UKPW returned to the legendary Westgate Hall in Canterbury on November 26th for their epic 2023 finale SHOWCASE.

    Featuring two huge championship matches, a British Rounds classic and the culmination of a year long blood-feud, SHOWCASE was a spectacular way to round out an excellent year.

    Dates for 2024 have already been announced and tickets are available now:

    0:00 David Francisco vs Alf Edwards vs Harry Sefton *UKPW INTER-REGIONAL TITLE MATCH*
    23:26 JJ Gale calls out Alexander Roth
    32:47 Rita Slayworth vs Ronnie Knocks
    47:13 Louis Basham vs The Nail
    1:05:18 James Mason vs Johnny Kidd *BRITISH ROUNDS MATCH*
    1:29:49 David Francisco Backstage Interview
    1:31:30 Shaun Jackson & Liam Judd vs Delphine & Jay Alexander
    1:47:13 Ronnie Knocks Backstage Interview
    1:48:26 JJ Gale vs Alexander Roth *UKPW CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH*


    #Wrestling #ProWrestling #WWE #AEW #ImpactWrestling #britishwrestling #IntergenderWrestling #WomensWrestling #Fullshow #Freeshow #wrestlingshow

    Greetings grapple fans and welcome to ukw Showcase I’m Rob ringside this is D Jones Pandemonium Francisco of course David Francisco he loves a double entrance but talking of double entrance let’s go to Kimmy a kiss who had words with David Francisco before the event okay thank you commentation station grapple fans please welcome my guest at this time David Francisco David you are about to enter a

    Triple threet match for the inter Regional Championship how are you feeling ah I I over the week I kind of made some comments and compared my opponents to to chocolate and I am not going to be convinced by anyone that tries to tell me that a Yorkie purple is

    Actually good because if you think so you’re weird right but let chocolate’s aside and jokes aside I need to be honest Harry seon and Al Edwards are very serious contenders and if they’re in this match wrestling for this Championship is for a reason but you know who’s also in this match wrestling

    For this championship for a reason it’s me right here and my reason is not just to become a champion here at ukw I didn’t have the best start after shows restarted but I found my mojo and I’m on the way up and I’m here in Canterbury where I really feel like the people

    Welcomed me and embraced me as one of their own I am doing this for them I’m doing this for myself but I’m also doing this for the former Champion Sapphire Reed unfortunately she cannot defend this title and I feel like just like last time I am here for her I want to

    Continue the great lineage of the inter Regional Championship and I want to make sure that all the hard work Sapphire put into making that Championship be important is going to continue to be in good hands like he me I’m going out there to become a champion in

    Ukw best of luck David Francisco back to you at the commentation [Applause] station and there you have it D Jones David David Francisco fancing his chances for this title match and who can blame him absolutely I mean David Francisco does hold a pin full Victory acting as the inter Regional Champion

    Very true and you can argue in this scenario he is the pseudo Champion he holds the title in every way except the physical belt but today with this crowd here at the Westgate Hall in Canterbury history can be made but I know a man that definitely doesn’t want this to Happen the suplex Merchant Al Edwards this is Al Edwards and let’s see what Kim aiss had to say with Al Edwards earlier today grapple fans please welcome my guest at this time Al Edwards Alf Edwards today you’re in a triple threat match against Harry Sefton and David Francisco for the inter Regional

    Championship what are your strategies going into this match strategies yeah strategies I’m just going to keep doing what I’ve been doing this entire time see the thing is when you compare me Harry and David I’ve had more matches than both of them combined this year in ukw

    Every time I have been here I’ve had a match of the Year candidate every single time I’ve stepped in that ring Danny black Joe Lando when he wants to show up David Francisco even Alexander Roth I’m one of the best wrestlers in this promotion and I don’t need to prove

    It anymore to show that why I need to be in Reginal Champion today I’m walking out with that Championship after a year and a half of chasing it today I fulfill my destiny and I will become the inter Regional Champion Al Edwards best of luck back to you at the commentation Station Al Edwards of course no stranger to a competition for the inter Regional Championship although last time if I’m not mistaken David Francisco indeed and this is why this match has so many high STS each wrestler has a claim to this Championship our next competitor arguably has could argue

    The pin full victory over the pseudo Champion one of the most dangerous competitors in ukw I’m going to let Clark Andrews do the job this Is yes indeed a painful victory over the pseudo Champion has taken ukw by storm ever ever since that Infamous moment where he just rocked the Tag Division robt I was there it was a huge moment in ukw ruined the entire division but ever since then Harry he thinks he is deserving of all

    Of the Championships Harry has absolutely been on a personal mission to get rid of Rex Armstrong which he did successfully at this event last year indeed he’s not been defeated in ukw since May of 2020 two that is a streak and a half and unfortunately Rob ringside Harry sefin also holds a

    Submission victory over David Francisco he’s the worst part in this building oh will history repeat itself Rob that man there is looking to become the inter Regional champion crowd here in canbury let Harry know think we’re going to get our Championship presentation one of the rare times where we get three wrestlers

    At the same time from L Portugal waiting at 50.7 down the cent piece Frisco no prizes for guessing who the crowd fantasies for this one D Jones absolutely yeah absolutely let’s go from story when at 12 the cor blood it Harry I like the way that Clark Andrew

    Said Harry seon’s name there yep there definit uh Showmanship one way to put it in at Sy Zone from Southeast London the Su Merchant Al Edwards Al Edwards of course no stranger to a ukw ring this year has picked up some impressive victories has come up short a couple of times too absolutely

    Even Le in for ukw championship title opportunity I spoke to Al after that show he said he never wanted to be in that scenario again this is Al’s chance to become a champion he’s got two obstacles and away we go we will see a new inter Regional Champion Crow we are

    Joined ringside by Clark Andrews how’s it going Rob ringside how’s it going Dar Jones we are excited oh we were about to talk about how excited we are for this match and it’s underway just like that Harry seon just a shot to the throat of David Francisco as he and Al Edwards

    Exchange shoves increasing venom look at those forearms back and forth meanwhile Francisco oh takes advantage of the distraction to hit them both with a small clothes line from the second Ro so good well done Francisco a mentor a master of the mat but oh nice just whips

    Through D the cloth line oh the Press just unloads on I tell you what what a way to start the show but away Showcase with the inter Regional Title on the line indeed it looked like you had a bit of trouble with Al Edwards there I don’t

    Know what his problem is but he did give me one of his Al Edwards hats give his a word for it oh David Francisco just rocking off Edward’s chest with stiff chops I’ll be sticking that right on eBay other services are available just making sure we do your

    Coms oh beautiful Drop Kick from David Francisco rocks Al Edwards right to the outside oh this gets dangerous I’ve seen him do this before out he goes oh Innovative by baseball slide there I know the health and safety oh no I know the health and safety regulations in

    This building I think we’ve just broken four of them I yeah I mean at least I tell you crowd doesn’t seem to care I usually tell the Crowds Are A M remain seated but I think for this one they may not want to remain seated they may not

    Be able to help themselves like Andrews absolutely so the people here of Canterbury are so behind David Francisco oh hang on we saw this last year why the second oh we’ve got Harry in a precarious position and we’ve got Al in a oh no Harry is no stranger to this

    Move having taken it I think in this very venue here he goes oh once round once round oh and he’s going again oh and again if you paid for the ticket you go as many times as you can David Francisco rocks crowd is saying one one more this is

    Showcase this is the centerpiece David Francisco you know he’s going to do it here we go one more time oh right and one for Al as well lovely stuff wow does that mean that David Francisco is 6 nil he just scored six penalty kicks certainly he’s got the

    Shots on target I mean I’ve never heard this crowd so loud before they really want to see D Francisco become Champion I mean who can blame them he’s obviously impressive not to say not take anything away from the other two but so far it’s fair to say de Francisco looking for

    That to end this one early but Edwards to the knee I was just about to talk about the dangers of a three-way wrestling match you have to have eyes in the back your head absolutely oh huge shoulder block oh that momentum from Al Edwards just picks Harry seon up and

    Leveraging him both as weapon first cover of the contest to kick out a one that is always a sign gent that is a sign that that wrestler is saying no you have not got me kicking out a one is a psychological move to the other wrestling absolutely saying some way from Victory

    Here see the think about Al he’s just a brick house just look at oh you do not want to be anywhere near Al and a cover this time a two is the best he can manage but do Francisco kept down a little longer I can second that Dow

    Jones I definitely don’t want to be anywhere near the suplex Merchant Al Edwards I mean I reckon Al could pick up the ring a strong trap oh Francisco still got some fight not immune to a left hand however oh oh you heard that all the way back here made sure we did

    Vicious shots there from alwoods All right kid huge strike full distance big momentum Maximum Impact just rolls Francisco through for another cover and a two near pin there from one second away from a brand new inter Regional Champion we will get one today we know this going into the match we

    Knew this it’s such a high so hard to choose between the three even at this early stage Francisco’s had some momentum Al Edwards now enjoying some moment but there he is just like that Harry Sefton back in this match oh beautiful Drop Kick there from Harry seon this is

    Oh and drop kick to the knee oh what’s Harry going to do ah taking some advantage of some economy two for one good that’s a deal and a half for the cover two so close I was going to give a very strange analogy this reminds me of rock paper scissors anyone can beat

    Anyone here absolutely it’s not strange analogy don’t be so hard on yourself in this case thank you Rob I needed that encouragement you got it man there’s such a mix of styles in this and I really I I pride myself on knowing a lot about professional wrestling I can’t

    Give you any extra Insight each wrestler has a from the corner big elbow just whip snap that’s a fin a snap there and just like that enjoying some momentum oh Criss Crossing to the drop kick just in the back of their heads Francisco you give him for know where he

