How do you enter 2024 and match all that we’ve done in 2023 and be happy with it? You bring on a Premier League legend, one of the most natural finishers in football history, one of the great talkers and best thinkers in the game – the one and only JERMAIN DEFOE. Confronting LIPPY on his take and talking about DARREN BENT and EDDIE NKETIAH, we got the SPURS, PORTSMOUTH, WEST HAM, TORONTO, SUNDERLAND, RANGERS and BOURNEMOUTH number nine to talk about playmakers, finishers, attitudes, coaching and more in a classic FILTHY @ FIVE. MARGS, LIPPY, PK HUMBLE, JORDY, SPECS GONZALEZ, STEVO THE MADMAN and TEGO break it down with the iconic JD.

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    I remember I went to uh went out for dinner and I was with my cousins and that and I remember my phone Rong was like private number I never answer private number private number B BFFs I said I said hello is this Jermaine I said yeah who’s this

    Drake I said I thought it’s Aaron Lennon yo Jermaine yo jine fam so I play it cool in I play it cool on the phone yeah yeah cool yeah yeah put the phone I couldn’t believe it they say you Screamed welcome welcome to the show Premier League Legends people say I say the word Legend too much this is a premier league Legend Jermaine defo come on quick question have you got that shirt no you want to buy that shirt it’s available now £55 you want to buy it I

    Thought it’s was getting one free now this one is business just this one the next one you can get free I like I like it though you could buy tend Steph will buy them from me Steph get on your phone now f.com 10 if you don’t buy 10 it means JD’s run out

    Pce but um we were talking about how a lot of young players now play with their socks way down with a tiny little shimad you can’t really tackle the way you used to so you might as well have the freedom but that reminds me of when Javier

    Masano once flew a tackle in ran the back from behind whatever hooked Jermaine defo down on the edge of the Box what did Jermaine do what did Jermaine defo do in Revenge little nibble I told I warned him did you I told him cuz you know what see that

    Fixed obviously I left West time went to Tottenham so I remember early in the game that he smashed me and I thought okay but I knew it was coming and I remember saying to him I said you know what I said do that again cuz he tried

    To hurt me I don’t mind if you smash me you win the ball no problem so remember I said to him do that again and cuz I was fired up anyway cuz I was getting a lot of stick from the West fans course so I remember he DED me from behind see

    So he D me from behind and I just saw red I lost it yeah pause you you got remember that check your shoulders you got to check your shoulders here a mad Ain it mad though that that’s like modern era like not that long ago and you you that’s two red

    Cards that was two yellow cards that game yeah one tackle from behind one bite it was two yellow cards so I did panic when I when I did it you know you just see red when I done it I thought you know what I’m off has anyone El bit

    Someone I said this remember I don’t if you remember the story years ago but I said if I was in a headlock and the was near me oh brother yo yo yo yo that’s not why I B I didn’t like that we’re not using that this I’m saying I will do it

    Bro if I have to get out of it you get what I’m saying Mars Mars I’m not spotting you for that I’m not spotting you so you’re B you’re biting it yeah I to get out the headlock I’m buying it no I’m I’m collapsing kill

    Me I’m dead I’m dying how bad is the headlock though yeah yeah I’m blacking out but we accept you but them stories ain’t for mixed company man okay cool cool we’re we’re talking to a man who is of head loss on occasion do you think as

    A striker I would say you had an inord inordinate number of red cards me what you got a lot of red cards early on and you argued a lot you argued a lot but you know but you know what though I always say to people you know if you

    Take that if you take that fire away you’re not the same player I don’t know say like Wayne Rooney for example Ian right right was the same you hear right say all the time now like he was angry but I think you need that fight if you take that like you’re different players

    So did you need a beef on the pitch always did you make cut your own beefs just to I’ll just argue with anyone I hear it I played against we played against uh man united I can’t remember what year it was at uh at the lane I

    Scored after 40 40 seconds overhead kick I don’t know if you remember of course you remember I don’t know I remember I remember I remember I remember the whole game uh me and vid was going at it like he was G so he must say hit me with his

    Tackle yeah he was ready you know certain Defenders you’re like oh whatever but he was he was like what yeah yeah yeah he was ready and that so I said to I said to him what I said okay cor up I said stay in London tonight

    Then I said what this is London you from I said stay in London tonight then Jesus so I’m having Banner with him he said my friend you talk too much you’re so you come up to my like this stop speaking other B he would certain certain Defenders you can give it to

    Them but he was he was ready but you you need that sort of you need arguments yeah you need it J so what when you used to say to people like do it again did it usually work cuz it seems like it doesn’t work do it again all right cool yeah no no

    Problem yeah no but I think I think um I’ve heard loads of players say t I’ve heard tierry say about sometimes players talk about people kicking them they liked it um and even now I’m coaching the academy at Tottenham and as few the young boys you see them in training and you see

    Them look quite laidback and stuff and then all one of the coach will say something to them and they play bar they train bar so so how does it work when you need anger and then you got a strip partner like berba who’s like he’s calm he’s higher calm this guy this guy’s

    Coming training every day remember you get up in the morning just put tracksuit on I just come put tracks on and like Bal come in Lea jacket jeans shoes maybe that that but that means there’s something wrong with him yeah yeah yeah every day it was Dre I say but were you

    Going off training like every day this guy was sharp look good play good man who was the best manager being like okay Jermain needs this BBA needs this like what you talking about like man managing yeah just like but Al the different personalities on the same day

    Like say you L got West Ham say you Totten at West Ham and you’re going right some players need to be calm lley needs to keep a cool head but Jermaine need fire Jermaine up lley was always cool but I wasn’t one of those players that need motivating I was always

    Motivated you what I mean so I wasn’t one of those players like I said before about in train the manager I had to say to ah come on I was always ready to train um and I think a lot of times you can you can lead that from the change

    Rooms anyway you know like if someone’s messing about I could say something come on sometime don’t manager doesn’t need to do that but I think when it when you talk about like man managing like like understanding the group and knowing how to do with individuals I think Harry was

    The best Lippy that’s liy that’s Jermain the Fall by the way swear yeah that’s Jermain the one of the best Premier League Strikers of all time I don’t know if you’ve heard of him just finish your food don’t worry it’s coming just finish your food we’re helping you digest it that’s brother you

    Look I’m outside bro I’m ready I came here prepare I got my cousins with me see got a couple men with him yeah oh my D there was a um rumor cuz obviously we grew up in the same youth teams and like you remember you know you

    Know him from before yeah all right come on one one time come on come on what do you remember him from the youth team yeah just checking just check in pette and all the boys and all that um anyway but people did used to say that in

    Training you was a Savage like you would like score celebrate goals in training like so going to what you were saying about you didn’t have to be motivated no yeah I’ve heard I’ve heard that I don’t think I think there’s no other way some some players you see them they’re train

    And you think you don’t want to be in their team but they come match they they on it cuz at Tottenham Gareth Bell day before the game never used to train he would do the WM up and then we used to play we used to play like a like a over

    Young game and then uh he would just step out and he would just watch it but I knew the next day he’ll be on it then you get other players in training that you think wow if I sign for a new club I’ve seen players C certain players I

    Think who’s this player he should be playing or why is he not playing come match there it’s complet completely different you don’t see them so crowd I think for me I just enjoyed every training session goals everything so what did JD like Meg you did he spin you

    What happened what happened when you what happened he was good he was he was right man was he good even Leon Knight to be night forget bent that was the oh that’s the I don’t know you made that one up but the original one was now

    Forget B yeah cuz he forgot you cuz he forgot you forget B that W that energy weren’t here you sitting here yeah night Leon Leon Leon was top top top cuz you know what growing up though I remember um with so it was like lley and I think

    It was like JT older then it was like me and Leon Knight senrab we’re talking right senrab that come on the scene and what happened was we went yeah exactly East and then we went to a place called LW so we got a scholarship England Schools of Excellence year so growing up

    It was cuz it was always me and 90 from the age of like since we were like 10 so when we went to liaw as far as we were concerned listen when you think about London me and I are the best players right then I saw Joe

    Cole and I was like ra he see that I saw Cole I saw Joe Cole right when he was 15 and I was like never seen anything like it in my life I hear that a lot man with with you and Leon yeah like in a lot of

    Ways like I associate you cuz you were from that same generation and you knew each other in the same teams and that at what point did it like like did you feel like did you feel like he was ahead of you did you feel like ahead of him never

    Looked at it like that really I never I never focused on anyone else even even when I was at clubs I never really focused on I don’t know that berberov or Robie Keane or poo Deano I always focused on me because I thought if I can

    Bring my best version then when it comes to finishing if I got chances I always back myself and when I was 16 at West H we used to do cross and finishing in training and Har ran up me to say Ah that’s how you finish to the first team

    Players I was only 16 so do you think players don’t know how to finish anymore do you think there’s a limited number of players cuz I look at your finishing I’ve heard you speak to Troy on your podcast and the way you talk about like backlift the way you talk about just

    Like late runs and everything I feel like there’s a lack of Strikers that think about finishing the way that your generation did now it’s different now when you think about number nines and I’m talking about that hunger to score goals like in training that repetition

    Every day like when I was at West Ham and we’d finish training everyone’s walking in all the boys are going in the gym doing all their stuff and I be I still be outside you what I mean and that’s this this is why I was lucky to

    Be I was lucky because I had righty there cuz when I signed for West right was just come towards the back end of his career blah blah so I thought okay I’m going to get as much from right as possible so even if he’s here for like

