📚👉KNJIGU KUPITI OVDJE ( BOOK BUY HERE) : https://mariolab.eu/

    👋 Hey, amazing viewers! It’s Mario from Mario Lab, and today I’m unveiling a game-changer for those battling hypothyroidism – the “Miraculous Natural Remedy” your thyroid has been waiting for! 🌿🦋

    In this video, we dive into the world of holistic healing to combat hypothyroidism naturally. From nourishing your body with the right nutrients to incorporating powerful herbs, I’m sharing insights that can transform your thyroid health. 💪🍵

    Ready to take control of your well-being? Hit that subscribe button and join the Mario Lab community. Let’s spread the word together! 🌐🔔 Share this video with anyone you know who might benefit from this natural miracle cure. Together, we can make a difference! 🌍❤️

    Your journey to a healthier thyroid starts now – stay tuned, stay informed! Until next time, this is Mario, signing off. 🚀🌈 #Hypothyroidism #NaturalCure #SubscribeNow


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    ➡️ Visit my practice: 🏥 MarioLAB CENTER ZAGREB, Oreškovićeva 1 (Croatia) and 🏥 AURA HEALTH CENTER VALPOVO, M. Gupca 37 (Croatia)
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    ➡️ Disclaimer:
    “MarioLAB YouTube channel and its owner Mr. Mario Labudović (senior physical therapist, majoring in occupational therapy) uploads videos for general informational purposes only. They should not be used for self-diagnosis and are not a substitute for a doctor’s examination, treatment, diagnosis and prescription or recommendation. You should not change your health regime or diet before you contact your chosen doctor or medical expert and ask them for a medical examination, diagnosis and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a doctor or other health professional if you have questions about your health condition.”

    ❤️Thanks for watching!
    👋See you in the next video

    Today I will recommend an extraordinary natural remedy for a sick thyroid. This plant has been used for thousands of years in the medicine of the Far East and has exceptional health benefits.

    It has a special effect on the natural treatment of hypothyroidism or slow functioning of the thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism is a state of reduced production, secretion and action of thyroid hormones. It can occur at any age, and is especially common in the elderly

    – it occurs in 10% of women and 6% of men over the age of 65. The most common cause of hypothyroidism is chronic autoimmune inflammation of the thyroid gland (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis), which is caused by a disorder of the immune system. with genetic predisposition. It can occur after treatment of hyperthyroidism

    With drugs that inhibit the production of thyroid hormones or with radioactive iodine or after thyroid surgery. The thyroid gland secretes two hormones: triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). They are made of the chemical element iodine (I). They are important for the balanced function of the entire

    Organism – the respiratory and circulatory system, the brain, then they affect movement, sleep and digestion, as well as the work of other glands (e.g. gonads). The main center for controlling thyroid function is the pituitary gland, which is located in the brain.

    A hormone released by the pituitary gland, the most important endocrine gland in the brain. Among other things, the pituitary gland regulates and stimulates the secretion of thyroid hormones by secreting TSH. The proportion of the TSH hormone in the body indicates an excess or deficiency of the T3 or T4 hormone.

    Normal functioning of the thyroid gland regulates metabolism, heart rate, breathing rate, sympathetic activity (and many vital functions), the menstrual cycle in women, but also numerous other processes in the body.

    There is practically no part of the body that is not affected by the work of the pituitary gland. Given that thyroid hormones affect all cells in the body, symptoms and signs from various organs and organ systems are present: the skin is dry, nails are thickened and brittle,

    Hair is thin and it thins out. As the disease progresses, the face becomes puffy, the eyelids swell, the tongue thickens, the voice becomes deep, the speech slows down. Chronic fatigue and exhaustion, nervous system disorders, memory

    And mood disorders, depression and muscle weakness, pain in muscles and joints as well as constipation occur . There is a moderate increase in body weight, mainly due to fluid retention. In women, menstrual cycle disorders, infertility,

    Spontaneous abortions and premature births occur, and libido disturbances occur in both sexes. Mental fog. Excessive or prolonged menstrual bleeding. Fluid retention, feeling bloated, facial swelling.

    Joint pains.High cholesterol levels…all these are signs of hypothyroidism. But as always, we want to give the body a chance to heal itself from the disease in a natural way.

    One of the best plants for natural treatment of hypothyroidism is astragalus. Astragalus is a plant from the Leguminosae family (beans or legumes), with a very long history as an immune system booster and disease fighter. Its roots are in traditional

    Chinese medicine, where it has been used for thousands of years as an adaptogen – which means that it helps the body fight stress and disease. At the end of the show, I will tell you the recommended daily doses.

    Astragalus root is harvested from 4-year-old plants and is the only part of the plant used in medicine. Only two of the over 2,000 species of astragalus, astragalus membranaceus and astragalus mongholicus, are used in medicine.

    Astragalus contains three components that enable the plant to have such a positive impact on human health: saponins, flavonoids and polysaccharides. Flavanoids, also found in astragalus, provide health benefits through cell signaling. They show antioxidant properties, control and elimination of free radicals, and can help prevent heart disease, cancer and

    Immunodeficiency virus. Polysaccharides are known to have antimicrobial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties, among other health benefits. It even helps with recovery after chemotherapy.

