Windy landings on 27L at London Heathrow Airport
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    Got say it’s a long time since I brussel sprouts mate kept the cat up all night we left it disgusted Believe It or Not ladies and gentlemen it’s it is coming towards us big Sid slip good morning everybody sit back and relax let someone else take the rains just had to go Around back here there we go there she goes get it down man get it down there we go W nice nice right okay let’s just give people a little bit of a we got a bit of Separation aren’t we um morning folks how you doing you all right what’s going

    On what’s that is there sausage left over is it um we’re at the paddock folks now um appreciate the fact that it’s like the Som there as you can see um I did have a load of Hardcore laid down of which remnants you can see very small

    Amounts uh which basically led us up there uh but as you can see it’s um it’s Soden out there and I wouldn’t want to get stuck in in the van uh horses are nicely fed um they’re uh incidentally also I I was I was petting a couple of them

    Patting them on the heads they’re quite warm underneath obviously they they’re very robust animals aren’t they so um but look at it look at the state of it um please nobody complain oh they’re so mistreated they’re not okay no virtual signaling please they are very happy chilled horses especially that one

    The locky L 1011 TriStar easy son easy easy easy easy easy easy easy easy easy easy easy easy sink right sink right sink right blim me O’Reilly that was like coming down a flipping roller coaster hands up in the air right I still got me uh so I’m a little bit further back than

    I normally am folks as you can appreciate the Vans parked all the way out there but the one good thing about being all the way back here is you get to see the wings flexing a little bit more than we do over uh when they when

    We’re a little bit I’m not making any excuses it’s just that that at least it works doesn’t it yeah it is sh oh oh oh hey no problems no problems was semi r see let C after keep they’re all at okay can I jump down and get the cof before

    I no it’s not is it roit parkal oh we heard me the only active locky TriStar in the world left is 49.84 years old which Bears the American registration n140 active active active interesting what’s that doing Nick Gray ba 7 number three to land let’s zoom out a little bit folks

    Here because you get a great perspective especially when you them Ames yeah nice big round of applause you see the sock very active pure Direct southerly in it looks like southwesterly d direct Sly s s James wartell was pacing I can see that fighting his nails oh come on come on Magdalena CZ hello to you John G United

    Off for CH is JP going to burst into George for um that house there ladies and gentlemen that house right there uh if you look at minder the famous UK series with artha daily uh that house was um in one of the shows and uh I would recommend going to see it was

    About a fell room faked his own death um and Billy Connelly was there as well 707 screaming overhead arer even looked up at one SI Shan in from college Guy Burton morning it’s blowing a hulie here just off the Salsbury Plains what a beautiful place of the world to live Jeffy

    Phillips fear love good morning to you um Brian Stewart hi suy I think that be souly South southernly Winds are expected yeah look at this guy sideways man oh yeah this guy’s coming it come on son here we go outside Outside yeah watch the aons flapper on all working together tiny little adjustments oh no worries at all no worries at all here comes the r yeah because is variable hello mate hello I know that oh wow there wow yeah yeah that R’s going to hit me uh quite thing make sure everything’s

    Nicely tucked up and dry because uh on yes beautiful weather today just have a little look let see got quite a few inbounds it’s just the cloud base is very low that’s why we’re not seeing them on uh oh oh nice done sir or Madam a big recruitment drive has really

    Been a big recruitment drive over the last couple of years hasn’t there really with uh with um not so much the whole covid thing I mean obviously Co um uh created some some some holes in the industry in terms of uh pilot availability flight Crews um and caming

    Crews but um really a lot of it also uh has to be to put down to retirements this is a 7679 oh Mr lizard licks saw them filming it about that 7 oh 3 737 she’s a m she’s B spce and there got their minty fresh running today jet fuel or jet oh

    Really that sounds like a load of old well poof fired let’s wait to see how that transpires wow this guy’s been in the hole for a little while and he from Jersey oh is this the go around is this possibly the go around L one Indi from New York not oh

    Having some weird old dreams man I didn’t tell you the other night I dreamt about uh did I say about the Iberia a321 that was going backwards flying backwards in the sky an earth is that all about and then last night I had a dream about a cargo

    Aircraft okay lots of lots of airplanes in the dream but a cargo aircraft that was literally it was a it was a it was a big lorry with a load of wood on it but it was a for God’s sake man there you go g9s you say this Stone’s got this got name

    Or something yeah storm Derek Garrett okay mind you I have to say I did eat I did eat a whole uh uh four of those little um mini baby bells the other night before I went to bed don’t know why but yeah yeah planes flying backwards kind of makes sense does

    It good morning to you same K is a sound breaking for anyone else oh here we go again CPR next arriv is United boing Triple 7 200 uh from Houston United 5 it’s not doing games it’s not doing games all right it’s this unit all right it’s

    This unit it’s got to be this unit mind you all right stand by folks stand by what I will do is I try a reboot of the mic initially uh and then um and then we’ll see what happens okay reboot happening Now okay Rebooted for got a report on it rich part sound is good Max seems better the sound is different already get it down get it down there you go oh oh oh oh little bit unsteady but Liam neeb glad to have you with us Liam oh yeah that’s that’s a thing last

    Night when Jill Was preparing the uh the the Christmas dinner which uh thank you Jill I appreciate that um the um the uh we were watching uh the the Christmas Eve show was it and um wow really Christmas Day show my apologies yeah uh you can hear the humming of those Trent

    800s there’s a lot of things you can hear and can see that I don’t see on my little Monitor yeah Renegade extreme looking quite mdy in there smallest scaffolder in Europe 24 years old that’s 767 thank you Steph horses are used to it indeed they are of course they are they’re tough skinned man they’re tough It’s not like they’re standing around in you know in Budgy Smugglers and you know half

    Naked they were around long before we were we were little cells like squirming around in the mud weren’t we ding ding OES foses we gra saw lots of those United 767s yesterday as I drove past New York airport on the Jersey t p I’ve uh I’ve done the Jersey Turnpike

    I’m pretty sure I am morning everybody hope you’re doing well hope you’re uh hope you’ve had a great Christmas Max is gifted about you isn’t it thank you Max yeah we um we’re very grateful folks um and it just goes to show it is so much better gifting membership than

    Taking money if you see what I mean you know the whole you know um Super Chat thing never been a fan of that just because it’s sort of like you know just lining people’s pockets in we’re giving something back aren’t we final is yeah we are all Apes we are all

    Apes God did not make us what we doing there God I just uh just making a human didn’t have anything to do this afternoon so I thought Make Some Humans hum what I did well you know we’ve got all the other flipping things I thought we might you know Make Some

    Humans you going to be done before dinner yeah yeah it should be done yet I’ve done the females I’ve done the how many how many are there males and females that’s it yeah oh look at that Jane MC has gifted five memberships thanks Jane MC John G United Jamie Reed

    Melanie all T good morning from Manchester JN Johnny got be honest with you Johnny that’s down a personal preference um you know whether you’re a uh whether you’re a a loyal British Airways um flyer or a Virgin Atlantic flyer uh for the international stuff that is of course it’s like asking you

    What uh what the Americans prefer in terms of United or um uh American Airlines Delta you know um pan Dennis for midnight New Zealand good day Dennis heruka tenno Jerry at the backwards Iberia jettin his dream oh no easy sun that’s very funny what’s that

    G yes I did yeah yeah I did watch it got to be honest with you not the funniest one not the funniest one he’s ever done yeah not the funniest one he’s ever done yeah yeah yeah yeah I can see all the um I can see all the woke uh crew getting involved

    Yeah yeah yeah oh you can’t say that I did I can and I did jet lag Johnny prefers American Airlines as I’m an American Advantage member there we go somebody sent us a message the other day uh via email and um I thought I’d read it out because it

    Was it was a good point actually uh what was his name easy easy easy uh yeah Virgin Atlantic and Sky team is he Sky Team here yeah possibly a very valid question um and one that probably you know you could water down and put it

    Into chat yet uh but um but uh but but a good point anyway just mentioning about um the um interesting colored bus there quite a nice color that um mentioning about the uh Virgin Atlantic uh partnership with Sky team and why none of their Jets um have any

    Sky Team reference on them I think that’s basically because the sky team um agreement was reached after they’d delivered their La their last aircraft maybe I don’t know all the aircraft was painted prior to the Sky Team agreement Ian thank you very much for that so I’d imagine that

    At some point in time that uh uh a Virgin Atlantic will indeed have one of their aircraft painted up possibly one of their 330s or something okay got to put it to these uh give it up for these these uh cabin crew air crew um knats all the teams working

    Still the Christmas uh period isn’t it really I guess you could say um this is the other side of the airport of course um the old um Trident maintenance hangers which uh also have a preservation order slapped on them uh um those ones that you’re looking at there

    That’s the cathedral that huge great big um hanger in the uh in the background there um remote stance oh they do they do have a little Sky Team sticker on the yeah okay okay right well certainly nothing that uh you know you you have to be sort of like you

    Very close by or very big eyes Pete Richardson can you still get a sticker via a self addressed on yes you can Pete let’s go to the app if anybody fancies a sticker free of charge then of course you can uh download the app there’s no charge

    Whatsoever other than the cost of your self- addressed Hol a little bit sketchy for that oh yeah he went for the flare missed it went for landed it bounced it if you are in any way the slightest nervous flyer then that’s not the kind of thing that you want to have happening is

    It maranne good morning to you maranne vizam morning to you Stephen should the wind will peek today does anyone know well we’re hoping around about 1:00 it’s going to peek isn’t it something like that or um maybe a bit earlier I don’t know mirrors good morning to you suzan

    New has come been watched anyone looks pretty clean there you go you see she does from this angle doesn’t she is it yeah you know what no but then then when you look at the back there you can see how grubby she looks look how grubby she is folks poor

    Girl but you know that’s just we stand up seure inste it Amazing lazy that’s the uh that’s your membersip membership icon next to your name uh which will uh as you um the longer you become longer you stay a member or active with big jjet TV the more stripes you get Oh Long Landing long Landing you can expect to get stripes and stars

    And Rachel vanzella yes we would all um be happy to um uh volunteer to clean bab that’s for sure um but it’s all about security folks that’s the thing you see that’s the big problem she’s she’s air side this looks like Air India is it someone uh took a picture at to lose

    The other day four before the delivery four a350 Air India Jets parked up there four look at those wings flexing that Peter H good morning kitty cat chat David Alec Padley been a member for 34 months has Alec wow Dave Williams off to shit’s jcks Joe crammond St BS

    Uh St Billings uh yeah the uh the idea of Concor being on display somewhere else where she is more accessible uh yeah I mean um I don’t know it’s a funny one isn’t it you know uh I I’m not totally convinced that having conquered by the London

    Eye would sort of work I know I I I don’t want to be a a big sort of like you know I don’t want to poo poo the idea but I just think aesthetically in its environment it wouldn’t work I think she belongs somewhere in a museum where where aviationist can appreciate

    Her I don’t I mean I know a lot of non aviationist appreciate e 767 400 it’s got to be Delta he throw aort is in chat he throw hope you’re doing well but uh not too difficult this morning in terms of uh traffic numbers and um obviously with the the holding

    Patterns are still um quite busy but uh fortunately for ATC the winds have and of course the backlog that you get when you have delays of course are always a a massive um logistical challenge for for an airport of this size cuz it just backs up and

    Backs up and backs up up doesn’t it you know people coming off flights who are uh who who are hoping to Transit onto other flights who are maybe delayed missed that flight another flight has to be arranged maybe there’s not a flight that day uh Caroline yes they do have a Brooklyn’s Concord

    Um oh okay so no Runway change today at 3:00 then oh oh there you go then yeah Mr 747 pilot have a read of that mate Heath thr have just an announced that due to strong winds uh due this afternoon um Runway alter alternations

    Will not go ahead uh due to and they say uh the sheds the uh the maintenance sheds the hangers the maintenance hangers um cause turbulence for approaching aircraft for landing aircraft so there we go folks it’s official uh the shed effect has been now officially recognized you know what I’m

    Going to do I’m to switch quickly to flip flops there there we go Chester draws it’s difficult one at present be boab gets seen by 63 well Chester draws got to be honest with you of the millions of people that travel through Heath thr um for a start when

    You’re on an aircraft only 50% of those people get the opportunity depending on whether they’re on the left or the right of the aircraft uh but of course A lot of people are not aware of it and don’t get told so it’s not like you know ladies and gentem if

    You look out for them so no Runway alternation alteration Al change Runway alterations yeah can you take it up a little bit um in in the thigh maybe up a little bit sort of like you know 3 in and then uh round the waist maybe maybe half an

    Inch I when I was in the air dresses the other day this young lad walks in it you know I said to the fell I said I said this is going to be the easiest haircut you’ve ever done in your life all the other ones like with the old Clippers

