Cycling in nature gives me the chance to really experience all the great things and get closer to our amazing nature. Ancient woodland, heather, pretty villages and cycle-friendly accommodation are just some of the wonderful things to do. In fact, it is a very enjoyable journey when I ride a bicycle in nature.
    #cycling #nature #newexperiment #ride #health #healthy #forest

    [Applause] [Applause] oh There is a [Applause] Farmy viewers it’s pretty sunny weather today here is my viewers you know I can drive with um one let me Show why was I was going like viewers um as you can see over there it’s a um you know it’s like a school but it’s a dancing school and it is you know settled in a house oh my viewers this is so bumpy And viewers oh my God my viewers that was wow my viewers now it’s a smooth Road my viewers I think this is uh like you know like a Nature Park maybe because look there are many trees and plants here so I think it’s a nature par so can likeit here Oh my viewers um I wanted to show you something look there you see that that tree over there it that tree is like so weird it’s like a weird shape and it’s so tall my viewers look at this bench it has drawing on it My goodness this is like a lake it’s like a very you know dirty Lake my here is like a very you know tiny space my viewers see where I’m at it’s like a tunnel very big tunnel and as you can see I’m just climbing I’ll You my viewers I got another way so I was stuck there and then I came here so now perfect viewers you saw where where I was going so where I started it was at the other side of that road and now as you can see where I’m at I’m at the

    Other so I came like all the way and then I climbed those um rocks and then just got up got up there and now as you can see I’m here and it was such a beautiful experience for me because I’ve never been through a nature nature walk so let’s carry On N my viewers this is the place where I started cycling and went the other side of the road and as you can see I’m back here again this was a beautiful nature Park and well that’s it for today see you on my next video bye-bye like And subscribe my channel

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