    Another half the season I’m going to cuz he left then I think he went to not Forest remember yeah so I’m going to get as much from right as possible in terms of like my movement my finishing all that sort of stuff because all I did was

    Just I just watched right every day in training and then we used to do lot of finishing together heed to talk about goalkeeper positions um all the no back backlift stuff I think that came natural you what I mean but terms of like the the the movement and understanding where to be

    In the box and Taking My Chances all that sort of stuff everything everything’s from righty back back then if you didn’t get 20 goals you was a failure like as a striker right if you didn’t get goals you was that was what you was not you as a player but as a

    Striker in that time nowadays huh you think that was the case back then 100% 100% but nowadays Strikers are judged more on the work they they do the shutting down michen said it didn’t he Michael Owen said the other day there was a big statement what he said he said

    Like years ago I felt like you know to come through and actually get into the first team especially as a forward and remember I went like I’m small and you’re you’re the focal point of the team you know so when you think about goals like that’s the hardest thing to

    Do in a game is to score right so away from all of that you have to be strong because your backs to goal you got all that sort your whole game has to be at that sort of level to to to play in the Premier League nowaday it’s almost like

    You have to be an athlete first and then a foer but back then no you have to be a footballer first and then the athletes have that comes do you think they got it easier then I won say they got easier look at Highland not score like not scoring like scoring the

    Champions League man relax yeah but the pressures the pressure is getting worse every week though for him but back then you’re judged on goals that’s it Center forward you’re judged on goals they say forward players so whether you’re like a number nine or you’re like a seven or

    You’re 11 your forward players then it’s like goals and assists but my generation when I’m I was looking up to people like righty Les Ferdinand Robbie Fowler Andy Cole Teddy sheram like all these Center forwards were just goal scorers as a coach now is it easy to get out of that

    Mindset then and judge it on what you have to judge it on today you have to but at the same time I think it’s important for me to drive those sort of Standards so like I can say to the players now when we get chances we have

    To we have to exit you have to be ruthless or I’ll say to them if they’re not if they’re not doing the finishing properly I’ll be like okay then no problem this is why we miss chances in that game because you’re not doing it right as a

    Coach I think those sort of messages are important for players you you would say that Ian wght taught you a lot right that one-on-one mentorship that degree of coaching right we’re not going to say he made you the player you are whatever there’s so much more that goes into that

    Yeah of course but having a mentor like him why isn’t someone like Ian right kept in the game to coach when he has the ability to impart that much knowledge to someone who goes on to score 100 Premier League goals cuz I think I think a lot of I think a lot of

    Players especially black players that generation like I mentioned righty Les I listened to something that Dwight York said about getting opportunities I just don’t think the opportunities were there if I’m being brutally honest and I think probably you you look at John Barnes all these great players players that players

    That you know what I mean players players that paved the way from me and like you mentioned Dar but all these they paved the way for us to to be where we’re at I just don’t think the opport unities were there speaking to these players righty went down to MK like this

    Is a few years ago my friend jabro was there and right Us big my guy um he used to do one-onone sessions and session name dropping sessions with the strikers um so they have been bringing these over I know Coy done it as well yeah um so

    They have been doing it but um in terms of being like managers though yeah not managers but I don’t know I don’t know if like say I don’t know nandy Co I don’t know if they wanted to be managers I know they did a little bit of coaching

    In that but I just feel like for me when I was playing if if these if these Legends were managers and you see that it’s is they’ve given so much to football English football so it’s it’ll be nice to see it’s timely though is it because Joey Barton’s running around

    Talking about um token media correspondents being black or or women or whatever but when you really look at the what black people have done in football and their representation outside of actually playing you think that would have been closed at some point like you look at says there’s jobs

    Available right now and there’s jobs coming up what black coaches are we looking at for the Sunland Who Wants to Be Who Wants to be are you interested in manager do you want to be a go I’m ready oh would you wear a suit or a truck suit

    A suit what free piece free piece suit I I just I think it looks better when managers got suits on do you not think you know is if you wear them right and you and you’re stylish and it can work in football manager do you pick track

    Suit or suit I’m suited suit okay okay okay you’re the manager yeah what about your what about your your your your captain comes to and says boss would want us to wear like for home games suits or track suit what did you say then home games tracksuit really what no

    Yeah man I wanted to be comfortable we’re at home wanted to be comfortable it’s the players isn’t it it’s not me I want be comfortable away away we’re we’re representing the club you get what I’m trying to say we need to we need to look we need to look sharp so we’re

    Sitting on a coach in a suit on a Saturday you’re wearing a suit and you’re not 7-Day Advengers but it don’t make no sense bro got M Bros every every weekend that’s I don’t think they’re going MOS Bros most clubs have suit Partners they do tailor yeah he he needs

    To get his thing tailored didn’t it that want to borrow m shut up PK man need to get tailored from the back he’s got big he’s got bigger back door who you know PK Poo’s like with the toilet seat up oh you talking straight on the bow oh the

    Second one who is that what you do you’re Li on the skinny thing on the bow how you how did you spin how did you spin this block on me bro I know why the was coming for you anyway I don’t know started started it go to his yard see

    What his mom gives you in the drink go go go even his Gardens you even his garden smells even his garden smells outside in there bro inside smells are outside and outsides are inside it don’t make no sense bro cuz normally when it’s small you have to go outside to get fresh air

    Is it bro I I bought him I bought him to my yard bro the garden was smelling as well bro man for Breeze in the garden cooking fish every every sing No No bekarian pescatarians Yeah pescarian fish in it yeah you do cook fish what

    Did he just say ban every time SP goes out G asking me why were they cooking fish in your yard or like idiot you want a drink do you want a drink should I get a drink from his house I told you happen cool marks you

    Don’t know Bo challenge you ready no can four four of Jermaine the F Gaffers oh oh good one Gaffers Gaffers yeah four that’s easy four 15 seconds Mar marks though marks been that’s easy red naap yeah well loads of times red naap but he’s done you know he’s done he’s done

    No no no he got no it’s easy he’s got it he’s got it to be fair think you’ve been managed by redn that four times as well right yeah yeah so that’s four yeah I don’t know about the SP managers and all that Martin yo yeah oh yeah yo oh yeah

    Yo yeah West Ham well one more boys Fabio Capello yeah come on wait wait you see that guy you see him yeah you say joke joke you know you see I’ve SE there’ve been a lot a lot of noes around Fabio different opinions but I loved him

    Is it oh wow what Michel wasn’t on him at all he just dropped the shoulder on us you know when I was at West Ham and I was 16 I spent a lot of time with the Cano mhm so I used to watch him and see

    Like his standards and how he used to train cuz people always say to me oh JD you playing until your 39 but I’m just like that was always going to happen for me because when I was 16 I didn’t get to a point where I was like 13 I thought ah

    Ra I’m 13 I need to start doing yoga or I need to stop drinking or I need to do n no no I did that from day one because what I’m saying a lot of players get to a certain age in that cuz I loved playing I love scoring goals I thought

    Right okay then if that’s the case then I want to play as long as possible years later when Fabio Capello was the manager all those sort of Standards like you can’t be late uh dinners at a certain time you do double sessions you can’t have your phones like all that sort of

    Stuff for me it was just normal you’ve been doing it now you what I mean for me it was just normal and that’s what it’s like at home my mom and I those sort of Standards so like you get a lot of players that didn’t like it m well is

    That why they didn’t like aello cuz the standards is too strict or something I heard I heard you banned ketchup is it you banned everything I I see I see him smash PL really loves ketchup one he said he said right no phones I think it

    Was who was it I think hesy I m I think M had his phone under the table like this he didn’t tell us you know sometimes when they say like no phones and anything okay let me just try a little little message in that but the

    Fabio was standing there bro he had I think it was like he had a plate in his hand for dinner he dropped the plate smashed it he’s on he’s on dinner smashed the plate Ashley Cole come on the bus he had the was leaving for training Ash had flipflops on everyone

    Else had trainers he just stopped him like that he said no no no no go and change trainers he don’t care who you are standard hesy don’t seem like this he seems a bit clumsy to to hide can’t hide ste’s there but he’s looking that way Hy picked up capello’s one mirror

    Did did you not ever have the opportunity to play in Italy because we were talking about it downstairs that would have to me that would have suited your game a lot oh wow when what era what time uh from Portsmouth before I come back to West uh Tottenham so

    2008 I was uh I was actually at home Harry went Harry left psth went to Tottenham so I got a phone call it was all going through and I remember agent phoned me a big name agent phon me and he said to me uh the deal’s taking too

    Long I’m taking to you I’ve spoken to you they they like you and I’m taking to Juventus so I was just like okay then it’s Juventus no problem but because I’ve already said to Harry I’ve give Harry my word I’m coming back to Tottenham I’m coming I’m coming back um

    And then that was it and the D was done the next day not many people know that though exclusive here we go but you you you’re one of those football players that actually like loved football growing up a lot of football players is part of

    Them like they oh I play but like you must have looked at Italian football growing up and for that’s the Pinnacle yeah that’s where like especially for a striker cuz the goals are hard to come by but the ones who scored them I used

    To watch goio goio on on Channel 4 on on a Sunday but like obsessed Pepe Senor VI all that Lot B you know SE all those old school Center forwards I to I to watch them when when he said said that to me you I was like 100% in the shirt imagine

