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    Topics: banned pre workouts, most extreme pre workouts, i tested banned supplements from the dark web

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    #Banned #Supplements #Bodybuilding

    This video is for educational and documentary purposes.

    I’ve collected a list of the most baned supplements only to be found on the darkest parts of the web and I’ll be testing all of these baned items to see if it causes me to fail a drug test and lose my natural status if you take those there’s no way you’re

    Natural I’m warning you don’t do it now getting baned pre-workouts is not as simple as it looks so I invited someone extremely intelligent to teach me how to get onto the darkest parts of the web so that way I can place my orders Brandon wall

    Let’s go do you know the first step to accessing the dark web I have a a step that I think would be good give me one sec in case they figure out who we are how’s that look great can you see me no no you’re completely hidden yeah am I

    Really yeah I can’t see you at all I’ll just let Brandon take over here also please don’t screenshot this step one you need a VPN because if you’re not using a VPN they’ll be able to track you and know exactly where you live because it’s 3 or Wi-Fi downloaded uh VPN and

    Then just choose a country should we do like South Korea step number two you got to install a browser that enables you to access the dark web so something like tour t t o r type that in use the VPN oh you know virtual mine is nope okay so

    You don’t want to use your own operating system because it could be traceable because you have stuff bed on yeah so this is all Spanish to me I’ll just let Brandon direct me until we get to the link where he told me to buy the supplements okay okay Jesse Yeah click

    Right uhhuh right there yeah right here yeah oh brother it was your idea I’m not I’m not doing that get out clearly I’m not ready for any parts of the dark web so let’s start simpler with The Beginner’s dark web AKA eBay the pre-workouts that I’m looking for

    They’re not sold in America anymore so pretty much I’m hoping that someone either smuggled this overseas and is now selling it on eBay or someone just still has them and they’re really old and we hope that that it’s not going to just be expired and and end me You have to be a complete idiot to do this mesomorph pre-workout by now $37 later and only two pre-workouts found okay I was able to find everything I needed but one there was a few pre-workouts that I could not find on eBay so I had a few ideas up my sleeve

    Of where I can get them I met a guy Craigslist I know everybody’s famous last words and uh he has a very rare pre-workout that I want all right best $80 I’m going to ever spend what’s up man what’s up man how’s it going Jesse good to meet you bro

    How’s everything good man you have uh the Pre-Workout and stuff yeah come on all right sick you want me to come inside yeah come on you’re not you’re not like wearing a wire or anything right no no don’t worry oh I’m just kidding man oh God

    It’s tight fit watch the door yep yep you got the okay sick Bro you said 80 bucks that cool yeah that’s fine all right bro yep appreciate you man okay so we got the two pre-workouts best $80 of my life with my tolerance for danger being much

    Higher after that I decided to give the dark web one last attempt to try to find the most insane pre-workout ever ladies and gentlemen let the games be day one of trying banned illegal supplements I’m not going to lie my heart is racing a little bit for every pre-workout I’m

    Going to be ranking it based on taste pump energy starting with level one Jack 3D this is the new version and I hunted down a special Source his name rhymes with Avid day a if you can figure that out Jack 3D came out in 2009 and in just 3 years of

    Being on the market it was banned by the FDA in 2012 it’s just a proprietary blend which means we have no idea what’s actually in this but that’s the fun of it you know all because it included something called 13 dimeth AKA dmaa because of that it was now banned in a

    Lot of countries including the United States my dad used to just keep a stash and he’s like don’t touch that stuff don’t touch it well now I’m going to touch it okay and I’m going to freaking grab it and feel it and it’s going to feel amazing the question is

    Though do we do a full scoop now I’ve been warned that these ingredients will make you feel some type of way the person who warned me is someone who let’s just say is very knowledgeable in the supplement space what’s up guys that was not expecting that Derrick is going

    To go over every pre-workout with me and give his thoughts if he thinks they are good bad or could kill me what does dmaa do that is a very potent CNS stimulus it’s like a decongestant of sorts one of indirect consequences or upsides is like pretty significant increase in energy