    Is these are cold blooded drop kicks from cold blooded har shoulder up at two the crowd I can see in the back row here are willing on Francisco you can hear it now on camera one him back in this contest Harry seon has other ideas locks on one

    Of those submission holds he so famous [Applause] for you can easily give up at this point but Al looks he’s there oh no waste lock you don’t want to be in that position with Al Edwards ready to sell you a suplex oh nice reversal reveral trying to lift trying to get

    That momentum Harry seon just trying to be out of the way of that suplex I suspect har he just drops to the map trying to rob him of that momentum oh my look at the strength of Al Edwards elbow to the face Francisco measuring up oh he got one he got one

    And he got the other wow Inside Out Harry seon like a washing machine that’s why they call him the centerpiece because he is the center of attention right now the crowd firmly behind David Francisco he just measures out Al Edwards for some left hand those are some heavy hammers

    Absolutely I’ve been hit by Francisco knock me out clean referee just getting I think Francisco going him out there I think yeah I think Francisco was going to go for that pumpkin but luckily Al had stopped there go that time got exactly what he needed out of that one good game with cat

    Mouse huge knee there really knocks the wind out of here absolutely like it would wh to the corner Francisco flips through impress lesm oh so good inuri in the corner Harry SE really that one I’ve seen him do this before this is incredible nothing good can come from

    This for Harry seon from the floor into a SP Buster beautiful cover two and oh that must have been a 2.9 there it’s going to get worse before it gets better Clark Andrews we’re going to have a harder and harder time measuring the fractions of this

    One oh look at that Francisco’s got risk control big hammer blow really back and forth looking for that re again if he hits it it’s got to be over Ze just trying his best to steer clear of it catches the foot catches the foot spins around Ducks through oh big

    Jumping into G from Harry seph impressive oh no we’ve seen this before oh oh look at that from Harry seon here we go one two and oh another near painful there from the cold BL Harry I was convinced we had a new inter Regional Champion I think we I think but

    For the intervention of Al Edwards we absolutely would have the dangers of a three-way match Al Edwards of course this is his stock in trade he’s measuring up this is going to end badly for Harry seon if he pulls it off where’s where’s Fran going oh no this is dangerous for everyone involved

    Francisco looking to get into the game himself suplexes are the oldest trade oh mou they both want a piece of Harry they absolutely both want to be the on to deliver that high impact top rope maneuver and Harry actually has had some time to recuperate oh there’s that throat

    Thrust watch out what Harry’s going to do up top and oh did you see that top rope double drop kick incredible and oh another near pinf there from the cold blooded Francisco the near two and Francisco oh looking to look in the submission hold

    And he’s got it trap that arm it is a cross face this could be over will we get Redemption from the last time we were here in Canterbury goes for the cover toing taking something out of nothing that’s the one blocked it he’s blocked the throat thrust oh oh

    Jeez him up this is not going to go well for Harry see Stampede he’s pointing yes oh Stam oh Pete a tribute to Rex what a beautiful maneuver and beautiful tribute and and Alf Edwards interrupts the pinfall before three that would meas fantastic suplex there he is that’s why

    He’s the suplex mod no another you’ve got to be kidding me stick the counter up guys oh three that’s number three T-Bone suplex how’d you like your T-bone I like them well done oh [Applause] four he is taking him to suplex to right now enjoy some M momentum and is this a

    Good place in the match to pick it up Dow J well what I thought was interesting Rob ringside was that the can be crowd they may not like Al but they certainly respect those super oh my goodness wow Al Edwards has appeared on more UK shows than anyone else and

    What’s going on here some unlikely allies with a triple threat hang on a suplex measuring up going to hit him with one of their own no way they’re going to try they’re they’re trying you can’t suplex man they’re trying to lift him and here they go oh no way no wait

    Who whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh look at that even the CR and Edwards with a double suplex on Francisco seon that’s incredible Alf Edwards is not liked but he is definitely respected here in Canterbury the crowd is getting behind Al Edwards I want to see Al win this

    Suddenly the momentum has shifted just like that measuring up you got one in mind for one each there he goes oh my goodness I think Al we we we’re looking at our new interal Champion could he’s just stacking bodies in in the corner oh no are we going for oh

    Another two for one Bargains Galore is fully behind Al Edwards right now pick him up looking for that popup Power Bomb and he hits it got to be done two that was two how was that two and Edwards can’t believe it any more than we can he’s going for that

    Clover Leaf this is what he’s won previous matches with a lovely submission Harry seon has had his back worked extensively in this match this could be the one to take him out the crowd knows what they want and they’re telling him everyone talks about the suplex Merchant but he’s clever because

    He works on that lower back and then when he gets the Clover Leaf on your back is weakened look at this crowd they really want to see Al win I think it’s could be that they don’t want to see Harry oh big kick from David Francisco interrupts our momentum there

    You go the crowd is very much a Francisco crowd there is a portion that is very pral I think it’s fair to say nobody wants to see Harry SE wi anyone but Al I got anyone but Harry I think that’s the trying to get it on again on Francisco this time off the

    Ropes oh goes he’s trying to get the trying to leverage that momentum just to car through is Francisco from the oh oh my goodness I think his tooth came out what is Francisco going to do now that got to be that R AR is leveraging up

    For two and oh my goodness oh my goodness I can’t believe It here is your winner and the mo inter Regional Champion the [Applause] har well grapple fans there you have it out of nowhere with a roll up Harry seon is your new ukw inter Regional Champion to take nothing away from the other two competitors in this match D Jones this

    Could have gone anywhere I mean let’s have a look at some of these replays I mean let’s have a look at some of the impactful moves in this we saw suplexes we saw power bombs we saw great wrestling but it was that ending it looked like that Francisco was going to

    Win but then Harry snuck in with that roll up and stole and that’s right I’m going to use that word Rob he stole the inter Regional Championship and Harry Sefton walks out exactly as he said walking out hey I don’t want any trouble me and Harry fa his failure all your failures I

    Don’t want any part of Harry Harry and me do not have we’re not very good friends I have to pick you up on one small Point D Jones you use the word stole stole implies that it doesn’t belong to you right now that Championship does absolutely and I believe we’re hearing from backstage

    That our main event our main event match JJ Gale has requested some time world grapple fans we have an incredible main event for you this evening JJ Gale taking on the wp of Brawl Street Alexander Roth for the ukw championship and right now we are going

    To hear from JJ G as he has requested some time to address the capacity crowd here in Kans oh [Applause] wait [Applause] [Applause] well grapple fans making his way to the ring to address this crowd on hand the heart and soul of British wrestling JJ Gale absolutely Rob ringside JJ g hit the scene at break Stu with that incredible breakthrough performance which gave him number one contendership for any ukw Championship he had an

    Incredible bout with Del at Table Ladders and scares and made it very vocal that he plans to challenge Alexander Roth in the main event of the last show of the Year here in showcase that’s us that’s here right now right now oh my goodness that’s so exciting very popular man and rightfully

    So thank you very much G are we having fun I think you heard me I said are we having fun hell yeah we are one opener that was I mean that’s only match one that’s the first match of what is going to be a Stell card tonight at

    Ukw but I stand go what professional wrestling show this is going to be all night oh but there’s the business to attend to tonight in the main event I go one onone with Alexander Roth in arguably the biggest match of my professional wrestling career few things I want to get off my

    Chest but I’m a man and I conduct myself with honor and respect so I want to save them face to face with the chan oh oh okay oh right on the roof please join me and these wonderful people in this ring right now wow come on JJ G calling out the

    Champ Alexander Rock has been the ukw champion over combined 3 years absolutely I hear I hear some music that says to me we might be about to be joined by The Champ absolutely and the people here in Canterbury want to see getting behind it we’ve even got the

    Clapping I love it there’s some clapping there’s some rhythm let’s do this all we need now is the champ and there he is the ukw champion The Wolf of Wall Street he has defended that Championship over and over again throughout the entire of the southeast but today the critics the people that know

    Professional wrestling we know that JJ Gale could very well be the biggest challenge Roth has ever faced I think honestly Roth knows that you see from the body langu there’s a lot of respect here there’s an acknowledgement between these two men Rob I will do my best to be

    Impartial I’m on the edge of my seat I don’t know what’s about to happen I want a clean fight absolutely I want to see who is the best I’m worried we’re going to see an explosive combustible element here thank you very much ladies and gentlemen and your Champion Alexander Roth repping Ronny

    Knox now look Roth you deserve that reaction you deserve that Applause because for 2 years now you have rained with an iron fist over ukw that’s fair you’re nice right you’re nice when you’re in this ring you don’t do nice R okay so you can you can give me all that

    But I know what you’re about I’ve seen you I’ve studied you and listen youve beaten man after man you stay Beast after beast but rough tonight that comes to an end big words whether you like it or not whether these people like it or not tonight is

    Going to be different to the other nights M fighting words explain why listen Ro I know you know who I am some of you in the audience may know who I am some of you may not let me remind you my name is JJ G I’m the heart and soul of British

    Independent wrestling and 2023 has undoubtedly been my year I have stormed through the competition for the last 11 months and it has all led to this moment to ro I saw you come in this venue ear I saw your face I think you felt that it’s pretty cold out there

    Right yeah yeah there’s a breeze in the air yeah the winds are blowing see where this is going wind change just so happen to be blowing Gale fors see what he did there that’s very good [Applause] yeah wow wow so tonight Ro when we get to the

    Main event I want you to bring everything you have because I promise you and I promise each and every one of you people in this room tonight that I will Le everything I have my heart my soul my budy in this ring come the new ukw Champion huge words from JJ Gale

