Driving with BMW GS 1250 and Africa Twin Adventure Sport 1100 from Norway to Georgia
    First TET after passing through Sweden, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary was Romania in the Calimani mountains.
    In the beginning of June – what a beautiful country

    We are two Norwegian dudes two months 19 countries and 16,000 kilm from Norway to Georgia and back we started on the 31st of May from Bergen over Oslo to saps spurg near the border to Sweden so here this morning we had a be beautiful place to

    Sleep but the birds were killing me in the night they’re so loud it’s crazy from sburg 530 km and 8 hours later we arrive to the ferry stain line offers three times a day a trip from K Cora to Ginia we arrived in Vasa and now our motorcycles get new tires motos

    Fractionator Adventure the other two sets of tires we were sending with Ops from Wasa to tii the most expensive shipping 400 30% import fees and taxes in kimon we had one night at thees campsite had another beer and night in kicha let’s go cheers in Romania we followed the Ted around the Kalani

    Mountain If you stop thousands of flies attacking you Jesus H okay the calmani mountains belonging to the eastern kathan and are the largest inactive volcanic complex of Transylvania so Ian is driving in front of me and checking How Deep The puddle is and you can hear the bushes were hitting my helmet

    P kaliman the highest peak with his 2,12 or sometimes 3 m is often still covered with snow in the middle of the summer time for a break and pictures so you have to be careful when you’re driving and the crater with its diameter of 10 km has inside several volcanic

    Cas unfortunately most of the cases were devastated by a suur mine which was exploited unto 1997 for these kind of Roads the standard production from Honda and BMW were good enough we had no issues yeah soon we were facing snow and of course I got stuck what

    What yeah it is a brilliant idea to test the depth of the snow with a 250 kg Bike plus 40 kg luggage we had fun I got stuck and Ian is checking the death of the snow well this matters at the top we gave it a

    Go Yan got stuck as but luckily we got some help and got winched back from the snow thank you very much these kind holes helped us out if not we were would have been stuck here forever youing thank God totally exhausted we decided to stay overnight at 2,100 m

    Early in the morning we took the Cy road to lake bass and from there to Bas gorgeous where you ride through two giant ston walls with dramatic revines and twisties you will cross hell’s throat on the way but be careful there are lot of tourists walking on the sidewalk A picturesque road with a lot of sep ties we decided to have a short day because all our equipment was kind of wet and we used the campsite Lau rosu which is owned by a Hungarian the owner breeds rabbits and they run around freely the campsite is perfect for bikers with the possibility

    Of campfire you can buy a box of firewood from him we setting up our camp and let the sun dry our equipment we ended the day with a glass of wine around our campfire on our way to transa rashan we pass BR where you’ll find the legendary Dracula Castle transa

    Rashan also called dn7 C is a paved Mountain Road built in Main by military forces to prevent the Soviet invasion it is estimated that over hundreds of soldier lost their life in the building process a maranian road of Bones since the northern part of the road was still close to snow Avalanches

    We drove from the south to Bala Lake people are saying you can see brown bears uh wait a minute dis Aear so we arrived yesterday 10:00 in the evening mot Camp Bulgaria this was a ride we came from Romania 10 hours in the on the bike now we are here we got the room our tents are still wet they need to dry our room it’s beautiful made W bikes are standing

    Down there our tents drying and I think uran is washing his clothes heyan what you doing laundry stinky panties uses his motorcycle for drying the clothes now they smelling nice and fruity especially the socks my food so this is how you wash your clothes when you’re traveling taking all the

    Sweat actually I could make a soup there’s everything in it so let it cook a little bit and then after 10 15 minutes clean clean water and then dry it maybe on a motorbike okay good in the evening we met oneway round trip and he was driving from Netherlands to

    Mongolia and M to momentum AKA Stephanie she was cruising from tury to Georgia and back okay for those of you who are interested in statistics and budget we used in total 871 per person or 88 per day which is not cheap we drove 3,564 km and the average price of a

    Liter fuel was €1 196 thank you for watching and I hope I see you again

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