    Alertness vigilance I’m going to sit half half of a scoop first I’m not that crazy like this is level one like when I get to level five uh let’s just say I’m I’m just we’ll see if I’m alive by level five but the primary outcomes that people are most familiar with are its

    Effect on adrenaline related signaling it makes you just like fighter flight system gets redlined and feelings of well-being motivation Etc there’s a there’s a few clumps in here it kind of looks like cat litter but we’re just going to roll with it what dangers could I encounter cardiovascular risks tachic

    Cardia which is like your resting heart rate goes so high that it’s endanger territory will taking these supplements make me fail a test you could very likely you could flavor 5 out of 10 honestly a 4 out of 10 flavor is ass so we’re here for performance reasons so

    Let’s see if it applies in the gym I genuinely can say that this has kicked in in 10 minutes and I’m starting to feel some type of way I feel like when I first started working out and I just had that little kid excitement okay and I feel good right Now ladies and gentlemen we’re going for three plates right now I haven’t bench press with a barbell in probably 5 months and I’m feeling good oh I’m starting to get the tingles in my ears and honestly my forehead is like tingly as wello o the bench moved just because you feel

    Good when I just drove through the ground the bench slid and I have 315 lbs I guess this pre-workout makes you a little dumb I almost feel like I do when I take an ice bath and my dopamine levels just shoot through the sky I am

    Moving at a much faster Pace but the intensity is just as high and I’m recovering very quickly quickly because I I I don’t know I feel like I’m pushing past the recovery like essentially I’m not recovered enough for each set but I’m just so like hyped up with

    Adrenaline that it doesn’t matter and I can just push hard right now this is the largest chest pump I’ve had in well over 2 years more than injectable pre-workout my chest is so full and I want to say it’s not just the ingredients I think that it’s literally because I can push

    Myself harder I can just focus so hard on getting all the blood into the muscle and that’s what’s resulting in a massive pump overall this pre-workout was absolutely killer I’m going to give the pump rating a solid 10 out of 10 and the endurance was really good how much

    Energy did I get I’m going to give this a modest 8.5 because I have a feeling that things are going to get even more intense now every day that follows today the substances are going to be even more insane in each of these pre-workouts coming up all leading up to the

    Godfather of band stimulant level two mesomorph now now this one this is a classic this was my go-to PR pre-workout when I was 18 years old bringing back so many memories to the good old days mesomorph came out in 2015 which is kind of crazy because if in 2012 the FDA

    Banned Jack 3D it’s kind of surprising that mesomorph is using the same ingredients that Jack 3D did 3 years later I not going to lie guys this one full scooping this scares me a little bit a few years later mesore got banned and had to remove the dmaa product in it looking at

    The ingredients what do you see any different outcome compared to Jack 3D it looks like gasoline kind of so okay so this one’s actually more potent overall of a formula by far for actual performance I’m going to have the greatest lift in my life pre-workout starting to kick in my eye is twitching

    I have a little bit more pre-workout left I’m going to sip on this I don’t think I’m putting myself in harm so we’re just going to have ourselves a good day your boy feeling some type of way I feel like I’m looking through people right now like I don’t know on my eyes

    Very dilated maybe I’ll bench press maybe I’ll do some rows maybe we do some shoulders like I don’t know if this is just like I’m entering my Conor Murphy stage but hey maybe he found the secrets maybe now the scary part about mesomorph is that you’re going to have extreme Highs but

    Then you’re going to have extreme lows the amazingness that I was feeling only lasted like 30 minutes I still feel good and energized but I just don’t have that extreme excitement anymore I feel normal basically all right one of the main side effects that I’m experiencing right now

    And I know it might sound weird but I have like extreme cotton mouth you could expect are like you know dry mouth and I noticed that don’t know if this pre-workout is dehydrating me or it’s just one of the ingredients is doing that but I feel like my tongue is just a

    Piece of cotton man time for the brutal ranking of mesomorph band pre-workout taste 6 out of 10 pump 8 out of 10 energy 7.5 out of 10 started at a 10 out of 10 but made its way down to a five so we’re going to meet in the middle at a