    Passionate words absolutely you can feel every iot of energy the best out biggest prize in our promotion on the line and two of the best rough not K I am I promise but you had your chance to talk and now it’s mine that’s fair Ro yeah let me tell you

    Quick story about Alexander Roth The Wolf of BL Street Mr heart and soul wolves eat Hearts just saying see heart and soul huh well for over 700 days I’ve held this championship and that’s not the first time I’ve held this Championship the first time I held it was almost 400 days

    Due the mass almost a th over a thousand I am m u KP W I can’t disagree with that Kingdom professional wolf of R Tree Alexander Rock that’s me also not only did I hold this Championship but I held I still hold eight other championships and you

    Think cuz you had one hell of a year that you’re going to come into my house what the my house and take my Championship just because you’ve had a good year and you’re up and coming wait let me tell you something I don’t give a damn how

    Good your years been and how good you are at the end of this show I’m going to whoop your ass and hold my Championship like I have for 700 daysome wow it really is that simple folks you didn’t come to watch me talk or JJ talk talk so the talking is done

    It’s handshake time I’m going to go stretch do some hot stuff drink some water say some prayers and as I said who D huge words big exchange of words from both Ro and G there I cannot wait for this match alexand Rob Rob we’ve got to wait just a few

    Hours I know I don’t want to though I really don’t want to I don’t think this crowd here in Canter want to either no no they don’t you’re right [Applause] there next up it’s Rita slor versus running Knox we’ll be right [Applause] back [Applause] this place is absolutely dis to clear up go back up [Applause] [Applause] north [Applause] Wrest Ronnie Knox is nicknamed the wrestling engineer as she can literally engineer a multitude of Maneuvers from out of nowhere one thing to watch in this match is what I would call her inverted gory special which massively stretches out the arms and shoulders usually into a verbal submission [Applause] [Applause] we’ve seen Ronny Knox before in ukw h actually funny enough right here at the Westgate Hall in Canterbury where she suffered defeat to Nina Samuels but today it’s all about Ronnie Knox versus Rita [Applause] I do not want to get I tell you now I tell you what way S

    I think this ring I need to get myself one of those yeah what would you call sorry Clark we we’ve given you too many jobs today haven’t we I know clearly of course ring the bell the most important role say Rob just saying with Rob I did both here all the

    Bits fight fight fight fight talking of fights this is going to be a fantastic fight to witness two very contrasting Styles two very contrasting people Ronnie Knox made her ukw debut in this very building and Rita slor made her ukw debut earlier this year at the Medway gaming Festival

    Wrest job yes I’m an engineer engineer yeah worth having trouble contesting with Ronnie kno’s choice of engineering [Applause] as Crow again very impatient here with r slay worth they want these two to go at it and fight well you understand Rita slay’s hesitation she is obsessed with

    Claiming this and running kns as an engineer will no doubt be exposed to grease and chemicals and dust and grind is looks a F now the crowd here are definitely behind running ARS absolutely what G it away um I just have a feeling just get a [Applause]

    Vibe yeah okay we’re having funny games here all joking aside two of these athletes are so incredible at what they do both that would be 100% for two two for two I’m conscious of speaking over [Applause] [Applause] Rita it’s true the ks St AR yes a there’s a lesson there you C to learn the gloves are off now now Ronny Knox has incredible wrestling abilities why they call her the wrestling engineer she’s got so many fous moves so many different blocks but Rita will just kick

    You in the face does have the strength behind her convictions I would say to the Buckle whoa Big Arm big arm drag from Ronny Kno and another very impressively done oh wow nice head scissors right on Ste stepped up into the head scissors as she went up there very impressive indeed

    Early Advantage here going to Ronn [Applause] Knox they were’re composing herself the crowd not having any of it [Applause] oh wa wait a minute that’s an Innovative offense from Rita slay with just dives through and sweeps the leg that was so good that was like a cat trying to catch

    Her Mouse there just waiting to pounce absolutely so clever from Rita very canny ring awareness from Marita slay worth looking to work the legs of Ronnie Kno maybe remove some of that high flying offense ask that was a fantastic reversal by by Ronnie there leg lacing her legs together to get the

    Momentum down yes indeed looking to assert some momentum’s got risk control here wherever the risk goes the body will follow reverses the pressure this oh this is interesting look at is by Ron no impressive athleticism wow that was some phenomenal Shain wrestling oh wow look at that rolling through

    Two close pink there not really where she is but reasserting herself quickly and grounding Ronnie Knox into the Boston CR just going to work that lower back I think for today I’m going to call it the cany crab Li from running knocks into a cover and a

    Two running out space in the ring and going for another cover and another two unable to who oh look at that another beautiful rever and what’s going on now look at another cover painful after painful after painful here between these two st’s had enough needs to compose herself perhaps

    Is the answer she would give she is letting this crowd know exactly what she thinks about [Applause] Them conducting this capacity crowd here in Canterbury to let R know exactly what they think of her outside now danger zone just making a way around the ring Ronnie giving Chase Rony watch out oh I think that was unfortunate the exact moment that Tristan was getting out of the ring the other side

    Absolutely referee Tristan Stone vision impaired by oh oh no bucket on the head classic wrestling yeah who hasn’t heard of it I believe that is that’s what we call professional wrestling well yeah I mean You’ use a bucket ter Buck You’ use a bucket in various professions that’s a

    Fair point very true Greco Roman Absolutely was just stretching out neck of one KN and her own legs you go conditioning is important yeah two for two again Tristan needs to get control of this he needs to get these two back in the ring abely to SL with rolls out breaks the count whatever it was it’s back to

    Zero a huge punch oh just introducing one knock to the hardest part of the Ring a job well [Applause] done H forarm rning not to fight way back into This a little extra on now the upper hand back in the ring here we go croud firmly behind Ronny KN here absolutely trying to get her back into this contest but meanwhile Rita slay with the whip wow two well what we going to see stretching that back across the knee

    The strength there of Rita slay and she is ging it to running not right Now not very popular here don’t seem to mind at this point no I suppose when you’re winning Absolutely meanwhile Ronny Knoll going to roll up m one two and a two almost took one out of nowhere near pin there we’ve seen titles change hands that way matches can be long or lost three seconds this is a brutal just kicks to the midsection there those pins obviously different context L but

    Of [Applause] course driving the air out of slay really giving it to here thunderous right hand oh and another one top of my head so is she going to go for a first once again to stretch out not some people that like yeah some people do yeah there are admirable

    Qualities and now we got this vicious ham clutch what a great maneuver right in the middle of the Ring absolutely running KN is struggling the hands are trapped behind the knees pulling on the chin it’s a really painful hold absolutely re slow with now just showboating in front of his capacity [Applause]

    Crowd adding an extra insult to injury here referee Tristan Stone asserting Authority on this competition nobody nobody oh my goodness with the rber club marold after marold that’s a fair logic there R this time Ronn Knox Catches and the gloves on the other foot a back here oh vicious shot here from Ronny KN she is letting Rita slay will absolutely have it just oh down goes here we go and another building up so head of steam here arm ringer big kick big knee now what oh knocking out

    Theand and a two and a almost a three just like that just like that Ronnie almost pick up the victory out of nowhere it just shows you how good Ronnie is with all of her moves abely wring engineer how competitive this contest is as when pops up I’ve

    Seen her do this before this is a horrible horrible submission hold it’s like an octopus stretch she can get that arm R is fighting with every inch of her being oh no not into the buckles oh once again that a look to capiz Dr a

    61 but she misses it Ronnie just no not to be found nobody left at that address oh oh look at that that amazing tornado DDT tornado DDT the cover one still has enough in the tank so close that was a big move but the crowd here are firmly behind Ronny Knox that

    Tornado DDT spiked Rita on top of her head oh just oh scou in the face there does appear that way this could could it be the Rin cycle here we go looking to measure her up yeah she’s calling for the say that is about to clean up here oh my goodness

    Oh they hang away be for the moonsa the second half of that move wow Ronny calls for another attempt at that brutal submission Mane she leans oh wow what a move he might have to do a thir the crowd encouraging R sorth to tap ring the bell the referee calls for

    The Bell as R slaya submits we’ll wait for Clark Andre’s official announcement here is your winner R what an incredible contest let’s have a look at some of those highlights I mean there was some huge hits we saw a bin on the head we saw everything in

    That contest what a match for Ronny Knox picking up the victory here in Canterbury absolutely R to slay through everything including components from a kitchen sink that’s right and Ronny Knox engineered the victory I love that thank [Applause] you we now go to an undisclosed location where I believe our camera crew caught

    Up with the nail this is a personal message to you the law Lewis Basham from me to you tonight Canterbury Street Fight is all Ends Tonight and believe me what I did to you when I power bombed you through a door off the ladder was just a taste of

    The payback that I am going to dish out to you tonight when I see you oh best believe you’re going to run son because when I see you and I finally get my hands on you it is going to end tonight and I’m going to end it

    Now there he is grapple fan one half for this street fight the lore himself Lewis Basham a phenomenal competitor in ukw has had an incredible year but what a challenge he has ahead of him D there’s too much to talk about here Rob ringside the fact in this very building Lewis

    Basher was the referee for the nails match the law knows all the rules but what is odd about this contest is that this match basically has no rules I’m surprised as you that he agreed to it yes there’s something fishy here I don’t know what it is all I know is that the

    Law is stepping into let’s be honest the nails World here AB goes yes indeed the nail is very comfortable in anything goes environment is the low up to the T hang on oh sorry you be thanking me right now people in can do not like the

