should knock quite a few of the um cap 240 unique threshold payouts out of the equation for them which yeah like you said might be a little bit of a Lifeline might might allow them to carry

    On for a bit but um I say for a bit you know you’d like to hope that this is here to stay right there’s not been any Whispers or any talk of it not happening this is just I think us in the community theorizing like when things go down what what is

    Going to happen how are they going to steady the ship and if they took the cash rewards out I think that that would obviously be potentially catastrophic for the price of cards anyway because I think you need the cash rewards in there because if just winning cards if the

    Cards aren’t worth anything then who wants to win the cards I think it’s it’s weird isn’t it because it is it’s a different offering to T like FPL where you can play that for free and win nothing but you’re engaged but the fact that you’ve come you kind of pay your

    Way into this game is because you like the idea of winning something a bit tangible and it’s one thing to win I don’t know I think that like maybe psychologically as well I feel like oh B getting to those cash rewards is a lot more I feel like I more

    Realistic winning that than win winning tickets to the game or winning a shirt even though technically they could give you know 100 tickets away 100 shirts away every week in every division or whatever but it just there’s something about being able to see and know what score I need to hit that feels

    Obtainable versus trying to in a division every week you know what I mean but we never it’s not like we always had the threshold there that was something that was introduced I’m trying to think now when I first started was that was there was there a threshold

    Reward or was that something that was introduced a bit later on can you remember when they introduced rare threshold it was always so rare threshold came I started in gameweek 72 so I want to say thresholds came into that was like the June of 2020 I think they came

    In around the December of that year so I’m going to guess it like game week 90 or 100 or something like that so a fair length of time you know we’re at game week 440 odd or something now so over three quarters to 80% of the time of the

    Game weeks have been running um and the threshold initially started for anyone that wants to be history lesson it was7 and 350 worth of ethereum which was 0.02 and 0.01 resp L um came a long way and it’s had a lot of iterations over the time yeah I mean

    This we haven’t had too many changes apart from when they introduced thresholds for limited and super rare and unique and then this is the only other change I feel like they’ve really made since they introduced it so maybe that’s why the community is like oh why are they messing about with thresholds

    All of a sudden and maybe that’s what has got us all talking about it I don’t know I’ve definitely not heard any Whispers from anyone to suggest that they’ve heard I can’t remember where it was it may I can’t remember where I’m sure I heard some say I may have been in

    A group chat or something I thought it was a video perhaps or maybe even as last week but just the potential for it to be you know on the drawing board again is a something yeah yeah interesting chat uh anyway on on let’s let’s let’s switch it up a bit

    Uh Quinny we were going to say obviously last week we looked back at our previous year we talked about some of the cards that had like been our heroes for for their club for our clubs this season um let’s try and figure out like you know if we’re talking about stacking or if

    We’re talking about individual players are there any players or teams in particular that you think we will see a big improvement from um in 2024 are there any clubs that you’ve got your eye on uh anyone that you you know you potentially be looking at for a bit of

    Stacking for an improvement on this this season it’s hard it’s a hard one to think were talking about this before coming on and uh it’s normally the kind of thing that inspires me to think this way about a team is like a Spate of transfers or a managerial change and

    Right now there’s not really anything in the offing that I would I would be especially excited about it’s not kind of already got people interested in already like leveren look hot if they can keep jabby Alonzo and works Beyond this season which sounds like could be possible like Jona Villa you know

    There’s lots of like kind of little kind of clubs going around there but from a S perspective I would probably say on this kind of vein this kind of sentiment what we were kind of driving at in this part of the show is like one thing that I’ve

    Really enjoyed this season on S or this calendar year has been the development of the collection game I grabbed a shirt out and you mentioned what prizes you can win and stuff like that um and like my Jona collection my laig collection and to a lesser extent pretty much every

    Other one I’ve got are all starting to kind of kick up and work for me off the back of transfers and things like that and I think from a S perspective a lot of the collection bonus and a lot of the stacking kind of tactics and strategies

    That came out over this year are mainly centered around that obviously there’s always a oh well if you’re back in the team and then the backup Striker moves to somewhere else and becomes the first time Striker then all of a sudden you’re you know you’re kind of the collection

