The inaugural Misfits Tag Team World Title fight was an intriguing affair…

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    And Now ladies and gentlemen introducing the tag team fighting out of the blue Corner the pan coladas and now introducing the fighter to my left he is wearing the white and gold His official weight of 164.000 lb hailing from Pasco County Florida B Dave the Daddy and now introducing his tag team

    Partner he is also wearing the white and gold His official weight of [Applause] a and their opponents across the ring fighting out of the Red Corner Tag Team Wasabi LMAO introducing to you first the fighter on my right he is wearing the purple and black his a fishal weight of [Applause] [Applause] mayo and his tag team partner he is wearing the yellow and green His

    Official weight of 163.5 lb hailing from Angel City Alex [Applause] wasabi interesting to see who starts out first for both these teams I’m the referee i b my command at all times all know the rules watch your heads and K in punches up when I shout break you break

    Clean and remember defend yourselves at all times oh touch them up L touch them up great bring up a good point but me and Nick LMO we both flew from Los Angeles I of course was in first class he was in coach but the big question was

    Is it harder to win or defend as a tag team champion of the world in my opinion it’s harder to Win It so we’ll see which team can really settle down now that the lights are oh b day pull the swerve on us roundhouse let’s go he’s letting him

    Know he’s not scared at the start now guys we’ve had some interesting judging and tag team is especially interesting to judge so I want to see these guys come in and put put a statement on it Dave likes to start hot and he’s coming out with power [Applause]

    Punches good defense from nck out right here you know cutting his angles defending his body well oh he’s out [Applause] already and here comes P when you are the first fight out the one thing you want to do is set the tone set the stage they clearly are doing

    This this crowd 3 minutes in is already hyped P of course the professional boxing boxer rather quote in quote so you expect him to have more Talent then Nick laau who’s basically a YouTube Superstar trying to make ends meet in the crossover boxing scene it’s interesting like when you look at the

    Different strategies in a fight like this right we’ve already had a tag early whereas Nick Lau is already a full minute into this fight no tag from him so it begs the question you know do you tag often do you try to get a rhythm going what’s the best strategy here tags

    Out there big booze for Alex Wasabi let’s see if it affects him tonight he’s the fresh fighter which could be good or bad he hasn’t taken a punch yet and you don’t really settle into a fight until you’ve taken some shots yeah we talk about the

    Wor put and then TOS trash P spits out theid piece I don’t think he’s getting up 6 8 oh that was a pro move right there used the mouthpiece to delay the count oh this is interesting it’s gamesmanship for sure but the referee is G toita toita

    No no no he’s proba a start wow hold on a second the referee’s got to get control here great strategy I got to say the the ref bought that one Hook Line and Sinker that was an old school move and he bought right into it he didn’t

    Even go to a neutral Corner meanwhile B D’s got to buy some time for Wasabi who just got put on his backside Wasabi looking good right now he’s he’s doing well you know there’s a great counter right hand good jobs from him early got a lot to prove tonight right

    Because people as you can hear have been talking a lot of smack so let’s see what he’s got somebody better told him it’s not a wrestling match it’s a boxing fight for B Dave I think it’s a whatever he wants kind of fight there you go B Dave with that Brer sty

    Just shaking his head no but you can’t get punched and go down he’s claiming he didn’t get knocked down and now B DA’s going to tag back in pan who’s looking at him like man I’m still I’m still coming off a concussion kid let’s go I’m

    Here for this let’s go two knockdowns in round one let’s see if Nick laau can test Pan’s chin nck out really going for that counter left hook Luis oh hey that’s classic Luis Vena right rubbing the back of his head you can tell he gets bothered sometimes by Big Shots kind of

    Looks for Wy ways out of situations he’s very experienced in that regard but big shot coming in early against what an opening round in this Tag Team Championship told you that ain’t [Applause] [ __ ] well coach what do you make of that first round well I think it’s it’s a lot better than the first tag team title for one that we saw but here’s the deal I think that the fighters need to realize around how you don’t want to tag in with

    20 or 30 seconds left in the ring that was a mistake they made for the first time around but I think both guys have had enough action in the first round to be settled in have S going I think the AC will only get better in round number