    Law something the only reason this m is even happening in the first place is because of [Applause] me I compromised my morals my beliefs my jurisdiction to compete in a barbaric street fight three words all because the nail cannot beat me one onone in a res words fromis

    Fash is a new Flash there will be no weapons in this match oh there will be no tables there will be no there will be no chairs oh wait a minute wait grapp a fans no surely not no no no no no he doesn’t know oh oh my goodness

    We’re underway gra fans there was no entrance from the nail he made his entrance the oldfashioned way in the street fight with a Kendo stick to the back of the law Rob honestly the moment this match has started I’m on the edge of my seat I’m so worri I cannot believe

    What I’m seeing already the nail is a dangerous oh my goodness I’m so worried about the crowd the nail is what I am so worried just swinging wildly can we I’m worried about the crowd yeah can we move the crowd back please I’m telling that got as I could thank goodness you’re

    Safe oh my goodness going to let let this is not a match this is a fight a street fight absolutely here we goes no to the post oh we’ve got two camera operators we’ve got a big capacity crowd this is so dangerous and smart woo from the nail to

    Pick up the early psychological advantage by just injecting himself into this match okay thank goodness they’re in the ring thank goodness we can calm down he was more I didn’t even get a chance to announce the guy I didn’t I’m so worried for you there Clark and

    Because nail with a Kendo stick is one of the most D he’s got a chain oh he’s not done with the weapons then oh no the nail wants to use all of these and you can see bash bash for a timeout he doesn’t want any part of this

    Oh oh no into the B him through can you blaming that I mean this is this is a dream for the nail this is his kind of matchup he loves this hardcore wrestling style here’s the thing about Dreams Park and oh oh wait a minute he’s taking the weapons away from the

    Nail oh big chop just sends the nail to the canvas and another wow there’s just Venom in every chop and again stop sign I mean those chops are almost like a weapon themselves well this Bashan clearly feels they sufficient as he looks to just explode out of the wow

    With an Exploder suplex oh I think the ring exploded there I think the nails organs exploded I swear the nail went 8 ft in the air I think you’re right this this is worrying this is oh no not another looking for another one oh Basham look at that the Venom in his

    Face he wants to hurt the N absolutely but he wants to do it to his credit his way you can see the welt on his back from those Kendo another so you know he is going to be going for some P oh it’s almost this is bral this is I don’t know

    If I can watch this this is this must be a challenging environment for you Dow Jones no shortage of history with the nail but this is something else this is something else I mean old me would be loving every second of this just stretching him out no missions in this

    One but he’s just looking to hurt him it’s a torture rack one of the most brutal oh my goodness just okay that’s it it’s done it’s done that’s it it’s done pin him a n pin no’s not out of this yet no he’s not this is just going to be his crowd wants

    Him to stay that way fash fashion just confronting the referee assuring the referee that that three count was observed but the referee is what the referee says goes as the Le Bashan well knows H what is now going for looking for some sort of back suplex

    Maybe Basham just throws him to the ring thank goodness thank goodness this I can’t believe how I’m still trying to get over the beginning that beginning was so dangerous that everyone involved the nail like with a weapon viciously trying to go after bash they just feeling the impact of those

    Ones as Basham just recuperates in the ring this is a street fight this is a street fight just threw his hair band at that crowd B oh my goodness just the disrespect not even not even the crowd are safe in this but no they indeed I’m worried a tou I’m a little

    Worried with the nails wellbe not oh oh my goodness he hit him with the stop side that might do the job that might do the job just do as the sign suggests the nail is known for this type of wrestling and I have definitely wrestled him in this style of match it

    Is one I mean we talk about the taable side scarce being the most dangerous match I would argue any kind of match with weapons with the nail is the most dangerous match and we saw of course part of the history between these two the break the nail very much in his

    Element until one very key moment involving that man right there can’t really tell from here this may be J oh Kendo found its way back at this time under the arm of I know you’ve never been hit with a Kendo stick oh I’ve been hit with these each one is unbelievable pain oh

    Oh just oh goodness oh good catch good catch crowd member just look at that from the crowd that was a relief we almost had a helmet sa nightmare there and the Nail’s coming right that’s my B I brought it from home I brought it from home come no

    Na come on now these every time we have one of these matches something I bring from home gets leverage for offensive capabilities I don’t know why I bother bringing it the trash man is not here he’s going to oh no oh wait a minute oh no for that Kendo stick oh no

    Not no measuring up oh oh oh I tell you what this may be showcase the noise that makes we are definitely going to be breaking stuff today we said this was going to be violent we said there was going to be no rues no surely not’ got

    To call from a moon we go what is going on this is absolute gra fans we cannot begin to describe we are doing our best no oh he’s changing mind not the moon oh okay oh go for the cover two and oh kicks out from a bin I can’t believe what I’ve

    Just Seen grapple fans unbelievable with a top rope Macho Man style elbow from the nail through that pin how is Basham still I think Basham how’s he still alive I think bash might be bleeding this is a that was a hor I’m I mean that was exciting don’t get me

    Wrong rapple fans but Bashan I I think it was just ring WS just you instinctively get the Shoulder up I mean bash is out bash bash managed to not only get the Shoulder up but also look at the bin kick out of the bin I mean

    Threw himself out of the bin by the time two and three quarters was called he was his face was visible just the power it takes to kick out of that sort that sort of for the more I think about that Rob the more scary that is because you can’t

    See the oh oh no he’s got the wet floor there may not be a wet Flor but Le Basham should still exercise caution what is now doing with that ask that of course I know what he’s going to do he’s going to hit him with

    What is he got a chair there’s a chair he got chairs got caution wet floor sign cannot consistently make his way to his feet but still has the wherewith all to throw weapons out of the ring he is still determined to exercise his moral obligation you have to respect that even

    If you’re not sure how he’s doing it what is the why not from the second rope oh he’s caught this is the most dangerous match I’ve ever seen he’s caught the power of Ls Basham oh my goodness he’s straight up kcks the chair out of the ring no way

    He’s going to go still has the power oh oh he’s landed on his head is that it that’s it the Nail’s down it has to be that has to be it the Nail’s down that’s it guys that has to be it one two and unbelievable there’s no way that was a

    Two there’s no way referee signaling a two and fashion can’t believe neither could these two are going for it they are absolutely hitting each other with I’m lost for words am lost for words and this is the extent of the brutality on display here grapple fans Basham is not able to fully capitalize

    On this because he is out of it he has taken bins he has taken Kendo sticks he has taken further bins he has taken an elbow drop with a bin on the one a bit oh a turnbuckle there and now just drops like a sa just want to remind

    Everyone these two men do not like each other what gave it away yeah and the fact I might have to ever work with ukw management because we’re allowing two people that despise each other to just use any plunder they can find and let’s be honest attempt to seriously hurt each

    Other absolutely I I don’t think there’s any attempt about B it I think they’re succeeding I think that’s exactly what Happ signaling to the referee that this should be over and he should it check check we don’t know we don’t know either Basham bash saying I’ve won this match

    If you’re going to stop the contest stop it there I’ve won it that F5 refereeing bash he is still gone happen trying to get this contest stop oh wait a minute bash oh now we do not condone this I know that Basham and now each other but there no need to take it

    Out on the referee the black and white shirt still carries weight as this bash well knows he is determined to get this contest stopped it’s going on the nail is getting up the nail is why why is the better question how but why the crowd crowd trying to will him back

    Into existence but I mean how much can he have in the tank oh wait a minute oh my word from a wet to a fire where did that go from the nail suck Off the Wall I don’t know again I was it even for the right

    Kind of fire we don’t know I know a lot about measures up if we’re talking about that this crowd are fired up I can say that oh shoulder block from the nail the nail and another and another the nail fighting his way back into this contest as Basham is reeling

    From just weapon after weapon after weapon where’s the now going just trying to disorient the Le Basham and it’s working discombobulate everyone absolutely this match is insane Ducks the Clos line Duck’s the Clos line oh Blue Thunder bomb one two and on a man leis basham’s size just incredible

    From the nail but even more impressive this Basham kicks out this is he must be disoriented he can barely see where he is he can barely know where he is and he is still in this contest this is the craziest street fight I think I have ever

    Seen well it wins for me it’s the only one but even then it would still be the craziest it would have to be another chair there we go another chair that it’s not done no some would say that trademark lime green chair who trademark would that be there

    Jones I may or may not have put that there earlier oh hang on Amir we’ve got how many chairs do you got some more chairs is he going to have a party yeah I but I’m assuming that’s what’s happening or like pass the what how many

    Is that four I don’t think they’re going to be playing musical chairs I count at least three or four different colors this is mad oh no there’s another one okay yeah so at least four maybe five what the now I we can’t even count from ringside grapple fans how many

    Chairs there are there are so many this Measuring Up bash don’t turn around don’t turn around oh he just drops Like a Rock now just marking out oh my goodness he is calling that this one is almost almost over no matter how big you are steel to the head is

    Going to slow you down he’s muring up for that double arm oh wait a minute oh no to the chairs that fall Nels and bomb to a pile of chairs oh my word done and that is all she wrote folks jents can I just say it

    Took not only a full nelson slam but a full nelson slam on into that pile of chairs for the nail to be pinned well all credit to both competitors what an incredible contest every inch of F and Venom but on this occasion after a full nelson bomb I

    Cannot believe I’m going to say this sentence after a full nelson bomb 28 pile of five chairs of varying colors the La Lewis Basham picks up the victory a hardfought one and no argument there well earned over the nail D Jones your thoughts Rob ringside let’s have a look

    At some of them highlights I mean we saw Kendo stick right off the bat we saw some chairs we saw a fire extinguisher blinding however the big news has got to be that elbow drop from the top through that bin oh yeah it was so vicious but