    7. five overall not too bad but the next 3 days are about to get even more intense little did I know that this crash would be followed by an insane level of Stress and Anxiety for the remainder of the day I just got a notification from my whoop watch it

    Literally told me that I spent two hours in a high stress zone so what that means is my body’s under a lot of stress probably from an excess amount of stimulants and it told me to breathe and just to like take a moment moment to de-stress so making me feel a little

    Weird and like anxious and unfortunately later that night the anxiety was still there it is 11:00 at night I’m not tired at all I’ve literally just been like working and I have no intention of going to sleep this pre-workout is most definitely going to hinder my recovery level three ultimate orange good morning

    America and the rest of the world I woke up and I feel absolutely exhausted I only got 73% of the sleep needed which is not the best you probably should get 100% which now leads me to only be 49% recovered now I’m using the whoop app

    And band to keep track of all of this which is also the sponsor of today’s video throughout this video I’ve been using my whoop to keep track of my heart rate for all the other pre-workouts it’s extremely accurate and extremely reliable I’m very curious if my heart

    Rate is going to get jacked up and we’ll be able able to tell that really easily with the live heart rate monitor it’s one of my favorite features on whoop and once I have this Pre-Workout in my system I believe it’s going to get raised at least 10 BPM maybe 20 if it’s

    Some serious stuff in the 1980s this pre-workout came out and it literally is like a protein carb and stimulant mix this is apparently a heavy hitter so I’m I’m kind of worried so let’s give it a taste test and see what happens in my body okay this I can definitely taste

    The whey protein in here this this is like orange dreamsicle one of my favorite Parts about the woop band is the accuracy from the data to actually how I feel it’ll tell me that my strain my output is way too high and that I need to recover more and then the next

    Day I literally feel that like I’m like wow I should have listened to the band I’m patiently waiting here for this to all just kick in start working but I’m not going to lie to you I don’t really feel anything without my whoop telling me that I need to recover more I

    Probably would be making less progress in the gym because more recovery is more gains if you guys go download the whoop app you actually can train alongside with me click that link in the description and go check out whoop and get a free month on me I got you guys

    Let’s get back into this workout cuz I am losing my pump 70 so we have an extra seven beats per minute at a resling heart rate with the ultimate orange my power output is most definitely not what it was yesterday and the day before I feel like my

    CNS is not as stimulated the ultimate orange official rating I’m going to give it a taste of 9 out of 10 fantastic taste creamy deliciousness wasn’t wasn’t disappointed whatsoever actually was pretty shocked pump I’m going to give it a seven just because I feel like there

    Are no pump ingredients in here there is literally not one pump ingredient hyper hydrating ingredient dilator precursor or like nothing in here is representative of what you would traditionally use a pre-workout for except for flavored stimulants as you could tell the energy was quite low I’m

    Going to rank this with a four of energy I don’t think that it actually ever kicked in really the only reason I have a pump is from the calories in here so basically I had risked my life venturing into the hood to get this pre-workout that literally did nothing thanks

    Craigslist I was very disappointed this pre-workout no offense kind of was really bad level four craze this is a very unique looking pre-workout it doesn’t look very well mixed right off the GetGo we found some bad stuff in this pre-workout they made this product with what was detected to

    Be n Alpha diethyl phenethylamine it’s close and structur to and what had a crazy substance in it that literally had to immediately get taken off the market like right away my resting heart rate is typically 50 so after this we’re going to see what it goes up to this one was literally

    Never approved for humans never sold to humans studying rats at most the dangers of it are far more nebulous you don’t actually know what to expect I’m not going to lie guys this tastes amazing I’ve had better but it will do I am 99% sure that this is the exact same band

    Pre-workout just in a new package which means this is about to be a very dangerous workout w W sorry guys I had to give you some of that because listen I’m feeling good we have made it to the gym my wrestling heart rate right now it’s 75 I just feel

    Like ready to attack the workout so that’s what we’re going to Do this time around I had the most Smooth Up of my feelings I felt very euphoric I felt very energetic 3 2 1 easy easy the stimulants were smooth they weren’t making me feel like I was going to crash or Peak or anything bad I’ll be honest the pump wasn’t the