    And going on and everything I said just you could literally close your eyes mate do it one hand uh for all I care just take the length of it of of of of the of the depth of your finger and just do it the same all the way around that’s all I want

    Um he’s like he’s like he was a little bit confused but um fella next to me was like yeah yeah was like ordering a coffee Dave Peterson is back what the back Dave this looks like Air Canada is it trash p over top comes that pret yeah I kind of understand that’s

    Somebody saying leave her alone leave her where she is but it’s not exactly like you know where you can go up and walk close walk up close to her and have a good look at her like you can at Brooklyn she’s way over there in the distance behind all the paraphernalia

    And behind all the uh fences and all that sort of stuff if you come to hat and cross closest you’re going to get would probably be uh at the security gates which are around about there there’s the security gates um down there so all that distance um unless you go

    And park your car in the staff car park which you can’t um you you’re not going to get to see her um you you maybe had a stand over there on the on the on the mound at um but you know in terms of uh like

    A an exhibit you know a um a static exhibit um she’s uh this you know I I can appreciate the uh the the the the the the the the want of having um their hour Concord here and staying here cuz uh you know I can totally appreciate

    That I’d like to have seen her incorporated into Terminal 5 but did that mea come on Sam bring it in bring it in mea see yeah bit of a speed up there oh oh oh oh my oh my that can’t of yeah nice bit of adjustment mate well

    Saved well not saved but well um well maneuvered anything I can put in down to is like you know um when I’ve been when I’ve been on a motocross bike on my motorcross bike or on mountain bike when you jump a jump and there’s a crosswind you do get it

    And it tries to blow you off cross and you have to make those adjustments uh dipping the back Brak stop the uh stop the front front wheel from uh rising up um B like one of the ponies in them in those in those little uh in the in in

    The in the kids stories isn’t it the Little Pony there look kind of looks a little bit out of place to he with all the other ones is that his mate there oh yeah me you’re right there you’re right what are you doing oh

    Wow going to do this folks uh big B stew I know uh I know I read out members only comments but for Joseph mcnalty can you give a shout out to my uncle he’s flying his last flight today from ba to glas uh today ba from Glasgow he loves your

    Videos can you say happy retirement Big Stew oh yeah stay active though Big Stew very nice very C happy my friend Alan daroo uh is he flying from Glasgow to Heath throw from glaski to Heath row or what’s the deal there then okay Rick Freeman photographer George tube good morning to you Kathy

    Williams wow is there over eight blim there is over 8,000 people watching F you never noticed do you you just don’t notice there storm something or other friend any BH Freez oh ready oh I do wish there were first ever aircraft to operate uh

    The o oh oh oh easy easy easy got a little bit of uh uh yeah tried first to operate the uh Autoland system wasn’t it developed by um I I guess British Engineers was it British Engineers that developed a very clever bunch of people um the British uh for um developing um

    You know whatever they developed uh just very um radar weather uh well I mean obviously other people were trying it out around the world but um we were very successful with u it was uh was it H2S uh on the underside of Lancaster bombers that U that was a very clever um invention

    H2S K cat chat wa to see how these big boys how the big boys are affected well you know again that have to say you’re easy it is all kind of relative isn’t it you know a smaller aircraft in some ways you kind of imagine that it might be a little bit

    Easier to to handle um as opposed to a big airplane that’s got massive great big um uh vertical um Rudder and uh you know the the stabilizer on it it’s huge uh as you can see there um you know um and the fuselage of course is massive as well

    It’s like it’s like the the best way to describe it is like a high-sided vehicle really um corpse SL good morning and welcome to first class we got Big Stew on approach have we or so a Big Stew is landing we’re going to get his last ever Landing ladies and gentlemen British

    Airways pce some respect to this gentleman this isn’t him this isn’t him he’s over Edge or there about quite emotional really go around for just for the sake of it oh Dare You Big Stew oh wow of course there is a you know there’s a there’s there’s a lot of skill

    To what these guys and girls are doing folks um you know for a start what you see in there is they’re crabbing literally flying uh facing the wind because if they if they face straight they just drift over uh to our left their right so they always have to sort of point the

    Aircraft at the prevailing winds um and the adjustment to straighten it up is normally done either just before the flare or sometimes as you’ll see when they actually touch down but at this point in time it’s uh there’s a lot of stuff going on on this flight deck well actually it’s just the

    Yoke still flying it sideways still flying it sideways still flying it sideways now depending on the pilot oh we might get a a truck here look at that Wing Flex man going to get a truck going to get a truck he might he might kick it watch the

    Rudder oh that was very smooth wow there’s the rudder movement you see after he’s touched it down um some Pilots uh kick the rudder um before they actually touched that so they’re touching down in a straight line um but even then they’re still uh making um adjustments when the aircraft on the

    Ground because there’s a lot of inertia you know uh a lot of forces going on uh when the aircraft touches down because it becomes a vehicle it’s no longer a flying machine is it it’s becomes a vehicle and therefore it’s all down to the uh to the pilot the flying pilot

    That is to steer the aircraft by use of um not the um not the not the not the the the the control yoke anymore um unless of course there is a touch and go around so he will continue to um U handle um have his hand or her hands on

    The Yol um or on the control column um but uh but it’s more about steering the aircraft uh by way of uh the foot pedals which control the rder and then of course uh the reverse thrusters and the uh speed braks the ground spoiler on over the wings oh man this gu virino

    V ooh there’s the swing wow oh and a big one as well man I think that wow that was that was pretty insane man yes not to be not to be uh confused with hs2 H2S um slung under under the belly of uh I mean uh during the the Second World

    War uh there were a number of different um new uh navigational AIDS and um um early Warning Systems developed by British s Cruz CPR hammed KH hello there’s someone at me door he just left I do hope that might be because I did hear that there was a Swing Swing

    Swing thing being delivered from fing Fong Fang Fong today um so it might uh might well be uh Industries it might be the final I think I did yes yes I did ordered like 12 different outfits that’ll be fun though it fing uh don’t have to select t yeah private one why is

    That did it come up I look like a little 12y old 12y old boy with me a last night it’s like you know all right right right right yeah no I was just working on I was working out the um a look it did did the

    Way wa look look he’s got the right idea what is stop standing in the mud he’s not stuck is he he’s not stuck is he let there moving I might have to do a little bit of flipping um horse saving here the horse saer he’s not stuck is he

    John AA yoke and some Rudder action Rick Freeman photographer yoke and some Rudder action uh is that is that on touchdown yoke oh yeah yeah yeah sorry the Yol will pull forward and back yeah for the elevators uh because um once the aircrafts touched down I’m talking about

    Lefts and rights with the uh with the Yoke um uh the the yeah no no no once they’ve touched down you’ll see the elevators will will stay in the upward position for a little while whilst the front whilst the whilst the speed is bled off you know whilst they bleed the

    Speed off um you’ll see the uh the elevators we can’t see it from this angle but um but you’ll see that the some Pilots not all of them uh will tend to keep the elevators in the upward position to keep the nose tracking upwards um and so it so it slowly drops

    The nose so yes uh they will still be operating the aircraft by way of the elevators or uh or am I completely wrong and there is uh still some um as far as I’m concerned once the once the speed brakes are um Extended or the ground spoilers uh sometimes the

    Uh the the outboard aerons are also utilized there we go you see the outboard aerons also coming up so once that’s all running uh it’s just the elevators that are the only sort of like you know upward downward movement flight surface that’s uh in ba 1479 is who we’re looking out for

    Thank you Joseph Charlie Wartman stood by the last tree to your left watching the show stood by the last tree to your left watching the show is that Charlie down there let’s just see if any of them see their phones and realize that uh they being

    Um give us a wave if you see me don’t know which one you are Charlie sh very uh very famous place down here at um Myrtle Avenue folks well I say Myrtle Avenue the um the road to my left is mer Avenue the road behind me is the

    Whatever blah blah b b B1 whatever flip-flop 88 was the best year I reckon I’ve spent more time this year with with Jerry he’s landed is he was that him there was that him there oh we got him to number one oh brilliant man Nicholas twist that was

    Him was that big was that Big Stew there good old Stewie oh was the number four okay okay oh okay oh I was miles behind on I was miles behind on the yeah yeah next arrival Triple 7 uh American 134 from Los Angeles CPR 1234 thank you

    Look at the vortex coming off the wings folks off the flank ticks Vortex might hear that Vortex crashing down on me listen to it it’s over the top of me now oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh stop it oh oh oh stop stop that stop that oh oh my God

    Mate now you tell me those Pilots weren’t like oh flipping it hold on a minute oh my goodness me how we did not go around I just have no idea wow flipping Nora that was more dramatic than a go around I got to be honest with you look at all the comments man

    That you can’t read it mate no oh my goodness M oh that was yeah yeah yeah lots of lots of um butter clenching things going on there everything was as a as a passenger you’re like he hey um yeah yeah yeah yeah holy nose gear Batman yeah okay flipping that was insane uh

    Sound grab uh not sound grab um time stamp it GP 9,000 people watching that man he would have he would have fed that back to his mate it’s literally uh you know see that’s how it should be done that was either a a rookie pilot or

    Uh or that pilot was just caught by a sudden um uh um moment of crosswind which uh uh as you can see the the sock is blowing quite intensely down there uh it’s funny is’t it that that when you’re on an Airfield it’s the the wind intensity can be considerably more

    Than it is um like here on the ground so even though we’re not um we’re not hearing you know wind buffeting and all that kind of stuff it’s uh that was insane man Dennis 4 have you seen how many 747s coming and out of Anchorage we do Dennis we’ve been there four

    Times three times four four times how many times we been to uh we’ve been to um uh uh Anchorage Tim Hills that’s that’s a little bit an TR Landing stop it stop it yeah that one’s worthy of a post mate that’s worthy of a post cuz that’s got to be one of the

    Craziest Landings I think they are getting um battered by Crosswinds uh that are coming in from um coming in over and across the hotel oh okay I’ve got it yeah yeah yeah Disney Dave 44 has gifted 10 memberships thanks Disney Dave Caroline Walker loves sitting at Anchorage

    Wow yeah we’ve um we’ve been to Anchorage on a number of occasions and enjoyed it immensely every time stayed in different places um last place was good cuz we had a I had a little um bed and not bed and breakfast day uh like um Air BnB which

    Is sort of like you know do your own thing and uh that was insane mate Chrissy had to rewind to watch that lingling is disappointed po get fre of coffee wow de bash mode Cod Brown Landing it did look like a toy plane it did look like a toy plane

    Mate John G United that was the worst Landing trip 7300 I’ve ever [Laughter] seen uh Martin ah I’ve seen birds fly backwards I’ve seen birds fly back backwards and uh you know what it looks great fun doesn’t it Captain Chris is in bound let’s just see if he’s messaged

    Me are you sure about that cppo Chris no nothing at the moment what’s that what juang culio BL Blanco he needs to make his name easier for people to to to to okay vs20 uh Captain Chris pole ladies and gentlemen good friend of ours here on big jet TV

    Yeah that was just insane that was W is this the not absolutely 100% sure what it’s all about maybe we’ll freshen up the atmosphere at some point I don’t know indicate what it is fly very graciously done the s or Madam uh you can see um you can see the

    Speed of the you see the speed these clouds traveling at uh gives you an indication of what this wind speed is above us uh and that’s what’s known in the trade I believe as uh the um the friction layers from which you’re coming through so you’re coming through different layers of wind

    Speed just sending old um chriso bad in it 9 and half thousand people watching now Emma Emma is a returning member welcome back Emma nail is a returning member as well with a star and Roy vanan is also another returning member must be some people um uh uh whose payments have have

    Uh gone through again because these guys are are I’ve seen them very regularly I’ve I’ve seen them recently if you know what I mean um but uh there we go welcome back everybody time stamp for that American Tri 7 was at 11:40 a.m. mirrors saying right we’ve got a delivered notification is this

    Dingdong flippy flop flop one I don’t know how my delivery was cuz I can’t flipping see it oh we go it’s a big boy big boy The Vortex coming off the air weai off the flat TI oh Canadian jet somebody calling out for a Canadian jet just

    Now look at the wing flexing at the tip there man no sweat whatsoever for that pilot and of course the thing is that you know every Landing is different in terms of the um oh listen to that thing power everything um something say 338 is inar next 15 minutes uh thanks Roy Hamad

    KH Scot top some nice ribbons RAB hhgc low pressure uh is what creates those uh those ribbons um and the vortex over the wings everything all that all that misting that you see the fogging that we see over the wings inside the engines um and uh the wing tips uh the

    Flap tips as well um is basically low pressure formed by low pressure um yeah apparently so yeah p g look those will touched for yeah the the probably possibly the worst kind of Landing that you could put it this way probably back in the Sim on Monday morning

    Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh there definitely some uh oh there’s definitely some some crosswind element there that’s catching them out and around about 20 30 ft which is not very um Savory it has to be said uh pluming neck Ken Goodman

    Welcome to Big jet TV as a brand new member Ken great to see you hope everybody’s doing well wow that was insane preet sort of holding off horses are quite happy you scratched my back side oh he has gone look look there he is look oh don’t stand there all on your

    Own while they’re all eating go now go join in mate [Laughter] oh sorry sorry pul G Smith fast moving air causes low pressure hence the wing flage and fogginess inside the enges yeah everywhere that you see that um that uh condensation Trails as well are uh well that’s sort of like heat engine

    Heat 10,000 people now watching folks good day everybody hope you’re doing well sit back and uh I hope that 747 pilot that that said um to that gentleman at the Hyatt oh no such thing as the wind uh the uh the shed effect never heard of it oh okay uh the

    Um KW green yeah saying the other day met somebody a pilot x47 pilot who mentioned uh obviously he he brought up the shed effect and they said never heard of it don’t I want you talking about mate no such thing um well uh it is something that I originally uh uh um

    Um implemented uh it’s called The Shed effect and it is a result of winds that uh carry from behind me here this way across uh the uh the the the the the hangers there the British Airways hangers and all the other infrastructure there um which creates what I call the

    Shed effect and uh Heath have today all his GE is a little bit sideways but I have to pull out just because you get to see the uh the sort of like you know the movements of the aircraft 767 lovely old girl here we go 767 400 with the

    United CLA Clayton welcome back CLA yeah you see the the the one thing that these Pilots generally always do is they will tend to dip the left wing well if it’s a if it’s if the winds are from left to right they will dip the wing um

    Into into the wind uh so as to minimize the chance of the aircraft suddenly being picked up and kicked to the right which is kind of what we saw with that Dreamliner which is on our title r um stormm wizard 1968 uh welcome back storm wizard um yeah it is um it is

    Something that that that we’re quite used to seeing so when you see that left wing dipping uh before touchdown it’s nothing sort of like you know uh out of the ordinary Andy Joy is returning member with big jet TV and a first class one at that good afternoon to you my

    Friend little moo uh Aiden Campbell offer two sheds Jackson slowmo apparently oh he’s joined in he’s just joined in L he’s just joined in he’s just joined in that’s good that’s good I’m glad to see that makes me happy that he’s all nice and warm and

    T Alison Baker welcome to Big jet TV returning member welcome back cpr1 1234 Next arrival is ba320 from Dublin oh it’s open now is it doubling can be a bit windy at times keep watching folks cuz we got uh I believe is it 3 380s on the

    Bounce d Butler that was the most dramatic Landing I’ve ever seen yeah insane insane you know uh you know my mate jwy who I play golf with well you don’t but I do uh is his his brother is a trip 7200 pilot with ba and apparently he was

    Talking to his brother the other night and his brother said oh yeah yeah yeah yeah we use Jerry’s videos for training especially that tail strike one so there you go Mike day expecting to see the American Landing in the news later thank you Jeffrey so uh going continuing on from

    What I was saying um just now folks that’s when you’re on board that plane and there’s a big surge like you know everyone’s head’s going left and right and you know you can hear all the baggage guys s around in the overheads hear the tinkling of glasses

    And things like that um yeah uh he row uh as it stands at the moment we uh understand they have made an announcement that they will be continuing operation on this Runway this afternoon and not switching at 3:00 uh as is the normal um procedure um

    Due to and they say uh due to the um the turbulent air that is created by the maintenance hangers on the Northern Runway so there we go is it’s a shame we can’t put something up there oh where’s he going 2 FL Susan knew you’re right the shed effect

    There you go we called it we called it here on big jet TV first early birdie Birds on Turbulence yeah that be ring around an American Airlines later when it cuz uh Chris pole told me that apparently one of The Landings that we caught of of one of their virgin 350s doing a highspeed landing uh did the rounds no names a in cable conditions rain temperature 11° Centigrade wind 200° 22

    Mph but the gust are what is catching these oh tornado we got tornado C folks mate you got to get out of the field son you can’t come in the field mate you can’t come in the field you cannot come in the field mate you’ve got to get out of the field son

    Liam g wow Liam G’s gifted 50 memberships wow Liam flipping egman really why do you always board a plane on the left cor uh Cornish Holly do you know what that’s a great question and it does come up from time to time something uh all the baggage is loaded on the

    Right and passengers loaded on the left hasn’t always been that way but uh you just be oh hello American Triple S 300 here we go look this is how it’s done this is how it’s done wow Liam G that’s very generous of you thank you everybody who give you are lovely

    Lovely people and all you wonderful members are lovely lovely people as well and all you viewers are lovely everyone’s lovely Roy van can cuz if anyone can Roy van can Steve Harrison it’s the port and starb thing same as ships just thing yeah I you know um it

    It’s just one of those things isn’t it where uh all the I’ll tell you what conditions are a little bit better now in terms of the rain there’s no not so much preit which is a good thing um yeah apologies to that gentleman who just walked into the field you cannot

    Walk into this field Pho it’s just out of bands building induced wake effects like that see look we see right down the runway now visibility is picked right up but the wind speed is still pretty nippy there’s the little Joy off to Perth get it get it hey easy son

    Easy he didn’t like that that was a that was a big adjustment there man pulled it through pulled it through nicely done there we go easy does it easy does it yes sick the hes FR finds out but seea Melanie hosing it down in Devon yeah well we’ve got a few more

    Hours to go yet haven’t we onway She far away peorn when do they cancel flights well they very rarely do uh p see the flight surfaces there folks working very hard the flapper Rons there 26 minutes out is Captain cppo Chris ladies and gents not sure if he’s flying the air plane but uh I put a

    Message across to him he’s normally uh okay so he’s not answering now that’s interesting normally he would answer me pretty quick so that means that he’s flying and it’s one tick it’s not two ticks yeah so they’re at top of descent so uh it’s all um stepen own painton wet and windy

    Barcelona flight has been cancelled from earlier on hammad KH on um yeah that you know I wouldn’t have said at this stage that the the flight would be canceled due to the weather conditions I would say that the flight would probably be canceled because they missed the slot and had to uh

    Re replan it this is a uh 200 is it still doing around about 160 m an hour so you can appreciate that when it all gets out a little bit out of control uh you got to work pretty quick must maintain that approach speed Colin duton thank you Colin Louise P very

    Generous membership GIF us today well Louise there has been some amazing gifting over the last few days has to be said um and a big shout out to all those folks of course those uh lucky um gifted members and also of course our amazing uh homegrown members will be joining us

    Uh first show in Europe not sure where it’s going to be folks we are looking at Madrid uh because there is that position at Madrid now the only thing about that position at Madrid uh and those of you who were with me last time when I went

    To Madrid uh may remember a position uh Mark Tims has gifted five memberships may remember a position that I I looked at uh but was unable to um to access because it’s quite a steep Bank well a steep track and there’s huge ruts in the track and I was very concerned about

    Taking the rental car up there um now remember last time I talked about possibly um renting a uh an ATV off-road vehicle uh that’s an option that I might look at Mark Tims thank you very much in yeah don’t turn it off just yet folks don’t think uh no there’s not much

    Happening Here stay tuned vs20 at 33 3,000 ft Steven Owen thank you Steve Adam the great Can you hire a 4×4 I can possibly hire a 4×4 but not the kind of 4×4 that we’d like to use if you see what I mean um and and and trust me the ruts the

    Track itself is quite narrow and the central rut is is very deep um so I’d have to be very prec it would have to be very Precision not sure what the what the conditions are like out at Madrid at the moment um the LA the time I went

    There it was quite muddy and and and Squishy so uh you know um trying to navigate up that hill would have been an issue um which is why I left it cuz I wouldn’t want to get stuck halfway up it put it that way easy son easy Tim Heasley is a

    New member welcome Tim and don’t forget we’ got so I think we’ve got 3 380s is it uh let me go to Flight Radar 24 of course you can uh go to Flight Radar 24 folks if you’re new to Big jet TV or you’re new to Aviation

    Uh you can track all of these aircraft using Flight Radar 24 very uh effective and globally used uh form of aircraft tracking um debash mode thank you dbash he’s gifted 10 memberships it’s very kind of you dbash katar 380 inbound am uh everybody very happy about being gifted memberships Alan Marl

    You’ll need to do a behind the scenes video of you getting up the track oh trust me Alan um um if youve if you’ve if you’ve been with us before uh anything like that I will most definitely I most definitely will do that’s for sure here we go katar

    380 now listen to the engines powering up and powering down as they uh what the rudder what the rudder Come On Son get it down get it down get it down get it down there oh tippy toes nice oh I don’t know I don’t know no she’s going around touch and go

    Touch and go folks wow that was length of Runway I think she was just running out of Runway or is that is that is that wind shear it sometimes happen when they after they’ve touched down looks like that Gear’s uh no no that was not wind sheer that was pilot

    Induced well there you go the number one it always happens with these guys do it this your number one wow yeah that was pretty nuts man oh here we goes another one all the fing aair roll up roll up you missed to go around GP oh

    Okay perso dude wifey is gift did a membersip bu of di wifey before see the big plumes of smoke coming out the uh coming out of the engines there folks that’s just the power up that’s the systems keeping the maintaining the uh descent speed he would have just seen his mate

    Go around and all wouldn’t he oh oh easy S easy See a little bit of manipulation on the elevators there folks just to bring the the front end down nice and softly here go the reverses yeah Le a turn is gifted a membership right on touchdown a touchdown membership touchdown that’s Skilling magaggie Iona Norton with the EMS know

    The katar was TOA uh yes ion um the uh the catar jet would have fed the information back to ATC well obviously ATC would have seen that all unfold um and um the approaching um the approach of blind me it is three on the bounce

    Isn’t it look at this um it’s going to be four actually cuz we got the catar coming around um so who’s going to be the best of the bunch so far right you could you’re miles ahead of me mate oh what you mean order it oh I don’t know if they do

    Yeah oh a little bit of sway going on here all different layers he’s coming down through keep that speed up something altitude is not your friend right now speed is your Friend big old on the carriage on it anywhere in the world get 38 is on the bounce like that no they’ve nailed it So that’s two of them down chuckling JBL s James do ah somebody tuning in from browon Maryanne spy walks River flame Sarah and S and PLS will be on the same ATC frequency so others can hear uh when one does a toga that very true early birdie

    Saying there yeah yeah uh um he’s gone right he’s gone left off to terminal four for ety had I used to test the adhesives on these beasts Matt Crawley I used to test the adhesives are you talking about um because they when they um when they uh

    Fix panels there are Fasteners but there are also adhesives as well so wow what a great job glenis Forester has gifted five memberships thank you glis yeah W crazy there’s another R I can’t Runway is the catar jet going to now can we come back on this one I would have thought

    Hammed Adam the great VA next oh easy easy easy go around go around go around no oh yeah may you bleeding mind up son wow I could hear that going up flipping eh he’s gather belly full of thrust Steve Owen vs20 over and over now J 1235 was pilot induced once

    Again my dad used to work for a company called MLS who worked on Concords Wings Adam the great and made the first fight at eject to se wow yeah like that 2 minutes to go uh for the catar jet Nick Gray saying uh they’re making their way

    In that looks like a virgin 350 where you going mate he is coming over here honestly isn’t there a Runway to7 left left left he’s nice and clean it either nice and clean airplane hello hello hello oh yeah they’re struggling a little bit of that last 20 ft aren’t they um I’m

    Sure it’s CU of the wind rushing in off of uh Terminal 4 call it a terminal 4 effect now um the terminal effect might see that uh refueler 1972 are you a refueler 1972 Chrissy it was a clean Ba OH easy son pck look at this look at

    The look at the plumes of smoke coming out the back of the engines obviously is the pilot manipulates the throttles toy plain time Mark Tims is a brand spanking new homegrown member welcome to you mark oh hello yeah hello oh oh yeah this is

    Definitely the last 20 ft in it 50 40 30 20 don’t don’t uh uh do do something something something Aiden Campbell number one worldwide track by 6,160 people is vs20 I believe look at the plumes of water being blasted by those engines on the runway nice dry line appearing on the

    Runway now uh they’ll be on slicks before you know it Kim kiner angry husky is landing uh Vinnie Jones Good Day Vinnie fair play to the pilots Landing in these conditions yes indeed Kathy Williams the king trucker JOS A M Mill look at the katar lines on Flight Radar 24 look at the

    Katar lines on Flight Radar 24 uh she’s saying oh this looks like a Saudia jet in the new livery look at this folks head on this brand spanking new design well it’s not new design it’s the old new design clean jet oh oh she’s off course