    Yourself in the shirt exactly I should have done it bro how come you don’t have a celebration man you know what it is you know like now you see a lot of players they they rehe like this is your celebration it’s so hard to explain that

    Feeling you know when you score if I can sit there now and say oh do you know what bro this this is what it feels it’s so hard to explain that feeling sometimes someone might say to me oh you know what car I’ll do this when you

    Score but just you just forget head loss head loss you just forget people always say it’s like and I’m going to be rude here go on I know what you’re going to say yeah what’s what’s better busing a nut or scoring a goal bro when you score

    A goal you see you see when you when you score a goal and you’re playing in front of how can I describe I don’t know say like 60,000 for instance and that whole stadium is get mad because of you what you’ve just done better it that’s try bust night in front of

    60,000 and same head yeah man scoring a goal is better than dropping a thing n that’s going too far cuz so he’s probably dropped more things than you scored goals well you ain’t dropped more things than you scor no way do your Googles boys boys let Germain land exactly MVP MVP no the

    Feeling trust me it’s mad which one I I’ll tell you after oh man you got a podcast with Troy right now it’s great podcast by the way I tell people all the time it’s a great podcast cuz people would think that they’re very similar you and Troy you’re actually the differences between you

    Troy’s funny man very very funny tro funny Troy is a man that went to counseling Troy is a man that thinks he’s got his anger issues under control yeah yeah yeah Jermaine defo is a man of instinct Jermaine defo is a man of passion he’s on the front line of

    Everything um what what what is the B how does that balance work you and TR do you know what though you see when you look at his story is it’s Unique bro and it’s quite inspiring because you look at a lot of people a lot of young players that get

    Released and they give up they they drop out the game and they give up I think when you look at Troy star from what he had to come back from to I mean start for Arsenal yeah what I mean and and and what he did the amount of goals he

    Scored important goals and the Premier League games that he he he played at a pinnacle the Premier League level it’s a pinnacle you I mean so I think that’s why when he’s telling me these stories for me so interesting so I’m thinking your journey has been completely

    Different to mine I went to L when I was 14 I got a scholarship I come back from L signed for West Ham for 1.6 million before I even kick the ball at 16 made my debut at 17 went I loan to bouth and then I didn’t really look back after

    That Troy had things that he had to deal with personal stuff come back to Watford when he left jail there’s nine Center forwards okay right so I’ve got this sort of image then I’ve come back to Watford how am I going to get in the

    Team manag to get back in the team manag to like Captain and the story is just amazing and and and it’s just fun funny he’s he’s he’s A’s he’s a good guy man amazing but don’t knock how hard it is to maintain from 17 it’s hard to 39 did

    You ever think you weren’t going to do it was there ever a point where you were like n it’s too hard never you ever had a plan B if you weren’t going to make it a fo you do something El because when you got a plan B that’s that’s that’s

    Distract yourself from plan a yeah if that makes sense yeah know it wasn’t arrogance I think it was just confidence when I was 16 at West Ham and asked to go to the games and asked to not only just sit there I’m watching the games so I’m watching Freddy can I’m watching poo

    De Cano I’m watching todorov right TI Kamar I’m watching these guys every single day in training so that so that so that means if you’re doing if you’re staying behind after the training you’re doing 20 minutes I’m doing 25 minutes I’d watch poo in the gym he’s a big man

    I’m I’m 16 but I’m doing what you’re doing I’m I’m I’m talking to riy I’m I’m watching Trevor in Clair at 50 years TR how’ you get that fit Frank lampard’s finishing I’ll speaking to Rio so all these people around me I’m I’m like a sponge I’m taking everything from

    Everyone so in my mind I just thought it’s just a matter of time because if I’m scoring two three four goals every single week and under 17s under 19s I’m thinking this is too easy then I want to Lear to bouth I scored in 10 cons consecutive games I’m ready to go I

    Speak to Har and I want to come back so for me it was just a matter of time before I got into the first team and I thought okay once I get into the first team I the Premier League that’s a that’s the next Lil if I could do it

    There then I did it there what’s next I want to do it for England so was it know see when you saying you banging goals when you was like 16 cuz I I feel like that was a time where people were talking about size cuz size was an issue

    Them days is it yeah wasn’t didn’t you have any haters there saying like you’re too small I was RA I was rais a sharp so size didn’t mean nothing small P I did more work in the gym than prob don’t mean nothing as in football in in football Sid don’t mean

    Nothing right so so um I did a lot of work in a gym I do a lot of power work so every Tuesday I do a lot of from from yeah 16 17 did a lot of power work in a gym um and I worked a lot on like my

    Sharpness I always thought if I can get away from Defenders you see like the first three or four yards so important that’s why Aguero is like Romario W Romario if you watch romario’s Clips you go home and check him out Mario sorry not you but trust me you if you watch R Mario’s

    3 four yards he was explode gone so then if I can get away from people then now all the stuff that’s natural to me like the finishing stuff then I can do that so you knew that at 16 16 you knew that what you just said yeah that’s C who’s a

    Young so like who are you watching now a young 16y old now maybe Holland I guess but Holland is 16’s at 24’s not 16 that’s not what I you heard what I said don’t do that don’t do that oh he saying they 16 years old are watching Holland you’re saying oh okay

    You thought I said that too say I’ve spoken to a few coaches now what they say is a lot of the time you’ll have like Wonder kid Strikers in the acmy bagging 30 40 goals and then when it comes time to turn pro is so different it actually takes him three or four

    Years to get back to goals Eddie but them Eddie and kard like um Dom sanki even Ivan Tony who obviously you imagine through the youth levels he was scoring probably hundreds of goals but I think now the it’s just the transition is just different but see they were let’s be

    Honest they were never natural finishers St who what the players you mentioned Lal natural goal scorers there’s different you get you get you get some you get okay you get some players yeah that um that will shoot you get players that shoot and you get players that

    Finish so Robbie F finish Ian W finish Harry Kane finish AG finish and you get other other Center forwards that they they they score goals but they just shoot yeah you don’t know about it’s Bor with it you don’t know it’s me though um say if you wasn’t

    Playing football what’s the other job that you would like to have done probably stayed in football like coaching coaching because remember this is from the time I could walk that’s all I did was I just wanted to kick a ball so then cuz remember there’s no

    Guarantees I could have gone to West Ham and yeah scored goals in a youth team but going to the first team and and not done it there’s no guarantees it was a lot of pressure but I do feel like I probably would have want to stay in the

    Game because that’s what that was happy place football don’t exist what are you doing if football don’t exist you meant to know no Hollywood actor DJ only fans the world is your oyster the world is your oyster what you thinking I don’t know I don’t know music I love music I

    Love boxing I’m a massive boxing fan so away from away from football I remember like um when I was younger watching the ubat Ben fights I was a mass like even I to watch go and watch Frank Bruno train in Canon town so I I don’t know maybe

    Have you got a tune have I got a tune yeah they’d walk out to it everyone every man’s got a tunee have you made a tune been in the studio recorded something right did righty had one yeah right righty had one I would like to do

    That well was right one good I like he was in heart broken is it heart broken the video no bro now that was in that was up North I’m I’m all the black when that in uh was that Leeds yeah that was a tune that was a

    Tune though it was it was a bang still yeah that was that was a tune well we a lot of what we do here right is we’ll come together and we’ll just sit here and just list players and just be like ah remember him a remember him

    Jermaine’s one of the people that could do that like easy like just database database who in the game would surprise us that like you could say ra this guys joining us what do you know about this guy because this player like Musa demele didn’t really care about football the

    One of the best midfielders in the premier league history but didn’t really the best but who who were players that I know Jamie carer’s won that he he knows everything he’s he’s just one of those databases Football manager shoot magazine match magazine 442 everything else who could do that kind of hang with

    You in that that knowledge Harry do I think the way he lives he comes across that that I think you can just tell I think just the obvious ones the way he lives his life and that like Harry Harry just loves playing football loves scoring goals Steven Gerrard obsessed

    Yeah it’s the trim you can tell about the trim and just the cloth yeah just the overall that who Harry Kane it’s quite it’s quite har Harry’s Harry’s Harry’s a good guy man he’s not changed no no no I heard he brings everyone together Harry yeah but but you know

    When you know when people talk about leaders and that you know when you say sometimes you say like like leaders and I’ve heard Mourinho talk about this and you get you get certain characters that will scream and shout come on like before the game and all that or do you

    Get someone like a like a Stevie G will just sit there and you can see that he’s ready cuz you can see Steve is so reserved in that right and it’s almost like he’s got this switch where it comes down a tunnel as soon as he gets on a

    Pit he’s got this switch where he just becomes an animal and I think you I think you you need that LLY King same L would just be chilling the change rooms just sitting there then when he gets on a put leader but you don’t have to be a leader by like screaming and

    Shouting lead by example lead by example you see someone like Harry Kane yeah he’s a proper family man in there a it yeah quiet down to earth does that surprise you that he scored so many goals then cuz obviously I know for a fact top Strikers are they’re outside outside like top

    Top but you know what but you know what you know what but you know what though I think there’s I think there’s there’s times to do it okay there’s times and because you look at you you can look at any sport you look at Floyd maywe who’s

    The party more than Floyd yeah but but but but who trained harder than Floyd what I’m saying that so when you look at like you can look at any any industry any sport sometimes you you see them certain players that or athletes that are great yeah you have to be a little

    Bit mad to be that great so maradon we all watch maradona’s documentary he be a goalkeeper he done his stuff but when he comes to having fun he could have fun George best he done his stuff on the pitch when he comes having font it’s just even Bobby CH even Bobby Chon was