    Grapple fans I just want to clarify Lewis Basher wins again with that 4 slam absolutely and more importantly the Nile has not moved it took it onto the chairs is what it took to take the nail down basion undefeated in 2023 and it remains that [Applause]

    Way I don’t think he needs Applause I think he needs assistance next up grapple fans it’s I’m I’m going to be honest it’s my favorite match of the show it is going to be the classic World of Sport wrestling rules match eight three minute rounds two

    Falls to a finish or a knockout grapple fans let’s get ready for James Mason against Johnny [Applause] Kid grapple fans this is ukw showcase and making his way to the ring British wrestling Legend and former ukw Champion James Mason and speaking of Legends already in the ring and officiating this British rounds contest Steve Gray James Mason geared up for this one but standing in his way what can be said

    About this next competitor that hasn’t already been said absolutely Mr Smooth Johnny kid and before he comes to the ringside let’s have a look at what Johnny kid was able to say before this contest thank you commentation station grapple fans my name is kimy Kiss and it

    Gives me great pleasure to introduce my guest at this time Johnny kid Johnny kid you have a world of wrestling British Styles round match today against James Mason how are you feeling well I’m feeling quite well I’m quite confident actually because that was what I did all

    My time during the World of Sport days what always rounds matches sometimes one fall to decide sometimes two Falls to wrestle like James Mason who is well adapting to that style of wrestling even though he’s a current style wrestler he’s going back to the era I was

    Involved in and we’re going to put on what we hope is a good exhibition of holds counters escapes moves for people here to see this afternoon to show how it was back in the day when wrestling was very big on ITV while the sport I don’t know about you grle fans but I

    Honestly can’t wait to see thank you for joining me at this time Johnny kid it’s been a pleasure thank you Kim back to you at the com ation Station let’s talk about what’s happening right now in our ring inside a ukw ring we are rolling it back when British wrestling was at the height of its popularity on Saturdays at 400 p.m. these two men were the kings of their craft and we roll it back again today

    Band This Is Your World Sports style Expedition match introduc the CL in the Red Corner from bman he is a former ukw Champion the prolific James Mason thank you Clark Andrews former ukw champion and I have definitely lost to this man before iar it down in the blue

    Bner a world of sport Legend [Applause] From Mr Smooth Johnny kid another wrestler I have lost to now Rob ringside this is going to be a different type of wrestling I’m going to have to throw this over to you I cannot possibly see to do this Steve Gray there dressed in the classic World of Sport Club two lifelong friends Start with a handshake now gra fans as Clark Andrews has just mentioned we are on a thre minute time limit two Falls to a finish or a knockout and at the beginning you always find you grapple to find out how the style how and then we go instantly kid has grabb the

    Wrist big wrist control with the top wrist lock there you can see James already trying to release the pressure rolls through to undo that pressure now leg Vice and oh well done Johnny kid keeping the momentum oh nice little wrench Johnny kid having some fun there James makes it these two have wrestled

    Each other possibly hundreds of times nice arming into the side head and again this is a very different style of wrestling this is oh wow what a nice there you go you can see mates in there smiling I’m telling you that they don’t miss smooth for no reason abely to we

    Got that Full Nelson on very difficult hold to get out of and best friend there wow look at that speed look at that just I could have do that now soive good very impressive that big drop and there we go we’ve got that Cobra clutch style maneuver absolutely wrenching another fantastic reversal

    Into what we used to call a back Hammer some know it as the hammerl trapping trapping Johnny kid on the mat and now with a nice Ador stretch type there trapping both arms see there makes put for oh wow Johnny kid oh no goes with the split oh talk about an comfortable

    Position and Steve Gray there ready we go look at how flexible James Mason is just slowly moving himself backwards trying to relinquish the pressure it’s an incredibly painful heart and what’s very clever about this is that you’ll notice that James oh no reversal oh they released the

    Hold I was about to say you’ll notice that Mason kept his hand behind his back that was to ensure that kid could not grab a body part there we’ve got the knuckle locks oh you can see Mason’s not by the crowd well done Johnny kid now working that

    Leg oh very still got it oh here we go one of those yes and I I’m not going to lie near gave up absolutely that’s the interesting part about this match is that you have got three minutes oh there we go that was round one they’re going to have about a 30

    Second break oh hang on Oh I thought we were going to see something there round one have a bit of a 30 second break Johnny kid back into the corner with Prince Dean they’re going to have a bit of a conversation have a bit of a

    Check looks like every ready to go we’ll wait for the referees second round [Applause] Two sign of the Bell oh look at this a cting Hold You Don’t See this enough look at the way that Mason’s arm is being wrenched in the wrong Direction nice cting H and you can see that J kid is not relishing that he’s got the butcher’s grip as it’s called The Butcher’s grip holding on means that Mason is in a very bad predicament here and going to try and hip toss him off oh

    Oh wow an incredible arm drag from that cting position your arm being bent in the wrong direction it’s never a nice feeling imagine you can speak oh absolutely Johnny K got me in this hole and I nearly gave up immediately you can see Mason’s experimenting here you’ve

    Got to there we go just a bit of fun there you have experiment once you these holds are on there’s it’s a gentleman’s agreement it’s not punches it’s not kicks it’s grapple for hold for hold oh wow look at that very impressive working his way through into an advantageous

    Position this is the classic back Hammer position this hold hurts oh hang on oh oh over with the leg double leg Nelson that was our ring there coming in handy saved by the rope and this can to be crowd appreciates what they’re they absolutely are we are watching a fine

    Wine being made here for those that have never watched the World of Sport wrestling I highly encourage it it’s an incredible chess match and look at this you can see Mas trying to get kid down and he has succeeded and now working with joint some call it joint manipulation oh no oh

    Very impressive cross head scissors this slowly takes the wind out of you hard to breathe but you’ve got to get out of it I me the strength of trying to kid to hold the head well done to James Mason trapping the leg oh it’s not so clever now is it

    Mason having a bit of fun at kid’s expense there wrenching that leg again bending it the wrong way trapped onto your own knee now this is classic Johnny kid style look at how smooth that was and incredible reversal there and Johnny hit using momentum something you see a

    Lot in this style of wrestling and now grounded Mason with the head scissor and again you’ll see here that not necessarily going for the pin Pall this is a hold that really puts pressure on your chest it’s really hard to breathe in this scenario that slap add something to the

    Mix oh it does it’s embarrassing but that is so painful because you are being wrenched the wrong Direction grappling jocking position there and you’re going to see I think Mason here is going to go for some imens to spin round undoing the pressure but he’s now going to have to try and undo

    Those legs of Johnny kid oh got the vertical which releases some of the pressure and widens those legs and look at that pops out of that hole beautifully done end of round two we are two rounds in that was a almost starting to see some signs that some

    Momentum will be definitively this right now it’s you can see absolutely rob you can hopefully see that with the rounds you’ve got three minutes to get that Victory you have to got to get these holds on you got to get a seconds away round and the brakes allow you to re

    Almost like a chess match you go okay that strategy didn’t work let me try something else and instantly wow nice headmare there and this is a classic Johnny kid move this is so painful and you’ll notice that James Mason is not trying to get the ropes he

    Wants to power out of this maneuver it’s a game of Honor stretching those shoulders crunching the neck down as well what is makes going to do here from this position what can he do oh this is incredible what we about to see here oh he’s going to oh he’s kicking he’s just incredible

    Reversal unbelievable James Mason it’s a different like you said it’s a different St different to find way back into the contest I’ve just glimpsed above our heads Rob we’ve got what we call a curtain sellout every single wrestler is watching this from the balcony because we are watching two absolute Masters of The

    Craft and now the legs are trapped that is an incredibly painful position stretching out the groin and the inside hamstrings Mason has trapped the legs which means and technically this could be a pinning predicament you’ll notice that Johnny kid is trying to keep his shoulders off the ground because

    Technically this is a pin yes what an excellent reversal the speed of Johnny kid I was very lucky to speak to Johnny kid as he arrived and he was very thankful for the promotion to put this match on saying that Johnny thinking he hasn’t he’s still can’t do it I

    Disagree oh into the Buckle that was momentum rather than a kick jumps over rolls through by Mason Ducks under are we going to see a cover that’s the three that’s the first call of the contest goes to James Mason absolutely and I have to say as somebody coming to a contest like this

    For the first time it’s actually quite hard for the submission Maneuvers to work out who should be hurt they’re like spiders that’s a great a reason there we go Johnny kid going for a nice handshake look at that fantastic so one full to James makes it we’ve got five more

    Rounds will Mason win two to nothing or can kid come back with a fall second away round four thank you Clark Andre for the introduction well this totally changes the dynamic when you are one fall down you’ve got to you’ve got to come out fighting and look at the crowd here in

    Canterbury it’s round four and people are thoroughly behind both men this crowd is fired up for this one I think everyone’s realized just how special this match is I was talking to ukw management before there was a slight worry that the audience here in Canterbury wouldn’t necessarily know what was going what

    They were going to see I think they do now they definitely do now and it’s a compelling you can see why oh into the oh he got the ropes that’s unfortunate think so this something in Old that I understand oh no oh no and broke our Corner camera as

    Well that corner camera is going to wing it way back electrical reseller near you I must point out that the other Corner man we didn’t mention it earlier the other Corner man is Andros J in the Red Corner and Andros Absolutely you can see how people were captiv and there we go we got that strangle hold oh look at that this is such a great maneuver and I have been in this oh wow into the surfboard position is this going to be a submission Steve