    Man come on son bring it back bring it back brand new Airplane all carbon BOS oh no but just drove it in nicely absolutely no messing about there that time R is 6 hours 26 minutes in the air for that Saudia jet from jeda Trev line lovely Livery lean James retro wow 5,000 people watching the katar jet now on Flight Radar

    24 probably quite a blustery climb out I’d imagine yeah they’re being kicked around man it’s just nice without the rain just nice Without Rain okay so what’s uh what’s going on with the food then J you you having some food or what well uh you can’t can you cuz it’s not not

    See the way he’s pointing the aircraft to the prevailing wind folks southwesterly well a direct souly really these winds at the moment not so intense down here on the ground but I can assure you up there it’s totally different 13,000 people now watching Vortex coming off the wing flat tips there

    This where you’d make bubble and squeak for the next day wouldn’t you from all the leftovers Jeffrey funny uh Rob as plant yes somebody uh telling ion Evans who’s obviously said have I missed missed much okay here we go folks second attempt and of course these guys get three

    Attempts very very heavily pitched over to the right now gey weey membership thank you gey wey S easy we’re all counting on [Applause] you it’s autopilot is it there we go there we go here we go 50 40 30 20 he’s not happy is he there we go

    She’s down this time she’s down make the left at the end of the runway and off you go s Big Barrel loads of reverses just to make sure angry angry pilot play Tony Shar Sarah 30 bird Tony wow comments just too quick folks Louis P few little Moon six toes

    Emma W7 uh Emma W74 uh in in in in some C well in some respects yes the uh Pilots will uh make a um a note in their log book that there was a that there was a go around you know uh that they performed to go around

    Because uh in the log books there will always be a um a a history of their uh of their operation Ooh but it doesn’t go against them uh in terms of the uh the if they if they perform a go around because obviously it’s for safety reasons you know uh sometimes sometimes the uh the onboard systems will call out um you know um windsh wind shear when they’re actually

    On the ground I’ve heard that Pilots sometimes will override that if they are uh happy to continue um it’s really down the pilot preference but um standard operating procedures with different companies I.E different airlines uh does apply so um you know I look d digital David thank you digital David CPR pain

    Pimpers a camp 3,000 M whoa who whoa whoa got big gas the wi then easy oh nicely done getting it probably long after he’s got it trevine Dennis 4 130 in New Zealand 130 a.m. that is really should go to sleep rather stay and watch this Banger of a stream there we go all the way down

    There Dennis 4 in New Zealand good day to you and all our friends down in Australia New Zealand and anybody else in China and uh in Japan and uh other places around the world United States are up I think they’re up aren’t they Steve Bullock well first class Steven

    Well not all of them but a lot of them that fell wants to get up and get out as quickly as possible but of course you know sometimes the winds are um just on the grounds but wow helon Murray uh 380 also Us automatic breaking based on Runway exit Point yeah Auto Break

    Um but it’s not always doesn’t always use Auto Brak does it it’s h it’s it is it is an option I think isn’t It very swirly verted Vortex uh yeah the catar will always run all the way to the end it very rarely will uh it use the Last Exit um I think um yeah it might be a mix of the two in terms of the uh in terms of the command

    For the go around um because it was obviously you know it’s going to run out of runway in it did you did you g squiff are the togers being Di stains International loving the engine sound as they come over the top today Tom con is newer Airbus aircraft have something

    Called Break to vacate yes indeed um what it’s been around for quite some time now break to v um uh where basically the uh the pilot will input um commands to the braking system to the uh computers which will then break the wheels um based on the exit um

    The the the required exit so yes he’s right you know more advanced than Standard Auto breaks yes indeed because it will uh and of course if you are uh uh um do have a break to vacate and you are going to miss your exit he’s right you know it

    Will probably uh but it can be overridden of course the break to V system why sometimes we see very vigorous uh very aggressive um revers reverse Thruster action just so that they can make the exit make a little bit more time up course puts a lot more strain on the engines Dutch

    Man is that the G I think that might been the G Barack Tober I think vs20 just coming out of the hold Mandy Benson so this might be Captain Chris folks will uh we’ll see Adam the great you can see the squirly winds up there good that you can

    Folks looks like a little bit more pre there coming in towards us oh oh oh that was a sounds like that’s defaulted back to something else mate like old like old school Bak asking if anyone has Delta hands out any type of headphones in economy class

    Um Barack I I’m not sure um well most most um uh most Airlines nowadays do have uh High Fe I would imagine that but I would certainly suggest Googling it um British Airways and well I don’t know British Airways do certainly know Virgin Atlantic do have Bluetooth uh capability on their if

    So if you want to use a Easy s if you want to use a uh um a slightly less uh cumbersome system for example you know Wireless Laura wizar wizard Laura wizadora is a brand spanking new member welcome Laura next Carnival videos vs20 in the hold near Gatwick okay so vss20 is in

    The hold uh Captain chriso um somebody’s saying yes apparently Delta do I think most uh international flights nowadays um with um with uh with the major airlines will have uh first of all they will have if in the um in the uh economy cabin Delta has ear bugs in economy okay

    Eagle Atlanta there we go ear bugs so um not earphones but earbuds to be honest with you I some ways I kind of prefer those earbuds still see the Flames the Flames the wings flexing on the smaller aircraft they catch a little bit of uh turbulent air on the way

    Down still decent enough winds are decent enough still oh is he oh okay okay okay some of these Pilots might be new to these conditions of course theyve trained in the in the simulator it’s one of the biggest parts of training is uh cost with Landings and uh

    Things like engine loss of engine on takeoff um she’s down she’s down sure how far they take it in in terms of uh you know emergency uh okay I just don’t need Captain Chris turning up when I’m jumping down to get me bleeding think FKS Norman CLA don’t worry Norman I’m

    Already um well and truly um ready for the wet conditions um already bagged up uh Ryan I don’t know know about your headphones in first class uh I have been in economy class more often than I’ve been in the business um class I can assure you uh I do have me own um

    Headphones my own headph from Amazon 20 qu very efficient uh noise cancelling I would always recommend if you get a decent pair of noise cancelling headphones Aiden Campbell vs20 number five worldwide tracked by 952 is 5 minutes out that’s 330 now in it re on myp Steve yes 20

    1203 sometimes it just needs a little a little reboot to connect for for connectivity doesn’t it which SI he coming from uh top end as in the left left of me or the right of me well I’m facing right okay okay all right that’s right that’s all right

    These two minutes are going to he’s going to coincide with this Neo is he is this a 330 Neo is this a 330 Neo Virgin Atlantic tread 7000s sounds like set of dream liner ranges nice nice it’s still a very big noisy clatter uh when they touch that it looks

    Very smooth and soft here but um remember that those tires are full of 200 PSI of nitrogen folks um so they’re very hard they’re hard as rocks those tires uh in order to obviously um is this s here you say he’s in a Honda no that’s a

    VW Ryan chapelo looking forward to my long awaited long haul flight in November to New York okay is WestJet in it I think he WestJet in it K on Chris now over Cen here he is here he is here he is here he is here he

    Is here he is let’s just hope he looks right look right mate look right mate look right look right look right is a I sh only missed one we only missed one McDonald’s down to go around catar triple that’s good that it works though J is It that’s AER I saw a I saw a link in post easy son easy get it down get it down get it down you need to get it down now mate pile on some reverses she’s quite heavy carrying a a shedload of vads and things and fongs someone got

    I I know but I don’t want R it doesn’t matter it did Fri oh no it’s NN steo and fs24 out thank you I sleep little littley no oh that’s a it’s a puppet float on Float On oh oh oh oh oh there we

    Go I don’t know if that if that float is as a result of speed too much speed or if it’s ground effect I’m putting it down a speed what goldsworthy km 737 arriving 1350 from Amsterdam this looks like ler L me oh yeah hey hey hey oh the them There open bit nose High there flared it very early little bit of oscillation WB travels what’s that please you OB this say the retiring pilot he’s been and gone any all right yeah is that about another I’ve got to follow cuz no Myer I ple in this one as soon as he gets

    This coming back to chiso nailed it come on kto Captain Chris is number one is he Wow that’s swing is just so enormous in a big airplane like that wow that Swingman all that inertia that movement if you’re a frequent fly you know what I’m talking about there especially from the back if you’re in the back L cope has gifted a membership very kind for you my

    Friend James Mel ground spoiler trucks look like egyp air is it L D’s gifted a membership thanks you Lance D in Atlanta wow hat MAA looks on flight radar planes are 600 ft crossing the road think they’re a little bit lower than that uh Pat I’d say um sort

    Of 200 ft something like that at the mo at the most Philip Larry I saw something this morning about emirats and a superson Sonic a38 I wouldn’t go back to that one philli Violet lovely name Violet it’s Mrs bouquet sister is It it on lows wi Daisy one of them it Russ Studley good question that next visit to conningsby well overdue a um a visit um a a a military show but not just that uh conningsby haven’t been for blaming ages maybe maybe nearly a year uh to conningsby alanon sour

    Gravy I’d want to uh I’d want to let that gear extend quite late on into the uh descent but these guys bringing it down quite quick she’s about 5 miles out there oh gas grill watching bigj TV while sitting in the warm eating my lunch brilliant Ryan chapelhow has gifted a

    Membership thank you Ryan Eagle Atlanta telling e Ivon Evans about the reason why uh runways are numbered and they are uh yeah For Bal him yeah that one that American Triple 7 uh I I um I kind of feel the same now as I did when we caught that 321 tail strike I’m dying to get home to post it that Triple 7 that’s right yeah yes Road the

    T suar Sir James dink I believe has just gifted 10 memberships thank you sir James look he’s he son he’s coming straight at me two please J you got get it one you got come out get the sky BC and ITV G gen leaves on his back is that Lou P

    Yeah yeah there’s only one bit of footage to S I mean there are other ones of course but that one kind of says it all it does it all in you know all in one shot do it Let Yourself Go oh wind gusting now a little bit more ground going quite fast this

    Guy high speed approach nice W quite violent look at those elevators shuddering man all that turbulent air being kicked up by the uh Wing ground spoilers thank you everybody who’s given us a like do appreciate that um but uh if you’re a fan of um Aviation

    If you’re a fan of uh technical stuff flying anything to do with Aviation because I like my old stuff folks I like my historic stuff as well as my uh this looks like Air India trip 7 I like my historic stuff as well as the modern stuff as the uh you know everything

    From 1950s 60s 7s 80s ’90s thousands easy S easy 6 by Six Take 3 hours to get from L To whoa heavy on the flare heavy on the flare straightened it out before he touched down wow look at the rudder movement man now the aircraft down to a um a more manageable speed um when it’s when it’s taxiing of course the pilots get the option of utilizing uh either

    The um the tiller which is a um a control like a literally like a quarter wheel uh left or right of the pilot depending on whether on some airc there and you have a tiller on the on the left hand side look at just good see oh

    It you know I mean I know it sounds crazy but you know some Pilots are are um not in any way affected by the winds in terms of their capabilities um whereas other Pilots um possibly a little bit sort of like you know don’t know about this not uh not really keen on

    This I personally would be um give it to me I’ll have it do you want to take yeah all on getting in trouble crying out there they’ll love it be the Talk of the Town got him down him we Tey weeny bit [Applause] unconventional o oh easy flipping he

    Mate yeah that was a little bit sort of like you know got a bit of an oscillation going on there wasn’t it it right there there son Bo that to C uh yeah oh oh oh I’ve dropped a oh me apple pie case yeah but it was it was the

    Cardboard that just picked up and uh a little bit of prip as well little bit of prip Nick carnival videos Nick carnival videos uh Emirates 380 just crossing the channel of course folks um we have heard officially from heo that apparently as it stands at the moment unless things

    Change um and of course it can change they are going to leave uh arrivals on the southern Runway um at the switch over point due to high winds causing issues uh with the uh with the sheds with the uh with the maintenance hangers it’s got a Waring rain up coming Dennis four take

    Care off to Sleep what so Scooby okay so we have a uh Jet Blue A Links or right Franchesco Longo go say thank you for the gift I love from J’s community and of course normally with a rain front you get a gusting front before it oh there’s that dipping the left wing in

    First okay batting down the hatches folks here comes the rain raining on my head like a memory new Devotion HGC that one from C this clock a high wind officially is anything 31 mph and above this is according to the bow Fort scale um gale force winds begin at 39 mph well aren’t we expecting 40s at least yeah it could start getting a bit tasty folks o o oh oh

    Ah don’t you think it’s exciting mate no not really he’s shl away no sorry mate aun 5 wonder if they blow many tires in these hard Landings aun very rare I have to say even the heaviest heaviest heaviest of Landings uh 200 PSI uh nitrogen filled these