    Best after doing a full set really intense I’m not really getting a a a pump at all overall I was having such a good workout and just having such a fun time in the gym that I probably I probably will continue to have this once in a while when I want

    To have a good workout taste 8 out of 10 pump 6.5 out of 10 energy 9 out of 10 unreal feeling and I still feel amazing overall craze was pretty damn good ladies and gentlemen welcome to the final boss level five excelsor this pre-workout was too $200 and I had to go

    Through about three levels of security of websites to get this I’ve been warned about this one these are that if I recall correctly have been used in the pharmaceutical world to literally increase blood pressure intentionally so this one I actually like need to be careful with this one is illegal in

    America what is the danger of this one four stimulants in there two of which have very overlapping mechanism of action it’s sort of like a pinkish Vibe going on there the anxiety level this could be pretty all Derek told me that this was going to be probably the most

    Sketchy pre-workout of the bunch and that he wouldn’t even take it just how I like it will I die who knows bro it was great being a gorilla mind athlete I might be dead I might be dead by the end of this video but you know what it’s been good let’s get cracking

    My heart rate it’s 95 I’m not moving it got up to 110 just walking in here I L literally had a rage inside of me like something was telling me that I had to go hit a PR like something inside of me there there was something just itching for a PR

    Today I decided to hit 315 for as many reps as possible my best is 15 all right but I feel like we got to break that you got at least 18 18 oh God and let me just tell you this is the craziest set of my life I started off going really

    Fast ah I got to eight reps and I thought I’m definitely going to stop at 15 13 let me just tell you when I got to 15 reps there was another Jessie that came out two more one [Applause] More nice man 20 reps 20 reps okay my right ear I can’t really hear out of right now all I hear is ringing everything sounds really quiet I tried hitting the rest of my workout but things just fell off I’m not going to lie my heart is racing right now it’s

    Giving me some anxiety I’m trying to stay calm but because of how hard I’m pushing myself it’s like just making things worse and I feel like I’m just not feeling the best right now I’ve never felt so horrible in the gym I’m feeling terrible right now I feel like I

    Hit the high of the Pre-Workout and now I’m on the come down and it just does not feel feel too pretty here give me one sec I literally went to the bathroom and this pre-workout was by far the worst feeling I’ve ever felt in my entire life my mouth like I can’t

    Even swallow right now it’s so dry I have no pump whatsoever like normally you can’t see any lines in my legs cuz I have a pump I I don’t have a pump whatsoever ladies and gentlemen it’s time to rank exelor okay taste 6 out of

    10 pump 2 out of 10 energy in the beginning it was like a 15 out of 10 and then it dropped to a five so I’m I’m going to do an average of a 10 out of 10 with energy but I guess the last question is does all of these

    Pre-workouts make me fail test do I lose my Natty card do I fail this test I don’t plan to really take any of these ban pre-workouts ever again they are not worth it your sleep is going to suffer your training honestly the training wasn’t that Good no way the results are in ladies and gentlemen I passed the test baby if you enjoyed the video subscribe I appreciate you guys so much I love you guys and do not forget to stay Relentless and stay away from these pre-workouts


    1. Bro me and my wife have done pre-work and I had the same exact experience you didn't at 11:40. In your video but we we're taking this kind called WOKE AF lol but it does me that way every time I do it. So I haven't done it in a few months now. Shit is wild what it does to you.

    2. I used a pre-workout drink for around twice as many weeks as the warning said to use it for and it damn near killed me. Got a serious b vitamin deficiency. I'm finally just about fully recovered. Won't be ignoring anymore warnings. 😅

    3. You gotta understand this is no different than a television show. This is all staged for our entertainment. literally anyone can fake this by making a label and slapping it on a container and tell viewers you took something that’s banned. It’s great entertainment tho

    4. there are a brazillian guy called scarpelly that took freaking 10 scoops of jack3d because the media was doing sensationalism saying pre-workout kills, theres a video of it, just search ''scapelly jack3d''

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