    Like when you in Portsmouth what did you do on for nights go to London drive home yeah I I I’ll drive back to London yeah did you ever go did you ever go out before a game never listening to him today do you think he would do that he can’t say that

    He’s a coach bro if I did that yeah that’s that’s for me it was simple I to think like this right from Monday to Friday I’m going to do everything I can to make sure I’m getting those feelings I spoke about before I want to score as

    Simple as that so if you told me JD go bed at 10:00 I’m going B at 10:00 if I’m in a gym and and he said and you say to me do 10 press UPS I do 10 press UPS I’m going to do everything I need to do so

    Come the weekend then I play well when I score after that I enjoy myself just normal was there ever a manager who just uh you’re wrong oh Jermain I think you should do extra half an hour on finishing like no I I no I don’t need to

    Do extra half an hour finishing no but there’s there I’ve been I’ve been places where like toward towards the because you know you get to a certain point yeah when you play like you know your body but I’ve done this for I’ve done this

    For 10 years I know my body I’m going to try and keep do then you go certain places and they ask you do something different you’re thinking nah that’s not right I remember when I went to bouth and I used to do this on a Tuesday I I’m

    Used to doing like my gym session so I’ll go in there I’ll do my power work but as I got older work smart not hard you what I mean so I do my power but sometime I’ll go to gym for 15 minutes I get my work done but where whereas when

    I was probably what was like 30 33 34 but when I was 25 i g to for an hour so it’s different you have to mean you have to work smart but then at bour what they was doing they was doing the power work plus in the altitude chamber

    Doing what bike these Sprints I remember started I thought okay cuz for me I’m thinking like so if everyone else is doing it I’m thinking ra I need to do it because I’m getting left behind you know what mean so when I started doing it come Saturday my legs are heavy my legs

    Are heavy and I thought I don’t know if I can keep doing this but then people around me say nah n you need to do this you need to do this I’m like well if I need to do this come Saturday you’re not getting much out of me you what I mean

    And and I knew that and then I’m playing the games in that and I felt like I was getting my chances where I could score goals and it was completely different so you do get that sometimes you do get that what was it like when Tottenham

    Decided that they were in a four Striker era for a striker that I’m guessing like momentum his goals his starts his they just one day just went right Bing M yeah that’s that by the way now that’s never happening can’t happen the striker the striker play can’t happen I

    Remember in my mind I’m thinking def can’t be lacking this still no no no no you you don’t but you know what is you need ego if you don’t have ego in football yeah you get eat you need ego right but sometimes you get to a point

    Where you think okay then I want to put my ego to the side a little bit cuz say for instance Robie ke’s playing who Robbie Keane was top right and bersan if they’re scoring goals what am I going to say to the manager play me because if

    It’s about if it’s about the I got to be careful because if it’s about the team winning three points me got to the manager causing a problem he could he would just turn and be like okay then well obviously you’re not you don’t care about the team you’re you don’t care

    About the team and that’s why even when I look at the Premier League list this is just me I look at the Premier League list and people like ah yeah top 10 I still look at and think I could have got to 177 at Frank Lampard or 184 like Andy

    Cole you know what I mean I could have got higher tierry I think it was 175 whatever it was so around about the Tottenham time when the teams were getting rotated where I Wen playing every single game but I still managed to get my goals wasn’t there West Ham team

    Where he was on a bench but you was still top scorer I believe yeah but I was young so then yeah when you’re really young like you can’t really like I mean I was cuz I was young coming through for I was just grateful to to

    Being a first team so young I was getting my chances when I was coming on um so it ran about that time like when you’re that young you’re not going to knock on the manager door and say I did it one time to Glenn Roa and he could

    Sense I was frustrated and he said to me he said listen he said you’re I think it’s was about 18 19 he said JD relax he said you’re going to play for England you’re going to score loads of goals in the Premier League said you don’t need to rush you’re young it’s about

    Development but when you’re young you you don’t want to hear that you just want to play every game but when I look at it now now when you’re young players and that you don’t need to play every game that’s where you get injuries look at Mar you think there’s a

    Lack of Strikers that’s why there aren’t four Strikers at City four Strikers at Arsenal or do you think it’s like the coaches are a bit like now we need to protect the ego and protect the momentum of a goal scoring Striker Now by not overburdening them with looking over

    Their shoulder every time they play a six but sometimes that’s a good thing sometimes though when you know that I’ve been I’ve been in a situation before when I’m playing and say like Robbie ke’s on or someone’s on a bench and I’m thinking you’re looking over when they’re warming up on that you’re

    Looking over thinking next chance I need to take this yeah when they didn’t yeah all that feeling is not nice it’s the worst thing you know if you missed a chance and you look over and you see them running back and they’re taking a jump R thinking head’s got rled you’re

    Thinking the next if an ex comes from me quickly you know what I’m saying I the next sh come cuz then you know you know when you score and you’re getting taken off it’s like it’s it’s different is it you I mean so see like coaching the

    Academy now right so all the teams that we’ve played I do look and think like who’s this I always look for like the number nines um at Tottenham there’s some good number nines and and like I enjoy working with them these younger players but I do I still feel like it is

    It is different now compared to years ago because years ago there was like loads you see like the younger players now when you’re saying like you see the nines are they trying to like make them stay as nines or is it like that forward thing where they want them to to be able

    To do stuff from the left do stuff from the right I would worry that they would make you a Winger today this what I mean you never know that’s what I’m saying they would if I was put out wi and I’m not getting these chances in front of

    Goal then I’m missing all these opportunities I mean I’m not getting a chances I’m not getting all these good habits and that so then when you do if you get into the first team you’re not as good as you should be but what’s the balance though where Manchester City can

    Be the best team in Europe and not win the Champions League not win the treble then go you know what you know what we need a striker who’s going to bag nonstop and then they go and buy him and then the rest of world football is still

    Going no we’ll play Wingers up front and we’ll play like rotating front frees and that why why is there not connection where it’s like okay someone needs to go by trackers are back yeah there is more to the game now that football so like you know the detail that these players

    Get and it’s almost like when you’re the coaching that they get it’s almost like they’re doing their A and B uh coaching badges inmy already when you’re coaching the academy and this is all new to me but I’m learning now when you’re when you’re coaching the academy to make sure

    They’re learning you ask a lot of questions so like for instance if we’re doing a training session now I’m not just sitting back and then right blow the whistle gone so I’m I might stop the session and say okay then do this do this but why am I asking you to do this

    So then you give me an answer back when we review the sessions and then I might say to them okay then why did we do this what could we have done better so I’m asking so they’re learning so it’s almost like they’re doing the A and B so

    The the detail that these players get now like it’s completely different like Whoever thought whoever would have thought 15 years ago you see your fullbacks here come inside and play as midfielders never I mean you look at how we play at Tottenham the first team in the middle of the pitch is like

    Five players our fallbacks our our fallbacks are like playing like number 10 whoever you you never see who can you imagine can you imagine Nigel Winterburn or Gary Neville playing in Midfield or or Lee Dixon in the middle that’s in the mid you know what’s funny though back in

    The day when we do like 11 as side on a Friday or whatever Shadow or whatever the manager would stop it say all right stop go back yeah yeah yeah you’ll never make yeah yeah yeah EXA yeah what you doing there go back go back and defend

    Would even tell you but now there’s all rotations sick mad I’m confident saying this right you’re a guy that can see a striker and go he’s got it he ain’t got it he’s got it right what did you see because a lot of Spurs fans will lie and

    Say they saw it a lot of people would lie and say they saw it a lot of people didn’t what did you see in hurry Kane finishing I didn’t see it you know like when you’re coaching and that you think like okay you could be the best coach in

    The world like say pep and that but certain things you can’t coach I will never forget I watched um Harry Kane when he was young play come on orian I never seen him score or nothing no finish or nothing but was holding up the ball well playing he looked half decent

    I asked my brother you play for them what’s that Harry Kane he’s shocking terrible I was like what but yeah but people said that when he was younger people said when he but Harry no one knows but Harry was a mid actually a midfielder okay and that’s why when you

    See now that makes sense he’s passing and and and his his whole round game and how good he is not just scoring goals there’s so much more to his game it’s cuz he was a midfielder so he was used to facing a goal you what I mean but the

    The the the finishing I think that was just natural you like you can’t teach that just had that Harry Kane was an Arsenal fan boys any but there’s vicious rumors that you were as well no who need I it’s for anyone west of course you support my

    Local team my local team was West Ham so all my family obviously West Ham fans that was my local team let’s go to Upton Park but I was I used to watch forwards so I wouldn’t turn I wouldn’t be like Ah that’s that’s my team I used to watch

    That all different Center forwards like it just happened that Ian Wright was his childhood him and Leon what Arsenal kids together who who do you who do you think is the best African forward what George we yeah did a drug bar what what answer did you want what you I was just asking

    In it okay if you want to ask that question I’m going to ask mine now yeah go ask your question what’s your thoughts on black goalkeepers today I made a song about them and I’m not sure I’m old school what do you think what do you think me honestly I

    Don’t like it I think that’s that’s a thing that people have just said over the years isn’t it like yeah but he doesn’t like um two black center backs either huh power i i rate that but I think we’re too fast to playing goal I think

    Fullbacks got to be mixed RAC now as well man oh what James Trent it makes sense now for the algae they getting the best they’re getting the best of both worlds in it what you mean well we’ve talked about this there was they said they said the same about um