    Tires uh as a result of that they’re like stones they’re like rocks literally um is this another airling jet I think it is maybe Not the wings flexing you see the uh oh as they uh as they pass over the top of me and and they when they’re sort of like 50 or 60 ft you’ll see the um the wing um speed brakes uh being used uh and at that point sort your air out

    Son I’ve got name of a good Barber if you want my mate it’s a bloke from slay in it Martin Ingram windy in Kent it’s quite clearly out joystick control on top of the Wings folks you see the um see the flight surfaces ever are

    Slightly moving um to uh to Aid with the control of the aircraft um alongside the ailerons and that’s to sort of like minimize the amount of twist in the wing to reduce the amount of forces being um enacted um enacted Dave Med is a brand new member welcome

    Dave lovely to see you here folks great to see all our uh what it’s got to been getting on for a thousand members over the last couple of days I think uh very well warm welcome to everybody M it did have a f would Mac look about it in it don’t stop thinking

    About tomorrow oh he you got to feel that lifting haven’t you as a as a passenger like hold on a minute going large on the reverses as well and you know what’s um like I said we were watching that watching it last night on on the TV

    Um and you can quite clearly hear um what I want you to hear when I’m saying when I’m over the other side and I’m like hey guys can you hear that can you hear those Trent 800 purring and humming away um and yes you can you can quite clearly hear them humming

    Oh in bring it in bring it in oh oh oh I thought I was going to get oh yeah yeah what yeah no hold on hold on yeah there we go War me out that one diesel 13 catar 350 on approach I think that might be it there

    Is he don’t F me the one behind it All B8 bring on the Trent lovly sound Gra sh Barack thinking it was a toger yeah it was almost was Paul codre Chris Breezy Resa Rich Barak WB travels RAV h m Emma right right right Skilling Mor

    Honestly thought that was going to be a go round but uh no no fair fair enough he uh managed to save it calmly waiting its turn this looks a little bit off center I was going to say it looked off center now watch the gear yep that was um I

    Think that that may that aircraft was either a little bit too high or a little bit too off center she looked a little bit drifty didn’t it was not wind shear that that wasn’t anything to do with windsh obviously it was to do with the winds it was um wind

    Relators see the sock is um fully sideways now okay come on in katar Bring It On see what you got Steve Massie welcome to First Class Steve a 350 it’s the 1,000 same wingspan as the 900 look at those big carbon Wings flexing away

    O little bit Keen to get it down there I think but uh rolled it on the mains nicely and um well controlled sometimes wonder if some of these Pilots ride bicycles skills that they um perform are a very bicycles sort of like you know movements hm car and Emma right indeed

    Emma it is take off go around um it’s basically a full power it’s where the where the thrusters are uh pushed up full power um into takeoff mode so in other words they um they deliver all the power that they need Mikey vda in the house storm Garrett named

    After Dutch weatherman Garrett himra the Carol Kirk of the low countries there we go Mikey vda thank you my friend storm herit so I’m guessing he’s a Dutch man so it’s a get it is it get it there we go named after a Dutch weatherman oh he’s a big

    Sideways in he come on son La American driving it in always look down the end of the runway son don’t look at your aim Point don’t look at the runway don’t look down look at the end of the runway that’s what uh that’s what old um Zane Dunning

    Taught me and it worked was it name or was it the other fell in the um is it Dutch for Gary is it yeah Garrett sounds much better n Gray no fines or penals no indeed no no fines or penalties we got Steve Massie welcome to first class as a big

    Jet TV member and Steven Welsh is also a big jet TV member brand spanking new out out of the box Steven and Steve Oh yeah yeah can you hear that folks chill Perry good ey here Morrison Roman matenko someone gied me a membership thanks Merry Christmas # gold # Elite there we go he’s old school is he yeah and the and the extended folks the extended platform is is more for uh calm

    Days don’t really want to be up too high um when the um when the winds are uh when the winds are quite High cuz for obviously for Self Health self andhy reasons yeah easy yeah nicely done not panicking at all nose is still up in the air pile on

    The reverses get a St two miles to do it in Elizabeth Lee has gifted five memberships thank you Elizabeth uh Denise Smithers tuning in from suat second month as a member thank you very much um Denise yeah and of course as you can see folks the uh the field is a quagmire uh

    I would get stuck in that because you can see this is that’s my usual truck through uh I can’t make a left turn out of here because the gate obviously down there opens out to the left so my only route is is that way obviously I can’t go to the

    Right and the mud is quite thick and um obviously I need to be very I need to be very very careful with um with getting stuck have Stu been stuck once before Roger break 15b carbon action coming soon Approach oh oh oh yeah he’s a bit long this guy he’s a bit long go around pilot in jued s the frust relever frust lever through the gate frust relievers s well ladies and gentlemen I’m very sorry about that we uh we’re a little bit high on our approach so we decided

    We’re going to go around nothing of watch to worry about obviously uh get you back on the ground as soon as possible just going to have to obviously divert around uh Cen places like that look left to C the street yeah I think it was 2 I thank you Paul Alfie

    Holdgate toer and a away we go David Devon bars J yeah lots of smoke coming out of those uh coming out of those engines man cuz let’s face it uh the the last time those engines were powered up like that would have been takeoff uh going out of there from when he came

    Um so chriso just he says just landed did you catch vs20 27 left at 1239 Roger that airm you did chriso that was a great go around you miss that go around J or did you see it it is ail option I think that is a definite thumbnail option unless that

    American Triple 7 has a very sketchy sort of like you know there tons of lamp post and all that blah blah in the way a it yeah yeah ba 321 NE 4 out HCC Paul kre a 1780 from Paris Charles the G here comes the rain M

    Look he’s there again why don’t you going and stand over there in that nice he’s scraping his BP this looks like a 767 no it’s not it’s 321 no it’s not it’s an [Laughter] a220 butt scratcher butt scratcher butt scratcher but scratcher George a350 see how the little a220 handles it oh ooh Oh and all that next please the runway will see you now JC Billy a run to five now care horses are terrified hardly yes Butler Chris Breezy bong goinging around with Chris weather has changed for the worst here in Southampton not very wet and wind not very wet and windy

    Um Captain Man BOS good night Captain Man pilot resident pilot yes I like Captain Chris incredible um Captain Man might want to uh scroll it back to that American triple Landing give us your thoughts on it mate Roger breaker two more ba tiers than the mighty Q8 g9s still Mission bad

    Elizabeth Le I think Elizabeth’s gifted five memberships thank you Elizabeth my Liam G on his 50 Kev Miller Kelvin Grant HGC ba321 in uh next Neo next in is number four on radar interesting wow easy sound easy easy number three oh it’s the go around is it okay aeroc Centric flying pilot will Always flood in son flooding flooding in go on go on you can do it you can do it you can do it yeah oh my goodness me kathern green next trip abroad will be in January 2024 next year will be our next uh trip abroad Adam the great second time I’m lucky

    Indeed now GE power here we go go on Jilly is any remember good s surprised not to see any uh pressure ni the wings here we go here we go waa oh wa oh hello oh oh easy does it son easy does it oh very nicely oh I don’t know yeah yeah

    Yeah well saved man well saved BR it looks like a bleeding toy do it I can see precept literally coming up that Runway towards me mate come on Colin duton emerit 380 it’s the smartest jet 9 minutes out or uh whatever was the Expo jet was it but it’s no longer the Expo

    Jet co yeah lots of prip over the top of me now this one in from Dubai you see the exhaust pouring out the back of the engines there up and down on the front 7 – 10 big long super stretch go around Cana even when the aircraft’s touched down as we saw

    Earlier wasn’t it was it it was the catar 380 that did a touch and go wasn’t it I’ve lost count well okay well then they rejected Landing then um I don’t know what do you call it if an airc touches on the wrun way and then then then takes off again then

    Climbs what’s what’s it let’s ask uh well let’s ask uh let’s ask captain man um if an aircraft touches down and rolls for a short amount of time and then then take takes off again what is that classified as um not in simulator training but in real

    Time uh Nick Gray going to be raining for a lot yeah yeah look on my radar it’s it’s green all over Mark Bailey one did a double bounce Splash Dash entric still go okay well I can understand that’s still called a go around then that that will make sense

    Got to be honest with you that does make sense Jad and Silverman confused pilot the center like this one is he oh yeah I guess you could call it just a go around is it it is just a go around isn’t it Darren Golding has gifted a membership thank you Darren and we’ve

    Got uh what’s this uh Cape Weller vc1 has um joined as a new member Kate Weller Touch and Go is the Air Force so George tube the great rough Nick Gray last time we talked about this I think Touch and Go was incorrect yes well you know I can understand it in

    Military ter yeah it probably is just a military terminology isn’t it but hey it makes it more understandable to the uh to the public doesn’t it he touched down and then he went around again so touch and go this guy’s loow in is his cigar out who wow yeah SI Amos David

    Ace is there one aircraft that handles windsh Landing is better than the others David a to be honest with you no um to be honest with you it’s really down to Pilot skills isn’t it and also um even the most you know skilled and um Advanced pilots in the

    World will be caught out by uh windar which is a sudden gust of wind uh from usually the prevailing wind direction Nigel Gale Emirates EK 29 just leaving the Lamborn stack ETA 6 minutes thank you Sasha McCarthy uh weather worsening not good in Devon well it could take a little bit of

    A diver um look at him there with his M look wow 14,000 people watching where did that come from touchdown Point training Daren Jones Duncan has gifted five memberships thank you Duncan 38 wait a minute that’s my car I wish Vincent qu either way Kudos the pilots for keeping folks safe he’s right

    You know Lawrence coat weather Dreadful here in South Wales people sometimes either you know using their nodle and getting themselves all nice and uh uh prepared for um for the rain others walking around in shorts which I find surprising there you go each the S Cru Buck Bianca

    It’s a brand new member welcome bian Mt a brand new member as well please uh don’t hesitate to come in and get involved in the chat folks if you’re new to Big jet TV of course I’m reading out comments from my members highlighted in green oh got any questions got any

    News got any information anything that’s coming in not really looking at departures today folks because uh we’re on the uh Southern Runway of course as I’ve explained a few times that the uh normal position here at the paddock is kind of sort of like sketchy uh in terms

    Of uh in terms of of um accessing it because of how muddy it is out there and even though I’ve got these big alterrain tires on my van um it’s not made for driving around muddy Fields all right uh dear I emerge advertising is a brand new member welcome emerge

    Advertising Mary K isn’t you welcome Mary Sarah West call me Tony James as isn’t Tony James oh sing right boss flipping heck felt that one okay so you can see the pret now is uh ba882 from Abuja 7200 she’s currently at 1,400 ft still not visible yet doing 143

    Knots and she’s not visible yet still uh down to 1,300 ft now behind her a China Eastern A330 nice now just coming into view now just breaking through 1100 ft oh yeah yeah lots of uh only just visible now of course the runway itself will be visible uh to the pilots uh

    Because they will be calling approaching minimums as in minimum um visibility to see the runway ahead continue 300 get some uh get some Gusty windy rainy conditions now oh hold on hold on oh nicely done that’s a skilled pilot that is that’s a skilled pilot yeah disappearing off into the Mist have we got yeah the great thing is that we just about we’re just about covered off um with my

    Um with my um lens cover my um adapted lens cover that I created from um I’m sure it was either a um uh like an old washing up bottle the uh the the the the microphone cover uh that I created on the top is actually made from um from Eco uh

    Washing um uh clothing clothing liquid um laundry detergent yes very efficient indeed better than any 3D thing you could print trust me trust me trust me Mary K in you m welcome Mary and Tony James azy is a short Terry stone is a new member as well well oh

    Look at this she looks a bit low this Chet oh blimy she’s been chaed about about a bit oh nailed it straight in look brilliant Mt where’s that where’s that Mt cheers all Triple 7 senior first officer here always tune in to Big jet

    TV on stormy day on a day off glad to see uh glad to be sat in my chair with a copper right now and uh no doubt been in these situations many many times before uh good day to you Mt and a very warm welcome thank you for your

    Support s first officer nice EX screamy engin the sound of the uh of the engines being manipulated I think this might be a triple down somebody saying is there a is there a 380 is that the oh no it’s a 350 in it approaching minimums

    Continue is it 78 is it 78 sorry none of the above 787 sorry big power up there man big power up that’s yeah nicely done great can’t be flying fun flying and this all Landing taking off we know is Bumpy so Landing yet would be bad yeah

    But but it’s a challenge in it it’s um it’s uh it’s fun isn’t it it’s like you know when you uh it’s like a computer game in I it Captain mty first cup of coffee I’m excited to watch uh okay let’s watch scroll back to 1140 on the clock and watch the american

    Triple 7 Landing well to have that come from a a a fully qualified pilot um maybe um was it was it ET was it Mt I think it’s m no Mt Mt yeah Mt um sir please scroll back to the American Landing from earlier on uh and be