    Gray is there to see is Mason going to say uncle let’s find out no he’s saying no Mason has got his legs free rolls through and has got the Japanese strangle hold oh no oh Johnny kid that was uncharacteristic you do see that kind of maneuver in the world of sport wrestling

    These two were going hold for hold you can see Mason wasn’t impressed by that again oh and into the abdominal stretch try power right finds the leg oh all that pressure now this is an incredible contorting hold if we look at the position that Mason is in every body

    Part is going in the wrong direction I mean look at the flexibility of Johnny kid to be able to get his leg over the head of Mason here comes the cover oh and into the ropes unfortunately again they use the phrase in wrestling ring rest and there’s an

    There could be an element of that our ring is slightly smaller than others it is the size of the traditional World of Sport ring it’s the 14th with the ropes what we can see here rolls through reverses that momentum and look at that is now got a wrist lock on Johnny kid double

    Wrist you can see kid we on nearly approaching a 3 minute Mark I believe takes the single leg down goes Mason going a great find that thing oh my goodness we got a British figure four going on look at that beautiful maneuver oh British figure 4 he’s going to have to give up [Applause] surely round that’s incredible got to be Saved by the Bell literally Saved by the Bell well that could have been the submission victory for Johnny kid there we are still one to nothing that was incredible bro I love every second it’s such a joy it’s such a treat

    To watch two masters of their craft here inside the historic Westgate Hall in C Johnny kid wrestled here in the early ’90s James Mason again in the early 90s away round five round five imagine part of the reason this is so exciting is this fall is decisive this determines the direction

    Of the contest from here on in this can end the match right here or it can see us get into a best the next four wins situation this is the stakes are high here they could not be higher it will either end the match or force a decisive

    Winner wow people are really behind James Mason I don’t think people enjoyed what Johnny kid did there perhaps not perhaps he is but he’s not here to make friends he is here to win this contest with this exhibition Show Jes now trying to get out of this wrist lock it’s an awkward position to be in oh no oh there we go shoulder up well done love that no hand no not liking that you’re not going to pin Mason like that love it I couldn’t guess how many matches

    These two men have had I couldn’t that’s that’s a game huge take that was that might have been makes head oh it looks like he’s going for that hold again will we see that British figure got plenty of time on this one D keeping score of the time

    Oh no oh oh okay taking the fingers some joint manipulation British style going to bend those bones the wrong oh yes short arm wrist lock oh a bit of a forearm yeah this is getting gritty now mistakes as you rightly point out have never oh my God

    No way is Mason going to be able to do that he was going to try oh yeah you can see kid not happy about that at all oh look at oh thrust to the stomach into the buckles oh nice reversal into a snapmare what are we going to see here

    Mason shoulder tackle down goes Johnny kid into the ropes side back elbow by Johnny kid like that oh oh rolls through oh kick out by James M I was about to say that’s how I lost to Johnny kid that was literally the same oh no both men go down oh that’s

    Unfortunate this is not the time for either man to be down on the ground for two well no this is this is the this is a fall that is so pivotal it’s unfortunate sometimes you do bash heads and they’ve got luckily we got the round system where we can check on them during

    The gaps but both men are onto their feet European uppercut nicely done can kid get the can he get a fall oh and roll through school boy look at that and just like that this contest is T as quick as that [Applause] Winer there you haric grapple fans we

    Are tied at one a piece the next four will decide the winner how excited I I’m on the edge of my seat I love this it’s something I’ve always enjoyed it’s something I always aspired to do myself for those that have watched ukw for a

    Long time there are lots of HS that you may have seen me do as well as these honestly BR this is a joy and privilege to see honestly in my opinion the two best wrestlers in this country round round six Away We Go Round One a piece there’s arguably three more

    Rounds to go but can we get a pinfall can we get a submission or dare I say it will we get a knockout unglued this crowd is so excited Bas this is the one that decides it all this crowd knows it those two men in the ring know it the

    Referee knows it we both know it let’s find out what happens I’m going to be unprofessional Rob I’m going to take a photo right now this is so good I don’t know when we’ll get something like this again in ukw I know we’ve got seven cameras on

    But I just wanted to take one for my advantage this is such a joy and excellent talk about being flexible and literally trying to pin his shoulders to the map as well with this trying to much momentum as can an amazing reversal there using the momentum has now trapped Johnny kid’s

    Arm and now wrenching back on the other one I don’t know if our cameras can get right in there but this is some joint you got to be flexible in this game Inc oh and a whip again nice British stop Ducks underneath gets that single leg oh nicely done oh ground pins double Nelson oh almost a three really great hold backslide here we go battle for the he’s going to get leg like B is going to get the [Applause]

    Cover that’s it oh that’s it there we go it is over [Applause] Winer grapple fans you cannot help but have clawed the efforts of the two men in that ring unreal that was such a joy to watch it’s unfortunate that someone has to win and someone has to lose but I

    Think I can say safely grapple fans that we all won watching two absolute brilliant men in the ring we had sir Steve Gray refereeing and that’s what we want to see a handshake that’s what you want beautiful show of respect from both men the crowd cannot fault these two men putting

    Everything in the ring just now I mean Rob let’s go to some highlights there were some fantastic hold for hold there was some speed there was some whips there were some quips you name it grapple fans this was a great match to [Applause] watch up for

    J and up one more time for Legends Steve and John wait grapple fans I’m getting word that something’s happening back stage let’s go to give me a kiss Thank You commentation station graffle fans please wel welcome my guest at this time David Francisco David the crowd were really on your side but Harry

    Sefton just took the win how are you feeling I’m feeling really disappointed I I think that the the reaction that I got out there just shows that uh the Canterbury wrestling fans uh really have have showed their love towards me and I was really looking forward to coming

    Here today it would be really really special for me to to come in here win my first championship here ukw after having not not that good of a year last last year I feel like I was on the way up and I really felt when I woke up today that

    Today was going to be the day and it would be so special to do that in front of Canterbury for the former Champion for Sapphire I I just want to Sapphire I’m sorry I feel like Harry sepon is just soiling the legacy of the championship that you really tried to build and I

    Just hope that I’ll be able I’m sorry Kimmy what do you want I have enough energy to go again I’m not the champion today it was my destiny to win it out there it’s your fault you’re the reason I did will play Champion today it’s all your fault you should never have been

    Here this was my chance this was my opportunity and you take this from me I Blame [Applause] You he trying to win a wrestling match I’m sorry KY okay uh back to you at the commentation station greetings grapple fans welcome back to ukw Showcase in canbury Rob ride

    And DOW Jones call in the action speaking of action it’s time for double action action Shan Action Jackson I think I nailed it I’m so glad you did it cuz I definitely can’t well if I didn’t nail it maybe he’s up on the the action we don’t like to me up in the

    Action I don’t see why he would sh Jackson and Liam Jud are in the ring right now having some fun with this capacity crowd here in Canterbury and they’ve got a challenge ahead of them Dow Jones fair to say absolutely and in this match we’ve got a brand new team

    Coming out when I say brand new team we know these two individuals very very well but we don’t necessarily know them as a tag Team well grapple fans this is a team I’m very much interested in seeing in action double action yeah let’s go with double action now we’ve [Applause] [Applause] got [Applause] Al well Rob that was interesting but yes indeed before I give you my thoughts let’s go to what Kim kiss was able to get from these two incredible athletes thank you commentation station ladies and Gentlemen please welcome my guests at this time Jay Alexander and

    Dolford deline sorry sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry professional um how how are you feeling to me in front of my new tag part or not like that all right look I said something’s got to change something’s got to change I said I had a plan and look at this I have the plan

    Jay Alexander’s the plan J Alexander’s the plan I’ve uh I’ve been saying something’s got to changed for very long time now loss after loss I’ve been comeing out here and saying something has to change well look if this is what has to change you can’t say I didn’t BN

    You he’s ready I think you need to go get ready I am ready I’m always ready I’m a winner back to you at the commentation station well grapple fans that’s this intrigues me this does because Jay Alexander and delie they turn up to ukw shows all the

    Time and let’s be nice they’re not exactly the winningest of people individually no no and exactly at the last table that the scares event they said something’s got to change and seemingly Deli and Jay Alexander have come to some sort of arrangement but noticing on the we ring Jay Alexander

    Wasn’t quite on side as down so I feel like they they are a team but only by name well we’re underway let’s see how this match goes now I don’t know much about Liam here no he did not but he’s Lo Del so he’s going to have to learn

    Real this is it Liam Jackson Liam Jackson and Liam J versus Jay Alexander and deline who have uh formed an unlikely Alliance here indeed we were just say sum of what we were just say yeah that’s so good it as if you did that right design look I have a lot of

    Jobs for the show okay do I know I hope they’re paying you trouble so do I D Jones so do I Up H off the ropes Dr Ducks through and again whip Ste himself this time oh oh incredible wow big velocity big slam from Liam Jud oh sing senton go for a quick cover and a two near pin there absolutely not could have been over so quick quick tag to D

    Alexander as way he goes double action standing on the outside making sure he’s not there we go time for some double action Action Jackson we’ve lost track of so much action oh my goodness Happ to keep track of the action double leap from this is showcase after all Up Ring

    Side Oh big kick goes for recover the one count not going down M you know this now interestingly deline seems to be shouting abuse at Jay Alexander almost telling him what to do the cover that time two SL Jackson lifts him up and puts him

    Down big slap that was a big SL tag J back in oh get the crab oh oh my goodness that was just vicious reversal oh see deline always seems to be trying to take the low rout yeah but there was an audible there that no doubt used let’s see oh from the

    Outside oh oh look at that by deline oh dropping him on the hardest part of the Ring there yes indeed unbelievable Jay seems to be conflicted here yeah I would be if I was Jay like you want to win but you don’t want to win necessarily that wa maybe