    Black quarterbacks they said the same about white wide wide receivers in the NFL I don’t know really know about n all all the technical things don’t receive yeah basically black man can’t do the patient sit in the pocket black man shooting free throws no they’re dunkers in basketball aggressive like aggressive

    Used to shoot but now it’s everyone shoots they don’t even let black people take free kicks like that I remember one time you wanted to take a free kick and the other guy took it and he scored that was his first goal I was I

    Was going to say that to be fair he he is dead so I hate him oh so that’s why you wanted the V brother bro you don’t score bro that’s so that’s why you say I always I’m angry guy I’ll lose my head yeah no bro wa you bit

    Maso TR that’s try yeah but you know what you know what I remember cuz we we cuz when you when you go to the MLS you can sign free DPS you desonate players so basically what did so it’s weird so salary the rest of the salary cap okay

    So the fre players you pay them whatever you want so when we went there it was me Jo Michael Bradley that was at he played for V he was at Roma bid yeah yeah so obviously jilberto was doing everything but score like he used to work do

    Everything so when we got a free kick I thought why are you taking a free kick for like it w even like I wanted to take it but give it to someone else so like I remember saying to him like give me the ball he had a moment again so it was

    Like no no no I’m taking it so I just P I just punched it at his hand and then uh he said no no no no no that he wer having it and then when he hit it and I thought nah and the camera I knew that

    The camera was going to go on me yeah so like cuz so when the camera went on me I was I didn’t know what to do I was embarrassed yeah but you’re a big you’re a bigger man than me for long like that Bo cuz I I’m still I’ll still be mad

    We’re very interested in Americans in football on this show because there’s some good American players some really good American goalkeepers but you’ve been and play obviously it’s Canada but you played against a lot of Americans what was what was the level of the Americans like to me there’s a lot of

    Like Mexican players and bolivians man on man you got to get the ball no you don’t want to B the Mexican hessay bro I’m telling you did you play with Gio vinko yeah no he was a he was he would have done it Juventus okay oh yeah he

    Was smaller than me it like some of his goals that he scored there but that toron Toronto the experience was good there’s a lot of traveling my first game was against Seattle 5 hour flight yeah I couldn’t believe it I got on a plane and it was

    Weird you know I spoke about the DPS where this this was this this was weird I remember we got on a plane and then looked at my ticket nice big business class like so it was me Joe B Brad next minute I see the manager W past me oh no

    The rest of the players w past me I thought nah so saying to Michael BR I said what is it just us three sitting at at the front of the plane they’re with the crowd bro they’re at the back oh my standing what’s it called DP play so so

    I’m sitting there I’m sitting there like this so this is magino what the man I’m at the front manager is at the back did you pulled them up on it did he told them like from now on we all fly together or we don’t fly at all I’ll

    Cover it I I’ll cover it I didn’t say nothing you know that on the train I’m saying just like so what what did you have what did you I see but the whole experience was I I enjoyed it out of my comfort zone and yeah the the story was just mad I actually

    Thought I was going to stay at Tottenham for the rest of my career I was like 31 at the time Tottenham got decent money um I remember speaking to the chairman he said listen you got nothing to prove it’d be good for you I remember meeting

    A guy called Tim La Wiki did you watch the Beckham documentary M there was American guy talking about to the Galaxy so he come to London to meet me done a presentation he he walked in me about four guys I my agent right in my mind I

    Thought you know what it’s just like it’s a presentation there’s no guarantees I’m going to go there I’ll just go and talk to them and see what is what it is and uh sat down he gave me like a iPad he go just just have a look

    At this quickly so I click click play and it was like um like a presentation of the city tour all that sort of stuff and like see the fans and all that sort of stuff the stadium the training ground I thought okay this looks good then he

    Gave me like a you know the Raptor shirt M gave me the Raptor shirt the back said this from all the play they all signed it to Germaine all they all signed it okay then he gave me like a this little brochure so I’m reading this brochure he

    Goes no no no I turn to the back I turn to the back it was my it’s a basically me and a Toronto shirt so I’m thinking this is mad you know because is it is the is the I look at maor thing is the deal done already manipulation I can’t

    Remember I’m a Tottenham player right so anyway next minute next minute left there agent goes to me said what do you think I said yeah good I said but for me to go there like 31 I want like 40e contract like J mean some security I’m G

    From here G to Canada MLS so it was like cool no problem my agent left the table it come back it goes before years done done on noia yeah he said uh done so I like really so now the balls in my cour like youed like I was like okay I

    Remember I went to uh went out for dinner and I was with my cousins and that and I remember my phone Rong like private number never answer private number private number B I said I said hello is this Jermaine I said yeah who’s this Drake I said I Aaron

    Lenon yo jine yo jine fam he goes yeah like he need to come he needs to come like I’m an ambassador of the club trust me you love it come over here like he said he said to me like all that papari stuff in London you don’t

    Get none of that stuff come enjoy your football the fans are amazing he said listen he said I can walk down the street Madonna no one want to take a picture of me you got to come I was like so I play call in I played it call on

    The phone yeah yeah cool yeah yeah yeah put the phone I can’t believe it they say you screamed ah it was mad obviously this Tim Li guy got obviously Drake to phone me and just to basically get the deal deal yeah who phoned you to join

    Suland no wait wait there got to be a rapper you to join G po Gus po so you know but you know you know this you know this thing obviously you’re there in the whole I want the four years but you’re kind of like you still don’t want to go

    Though trying to talk them out yeah yeah I’m just I’m just like can’t they CU I’m still thinking I’m not leaving Tottenham cuz cuz R back AVB was the manager and we bought in sardo so sard played like League games but I was SC consistently in Europa League every game was scoring

    Goals in the Europa League and and I felt really sharp at that time so I thought I don’t really need to be leaving that even if I’m not getting as much minutes in the league they’re coming but but we could they coming yeah you mean but we we can we can challenge

    Europa League and that so I thought but when I sort of like I just I said okay foure deal it was the call man Drake done it for you man he C you I don’t think it was Dr Drake that was Drake it was Drake private number how gold to

    Hockey if Drake called me private number though that’s childish that is one thing we talk about give give number give give me your number it yeah it’s true Jay could you could play Saudi now right probably let’s put sorry wait let’s put Germaine in the Prem right now okay yeah good

    Point how old is he how old is he first how old is he how old is he I’m 41 bro Oh you mean Prime Germaine any age any age J Theo before like 31 he plays for Arsenal right now yeah Arsenal need J Theo right now United need more yeah but

    I like I like Ed didn’t get here you know yes we got J in the F that’s what I said they didn’t believe man what bro allow it now he’s saying it himself what you not saying say my bad to me right now put your hand down and say I said should I

    Get the Tweet well Eddie is as good as Jermaine def no I said he’s like Jermaine def he’s not he is like him no he’s not he’s not a Shar mate he’s not you don’t think he you don’t think he’s sharp not as sharp as you was bro but

    He’s sharp EDD sharp you were sharp he hasn’t got that first mad five yards are you are you seeing Eddie like you no no no it’s not even B no no no cuz you know he reached out to me he reached out to me Eddie reached out to me yeah but

    Before he reached out to me I did a game he didn’t score Arsenal versus no West Ham versus Arsenal last I did it for Sky I remember saying to grem Sues and Jamie Ren I said you know what I said this guy I like him I like him everything he did

    Everything he did like he held the ball up he’s sharp and I think if he plays like that Eddie he needs like he just needs love go and play you ain’t scor you Ain scored for three four games I don’t care you’re playing listen he

    Might go on to be a great player he probably he’s doing really well now at a high level by the way but he didn’t need love he didn’t need love he was a different bre player Harry rnap loved him from the secondly joints yeah yeah he didn’t need it he didn’t need love

    Let’s let’s put more weight on this beef he didn’t need it cuz how did we get to Eddie in the first place Lippy because I said what I felt yeah say it what did you feel I felt that Dar Darren Darren Ben he’s got a different name let me get

    Your I said me hold your M that Darren Ben is a better Nine than you not footballer oh come on man I said it though you didn’t want to let me land not footballer but I said n but do you know what you see benty I’ve always I’ve

    Always said from day one we see when he was at CH and I switch I was the first one to be like right who’s this guy I like him so you put him on found who’s this guy but who’s this guy but you see like beny for instance

    Like you wouldn’t compare you wouldn’t say beny was like an nean right no you I mean but then my whole career people compare me to like riy who would you say Darren B like now no not even no no not no i’ would say like wait hold you going say my bad then

    Harland without the with less go Watkins Watkins no I wouldn’t even say Watkins for me Watkins could play out wide he’s a bit more no but like that kind of yeah but Watkin Watkins is good yeah I rate Watkins I think Watkins is cold I think

    Watkins is better than Darren B but you think he’s a better finisher no not not hot forget Harland himself hland okay that’s you know what I mean though like I I heard what beny said beny said about like obviously I should have played for City all that sort of stuff

    Co proba I played with benty at Tottenham didn’t have a good time to be because when you play for Tottenham is different because he was better than Tottenham when when when when when when you play for like say when you play at Charlton when um that suited his game

    More because you’re playing against teams that dominate the ball and that and they just Counterattack and then he was Dynamic he’s just running behind all the time you know what I’m saying like beny was different to BTO he was different to Robie ke it was different

    To me it was different to like but I just feel like he was he a natural finisher I don’t cuz every time he scored I never willed any of his goals never wi any D no but again that’s you got finishing and shooting he could