    Prepared to hold on to your socks this guy will open G just appearing through the Mist see if we can get the wipers bring it in nicely done very well controlled smooth really in the grand scheme of things although that would have you would have felt that as a big old

    Thump rich has gifted a membership Thank you Rich s how very kind of your Toby Skinner next to land is the A380 now listen to this folks uh listen to the engines powering up and uh and down literally I did say a b Landing Smash and grab she’s got some serious sideways

    Adam thank you yeah got your five memberships thank you Adam an apologies if I didn’t give you a shout looks like Tony juty saying apparently that American Triple 7 um that from earlier on is actually lining up for departure I think that might be him there is

    It okay let’s have a little wipe shall we all righty little dry your eyes mate there we are there we are he’s a good boy oh this one’s all over the place look at this oh dear oh Lord look at that oh heavy rain now heavy rain now

    Heavy rain here we go bat and down Dem matches Bring in normally the uh the one that’s wiping the fastest is normally indicates the uh that which Pilot’s bringing it in or sometimes the non-flying pilot may even uh not have his or her wipers running CU they’re obviously monitoring the instruments uh Sandy and Greg uh our brand new

    Members to first class on big jet TV welcome Sandy and well welcome Greg Sandy and Greg Toby Skinner high wind and heavy rain over Maiden head and Windsor um Adam the great saying uh fiso videos just boarded ba123 to DOA leaving from seag Gates is going to be a

    Bumpy takeoff Captain already informed us that all crew will be asked to stay in their seats for long than normal there we go for the climb out it’s going to be a big bumpy ride out um how cool is that I feel like brilliant we call me

    S hit that subscribe button folks if you’re new to Big jet TV lots of you obviously not but uh hit that subscribe button and hit that notifications Bell as well what’s the uh that’s interesting that that has dropped has that dropped or is it no no it hasn’t

    Andy G has gifted five memberships thanks Andy very kind of you my friend Cameron just watched the American I think that’s going to be a sort of like a uh a proper um it’s going to go a little bit wild out on the on the on the airwaves later

    On tonight I think uh diesel 13 virgin 350 30 minutes out I’ve never known so many storms it’s all part of the it’s all part of the world now a’t it part of our uh whether it’s just is that Gerwin Bert is a new member welcome exploring with Fields is a

    Returning member welcome back exploring F fields sturdy creatures the old horses folks don’t forget so uh they’re absolutely um they don’t care whether it’s um hot cold wet dry whatever hendrik de is a new member welcome Hendrick loveely name HRI Captain Mary what did you think of Landing captain

    Man oh yes that’s right he did to me holy bed Sheets oh hello hello hello hello hello hello hello come on come on there we go there we go oh no I don’t know hold on yeah yeah I think yeah oh nice we got a uh Logan air ATR inbound folks this should be a bit of fun the

    What yeah you did yeah yeah yeah David Smith the plane goes around does the pilot flying roll get handed over no not really David normally um you know he or she will uh continue as the flying pilot um I mean it it it may be you know if if

    It’s the if it’s the first officer it’s if it’s a rookie pilot you know it may be that the pilot the the the captain may turn around and say you know what uh if they go around twice for example they may turn around and uh and um he may

    Turn say do you want me to take this one on mate if if you like if it makes you feel happier skip the movies I think it is skiper movies is a returning member welcome skipster back did I get that right is that a returning member Or Co flipping EG kind of want to check that undercarriage didn’t you in a funny sort of way hey hey he DAV Smith Chuy jul Aris still can’t get overse ATS here it comes now driving it sideways oh lordy lordy you pin it come on it’s going to be the best

    Landing of the day in it look watch easy easy what you talking about nothing wrong with that it’s going to be absolutely fine don’t you worry about it there you go see absolutely F you’re big Nancy boy Come On Son oh no B come away well it’s worked because

    Uh We’ve it and a lot of people have gone back to it Julie so 300 it is not 200 clo from biscuits h k s fly deah show adjust plain nuts I feel bad for those horses in that miky padic don’t worry about it um you’re absolutely fine they’re they’re they’re

    Quite content they’re used to um they got very strong thick skin and of course they got all their um their hair which um and it’s almost like it’s almost like a seal out of the water in it blubbery and oh I told to he wait told to he you

    Fat you fat oh wa told to is it gnarly is it gnarly it’s kind of cartoony isn’t it yeah yeah when in nose it went nose in as well didn’t it in goldsworthy km 737 8 minutes out oh I it be re oh sve that hold it right there asion Neil hag

    Is a brown new member welcome Neil Alan drook no issues all damage well one wouldn’t have thought so it is quite interesting though isn’t it because when we caught that a321 uh tail strike it went out and flew again but it because we because we didn’t put it up onto our Channel until

    After it had flown again when it came back and obviously ba maintenance saw it they were like grab that plane and it it went out of service for a couple of days didn’t it so uh okay Ian coldwell’s daughter is it Jamie or is it son uh sorry um Ian’s son Jamie Coldwell

    Is two out uh on the baet oh Alan thank you n is Sir night HC speak the singing salesman would you like to buy some shoes would you like to playy some shoes he’s not a St salesman by the way I don’t know what sort of a Salesman he is it’s yours OD

    Novels regulations folks Captain Mary grab this one W right hey right the Bo some Chev l GC CPR still not over the fact that I saw American trip Landing live at 1141 and almost 3 hours later everyone’s still talking about it yeah it was pretty gnarly man uh certainly the most sort of like you know um I mean more more uh sort of like um

    Action-packed than a go around mind you the a350 go around was pretty gnarly as well lots of engine power Andy Stevenson is a returning member welcome back Andy Russ d r in Oh just shout out for little boy Fredick Frederick who’s three loves watching the planes have I just chased yeah a did I miss it oh I know but yeah but that wasn’t remember either no I know I know I know but I know yeah I know You ear yeah but you know an 8-year-old kids just as important as far as I’m concerned yeah I know It’s Tricky I Know It’s Tricky W quite aggressive that l in man wow Andy fish Lock’s Friend’s Brother flying to Toronto on a Canada at 300 p.m. well we’re hearing folks that

    Apparently um the um the switch over is uh is not happening I don’t know if that’s still the case um with uh with London Heath Ro they did announce earlier on but apparently um there would be no switch over today Samuel pet is a new member welcome

    Samuel and the legend freder Freddy the legend Freddy Laker if only uh if I’m reading it through bleeding water on me lens that’s why uh the legend that is Freddy Laker wouldn’t that be wonderful to have his ghost with us hey okay yeah yeah yeah yeah Captain Fufu where’s Captain

    Fufu Nick Riley Margo go there she is Margo thank you very much indeed um receed your lovely um card of um very imaginatively written Margo thank you very much indeed Miss wolves dead Butler Paul great I think it’s two two years is it

    Two years or is it a year on your uh on your on your you get star what’s that oh are you serious oh that is fantastic Flight Radar 24 you guys you guys just rock you guys absolutely Rock we getting a bit of uh low pressure

    Moisture um over the wind over the wings now um wind is still sideways of course so the rain is sideways lucky for me I’m sort of standing I’m I’m sort of like panning away from the rain and not into it um so that it kind of helps in terms of um not

    Having to wipe the lens every 5 minutes like uh like we normally do SA no strong arm mate strong arm just plain nuts has gifted five memberships just plain nuts thank you either just likes playing nuts I know you I know you are nuts on planes mate nuts oh

    BL it’s all you’re going to get on a uh welcome back to our frequent flyers uh up at the front of the aircraft where you’ll be uh given the um the privilege of having uh a lovely uh prepared meal uh and a a choice of a glass of wine or

    Champagne or whatever you like people pack or get a bottle of water and a pack of the nuts anyway no it’s not it’s a bottle of water and and a packet of of um those pretzel things where there is like literally seven in there it’s the

    Slowest time you’ve ever eaten a pack of pretzels in your Life trailing some uh moisture off of its wing see how fast those S 37 come in there oh easy not down yet not down yet big cry baby that’s brilliant is it uh William Girard do ATC keep a larger gap for arrivals in weather like

    This well to be honest with you no not really I have to be honest if there’s no noticeable uh major noticeable difference in in the um in the um spacing between the aircraft uh because if they did then they’d have some serious delays because uh even you know 20 or 30

    Seconds good question though oh oh bless Emmy Davis asking for a shout out for olle D who is Apparently one of the guys who was standing around here uh olle um thank you very much and thank you for uh for uh I appreciate your um

    Your uh your um uh patience should I say fly high I think we’ve had four um well we’ve had four in a very very very sketchy American trip 7 300 land which was pretty gnarly man pretty gnarly looks like a virgin jet Alan M Alan marjerie Banks Alan

    Marjerie Banks is a new member welcome Alan great to see you Alan oh I would have said it would be would be the other way around wouldn’t it planes definitely have bird Envy mate I think it’s this Runway that’s slightly longer isn’t it is it this R slightly longer wow we have a

    What oh big b2000 is is he near capacity for the number of flights it can handle uh Big B well yeah um SE hoppy is a new member welcome SE hoppy getting a bit Ro wheelchair there was a young man from away from you g figh it in there is T 31

    318 is inbound hey should we do taram a favor folks and see if we can get her to number one should we do that who f is a little bit of a get little tar on to number one isn’t that’s sweet Chad hard Trev lion diesel 13 SE hoppy thank you

    Poppy 27 left Mike James 27 left okay so 27 left is shorter than 27 right uh by what 300 M so over the around the 2 Mile Mark isn’t it going to get him oh oh oh oh oh go on San nicely done it just at that moment doesn’t it

    Looks a little bit sketch Alan Smith can you explain wake turbulence from other planes as wake less effective when the wind is so high Alan to be honest with you the Wake turbulence is the same when the winds are by in fact if anything the winds will disperse uh W turbulence quicker

    Won’t it if the winds are calm and there’s no and that you know that that the you know we’re talking about it’s it could be as long as 10 miles um the uh the Wake turbulence uh on some aircraft especially the A380 um which is

    Why they uh when they when you see the 380 taking off um you will always say if there’s a small aircraft behind it even a even a big aircraft like a trip 7 you will always see a um a certain amount of uh spacing being given um to the

    Uh to the aircraft departing after it but uh basically if you’ve seen a boat on the water and you see the Wake behind it that is literally all it is it’s just invisible um you do see it from time to time with the uh the weight VES on the wi

    But yeah um if you just look any any any boat ship or uh anything on the water even the smallest of little boats will create awake uh and as you see the you know depending on the size of the boat um it will depend on the size of

    The wake of course and um uh how far it reaches outwards really when you if you’re standing on the shoreline of a of a of a of a of a large river and you see a a boat go through the middle of the river uh that wake will um lap against

    The sides of the um against the sides of the of the of the river so you can appreciate all of that is happening behind this aircraft and like I say uh depending on the uh cuz in these conditions as you can appreciate the wind is blowing from

    Right to left here so the wake is being pushed as soon as it uh as soon as it um passes through uh the week the wake is probably being dispersed a little quicker than than normal yeah we’re not going to get the tar on are we cuz it’s so haven’t we got

    Something else being tracked yeah 14 Fe and people tracking the number one tracked flight Mt yes very rightly so there we go Mt saying that the um the worst day for for went to is literally the aircraft um there’s nothing to blow it away uh and it will

    Stagnate actually build up when it I mean we got in a number 10 okay so number one has dropped to 8,000 now it’s down to 7,000 right come on folks let’s get toar on to number one if you’re watching flight radar right now if you’re looking at your flight radar um

    Hit that Taron I’m going to do it now how far out is she Jil oh okay okay okay uh is she joining the back of the stack no no no wow there’s quite a lot of um holding patterns going on here uh North Southeast or west of each North Southeast or

    West my radar look left right bottom okay ter is number four folks well done well done we’re getting it there come on one last final push so she’s joining from the north Jill joining from the north back at the stack yeah okay there she is there she is I am tracking

    Her Romeo Oscar 391 the little toar on May 318 ladies and gentlemen she’s got a big tool Rudder on her she’s number two now you see the vortex trailing off the back off the uh that’s coming off the wing uh sorry that’s coming off the flat tips there um generally uh any

    Areas that um create low pressure where the where the where where the wind is lit where the where the the air flow is literally uh falling off those flaps um you’re seeing the uh those Vortex being created at the end of the the the um the flap tips which is very

    Common sight on the likes of the triple 7s and so on so Care of course um it was only my um I don’t know if it is actually true but uh oo [Laughter] oh oh mate well I think we might have missed a right old slam dunk there thanks mate this looks like ety had Dreamliner come on 1,300 more there’s

    How many of you watching come on 12,000 people watching you’ve got to have uh we’ve got to get in a number one uh Briant T an an American Triple 7 right behind the taram it’s Taron jet is if you’re new to Big jet TV or new to Aviation is the