    Is moving you on I think that part of it always been in the makeup don’t get me wrong but I mean like when I’ve done you know when I’ve I’ve not finished the Jona collection yet but when I was going out and buying that or when I’ve been

    Out and building that it is for the it was always with a view of they’re always you know all these guys will leave Jona they’ll all play for different clubs some of them are on loan some of them are too good some of them aren’t good enough maybe move down you know that

    Kind of thing and over like the month of December I’ve had like those offers that you get out the blue for someone you why you sending me an offer for this guy you do the Twitter search and you know I’ve got two of them transferring in January

    One’s going on loan to division two one’s going to Columbia or something so should be op when he goes over there and I think that strategy will be probably the next thing because I see a lot of people in the chat that like Corner mentioned his film team I see s Josh Ian

    JC like these guys are all big collectors of different clubs and it’s clubs that they support they know the squad they can predict their 11 they’ve got the side pieces to cover for suspensions and stuff but what I think will probably come into to main galleries probably over this year more

    Is that club number two where you you like them you like the appeal of getting like I mentioned the zachar and kuo thing that’s like a little two card trick to 2% because I’ve got a reward and then a jersey number which is quite cool when that happens but the Danny P

    That I just picked up for example if anyone’s ever on my club on S just here for Quin FC barcel and you’ll see the Valencia collection is quite high up um I actually can’t see it right now just to there we go and like every card that

    I’ve got in that is a midfielder basically one them’s a forward but I’ve got like six cards there five of them are midfielders they all play for different teams and I’ve bought them all over the last four years individually just because of different reasons if you

    Know what I mean and like looking at a team and going oh wow like they’ve got eight midfielders that are decent like I can still get Kang and Lee into that picture as well I don’t have him he’s a midfielder that’s kind of decent overpriced at the moment but I do think

    That is probably the you know the club if you you whoever that club is for you it may be like a PSV or a fer or something like that when they disband their players but it may even be someone that’s a little bit smaller than that

    Like Jon is the Apex example they now because they are they’ve got a lot of players on Lo they’ve got a lot of players in the city football group so it’s easy to imagine these players get dispersed far and wide um but even River you know there’s other clubs that do

    This kind of thing often enough and I think that’s a little bit of the play because all the changes we’re talking about like collection bonus is really valuable and it’s about where can you get it who do you get it for and how can you maximize it as much as possible and

    I think like doing it for a club is obviously the step one or the you know the starting block for all this stuff but then I think the high level strategy stuff that will keep people high on leaderboards is having that guy like in kungu that I’ve picked up who’s on 3%

    Once my guy’s all age in he’s I needed a midfielder and you know I can pick him up and he just plugs in because by coincidence I already have a couple of guys that add into that and I can now have a 3% collection of bonus midfielder

    Which is basically the top percent there very few that are be on fours and fives at rare and above um and that kind of flexibility I think is probably what we see more of in the coming year yeah I I’d agree with that I think uh I’m probably one of the guys doesn’t

    Have much of a lot of collection Bon goes on but like you mentioned there like having the card win and then picking up one off auction whatever um so obviously I’ve got I won donaruma and mbappe last year and my two cards there have got nice so I think veratti is

    Probably the only other card I’ve bought for that collection bonus to try and like bring it in a little bit but um but yeah I think in terms of teams and like where I might look to pick cards up or players obviously we’ve all seen how well like Leverkusen have done in

    Germany I don’t I don’t know how many of us would have foreseen that for this season necessarily um they look they always look good but I think the consisten is finally there um it is difficult isn’t it but I think like for me I think I might be looking more at teams

    Like who finishes third from bottom in the Premier League is like who I’m trying to think of now like who goes into the championship strong next season or is there a team in the championship that’s got cards you know like does leer does Leicester

    Not go up or you know s hampson it’s I think that’s where the potential value is to be had is like who are the strong and I think like La Liga 2 is another good one as well because there’s a lot of good a lot of fixtures in that League

    Uh they don’t miss many EUR uh you know International break La Liga 2 normally goes on still as well so clubs that are going to be strong in the second tier of Spanish football particularly I I think that is going to be my playbook between now and the end of the