    Two it’s a tough tough round to judge because you know you had a good clean knockdown on Luis P Alex Wasabi was a bit of a slip but the scorecards don’t care about that right so it kind of sets to a neutral round you have to go back

    And score it based on how the rest of the round went I’ve got it one for um Wasabi and Nick lamu all right round two scheduled for four and as you’ve seen anything can happen yeah Gris you guys bring up a good point we saw in the the prelim

    Fights that there was a lot of controversy in those opening matches and you don’t want to leave it in the hands of the judges if you can pull off a knockout clearly that’s what you want to do you got to put a statement on each one of these rounds you

    Make it be up for debate at all you need to absolutely put it on these guys and I’m seeing speed right now something I love about tag team is they have the time to recover and it’s just all gas all the time caught him again he caught him again I thought that

    Should be scored a knockdown it should have been scored a knockdown he was going down and unfortunately wasn’t allowed to stay down I think that was a mistake he complaining about something hey you should tag his partner in B DA’s right hand is like a magnet to

    Wasabi’s chin right now it just seems like he’s got him figured out news flash to the boxers when you get hit in the mouth it hurts he’s complaining to the referee about something well he’s complaining got need in the mouth because as they were going down to the

    Mat B Dave spends a lot of energy in there he goes for like 30 second bursts let’s see what happens when he slows down he worked behind his ass nice combination from Wasabi there P he’s got to not get ahead of himself he’s got to stick to his

    Fundamentals B’s got to stop grabbing the head from behind Wasabi starting to find his range and his combination there big uppercut yeah that’ll send b Dave to the corner fck good right hand sent B Dave scurrying he did a good job there not to not to get hurt boys pan

    Wants the other guy he wants Wasabi he sure does coach knows a lot about uh people wanting the other guy right he’s two for two oh pan kind of stumbling around to be fair Tod him about 0 for 10 in the in the grand scheme of coach and get me for

    Backwards it I respect It boy it has been nonstop action since the opening bell here what we’ve had three knockdowns a lot of complaining coming from the team of Wasabi and nickl you know sometimes you just got to focus on the fight right people are going to do that that’s fighting it’s not going

    To be you know totally clean all the time you got to be able to fight through it you got to stay in the fight not get too distracted but can we all agree that every Misfits the fighters clearly are putting in the work they’re not professionals but they’re getting better

    Every single time this is who P wanted now he’s got Alex Wasabi and to build off that coach they come to fight right there’s there’s no no fight in these guys it is great to see you got guys Chris that are trying to make a career out of this when you’re

    A a pro boxer that comes up from a little kid that’s what you look at as your career that’s the big difference right right right Babi doing a good job at trying to set traps right now right so he’s trying to bait in Luis B he’s not doing great at defending the shots

    Coming in as he’s trying to do it and I don’t think that tag will be able to get made as the clock counts down and that’s it for round number two the crowd showing their [Applause] appreciation and we’re here ringside Todd Grisham The Coach Jonathan Coachman of course roundhouse I really don’t know

    Who’s winning right now it’s been exciting to call we’ve had so many knockdowns and so many moments of explosion who’s winning well I I think right now you could say it’s 1 because of all knock down and it’s been different people so it’s really hard to

    Tell I got to say too strategically it looks like Lis p and B Dave had it figured out pretty well because you know B Dave got hurt immediately tags himself out there’s a good timing on it whereas when was Sai and nicolau they they get a

    Bit agitated in the ring they don’t use the advantage of the tag team and I think that comes down to a bit of the experience within the tag team rules and this is where he’s complaining about the knee and yeah knee did land on Alex but I don’t think it looked intentional

    Let’s see from this angle here caught him with a right hand seconds out that right hand looked in this is where if he would have just thrown one punch right there and then backed off I think that Wasabi would have gone down all right so here we go round three we’re scheduled for

    Four nice right hand for Pan they’re smothering their punches roundhouse I got to say too when in the clinch they are all fighting in the clinch they’re they’re not just like resting in the clinch when the clinch happens they’re throwing each other off trying to throw those tight shots inside it’s nice to see needs to remember to

