Christmas in Oxford! Music by St James

    All right so we’re here the tunnel would have been a bit you know um sophisticated for where we are you know this is just a little bridge over a stream and that’s especially what would happen if you didn’t follow the path then you have to get over that yeah and

    Then we got to go with this well it’s a bit busy as well all right ready ready ready ready go go go go go go go go hey hey and it’s another classic run London to Oxford when doing double Marathon to Oxford I was just thinking it could be 8 hours but that would be Pasty You’re about But Stains yeah Yeah that is 100% one so I I needed to check if I knew this guy when came and I did that I was like yeah I finally Made Hello hello hello oh winds almost in Maiden head about 5 Mile so we’re 20 m in and we’re all good seeing the country sort of to after the maiden head when it’s going to be better I mean look at this guy oh jeez Oh so my foot kind of hurts it’s a good thing we stopping off in just 1 and A2 mil I’m going to need a real strategy when it comes to um Bournemouth but we always just mess around with double marathons where a lot of people have a proper game plan for

    Just a marathon we’ve already done done one Almost don’t have it yet just to get that Way I don’t know it’s just gone off the path like see like the Wilderness you just sort of like hope you’re still on the path because it’s sort of what it looks like are you sure is the not that way it’s like look there is yeah can you not see the path come

    On there oh yeah I see it yeah see like that boys right yeah we’re going to be go right in a second like now now mate what is it like I can’t quite is it literally just like Is that real that Way now we got to go with this excellent at least we got some stairs after you mate thanks yeah no put it in the middle and use it yeah yeah yeah that’s oh that way you went through the mud now you got to go through the seep welcome to

    Marlo Tom’s gone man and we’re going to run through the night 5 hours of dark couple places that might have service stations or days ahead yeah be careful This footage is going to be banging it’s going to be bad different like every clip Different It’s nothing easy running from London to Oxford it’s definitely something but I just want to show it’s possible and even in these winter days you’re making something of all this time in the dark something can still be done if you want it to be Oxford come on get that camera off

    And get start getting these directions out Me all right you Mo your sorry just waiting from my pH they were all giving me a lip about going in there they said the lights turning off should have given you an idea that it was closed and I said yeah well the door open it gave me some hope

    Man and then they lock the door while I’m in there that’s it that is it yo yeah come on you did it go go next to go next to that come on we do some good cities man y yes man let’s go yo yo yeah that’s 52 and 1/2 miles

    Man the double Marathon hey hey now we’re about in Oxford man so going jump on let’s see what it’s saying and know we do that thing where they clap so we’re in Oxford then yeah nice day out more to come let’s see the whole country let’s see where else we can run

    To from London let’s see Oxford right now let’s Go that was all right that was all right Tree Hey

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