    Finish CU he had the goals in it he couldn’t a ball at you he couldn’t stri aot yeah but finish there’s Strikers that strike a ball really well yeah I’m not saying you’re like that but like Gabby Jesus forino they don’t score enough so it don’t matter let me okay I

    I’ll give you Want Beef okay so ADI b or the J the fall ad B you joke brother I no no no no but no but he’s been honest are you J if he wasn’t here if you if you were here you wouldn’t have

    Said that bro L it no way no way bro you’re bre in whoever says the greatest to you Jesus big that’s me saying okay Robbie F or Les Ferdinand they both scored goals but it’s different forwards because Les ferdinand’s like I don’t know adabor was suit I would like to

    Play with adabor the way his game was yeah but I wouldn’t play with I wouldn’t like to play with I would like to play with him but say for instance if I played with even right if I played right it would too similar if I play with

    Robie fer too similar if I play why but why cuz you look all natural finishers no but let me tell you the truth let me tell you the truth if you was playing now he’d hate you because you’re black and that’s fact that’s 100% you wa D know 100% youed

    Said I’ve never I’ve never wied Eddie’s Golds i’ I’ve never wed Eddie’s Golds never W it I wi his gold I will his so would you keep your two Strikers instead of defen who’s who what who who like cuz he’s Arsenal in it got who taking that

    Gold go coach them please they need they need the backlifting we’re the same page Eddie Eddie’s Eddie’s good man speaking of finishing by the way my favorite goal ever from you a yeah go Rangers yeah fake I don’t know I don’t know what you did that’s that’s the most natural

    Finish a finisher just no effort obviously the effort’s all done before the strike but be honest when that winning you couldn’t believe it been it I was laughing I couldn’t believe yeah because you you can listen it doesn’t matter how much you practice and that like I make it’s perfect contact but it

    Waser just a goal it was the like I used to say to you know the fullback James Taver yeah so I used to say to him when you get it and you’re sort of like you’re coming with it I said watch my movement because because in Scotland the

    The Defenders they get tight so I said watch my movement and as soon as I spin I said just play it so then when he plays it now so in my mind I was thinking right because the ball travels a long way and that’s the it’s hard because then you got a concentrate

    Concentrate concentrate and then you have to make good contact cuz sometimes you train you do that the ball goes everywhere but then once you stay relaxed and just try and get as good contact because you know where the goal is and you get good contact but even

    When I got good contact it was like oh my that was perfect yeah it was just perfect James toia should be playing the Premier League always that I think I always think that as well but um pen why do you think is he because is he is he not not

    Defensively sound or something no you know what it is I think you know what it is yeah sometimes people need to realize and and a lot of people don’t actually realize you see for Tav I think okay it has to be the right move for him because he’s leaving Rangers where Rangers

    Should be playing like I don’t know say Champions League yeah you win the league it’s so difficult to go from you have to go and experience it at that club like the you talk about like the standards and that expectation that you have to win bro you can’t come second if you

    Come second you might as well come last yeah so he’s thinking he’s in an environment where he’s playing in front of 52,000 every week crazy Rangers it feels like 100 when you’re in the stadium yeah uh Europa Champions League he’s the captain so he’s winning he’s

    Winning trophies and if if you look at the list of Rangers players some of the players that have played for that football club I mean big names in that so for him he’s thinking for me to leave here it has to make sense for me cuz

    What’s the point you like Joe Aro for instance I love Joe he’s gone from uh obviously his left range has gone to Sou Hampton um at the time they were in the Premier League like it makes sense they’re in the Premier League and that but he had an unbelievable time there

    You what I mean and and you never you don’t know what he’s thinking now I know he’s the same age as you he’s Nigerian that’s what Nigerians do well his hairline is gone you know that’s my guy his hair’s gone BR he’s a he’s a baller

    You know you didn’t have you didn’t have car Caribbean shops at Rangers did you who there was no Caribbean shops when you was at Rangers was there in there’s a couple you know in Glasgow yeah well packs you can in yeah St Lucia I he’s from Zambia you know who I he’s from

    Zambia this whole time who told you that why your why’s your face like that though no no no no no no no no no what do you mean no no no cuz he knows he knows I going to say I going to say Jamaican or something like I thought you

    I thought you Jamaican in my in my in my in my Jamaica would get to the World Cup argument you was in my squad I got serious you got you got you got come you got my boy Kamar roof you red a lot of school kids still a lot of school kids

    Were backing you on a jamaan we all thought he was Jamaican said bro but see you’re Nigerian now yeah if he takes out see say I’m not going to do what you did no I’m not I’m not Nigerian you’re Jamaican I said no I’m not I made it sassy any Gans I’m Gan

    I’m Gan oh he’s G okay okay okay then who does best jolof then g b m r true long grain R true this argument about jolof Nigerians or Gans it’s Gan it’s got to be he’s Nigerian by the way I don’t know I didn’t serious yes yes you

    Are he’s Sudan look at look at the color of your shirt froma if he’s not from Zambia I’m from s is is is not having an e at the end of the Germaine is that a St Luan thing yeah No E no there’s no one I’ve never known a Jermaine with no is

    His every everyone else yeah Frenchman J Who’s your least favorite manager yeah least favorite I know I know he’s right there you can think of him right there you know what like when you say like least favorite it’s like I didn’t like of course you have to focus

    On the managers because listen they pick the team if the manager picks you you like them if you don’t but you don’t like them as simple as that but who do you have at Sunderland David Moyes I had I had I had gos poet dick Advocate David

    Moyes Sam allise Sam was the best Sam was the best it back Sam was the best um if you’re doing well for him it s was like Harry basically do you know that old school like just understood like The Human Side get that right then you get

    The best out the players the style of play matter cuz did he suit it for you yeah but bro I got back at England scored at 34 yeah Sam’s the best in cool who who is your favorite who is your favorite Center back to Rattle like who

    Is you like yeah I got this tomorrow I’m just going to Elbow him like I mean five goals against Wigan tit yeah but title is my boy though tit That’s my boy you can’t Titus is my boy that’s no that’s my boy man hey Titus stigma around I’m clipping this for Titus that

    Stigma around him that he gets toasted still Titus Bramble bro you’re killing your boy play you know Titus people realize everyone says that but all I know Titus was getting cooked no but you know him for he’s a player as well and OG’s and OG’s e he had mad bad luck mad

    Bad luck man he’s like when he you know sometimes some people make mistakes to get away with it but then you talk about Center forwards yeah he’s making mistakes against he’s playing against top Center forwards top top Center forwards what I mean so back then you’re making mistakes you’re

    Getting punished you’re getting punished anytime though you bagged a hatrick against Ashley Williams when he was at swans you were at Sunderland yeah yeah yeah that’s an angry man that that night before that game I went B at 5:00 in the morning I sleep now you’re being rude you’re being

    Rude you say you don’t go out before game I don’t I was at home sleep I remember I think I went out at the coffee something happened that I con I remember I thinking I was panicking I thought we’re play good think we’re playing tomorrow night didn’t go sleep

    Till 5:00 in the morning but I remember that afternoon like you you know it’s like you know your preparation has to be like getting a pinch thinking scor a hatrick can’t believe it uh so that’s on Ashley Williams Anthony Gardner scored a hatrick against him when he was at

    Hole hey the third you see the third goal this guy’s a database man I was CH I was chat Michel Owen about recently was cuz was comparing to finishing uh yeah I remember that was that second second game of the season 2010 would you better than Michael

    Owen what you mean when you say better what you mean better than Mich Owen like as in like finisher there was a there was a period where when I was young me and Glenn Roda uh sat down cuz it’s all about development so me and Glen Roa sat

    Down and we watch we used to watch videos of my for me to turn and be like you know what I was better than myen I would never say that because there’s a lot of his game that I liked and I thought I’m going to try and put that

    Into my game in terms of like his movement like but Michael Owen was he don’t get enough credit well I see a video of him blasting a ball sixy oldold was to you he’s Ruth a killer man killer bro bobbly is there anyone we know that you played with at samre oh obviously

    Play with night you know that uh lley was year above year above all that lot was a year above so in my year just me me and Leon KN but Ronnie Ronnie gold you know my mate ronon py gradley py you up what was so special about SRA

    Though cuz that’s a ridiculous churn of players in that period of time I think it was just I think it was like um you know where you know where the the the teams before us they always won so it’s almost like okay then usually the next

    One you have to win as well we had the best age group cuz that JT one that lley King Bobby Zamora no we had the best one yeah yeah me and N it’s only only two of you though two it don’t matter cuz yeah when we’re scoring 60 goals each imagine

    That front two though coming up and just seeing Dera fly on night was it just scoring goals or was it tackle me and after the game you not have done how many how many red think n we were just different we were just different like you see back then when teams like normal

    We had our names on the back of a shirt okay our presentation we had like Kevin Campbell and that come come and present the trophies teams teams were having like oranges and at Hal time we having bananas we were different big flicks you know small you see football

    Yeah small details people don’t realize you know that’s if if I’m on a team yeah and and normal normally everyone has like oranges all a sudden look over I see Team having bananas I’m thinking straight away just psychologic right they’re different industry plants the other day our team our boys played the

    Other day and the other team were walking up at half time got our boys together now we no sorry before the game played against Fulham got no we come together we just jog in together and you look at you think they’re on it little things but small details I’m telling you