    Smallest commercial jet liner on the on the um on the Ramp cat up 380 waiting across the active oh very nicely done very nicely done Nigel coxon still number two Nick Drake dark she’s number one folks we’ve done it we’ve got it to number one a That’s The Power of Love Street Ste on deal and uh we got her to number one when she’s three out well done folks well done oh nice gulfair retro jet oh a can you not tweet it Jenny that’s terrible your jet is number one tracked worldwide with a big love heart or something like that happy Christmas or

    Something I don’t know Kevin V is a well brand new member or is it Kevin 5 maybe going to see a big forehead about to appear shortly folks oh look at that double catar I was wondering what that was for a minute well well well look at that look at that

    Hey that’s freighter I think possibly the freigh are coming out almost 7,000 fcking guar on now this isn’t him is it is this him this is him isn’t it no not yet he’s got one more to go before he comes In oh je that seem never heard that before she’s got a tall tail so she can counter an I thought it was down to just the length of the fuselage that she has such a a tall tail on her much like 747 s never heard anyone say that it’s uh be C

    CR son C CR be down been elevator there he never heard anybody say that it’s due to the fact that you know it’s got It’s got got got to tail so that he can count wait for me all right lad come on lad start up here she comes with a big tall tail

    Up just in water L uh decent enough wind as you can see the aircraft is still uh Crabbing yeah yeah yeah active all Right yeah still number one as she touches down there we go well done folks fr24 in the house captain Mar yes track 44 G Sunset sh Beverly George Dave me or Dave Med sorry CH Aris mirus the great thing is I ain’t got no worries about getting out of here

    Tonight it’s nice easy breezing out rain has stopped thank you backsmith Aviation whoa wow Qui s get down get down get down get down get down yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah nice s I’ll be that americ so I believe in from LAX David EA stops in southern Scotland right we can have a

    Wipe we can have a wipe clear everything up get that all nice and dry we can uh uncover that now here in the field where here we go moving the old sky in it hey AR’s going to light it out who nice a Christian Daniel pop you made Romanian is

    Proud why have they come back terrible folks very doubtful they will I’m all on me own now see quite happy mate quite happy Christopher Harding has upgraded to first class thank you Chris Duffer like me shortening their names or uh elongating their names or but I still want you around around I

    Still want you around so get down yeah right he winds have dropped right down sking this gifted event thank you it might be just a bit of a lull so uh be prepared folks don’t go too far if you are leaving us don’t go too far away because uh it might get a

    Little bit uh little bit uh tasty uh in the next 45 minutes or so how Sleek she looks oh yeah Oh I thought it was a heron it’s a bag it’s a paper bag it’s a plastic bag no there was a white Heron here earlier on um still windy up there mate

    Telling still got descend down through these layers of of wind it’s not the same speed uh at 50 ft as it is um if you play golf you’ll know what I’m talking about could be nice and calm on the ground but look up at this

    You know hit your ball into the air and uh and you either drifts left drifts right mind you way I it my B it always goes left all right anyway whatever nickit 721 is a brand new member welcome nickit matford Farm is still really windy here along the coast of the New

    Forest wow beautiful part of the world the New Forest and you can always gauge uh the wind intensity by how much these aircraft are um crabbing into the wind Hamad can’t take care s Martin P ships are cool imagine a fidget TV existed 20 or 30 oh yeah the technology wasn’t here was It dermont daily dermont welcome back as first class member was going to be getting that see there was the uh that was um perfect example of straightening the aircraft up before the touch down touch d erret VI count Mitch yes it was an eget

    Well you see what I mean uh he I thought it was an egret and he knows what I was talking about okay yeah definitely no aircraft heading for this Runway um feel quite uh quite honored really that uh heo Airport Jeffrey Phillips in these conditions off of the pilot monitoring speaks the wind

    Speed of the pilot flying during final desc speaks the wind exps okay okay in these conditions maybe yeah rang G skating banana total Beauty the a350 yes best good way to describe you that total Beauty Gordon Freeman on the road the North Georgia Mountains been listening for hours though and loving it

    As usual W Gordon Freeman’s got some uh mightly different um views to contend with than what we’ve got that’s for sure North Georgia M timal tand looks like Pathfinder one took flight in San Francisco Flare it BOS flipping heck felt that one wow that would have been really felt through the cabin boom flipping things floating about all over the Gaff Grandma’s best bone china just thousands of pieces now out in the uh storage bins oh Steven Callahan uh the Slinger

    Due in 25 minutes and uh Emirates 380 during 40 minutes Kevin Briggs good day to you nigin Armstrong AO Arrow Andy P David beaston um I think there are quite a few more thumbs I think there are quite a few more likes I think yeah 5,700 well 5,800 likes thank you

    Everybody um I think that’s just because some people’s phones just aborted landing on the Northern Runway what are you talking about oh yeah look so an exit point the outdoor outboard aerons on the a350 CD aerons working away but obviously you see the flight surfaces the other flight

    Surfaces also working in unison with those um aerons now they become speed brakes ground spoilers just saw a CO a crow flying backwards we drifting backwards was drifting backwards Wen flying but he was drifting what a great thing be see look they’re having fun look look having fun look look See oh they’re so skinny and malnourished how could you possibly let those horses po poor horses love Rog par in Morrison Captain Man Darren Jones ought to take off now doing very slow knots along the runway and exited yeah oh look it’s the plane that flies backwards in my dreams anyway what’s going

    On there is rud John M compelling TV awesome thank you John 100 that 200 when he goes over 2 300 ft is it something poor MK she’s just crawled off the Runway yeah probably um either somebody’s got up out of their seat or um just the um just the uh the engines

    Didn’t uh didn’t like it or you know um I don’t know if Captain Man or any other pilot can you do get wind shear on takeoff you do get wind shear on takeoff not that they probably getting it at the moment but if you were

    To uh be U powering up the aircraft and uh all of a sudden there was a wind shear warning would you abort the takeoff I’m guessing you would do at some point wouldn’t you if uh if it’s bad enough yeah yeah it’s picking up a little bit yeah very possibly

    Yeah here we go look there we go it’s the ribbons folks how crazy is that looks like he’s going off to the right then he he’s actually flying straight towards us it’s not a difficult thing to do actually um it’s not like you know uh is Nigel Armstrong just gifted 10

    Memberships thank you Nigel wonderful thing my friend thank you so much very kind individual all you wonderful people Su Cruz the legend Freddy Laker chat about Virgin not displaying Sky team logos maybe that’s something to do with their charity wow wow that swing is insane is it Alie reddish loving the

    Show yeah crazy in these conditions when you’re flying in um if you’re the first offic to bringing it and you’re actually having to sort of like CR crank your neck right aren’t you um it’s all right for the um oh sorry if you’re the the captain bringing it in should I say

    Sorry my apologies you’re the uh first officer then um what you got to do wa actually look out his side window Mark Watkin very funny mark looks like air lingers jetly bed enough for the first 10 1946 yeah crazy white phone boxes built in front of my Nan’s house the rain is

    Back who’s that in there look hello Ro it vo of actually have 5,000 people walking around me van for two days screaming am is in the house J ARIS She’s stab Tai’s in the house good day Tai Rob Back Captain Mary I think Captain Mar telling screaming buckle up for the American chicken Landing 2 sing jum thank you question for you that Conor sitting at the end of 27 left does it still have its engines no my friend

    She will be engin less she’s sealed up literally all her uh all her um all her entry points um undercarriage doors even and I think are are all sealed up to stop any um any well I’d say moisture getting in there’s nothing you can do about to stop any moisture

    Rotting the inside of that aircraft that’s why I think they’ve taken all of the uh interior out of her uh to stop the moisture cuz you obviously do get a significant amount of moisture on especially on fabric so the whole thing’s being stripped out she’s just merely a shell unfortunately Of course all the go arounds from today folks will be um not noted on the um on the comments later on we’ve uh we’ got a few people who uh very kindly take their time to post up all the go around um times for us uh and we really appreciate

    That cuz uh I’m literally done in after these shows jez white Flight Radar 24 had that aircraft at 500 well the only thing is I’ll be honest I’ll be honest with you jez uh um the um the the flight radar is a little bit there’s a little bit of a lag

    In terms of uh live you know I don’t think that’s 560 ft I’d say that’s around about 200 ft or maybe a yeah no more descending now through 100 ft coming in through there and now she’s at that uh 70 60 50 40 30 10

    you know that’s sort of like uh I don’t think she’s at 560 ft above me I think there is a delay obviously and understandably so uh on radar with the um with the height um of the aircraft because uh you know there’s a there’s

    Been a lot of times where Jil has said to me right you should see it approaching now and um and I’m either seeing it I I’m seeing it either before or after I can’t remember um yeah oh Stuart Mullen uh nice job capturing my first officers landing at

    1359 he nailed it little Gust in the flare but on speed and nailed the touchdown crew all watched it too Stuart mull thank you sir um so that’s um my first offices that OB skiper he’s obviously talking about the American yeah I think he’s just watched it yeah yeah yeah yeah

    Yeah it’s almost like someone’s made it up is it how is that airplane not broken well she’s halfway across the Atlantic screaming AMU she’s already gone out um which is uh quite remarkable jez white well uh q& I think q& is the um is the uh is the number

    That is um given to the uh given by natat or the controller to the to the crew um in terms of the um in order to uh uh synchronize the aircraft uh sea level settings or whatever it is I think something like that with q& careful Kaye Gard has gifted a

    Membership thank you Kaye uh it’s a big old triple I know that she’s lighting up the field this one maybe uh checking the the northern Jil to see Shakira G spooky Cindy favorites screaming q& make sure our instruments are calibrated the same so we fly the same assigned altitudes there

    We go yeah I I knew it was something to do with calibration and uh and uh synchronization of of of of something altitude related got nothing I’ve got nothing behind me mate what’s going on two Landings on two7 right Simon Densmore Karen cookling of paor Slinger

    Due 15 minutes it’s the one we’re going to uh one we’re going to get there we go is a sea level thing Reaper knowledge uh Reaper rollage uh I think qf height above the Airfield there we go q& is the altimer setting based on the pressures uh so they will

    Have the right uh Le uh thank you everybody for your input that’s uh somebody um I think um that uh turkey’s jet nailing its Landing according to um our inore Pilots thank you Captain screaming e we’ve got uh Mt as well who’s a British Airways uh

    Trip uh sausages 198 on that American TR was insane Sai sharan Sai we will give the go RS will be noted on the feed after the show my friend thank you Malaysian 350 inbound 26 minutes out 27 minutes out uh mirrors Aiden Camp um sq38 tracking

    263° GPS altitude 46 33 M obviously uh on the on the Descent laughing up just watched 125 go around really Weir looks like she would just run out of Runway which one was that we had a catar 380 go around which was pretty insane um but we

    Also had a a really nice uh um uh Power Up departure of power up go around uh with British Airways a350 very smoky will’ll probably get the uh the front cover tonight I’d imagine worthy of a definitely Worthy because of all the black smoke coming out the back of it Philip Larry just

    Watched the Triple 7 Landing okay here we go about uh old lineup there’s the 380 north of the field this is a euro Wings Jet in from cologne uh it’s not north of the field that was just a that was two aircraft that were uh in the same uh

    Like one above the other I think it looked like a 380 so it’s nowhere near above the Airfield my apologies for that it’s just um just s for Cho go around ear on that wasn’t Euro wi sorry this is ler oh easy son flipping it blood minut

    It no mate you ain’t going to land that are you surely not fair play fair play even had to put a screen in front of it to climb it Ry don’t you worry about thing there we will land plan 1140 American TR C Rob Ash no autopilot under 400 ft on

    Take off screaming emia yeah um it’s usually around about I always count how long it takes once we’ve left the ground how long it normally takes for the flaps to uh be retracted back into the wings um that normally would that be indicating that uh autopilot was uh is very quickly due

    To come on or it may have even come on um well you don’t operate the autopilot when the flaps are extended do you I’m talking about like well yeah you do you do you do you do on a proach that’s for sure you could be as late as this it

    Goes autopilot off um so yes autopilot will be um active uh when the flaps are still extended it’s a funny one with uh through the cockpit door and all that sort of stuff even if you’re halfway up the jet you can still hear the uh the autopilot

    Deselect Adam the great the wind is really bad over Windsor and Maiden head that’s sort of like here is it get a little bit of a Squall at the moment screaming near yeah can have Auto pilot on with flaps on uh out to take off all Landing there we go thank you

    Screaming am so there we go Bobby 13 Rob as plant uh screw 400 ft autopilot can be on then we can cter track from to 1,000 wow okay Ling UK or uh yeah we’re getting a bit of wind over that uh that threshold it’s an interesting uh very blusty sort of