    Season or you know as early as possible not you don’t want to be doing it right at the end of the season because the prices will go but if you can have a little look at the league tables now and try and have a think about who who do

    You think’s going down or staying down who’s unlikely to leave or you know who are the youth prospects if they’re going down that are going to stay and like become starters that kind of thing especially For You 2 three um is in those midweeks in those International

    Breaks if you’ve got you know if you if you got U23 players who go to International um sometimes it’s almost a coin toss whether or not they’re even going to get minutes but if they’re staying a club at their like club club level and you know they’re going to

    Start that those players are such good cards to have um if you play U23 so I’ll be keeping a Keen Eye I can’t pick out exactly what I think will happen I think um in the Premier League it’s for me I think maybe Burnley if if Burnley might

    Be that club that go down but will probably be good enough to come potentially come back up again The Following season so be keeping a key to keep company don’t you if get that same season they had last year they did that but D they kept the manager so will they

    Keep him maybe that’s why company’s super cam All Season he knows I’ll get related and come back again you know maybe really C for a guy that’s doing terribly crap yeah they’re not doing great but like I look at the squad as well and you think how many of those players would they

    Lose if they got relegated and I don’t think they’d lose a lot of them to be honest like they haven’t got any of those like massive stars yeah I mean they’ll want to cut some of the wage bills down but they might they can’t have many players there

    That have like relegation Clauses or you know any any players they need to cut off the wage Bill if they go into the championship I don’t think they’ve got any of those like real Troublesome on the books players so if they went if they were to go down I’d

    Fancy them to have a good chance of coming back up again they were good in the championship last season weren’t they so I mean like I had a few cards from them last year mic obviously mic was good but I I think mic will leave maybe even in January to be honest I

    Think there must be a few clubs looking at him International goal he can’t he’s too good to sit on the bench um I think trafford’s had a good few games recently he seems to have finally kind of found his feet and they look like G to stick

    With him anyway so I think M might even leave in January I’ve still got my meric card and be waiting to see what happens with him but yeah if he hasn’t left in Jan I’d expect him to be gone regardless of what happens at the end of the season

    Um maybe a little move a move for him he’s one of those players you could kind of see in any division I’m surprised that he didn’t um retain the number one shirt there in the Premier League to be honest even when they signed Trafford I was like

    Not sure if trafford’s there to be bought as you know like the the successor to him or something that but but yeah I think Burnley maybe the next year be keeping an eye on them especially if they finish you know in the relegation positions they’ll be a

    Good side I think to pick up and um yeah what about players any players you think like might make that breakthrough next season I know you got Ben do he’ll be interesting to see if he gets a loan deal um could be a really nice card if he does

    Uh so he might be worth a little mention but any anyone anyone another I picked up just before Christmas was I seen Kiki Sanchez Flores H became the Seva manager and I was reading into that and all the rest of it and basically I went and got

    Myself a a Joan Jordan super rare which was cheap as buttons I’ve done a trade for it um with like a dnp super rare that I won a couple of quid and gareta rare who is down in value and like that that position in Bayern I’m happy keep

    Super rare obviously but the rare thought get a bit of value into that turn it into a JJ anyway I think he could be pretty good next year I know it’s not probably too exciting for many people but again on that same kind of vein of like I really like as you look

    More and more at my gallery like I really do enjoy La Liga I think there’s lots of good talent in La Liga and I think a lot of the a lot of the good players that emerge can be found really cheap if you can watch the games and I

    Just mean access because overall the LI is pretty entertaining if you watch the right games or whatever um and I think that probably surpr might be surprising some people because it’s a Champion League it’s probably it’s top three isn’t it it’s definitely you know up for debate

    Between it and the Bundesliga um you would probably say but like again like I think uh yeah I like Jan Jordan hopefully svia can of kick on they’re out of Europe alt together which is the first time probably in modern history that’s happened and the manager likes

    Them used to play them all the time it’s espanol kind of brought them through and stuff like that so I’m kind of hope that one works out a little bit better and obviously again bit recency bias but Dan Jim if he goes back to villal maybe he could be a bit he could

    Be pretty good so see I’m kind of looking at the guys that are unfortunately for anyone listening directly and my gall are the ones that just kind of spring to mind um andal as well probably another one I would kind of mention just at this point in the