    Not but deline definitely shouting orders from the corner still can’t work out if they’re on the same page can’t figure it out read the same book that’s very true big for jander has some incredible strikes I feel like it’s underrated it’s just such a good strike out an incredible Gra

    And then you add deli with speed and tenacity this could be an absolute killer team just have to learn to work together that’s that will help that was incredible yeah double elbow cover it’s a shame it wasn’t a double elbow for double action no indeed double

    Elbow elbow elfine elbow D elf no don’t yeah you get this let’s not worry about let’s go back call the action let’s stop doing that WR J Alexander here they are J just gave for for a team that was never tagged before I mean Jay Alexander and deline they’re doing okay here doing

    Bad what will matter is who gets the three count that’s what always abs want to do it abely Himself cover and a two he’s able to get the Shoulder [Applause] up trying to get back in the eight double action absolutely and you can see that Jackson on the apron you’re resting up your it’s like a raging ball ready to go all that Pence up J Del will be hoping they don’t

    Watch oh J just Springs out hit Del some chops but Del armr the back oh beautiful Drop Kick from Del beautiful beautiful one two and no he’s good you know this just a lot of the time it comes up but encouraging these two are formidable team big drop kick

    Out I know what I mean go oh there we go Jackson getting the crowd behind Liam I wonder how Jay feels about this because usually the CR quite behind J Alexander but they seem to be firmly behind Sean Jackson and Li judge in this context J Al Jay Alexander Pro that may prove

    Telling on J Alexander may he find himself part of the Team again oh out of that corner nobody home just has to cross the ring easy oh now looks to take R out to the ropes oh well done Jay grabbing thatand oh inter well done well done the deline again deline once again oh hang on J Alexander takes

    Advantage of the distraction I mean oh if it works look at that just power in over we are seeing a very much more aggressive side of Jay Alexander here this evening absolutely I feel like Jay has sort of come to terms with what just

    Happened oh no oh no no he’s that and a big San drop oh no Juds but Jud get desperate to get in on the double [Applause] action can he get a tag he’s got the tag here we go away we go big close line double action triple action quadruple

    Action quad action that wasn’t in the that wasn’t in the program action fifle action who knows sex tle action oh my goodness what a suplex looks to get in on interrupting that action got to set coule nice reversal and there’s a tle there ride set TPP who’s

    Counting about to see oh wow that was beautiful one two and oh by deline we know is resilient all credit to him for kicking out there well done Jackson is 2.9 maintain this momentum and assert disadvantage I can’t believe what we’re seeing what looks like a double suplex

    There they go wow double action double suplex absolutely does that count as a triple suplex cuz it’s double yeah I would say it does power of triple let’s go with it what an incredible team between J and Jackson here yeah I wasn’t expecting these two to be so good as a team but

    They are Bo Del oh my goodness oh no from delin eye about it he staggers back to his feet oh that’s it that’s got to be done that’s it that’s got to be it is that enough one I’m so sorry just about breaks it up in timeand

    Jump oh oh and a beautiful kick incredible what is Jay doing oh he’s dragging Del into his daughter to get the tag that’s so good smart move from Jay and he’s in this contest a slightly fresh out for a debut team they are acting like veterans

    Here going to see here oh he’s going for that vertical suplex blocked itting every of power he has but oh oh I think that I don’t think Jackson oh yeah maybe that counted as a tag I I think that was a blind tag well done to that team if

    You can get away with it they did oh and Jackson powering out action action action action action oh no more action no more action from Jackson OH blocked it well done oh they nearly miscommunicated oh there’s that jumping knee oh huge German suplex from deline one two

    Andup pin for two another near pin forall incredible incredible by these two teams they really have strategized in this match Alexander spills to the outside Jud not going after initially my thoughts but looks to be getting that tag desate for that tag everyone’s getting back into position absolutely

    Alexander making his way to his feet to welcome the tiger Del T Alexander here we go D the oh F did not see that coming oh I didn’t see that coming punch the back Jackson with a til to w wow that’s incredible that was oh no

    Oh and he hoist Jackson up there just too much action oh look at that huge back breaker oh big spine Buster from Li Jud one two and and a two there’s been a lot of near pinals in this tag team contest J looking to put this one to [Applause] bed that wasag

    From does not know that’s it would be done there was a measuring up up one two and unbelievable he’s got it he picked up the [Applause] Victory just like that out of nowhere the team of J Alexander and Del picks up the pin Victory incredible team [Applause] ofex well I think we have our answer I think we do D Jones deline and Jay Alexander pick up the pin victory over Jord and Jackson and at the end of that

    Contest it seemed to me they’ve at least figured out how to be on the same page for this one at least I have bold prediction here these two are incredible athletes Deli might say some mad things however if they’re on the same page this is a formidable

    Team up next is our main event of 2023 but first let’s go to Kimmy a kiss who is backstage with the Victorious Ronny Knox thank you commentation station grapple fans please welcome my guest at this time Ronnie Knox Ronnie you just defeated Rita SL wor and a massive

    Victory here in Canterbury how are you feeling um pretty beat up to be honest with you I mean I expected Rita to have all their weapons not a bucket I did not expect that but just goes to show you if you do not pay attention and if you do

    Not listen then you are going to get hit and that’s exactly what happened to R so I feel like a little bit of a Redemption here last time I was here I lost so now I can rub that off and move on to bigger and better things do bigger and better

    Things mean that you maybe going after the ukw Women’s Championship I mean it would be stupid for me not to say that I haven’t noticed that there is a Women’s Championship and the current champion she’s had the title for a while so I think it’s time that we

    Have a new Champion going into 2024 I like the the idea wrestling engineer Ron KN ukw wom’s Champion I like the sound of that as well yeah it works pretty well in the workshop as well got a nice little mantle piece I could put it on so

    Yeah yeah 2024 that’s going to be a big year for me well best of luck in 2024 Ronnie back to you at the commentation [Applause] [Applause] station grapple fans what a main event we have for you right now the crowds already knows who’s coming we know who’s coming but it Bears repeating the heart and soul of British wrestling here he [Applause] comes JJ Gale making his way to the ring to take on arguably the most dominant ukw

    Champion in history D Jones That’s right The Wolf of Brawl Street Alexander Roth I can barely hear you over this crowd I was you can probably see on camera I’m adjusting the microphone because it has gone deafening in here absolutely it’s big fight feel everyone is on their feet

    For this main event and I’m going to quote Clark Andrews the main event of the year the last match of the year for the biggest prize the ukw championship Rob I am so excited I don’t know who wins how could you possibly know who wins it’s two of the most impressive

    Wrestlers in British wrestling competing for a title and it’s 3 seconds or a submission to decide who wins it it can change on the dime like that how could you possibly know who’s going to win the only way is to stick with us and find

    Out we’re going to find out when you do so let’s do it grapple fans are you with me silence Rob bring side I get it I made my pece with it Rob I just had a look at the camera looking at all these people standing on their feet this is a

    Huge deal but here comes the face that runs the place speaking of huge deals here he comes we saw these two earlier today they respect each other they both know what’s at stake today Alexander Rock has been in the main event of more ukw shows than anyone else

    In history grapple fans this is our ukw champion here he is The Wolf of brao Street Mr Multiverse the ukw champion but what a test he has before him right now to hold on to that title he came into 2023 the champion will he leave 2023 as the ukw champion there is only

    Once again I’m sorry to sound like a broken record grapple fans but we are in Canterbury home of many of fine vinyl Outlook this is the only way to find out watch it with us now to be very clear here Rob Roth has been the champion as he elegantly

    Said for over 700 days then you add the other 400 from the previous Reign he defeated bullet Thor vertigo Connor Mills RJ sing Cody salahu James Mason Theodore Powers Fabio Romano delen Alf Edwards and was the first person to ever retain their championship in the TLs match Alexander Roth is the super boss

    Of ukw grapple fans this is your main event but let’s be clear grapple fans all those things aside once again all it takes is 3 seconds JJ Gale to change the face of ukw I want you all to come Toide come I you around this inside Area that’s it I want you to do exactly that [Applause] Is is and [Applause] this for one one b with no time [Applause] minut you [Applause] championship a [Applause] British and his oppon he is The Wolf of proit from Pro them win95 lb the ren defend ukw Champion [Applause] Alexander we have in store for you who will win we genuinely cannot call this one any other way as it hoping these Purple People disperse from The Ring I about to see the action we’re only human we’re only exactly I’ve come to accept that [Applause] now Clark Andrews couldn’t help but Jo

    Us here on commentary what a match we have going into going into this one how could you possibly know how could I miss this one this is the match that we have all been waiting for the entire year JJ Gale Alexander Roth this is Showcase two of the best in

    Ukw two absolute incredible athletes all competing for the biggest prize in our organization will they shake hands to start crowd knows what they want him to [Applause] do yeah we got an excellent excellent sport I’ve lost my voice excellent show of sportsmanship Here by JJ go and

    Alexander here we go they’re sizing each other up ahead of the first lock [Applause] up the stakes are so High sorry grapp fans I keep looking around at this audience we have done an entire year 2023 of ukw action and this is the last match of the

    Year two wrestlers well respected in our locker room you won’t hear a bad word said about either of these men the upand cominging heart and soul of British wrestling JJ go has made all joking a whirlwind of Impressions making his debut for ukw in the Break Stuff

    Match which is how he has earned this shot today an incredible showing at Tables Ladders and scares called out Roth and said hey I think it’s time the heart and soul to get some gold he has waited 6 months for the sub this is where he finds out if he’s