    When from those youth days though right you go from Charon to West Ham and they pay a lot of money for you yeah now in this day and age if it doesn’t matter if you’re 16 if it doesn’t matter if you’re 15 if you’re moving from Char to West

    Ham for a lot of money your benefit financially yeah whereas back then it was very much like okay no the clubs are dealing with this and you’re just you don’t even get Pro terms till you’re ready to get Pro terms do you think it’s better now that a young player will be

    Subject to a move like that and will be better off financially or do you feel like it helps you then just to be like I’m just moving to another Academy here okay I’m worth 1.5 I don’t even think young players should even think about money at that age because sometimes you

    Know when you actually focus on money at that age and you a’t even played their game then it’s almost like that becomes the best contract you ever earn because you’re so focused on money the social media all the other stuff that’s not important that’s what I’m trying to tell

    T go but but for me I think the only thing the only thing that’s why like people don’t realize see wam they’ve done a lot for me and moving out of East London to to I think we moved from beckton to like chenford and remember when you’re from the East End chingford

    Where’s that fact I don’t know where chingford is even when I went alone to buma and Harry said toj I’m send you to buou I’m thinking bouth I’m thinking right I’m getting on a plane or something right you know I’m you know what I’m saying buou where’s thatas bro

    I’m in the East End I you don’t go you don’t go nowhere you don’t go nowhere just go to my the my cousins you what I mean so so yeah but I think like for for for young players for West Ham did that they they they believed in me because

    They paid 1.6 million I didn’t even kicked the ball there was just potential I come back from LW yeah Harry went up go and get him I 50 I like who’s this kid go and get him okay yeah get the family house parents expenses they did

    Everything so then all I got to do is just go and go and play football just go and play football you knew was patterned everything was patterned but again but obviously them times Cameron comes out of a pink Range Rover and a pink jacket matching who Cameron camon K little bit

    Later but yeah okay but you see all them like rap videos you w think to yourself but I want to get a a Bentley or no but all I wanted to do you know what I remember when I was I signed the Adidas Ste when I was like 14 yeah 15 I signed

    Adidas Ste and they taught me they T me to a place called Stockport they gave me and my mom a place called Stockport you’re like me you’re like called that’s where he’s from geography the geography thing W his story you know they talk they talk us a stop and they gave me and

    My mom that these big Adidas bags she go get what you want so for me I was just buzzing I was just like ra different fresh trainers every day at a box and I’m walking around Eastern had everything Adidas that’s all I cared about I didn’t care about like I need to

    Go out and go buy this this that I didn’t got my add that stuff and that and I was just football but you know what though at the time though cuz I remember that was the flex though that was the flex that was the flex fresh train be endorsed by Al fresh trainers

    Getting like taken out of school and that like to go training yeah but I left school in the year n to go Li school school we went to yeah so you have no education so there’s no G you we went to cuz cuz before I left I

    Was at s Bon adventures all boy school oh so now you went to another boy school no I went to it was that we trained every day we lived here trained every day we went to like a local school in the area okay and um and it was a mixed

    School and what area was that in then like shopshire pardon shopshire bro shopshire that what’s that t that a t yeah so there’s no G there basically g i l to G tord one time l g she had no teeth bro g tord ain’t got no teeth you played

    With les feram right you played him at the end of his career but Les feram was great where any I don’t care um from con Lu the Congo thing shut up he the that’s the Congo trim bro but every black man had that Trim in brother

    It was only the conges man in the you there that was big that was big in brickton that one day Rio Rio’s got that trim now Rio Rio’s got that trim right what is going on with you from Z not cono you’re from Z Mark Morrison bro you

    Real still you real still calling it huh you and R are still calling it yeah yeah yeah you ain’t called him about that trim he done it himself his car yeah he had trims though you know what it’s weird actually said that I said he’s got a different

    Trimm are hor actually actually said that he’s got a different that T’s different not his best you don’t like it it’s a horror show high the fade High the fade his head top I’m going to go out on Li limb yeah and say that he don’t like either he got screwed were

    People coming for him were people coming for himing yeah done it himself yeah real I don’t care he shouldn’t he shouldn’t he shouldn’t no he’s got swag though got swag but Les Ferdinand he once he ended his playing career he went into like behind the scenes in football and he

    Made it his mission to like put employ as many black coaches black directors black everything else as possible obviously he he left QPR last year but are there any other people in football that are trying to bridge that Gap right there’s loads I think and um Troy town

    And andross’s Dad’s done a lot of work yeah all the campaigns and stuff and remember these campaigns have began since 1992 yeah these things are so when you see kick it out and show race him the red card and you know players still wearing a t-shirt and all that sort of

    Stuff take a knee these these campaigns it’s been going on since 1992 and then you think about like obviously black managers opport like 4.4% black managers all that sort of stuff so it’s like at some stage these numbers have to change so Rangers done well to be fair because uh when I

    Finished playing at Rangers they said you know what Stevie was ledged Stevie said to me JD I know like realistically you’re going to play for another year but what I’m going to do is I’m going to give you like a player coach role so that you get that experience experence

    That coaching experience here so when you leave Rangers then at least you got that that year of a little bit experience coaching cuz I remember before that I said you know what someone asked me a question about are you going to get into coaching I said you know what I don’t

    Want to waste my time to be if I’m being honest I would love to obviously I love football but I don’t I don’t want to waste my time doing my badges all that sort of stuff and then not get an opportunity then uh someone phoned me

    From sky and said can we do an interview because I heard what you said it’s quite sad I said yeah cool no problem and he said so why did you say that I said because there’s been players before me that I speak to like there’s soul I watched Dwight yor I’ve messaged Dwight

    I mean Dwight yor who’s done more than in terms of medals who’s won more than Dwight yor and Andy Cole these you I mean so why am I any different um so I said I don’t want to just sort of like do all this stuff put to work in and and

    Not get a chance but it’s not stopped me so I’m I’m doing my badges I’m coaching at Tottenham but I would like to think at some stage the numbers change and there are more black managers and black coaches that’s what I to ask you about obviously management yeah would you want

    To like use your say like your connections and go straight into a big job or would you want to drop down into the football league and work your way up or something or you just don’t even care it’s that anything you know when if you

    Get a first job year if you’re if you’re working with good players it makes your job a lot a lot easier mean so it’s got for me has to be the right one for me but then I think I’m not going to pick and choose and say you know what I want

    To go to the championship first or I want to go like a premier league job because you just don’t know what’s out there you don’t know the opportunity so if someone comes to me and be like oh this is a league one job like what do

    You think I look at the squad I’ll be like okay then it’s a it’s League one and that the squad’s decent what’s what’s the ambition or Championship what’s the ambition that so I don’t think you can pick and choose because S Campbell did great at mfield mfield yeah Paulin did

    Great at MK Dons but then it’s like you go to a squad in a different league and the squad’s not good enough for the league then it’s a different job and but always make it be like oh that’s his level he’s levels League 2 his levels League one his level was Championship

    But actually have you got your head round that players are like different from you cuz do you lose heading coaching draws cuz obvious I mean finishing draws sorry no cuz obviously there players who looking thinking like why can’t you do this can do that first

    Time yeah yeah t Terry said that a it t yeah yeah yeah but I don’t think you I think you have to like you see when you start coaching the ego has to go you have to put the ego to the side because I can’t expect someone to be like like

    There’s been a few times I’ve joined in the session and the young players they love it you it means but I can’t expect someone to be at that but even in at the back of your head you ain’t seen someone do like a finish and you f how are you

    So no but always listen like it takes time is it what I mean it takes time I’m not saying like when I was 16 I was like say say said when you 16 but but but it’s not like but when I when I but

    What I’m saying is when I 16 I’m not I’m not probably thinking every chance I get I’m going to score you’re going to miss chances yeah do what I mean and that and then right might have been looking at some of his finishes going like he

    Thinks he’s so sick but right you know the madest thing is right the for me can you imagine right if you imagine growing up as a growing up in the easn loving Ian right post all over the Warner and then I walk into West H the first person

    I saw was was righty cuz Harry planned it I know he planned it was righty and then when I walked in righty knew who I was so can you imagine what that does for a 16-year-old and then and then years later years later the reason why I

    Knew that is because Mark Bry and bright told me recently and then he actually said it in a documentary so so I was at Charon uh when I was 14 so what happened so when I come home from lore I go to Charon and train with the first team at

    Like 145 and then we did a finishing session one day and then I didn’t notice Bri told me recently so briy said he phon righty I said right because they obviously they were like this from Palace he’s from Right Said righty I’ve just seen this kid and he’s you

    Basically that it’s it’s it’s crazy so obviously right so so then when I when I was linked to go to to West Ham they’re having these conversations so right is like so obviously right is thinking I can’t wait to to to to meet him and see

    Him and so that’s why he knew when I was coming like he knew and he was s like waiting for me because obviously brighty told him did you ever get did you ever get that call Jermaine you need to see this kid he’s you I’ve yeah I’ve had do

    You know what Brad fredel Brad fre Brad fredel said to me at Tottenham he said JD Harry Kane’s finishing he said he reminds me of you the no backlift like he said Jay when you leave this club and then when I left Tottenham I said to the

    Kit man I said Steve he said I said you see this eight in shirt I said give it to Harry how many how many times you go in a change room and one of your teammates got a new hairline what do you mean like they went turkey or something who did that loads

    Of times come in and that like I’m going s to the Boyers that hold on a minute how you gone from skin fade Andre he’s gone from skin fade no he’s the poster boy for Trans nobody has ever had a better hair trans he than that and you got like Point Joe

