We head to Woody’s Bike Park, where we team up with a German traveller, who is touring all the big bike parks in England! Randomly we meet at Woody’s for what is his last week in England!! High winds made this trip a sketchy one!!

    W oh way too chill what a day for it don’t be fooled the sun is out but it is actually chilly today we are at Woody’s bike park we have G time gayy all by RAC no in what’s on man makes some promise on some big sense but it’s windy it’s a

    Bit blowy blowy so I got pop look and the Poppa comes undone quite a lot so I sold a button on myself I might add and come off I don’t get it you had the small breakfast as usual with the guzzlers we’re here just to have a bit of fun

    Today we’ve got the uplift booked it’d be nice to send the black line today but as you can see it’s a bit blowy blowy hey look I found a safety pin I’m safe why do I do it that way I can’t get up sorry mate what’s your name Robin I’m

    Jason hi Jason Chris following Robin he’s coming away for Germany he says he has to ride fast because he’s big keep his speed so he said follow Tom he likes the race a big old bike Here Comes Robin all the way from Germany living out of his camper van He yeah oh [ __ ] I was looking down at the track not the jump I’m going to try a bit different this time you got it Bud oh [ __ ] woo he’s getting there robbing in Tom they got nailed come on gayy just Need if you land backy GTO there we go oh man Tom [ __ ] hell bit deep Then so we changed this now it was 45 ft we’ve all jumped it we come back now it’s 50t put an extra 5T on it Tom’s up there Robbin but it is windy I don’t think it’ll ever changed to be honest mate how bad is it oh God better the case way too

    Chilled all right bit more than that trying to be me It’s blowing a hulie this is your Chance wa big case the wind’s against you mate is It look big how I come Le oh a little case in it’s all going on safety first eh safy first so windy unreal getting worse as the day goes on Unfortunately he’s stopping in front of Me a bit of a sketchy moment gayy droing off you went over the bars almost going chainless but Tom the race noice know that looks r as [ __ ] that’s better on the got bit tired in the as very good well the crosswind here is absolutely mental case bit of a case You you yeah little case M comes Tom Robin pushing right up to the top and he wants to piece it all together and Link in the 50 footer it was a bit [ __ ] windy anyway he’s adamant he wants to link it all together cuz he enjoyed It w woo that was deep I need to redeem myself last two times I’ve been there I’ve CED the [ __ ] out of it yeah the wind’s died down you’ve locked the uh suspension off that little flick of a switch mate it’s done something to you you’re going to clear it this time

    Yeah drop It He’s not happy he’s cased it so he’s running back up Tom’s dropping in on it this time yeah mate that was Better y that m right Let’s Race home race novice NIS let’s go or is it uh Tom the go that well does it stop casing Albert’s got it mate trying to be me [ __ ] I was engaging them oh [ __ ] no dinks with S yeah mine bent to [ __ ] my re one


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