    Show but he was like in the match day squad for the last game before the winter break there I don’t know if he actually made the bench but he was in the traveling party you know and he’s like been training the doctors have been forcing him not to kick the ball and

    Stuff like that so he’ll be a DMP Striker when he first comes back and he’s a guy that gets 10 to 15 goals a season and he’s got a lot of lost time to make up for and jfi are pretty handy they now they’re about to sign JF might

    Be see on that Jona Vibe I was talking before jfi might be a great shout for this because they are also trying to sign at the moment and I think they will get him El marba former Barcelona guy at St laig the manager at JF signed him for

    Valencia he was okay at Valencia so he knows him they’ve got a relationship I think that deal will go through you know they’ve got Greenwood already borj my is in great form he might even get a really interesting transfer somewhere exciting and soon now we’ve mentioned already and

    There another the goalkeeper I’m in love with obviously I think he’s fantastic and there’s a few other players that are kind of you know they have a bit of a profile around them if you want to go scratching around looking but um but yeah Big in as who now he’ll be cheap as

    Chips over 23 jfe dnp injured Striker I’d be surprised if you couldn’t re rare or a limited or something like that and I say he’s a guy that forwards are a real problem the on for like it’s really hard getting a goal scorer I think consistently so trying to find a guy

    That will catch fire second half of the Season should be top of a lot of agendas I’ve went with Fier I’ve got unell already obviously but um yeah that’s just the things that spring to my mind yeah I’m I’m having a look at um something that’s come through the chat

    As well actually which is quite an interesting point that kind of speaks to what we’re talking about as well but um aspall 1994 has says who are you guys backing for a Deep Run in Europe Champion Europe clubs in the Europa or conference League can be cheat codes in

    The second half of the season and it’s a good point and you got me looking at the fixtures for the next round of games in the conference League just to see like who’s left who they’ve got um I think Ajax have finally like found their Mojo haven’t they this season they started

    Absolutely awfully um but the last few weeks they’ve they’ve kicked on and they seem to have found their shape their identity back a little bit and they’ve got Bodo glimp in the confence confence League looking at some of the other teams there for me IR TR Frankfurt um

    And Bettis are probably the other two strong teams left in the conference league so might be worth keeping an eye on them that’ll be interesting you know STM grutz have been pretty good this season they might be worth a watch um and then if we go into the Europa League

    Let’s have a little look at what’s left there with the teams that have moved into um into that competition uh galatas play Sparta Prague I think they could they could go well feord have Roma that’s a that’s that’ll be a good fixture that um oh yeah they play each

    Other every year wi these competitions there’s some really good fixtures in the Europa League it’s going to be hard to call that one I think a little bit harder um you know like all the teams left in that are actually pretty decent if you look at you know Galatasaray

    Sparta Prague fard Roma AC Milan Ren Ben too shakar mars young boys sporting brager kabag Lon and fryberg there’s a lot of good teams there so um there’s some teams as well that probably if you’re just looking at the round of fixtures you won’t see because the teams

    That finish top of their groups don’t play a game yeah so so all the top seeds from the conference League groups and the Europa League groups they get better of a buy who shaks out Point yeah I mean just I bet moving down to the conference League you know

    See vill still in there um and I don’t know I think in Milan will be pretty handy in the Champions League is well in are still Champions League aren’t they yeah yeah in Milan yeah I them asso Dad h dad probably won’t go too far the draws were all pretty favorable I think

    In the Champions League but um I think as far as s goes you don’t really look at Champions League for deep runs your cards or anything you’re definitely after the Villas and the betes or whatever um absolutely abolutely I would agree with that but yeah be interesting

    To see how that all plays out so the next round of fixtures not until February got a little little while yet um but yeah it feels it feels like ages I know we’ve only had like a kind of weaken a bit of like this kind of lightweight fixture um fixture list but

    Um I’m looking at my sort of Team builder for the next few weeks and it is light like some weeks I don’t think I’ve got anything out you know at best I’ve got a four player cap 240 out for the next week or two um but Quinny have you

    Got anything lined up I know there’s quite a lot of Scottish fixtures you got a nice little um selection or two there um probably a good opportunity I think for managers like yourself who do have that collection based in a league like Scotland or the Premier League where