    In your hair mad do you know who’s good right you know who’s good for it Tottenham are good for putting young black coaches my cousin Justin Cochran I spoke to justos the other day yes my cousin righty top top coach top top coach I think he’s going to be an England

    Manager he’s going to bring me in bring you in and do what what are you going to do what would you we literally what would you I got many roles yeah ment bro do your pges his level one he even got his level one I got I’m halfway through

    My UA for B donut you ain’t got how without a level one if you get your beat you can man with B you can manage you know you can be a part of coaching yeah got no badges you his um his first aid is expired he his first a yeah he’s

    Expired but yeah just I think Justin will go on to do well but we need managers as well though like who build coaching staffs with black assistants and black F like first team coaches because that’s again what’s lacking is that pathway like mcy had black coaches

    But it was like you would notice it not a lot would do it should really I feel like they don’t even want do the ex black man even want to manage though is no they don’t man we we’re always late we kiss our teeth too much but why but

    Why this is what I’m saying but why maybe it’s a narrative that’s been pushed out there or maybe that the man made vocal about or something but I can’t think of be black man I know they I know they’re not giving it opportuni but I can’t think of bear black man or X

    Players I got go if I don’t know the random but I’m just saying that that would like die into manage like actually trying to yeah I want I want to manage I want I look at players that I’ve played with my generation I look at Players I’ve played with and they’re managing

    And for me I feel like I just think the first team you manage I’m going to support them yeah me too man we’re going to be their Hooligans yeah ult ult start punching up man do people ever um get on to you for the West Ham thing while

    We’re yeah but you you know what since then bro I’ve done so much like I’ve did a a documentary that’s coming out soon I’ve spoken a lot about it over the years and people always say to me oh do you regret anything you know some like I

    Like to think that in life yeah things happen for a reason is it listen I’ve sat and I spoke about how I feel about West Ham they bought me for all that money as a youngster gave me my chance if went for West Ham I wouldn’t have

    Played in the first team so young there’s no guarantee I would have gone on and play for all that St so when I was young and I hand in the transfer request at West Ham when my agent said to me about transfer I didn’t even know

    I didn’t even know what that was because all I’m just about football a it I’m just I’m just football football football football and I got to a situation where it was almost like it was taken out of my hands because someone was said to me

    A you know what you need to do this because and then they’re send they’re not only sending this to me but to to my mom my stepdad so I thought Okay then if you’re telling me to do this you’re my agent I trust you then this must be like

    The norm then then then years later all these years later and then I look at I think you handing a transfer reest 24 hours after the club got relegated like if I saw a young player do that now I’d be like who who told him to do that yeah

    24 hours and the thing is as well when the agent wrote the letter the agent didn’t come with me I went on my own he gave me the letter and I to go on my own who who made it public Le lescott said

    This as well yeah I went I I went on my own and and I knew and it was it was the it was the worst feeling because some I like cuz I always think here if you’re going to leave a club if a club wants you they’ll come and get you anyway

    Right you were never you were never playing in the championship yeah but and and I ended up staying there for a while but I just thought like especially now cuz I spoke about it so much and of course there’s going to be times you know when I play for Tottenham I’m

    Playing against West Ham the fans are going to give me stick but then if I walk down the street I I bump into West Ham fans all the time like they’re cool um but I I I do look back and think I wish I didn’t do that because I didn’t

    Want to do that anyway no because I didn’t want to go to the club that gave me a chance and say h 24 hours after to get relegated and say even if it was a month after I would I’m I’m asking to leave the club do you think the club

    Were more offended that it was like ah bro your value is not being a request your value is US knowing big clubs are going to come for the I think the club just looked at and thought who got used to do this they Fel they actually felt

    Sorry for me okay yeah did you ever get close to joining the traditional top four a loads of times like Liverpool United the closest one was quite funny though because United boys a few times the United Bo even when I was at Sunderland right yeah

    W when I was at suland you L had flipping what’s the Nigerian yeah you could have you could have when I was at sundland I remember John O Shan a few the boys said to me JD what happened that year he meant to come to United and I we all thought he was

    Coming because I always knew when I was at West Ham Alex Ferguson like even Rio says it now said Fergie like Rio went to Fergie and said what’s happening with JD and Fergie said ah Harry’s not going to let him out yet he’s young and he’s got

    Time he’s not going to let him go yet all that sort of stuff and that so people just think because the manager likes you it just happens you I mean and and to be honest ran about that time as well as linoln United they bought Lou

    Saha and he was oh but he was going to get linked with with with clubs yeah but then you have to force it got I say on behalf of me bazer Steve and a few of the West H boys we love you still we love you yeah you’ve met bazer I meant

    To be yeah I speak to about all the time there you go so I meant to be going to the game um tonight is it yes tonight I meant to be you go we love you still we love you man well we’re running out of

    Time so we’re going to ask a few quick questions Jermaine one playmaker you could play with that you’ve played with in your career modri modri is the one the best what about what about the the I’ve got a question serious question cuz Andy Cole was trying to beat me up

    Because of this question like I say for Strikers one one is a easy chance it’s not it’s hard huh it’s hard he said huh he said Andy Co got mad at him you know do you know you know you know if you if if you put a goalkeeper there now yeah yeah

    Remember you talking to Andy Cole you’re talking to Greatness yeah yeah so if you put a goalkeeper there now you throw the ball to me and I’ll just touch it bang I don’t have to look cuz I know where the goal is M and I’ve been doing it for 23

    Years so I know where the goal is I don’t have to look but then if I if I stand over there yeah and you giving the ball and I have to take a touch I’m thinking okay where am I going to pull it where’s the goalkeeper standing am I

    Going to go round him coming off his line to much I’m thinking about three or four things but then compared to as opposed to like if you threats go touch bang Instinct it’s harder bro so what you’re you’re trying to say it’s not 50/50 no wait wait what’s the what’s the

    Percentage to you it’s more in the Keeper’s favor a’t it slightly no way I’m I’m saying it’s 70 30 even 80 20 to the striker to the striker no no this no this this what we do and everyone’s and everyone’s watching we’ll do it you do it whenever

    You want we can wait till the summer we’re going to get a goalkeeper yeah ask someone at top to use the facilities yeah we bring all the cameras a we get a little we get people to stand there so add a little bit of pressure to make it

    Try and make it real I join and no no no and we do and and what we do is we do is and we do like I’ll do I’ll do like a master class different finishes this is class we do we do like different finishes and then when the one onone

    Comes that’s the one that I’m going to win the other finishes I might you get it let me just ask a couple more quick questions what’s the best derby match to play in the old firm old firm not Sunderland Newcastle that’s unbelievable as well but the old firm that’s all all

    Of them are but in terms of the atmosphere and like from what I’ve experienced and even what I was told before I went to Rangers i j me yeah it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s next level and uh last lastly do you hate International football because every time you started scored

    Multiple goals every time tournaments would come the managers would have an excuse as the why J Main’s not going yeah but you know but but but there no different to it’s no different to you mentioned benty there one the one I went to South Africa and then you look at it

    And you think to have a better chance the squad because let’s be honest yeah to win a World Cup bro can you imagine the feeling so then you’re thinking then it’s nothing even about just you anymore you’re thinking w we just want the best Squad and there was times where like

    Even one before where me and sha went to South Africa before that Shan should have gone to another one benty should have like even years before R should have gone Andy Cole should have gone one last question Holland orcane what oh Holland orcane I thought you said hland

    Harland yeah yeah yeah well so I’m pronouncing Norwegian I’m trying to get into pronouncing it the Norwegian way see again see see like now yeah for me I’ll say different players yeah but you got start one up front is the manager of this team yeah and he needs to buy a

    Striker to start one of these two who you starting you need to win this game Harry bro thank you Bo what Kane do you know what do you know you know what you know you know cuz I think we see with Harry yeah like harand scores goals Harry scores goals but I

    Just think you know if Harry don’t score he would do something mad like he would he would drop in that number 10 position and then he’ll pass it to someone like like a Kevin De Brer and then we’ll win the game look he’s passed the other day

    Little outside the boo what I’m saying so like it’s like yeah there’s so much more if you’re going to win the game you need more than just like yeah that’s the right answer well done congratulations Jermaine you know more.com thank you for the legendary appearance Jermain def underrated underrated by you by you


    1. Levels are rising fr!! JD is the poster boy of sharp shooters!! Argue with yourselves.. – Uncle Wrighty & Joe Cole need a phone call if they haven’t had one already.. 👏🏾🫡

    2. It’s actually blasphemy putting Darren Bent on a pedestal with JD
      Even Darren’s nan would say that JD is on a different planet, you don’t know ball if you say otherwise.
      I don’t know if his stats match up and that’s what certain guys are standing on, but the eye test 🤓 tells you who is a legend and who is not.
      I’m vex …..man are acting like Sven

    3. Tego said kawhi.. He didn't join till 4 years later. Infact he won the FMVP with the spurs that year. Once again, Tego just talking for the sake of it.

    4. Ngl didn’t realise JD was as switched on as he is. Could listen to the guy talking football all day. One of the best episodes by far, need to have him on again. Great work fellas

    5. Shoutout FF team. Pre-ordered my umbro jersey only to get an email by the FF Merch team that my size wouldn't be available until alot later on. Disappointed to not be getting my jersey but shoutout the merch team for their transparency and for immediately refunding man his Ps. Class all around.

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