    Up to the task oh my goodness oh wow just blocking offense ducking diving oh beautiful Drop Kick by gilow oh catches with a drop kick of his own these two are going to go at it referee trist Stone has the unenviable task of keeping them apart right moments oh oh my

    Goodness Alexander off just letting JJ G know who is your current ukw champion of course JJ G has to be careful he cannot win the title on disqualification absolutely not you do have to be careful in this oh impressive back elbow from Alexander Roth that is why he’s the

    Champion jents and ladies and grapple fans of any kind this is reminding me of when I took on Alexander Roth in the 2019 Showcase Event the honestly jent the pressure is oness by JJ ducking out from underneath High Fly incredible athleticism from JJ Gale I thought JJ

    Was about to go Big Move big arm drag big drop kick that one got him and he’s got him out the ring look at that is recuperate oh wait JJ G we’ve seen him do this before here he goes and oh look at that right into the edge

    Of through the second rope good making his intentions crystal clear new champ I was worried for our camber operator there absolutely train profession too absolutely they knew exactly what was about to happen there big for for JJ G this crowd couldn’t be any more split referee counting three and of course

    They’ve got some time but they want to be careful match doesn’t end on the count out nobody will be happy with that outcome least of all JJ because he can’t win the B exactly exactly Rob these two know what they’re doing trying to create some distance oh to fight his way back into

    To this one we go Roth interestingly breaking the count very good interesting I like fight Spirit spills to the outside do our best to pull it from here gra fans but it is outside of our view I’m always worried with the lights around if someone gets knocked over oh my goodness that one we saw I felt that ring moved AB oh and another there from rough I saw

    Sweat flying JJ oh there we go JJ was about to try and get some Venom from JJ Gil make no mistake here’s a crowd favor he is here to win JJ did not through’ seen this before Measuring Up from outside in this is so good oh and a big sent

    On so impressive down forover a one count wow got a one again after all the impactful offense we’ve seen a big sign take going to take a lot we know this we knew this this is what JJ G’s got to do though he’s got to stay on top of Ro

    Here Roth has been a brilliant Champion there’s no one who has been able to defeat him and this is JJ big there by JJ go just takes the air out of here oh interesting wait a minute JJ G will do anything within the rules bending there to make sure that

    Happens oh wow oh no rman could that be the turning point oh no this is going to be loud keep the momentum away from JJ with an elbow there forearms he goes oh one two and one count there he what’s interesting in a match like this oh and a roll

    Through and a two sometimes you’re wrestling waiting for the other person to make a mistake and what happens in the early parts of these matches oh oh not expecting that that was a big chot JJ go straight off his feet s oh big kick to the back there by Roth I can see

    The wel his back already forming surprised hug oh under big double underhook fls him over into the cover n pin almost a new Champion that’s how close it’s going to get [Applause] absolutely this really could go any way okay Gail surprised I think Gail is trying to encourage Roth to make a

    Mistake get angry do something you wouldn’t normally do that is all Gail is doing here they’re getting into the head of Roth he is talking smack right now to off and the crowd suddenly behind Roth and he feels itri few quick shots few more oh and a big punch exra Venom in that

    One he’s measuring up oh J G goes for the close oh oh my goodness that hit about 3 seconds before I could react to it that was how is JJ G’s head still on absolutely he’s managing to get to his feet Ro just goes for a elbow in the corner just some lightning

    Offense punches chops kicks in as sent on and now was just Jil is just in the corner oh dou KN KN lifts him out oh my incredible folded him up this could be it one two and and an extra little smack for good measure there you can see both these athletes

    Trying to make the other one angry yeah just drive them out of the comfort zone you’ve seen it in other sports you’ve seen it in other sports if you can get your opponent oent to make a mistake if you can get your opponents to do something they don’t normally do high

    Risk do something outrageous you can then capitalize on that moment’s notice as you said Rob this is just 3 seconds away from a new Champion or a retention duck through the large punch good looking to oh hit with a back slide but hit a knee instead and rolls him through

    One C oh that was so close we nearly had a new champion there that twice in Rapid succession we’ve just been pairs breaths away from a brand new ukw Champion that was an incredible cover for those I believe our cameraman was able to get that there was almost like a half Nelson

    On the other side oh Ro just really really he floats over DS the cloth line oh did you hear that Gail was going for that gale force maneuver the one that he has won all of his matches with Roth calculated a drop kick to the back of

    The neck the arm the shoulder everywhere levels it but that’s taken its toll on both men as they’re struggling to get to their feet and once again JJ Gale needs this match to be more definitive than this this cannot be the way this ends for JJ

    G to take on the goal let’s talk tactics I think Roth has just discovered how JJ Gale plans to win this match there’s a worry that’s a worry for Gail you’ve got a big move it’s been scouted do you pull that move out again that is what I think we’re watching out

    For Roth seems to have an answer for every changing forearms back and forth between these two sometimes it’s just hit the guy as hard as you can I get asks every so often Dow Jam will you ever come out of retirement probably not because of things like this

    Bring up oh duck through oh oh my goodness he just straight up scooping him round he lifts him up oh is this the new [Applause] Champion I thought that was it then JJ G has convinced he won that one and it’s hard to disagree that’s so like he can’t believe

    It but the crowd are firmly behind JJ JJ feeling it from this crowd feeling this energy he feels like he can win at this moment in time who can blame him oh my oh my goodness catches him whips him through oh pop out power bom oh my

    Goodness just flips him to his feet does not let him get a moment’s rest bite a knee to the back of their head so much action oh cover two and another kick out I can’t believe there was just so many move there that mitoi style driver put people away before but not JJ

    Gale Alexander Roth must be sitting there thinking what do I need to do to defeat JJ Gale both of them have got near pimples in this match this really could go anywhere this audience is still very split half the people behind Gail half the people behind Roth Roth is measuring

    Up and he’s signaling this one’s done it’s from the second oh goes for a double stomp Gale evades another impressive evasion rolls him through oh wow a double stomp out of a victory roll this is incredible just impressive offense from JJ gal but here’s feeling look at this the

    Reversal oh sling blades that could be it this could be it oh he got that move so flush such a good move you get grabbed you get spun round you get rammed into the ground one more I keep hearing the crowd saying one more this one more second one more move

    J the girl’s got to be thinking what else do I have to do I think he is signaling for the gale force that incredible maneuver this crowd does he pull it out catches go and is he going to hit oh my goodness I thought we were going to

    See the r bottom oh my God these two know each other so well they keep reversing each other’s big moves I don’t know what’s going to happen off the ropes [Applause] there oh my goodness Ro’s kick down over he hit the gale force he hit the

    Gale force and Roth was able to get a shoulder up this is unbelievable what has JJ girl got to do to defeat our current champion Alexander R you know when you play a video game and you play the boss and you go how does that boss

    Have so many lives that is what we are seeing now JJ Gail’s signaling he’s not done yet oh no sending the sending the ropes what do you do slowly making his way to his feet but will it be quick enough Gil Measuring Up oh oh my goodness and Roth Ducks oh into the

    Ropes we got to oh he went for that g forar Spear and the rough B oh my goodness are we going to see it oh didn’t quite get all of it is that enough one two [Applause] and there we have it grapple fans this here from Clark Andrew for the official

    Word here is your [Applause] winner [Applause] Champion well there you have it grapple fans what a contest JJ Gale threw everything Alex alander Roth Alexander Roth threw everything at JJ Gale we saw a gale force we saw so many high impact Maneuvers but in the end as always what

    Matters is the 1 two three and this time it could have gone either way but it went to Alexander Rock who is still going into 2024 your ukw heavyweight CH that’s right Rober inside couldn’t have said that any better myself right now grapple fans we’re watch ing two of

    England’s best in the ring I I it so good that match was so great sportsmanship all the way through I’m conscious what we’re about to see it should be a show of respect both these men left everything in the ring I’m conscious and it matters how this

    What happens next will set the tone of ukw in 2024 both men staring at each other intense competition they know they both left everything there they must know the other one gave them everything that suggests significant respect from Alexander Roth absolutely Rob ringside it’s moments like this that

    Make you proud to be a professional wrestling fan proud to be here in Canterbury Jil is holding the championship he knows how close he came to hold building it for real but all kudos to JJ Gale tremendous [Applause] sportsmanship well grapple fans I know rob you what do you say what I would

    Like to say is thank you so much for watching ukw all year we’ve been everywhere thank you so much throughout the entire Southeast thank you rob ringside for being there ringside all the time thank you to all the cast and crew thank you to every single wrestler to every single camera operator every

    Single person that puts these shows on genuinely thank you this has been a fantastic year for ukw we have just witnessed one of the biggest and best Main Events ever in ukw history I Dow Jones Rob ringside signing off for 2023 thank you kindly grapple Fans Go


    1. Thank you for watching, liking and subscribing and for all your support in 2023!

      The first batch of dates for 2024 have been announced and tickets are on sale now, be part of the action in 2024.


      24.2.24 – The Falconwood Community Centre, Welling

      24.3.24 – Westgate Hall, Canterbury

      13.4.24 – Studio 6, Maidstone

      21.4.24 – Parkwood Community Centre, Medway

      04.5.24 – Falconwood Community Centre, Welling

      27.7.24 – Bexleyheath High Street, Bexleyheath

      28.7.24 – Strode Park, Herne Bay

      31.8.24 – Bexleyheath High Street, Bexleyheath

      21.9.24 – The Falconwood Community Centre, Welling

      20.10.24 – Parkwood Community Centre, Medway

      03.11.24 – Westgate Hall, Canterbury TABLES, LADDERS & SCARES 4

      30.11.12 – The Falconwood Community Centre, Welling


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