    It has an outstanding effect on the normalization and function of thyroid hormones. You can buy astragalus in teas, tinctures, powder, but for today I will advise you to buy it in tablet form.

    My recommendation will be to take 1000 mg, 1-2 times a day. And a few more notes. If you have a bosom thyroid, you must take PROBIOTICS every day. And 25-50 billion per day. and be sure to take another amazing herb for thyroid function called ashwaganda.

    And one last time…ASTRAGALUS, ASHWAGANDA AND PROBIOTICS are an incredibly important natural remedy for normal thyroid function… My first book is called “INTERRUPTED POST-THE SECRET OF HEALTH AND LONGEVITY”. The book will be available from the end of December via the website www.mariolab.eu.

    The first books were translated into Croatian, English and German. You can buy them in 3 formats. Printed book, e-book or audio book. The e-book and audio book will be available immediately! The printed book goes on pre-order for the first 30 days.

    Which means that we send the first copies of the book to the world at the end of January 2024. I have a special surprise for everyone who buys the book in advance!

    You will receive your copy of the book with my personal dedication…How to buy the book? The first step is to visit www.mariolab.eu. Or click on the link below the video. Find on the website the web shop where the book can be purchased.

    Now you have the option to translate the page into English or German, if necessary… The next step is to choose a printed book, e-book or audio book, in Croatian, English or German. Enter your information and place your order… I deeply believe that this book will change your life forever.

    For more information, click below the video… If you want to cure ailing joints or ailing back forever, call my office and arrange treatment topics. Combining the most modern forms of physical therapy and rehabilitation with special natural treatment programs,

    In the last 25 years, I have cured thousands of patients from all over the world. These are special methods of treatment that will give you the best chance to quickly and safely cure arthrosis of the hip, knee or hand, or get rid of sciatica, disc herniation, protrusion, or spinal stenosis of the spine.

    Call +385 98 9179 200 (MARIOLAB CENTER ZAGREB, CROATIA) or visit www.mariolab.eu, and secure your treatment appointment!


    1. 📚👉KNJIGU KUPITI OVDJE ( BOOK BUY HERE) : https://mariolab.eu/

      👋 Hey, amazing viewers! It's Mario from Mario Lab, and today I'm unveiling a game-changer for those battling hypothyroidism – the "Miraculous Natural Remedy" your thyroid has been waiting for! 🌿🦋

      In this video, we dive into the world of holistic healing to combat hypothyroidism naturally. From nourishing your body with the right nutrients to incorporating powerful herbs, I'm sharing insights that can transform your thyroid health. 💪🍵

      Ready to take control of your well-being? Hit that subscribe button and join the Mario Lab community. Let's spread the word together! 🌐🔔 Share this video with anyone you know who might benefit from this natural miracle cure. Together, we can make a difference! 🌍❤

      Your journey to a healthier thyroid starts now – stay tuned, stay informed! Until next time, this is Mario, signing off. 🚀🌈 #Hypothyroidism #NaturalCure #SubscribeNow

    2. Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año 2024 Le Desea Susy Ruiz A Usted Dr Mario Lab y ASus Seres Queridos❤Gracias Por Sus Benditos Videos Que Dios Me Lo Bendiga Este 2024 Le Deceo A Ustd Y A Los Suyos Desfe Leon Gto Mexico Mucho Exito❤

    3. Hvala od ❤..ovo ću probati da pijem pošto sam davno posle par mjeseci terapije bacila tablete..shvatila sam da bih održala težinu moram da radim kao konj, izbacila sam gluten, laktozu, sve vrste hrane sa dodatkom soje, kukuruz i njegove pretađevine, dosta vrsta povrća a i voća i što je najbitnije smanjila i to znatno unos šećera u organizam..i možda najbitnije od svega više opće i ne razmišljam da imam hipotiroidizam sa Hašimotom..

    4. mario mozes li pomoci baba je udarila nogu malo ima vec 15 dana tu negde kod zgloba je bolelo u pocetku pa je preslo na celu nogu vise ni ona sama ne zna gde je boli snimili smo vene da nije nesto i za prelom i magnenta rezansa nista nisu nasli inace ima krivu kicmu bas baba i prosierene vene joj nisu okej ali bol joj se javlja najvise dok spava i ujutru negde nekad popusti preko dana sve sto je dobila samo neke lekove za bolove da pije vec 5 drugacijih su prepisali

    5. Dobrý deň pán doktor Mario, už dlhšie odoberam Vaše "články", ktoré chválim, nepočúvam všetky,ale odkladám si ich pre prípad potreby,od detstva ma viedli rodičia k prírode,pred ktorou mám veľký rešpekt.
      Sama uznávam alternatívnu liečbu, ktorá aj mne veľmi pomohla.S úctou klobúk dolu.Prajem Vám veľa úspechov 🍀👍

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