    Actually put his hands up after he throws a punch that’s how he’s been knocked down that’s how he keeps getting clocked right in the face yeah he’s not keeping a fundamental guard up at all he’s just you know kind of using his hands to Parry it’s a bit frustrating to

    See but stylistically sometimes that’s how people like to fight nice body shot from Nick lamu good good angles made from him there yeah Nick laau thinks he’s got B DA’s number he was calling him out yesterday let’s see how quick B Dave tags out B Dave has a tendency to kind

    Of come down with his head and nickl is doing a good job at reading that uppercut it’s clear to me though at least both of these teams have a strategy a few months ago there was Zero strategy between all four oh good body shot from Nick oh it’s right in the [Applause]

    Back and B Dave right back out here comes Pana who’s been doing most of the work but you would think hey he’s the more experienced guy he’s been training longer why not put him in there more nice stick job from Pana now it’s Pana hitting in the

    Back that’s a few shots in the back of the head there oh he tagged in back in Alex Wasabi the 33-year-old but he does it with style 3.3 million Instagram followers for wasabi saabi seems to do pretty well against p and worse against B Dave something so interesting about these tag

    Teams is you know Styles make fights and you got to have styles and the ability to fight two totally separate fighters in one night right hand and that sends a pen back to the ring and that’s the one thing in this tag team fight that you don’t have when it’s one-on-one that if

    You take a shot big combination from Wasabi and B somehow is still on its feet he just never stops coming forward whether that’s good or bad I don’t know you saw Grimace on the face of Wasabi normally a nice guy but it looks like he’s ready to

    Get mean in there when those punches start Landing he’s starting to find his range he’s starting to find his rhythm right now I think he’s recovered from the earlier shots the right oh trying to fite down on that mouthpiece and go guns blazing something I absolutely love

    About B Davis he’s got one gear and it’s forward at 100% see this is what we saw in the first one as you get deeper into the fight and the guys get more and more tired starting to see quicker and quicker tags and this will take us to the fourth

    And Final Round you got to listen and loop the right [Applause] hand take a deep breath you’re only looking to counter with the check hook counter with your right hand slip get to that get to that side come over the top with the right hand on that long ass jab

    He’s winding it up baby and you standing right there and here comes Wasabi he had a nice little flurry there and then did the same to b day that was Alex Wasabi’s round for sure yes ready water give me some water hey wait so here’s a question I got how

    Do you decide get to sit on the last man last man was only in for 20 seconds wish the guys had a little bit more ring awareness as far as the clock is concerned and not tag in with 15 seconds left I want to see them fight to the

    Bell here we go it’ll be Nick laau versus Luis pan in the final round and it could all come down to this thought it will all come down to this close to judge so far yeah meaning no one’s up three nothing oh big right from Nick there you go thr right here

    There you go this has been a very close fight so far each guys have had uh you know moments but as if I was a judge I wouldn’t be having too much fun right now these ones are especially hard to judge looking tentative in there though

    It looks like he’s a bit worried about what’s coming back at him well the way he got knocked down earlier in the fight that would make me a little bit hesitant to just walk into any punch but Nick also looking tentative didn’t really do too too much the start

    Of that round good point only two minutes left to work well Wasabi was the star in round three let’s see if he can pick it up again in the fourth now selfishly with my ego if I was in here right now I’d be finishing the fight I wouldn’t even think about

    Tagging my guy back in especially cuz wasfi’s been doing so well he’s definitely had the better moments at the second half of this fight I don’t know maybe he just didn’t fight as much in the first half and that helped him with the conditioning maybe that was their

    Game plan right that Nick wouldn’t fight as much at the start but it’s hard to tell right now last two rounds of been was all right so pan stays or comes in Alex stays in Alex looked back though and thought about tagging in it only been about 30 seconds but he stayed out

    Good call been setting that one up you can hear his Corner calling for it and then he just beamed it right off his head if there are any Fighters watching in the back they need to learn and understand G don’t turn around don’t turn your back to your opponent because they’re going

    To hit you even though they’re not supposed to they are going to hit you final minute of the final round Tag Team titles on the line Nick laau in there right now with Luis pan who’s going to be the hero if we get a knock down in these