    You’ve got that nice busy fixture period through the uh through the festive season I think you you know this is your time to shine isn’t it and try and reap the benefits of that Gallery than rewards two weeks in the boat so H this weekend it’s Celtic at home to Rangers

    In the derby so this is one where those decisions I was talking about before where I tried to play my my S R head and like pick the right team and whatever and I didn’t do it this week I’m faced with the same kind of I’m fac with the

    Same kind under him kuna’s on fire kuna’s on form I can H he’s at home at Everton which won’t be a great game but by all accounts he should be starting in my best team over kyogo and over D but I can’t not play I can’t play co over them

    I just can’t do it so I’ll have a I’ll have a couple of teams out in super andon rare which will be good fun and I say hopefully I can kind of make the most of it but it is all down to that derby match we need the result I’ve got

    Cards in all my teams so if we don’t get the result I’m screwed sort of thing so that’s one of those ones I yeah I think I I had a brief look at it and I think there was a potential um cap 240 rare with with a

    DMP goalkeeper and I think similarly in in limited I might only manager 220 so it’s going to be quite a few weeks for me I’m going to be craving some like some end product come like the middle of Jan when things start to open up again just looking forward to um you know

    Having one of those weekends where you’ve got an abundance of options like you always used to what did you used to call it that weekend where all the leagues came back I I remember your content to talk about when when the European reopen after all we all we’ve

    Had you know the summer that that that first sort of middle of August when we’ve got all of the leagues back I can’t remember Sun almost is exactly but I remember I know what you’re talking about I need to check but the word that Springs to my mind is Convergence but I

    Don’t know if that was the word but I know exactly what you’re talking about but um it’s like that eye eye of the vortex it’s like where everything comes together and it’s like everything’s F again yeah definitely that’ll be like end of January beginning of Feb by the

    Time we get that back again once we get America and Asia back in again it’ll feel almost similar to that it it’s got to be I think yeah but yeah be early March by the time all of them are back and then you’ve got winter break back for Russia and uh and

    Switzerland and Austria they have a break as well don’t they and then what the Scandinavian leagues they break even further than that don’t they if I remember rightly they they don’t come back for they have a little break till almost April I think don’t they I think

    In some of those Scandinavian Danish or Swedish leagues I can’t remember what ones but don’t really have many cards from there myself so it’s never really affected me personally but but yeah just looking forward to uh getting you know the festive Seasons out the way now

    Let’s get New Year’s Eve out of the way and uh let’s get some football fixtures back on the calendar bit Lively hopefully some players returning from injuries that extra layoff they’ve had um and hopefully they come good I’ll definitely be looking forward to a few of my long-term injuries coming back you

    Already mentioned FIA he kind of he kind of showed us he was back didn’t he and then he’s picked up like a thigh strain or something asn’t he I think he’s out till after the winter break like January or whatever but um yeah it’ be interesting to see him coming back and

    For me it’s like deiv I need deiv back um I think by the time he comes I don’t think he’s U23 anymore yeah I feel like I haven’t I haven’t used him in a lineup for so long but um yeah I’ll be looking forward to

    Being able to do that again hope in the not too distant future but uh Quinny I think I think we’ve covered a lot this week considering we thought oh this is me a quiet one you know not A lot’s going on yeah don’t we we’ve been

    Talking till the cows come home today so uh yeah man it’s been a pleasure catching up with you I’ve got to take my son off to some football thing this afternoon so we’re getting back to some some level of normality again um today it’s a bit of midweek football action

    But um yeah to everyone in the chat thank you so much for your interaction and yeah we had a really good busy chat in there today uh if you’ve enjoyed this uh please give it a like subscribe share follow all of that good stuff make sure you watch it back on quinny’s YouTube

    Channel Quinny 30001 or if you’re listening podcast Spotify Apple music wherever you listen to your podcast give us a search end product so rare you’ll find us um Quinny and everyone uh have a great uh and very happy New Year and uh we’ll be back New Year to you mate for

    The first uh the first episode of uh 2024 same time next week that’s it with some more in product as well let’s get it absolutely cheers everyone


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