A quinta edición del Dakar organizada en Arabia Saudí se perfila como la más exigente hasta la fecha.

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    © Amaury Sport Organisation – https://www.aso.fr

    Welcome in tachita we will participate with our electric motorcycle to vedar Mion 1000 come and [Applause] Discover riding electric is is amazing the riding pleasure is the top so what is important is when you finish to ride our bike you have to smile my name is pigo and I am the confounder of ta we decided to create a team and to create our own technology we

    Produce the control we produce the electric motor the BMS 2 and we produce also all the aluminum and um parts of the gearbox and in this way we don’t depend from anyone so now we are in our showroom the this is the first tachita we ever made and we were the first

    Electric motorcycle ever to race in officially an Africa R uh the bike uh still has some sand from 2012 my name is Nicolas sh I’m French in a Italian team very strange when David ctera call me about uh are you ready to to be part of this event uh we were P

    Pao and me very excited and uh very proud to be chosen and to be part of this event because it’s not a race it’s a laboratory when you do some private test you are not in the hurry of of the race so you have more time so basically

    Every day we will change the setup of the bike in order to test uh different uh Technologies for now it’s very easy with electric uh Power to uh to have a lot of power what is difficult is to have the range we need to carry a lot of

    Batteries so we need to find the good balance between uh the range and the fact that the the the bike is too heavy to carry the goal is to to ride the the 100 last kilometers of each stage each day so we’re going to change uh Landscapes

    Uh we going to swap from Sand to rocks and it’s going to be very nice and to also to to be part of this craziness which is the Dhaka bwak it’s very good to perform and to uh to grow up obviously it’s it’s it’s a path and this

    Is amazing because there is a new discovery every time there there are a lot of things to to do and uh is is a a technical Challenge and I love it here at the the R&D departments there’s about five to six uh engineer and mechanics

    Working here and uh it will be quite the same in Saudi Arabia because we need uh we need the mechanic we need the electrician we need the guy in charge of logistic and the computers there’s many many aspects we don’t have in the thermic world uh and as it’s all new and

    As we are going to test many many different setup we need to everybody to be there nothing is perfect but step by step we are increasing our technology and we are going to uh to test different Technologies in order to to make our system more uh green and more reliable

    The path we uh we uh expect to follow with tachita is to to be 100% Green in maybe three four 5 years so this is very interesting and uh and personally uh I find the energy to manage this because it’s the future we need to leave for our

    Children and I have a lot of [Laughter] children


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