    Like Changing Winds there laughing up fuz ball no the pilot won’t be getting a a talking to that American pilot it will just if anything if anything his mates will be envious mate you done a good job there son Oh Captain Manny sorry yeah my apologies Captain M Manny

    I say man cuz man is South ective hey how’s it and he’s of course uh he’s he’s American and he Captain Manny sorry Captain just thank you preet now call captain man it’s a bit like old um what’s his name in it be getting any uh won’t be getting any

    Talking to if anything um oh a power up to get him over the line yeah she’s down yeah C many thank you rob Ash plant used to play base for the stone roses hey big old up the stone roses Slinger 380 just entering the Lamborn held Mike James thank Sam Robson Melanie

    Okay yeah I thought that’s where they got it from Mir Cafe Pacific 350 B hey hey hey hey hey take it easy nice just white sling are at number one already look at that going have to do much dud didn’t even ask Simon Harding A380 uh from Los Angeles 9 minutes

    Out so that’s 338 we had three a380s was it 3 a380s or in a row earlier on folks bang bang bang one after the other uh katar was the bad egg amongst them unfortunately having to go around after after touching down a long way down the

    Runway um decided you know what I’m not having any of this and that one’s going around liing neck didn’t even give it a chance mate is that winshire watch for the gear doors watch for the gear doors exterminate now that’s win here I think no it’s not no gear going

    Up didn’t even give it a chance Sam smell with you hey oh 3 380s with a toer and a partridge in a p oh the fifth day of Christmas sorry Rachel vanel bis bring it yeah Yes wow look at a wing flexing away man look at that nicely done going to hear a triple seven powering up from our left here he comes now Captain Manny yes Mt it was yes Mt uh who was uh who was in the chat earlier on I don’t know if he’s still

    There but uh great to get um feedback from it see it’s wonderful and very humbling for me I have to be honest with you because you know um you know what when I when I when I uh when I had my magazine when I was the uh

    Um uh editor and um creator of dirt magazine I had a a ton of uh industry leaders that used to uh subscribe to my magazine and read it as well as the professional Riders and engineers and technicians of the biking Community around the world um so I was always very

    Humbled with that and it’s always very humbling to have you know um uh qualified Pilots technicians Engineers uh on this channel with us um helping us uh understand a lot more about Aviation and uh answering questions as well we really appreciate that so I’m very humbled you

    Even though I’m a bit of an idiot atc4 ear their wages today they are earning their wages today they are whoa whoa whoa whoa nicely corrected easy easy easy there we go she’s down great cage for John M yes say that the real mcj commenting about the Triple 7 I

    Think that’s going to go on for a few more days that Triple 7 especially when we put it up later on another 350 if I’m not mistaken Cafe Pacific’s 350 Clif oh hold on a minute oh okay okay so we’ve got both of the smarties emblazened uh Emirates 380s in

    Today wow I think that’s the first time I’ve seen it before I’ve seen them I’ve seen both of them at gate before when I’ve driven past but I haven’t actually uh witnessed them uh filming them you want to go and cover him all in you

    Want to go and cover him up with stroll don’t you no yeah read him a bedtime story Peter girl the fact that windshield wipers on planes are not synchronized is driving me nuts that’s because they are completely independent of each other because sometimes the flying pilot will activate

    His or her wipers whereas the non-flying pilot may decide not to because they’re more um observant of the instruments is that a cow de f is talking about me there you go painter girl still B doesn’t matter how much you explain the uh the reasons for it but uh yeah me being a

    Um uh a uh a perfectionist with something like that if that like if my car was doing that I’d be like on my van I’ll be like n no no no no we got to fix it they wouldn’t be anyway they clashed together if my windscreen wipers were

    Out of sink but um yeah yeah and they go flipping fast in all these things don’t they look at the Dreamliner um wind screen wiper assembly looks very uh flimsy and sort of like you know looks like it will bend under any forces but no very very

    Strong oh we’ve got a okay need to do a mic switch GP standby I’m going to I’m just going to quickly throw that one in there wait a minute folks just be patient I’m just going to do a mic switch I know where everything

    Is we go me come up come on there we go before please [Applause] come on Jerry Come On Son B the plane comes come on Jerry okay put it on the front then oh oh oh oh oh oh oh Yeah y VR push back guy so it’s a guy from um uh Toronto isn’t it Toronto White are got right for once fing no all right then oh hello hello wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute we have a problem Houston we have a problem uh are they switching

    Operations or is he going oh he he’s on toe sorry he’s on toe got me worried for a minute there hey hey hey you made you Vancouver not Toronto yeah sorry about that head sh 350 okay clear to cross Runway to 7 left as quick as you can please sir

    Tai’s just gone back and watched the triple yeah lots of holy moies and G mini crickets and um uh bed sheets and things like that going on in there um yeah yeah yeah yeah Mike James Slinger 380 turning finals number four thank you Mike James 3

    Minutes Adam the great go go go for that 350 so she’s going over going sleepy anise for the night is she where’s the baby one there so great uh Josh Yoshi you’ll have to uh look back my friend I’m on the um on the feed later folks you will be

    Able to um uh see the uh the go go around somebody uh we always get this aviation in 4k isn’t it puts it up along with there’s a few others that that that put it up so thank you to everybody who puts up the um yeah

    World Aviation 4K uh who put up the um the uh okay next one is the ba toga second attempt Craig B thank you Craig for two sheds Jackson wind is gusting up to 26 knots doesn’t feel it on the ground but trust me you only have

    To go a little bit higher and you can see um doesn’t look very uh doesn’t look very aggressive but trust me it’s uh as you’re coming down through the layers you’re getting hit by all sorts of different speeds of dusts of wind right you can do it now this get it

    Down sir get it down Michael K 380 3 out now thank you Michael it’s going to be one of the last know that she’s uh losing light Matthew odonnell thank you Matthew D Aviator big jet TV documentary is definitely I think they might run out of

    Um of of of um of content for a for a comment be like yeah he’s mad turn it [Laughter] off why I say they did a great job um of editing that piece of me and Anchorage cuz I was like wow how are they going to

    Put a show together with that and I was very I was very um impressed with their editing skills tiring feel Oh very tiring answer this question answer that question make the sound this do this yeah yeah Les’s light parade oh where you going mate oh you’re right o o o yeah what’s the matter oh fed up with all that lot over there all they do is push me around look at him I

    Bless him I want to give him a big cuddle come over here come on just some Genies just went back on my phone without sound Brian Cassidy back Again steamy Windows oh oh go around go around go around wer happy with that it was no diving man it was no diving pil it induced no wind shear yeah lit up those ey AE here we go is this the Slinger let’s get let’s get him all nice

    And clean get and get the screen all nice and dry sh I hope that those people that are following it on flight radar are actually watching the show as well why would you uh yeah yeah so Li me this Gaz is all over the Gaff ooh no I I I I back out of that one son hold on a minute here we go yeah yeah he’s all right he’s all right what are you talking about it’s fine BOS oh my goodness me that was insan M that was insan

    This might be a go around yeah yeah yeah yeah that was uh yeah Fair flight the pilot wonder if the non-flying pilot possibly had slightly White Knuckles after that oh yeah it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine yeah yeah yeah it’s no problem at all yes that is that Jonathan Porterfield Eco cars yeah

    We felt that we felt that one Singapore swinger P kins are Richard D Le is a returning member welcome back Richard just just Wai the wings to say hello Chrissy now I’m going for it’s fine you sure son okay right what we got it 3 far Ba’s on finals oh

    Yeah awesome and Emer is at the top yeah do what you like s weepy windows oh AVS adventurers on the beach in St Martin cool gr Rogers where did the ba 380 come from I I don’t really know yeah yeah yes that Know she’s down squeezing the last 380 out emirats 380 which is on approach uh Michael kba 380 from LAX Aiden camel ba38 over Richmond Park that’ll now be um way over um tocking them Stadium Etc this is all right is it it’s just the uh it’s just the it’s just the light a

    It oh okay yeah yeah yeah that’s what’s coming over this way right oh Flipping I have my that’s the first thing I do a it well I have done it says to date okay how’s that jelly just just just just forget about is how is it one two one two check check check check one two one two hi

    Is well I’m all out I’m all out of I’m all out of um options can’t M it’s something wrong showing 100% here and there he G on he g off yeah both the blue lights are are solid on the mic and the um receiver receiver is absolutely 100% is banging

    Folks everything is undercover everything’s under under covers completely waterproof everything is waterproof um I don’t leave stuff out with auxiliary cables just thanks anyway Al em ni C it there stand by wow somebody one watching from the Republic of columia South America George tube Logan Aon approach uh Little

    Emba Stuart lawon thank you Simon Dinsmore after that one Chrissy Chrissy bre easy all right all right all right we’ll just leave it folks I’m we’re we’re aware of the technical issue with the mic we’re just going to have to leave it for now okay I’m afraid clipping

    Must feel so daunting when you’re coming down from a dizzy height like that did I third don’t expect two mics to go out you don’t expect two mics to go you just don’t what do you do what what can you do when you put it into the flipping

    Thing check the firm where everything’s up to dat what else you going to do all right all right all right res facty sets oh this is the go round a it is this the Go Round Round of Applause coming up oh I don’t know though they’re holding their hands open at the moment

    [Laughter] C nothing to do with the gain ladies and gentlemen the gain has been been the same as as it has been for time Memorial or whatever you call it it’s never changed it’s always as it is minus three I think but uh all the units all the

    Cameras uh sorry all the all the mics are on that same setting so it’s the same every time I oh no White all right all right all right keep telling me man lead out as well that’s one thing I haven’t done is switch the lead out there could be the input it could

    Be Lou we can hear Jerry that’s all that matters in [Applause] it wow where’s that 380 this looks like a 380 double Flash is Big W no okay I pulled the lead out and re and and reinserted it that’s all I did it

    May be it may well be um the uh the the input um uh it may well be you know that bit the male piece no it’s not Jil it doesn’t when I move sorry mate sorry but let me finish yeah the camera is not attached to the

    To to the bond or anything by other than the uh than the than the than the main lead okay it’s not attached there’s nothing moving whatsoever no I’m not moving the sticks nothing’s moving no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no it’s not I’m

    Sorry mate it’s not yeah well it it no that’s just a coincidence man that’s just coincidence it’s coincidence yeah it’s coincidence y y I’m telling you it’s a coincidence there’s absolutely no way oh is that just come out why is that LE anyway so everybody

    Off or is it still on is it still on it okay me let me wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle little hello very much on is that bad off like completely off there’s not there’s something very very badly wrong there mate well I’m telling you the the mic

    Receiver and the receiver there’s no there’s no there’s no point okay goodbye goodbye yeah out B fli It you’re watching Big jet TV yeah yeah


    1. I didn’t know that the Boeing 777 flapperon is actually made by Airbus.

      I only found this out a few years ago when they found one of the flapperons from the still missing Malaysian Airlines 777.

      What made me curious was the report mentioned Airbus as the listed manufacturer even though it was for a Boeing plane. I thought there might’ve been some mistake until I looked it up. Turns out it is supplied by Airbus.

    2. 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 I have just watched Wednesday stream… What an amazing capture, especially, the American Airways 777 landing….I nearly choke on my custards biscuits and I didn't think he or she would landed… Great footage Jerry..

    3. They’re hardy ponies and they have a good supply of hay, you can see they’re not starving. Some of them look to be Shetland ponies and if they can survive the weather in Shetland, they can survive at Heathrow!

      Some cracking landings there, glad I’m not a passenger though. 🥴💩😂

      Jerry, you been on the Sherry? 🤣🍷

    4. Now that was a James Bond land shaken not stirred 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😮😮😮😲😲😲😲😦😦😦😦😯😯😯😯😯😯😯😯😯😯😯😯😯😯😯

    5. Ignorant newbie question : in the go around what’s the significance of the landing gear going up to decide whether it was windsheer? Because doesn’t the landing gear have to go up regardless?

    6. 😇merci for all the pilots involved on this video!

      but above all, being a pilot today must be a gracious gift for this world full of turbulence 🧭

    7. @1h.23m.00s. yet another AA on the radar with, an unknown to me, landing issue…
      from the moment this plane came into focus on my screen, I noticed both wings were 'just' as flexible as both wings of any bird in mid flight.

      again, I am not an expert when it comes to execute any kind of plane landings under miserable weather circumstances, but on moments right after the word 'tornado' had been mentioned…"Keep it Cool" was indeed the greatest gift for this video, cheers!

      I consider this as a normal aspect for any experienced airline pilot. what else? given the fact that miserable weather circumstances are a part of their gracious skills to land any plane safely on the ground!

    8. Looked like that 777 lost the cross wind at the last moment. He dipped his left wing into the wind and the wind lightened at the last minute losing the lift on the left wing.

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