    Last 45 seconds that’s going to be the winner yeah you know if I’m them right now be Dave style he comes out he Sprints right so give him this last 30 seconds right give him that last Sprint but it’s hard it’s hard to tell it’s time oh nice big right hand there from

    Nick oh he said no don’t bring him in interesting strategy get in between the tag 20 seconds left let’s see if B goes out to blaz of Glory here 20 seconds left in the fight this this is when B decides to be hold hold and beat that F has just

    Stolen the round here and what a fight it was ladies and gentlemen the first ever misfitz Tag Team Championship Match way to start the pay-per-view here on denone if your friends haven’t ordered pass the word now this is just the beginning of what should be an epic

    Night here in Manchester and you don’t be one of be one of those guys out there trying to to get it to work and not pay the pay just buy the damn pay-per-view put it on talk to your friends and let’s have fun all night roundhouse take us

    Through these highlights it started out like a blaze of glory in round one didn’t it it did honestly great strategy from both teams big knockdowns right away and I think that set the St standard right all right maybe we got to slow down just a little bit but B Dave

    Had his moments right right at the end there he decided to be tenative for the first time in his career and it really paid him off because he was able to kind of sit down pick the shot that mattered good right straight hand from Luis Pana great combinations from Wasabi each one

    Of these Fighters had their moments and that’s what’s so exciting about tag team but tough tough fight to score what do you guys think uh I tip my cap to all four of them because when you’re the first fight out on the main card it’s a

    Very very difficult place to be but if if you told me that this team won I’d be okay with it if you told me that team one I’d be okay how about this would you be okay with the draw because that’s what I think it’s going to be well

    Probably the way I was describing it yes I would but here’s the problem the Tag Team titles are over in the corner somebody’s holding the belts somebody has to walk out with them well ladies and gentlemen the Undisputed lightweight King Devin Haney is back on the Zone

    Make sure to tune in to see him attempt become a two-weight world champion as he faces super lightweight World title holder Regis prograde December 9th what a fight it’s going to be live on Doo I could not be more excited about this fight Damon Haney is no stranger to

    Missfitz boxing as well but he’s one of the great fighters in the world and to see him fight here on theone Before Christmas I’m here for it well both teams roundhouse seem to be very confident that they did enough to win and that’s that’s a lot of what we

    Saw earlier in the prelims was people you know thinking hey I I won that fight I’m super confident and then the result going the other way and that’s one of those things where I kept saying it and I’ll keep saying it if you want to win

    Make there no room for debate go out there and put a stamp on it and you know why these fights continue to get better is because the fighters now are getting three four five fights under their name and when you come out the first time

    When you get hit you’re like oh okay but now they understand and I think grish and we’re seeing much much better fights and we’re going to see this tag team division grow as well Nick lemau fights out of Singapore there’s the Mexican Louis P of course P

    Dave the American Wasabi as well from the United States I cannot believe when I was walking around Manchester the last 24 hours how many different people from how many different parts of the country have come here parts of the world yeah that’s what I mean parts of the world yes I

    Mean it’s amazing how excited they’re on sides of buses they’re on billboards they’re on sides of buildings here in Manchester it’s hard it’s really impressive to see this isn’t one of the biggest boxing nights of the Year this is one of the biggest entertainment events of the year of the past few years

    This thing suedes the sport because it’s so unique and different well the judges obviously having trouble t their scores I got figure it out Ladi after four rounds of boxing we go to the judge’s scorecards judge Angel Mendes scores the bout 3937 to the pan coladas judge Joel elizando scores the bout

    3937 to Wasabi [Applause] LMO judge Raphael Ramos scores the bout 38 to 38 this bout is a draw there you go I called it there are no losers well that’s what they’re going to have to understand that you’ve got to have a moment you’ve got to have maybe a couple of moments that

    Stick out to the judges to give you that Edge


    1. At first I thought Wassabi and Nich won but looking back I think draw is fair. But what I don’t see how this is a Pineda and BDave win. People say they won the first because of the Alex knockdown. They only saying cause they don’t like Alex Wassabi. The knockdown Wassabi did was far more effective and he landed more effective shots than BDave and Pineda. They won the first and third. While Pineda and BDave won the second and fourth. DRAW NOT ROBBERY

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